Rafuchakkar (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

Magic Biscuits

Please clap.
Dad & Mom
Please come dad.
Come. Welcome, dad.
Dad, look at this.
I've ordered for the best
tyres in the market.
The huge ones. Even bus tyres.
Have started a workshop too.
To repair cars right here.
- Congratulations.
- What are you doing?
Never imagined you to be saying this.
But you make me feel proud today, bro.
But it hardly makes a difference.
Whom I want to impress
is always unhappy.
And it's just a shop, not a mall.
That too will happen soon.
At least you'll remain glued here.
You taunted me when I was jobless,
and are doing the
same when I have a job.
Just stuff your evil mouth with candies.
Everybody is always upset!
You're celebrating,
but how will you repay
the loan of 1 million?
1 million?
Calm down.
I'll repay it.
By stuffing your boss's mouth
with candies?
Does anyone take a loan on 15%?
Even bank gives loan
at a minimal interest.
Am I wrong?
You borrowed money from the boss?
You know
the consequence of delaying
EMIs even for a few days.
He'll cut the exact pound
of your flesh.
I will repay.
Don't you trust me?
Let's watch,
for how long
will he keep harping on trust.
You've inaugurated the office.
Dad is here.
It's the right time
for our wedding proposal.
Go on, impress him.
Not only your dad,
but will charm your entire family.
Impress them!
All the best.
What do you think?
I echo your thoughts.
All bark and no bite.
Hey, he is my future husband.
- No negativity about him.
- Fine
but how are you going to stop the world?
Just a moment.
Hello, Mr. Agarwal.
Have yet not received the money.
And if I don't receive it on time.
I'll shut shop your factory.
Do you get it? Bye for now.
- Dad.
- Uncle.
What happened?
- Uncle.
- Dad.
Bring water.
- Bring some water.
- Water.
- Bring some water for him. Uncle.
- Dad.
Bring water.
- Bring water.
- Bring water.
Your strong dad is
worried, since a month.
Factory is shut, since a month.
And you didn't mention it to me.
Dad doesn't trust me.
But you are skeptical about me too.
No, that's not true.
What would I have told you?
You're always engrossed in yourself.
Dad's factory has been sealed.
The new inspector has rejected
the factory biscuits
on basis of quality.
I tried applying for a new license.
He didn't issue it too.
Export order, local sale,
everything is shut.
10 million rupees is stuck
in the business.
And a loan of 5 million too.
Which I took for a bulk order.
The food quality
inspector wants a bribe.
The matter can by resolved by paying him.
Have already bribed him.
But he wants much more.
Or the factory will be shut permanently.
- Listen to me.
- My dad's lifelong effort
will all go in vain.
- He is laying in the hospital.
- Listen to me. Listen.
Your dad doesn't trust me. Isn't it?
But I'll have to do something.
Don't worry.
I'll help.
Stop crying, come on.
Stop crying.
Mrs. Dimpy Patel.
Do you recognize Pawan Kumar Bawaria?
Not Pawan Kumar.
Kirtan Gada.
Friends, I'm Kirtan Gada.
You can call me KG.
Well, I firmly believe,
we all are beautiful.
We all are beautiful.
But I can see a lot of friends here.
Somewhere their confidence
is a bit shaken up.
They are low on confidence.
And I promise,
to regain their confidence at any cost.
Oh wow!
So, I have for you personally.
Personally, made a fitness plan for you.
And that is because,
we all are fabulous.
- What are we?
- Fabulous.
- What are we?
- Fabulous.
We all are fabulous.
Thank you.
Thanks a lot.
Thanks a lot.
Glad you liked it.
Thanks a lot.
Please follow this.
It is a very good program for you.
You'll benefit a lot from it.
- Alright. Thank you. Stay healthy.
- Excuse me.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- I'm Dimpy Patel.
- Hi, Kirtan.
Hi. Your presentation
was very interesting.
