Sky Rojo (2021) s01e03 Episode Script

A Whore's Love

["Tall Towers" by Tori Sparks playing]
Prince came without a crown ♪
And with expectations ♪
[Coral] When you're a hooker,
you can live several different lives,
while at the same time not having one.
And he won't even take you
On a week's vacation ♪
[girl] Coral!
Here, you forgot your pills.
[Coral] I used to go to Romeo's
in the capacity of a private tutor.
And outside, Moisés would be waiting
to take me on a stripping gig.
You got a bachelor party. Two stripteases.
- And then we go straight back home.
- And my clothes?
In the bag behind my seat.
[Coral] I would dress up as Jessica Rabbit
or as Marilyn Monroe,
anything to make myself
into exactly what the clients wanted.
But back at the club,
I became Coral again,
the character that Romeo created for me.
Using the finely tuned vision
only a pervert possesses,
he extracted from each one of us
the fantasy we had inside.
You're the wild cat everyone desperately
wants to get their hands on and tame.
Taming through spanking.
Or maybe by pulling your hair.
But certainly not dressed like a whore.
You know why?
'Cause deep down, actually,
nobody wants to fuck a whore.
On the other hand,
getting to live out a fantasy,
that's goddamn aspirational.
Say "meow."
Good girl. Now stick that ass out.
Dance for me.
No, but you gotta dance sexier,
Gina. Come on.
Sexier, sexier. Like this. Move it.
Come on, put some feeling into it.
[salsa music playing]
Look, hon,
I know you left your kid behind,
and you're also in debt to me. Hmm?
you can't change your life right now,
but I got some good news for you.
What you can change is your persona.
And yours is
pure innocence.
- With that naive little face of yours.
- Hmm.
[music stops]
Now turn around.
[French accordion music playing]
[sniffs and exhales deeply]
You smell like violets.
My schoolteacher used to smell like that.
And that's what you'll be here.
- [footsteps]
- [hangers clanging]
Here you're gonna be
the most precious creature
in this brothel.
Put it on.
You're sophistication,
the unattainable,
and what ordinary guys aim for
after watching
an artsy-fartsy French movie.
[techno music playing]
[music fades out]
[lighter clicking]
[car door opens]
[car door slams shut]
Who made those marks?
On your ass.
- A client.
- Why didn't you call me? Who was it?
[scoffs] It's not your ass.
Why do you care?
There are fucking rules, OK?
- Oh, really?
- Yeah.
Oh, so, um,
they can sodomize me,
they can double penetrate me no problem,
but they draw the line
at being spanked with a ruler.
- What sort of rules are those?
- The club's. Their rules.
You really care who did this to me,
but not how I feel. You haven't even asked
how I'm doing today.
How are you?
Truth is, I'm happy today.
This morning, I heard a song on the radio
I used to listen to as a little girl.
It was a rush.
Which one?
Not telling you.
- What song did you listen to as a kid?
- Nope. I'm not telling you a thing.
Was it Hombres G?
- What if it was?
- [laughing]
[in Spanish] Give me back my girl ♪
Or my itching powder
Will make you squirm ♪
["Devuélveme a mi chica" playing]
[both singing along]Suffer, you jerk ♪
Give me back my girl ♪
Or my itching powder will ♪
[Coral] All those road trips
to a striptease gig, an orgy,
or a threesome
with some bored married couple,
were the only moments in the day
when my life seemed to be remotely normal.
[Coral] Regular gas, sir?
[Coral] Filled with normal conversations
"What are you doing up there?"
until, after several of these trips,
it finally happened.
I added one more complication to a life
already spiraling out of control.
I'm gonna arrive too wet
to the striptease.
I started fucking my pimp.
[both panting]
[Coral moans]
[tense music playing]
[sinister music playing]
[music fades out]
Hey, so who's this guy
that's gonna help us out?
He's a guy who, um, rents all these
bungalows and apartments to tourists.
So I figured he might lend us
an apartment and a bit of money.
- Bungalows, you said?
