Secrets of Summer (2022) s01e03 Episode Script


[cicadas chirping]
[gentle music playing]
I'm sorry. I can't.
[upbeat music playing]
[music stops abruptly]
Yeah, like that. [sighs]
[snoring resumes]
[intriguing music playing]
[crying softly]
[bittersweet music playing]
You're up early?
How are you feeling today?
You look better.
I am. Thank you. Thanks for asking.
Things have been difficult.
Yeah. [sighs]
People think a working vacation
is the same as an actual vacation,
but it's a lot more work than that.
Don't add waking you up to my list.
Get up, sleepyhead. Up!
- No.
- Come on, my Nati, Nati.
[pop song playing]
[in Spanish] I went looking for you
You're special ♪
We're together, baby
For better or for worse ♪
I know you said this is all a game ♪
I was hoping
You'd change the rules later ♪
You're with that other guy
He doesn't love you very much ♪
Sometimes you think he's crazy ♪
I'm not wrong ♪
If you had given me a chance ♪
Something good could've happened ♪
And now I'm telling you too bad ♪
Too bad ♪
Too bad you're with him ♪
Too bad you don't see me ♪
Too bad ♪
Too bad I didn't find you ♪
[in English] Too bad. Too bad it's over.
You just heard the Monzo Bros,
exclusively here on Ian Tech.
I'll see you next time, Techis.
And don't forget to like,
share, subscribe for more
[all] Ian Tech.
- Wow!
- Whoa!
- That was amazing, bro. Really.
- Except now you know it's, uh, your turn.
Hold this.
[quirky music plays]
What, dude?
"Chocolate with almonds
and raisins."
"Dark chocolate and cranberry truffles."
"Four white chocolate bars."
"More chocolate
and caramel truffles. 301."
- What is this?
- Those are Steffi's favorite chocolates.
And 301's her room number
so you know where to send them.
I think you should leave a note
saying something like,
- "This is to sweeten your heart, Steffi."
- I dig it.
Improvise, you know? If you do all that,
I'm sure you'll win some major points.
If this works, you might get another vid
from us or for Ian Tech.
I'm gonna go upload it right now.
Bring the drone to my room
whenever you can.
- See ya.
- You guys are great.
Let me see that.
That guy's a genius.
Ah, there you are.
So, I have bad news for you guys.
It's clear that the staff of this hotel
won't respect our contract,
so you have until lunch to pack your bags.
We're leaving this town.
[quirky sting]
Excuse me, Augusto. I'm looking for Tony.
He said he was going to see you.
Oh, he's not been by here.
- What's wrong?
- [Luz] We have a problem with Matrix.
- [Augusto] Did something happen?
- [Luz] She tore up the contract.
- They're leaving. Um
- [Augusto] Why? Why would she do that?
I'll leave you alone.
But if you see Tony,
tell him I'm looking for him?
See you later?
Sure. Give me five minutes.
What happened?
- I'm trying to fix it, but
- But?
But I don't think the Monzo Twins
are going to be staying.
- I have bad news too.
- Huh?
I don't think we're gonna be able
to make the bank payment.
[sighs] Take a look.
"We have not received your payment."
"Please send the full amount
as soon as possible."
- So how much time do we have?
- Not enough.
With these numbers,
we're gonna have to close Cielo Grande.
And we only have four male competitors
and a female competitor for Summer Crush.
[upbeat music playing]
[Luz] Hey. How are you? Sorry I'm late.
Is everything okay?
Yeah, yeah.
I'm just a little worried about the hotel,
but nothing we can't fix.
Saw you carrying stuff with your friends.
Are you moving or what?
Something like that, yeah.
We're, like, digging up the past.
Ah, right.
I may have heard something about that.
Um Wait. Are you trying to tell me
I'm bad at keeping secrets?
- More or less.
- [all chuckle]
Pedro, you ready?
- [rock music playing]
- [Steffi] Whoo!
[mimicking guitar solo]
Hey there.
[music continues muffled]
I can't stop a song when I'm soloing.
- What's up with you?