Oh, you found it interesting?
Hope you found it impressive too.
I'll only be impressed
when I get the results.
After this,
can we meet for a quick cup of coffee?
I'm really sorry, I don't have coffee.
It has a lot of caffeine.
- It's poison for the body.
- Really?
In fact,
if you want to remain fab and fit.
You'll have to quit coffee.
Maybe tea?
Look I'm the head of the Pretty
Kitty club, Ahmedabad division.
I was thinking of enrolling
in your program.
I have 30 members along with me.
They would enrol too.
But for that, we need to
personally meet over a cup of
- Green tea?
- Sure. Green tea works. Yes.
Diet. Exercise. Yoga.
Healthy food. Blah blah.
It's included
in all fitness programs.
What's your specialty?
You are misunderstanding.
Fab Fit isn't a fitness program.
No. You are getting it wrong.
It's actually a technique.
When we share our sorrows.
It's reduced.
When we share our happiness.
It's doubled.
And I give both to my clients.
So, the happy cells within them.
Gets activated.
Endorphin release?
No, come on. You got that?
Oh, I'm impressed.
Not many people get it.
There's a saying.
You lose weight on your mind,
and your body just follows.
Should I give you a sample
of my PhD knowledge?
You have body dysmorphia.
Dysmorphia, Your Honour.
Deformity or abnormality.
Embarrassed by your body size or shape.
Most beauty products target on this.
Claim to make dark skin, fairer.
Claim to make you thin.
Zero figure, etcetera, etcetera.
Taking advantage by creating
the fear of being ugly in you.
Many people go into depression due that.
Mr. Pawan Kumar Bawaria
did exactly the same.
He used the psychological warfare
to his advantage.
Once the person
was psychologically trapped.
He or she was an easy target.
Oh, so does Rituji mean that,
Pawan impersonated as Kirtan,
and mesmerized naïve helpless women.
- Dyso - Dysmorphia.
- Yeah exactly.
What proof do you have
that it was Pawan Kumar?
I sympathize with her.
But she wasn't cheated by Pawan Kumar.
Rituji wants to play mind games
and mess up the case.
Mind games.
Thank you, Jaidevji.
Your Honour, Mr.
Pawan Kumar Bawaria did exactly that.
Mind games.
Let me explain a theory.
Any idea about algorithm?
Pawan with the help of a computer coder,
targeted his victims,
then with the help of algorithms,
he used his trump card.
Rituji, no theories.
Explain practically.
Hi, for happy families.
What's for breakfast?
I've made fried chickpeas.
And potato curry.
Spread the butter on the bread.
'Unhealthy food habit,
and negative mindset'.
'Bid them bye'.
Skimp on the butter.
We all want to be perfect.
Everybody wants to be just perfect.
But everybody is imperfect.
And imperfection is so beautiful,
isn't it?
Bull shit.
Perfection is just a step ahead of us.
The time to take the step
forward has to be decided right now.
As the clock is ticking.
Attacking the confidence.
What Mr. Pawan Kumar
did as Kirtan Gada
was psychological assault.
I object.
Thank you.
And after that?
Do you see the mirror?
You see in it an unhappy face,
an unfit body,
and an underconfident person.
But henceforth, neither there nor here.
You'll never see it.
when you look into the mirror.
It will reflect a confident person.
With a fit and a desirable body.
So, let's get ready to be fit and fab.
- Fit and
- Fab.
- Fit and
- Fab.
- Fit and
- Fab.
Come on, Dimpy.
You can't be tired like that.
Come on hold it. Hold it.
Very nice. Keep the energy.
Breathe. Keep breathing.
Very important. Alright.
Be straight. Keep the hands here.
Always hold the machine. Alright.
You'll never lose your balance. Yeah.
Yeah, like that.
Look at you, gorgeous.
Just see there, focus.
Fantastic, alright.
Actually KG,
I have won many beauty contests
at college.
But now when I see myself.
