Paris Police 1900 (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

Religious music
- Does he have any personal stuff?
- We have strict rules
to protect children from vermin.
We burn the clothes.
We left him his little soldier.
He didn't want to let go.
Did you find the father?
Relatives ?
Other members of his family?
- Not yet.
He's pretty, your soldier.
Your name is Matthias, isn't it?
And your mom, is it Josephine?
- Where is she, Mom?
Sad music
- Josephine never told me
who Matthias' father is.
- If you recognize someone,
show it.
We want to know which butcher
was Josephine's lover.
- No, no, no way.
We know them, the butchers.
I don't wanna end up in pieces
served as a stew
in the shops of La Villette.
- Do you know what will happen to your wife?
- Saint Lazare.
Three months.
Stuck as a whore
for the rest of her life.
She will survive. She has strong leather.
I am clean.
Wheelbarrow by weight,
number 453.
I worked 2 days this month.
You can't stop me
as a pimp.
I know my right.
- How old is your daughter?
- Nine years.
Will she stay with daddy when you're in jail?
You are not afraid
put her on the sidewalk?
- One of these men
may be the murderer.
Help us find it.
If we are asked,
we will say that your husband was talkative.
Mixed voices
Soft music
- Carbon monoxide.
He rips off two
nails trying to crawl
up to the door.
He stops the stove, that's all.
He changes his mind, but too late.
It is common.
- The butcher kills the maid.
Seized with remorse, he puts an end to his days.
Murder and suicide!
End of the story.
The case of the bloody suitcase
is finally resolved,
thanks to the efficiency
of Parisian security.
Joséphine Berger was an informant.
Fiersi recognized her name
on your Missing List.
He came to question
one of his acquaintances and
he solved your investigation.
You can thank him.
- Your man doesn't seem convinced.
To laugh
- Do not worry,
you will solve others.
Soft music
- Wait for me outside.
- I will tell the prefect
that you have done a good job.
- Don't make a face.
This case is anything but closed.
When Mr. Puybaraud and his teams
have finished,
go see the concierge.
Ask him
if the chimney sweeps have passed.
- That will be all, sir?
- No.
A single mother is murdered.
Who are we looking for?
Who can have a mobile?
- The father of the child.
- Joséphine shot 2 years in Saint-Lazare.
The minutes of the trial are listed.
I want to read them.
- Me too.
- I'm still waiting for the letters
from Alsace translated into French.
- I'm working on it, sir.
Scary music
- This photograph is moldy.
Should be replaced.
Or better,
order an official portrait.
I know a top notch artist,
if that interests you.
Adolphe Steinheil.
He immortalized Félix Faure.
They're laughing.
I have to tell you a secret.
(Meg Steinheil, Adolphe's wife,)
(is a whore )
(who slept with Félix Faure.)
She whispers.
"Prefect Lepine?"
- His wife
loves artificial paradises.
- Rothschild?
- Grand financier
of the Dreyfusard cause.
He likes discretion.
For his business,
he employs a Jewish lawyer, a certain
Throat clearing
- What about my sons?
- Bankruptcy and insurance scam.
After failures,
they finally found a business
that pays off.
You are no stranger to it.
The account is not there.
- Take what you get.
- Pity. You dreamed of recruiting
figures of the moderate right
Felix, peace to his soul,
had entrusted me with some files.
Concussions, gambling debts,
affairs of morals, but
you are not reliable.
- Louis, pay her.
- Deputy Berry,
Catholic right,
leader of the League of Patriots,
is an antiphysics.
I know two of her cute ones.
- Are you free tonight ?
Calm music
- Anti-Semites, 23 deputies.
Nationalists, 154 deputies.
Royalists, 76 deputies.
Part of the moderate right
switches to their camp.
- We are far from the coup.
- Behind the parties,
there are the leagues.
- Anti-Semite: 20,000 men.
Patriotic: 30,000.
Armed, organized.
At the prefecture, how many men?
- 8 000.
Laughing mockingly
- You won't hold them.
