Paranormal (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

The Myth of the Guardian of The Cave

I miss you.
It is hard to believe how much I miss you.
You might also find it hard to believe.
By the way,
I wear the tie you got me all the time.
The color is horrible.
It has flowers and little dots.
I wear it just for you.
The newspaper says
that I saved the world from a curse.
The thing I never believed in the most
became the reason for my fame.
Some people recognize me on the street
like they do with movie stars.
I've become as famous as Shoukry Sarhan.
But of course…
I'm not as handsome as him.
This is a matter of genes.
It's out of my hands.
But I think Shoukry and I
might have a lot…
What are you carrying?
Where is the coagulation test?
-And the ESR.
I've also requested an EPG.
-Go ahead.
Right away, please!
How are you, brother?
-I hope Howaida recovers soon.
-Thank you.
If you need any money,
I have the earnings from the land.
-Thank you.
-Take it, Refaat.
-I have--
-Take it!.
I have money.
I'm glad that you're here.
Have you found a cure yet?
Not yet.
A medical conference
will be held soon, and I'll attend.
The foreign doctors there
might have an answer.
Go home.
I'll stay here. You look miserable.
When was the last time you slept?
How can I sleep?
Whenever I give in for a minute,
I wake up worrying about her.
Reda, I wanted to ask you something.
Did anything odd happen
at the Al Khadrawy house?
What is it with you and this memory?
Did anything odd happen, Reda?
A stranger bought the house.
It looks like he's demolishing it.
Forget about that story.
Let's focus on what we have at hand.
Could Shiraz be behind all of this?
Have I lost my mind to believe in such?
If there really is a ghost,
why now?
Is it because I've turned 40?
Is 40 a number that annoys her?
Is she jealous?
If so, why Howaida?
Why not Maggie?
Does Shiraz only believe
in official engagements?
I have bad news.
The conference on blood diseases will be
held in Tripoli, Libya instead of Cairo.
Why? What's the reason?
It must be held here
so they can see the cases up close.
I did all that I could, but they're afraid
due to the situation here.
Don't forget that this is an epidemic,
and just talking about it
might frighten them.
That's why we have
to get ready to travel to Tripoli.
My passport.
-Good evening, Doctor.
God bless! More letters for you!
If you please, I have a relative
who's possessed by a lower demon.
So if you can please…
help us in any way…
"Dear Refaat,
I cannot send you a maze this time."
"I'm busy preparing for
the conference on blood diseases."
I thought you weren't coming.
I know you hate conferences.
It's an important one,
and it's also on my grant schedule.
If I hadn't called you,
you wouldn't have told me.
I visited Ramzi.
He said that a flower in Libya
could hold the antidote for the curse.
It is called silphium.
I know that this doesn't sound like me,
believing in things
that I've never believed in.
We all change, Refaat.
No one has an answer.
It's not easy. It's a new case.
Aren't you attending?
If Marilyn Monroe
and Hind Rostom were in a room
with James Dean, a circus performer
breathing fire from his ears,
and Louis,
everyone would still be looking at Louis.
Complete blood coagulation.
Refaat Ismail, you age spectacularly!
And you are getting annoyingly younger.
Here's your maze.
Of course! Nothing forces
Refaat Ismail to take the initiative.
I'm surprised that he came to Libya.
I'm surprised
that you quit medicine to work with herbs.
What's that, Refaat?
You finally took the initiative,
but unfortunately,
it is in the wrong direction.
Refaat's Law number 23.
"Energy doesn't perish
nor regenerate from nothing,
as are Louis's silly remarks."
Louis, I need a sample of silphium.
Why? Are you going to work
with herbs like me?
No, I need it for a case
that I am treating.
Howaida, Refaat's fiancée.
I'm sorry. I didn't know.
The last thing I've heard about silphium
is that the Tuareg tribes have it.
But it is almost extinct.
And how do we reach those tribes?
Even if you do,
I'm not sure if you will find the flower.
I don't have a choice. I have to find it.
Okay, I know safari guides.
They must know.
Of course not!
We're going to the desert.
We don't know what might happen.
So? What has to happen will happen.
Maggie, you can't come.
No, I am coming.
This is not the place.
Sorry. I can't go near there.
It is Tuareg territory.
These statues mark the border.
What's this?
Louis is reading tarot cards.
A bit more, and he will pull
a pigeon out of his sleeve.
He told me things
no one else knows about me.
Don't even try, Maggie.
Refaat is scared of trying anything new.
What will scare me?
You know, it is not easy to hear
the past, the present, and the future.
Here we are.
What should I do?
What would you like to start with?
The past.
Pick three cards.
The tarot says that you were fighting
something from the past. Correct?
So this is the daily horoscope.
The casual talk that everyone
can apply to their lives as they see fit.
This guy, for example, is driving sticks
through something he can't see.
What else could it mean?
Maybe that's the problem.
Fighting something
without knowing what it wants from you.
I'll skip this one.
The second card is the Queen of Cups,
the card of love and emotion.
But the card is upside down.
It means that your beloved is in danger.
Louis, Maggie told you
that my fiancée is ill.
I don't want to play.
Who gave you permission to come here?
We're looking for silphium.
The angadan.
This plant disappeared ages ago.
