Paranoia Agent (2004) s01e03 Episode Script

Double Lips

Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
A magnificent mushroom
cloud in the sky
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
In the afternoon of birds
pecking at food in an alley
Touching the grass under the sunlight
streaming through the leaves
I'll talk with you
See, on the lunch bench
A dream blossoms
Carry the sound of
the waves in your heart
Sink your blues
Stretch a bridge to tomorrow
Don't worry about tsunami
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
A magnificent mushroom
cloud in the sky
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
The afternoon of birds
pecking at food in an alley
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
The dream I nurtured
on the lunch bench
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
The afternoon, born on the day of the
sunlight streaming through the leaves
Oh, that's it. Right there!
It feels so good.
More! More!
That was amazing, everyone!
Tonight, you were the best, Vilda.
- Your 3rd level elastic attack was great!
- Your 3rd level elastic attack was great!
- I'm going to shower.
And you
It's Maria.
I just finished.
The next client is in room 306 of
Hotel Stardust, right across the street.
Mr. Hirukawa is waiting for you.
You can go home after
you finish this client. Have fun!
Nobody can take your
You have one message.
How long are you planning to do this?
Nobody can take your call right now,
please leave a message after the tone.
If you would like to send a fax,
press the send button
Only ¥25000 for 90 min!
You have two new messages.
How long are you planning to do this?
I'm doing this because I like to.
You don't even know who you are.
Don't talk to me like you're the victim.
You have no more messages.
- Who are you?
- Who am I?
I'm Harumi.
Harumi Chono.
Then let me ask you,
who the hell is Harumi?
I am Harumi!
I am me!
Don't lie!
That's not you. Harumi isn't real!
Please stop this now!
I hate arguing!
Hey, you were the one
who started it first!
I didn't do anything.
You showed up on your own.
Who are you, really?
I'm Maria.
I've been here for a long time.
No, that can't be true.
The first victim of
this serial attacker
was the popular designer
Tsukiko Sagi.
And now, the suspect has assaulted two new
victims, both elementary school students.
Nobody knows the reason
behind Shonen Bat's attacks.
One mystery has brought
a new mystery.
Residents in the area
are now terrified.
Shonen Bat Attacks Again!!
And the fourth victim
Yuichi Taira, was taken to
Jiai University Hospital and
is currently listed in critical condition.
This isn't good.
The boy we questioned happened to
be at the scene of the third incident.
After that, the boy became a victim.
I'm sure the Director is gonna
be very mad about this.
So now, it seems like Tsukiko Sagi
had nothing to do with the incident.
Maybe these are just random
Don't jump to conclusions!
No matter how chaotic
a crime may seem
there is always some law of causality.
The first two incidents
are related to Tsukiko
and the second two
related to Yuichi Taira.
If we can connect Tsukiko
and Yuichi together
The law of causality
Let's get going.
Jiai University
May I come in?
Here are the term papers from
the moral philosophy class.
Oh, can you leave them over there?
Oh, Miss Chono.
Could you make some tea for me?
I often feel like I don't
know where I am.
Who am I?
I feel like I'm nobody.
I don't know who I am.
Where am I?
Where am I supposed to be?
This is the place where I belong!
This is really who I am!
I'm totally different from you,
acting so proper.
That's because you're too worried
about what other people think.
I'm enjoying who I am!
Oh, and I really hate that you're using
my bag without my permission!
I just talked to Maria.
She told me that
she has realized that her existence
is disappearing little by little.
However, she said that
she's not feeling fear at all.
That's why she is trying to
enjoy her life as much as she can.
Maria is hoping you will
find a place where you can belong.
She said that if you would realize
who you are, she would be very happy.
You may not completely
believe Maria's words
but she asked me to tell
you what she's thinking.
You have no more messages.
This is the schedule for the next
research assignment seminars.
Oh, thank you.
I guess we're going
to be busy this year.
We have many graduate students.
Miss Chono.
Would you marry me?
Messages have been deleted.
I heard you're quitting.
How did you find out?
Oh, hi! It's Maria.
I checked in.
I'm so disappointed.
Are you getting
married or something?
How could I be?
I just thought it's time.
Why don't you give
me your cell number?
I know you know it!
That one is your business phone.
Why don't you give me
the number for the white one?
No way!
Well, I guess I have to say
goodbye to your body soon.
You were the only one who
I could get comfortable with.
There are many other good
girls you can pick out.
Are you sure this is the last night?
Yes, my "daddy"!
You have no new messages.
The weather is very nice.
I stay in my office all the time
so I feel kind of strange being
out under the sun like this.
Oh, will you excuse me.
Oh, Maria?
This is Hino from Lips!
Can you work tonight?
We have Mr. Hirukawa at 9 PM
How do you know?
How did you get my cell number?
What do you mean how?
You were the one who gave it to me.
I quit! I already quit!
You said you weren't quitting.
That's why you worked
for us last night.
