Partisan (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

Jaune du Doubs

Are you ready to ride?
Let's get going!
Clara, the frog is in here. Come!
Are you ready to ride?
Let's get started!
Hey! What are you doing?
You should be sleeping.
-Answer me!
-I like early walks!
-What's your fucking problem?
-You are not normal.
Okay. Thank you Mateusz.
Good morning.
Is all of this for me?
Yeah. Here you are.
Did you sleep well?
-Do you want to borrow something?
-What? No.
Is this blueberry?
I don't like blueberries.
You can pick them off.
Do you want to do something today?
No, I can't.
-Why not?
-Aren't you training?
-I'm going somewhere.
-Yeah, that's fine.
You don't want to be with me. You
don't have to come up with excuses.
Don't you think that I've noticed?
Of course I want to hang out
with you.
Is that why you don't want to train?
Because then you'd have to
train with me.
Do you still think that way?
It's true!
You really don't want to be with me.
Stop that! I didn't know
what I was saying then.
That's not how I feel anymore.
I mean it.
Nobody thinks that. The police
even said that it's nobody's fault.
I will always think it was my fault.
-Should I stay at home?
-I can stay if you want me to.
-No, I've got to train.
You can go.
-Are you sure?
-Yes, I'm going to practice.
-I'll be back soon. Okay?
-Did it go well?
-What is this?
-You'll see.
What kind of a place is this?
Is that what I think it is?
I don't know.
What do you think it is?
A hot air balloon.
Come here.
Well, it's not that big, but
But two people can travel in it.
One of the burners was broken.
It took ages to fix it.
I had to order stuff from France,
and Germany and
You know, you need two burners,
in case one breaks down.
You have a spare one.
And this is the actual balloon.
There are some tears in the fabric,
and there's a little hole here.
I'm going to mend it.
But where have you learnt
to mend hot air balloons?
My dad.
It was his hot air balloon.
Is that him?
He died a few years ago
after a brain haemorrhage.
We waited for a while,
but there wasn't really any point.
He couldn't talk, he was nothing.
He wasn't really there anymore.
The doctors said there was no point
in keeping him alive.
Come here.
What the hell is it now?
Adojan just called.
-What the hell did he want?
-He says he's got some problems.
He wants to meet.
What does that mean?
He says it's getting harder and
harder to account for the profit.
He wants to discuss other options.
I've been saying that
for a bloody long time.
The penny seems
to have dropped for him.
I'll go with the lorry tomorrow.
-Do you want me to come with you?
-No, hell no. No need.
-Would you do this?
Unbelievable amounts of weeds.
Look carefully.
-You've made it look incredibly nice.
Is the new delivery on its way?
It's happening tomorrow.
Good, it'll be done before
the harvest feast. That's good.
But it will be the last one.
What do you mean?
We have to change the set up a bit.
Right, but how will we manage?
We'll continue,
but instead of driving lorries,
we'll make it more modern
and we'll let it bounce digitally.
-I can explain, if you want me to.
No, thank you.
But digital
-I'm not sure.
It's difficult with cash.
Nobody uses it.
At least not in Sweden. It would be
a disaster if we didn't keep up.
It was better back in the day.
It was better back in the day.
But it will be safer like this.
If you say so.
You'll have to be patient.
It will be better in the end.
It will be.
So, there was another thing.
Do you think
you could have a chat with Victor?
-About what?
-He's feeling Nicole up.
He should know better.
Maybe we should talk to Nicole too?
I think that would be good.
Yeah, we probably should.
For Susanne's sake.
Yes, that's good. It's a pass.
You're bending too much.
Yes, that's good. It's a pass.
Come on, Maria!
Push off!
Good. That's it!
Well done, Maria!
I think you're ready
for the formation.
But then you'll need
a competition outfit.
You heard him.
Do you want to be in the formation?
Let's get you a competition outfit.
Come on! There.
You've got an audience. Come on!
-Is Nicole here?
Nicole? No, she's never here.
What do you mean? Where is she?
Well, check at the gate.
The gate?
And why don't I know
that Nicole is never here?
Well, I don't know.
-I'm sorry, but I
-It's of no help that you're sorry.
Who took the decision?
Was it your mum?
That thing with your dad.
No, it was Maud.
Because she's my sister.
she's a lot older than you.
Yes. So?
Do you have the same mum?
Where is your mum?
But we have the same dad.
Why do you even care?
Sorry, I didn't want to
I just asked a simple question.
I don't have to care.
What the hell? Nicole!
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean that
I want you to care.
I actually like it when you care.
Do you?
Yes, I do.
So that smell
came from you all that time.
Stop it.
I think we need to bathe you.
Well, well, well.
What was so funny?
No, I think not.
Victor has an important job,
to make sure that we're safe.
Did you know that?
It would be good if we could all give
him the best possibility to do that.
Now that we're here, maybe we could
talk a bit with each other?
You and me?
About what?
What the hell has happened?
I saw that it was leaking underneath.
It must have got knocked in the crash
a couple of weeks ago.
-Does it have to go to the garage?
-I can fix it.
By tomorrow?
I just have to go
and get a few spare parts.
Good. Do that.
I'm coming with you
on the trip tomorrow.
-Is there some problem, Kent?
-No, no problem.
We leave at eight.
Kent! Kent, wait.
Kent! Kent, wait.
I must ask,
what is the deal with Johnny?
What do you mean?
No, I don't trust him.
You know, he's not normal.
And you are?
How he know there's something
wrong with the truck?
-He's not a mechanic.
-How do you know?
We know nothing about him.
Well, I do know
that he's doing his job.
