Quality Assurance in Another World (2024) s01e03 Episode Script


Nikola-san the NPC and
I have set out on a journey.
While in the town of Adan,
we ran into Sakai and Sumida,
debuggers from a different company.
They've been abusing debug mode
to entertain themselves in the game.
Sumida tried to take us with them by force,
but we used an in-game bug to best him.
Um, Haga-san, what are we
That Sakai guy might still be after us.
We need to be on guard at all times.
Gotta take it slow. And be careful.
Very careful.
Haga-san, I think I'm starting to understand.
I don't know why, but this world
feels incomplete in places.
And it's a debugger's job
to find those places, right?
That's pretty much the idea.
You and the other Seekers have a device
called a "debugger stone"
that you use to do your work.
It has strange powers,
which some people use to do bad things.
That's right.
But you don't use those powers at all, do you?
Why is that?
I'll tell you after we reach
the Advent Altar. Is that okay?
The Advent Altar
That's where Haga-san's companions are.
Our latest work.
Let's see
Nice job, NPCs!
Oh, Sakai-kun! Morning.
I heard you were late last night.
Were you and Sumida-kun
out having some fun?
Yeah, um, about that
A debugger taking the job way too seriously?
I didn't know anyone
was actually still working.
Why'd you let him get away, though?
Well, I may have let my guard down
Shall I go talk to him myself?
Nah, you don't need to do that!
I'm just worried about Sumida-san
Forget him. There's nothing we can do.
It's way too risky to search
outside the in-game areas.
I'm so glad he didn't order me to find him!
Anyway, check this out!
Oh, got something new?
Sure do. Wanna give it a taste?
Don't mind if I do!
That's good! Sweet and sour.
It's something called garlish.
Tastes kinda like a Chinese onion.
My grandma in Matsuyama used
to send me those all the time.
I made us all this!
Must've been hard
to get the flavor just right.
A taste of the real world,
you know what I mean?
Well then, we'll be going
Say, Sakai, I was about to play NPC darts.
Care to join me?
Sure thing.
If you'll excuse us
C'mon, now. No running away.
I'll take the first shot.
Go right ahead.
Get over there!
Wow, bullseye on the first try!
No, I was a little off.
Well done, well done!
My turn next.
I haven't played lately, so this is great.
Hey, that debugger Haga, was it?
Huh? Oh, yeah.
I feel like he might be trouble.
Just a hunch.
Maybe so, yeah.
We could catch him when he comes
here to the castle, but
I'd rather deal with him before
he becomes a problem, you know?
Good point!
He said it was half a day away,
but it's already been three!
Okay, we're here.
What an amazing building!
So this is the Advent Altar, huh?
I've never seen ruins before!
My companions are in the
dungeon underground.
Then let's go there, Haga-san!
Step back a bit.
Pattern C, huh?
It's a maze down here, so stick close, okay?
This dungeon is a DLC bonus,
so there are lots of nasty tricks.
Oh, get down!
Huh? Oh, right!
We'll be okay now.
He saw all the traps ahead of time!
Haga-san really is an elite Seeker!
There are only five enemy patterns,
and I come here so often
I've got them all memorized.
Oh, that reminds me
Don't touch the walls.
There are randomly placed switches
that will flood the dungeon.
Also, be especially careful not to
A gold piece!
You're amazing!
There are also some monsters
called Coin Boys.
They use coins as bait
and put adventurers to sleep.
Funny, right?
Huh? Nikola-san?
Nikola-san? Nikola-san!
We make you this offering!
We make you this offering!
We make you this offering, Wykirie-sama!
We make you this offering!
We make you this offering!
We make you this offering, Wykirie-sama!
Look at all this money I found, Haga-san.
We make you this offering!
We make you this offering!
We make you this offering, Wykirie-sama!
We make you this offering!
We make you this offering!
We make you this offering!
Are you okay?
Wykirie-sama! Wykirie-sama!
Nikola-san! I'm so glad I made it in time!
Thank goodness you're safe.
If they catch you,
it starts this sacrifice event.
Off you go!
I'm sorry for causing trouble for you!
I was blinded by greed.
I'm so, so sorry!
Nikola-san, it's okay.
It's all good.
It's fine.
All right?
Thank you Whew.
This place is scarier than I thought.
I promise I'll be on my best behavior.
Um, Nikola-san
Oh, I know!
Where are your companions?
You said they were in this dungeon, right?
R-Right there.
Under you.
Under me?
\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hAdvent Altar
The Advent Altar is a relic of old times.
It is a labyrinth crawling with magical creatures
from the continent as well as cultists.
Only adventurers who do not value
their lives go near it.
People who study sword and shield techniques.
Because there are no skill requirements to join,
the Clayborne Island warriors' guild has
the highest number of registered members.
That's Kuro-chan, one of my companions.
He got stuck in the geometry
while teleporting.
And he's slowly sinking in for some reason.
The other one is over there.
Can you see her?
Wh-What's happening to her?
Namiko-san had invincibility turned on
when she fell into that instakill trap.
So because she's invincible,
she's stuck in an infinite loop
of reviving and dying.
