Skull Island (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

What's Up, Croc?

What was that?
I don't know! Like a bear-wolf thing?
- But did it eat her?
- I don't know!
She seemed really happy to get eaten.
She's an unusual girl!
Oh, no, you liked her, didn't you?
That's irrelev
- Shoot it.
- Shoot it with your gun.
- Bullets don't hurt it.
- Are you sure?
- You probably just missed it.
- Hey, I don't miss. I'm a professional.
I still feel like
shooting is worth a shot.
That monster
killed six guys on the other island.
Why'd you idiots bring it here?
We didn't bring it here.
It must have swam after her.
- Then why did it eat her?
- It didn't eat her.
That thing is her dog?
- Now we're running after him.
- We should've taken his gun.
That would've been smart.
Stay back!
- No, I don't want to get eaten!
- Well, I don't want to get
Don't move.
- Where would I move to?
- Stop talking.
- It can still see us!
- I am aware, Charlie.
Move. Move. Move now.
Jeez, make up your mind,
or we're all gonna die.
Get to shore! Get to the shore!
What? The croc's there.
It's not getting in the river
because of the waterfall!
Mike! Mike!
That was awful.
I mean, that wasn't fun at all.
Oh, my God!
Go, go, go, go, go!
Oh, that sucked.
That sucked.
Uh Annie!
That is a big monkey.
Hey, that's my spear.
I think.
Well, you can have it back.
No, that's okay.
Which way did they go?
Beast went that way,
judging by the broken trees.
Boys that way.
How many boys?
Who is this guy?
He's the captain of a ship.
Is the ship here?
Yeah. It's just sunk.
Oh. That's helpful.
Two boys. Teens, I'd guess.
Mark and I cornered them,
and then that feral freak
threw a spear into my leg.
Don't call her that.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I don't know what her name is.
It's Annie.
You can call her Annie.
Yeah. Yeah, I'll be sure to do that
before I murder her.
What did you just say?
That I'm a professional
hired to bring the girl
back to the United States unharmed,
and all other objectives are secondary.
And also I'm thrilled to be here.
Yeah, sounded so much better that time.
- What's the ETA on the chopper?
- Dawn.
Good. Let's head out and find high ground.
How's the tracker?
- It's extremely broken.
- Fix it.
Then we use the chopper to take down
that beast and get the hell out of here.
You're gonna tell me
everything I wanna know.
Hey, whoa. I'll just tell you,
you don't need to point a gun at me.
Oh! Usually, people need a show.
I figure we're on an island
full of monsters,
and you're the ones
with weapons and choppers, so
I got the show already.
I knew I liked you.
So there's a fountain?
I don't know what it is.
It's a theory.
There's the rest of the world,
and then there's this area.
This, I don't know, 50, 100 miles,
and things are just turned up here.
And you think
it starts from here on this island?
I didn't even know this place existed
until a few hours ago,
and I've been sailing
these seas my whole life, but
I don't feel wrong.
Huh. Yeah, I'm more inclined
to agree with you than not.
Why did you kidnap that girl?
No, no, I promise you,
I did not kidnap that girl.
You sent a man to my boat to get her back.
I sent two. So, it's not
encouraging that you only met one.
Sea monster?
Yeah, sea monster. But what about
Just because I'm not pointing a gun at you
doesn't mean I want to answer questions.
About 20 miles from here,
there's another island.
We found her there, alone and
incredibly violent.
She's a teenage girl.
How violent can she be?
I don't even know
where to start with that.
And also she's a teenage girl
whose best friend is a giant,
man-eating monster.
Because we knew
the people that hired us
wouldn't be interested
in protecting anything we found.
How did you know?
Did they have business cards shaped like
lion heads that said "poacher" on them?
They're not poachers!
There are men with guns chasing us
on this island that you kept a secret,
and it is full of monsters,
and a 100-foot-tall monkey!
You can probably understand
why I'm making certain assumptions.
- Those aren't hunting guns.
- Every gun is a hunting gun.
- What about water guns?
- Not the time, Mike!