And in magazines and on TV,
when I watch models my age.
My confidence is absolutely shattered.
Rajiv, my husband.
last we got physical
was about 2 years ago.
You burn 400 calories by sweeping
and mopping once.
You can work out by every chore,
Now that you're cleaning,
then the corner there too.
- Here?
- Yes.
A bit behind.
Right behind.
Look over there.
Okay here.
Let it be ma'am. I'll do it.
No problem.
But this isn't nice.
No worries,
henceforth I'll do the entire sweeping.
We followed KG's instructions to the T.
We got our results too.
We reduced weight
and our confidence level increased.
It felt like a divine energy.
Simply divine.
My husband's attention increased
from zilch to infinity.
In fact, even romance was back.
And still is.
Be quiet.
And then?
We all were bamboozled.
- Yes.
- Ready for one more lap?
- Yes.
- Alright then let's go for it.
- Come on!
- Yes.
Hey, what happened?
Hey, what happened?
Call the doctor.
Call the doctor.
Sir, sit. Sit.
I think you should relax.
Do you have the inhaler?
I often had asthma attacks, earlier too.
But after Fab Fit.
I have recovered a lot.
But I am fine.
Are you sure, you're fine?
I'm absolutely fine.
You still have 2 laps left.
Come on. Go for it.
Come on everybody. I am fine.
So, are you guys excited?
- Yeah.
- Ready for one more round?
I'm really doing.
Wow, this is so nice.
So beautiful.
Beautiful indeed.
Simply wow.
You'll worked so hard.
But this visible transformation.
This is just the beginning.
The real transformation is yet to come.
Who amongst you, would like
to be a premium member of Fab Fit?
That too at just 5 lakh rupees.
- How many of you?
- Yeah.
That's amazing. Alright.
Well, look.
I'll give you this card.
It's a membership card.
Be alert, you have to tap its bar code.
You can pay right now on Fab Fit's app.
And not only will you become a member.
But will get goodies from Fab Fit too.
So, are you excited?
Give it to everybody. Everybody.
There you go. Very nice. Very nice.
Give everyone.
Yes, for you too.
Make sure
you can make payment
on Fab Fit's app right now.
Isn't that amazing?
So, excited. Go for it.
- Done.
- Done.
- Done.
- Yes.
Congratulations. You all have
become, premium members of Fat Fit.
Listen, you'll have become members but,
I am sure of one thing.
You'll have worked really hard.
You'll deserve a break for 3 days.
Because our body and our mind,
needs to relax.
So, it's time to relax,
So, I'll see you all in 3 days.
- And we all are Fit and
- Fab.
- Fit and
- Fab.
- Fit and
- Fab. - Amazing.
See you after 3 days.
Take it easy.
See you, bye, bye. See you.
What's this?
Let it go. Eat this.
And what is this?
Whatever it is, eat it.
Or very soon you'll
start looking like my dad.
- Dad?
- Yes.
Biscuits with Pizza? How can I?
2 biscuits a day, minimum.
One for lunch.
No, you'll have a meal for lunch.
One for breakfast. One for snack.
That's it.
What about dinner?
You'll have gruel.
This tastes very familiar.
Let it be. Instead of stuffing
such junk, rather eat biscuits.
You'll have 6 packs instead
of family packs.
And by the way,
these products are patented by Fab Fit.
Patented or not,
but I have surely tasted this before.
Who runs Fab Fit?
- Who is KG?
- Kirtan Gada.
My health and mind coach.
The visible change
in my figure is courtesy him.
Changes in you?
Kirtan Gada.
- Hello.
- Shailesh.
Yes, sir.
Sending you a biscuit sample.
Yes sir.
- Test it in the lab.
- Okay sir.
I want its content report in an hour.
- Okay sir.
- Fine, hurry up.
Yes sir.
Why did you call Shailesh?
Try to solve the puzzle.
Yes, puzzle.
- Just a moment.
