Rurouni Kenshin (1996) s01e03 Episode Script

Swordsman of Sorrow: The Man Who Slays His Past

A brush against the freckles
that I hated oh so much
A small flicker, that's all,
and then I heave a little sigh.
The heavyweight love
that I once shared with you
Miraculously dissolved
with the sugar cube.
The little prick that I feel
on my bosom that has shrunken
from the little thorn
really hurts me now.
I guess I cannot trust those
silly horoscopes after all
I wonder what it would be like
if we could go further away right?
I'd be so happy
just because of that!
Memories I have are
always beautiful in my mind.
But they can't feed me:
they can't fill up my stomach.
In reality tonight was
supposed to be somber.
I really do wonder why
I just can't see how all of the tears were
streaming down his face that night.
I just can't see it anymore
Wandering Samurai
Rurouni Kenshin
Swordsman of Sorrow
The Man That Cuts The Past
The Kamiya School has
started on the path to reconstruction.
Along with our boarder,
Kenshin Himura the swordsman
we've added Yahiko
Myojin, my first apprentice.
So, on our third day of training,
we'll start with a deep breath as usual.
Close your eyes.
It's the first step of
the Kamiya Kasshin Style.
I'm sick of this Kasshin Style already.
When are you gonna teach
me how to beat enemies up?
That's the wrong way to think!
I've told you that the Kasshin
Style uses a sword to protect people!
Protect people?
Kenshin, I came here to get stronger,
not learn a style that protects people.
I want to learn your sword
style, that defeats enemies!
I don't intend to pass my style on
to future generations, that I don't.
Your teacher is Miss Kaoru, that she is.
Here, have a rice-ball.
Sheesh, Kenshin is so
He's so cruel!
After telling me to get stronger
He's making me deal
with a brat like you!
Why don't you eat the ones you made?
Because the ones
Kenshin made taste better!
You know, your spirit
sort of reminds me of myself.
I feel like I have a
delinquent younger brother.
L-I really do think you're strong
But after seeing Kenshin
But it's strange
What's such a strong guy
doing at a no-name school like this?
Hey, Kaoru.
What is Kenshin anyway?
How he fought
felt like he's killed a lot of people.
I know!
Maybe in the past, he was
a gangster!
And I'm sure the cops are still after him!
How cool!
That's true
Why is he wandering, anyway?
He was an Imperialist who
made the Meiji Revolution possible
It's a mystery why
Kenshin disappeared in the chaos
at the end of the Tokugawa regime.
Rumors say it was because he
had slain someone he shouldn't have
Or because he
knew too many secrets
and is wanted by the
new government officials
That's Miss Kaoru's lunch, that it is!
You'll bring it back here, that you will!
That moron.
Why is he keeping it a secret?
People are worried about him, too!
Now confess the truth!
I shouldn't pry into people's pasts
Um, you know.
I probably shouldn't be asking this.
But can you tell me a little
What is it?
Where's Kenshin?
He just went to buy some tofu.
Tonight will be a feast
He's making enough
for my family as well!
L-I see
W-What do you want?
Bring us the headmaster of this school!
You should introduce
yourselves before asking for favors.
W-Why you!
T-That's me!
Assistant Master Kaoru Kamiya.
What is it?
You're awfully rude!
We are the police!
Even a baby would know
that just by looking at you!
Kenshin Himura, the
Battousai, has to be here.
Do they mean
Battousai the Manslayer?
Kenshin is?
Many suspects in the false
"Battousai" case confessed
that the real
Manslayer is at this school.
Hiding him is considered a
crime against the government.
What are you saying Kenshin has done?
That is a government secret that
only the man waiting outside knows.
Allow us to investigate!
Do you want to be punished by
death along with the Battousai?
Yahiko, go tell Kenshin that
he'll be caught if he comes back!
G-Got it!
Hey, wait! Hey, wait!
Stop! Stop!
I found you
Soon, I will see you
Himura, the Battousai!
Hurry! Hurry!
Me too!
If you fret, the tofu will crumble, that it will.
Look, he's still got a sword!
You have some nerve.
To break the sword
prohibition in broad daylight.
In front of police swordsmen, no less.
How about a match?
We'll let you go if you win.
There are children here
So I rather would not.
Besides, this is a reverse-blade sword.
A reverse-blade sword?
You couldn't slay a
mouse with that thing!
Not even worth mentioning.
It's all right now, that it is.
They're bad people!
You have to say you're
sorry when you spill something!
You have to!
You are right, you are.
Out of the way!
Make way for the police swordsmen
who keep kids from crying in fear!
Police swordsmen
You shoplifter, you've got this coming!
Please forgive me.
It was all spur of the moment
Shut up!
P-Please forgive him
He did shoplift, but it
was only one hand-towel
The police swordsmen do not have
to take part in a small affair like this.
We can handle it now.
Is a small town cop
trying to tell us what to do?
Are you saying this knowing
that we are officers from Satsuma?
N-No, I
Get lost.
Are you all right?
Hey, you look like you
want to say something
We are an elite group,
the police swordsmen
Unlike you wimps, we
are allowed to carry swords.
Thus, we are authorized by
the government to slay people!
Come on, fight us
We're sure to chop you up.
Kenshin, where are you?
P-Please wait!
Why my father too?
He sided with a criminal.
Dammit, you're in the way!
someone, please, help us!
My father is innocent!
Arrest the girl too.
Stop it!
I dunno what's going on,
but you guys are messed up!
Are you all right?
Teach them a lesson!
Execute them all!
We have to kill occasionally so we
don't dull our instincts as swordsmen.
Let go of me!