- Uh-huh.
Where'd you meet this guy?
At the At the club.
He's a client.
Wait, are you telling me the white knight
helping us escape from Romeo is a client?
Well, he's not only a client.
The truth is, he and I are kinda together.
His name is Fernando.
You're with a guy who pays to fuck you?
Are you fucking crazy?
- Shh.
- But it's not all just fucking, though.
We do so much more than that.
We listen to music,
we dance, we drink cocktails, and stuff.
We made plans together.
So that's why you wanted
to leave the club? Because you had plans?
Well, I mean, maybe.
[laughing sarcastically]
Isn't that just
Um, I wanna die right now.
Let me get this straight. The three of us
literally broke a guy's skull
and killed Charlotte
because your little Fernandito,
some moron with a few bungalows,
wanted to fuck for free?
I don't have my guard up
the same way you do.
I need to fall in love and to dream.
[emotional music playing]
I live my life locked up.
I don't get to go to
to a bookshop or to the movie theaters
where I can meet tons of new people,
only the clients that go to the club.
And I'm not used to not feeling anything
when someone touches me.
I don't know.
And maybe falling in love
and giving my heart away
is the only real way I have
to feel like a normal person again.
[Coral] Why don't you take me somewhere?
Let's do something. I don't know.
Like what?
[Coral] I don't care.
Anywhere you like to go.
Like, what do you do on your day off?
- [Christian] Stop. Stop, stop, stop!
- [tires skidding]
Are you blind? You almost crashed.
I was looking at the stupid dot,
for fuck's sake.
[tense music playing]
How the fuck did they end up finding us?
They must've seen our car.
No idea, but we're fucked.
What's with the tailgating?
The bus is going to La Laguna.
We're headed to La Laguna.
- So, like, we're in no hurry.
- Right.
Why don't you use your GPS
like everyone else?
We would but we don't have a phone, OK?
We're not big talkers.
So what's that?
Look, just go over to your bus
before you get your ass kicked.
Look, you little poser,
if I catch you following me again,
I'll call the police.
Got it? OK? [gasping]
If you're gonna call the police,
I'd better give you something to tell 'em.
["Ódiame" by Bambino playing in Spanish]
- Stop! You're gonna kill him, man.
- What?
Let's go.
I want hate rather than indifference ♪
Because resentment
Hurts less than being forgotten ♪
- [punch]
- [groans]
If you hate me, I'll be satisfied ♪
- [groaning]
- That you truly loved me, woman ♪
But keep in mind
That according to experience ♪
You only hate ♪
Hate what you love, hate what you love
You only hate what you love ♪
Hate what you love, hate what you love ♪
You only hate what you love ♪
Hate what you love, hate what you love
You only hate what you love ♪
[music stops]
What the fuck's wrong with you?
Have you lost your goddamn mind?
- What the fuck did that driver do to you?
- He threatened me.
And no one threatens me ever.
[crickets chirping]
Are you doing drugs again?
I thought so.
- I don't like Mom seeing you on 'em.
- And why do you give a fuck?
She doesn't recognize me. Or you, bro.
I wish she'd see me high, knock me around,
say, "What the fuck are you doing?"
But you know that ain't gonna happen.
'Cause if I visit her ten times,
how many times
is she gonna recognize my face? One?
- Or maybe she doesn't wanna recognize me.
- What are you saying?
That she remembers the nurse's name
better than she remembers mine.
And that's weird for a mother.
That's because she's not proud of me,
and that's why she just sits there
staring at me, like she's watching TV.
- No, that's not it.
- Yes, it is.
I'm telling you it isn't. It isn't.
Listen, you're not gonna get anywhere
by smashing up someone's face.
- [sighs]
- Look, I used to be like you. OK?
I couldn't control my anger.
- [cries]
- I'd hit people and then couldn't stop.
But I went to therapy.
And therapy made you not violent anymore?
I'm still violent, but I choose when.
Come on.
Let's go get those fucking bitches.