There's nothing left of it.
Besides, it is better
to leave alive than dead.
You have until tomorrow.
I want you gone by then.
Refaat's Law number 22.
"What Refaat Ismail seeks is either
extinct or impossible to find."
I have to find this flower.
All right.
We won't leave until morning.
Do you want us to continue?
I'll read your present.
We're just killing time.
Pick a card.
The tarot of fears.
The tarot says to overcome your fear,
you have to face it.
Follow your fear, Refaat.
Don't be scared.
I'm Ezz El-Din from the tribe.
I have what you want.
But everything has a price.
Meet me at the foot of the hill,
and I'll show you the way.
But if the tribe gets wind of this,
I will deny any knowledge of you.
What's in the bag?
My things.
I collect things
that I find in the desert.
And where's the flower?
In a cave nearby. I will show you the way.
Why do the tribesmen say
that it is extinct?
The tribe is afraid of the cave custodian.
This custodian is not human,
and nobody knows what it is.
All we know is that his roar
could strike horror in your heart,
and if anyone tries to open the cave,
he will be released.
All hell breaks loose.
And we're going to him?
Don't worry. I have what we need
to protect ourselves from him.
If you see sand just like that,
avoid stepping on it.
If you step on it, it will pull you down.
If it does pull you down,
do not try to resist.
What you seek is here.
We cannot enter
without permission from the custodian.
And if he doesn't grant us permission?
Then we cannot go in.
What's the meaning of this?
A creature that no one knows
needs an incantation to let us in?
Why? A mythical monstrosity
that is well versed in etiquette?
I warned you from the beginning
and told you that you cannot enter
without the custodian's permission
because this is the pact
of peace between us.
If you don't believe me, let me leave.
Wait! Get us permission then.
The custodian did not grant us permission.
Kneel like me.
Taking the initiative.
Louis, you search there. Maggie, this way.
Let's meet in half an hour.
Where's Ezz El-Din?
Are you okay?
Calm down.
-Refaat, Maggie!
Ezz El-Din.
Ezz El-Din!
Ezz El-Din!
Ezz El-Din?
Ezz El-Din?
Ezz El-Din!
Ezz El-Din!
Ezz El-Din!
Maybe he was attacked by an animal.
Maybe a wolf…
I'm sure it is not a mythical animal
that needs an incantation.
Does what we saw on the sand
belong to a wolf?
And the sound we heard, what was it?
It could've been any wild animal.
We're in an unfamiliar place.
We didn't see what happened.
You're saying that
so you won't feel guilty.
Refaat, can you see the electron?
No, but how is this related
to what happened?
You can't see the electron,
but you know it's there
because it has an effect.
We didn't see who killed Ezz El-Din,
but we saw the marks,
and those marks suggest
that we might not be able to return.
I shouldn't have opened the cave.
You were trying to save Howaida.
Every time I care,
a disaster happens.
When I was a fresh graduate,
I worked in the ER.
A father rushed in carrying
his child and asked us to save him.
Usually, I'm extremely calm
in such situations.
But that day…
I cared.
I cared so much
that I forgot everything I had learned.
The nurses asked me questions,
and I couldn't answer.
The father was standing next to me,
screaming as I remained silent.
My brain froze.
The boy died.
Since then, I've learned that
too much caring paralyzes the brain.
Sometimes, you need to be
detached to think properly.
But sometimes,
the distance you create between yourself
and what you're afraid of losing
is what makes you lose it.
Louis was right.
I don't know how to take the initiative.
And when I do,
it's in the wrong direction.
Refaat, Maggie.
What kind of sounds?
We were just here.
I saw this dune before.
Louis, what's the matter?
Your turn, Refaat.
What does this mean?
This is the Death card.
It means we're going to die.
The Death card means we're going to die.
Louis, we're all going to die one day.
When a Death card appears
to a group in the same place,
it serves as a warning.
The danger is still there.
-And what is that danger?
-I don't know.
How come you don't know?
Ask the card or consult seashells.
Calm down.
I'm going back to the cave.
Refaat, one of them is alive.
Can you see me?
You freed the custodian.
will die…
just like our ancestors have said.
The danger is still there.
It is better to leave alive than dead.
Everything has a price.
Follow your fear, Refaat.
The custodian
was not protecting the flower.
Thank god, I put out the dynamite fuse.
How can he still look good
at a time like this?
Refaat, I'll check out.
Hello, I want to check out.
What do you want? Oh, thank you.
Louis. Thank you.
Thank you for everything.
The future.
I want to know the future.
All right.
I'm very sorry, Refaat.
The tarot says you'll lose a loved one.
Who, Louis?
I don't know,
but this is what the card says.
This is the High Priestess card.
This card symbolizes dreams
and the subconscious.
You might find
what you want in your dreams.
Refaat. We'll be late for the flight.
Don't worry. I'll take responsibility.
You have no idea how worried
Refaat was when you were sick.
He didn't get any sleep.
I can't wait to help you pack
on your wedding day.
-God bless you!
-And bless you, dear.
-Is this the last one?
-Yes, that's it.
Grab your purse and let's go.
Where's Refaat?
He must be smoking outside.
What's wrong, Howaida?
Subtitle translation by: Farah Hawarneh
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