My dad heard about a couple other ships
that were getting funding from this group.
They were looking for islands.
But we've been around
hundreds of times, never seen anything.
Then I meet this guy, this old vet.
He says there are
islands that don't pop up on radar.
Something about
electric magnets or whatever.
Why were they looking for islands?
I don't know! All right?
We didn't think it would be like this!
We messed up. We just
You know how much
they lived for these trips.
We didn't want the adventure to end,
especially before you left for college.
All right? Without you, it's just
It wouldn't be the same.
I don't know what happened to my dad.
I know what happened to mine.
I feel like
we're a regional theater troupe.
I hate regional theater.
Everyone hates regional theater.
I'm sorry.
I know.
I forgive you.
Wait! My forgiveness is contingent on me
not getting eaten by, like, a giant slug.
Okay. Deal.
Or eaten by anything, or stepped on,
or just killed in general.
Deal. Deal. Okay.
So, what do we do now?
I really need a nap. And a cheeseburger.
Oh, that sounds so good!
After that?
Then we see if my dad's here.
We build a raft, and
- We're in the middle of nowhere, Charlie.
- I want to get off this island.
And I want to go to college.
He's bored.
Wha Are we boring?
- No, we're incredibly entertaining.
- That's what I thought!
- We should follow the big guy, though.
- And that's what I was thinking.
- Can we eat that?
- Shh!
It's from wind.
On the bright side, I fixed the tracker.
Turn off
Turn off the volume, maybe?
Get to the clearing, set a perimeter,
and I don't know, shoot birds.
But what are you tracking?
He won't bite.
Unless I tell him to.
Please don't tell him to, then.
What's his name?
It stuck.
Huh. I like it.
I don't care.
You know, I have a lot of questions,
but I don't want it
to feel like an interview.
What's an interview?
Uh, why are those men after you?
- Because a woman told them to be after me.
- Why?
I don't know!
They came to our home.
They started shooting at him.
I tried to stop them,
but then I woke up in a bed
with these.
Oof! That sucks.
Why were you on that island?
- Is this an interview?
- It kinda feels like one.
It's a conversation
if you ask me questions too.
I helped your dad.
He was stuck in the water. I helped him.
Is he here? On the island?
Well, I swam away.
Was that bad?
Ugh. No. No, it's not. It's just
It would have been cool
to hear that, like, immediately.
So, uh, how long were you
alone on that island, just you and Dog?
A long time.
How old are you?
I'm 17.
- Maybe I'm 17 too.
- You don't know how old you are?
Hmm. Yeah. Yeah, you could be 17.
Is that a good age?
Uh, you know, it's, uh
He wants you to go to bed now.
Okay. Good night.
Oh, I liked the interview!
Look! There!
- Tell them to turn back!
- What?
Tell them to turn back! That thing knows!
Radio the ship. Tell them what happened.
How much tranquilizer do we have?
Not enough for that beast.
- It's not enough for any beast.
- I don't need it for the beast.
It's, uh It's back.
You wanna try to hit the bird?
No, not quite.
What do you see?
It came down from its nest,
grabbed your man, but then flew inland.
- A second nest?
- Maybe.
But it was waiting for something
to grab and take far from us.
So, let's give it something to grab.
We find the girl
and her dog with the tracker.
We push them here,
we bait the hawk into taking the beast,
and then we take the girl
and we get off this damn island.
That won't work!
Well, every time you try to shoot her dog,
one of you dies,
and our helicopter
just got eaten by an octopus,
so I think we're at the stage where we
need to take some risks and get creative.
Listen, that sea creature will kill us,
that bird, or anything else
the second we get near the water.
What's your plan there?
That part's easy. We kill it.
Well, that part's harder.
I don't know.
I'm hungry.
I could eat.
He won't let you up here.
That's okay. I can walk.
Well, then you can come.
You'd probably die without me.
Mike, let's go! Breakfast!
Dog is leaving.
That's also his name.
Also, I don't think he likes me. Come on.
Hey, you all right?
I'm fine.
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