I think you're taking a big risk
if you trust this Arab.
Look, we have one, two,
three trucks.
I need three drivers.
You're always drunk,
so I've only got one of you.
Let me handle my business. Make
sure you're ready tomorrow at eight.
Polish fucker.
Have you understood what we do
here at Jordnära?
You grow carrots.
Yes. Jaune du Doubs,
one of the oldest heritage varieties.
But we do other things, too.
You grow tomatoes, too.
You're hard to impress.
I like that.
If you got a wish, what would it be?
-To turn 18.
Because I get to decide.
What would you decide?
You don't know, right?
It's easier to know what not to do
than what to do.
It's easier not to believe
than to believe.
But there are things you believe in.
Where are you from?
Sure, but I mean originally.
Your relatives, your ancestors
Who were they?
I barely know who my parents were.
They died when I was seven.
I think I know who your parents were.
Where they were from.
It's quite easy to see.
Who you come from.
strong hard-working people
who did everything to ensure
their children survived,
and that you,
their descendants, would be born.
Just like you will hopefully
have descendants.
That's really what we do
here at Jordnära.
We respect the past,
we cherish what we have now,
and we work hard
for what is yet to come.
And we also grow
some tomatoes and carrots.
-You're not on the drivers' list.
-No, I'm going to buy spare parts.
Nothing else? No petrol? 199 kronor.
-Do you want a receipt?
Hi. I need some repair putty
for a lorry.
-Gun Gum or something.
-Of course.
Wille, can you take over here?
I'm just helping this customer.
Thanks. Follow me.
I've got some stuff in here.
-Look and see what you want.
Shit! Great to see you!
But damn, you look worn out!
-How are things?
-Well, it's fine.
Damn, I've been waiting
for you to call.
-What's up?
-There's no signal out there.
Nowhere in the area.
-I suspected as much.
-And they have a damn Wi-Fi filter.
I've had to do a lot of checking up.
But I think
there's a money delivery tomorrow.
Kent himself is going with it.
But one of the Poles is driving.
No, no. Johnny,
you have to be on that delivery.
-I don't know.
You'll think of something.
You have to be there.
This could be the key
to the whole case.
I think other things
are happening in there too.
Okay. Like what?
Really strange things.
I had to dig a grave, for instance.
Okay. For whom?
That's the thing, it's still empty.
That's not a whole lot to work with.
I saw a drugged girl.
16-17 years old, no older.
She was barely able to stand.
And the girls I got there with,
the foster kids,
they're the same age.
As Alexandra?
-You can't save every girl you see.
What do you mean?
What happened to your daughter
wasn't your fault.
What? Why do you bring up Alexandra?
Sorry. Nothing.
-How is that related to Alexandra?
-It's not.
Johnny, you're here because we want
to expose their money deliveries.
If you fish around for other stuff,
you'll lose Kent's trust.
I'm not fucking fishing around
for anything.
Right, but we have to do
one thing at a time. Okay?
Start with this now.
Go out.
Shelf two, you'll find the putty.
Get it, go to the till and pay.
I have to be in there.
At least I'm not behind
a damn till.
-So, which ice cream do you want?
-I think
I have to tell you
what happened on Saturday.
It was 2-2, and there
was like five minutes left.
And the defender
passed the ball to me
And I just ran,
and I passed to my team member.
-Stop it.
-This is looking good.
-Fantastic values.
How is he doing today?
The blood counts are really good.
He's put on 122 grams.
Lovely Dad.
-Maud is on her way.
-Right, that's great.
-Should we take the pump up?
-No, that's not necessary.
So, it was your dad's
hot air balloon?
Have you ever been up with it?
No, we started to mend it just
Just before he passed away.
When are you taking me up
for a flight?
So you want to fly it?
Maud, it's taken us so long
to get here.
There's been so many delays
and failures.
We have to try this in earnest.
Yes, but I believe in free will,
as you know.
-She herself must want it.
-Yes, I understand.
But as a doctor, and the one
responsible for this project,
I say that it doesn't matter.
We're just wasting time.
Or, what do you think?
I know nothing about medicine,
but you have to remember the goal
and remind yourself
that if you want to get there,
every decision might not be easy.
So you agree with Susanne,
in other words?
It doesn't matter what any of us
in here think,
because Victor and Nicole are
on the way to the lake for a swim.
It took me a long while
to find these girls.
I think that if we don't act now,
all of this is in vain.
But seriously,
of course we should fly.
Maud would flip out if she saw
that I was tinkering with his stuff.
She flipped out somehow
when Dad died.
But what is she going to do?
It's not like she can fly after us.
You never know.
She might follow on a broom.
She's actually not that bad.
Not when you get to know her
at least.
So that's why you'd rather live
in an old barn? Okay.
I'll have to believe you.
What the hell?
Why is he here?
What the hell are you doing?
-What the hell are you playing at?
-Put her in the car.
Let go of me!
What the hell are you doing? Victor!
Let go of me!
-Let me go!
-Calm down.
-Let me go!
-Stand still!
Hello? Tell them to let me go!
-Can't anybody shut her the fuck up?
Get into the car.
Let me go!
Let go!
-Hold her still.
-Let me go!
There, there.
Lift her into the car.
I'm sorry,
but you have to listen to me now.
We have a new girl.
She's absolutely magnificent.
She has a well chiselled face.
Very beautiful.
And she's got strong shoulders
and long legs.
She's shown exceptional strength
and coordination.
Absolutely fantastic.
Well, she's hard to impress.
But that's exactly the kind we need.
But it's like you say,
you can't build a society
with only obedient people.
We need the strong and the brave.
Like Nicole.
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