- [sighs]
- [car door closes]
[relaxed guitar music playing]
[seagulls squawking]
Gina, go find Fernando.
Let's take this stuff off.
We're sticking out here, no?
[Coral] Mm-hmm.
Thank you.
Think I should change before I go up?
Or go like this?
[hesitates] I'm not sure,
since I'm not a prostitute anymore,
I'd rather wear something
a bit more normal. You know what I mean?
Sweetie, it doesn't matter.
Back there, in
in the bus, I feel like I was a bit
I don't hang out in bookstores either,
but I know when a love story's real.
And so do you.
I do.
- Good luck.
- I'll be back.
We're here, OK?
What are you popping now?
Veterinary sedatives. Butorphanol.
You don't think, well,
you should stop taking those for a while?
I need to shut the blinds for a bit, OK?
I need to fade to black.
It wasn't a great day.
Or a year, really.
Just chill out.
It'll be all right.
Look on the bright side,
we've managed to run away from a pimp.
Spending six months as a hooker
might've been the worst thing
to ever happen to you,
but that club
wasn't close to the worst for me.
I've been knocked down so many times.
Now I feel like
I've finally reached my limit, you know?
[inhales deeply and sighs]
Like those barriers
at the end of the railway track
when you can't go any further.
We only have two options.
Jail or a shallow grave in the desert.
And I'm not sure which is better. [laughs]
Would you ladies like a soda,
piña colada, or mojito?
["I Want More" by Dana McKeon
and Max Mayers playing]
Oh, la la la la la ♪
- [Gina] Hello, good morning.
- Good morning.
Uh, I'm looking for
Mr. Fernando Alcántara.
I'm a buddy of his from college.
Just give me more ♪
[music stops suddenly]
Not a bad place
to spend our last day, huh?
A pool.
A bunch of handsome men.
- Like the waiter?
- Hmm.
The classic stud who turns out
to be a premature ejaculator.
[laughing] If he can get it up at all.
[both laughing]
Do you think hooker vision wears off?
I mean, will we ever be able
to stop looking at men as clients?
Will there A day when we won't
[spluttering]feel normal to be
blowing total strangers?
Dude, you're drooling.
Are you gonna be OK?
- [slurring] I can't feel my
- Huh?
I can't feel my
- My tongue. It's sticky.
- Great.
It's sticky.
- Is this really happening?
- Don't touch me.
I'm going for a swim to see if it passes.
- [thud]
- [gasps]
[distorted laughing]
[psychedelic music playing]
[grunts in effort]
[groans in effort]
[Romeo] Above all,
a pimp is a psychologist.
Hookers come to us feeling
totally shattered, completely decimated.
Nobody in this world
has lower self-esteem.
And what do we do? We listen to them.
We give them love.
And why do we do that?
[sniffs] 'Cause we care?
To get information to threaten them with
if they fuck with us.
And to know their weakness.
No, Moisés.
Well, that too.
But that's not the main reason we do this.
All these girls are on their own.
They have no one else in the world.
If they think that you're the only one
who cares even a little bit about them,
they'll give you the world.
It's true.
They're grateful.
[all laughing heartily]
[dance music playing]
You've reached the Teresitas Convent.
How can I help you?
You're really funny.
Of course, baby. You're gonna have
a hell of a laugh with me.
Are you coming up or am I going down?
No, you come down.
[Wendy] For a prostitute,
our love stories seem to work in reverse.
You start with hardcore fucking,
with rim jobs, and blow jobs.
And then you work backwards.
You dance,
you drink cocktails
One day, you kiss him.
Then he tells you stories
about his childhood in Málaga
and a monkey
his uncle brought him from Brazil.
And in the end,
one day he grabs your hand
when saying goodbye.
And then you think,
"Hey, this could be love."
- [Fernando] Oh my God.
- [chair scraping on floor]
I did it.
I left the club.
Actually, I had to run away from it.
But now I'm free.
I'm finally free, baby.
We can fulfill all our plans.
OK, wait. What do you mean,
you ran away from the club?
With two friends.
