Prayer Beads (2004) s01e03 Episode Script

It's me

Eisei Gekijo Production Planning by Sedic International Directed and Supervised by Masahiro Okano PRAYER BEADS Third Bead Eita Mineko Otsu IT'S ME What's taking them so long?! Yes.
This is Yamaoka.
Hello? Hello? Who is it? Is this a prank call? It's me.
Who? It's me, grandpa.
You remember? Huh? Who is it? It's me.
You still don't know? Oh, Yoshio? Yes, Yoshio.
Well, this is unusual.
How are you? What are you calling about at this hour? Well I need your advice, grandpa.
I've done something terrible.
What? Uh Fact is What happened? Grandpa I I hit someone with my car.
What? I hit someone with my car.
When? This morning.
Are you hurt? No, I'm OK.
But the other party What about the police? I didn't report it.
Why? You have to report such a case.
I'm discussing a settlement with them now.
They told me to call my family.
What can I do to help, Yoshio? You're the only one.
Let me speak to them.
Your grandson hit one of our guys.
We need settlement.
I'm really sorry.
What's done is done.
So long as you show your sincerity.
You know what I mean, grandpa? Well, if we report it to the police The police? Oh, the police.
Of course.
OK Let's go report it right now! And throw your grandson in jail! There's no need for that.
So what should we do.
You tell me.
How much will he pay? One million.
So little? I don't think that will settle things.
Eh, Yoshio? That got you! Got you there! Your face! Yuki, how much have we made this month? You didn't have to shoot.
Reality is important in performance.
Sorry! Don't make such a terrified face.
Eh, Yoshio? Why don't we stop this? Never! Let's try harder.
Yuki, where should we try next? I've had enough.
Let's try harder! We've made money.
Didn't you hear me? Let's try harder.
Don't sit there whimpering.
Get down to the bank! I'd really shoot.
You just did, didn't you? So it's you? Recently moving around on my turf.
Bit rude, isn't it? Barging in without a word.
Even in your line of business you start with greetings, right? Sorry? What? Sorry.
Sorry for what? For the discourtesy.
As long as you understand.
You're leaking.
What? Red stuff.
You're so messy.
I'm a cleanliness freak.
I hate dirty things.
Do this.
Say "yee.
" Thank you.
My company.
So slow.
Hello? It's me.
Yuki? How are you? It's Yuki.
I'm fine.
Classic! Same name as you! So what's it going to be? How much will she pay? She's got a bad back, can't go out.
I've to go and pick it up.
Oh really.
I leave it to you then.
You better come back.
Ah, hold on.
What was his name again? Hello.
Hello! Yuki! It's been a while! You came back? You've certainly grown.
Uh, I'm Yuki's friend Sakiyama.
Oh, Sakiyama is it? Is that so? Yuki asked me to pick up his money.
Well, that's very kind of you, for my grandson.
Come in, come in.
Excuse me.
It's been a while! Must be a year already.
Mum and sis have gone out to the cinema.
Sit down.
If only they could have been here to see you, Yuki.
No, I'm Sakiyama.
Oh, right.
Sorry, Mr.
Thank you for coming on behalf of my grandson.
Hold on a minute.
She's completely senile.
I wonder if she has any money at all.
What's wrong? Uh, nothing.
Nothing at all.
Aren't you hungry? Shall I make something? No, thanks, I'm fine.
If you could just get Yuki's money for him Oh, right.
I'm having it brought right now.
Wait a little bit longer.
Go on, have a nap.
I must have dozed off.
Had a weird dream.
This is all there is.
Please eat, Yuki.
No, really okay.
I know youngsters don't eat this anymore.
That's not true.
I like it.
So eat up.
Thank you.
Well, how is it? Tastes like old times.
I pickled them myself.
It's been a while since I had such good pickles.
Would you like some dinner? Uh, no.
No thanks.
If you could just get the money What am I doing here? Oh well.
Thank you.
Take this with you.
What is it? Some pickles.
Thank you.
Bon appetit.
I'm jealous of Yuki.
Having such a great home.
Mmmm delicious.
That's good.
It's great.
Yuki liked the quiet ones, too.
I have to go now.
Welcome back.
Did Yuki come back? He came this evening.
I thought I heard voices.
He's as impetuous as ever.
Was he here before we went out? Yes, he was already here.
I thought so.
Yuki is so impetuous.
He really is.
There's still two days before his deathday anniversary.
Does he still not know who he is? Looks like it.
He doesn't even recognize his own picture.
So he's come back.
Three years now? How long do you think he'll keep returning? That I don't know.
I look forward to seeing him every year.
But, in truth, I feel sorry for him.
What are you doing? Take it to Asami's place.
And get rid of this guy properly.
Don't forget the one in the trunk.
Hello? It's me.
Yuki? How are you? It's me.
I'm fine.
Directed by Naoki Kusumoto PRAYER BEADS REAL Azuma, listen to me! Your headaches won't go away! They'll get worse!
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