The police overwhelmed, Paris is set ablaze.
What are you doing ?
- I'm calling the army.
- Military security plan.
Must be protected:
Élysée, Assembly,
Senate, Ministry of the Interior.
What if, instead of protecting Paris,
the army seized it?
- Where did you get this plan from?
- There are Republicans in the military.
We have an informant.
The question is simple.
Is the threat concrete
and a priority?
- Yes.
- They just need a pretext.
- Dreyfus left Devil's Island
three weeks ago.
His trial will begin in Rennes
next Thursday.
- What will happen
if he is acquitted?
- Part of my mission, ma'am,
is to protect your husband.
His person, his reputation
and his family.
You received threatening letters,
I suppose?
How do you qualify them?
- Abundant, not very serious.
- If you want to give them to me,
the Parisian security
will examine them.
Pardon !
- I also have letters from my children,
written from their boarding school.
- Your children
are not anarchists.
They don't threaten you.
- That's it ?
- Not quite.
I don't have to judge your habits,
but you lack discretion.
Your friends are talking.
- Are you talking
about pharmaceuticals?
I use it in moderation,
and on the advice of my doctor.
Do you have to read his prescription?
- It won't be worth it.
Street hubbub
The bell rings.
Soft music
The door closes.
- Sebastian!
You can come in.
- Ah… you scare away
our customers, too?
- I came
I'm all the more embarrassed
because I need your help tonight.
Letters to translate.
- He is wonderful.
- It's homicide.
These translations…
The future of an orphan depends on it.
- Accept.
- Don't.
- Yeah.
Of course.
Miss Chauvin
will help you save the orphan.
Is not it ?
And take your time.
Our customers will come back.
- Did they bite our little gossip?
MP Berry, lawyer Weidmann?
- They swallowed them.
Puybaraud laughs.
- You will have more to sell.
And I'll let you pocket
the profits.
- Thanks Mom !
- You like her ?
Mum has Mum has guests, you know.
We will play later.
We'll dress her together.
(- Yes.)
- She looks like me ?
- Come on, come on.
Intriguing music
- You are a promising agent.
I decided to reward you.
Ms. Lépine would like to replace
the official portrait of the warden.
I made arrangements
to recommend your husband.
- For you.
- Who is the lucky one?
- Nobody.
For the moment.
- We don't sleep anymore?
But what do we do then?
Are we spying?
Are you aware
that this is a dangerous game?
And not just for you.
For me, for our daughter.
- My daughter has a peaceful childhood
thanks to what I bring back.
And if I get my way
she won't have to earn a living
like her mother.
But you are right.
Let's be careful. Let's justify our income.
You sold a canvas. Which ?
- In the early morning.
Dramatic music
- "Go see whoever you want.
Both are crazy.
"I don't want to hang out with crazy people,"
Alice observed.
"You can't defend yourself from it,
"everyone's crazy here.
"I am mad, you are mad.
“How do you know I'm crazy?”
Said Alice.
"You must be," said the cat.
"Without it,
you wouldn't have come here."
Chant a cappella
- The rights must unite.
To union!
- Good evening.
- Good evening.
- Deputy Berry,
you know that certain alliances
against nature…
give pleasure.
- He seems ripe for his conversion.
- Yes.
He allowed himself to be penetrated
by our arguments.
Thanks to you,
the union of the leagues is on the move.
- Excuse me.
- "You chose a bad life
in the wrong country.
"It's up to you to bear the consequences.
"For my part, I no longer have a daughter.
Sympathetic, this lady.
Let’s see the second one.
I don't know what to answer to your…"
She reads in German.
"insane allegations,
"but I thought about it,
"and despite the shame
you inflicted on our family,
"I am ready to forgive
you and welcome you and your son.
"Your loving mother."
- It's possible…
- Write an answer
in German ?
To inform him of the death of his daughter
and tell him to come and get the little one?
- Exactly.
Thank you so much.
You are prohibited from the only trade
where men must wear dresses.
- Does it make your colleagues laugh?
Aren't you young
for this survey?