- Monzo Bros? Out. Bye-bye.
You're leaving?
- [Matrix] Mm-hmm.
- All right.
I need to check you out in the system.
[quirky music plays]
- [receptionist sighs]
- [keys clicking]
And when do you plan on leaving?
[rock music resumes]
[music stops]
- Hi.
- Hey, what's up?
Hey, dudes. Sorry,
we already stopped serving breakfast.
- You're serious?
- Yeah.
Oh, Nati. Please make an exception.
We need your food to function.
Ooh. It's fine, Nati.
But you know, since you're leaving,
we shouldn't even serve you guys, okay?
Fine. Have a seat.
Let me go see what's left in the kitchen.
- Thanks, guys. You're the best.
- You're the best.
- Great people here.
- My boys! Are you ready to go?
Um, sure.
Well, more or less.
Well, we want an explanation.
Or two.
Explanation. Okay.
I'm so sorry,
but these people,
it's like they set my brain on fire.
They just never shut up,
and we really have to go.
For you, guys. It's the principle of it.
- That's different.
- Yeah.
They treat us like we're all friends
in a sitcom.
Matrix, look.
I just found the love of my life.
I can't leave now.
Look at me. This is for the best, okay?
Matrix, seriously, just make it work.
You would make me totally happy.
I have to sweeten her heart.
That is fine. This is fine.
All that's really important
is that you're happy.
Your hearts and all the rest.
I'll try, but I can't promise anything
because these randos are really difficult.
[both chuckling]
- Matrix, Matrix, one more thing.
- Sure.
I have a very, very important delivery
for room 301.
301, okay.
- "Chocolate."
- Mm-hmm.
- "Chocolate."
- Mm-hmm.
- "Chocolate."
- Mm-hmm.
- "And chocolate."
- Exactly! [chuckles]
I'll get right on it.
[joyful music playing]
[music fades]
[Luz] Then she tore up the contract.
Augusto wanted to save Cielo Grande
with their posts, and now
No idea. No idea.
Maybe it's best they leave, then.
Without a little respect,
this won't really work.
Anyway, tell me,
what's new in your life other than work?
Okay. I liked a Mexican instructor
when I was 15.
He left me in the friend zone
and broke my heart.
And I found out what doesn't kill you
makes you stronger.
Well, do you think
this is just a coincidence, then?
Maybe this is a sign.
No idea.
- I know I'm not 15 anymore
- But
- But
- [chuckles]
But this is, uh, very different.
- And we're working together now.
- We're working together. Mm-hmm.
Hey, little lovebirds,
smile for my followers.
[upbeat music playing]
Yeah, I tried, but nothing happened.
Did she turn away?
- Yeah, but Well, yeah.
- And what did she say?
I don't remember.
She said something, but
Oh no, man, oh, this sounds
so typical of the friend zone.
- [Julián] What? No.
- [Charlie laughs]
Oh boy, that's the first stage, bro.
All denial.
Then it's anger, which is when,
and only when you realize
you're actually in the zone.
Then the third stage,
when things get complicated,
that's all negotiation.
- Negotiation?
- Yes, man.
Negotiation is when you're there
[chuckles mockingly]
trying to make the person
you like want to go out with you.
Doesn't matter whether you realize it,
it's different.
- Oh, do you know the fourth stage?
- [Julián] Stop! There's a fourth stage?
Yes, dude. The fourth is just terrible.
- Depression.
- Oh.
When you there's no flip floppin' way
out of the friend zone. Ugh!
And of course, after that,
the best part which is the final stage.
It's the best? Okay, tell me about it.
It is acceptance.
Acceptance is when you are
completely aware of your situation
and you know
it's almost impossible to get out.
- Charlie, can't You see, your theory is
- Yeah, exactly what you're going through.
No, it's ridiculous.
I'm not even at the third stage.
- Oh yeah
- Uh, excuse me. We're ready.
- Should we wait?
- No, we're done. [chuckles]
Welcome. Is everyone ready?
Please see my very amazing pal right here,
the friend-zoned,
I mean Julián,
or me, depending on your last class.