- Come on empty the stuff.
Excuse me sir.
There is a gym named Fab Fit here.
Where are you taking the stuff?
Where is Kirtan Gada?
I don't know madam.
A guy had leased this place for a month.
This place was rented?
Yes, ma'am.
He had a salt and pepper look.
Long hair with a pony tail and beard.
People called him KG.
Some building guy might know him.
I don't know much,
except that he had rented this place.
That's all I know.
Where is my truck with goods?
Hurry up, I am waiting since long.
My husband was right.
He kept warning me, 'KG will dupe you'.
Mr. Shailesh.
Yes ma'am.
please inform the court
about the lab report.
Yes, ma'am.
The biscuit given to me by Mr. Patel,
it's content and component,
were not only similar
to biscuits of Agarwal industries,
but were exactly the same.
Apart from that,
the herbal juice was common green tea.
The weight loss was
mere a placebo effect.
Hope you're aware of the placebo effect,
I would like to again call
Mrs. Dimpy Patel to the witness box.
- Granted.
- Thank you.
Thank you.
Tell us, how much did you spend on
all the products, and Fab Fit program?
- 5 lakhs.
Imagine the kind of a man he is.
He played
with the emotions of naïve women,
not only did he rob them
but also broke their trust.
This guy has not
only robbed their money,
but their time,
emotions and self-respect.
I know, Jaidevji will want proof now.
Your Honour, the story is yet to unfold.
And for that I would like to call
upon head constable Brijesh Beniwal.
Permission granted.
Please inform the court,
the nexus between Pawan
Kumar and Kirtan Gada.
Don't think like a cop, but
try to understand the psyche of Prince
Don't think of ways to nab him,
rather think how will he evade you.
Do you really have to preach,
before some great news?
So, what's your discovery?
As per instructions,
I have activated the
network of informers.
Initially we nabbed
a few petty weird thugs.
But today we have hit the bull's eye.
Have a look.
Ahmedabad's informer.
He revealed a man had duped
many women by selling biscuits.
But the interesting thing is,
nobody ever complained.
It's my money.
It's entirely my wish
to file a complaint or not.
Let bygones be bygones.
I don't want to get into this mess.
It's such a waste of time.
I am getting married next week.
And why should we file a complaint,
we've got results, right?
- Yes.
- Our lives have changed.
He was a fraud.
And influenced by you,
30 more people parted with their money.
You're to be blamed for them.
Had your hubby not returned
5 lakhs to each of them,
your life would've been miserable.
So, you better cooperate.
How did you know,
that they were from Agarwal biscuits
and not premium products of Fab Fit?
Food inspection is not only
my profession but passion too.
Once I taste it,
I can remember it till death.
Forget it. Let bygones be bygones.
So, what is gone,
please call back urgently. Get it?
We have dug your past too.
Anti-corruption guys are waiting
for single call from ma'am.
What do you want?
Do you want to inspect the jail food?
No sir, what are you saying?
That's not true.
Before being transferred
to Ahmedabad from Nainital,
I was getting a good deal from
a foreign buyer for handmade biscuits.
And Agarwal's quality was the best
in the market.
So, I got his food factory shut.
And I bought all his premium
products at half the price.
I have tasted
their products numerous times.
So, when I ate the Fab Fit biscuit.
It was a moment of epiphany.
It's true.
Is that all?
Or is there more to it?
My Lord,
okay fine, he was able to identify
it as Agarwal's product.
And were exactly the same
of his wife's diet biscuit.
But how is that even related
to Pawan Kumar?
Their connection is the main root.
As Agarwal Food is owned
by Pawan's father-in-law.
You must be aware of it, Jaidevji.
Aren't you his childhood buddy?
I don't know,
why Kewal Patel had a problem with me.
He shifted to Ahmedabad from Nainital.
But he wanted biscuits
from only my factory.
And he forcibly shut
my manufacturing unit.