They're both downstairs.
- Downstairs? Downstairs, where?
- On the sun loungers.
We need to hide.
The pimps are on our tail.
OK, let's just hold on.
Um, well, let's see.
I have an apartment in Lanzarote.
You can, uh, go,
and I'll do my best to, uh,
visit you on weekends.
But didn't you say you wanted
to be with me all the time?
And that you dreamt about me?
And I do, but we we have to start small.
In the club, you didn't wanna start small.
[laughs nervously] The club is an oasis.
People go there to fulfill fantasies.
Some just wanna be peed on,
others fantasize about being hit,
and my fantasy is having
a girl like you waiting for me.
Uh, but, well,
but like some sort of impossibility.
Well now that it's possible,
what's gonna happen?
- Mm.
- [Fernando moans]
Hey. Hey, hey, hey. [moans]
So are you going to come
to Lanzarote with us?
[whispering] Yeah. Turn around.
- Mm.
- Hold on.
[grunts and pants]
- There's, uh, one more thing.
- What?
I'm pregnant.
It's yours. [laughs]
Well, I'll deal with that, too.
[gasps in pain]
- [Fernando moans]
- [Gina groans in pain]
["Perfect Day" by Lou Reed playing]
[Coral] That's when Gina realized
there was something even more fucked up
than the hookers' gaze.
Just a perfect day ♪
It was the way others saw us.
And that would be the most difficult thing
for us to shake off.
[Fernando panting]
["Perfect Day" playing through speakers]
And then later ♪
When it gets dark, we go home ♪
Just a perfect day ♪
Feed animals in the zoo ♪
Then later, a movie too ♪
And then home ♪
Oh, it's such a perfect day ♪
I'm glad I spent it with you ♪
Oh, such a perfect day ♪
You just keep me hanging on ♪
You just keep me hanging on ♪
- [Coral] You're letting it go?
- To even things out.
What are you evening out
by throwing a fish back?
- All the shit I do at work.
- Mm.
Why do you do it, then?
Does being Romeo's lapdog
really pay you that well?
It's not about the money. He's like
a father figure to me
He's done things for me no one else would.
And your real father?
We're talking too much.
Fuck. Do you always freak out
every two hours?
Hey, I'm here because I want to be.
Nobody forced me.
You have no fucking clue.
You're here because no one asked you
about your day. I did. Now you know me.
You think we're friends, driving around,
listening to Hombres G, eating licorice.
But no.
Do you think since you give me rides
I'm gonna fall in love with you?
I think I'm not gonna be able
to do my work.
I can be kind
to a pathetic fish, not to you.
Someday, Romeo will have had enough,
or you'll owe him money,
or you'll have problems,
and then I'm gonna have to hurt you.
Here. For the fuck and the company.
["Perfect Day" continues playing]
Just a perfect day ♪
[playing through speakers]
Feed animals in the zoo ♪
Then later ♪
What did Fernando say?
[hesitates] Nothing.
He wasn't there.
Oh, it's such a perfect day ♪
- [sighs]
- I'm glad I spent it with you ♪
The sunshine feels nice, doesn't it?
Oh, such a perfect day ♪
- You just keep me hanging on ♪
- Know what, Wendy?
I've thought about it,
and we don't really need him.
All our lives we've been on our own.
So we can keep going like that.
Just a perfect day ♪
Problems all left alone ♪
- Much better alone.
- Mm-hmm.
Weekenders on our own ♪
It's such fun ♪
What's up with Coral?
Ah, she's recovering right now.
From a canine anesthetic, so
[Gina] Hmm.
You made me forget myself ♪
I thought I was someone else ♪
- [gasps]
- Someone good ♪
Oh, it's such a perfect day ♪
I'm glad I spent it with you ♪
Oh, such a perfect day ♪
You just keep me hanging on ♪
You just keep me hanging on ♪
You're going to reap just what you sow ♪
You're going to reap just what you sow ♪
You're going to reap just what you sow ♪
You're going to reap just what you sow ♪
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