Okay, great. Thank you. Let's go. Come on.
Bro, my man. Trust me.
I know so much about the friend zone
I could teach lessons all over.
That's not a bad idea.
Charlie, was that all a joke,
or did you mean with Luz?
Oh. [inhales sharply]
[rock song playing]
[song plays muffled]
[song plays loudly]
[song plays muffled]
- Dude, are you gonna work or what?
- [song plays loudly]
- [song plays muffled]
- [snoring]
- Hey!
- [snorts, gasps]
Hello. Hi there.
False alarm.
We aren't leaving. We're staying.
- Hmm, you're staying?
- We're staying, yes.
[receptionist clears throat]
- [keys clicking]
- [sighs]
Oh. Your rooms were reassigned.
What do you mean, reassigned?
- Reassigned.
- That's impossible. We have a contract.
Can you check it again, please?
Thank you.
I'll double-check. Hmm.
- [keys clicking]
- [chewing noisily]
[song plays loudly]
- Is this Toxic Trash?
- [song plays muffled]
I'm a huge fan of Toxic Trash.
There's nothing I can do for you.
Can Can you call Luz? Or
No, no, nothing I can do, but
[Matrix] Hmm.
- Maybe. I'll see. I'll call.
- [chuckles] Okay.
- I'll call her.
- Nothing?
- I'll call you.
- Okay. Thank you.
- Bye. Yeah.
- Bye.
[song crescendos]
[song ends]
Over there. That's the channel.
- [Luz] This is the river.
- [Steffi] It's awesome.
Hey, I know it's really
none of my business, but
you and Tony? [chuckles]
No. It was years ago. Hmm
I was 15. He was a few years older.
I had a crush on him.
And he just saw me as a girl with a crush.
Nothing happened,
and we were really just friends.
Well, between you and me,
he wasn't too happy
when we got to this place,
but since the very moment he saw you,
he has not stopped smiling.
And it's been a really long time
since I saw him so happy.
- Really?
- Really.
- Hey!
- [all laugh]
Girls, don't let me interrupt.
You sure took long enough with the rope.
Well, since that little rope is your job,
I guess I thought that you'd thank me.
- [Steffi] Hmm.
- [Tony laughs]
[upbeat music playing]
You're amazing, Steffi!
[Tony] Focus, Steffi.
Remember what we talked about,
one trick at a time.
Don't be thinking about the next move
until you've landed this one.
[music continues]
Hey! [laughs]
Perfect. You controlled that landing
really well. Great job, Steffi.
Good. Lots of style. Wanna keep training?
- You already know it, Coach. [laughs]
- All right.
[upbeat music playing]
[music stops]
Here's your juice.
So Nati,
how would you describe
this funky little resort?
- Super.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- Why super?
Well, I guess it's really the people
who make it, right?
[indistinct chattering]
Uh, dancing boy, I'm looking for Luz.
She's on the river with Steffi Navarro,
but I bet I can help you.
- No.
- [Charlie] Oh.
Sure. I have a
I have a delivery from Juan.
- Chocolates.
- Let's see. Chocola Oh wow!
Yep, it's a lot of chocolate.
Juan's teeth are, um,
sweet for Steffi, I guess.
Ah! Um, okay, Nati,
think you can handle this?
- Sure. I'll take care of it.
- Perfect.
[quirky music playing]
Eh, hmm.
[Luz] Great session. See you later.
Yeah, see ya. Bye.
I've never seen you so focused
on your technique.
You should get some rest.
See? Told you.
This competition is perfect for me.
I can stay active
without risking getting injured.
Hmm. The competition of your dreams. Hmm.
- What?
- [laughs]
Steffi, you must've noticed there aren't
any other competitors here at your level.
And I don't need them.
I'm here to enjoy myself,
and no one will take that away from me.
All right.
In that case, just enjoy. [laughs]
Anyone else? Anyone else wanna sign up?
Visiting the wake park, it's an adventure
for only the bravest. Don't miss out.
- You're gonna love it, girls.