I already had debts,
and house was mortgaged.
I requested a lot.
Even begged him.
Government had already certified
my quality.
But Patel had made my life miserable.
It was very difficult for me but,
thankfully though delayed,
my son in law found a buyer.
He was able to buy all the products
and raw material at market price.
You sold the entire products?
- At market price?
- Yes.
Wow, you won the jackpot.
Where is your son in law?
I printed an ad in
my community magazine.
Since dad was stressed,
I tried to help.
Within 2 days I got
a call from the buyer.
And received money within a week.
The products are already delivered
in Delhi.
Any details of the buyer?
I don't have details,
but had a number
But it's not reachable now.
- Note down the number.
- But I can't get through.
We will trace it.
'When he felt nervous,
or had to decide something,'
'He would rubbing his thumb.'
We need to take Vinita Pathania's
statement again.
Yes, you are right.
I need your finger print copy too.
Why do you want my finger prints?
Don't worry, it's a routine procedure.
Just for the records. That' all.
Thank you, Mr. Pawan.
Father-in-law in stress.
So, Pawan Kumar connects him
to an unknown buyer.
Pawan's plannings first stage research.
He first gathered all the information
of Keval Patel's wife Dimpy.
Like what she did,
the kind of people she moved
around with her social circle,
her social media friends,
and accumulated detailed information
of her internet search history.
Then he learned
about her Kitty Party group.
In which all the women were
heath conscious and fitness freaks.
Mind mapping.
Geographic targeting,
demographic targeting.
By collecting a data of your habits
and search pattern.
And manipulating
your ideas and thoughts.
When you search about a product.
Suddenly ads about
that products keep flashing at you.
Social media, parlour, hoardings
and even newspaper pamphlets.
He attacked from every corner.
Brand strategy, Your Honour.
Pawan Kumar Bawaria did exactly that.
He got to know about their drawbacks.
And then came the time to lay his trap.
Engrossing story.
My Lord,
this is Mr. Pawan Kumar's tyre
agencies business report.
And his CA's balance sheet.
Of the last 3 years.
He couldn't even sell a few tyres
in a year.
He is struggling hard to repay
his loan of 10 lakhs with interest,
for 3 years.
How can he sell goods worth
1.5 crores to 30 women in one go?
Well, that was his master stroke.
Conning people by wearing
a failure mask for his own interest.
My Lord, my sympathies
with the women duped by Fab Fit.
But they all just stated,
that they had benefitted.
Whosoever the conman was,
did complete his commitments.
He didn't steal their money
by putting a nozzle on their heads,
Neither is the story true,
nor are Rituji's evidences.
These are just circumstantial
evidences, that all.
I knew it,
after all this,
Jaidevji would still ask for proofs.
Your Honour,
I want permission
to conduct Pawan's polygraph test.
Polygraph test?
What kind of request is that?
So, by hook or crook, you want
to frame my client by unscrupulous ways.
maintain the courts decorum.
The report of a polygraph test
is often inaccurate.
I won't let that happen to my client.
Hope you won't let that happen too.
Fine, I agree.
Machine can be inaccurate. I accept.
I would like to call my next witness
to the witness box.
Mr. Agarwal.
Pawan Kumar Bawaria's father-in-law.
Call him.
So, Mr. Agarwal.
Your factory was sealed.
You were under depression.
Suddenly Pawan came
and solved all your problems.
If I am not wrong,
didn't you believe him to be a thug?
I mean, you do believe
that he is capable of duping.
That was in earlier days and
No explanation, Mr. Agarwal.
Just a yes, or no?
A leopard never changes his spots,
Your Honour.
That's all.
I agree polygraph
will not be an accurate test.
But even if there is one in
a million chance, then we must take it.
Many probable victims can be saved.
I request,
to grant permission of Pawan's
remand and polygraphy test.
- I object.
- Overruled.
Granted custody for 15 days,
and permission for a polygraph test.
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