- Yes.
It's the first time.
Without going into detail,
I made a serious mistake.
- You're trying to redeem yourself.
- Find the father of this kid,
that wouldn't be bad.
Do you think you will have it for a long time?
- Six months.
End of the day.
Soft music
- Can I take you home?
- What party !
Most of our friends would never
go committing to rue Chabrol,
but here, with the Sabran,
one can slurp between good people.
Some friends
take advantage of our vigorous butchers.
They come out outraged, but delighted.
Meg nods.
Do you want to be part of it?
- No thanks. I pass.
- See you soon.
Cry of joy
Cry of pleasure
Calm music
The rain falls.
Thunder rumbles.
- Leave me here.
To go home, I have my bicycle.
- Have you been doing it for a long time?
- And so ?
Glass breakage
The practice is closed.
Thunder rumbles.
- Chut!
Intriguing music
- Shut up !
Little cries
Glass breakage
- We're off!
Classical music
- You drink too much.
- I drink to spread the taste
of my words.
What have they done to you,
these Jews?
- To me ? Nothing.
Deep down, I admire them.
Solidarity, secrets,
easy to hate.
- Hate is a fashionable product,
your business is good.
- Our things.
We are partners, my dear.
For the sake of our children.
Excuse me.
To laugh
- Shall I take you home?
- No thanks.
- Impasse Ronsin, isn't it?
It's on my way.
Moans of pain
He blows.
- Dirty bitch!
Sow of the Jews! She will pay me for it.
I grabbed everything I could,
but I didn't sort.
- Watch out for the bedspread.
The count likes blood,
but not at home.
- There was a policeman.
Has he seen you?
- My brother didn't say that.
He spent the evening here.
Forty people saw it.
Isn't it, mr deputy?
- My children,
it's Christmas !
She laughs.
- He said he would
blow my mind.
I gave the combination.
I am a coward.
- Everyone would have.
- Give me the prefecture.
- Hang up this machine.
- Theft, attempted murder,
I have to.
- We're in La Villette,
in the Jewish quarter.
It happens often.
- We are not filing a complaint.
- Hang up this machine.
Weidmann gegmit.
- Who were these men?
- You know that as well as we do.
- No I do not know.
You have all kinds of customers.
I saw 3 anarchists.
One of them is Sébastien Faure.
What was in that safe?
- Go!
Thunder rumbles.
Disturbing music
- M. Puybaraud loses his hand.
He employs amateurs.
He lights his cigarette.
This countess of Vaudois,
she could carry a sign.
- You wear one too.
I would say captain.
- Colonel.
How did you know?
- I closed my eyes
and I saw you in uniform.
Those weapons?
- Guess.
- Cavalry?
- Information.
Colonel Gabriel Sabran de Pontevès.
- I guess
you'll offer me a job.
Why not ?
I lead a crazy life.
Soft music
- You will have dinner alone this evening.
I attend the gala
of the Council of Assistance
and Public Hygiene.
- Have fun.
He moves away.
A door slams.
Sad music
- Cause of death: depression
of the skull leading to lesions.
One shot. No traces of struggle.
She knew him.
- And him ?
- Asphyxiation.
He was a butcher, he cut it up.
- Butchers do not dislocate
the joints.
Usually they saw the bones.
- I know.
Metallic rattles
- Files on Joséphine Berger,
arrest, interrogations,
anthropometric sheet,
The archives have been cleaned up.
Puybaraud admitted
that she was working for him.
- A snitch gets pregnant,
she is accused of theft
- She gives birth in Saint-Lazare.
- It would be nice in style
de Puybaraud,
if he wanted to protect
a son from a good family.
- Commissioner Puybaraud.
He strikes a match.
- You never buckle
your surveys?
- Terrail does not match
the report or the shirt.
He was a butcher.
He could make a body disappear.
Why the suitcase?
Why keep your head?
Nothing sticks.
- Except this head with this trunk!
- The first crime,
Joséphine Berger,
amateur work, private affair,
horny story. But the 2nd
- The second ?