- The bravest.
- Charlie, I was just thinking about
- Good exercise, thinking about
No. Your friend zone theory,
tell me what stage am I in again.
- Well, okay, I'd say you're in stage
- [Luz] Hey!
You eat lunch without me?
I thought you were going to wait.
We are waiting. Don't worry.
We ordered what you texted.
Yeah, we reserved a table
and the food is here.
Ah, you guys are the best.
After we eat, Nati and I are gonna work
on the storage room. Gonna join us?
- Sure.
- Sure.
- Sky Vibes tonight?
- Yeah.
Perfect. Can you help me
with the drinks? Let's go.
- Luz! Luz, Luz, Luz, do you have a minute?
- What is it?
What happened yesterday,
it wasn't okay.
[in Spanish] It's not about winning
Not about losing ♪
Our strength is trying ♪
It is now ♪
It's taking risks embracing truth ♪
[in English] You know what I think?
We could go with the word "friendship"
instead of using "truth."
Oh yeah?
[in Spanish] It's not about winning
Not about losing ♪
Our strength is trying ♪
It is now ♪
It's taking risks ♪
Embracing friendship ♪
- [in English] Yeah, I really like it.
- Your song is coming along.
Our song.
You're doing more work.
It was just an idea,
now it's so much more than that.
I think we make a good team, yeah?
Yes, totally.
- What about "Warm Beauty"?
- Huh?
I was thinking it could be
the next song we work on.
What's it about?
Um, it's about emotions
or about summer,
or maybe we could write it together.
Yeah, I'd love to.
Did she apologize out of the blue?
- Matrix?
- Yeah.
All happy, she just said
they're not gonna leave anymore?
Like what, as if nothing had happened?
Yeah, I just hope
she doesn't change her mind again.
She seems sorry, I think.
But hey, who knows? Anything can happen.
[key clicks]
Reception, we need two new rooms
for competitors.
Can you check in with housekeeping?
Do you copy?
Copy. But not understood, boss.
- What was that?
- I only heard the last part.
- I had my headphones on. [chuckles]
- We need two new rooms for competitors.
- Please check in with housekeeping.
- Relax, boss.
Good news.
We got two new entrants for Summer Crush.
And they left a message.
Take this. Call that number.
It seems someone's interested
in getting information.
- Wow, that's great. I'll handle it.
- Perfect.
- I'm going to look for the new guests.
- All right.
[tense music playing]
And who exactly are you?
[guitar playing joyful song]
[in Spanish] Wind on my face
No worries ♪
Imprinting the soul with sun rays ♪
Heat softly hits my palm ♪
I hold on to the moment
I feel calm ♪
I feel calm ♪
Warm beauty ♪
That sensation ♪
Warm beauty ♪
An invitation ♪
Moving through the waves ♪
That's my strength ♪
Warm beauty ♪
[Julián and Charlie laugh]
- [in English] Nice.
- Nice.
- Amazing! It's really coming along.
- Needs something, but we're close.
I just thought of an ending.
Can you play the chords for me?
You bet.
[in Spanish] Just connection, yeah ♪
Warm beauty ♪
An invitation, yeah ♪
Warm beauty ♪
- [in English] I love it.
- Done. You've finished it.
We'll follow you, Nati, we'll follow you!
We'll follow you, Nati, we'll follow you
We'll follow you, Nati, we'll follow you ♪
We'll follow you, Nati
We'll follow you ♪
We'll follow you, Nati
We'll follow you ♪
We'll follow you, Nati
We'll follow you, Nati ♪
- We'll follow you!
- [Charlie] Whoo!
Yo, yo, yo. Testing. Can't believe
these ancient things still work.
Ten points for reusing. [chuckles]
We're gonna need lights
and something else to finish the stage.
- Can we use this?
- [Nati] What is it?
The sails from the old boat.
We could use them there,
behind the stage.
And another ten points for reusing
this nautical swagger.
It's coming along.
Looks totally different already.
Less like storage, more like Sky Vibes.
[romantic chord plays]
Uh, remember
the things to recycle go over there.