An execution?
They're all innocent people
This is for the public peace!
By picking out evil in its infancy,
we prevent crimes from happening!
You are the ones who are evil!
Stop, they'll kill you too!
So where is that spirit from earlier?
Do it.
Hey, stop it!
Kenshin, run!
There's a bunch of
people out to get you
Who are you?
Name yourself.
Kenshin Himura.
All those who are restrained here.
If they truly have committed
crimes, I will repent for all of them.
So you are dissatisfied with us?
In this area of Tokyo, you must be
very sure of yourself to carry a sword
This guy is just a wimp!
No Are you sure?
I smell
blood from him.
There he is
I found him!
Red hair and a cross
shaped scar on his cheek!
Someone that looks like Himura
is fighting the police swordsmen!
Get her!
This may hurt!
I won't let the likes
of you have Kenshin!
Now, draw your sword.
I decline.
Kill them off one by one.
This is oppression!
We can't stay quiet anymore!
Even if you are the
authorities, don't let it go to your head!
You all have guts,
insulting the police swordsmen
I invoke the
Government Opposition Crime Law!
Arrest every last one of them!
I authorize the use of swords!
I don't care about
people who resist arrest.
Slay them!
Don't even scratch these
innocent people with your blades!
If you need an
opponent, I will fight you.
If you want to be forced to
crawl on the ground, attack.
Self-defense has
now been established.
Kill him.
Then there was one
You will swear to these townsfolk
never to be oppressive again, you will.
Afterwards, you can arrest me
using the sword law or for assault
Stop kidding!
Do you think I'd ever do that!?
Out of the way!
Out of the way!
Just get out of the way!
Oh, this is
That man!
Himura, the Battousai!
That stance!
The strongest style in Satsuma
the Jigen Style which is
said to never need a second strike!
The Jigen Style is a
strong style that is truly unique.
Facing Himura's Hiten Mitsurugi
Style, it is completely useless.
That was great, man!
I can't believe it!
You defeated all of
them without killing anyone!
You're our hero!
You don't have time to loiter!
The cops are coming for you!
You're a fugitive from the government,
and you even fought police swordsmen!
Arrest him!
Y-Your Excellency!
Judging by the crowd's reaction, it
is obvious who was serving justice!
Release those people!
And severely punish those
men for their oppressive acts.
Himura, we finally meet again.
I've been searching
for you for ten years now
You grew a mustache, Mr. Yamagata.
B-Be respectful!
Who do you think this
Do you still not understand?
Himura is a hero who saved the lives
of many Imperialists with his sword!
Behave accordingly!
Aritomo Yamagata?
So, you mean that
He's important or something?
You mean you don't know?
Aritomo Yamagata, Lord
of the Imperial Meiji Army!
The politician that
stands at the top of Japan!
I have a carriage waiting over there.
I have something that I
must speak with you about.
Can't you tell me here?
It's just like you to say that.
Without you, the Revolution
probably would not have happened.
As one who helped form this country
I want to welcome you as a
key officer in the Imperial Army.
Your comrades from the
Revolution are waiting for you.
Please, lend your powers to
the Meiji government, Himura!
Unfortunately, I have
no wish whatsoever
to be given a key position
as a reward for manslaughter.
As I thought
Your disappearance was a show
of determination to never kill again
You say you killed people, but it
was a noble aspect of the Revolution.
For those who cannot
admit this, I will use my
authority to put them down.
That train of thought
is what creates
conceited men like them.
We once fought with our swords.
Not for power or glory, but for a world
where people could live in happiness.
And if you forget that
you're just usurper.
But, Himura
Times have changed.
It is the Meiji era now!
There is a sword prohibition,
and the samurai have died out!
You can't do anything in this Meiji era
with just one sword without power!
Even if it's just the
people that I see as I walk by
I can protect them
with one sword, that I can!
I won't give up, Himura
Even if it's just the
people that I see as I walk by
I can protect them
with one sword, I can!
A sword which protects others, huh?
What's wrong, Yahiko?
What you are going to learn is
not the sword style of a manslayer
It is a sword that
protects other people.
Become stronger
using the Kasshin Style.
To protect other people?
Oh, all right!
I'll be one of Kaoru's students!
Where'd that come from?
You've been my
student from the beginning.
Don't treat me like a kid!
You are a kid!
Why, you!
Today I found out a little bit
about why Kenshin is a wanderer.
To not be trapped in
anything, to live life as it flows by
To protect others
freely with his sword.
That's the Kenshin that we know.
When seeing those
eyes of yours with that gleam
my heart skipped a
beat that lazy afternoon.
My whole body felt nervous and very stiff
as if you were
testing my love for you.
Feeling the point from
the air and from you
I shivered all over
from my love for you.
A crunch on the sand,
I bite down the grit.
I aim at your will
as the day turns to night.
I am hoping soon you
will use your delicious lips
and let me have some of
that good wine that's over there.
When they are united
under the bright full moon
a man and a woman
will find true eternity.
Passionate lady, ah gimme your love.
Mysterious lady, I need your love.
The lonely eyes you show
once in a great little while
I can't tell if it's the truth or just a lie.
Honestly lady, ah gimme your love.
Now feel it coming lady,
I need your love.
I'm always thrown right around by
all the things you always do.
The fervor of passionate love
crazily dances within my heart.
Life has been anything but calm
since Kenshin started living here.
This time, the rough Sanosuke
challenges Kenshin and stirs things up!
He really doesn't
look like such a bad guy
Next episode of Rurouni Kenshin
One Word: Evil. The Fighter Sanosuke Appears
Please look forward to it!
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