- Terrail, he was
hit by the chimney sweep.
Specialist work,
days of surveillance.
The killer has a cover
to visit the building. He climbs
on the roof, clogs the chimney,
waits for death
and comes to deposit his gift.
Who can afford his services?
- I have a lot of respect
for your assumptions, but there
You are delirious.
- Footprints on the roof,
plaster in the fireplace.
The last sweep was a month ago.
Joséphine Berger worked for you.
A snitch.
I want the security file.
- That file?
Intriguing music
- Two syringes.
Two vials.
This one is cut with sleeping pills.
It will be for your guest.
This one is for you.
Do you prick yourself often?
- No never.
(- A first time !)
Those chances!
Don't worry, the dose is low.
It's mostly
about keeping him company, you see?
Give him confidence.
She's a drug addict, it'll be easy.
- And after ?
- She'll be unconscious.
'll take some naughty photographs.
I took pictures like this,
When I was young.
The countess laughs.
- Everything is ready for tonight,
at Pompe Funèbre?
This prefect is not our friend.
We will soon have
enough to hold it, isn't it?
Is not it ?
- It's not Mimile.
I had 5,000 francs.
Nobody commits suicide
before receiving 5,000 francs.
The guy who made the Swallow,
he's for me.
Neither policy nor arrangement.
Not this time.
- It's your lucky day.
The prefect is waiting for you.
I know you'll do what's right.
Intriguing music
Because I trust you.
- Joséphine Berger…
What was his nickname?
The snitches have a nickname,
don't they?
- The Swallow, sir.
- I am going to set up a special brigade
which will travel around Paris by bicycle.
I still have to find a name for it.
This machine is fast, inexpensive
and friendly.
Honest people will not be afraid
of policemen on bicycles.
Why are they afraid of us, Fiersi?
- I wonder.
- Me too.
Tomorrow, you will be assigned
to Commissioner Cochefert's team.
You may go, Fiersi.
Soft music
The Swallow
- With this camera,
my husband takes about ten pictures.
He makes sketches for the client,
and with his approval,
he made the canvas.
- It's modern, this approach.
I'm sure the prefect
- Appreciate modernity, yes.
Everyone knows it.
- Would you like some tea?
Did you know
MP Berry is dead?
His wife found him.
It's not a big loss.
An invert of the worst kind!
I recognize them, it's a gift.
Small forced laugh
This tea is divine.
How about the
corset a little foot?
- Did you bring the necessary?
- But I…
- The countess is going to leave.
She must pay her respects
to Mrs. Berry.
- Don't go late.
- Yes…
You do well to remind me.
What are you doing ?
- Thank you for everything and see you soon!
She is blowing.
Poor woman!
Always to share
the plate of the others.
- She displays painful indecency.
She ages and flaunts her vices.
- She told you who I was, right?
- I knew Félix Faure
and his wife.
I could never take it.
Meg laughs.
Don't worry,
I'll order.
I did not come
Soft music
Throat clearing
It does not bother you ?
- I was going to suggest it to you.
- To your honour.
- Priority survey.
Spinning a suspect!
- Take care of it,
it's my working tool!
- This story
will not be made public.
Rothschild made it clear to me.
If we have to pay to get
that check back, we'll do it.
Peaceful music
Have a good evening, my dear.
Calm music
She is blowing.
- The a du talent.
Meg rit.
- Technique.
He wants to please, he
He has no obsession.
I never liked him.
I liked the life he offered six months.
I discovered
that we were living on my dowry.
That's all my husband.
A broken promise.
- Mine has a nice obsession:
his teacher,
It is pure, it is the Republic.
She needs him.
She laughs.
- Men ?
- Some…
My husband is a powerful man,
my lovers get dressed very quickly.
- And him ?
- A monk.
Playful music
Dark music
Madame Lépine wakes up with a start.
What time is it ?
And a boom.
I told the prefect
that I had a charity gala this evening.
I lied.
I go to the National Congress
of French Women.
- My pharmacist
advised me of a new product.