Can you hear me?
You have one new message.
Aren't you being too selfish?
Did you think I'd just disappear just
because you want to get married?!
You hid all my belongings!
I won't forgive you for that!
Double Lips
Who is it?
Yes, hello there.
Photo Shoot Only Wedding
Photo Shoot Only Wedding
I see.
Photo Shoot Only Wedding
You won't have any ceremony
and just take pictures.
I don't want to have
a formal ceremony
but I want to leave
some memories for us.
We got married with ¥0
in our bank account.
We got married with ¥0
in our bank account.
Many people are doing
this kind of thing these days.
We got married with ¥0
in our bank account.
Excuse me, I finished
filling in the form.
Then, I'll show you some catalogues
so you can pick three
dresses from them.
And after you've tried them on,
you can pick one.
All right?
Uh, yes.
Are you OK with it?
Well, then that's fine for us.
The dress looks very nice on you.
Are you both already living together?
No, we have to look
for a place now.
I'm sure you have many
things to prepare.
I guess that about does it.
Miss! Are you ready?
How's this? Do I look cute?
You look wonderful!
Here! Come over to your teacher!
I'll spank you any way you want!
Oh, no!
I won't let you go!
You can't just escape from this,
because I'll never let you.
Be strong! Wake up!
There is no Maria!
I'm getting married!
Why are you so dumb?!
You're the fake!
Why don't you just disappear now?
What is this?
Open it.
I bought it when we
visited the jewelry shop.
It's so beautiful!
Thank you.
You can wear it while you are
waiting for your ring to be made.
This is so
I didn't know, it's like
actually having a wedding.
Thank you for waiting.
Are you ready?
I'll take two pictures,
so please don't close your eyes.
Here we go!
Now, one more shot!
Oh, really.
Thank you.
But, we didn't officially register yet.
By the way, does your partner
know about your condition?
Do you think I better
tell him about this?
If you are going to live with him,
it would be very difficult to hide.
Besides, it's very important to have your
partner's support for your treatment
especially, for this kind of condition.
Please be prepared to tell him.
Is something wrong, Yuichi?
Are you in pain?
Let me get the doctor.
Miss Chono, you're the one
you're the one who
seems to need a doctor.
How much longer
do I have to wait here?
I'm coming over there right now!
Who is Maria?
You called me yesterday.
Were you drunk?
I'm so sorry about this,
but I have to go!
Miss, this might take a while.
Did you ride in my taxi before?
Well, I just thought that
I met you somewhere before.
I told you so many times!
Why did you throw out
all my belongings?!
I'll never forgive you!
I won't let you go!
Please stop it!
I won't let you go.
I won't let you go.
I won't let you go.
I won't let you go.
Miss Chono?
I won't let you go.
Miss Chono?
Are you all right?
I'm sorry.
I came here to make you feel better.
But you already seem
to be doing well.
You look more mature than before.
Yes, it's because I've been cleared.
I'm not a suspect anymore.
Because, now, I'm a victim, too.
Shonen Bat set me free!
I want to
be free too!
You know what I mean.
I want to be free!
Why don't you admit it now!
You're the fake!
You know what I mean,
I want to be free.
You know what I mean, I want to be!
You know what I mean, I want to!
You know what I mean
You know what
You know what I mean!
I want to be free!
It's me.
You better admit it, you're the fake.
No, let go off me!
Let me go!
Why don't you walk faster?!
Stop it! Please stop!
Shut up and come with me!
No it hurts! Stop!
Your attitude makes me sick!
Why don't you stand up!
Please stop this now!
How can you say that to me?
I want you to suffer more!
Or, I can end your suffering.
Shonen Bat set me free.
All of your messages are deleted.
Thank goodness.
I guess we can't
question her right now.
Yuichi Taira should go first!
I wonder if his case might
be connected to hers'.
She looks so relieved.
Tsukiko Sagi, Kawazu,
Yuichi Taira and Harumi Chono.
All of them looked somewhat
relieved after they were attacked.
Is everything all right?
Bird! Bird!
A frog crashed bang!
And this is the snapper!
Grandpa, you can't draw on this!
I'll give you a big size paper later.
Hey, grandpa? What is it?
A butterfly.
The serial street attacker
who was terrifying the
residents of Musashino
was finally arrested last night.
- Surprisingly, it was a local
- Surprisingly, it was a local
- They arrested Shonen Bat.
off-duty policeman who made the arrest.
Can you tell us how
you arrested the suspect?
Officer MASAMI HIRUKAWA (Age 48)
Officer MASAMI HIRUKAWA (Age 48)
Well, I was
You'll be late if you don't hurry.
I'm glad.
To begin with
You hear the beautiful sound
of a bell from a noble temple.
But it won't work on a leech's ears.
After the Arabian Nights end,
he stands up every time he is beaten.
The golden fox cries once.
The warrior gets on a horse and
passes through the broadband.
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