I've tried dragging them out and using
items to help them All kinds of stuff.
But nothing has worked.
For nearly a year now.
We used to be That's right.
We were originally a team of five.
You'll make your reports
with these debugger stones.
They're linked to your ID,
so don't lose them.
I'm sure you understand this,
but use of debug mode is off-limits.
You need to play the game the same way
users would or else this is pointless.
At first, everything was fine.
And guess what happened then!
Something this big came out!
I couldn't believe it!
Wow. So, what did you do?
I beat the stuffing out of it!
I bet you were terrified, Namiko-san!
I was not!
Namiko-san, the second item on this report
You need to shorten the summary.
You'll rewrite it for me,
won't you, Haga-chan?
Thanks a ton!
Namiko-san uses her "thanks a ton" attack!
Oh, fine.
Kidding, kidding! I was just kidding!
I'll do it myself tomorrow!
Haga really does take his job seriously.
Kuro-chan, why'd you strip?
I've got all these muscles now,
so I want to enjoy them!
Man, this is the best job in the world,
getting paid to play video games!
Kuro-chan, don't get the
wrong idea about that.
Your job isn't to play games.
It's working with them.
It sounds like they all
really enjoyed their jobs.
They did.
Until one day, Jin-san said
We can't log out.
What do you mean, we can't log out?!
Are you saying we're stuck in here forever?!
They're reading our reports, right?
If it's a bug, let's report it.
I've been including it on the sheets,
but nothing's come of it.
The emergency code isn't working either.
After that, everyone except Jin-san and I
started to use debug mode
to entertain themselves.
Want to fly to Adan and have lunch?
Hey, I think I can go really high
by messing with this parameter!
And this is the result.
Kuro-chan got stuck.
Namiko-san's in an infinite death loop.
Suzuki-san disappeared into
the sky and hasn't come back.
That's why
I'll never use debug mode!
So that's it.
That's why he's so careful
about everything.
Um, what about the guy
you called Jin-san?
I think he's gone further in the game.
Haga-chan, I'm going to try
and clear the game.
Maybe that will let us log out.
Would you keep trying ways to see
if you can rescue the others?
Okay, I will.
Do you remember what the
two guys we met in Adan said?
That there were people trying
to beat the game's story?
Does that mean they're
It's probably Jin.
He might be traveling
with a party he formed.
I've been trying for almost a year,
but nothing has worked here.
So I've decided to move out, too.
I see.
Kuro-chan, Namiko-san
I don't know if you can hear me,
but I'm going to do the story quests,
so I think I'll be gone awhile.
But I swear I'll be back to save you!
Okay, let's get going.
Nikola-san, the danger has passed
This is Haga's. This is Sumida's.
Nikola-san, those are important
Th-That's dangerous! Get down from there!
No, stay where you are! That's safer!
Why did she take the debugger stones?
And how is a villager NPC like her
able to jump like that?
Make something.
I'm hungry.
Make me a meal.
Um, Nikola-san, should you
really be eating that much?
This body has little stamina.
Take better care of it.
Make sure it gets enough food. And sleep.
Um, I've been wondering
Is it possible you're not Nikola-san?
I'm Tesla, a meta AI.
I'm borrowing this NPC's body,
you could say.
A meta AI?
There are three main types
of AIs in this game.
First, there's a character AI
defined for each NPC in the game.
Next, the navigation AI handles
things like environmental data.
Then there's a meta AI
that runs the entire game.
That's me.
I-I see
But why take over Nikola-san?
Because she was the closest
available NPC to you.
If you don't like it,
I can choose another NPC.
No, Nikola-san will do fine!
I see
So it was this meta AI
that revived Nikola-san?
The details don't matter.
What I want is for you to eliminate
from the game those foolish debuggers
who are using debug mode
to play around instead of doing their jobs.
Those foolish debuggers?
If they are not stopped,
the debugging will never be complete
and the game will never be finished.
I can appreciate that much,
but what does eliminating them mean?
The method is very simple.
Take this, and
W-W-W-W-Wait What?!
Don't worry. That was Sumida's.
That's not what I'm worried about.
We'll steal their debugger privileges,
one fool at a time.
You can have yours back.
Continue to eliminate
those foolish debuggers.
But, why?
Why me?
If you're a meta AI, can't you do it yourself?
I don't have authorization
to interfere directly with players.
You're the only one in this area who's
actually doing your debugging job.
Work hard.
Y-You're back!
Huh? Weren't we underground?
I feel sick to my stomach.
You ate too much food.
And a debugger stone.
Still eliminating debuggers, huh?
Haga-san has been down since we
left that underground dungeon.
Do I have to keep doing stuff like that?
I can't hack it.
I can't!
I've gotta do something!
Haga-san, look!
There's a village!
Let's stock up on food there.
Good idea.
We went through most of
our food yesterday, after all.
Actually, you went through most of it.
I knew it! This place isn't on the map.
There was a location
I hadn't discovered this close?
Hey, you there!
Who are you?
Where did you come from?
Don't move!
Make one wrong move and you'll regret it!
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