I'm home alone tonight.
This is the opportunity to taste.
The name is pretty. Heroin.
It makes you want.
But I don't want to hold you back.
Soft music
- Je…
I think I have the time.
They blow.
She moans.
Scary music
She is breathing hard.
He blows.
- Your mail for Alsace.
- How did you get my address?
- By telephone.
Prefecture, personnel department.
"I want to talk to Jouin,
- I think I know who assaulted you.
The Guérins and their butchers.
I am not one of those people,
I am a policeman.
Can I help you.
Tell me what they stole from you.
- A check.
Signed by
Rothschild's private secretary .
A donation
of 4,000 francs in the People's Journal.
- An anarchist newspaper
financed by Jews
The Guérins
had to appreciate.
Calm music
Would you like to ride?
Not rushed
I only have water.
The door slams.
I can suggest you
go for a drink
The bed creaks.
Romantic music
Panting breaths
- Ah…
He blows.
She is blowing.
She sniffles.
She is blowing.
Calm music
(Italian accent)
- Very fresh, but firm.
What do I do ?
- What you want.
- Full service? Pipe,
- Hurry up.
He blows.
A door opens.
Disturbing music
- I prepare myself.
With you, madam,
I would not need.
- We'll be done soon.
You don't have to watch.
- Lord!
- Angelo.
- Ah, not! Don't, don't, don't!
- I just said
that you didn't have to watch.
- No, not that !
We had talked about naughty photos.
It's rape.
She moans.
- Get out of here !
She screams.
- I am at home !
I won't let the
prefect's wife get raped
by that horse!
- What?
- The farm!
- He did not know ? Yes, my big one!
The prefect,
do you know what it will do to your machine?
- Oh no ! If it's true,
I can not.
- Polish yourself.
When I say it, you stuff.
Don't play this, not now.
Not with me.
- You don't understand. I'll scream.
The prie en italien.
You're going to have to beat me to death.
Then he won't be able to do it anymore.
Will you take his place?
But who will take the photos, then?
You no longer control anything,
She coughs.
Take her or I'll send for a doctor.
Tension music
- Take a cab,
take a ride, get off
and pays the driver
to release her two blocks from the prefecture.
Hey ! That I see you more!
The door slams.
What's the matter with you?
She is blowing.
You were off to a good start, though.
Cut to survive.
But now…
- Who made you what you are?
Little laugh
- I didn't take any pictures.
Through your fault.
Soft music
- Why a lawyer?
Interrogative moan
- Because I like to talk.
When I'm not sleeping.
And I like to plead.
- Lawyers don't plead a lot.
They negotiate.
- I know.
This is what I learn with Weidmann.
- Because he's Jewish?
- Fool !
- Pardon.
- Because he's a lawyer.
He has a diploma and he has testicles
which give him the right to practice.
He's a good lawyer.
When he says "my little one",
I want to slap him,
but he is an honest man.
You know what i was told
when I graduated
with honors?
They couldn't tell me anything.
Since the room
was full of backslid fools
I love spat
this old ignorant juror explained to me
that it was an opportunity
to control my emotions.
This masculine quality that I would
always lack to exercise.
Old goat!
I control my emotions very well.
Why does a caveman
come to insult my intelligence?
We are in 1900, I have breasts,
I can read, I can count,
I know how to write
and I have a minimum of eloquence.
Since the time I have been criticized for it.
At the hearing,
people do not fall asleep.
What are you doing ?
- I'm not falling asleep.
- Looks like it doesn't.
But still ?
- You neither.
- Are you trying to shut me up?
- No.
- The Jews and anarchy complicit!
Boos from the crowd
Tomorrow, my friends, is a great day!
Tomorrow the people will know!
Tomorrow, my friends,
is a day of anger!
Tomorrow we will do justice!
A check
Rothschild's private secretary himself!
Boos from the crowd
Jerky breathing
We have the proof!
The Jews…
the anarchy !
Boos from the crowd
- You are completely stung,
my poor lady!
- Long live France !
Death to the Jews!
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