I'll leave it here, then.
We love sustainability.
Don't we, Julián? What's this for?
For when we don't know what to do.
Twenty points for not knowing what to do!
- Ten points.
- [Luz] Perfect.
- Go, team!
- Go, team!
- [upbeat music playing]
- Yeah!
[knocking on door]
- [music stops]
- [sighs]
- Nati!
- Hey!
- Hey.
- Looks like you have a secret admirer.
- [Steffi] Chocolate?
- Yeah.
- Thank you.
- No problem. Hope you like it.
Oh, I hate chocolate.
"You have sweetened my heart."
"Now why don't you let me sweeten yours
with this chocolate?"
"Truly yours forever. Juan."
[knocking on door]
What are you doing here?
Did anyone see you?
No one saw me.
I wanted to talk to you. [sighs]
Fine. You can stay in here,
but I'm gonna take a quick shower.
Cool. No problem. I'll wait.
What's that?
Check out who sent it.
Your little friend, Juan. [laughs]
- Huh.
- They're all yours.
- You know how much I hate chocolate.
- And my face loves it.
Hey, well, I'm gonna hop in the shower.
Don't eat too much.
Mm. Mm. Mm.
[blows long note]
[both chuckle nervously]
So, how is everything? How did it go?
[sighs] These first few days
have been great, right?
- [Nati] Mm-hmm.
- [chuckles]
I really like spending time with you.
You're like the sister
I never had. [chuckles]
- [Luz] Hey.
- Hey.
[Luz] Hi. [laughs]
- Hey.
- Everyone, let's gather up, please.
- We have some very good news.
- Finally! Finally!
Three new registrations
and a bunch of questions.
- Whoo!
- [Charlie] Really? [laughs]
Looks like the post yesterday really put
the competition on people's radar.
- Yeah! Good, good!
- [Charlie] Good job, Steffi.
And I talked to the Twins' manager.
They're staying
and they'll mention Cielo Grande
in all their social posts. We did it!
- Nice Luz!
- No, Luz, you did it.
- Give yourself the credit.
- Well done, Luz
- [Augusto] Well done.
- Good job.
- Whoo!
- Thank you. Thank you.
And I wanted to let you know we're making
great progress with Sky Vibes.
It'll be ready in a few days.
And I have an idea for the inauguration.
What do you think?
- [Charlie] Oh boy.
- "Sky Vibes: Ready to vibrate."
[Charlie laughing] No.
- No?
- No.
Vibrate? They'll think
it's a massage chair.
No way.
- Augusto, no.
- [Augusto] No.
- Let's change it, okay?
- Fine. You're right.
I'm too full, stomach.
Who did this to you?
You shouldn't have eaten
all that chocolate. [laughs]
It wasn't that many.
[tense music playing]
Is this letter from our mom?
What are you doing?
She says Cielo Grande has a secret.
[music intensifies]
[music stops]
[Monzo Twins song playing]
I went looking for you
You're special ♪
We're together, baby
For better or for worse ♪
I know you said this is all a game ♪
I was hoping
You'd change the rules later ♪
You're with that other guy
He doesn't love you very much ♪
Sometimes you think he's crazy ♪
I'm not wrong ♪
If you had given me a chance ♪
Something good could've happened ♪
- And now I'm telling you too bad ♪
- (Too bad) ♪
Too bad you're with him ♪
- Too bad you don't see me ♪
- (Too bad) ♪
- Too bad I didn't find you ♪
- (Be that way) ♪
I keep wondering
If you have considered it ♪
This obsession is worrying me ♪
I know it is my problem
And I just can't help it ♪
All I can do is sing, yeah ♪
- And now I'm telling you too bad ♪
- (Too bad) ♪
Too bad you're with him ♪
- Too bad you don't see me ♪
- (Too bad) ♪
Too bad I didn't find you ♪
- And now I'm telling you too bad ♪
- (Too bad) ♪
Too bad you're with him ♪
- Too bad you don't see me ♪
- (Too bad) ♪
Too bad I didn't find you ♪
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