Snowdrop (2021) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

Why would you want to check
this place this late at night?
God, it's so dusty here.
Oh, no.
Open it.
Yes, ma'am. I'm looking for the key.
Which one is it? There are so many.
Okay, I found it.
The door's quite stiff.
Turn the lights on.
Yes, ma'am. Where's the switch?
There it is.
My, what do we do?
The lights are not working.
They're not working?
The room hasn't been used for six years,
so I didn't know.
Why did you come here?
Just followed her.
You should be here.
There's water on the bathroom floor.
Someone must be staying here.
Well, the ceiling
must've leaked rainwater.
It didn't rain for days. What rainwater?
It must've been trapped in the ceiling.
-I'll come check tomorrow morning.
The window.
Gosh, this place is so spooky.
Could we go down now?
I think there's something out there.
Don't look down.
Look at me instead.
Keep looking at me.
-Lock the window.
-Yes, ma'am.
I'll keep the keys from now on.
But I need to fix the water leak
tomorrow morning,
so I should keep them.
As you wish, ma'am.
Pick them up tomorrow morning
and return them once you're done.
Yes, ma'am.
Are you okay?
Who are you really?
Are you Superman or something?
You got me.
I really thought
I was falling to my death.
I'm sorry. It's my fault.
I should get going.
Are you stupid or just slow?
The wound might've gotten worse.
Why don't you
take better care of yourself?
Try not to move today.
If the wound gets infected,
it can get really serious.
I think I should…
Okay, I will.
I'll try not to move.
Well, then. I should really get going.
This is bad.
It must've been locked from the outside.
I can't, ma'am.
The rest can get kicked out, but I can't.
Kick the rest out, not me, ma'am.
I was trying to tell you.
It's all Yeong-ro's fault.
We should really tell the cops.
I tried to persuade them to call the cops.
What do I do?
What if they find out I'm gone?
What if Man-dong can't come
to open the door because of Ms. Pi?
What do I do?
This is bad.
Everything will be okay.
Don't worry a thing.
I'm Superman, you know.
It's me, Jeong-min.
Are you all right?
Yes, I'm okay.
-What are you doing here at this hour?
My goodness. Let's hurry up
and go to them. They must be panicking.
-Let me hold it.
Why don't you…
sit here for now?
I'm fine.
Watch this.
Fold there. And…
It's me, Jeong-min.
I was so worried. Are you okay?
-Hey, you must've been scared.
I'm sorry, sir. Because of me…
Don't worry about it. More importantly,
Ms. Pi will keep the keys to this room
from now on.
What do we do?
I should get out of here tonight.
-In that state?
-I have to.
Or you won't be safe.
But your wound hasn't healed.
Is there any other way out
than the main gate?
Well, there is an emergency exit
students don't know about in the basement.
Oh, there is?
Yes. I'll unlock the door for you,
so it's best you leave tonight.
But Man-dong…
You brat.
If he stays here and gets caught,
all of us are done for.
For all of us to be safe,
it's really important
that Soo-ho gets out of here safely
without getting caught, isn't it?
Yes, it is. But…
The open house is in a few days.
Yes. Yeong-ro's right.
On that day,
the dorm will be open to outsiders.
Why don't you blend in--
I need to get out today.
Let's go, sir.
-Be careful.
This way.
Hey, you.
No running.
Constitution Article 32, Section 1.
All citizens shall have the right to work.
My gosh, she's sleepwalking again.
…to promote the employment
of workers and to guarantee
optimum wages
through social and economic means and…
All citizens shall have the right to work.
Constitution Article 32, Section 1.
All citizens shall have the right to work.
The State shall endeavor
to promote the employment of workers
and to guarantee optimum wages
through social and economic means…
and shall enforce a minimum wage system
under the conditions as prescribed by Act.
Hey, you.
No running.
Constitution Article 32, Section 1.
All citizens shall have the right to work.
Hurry. Go now.
This way.
Hello, sir.
How did they…
-Yes, sir.
-Yes, sir.
See anything suspicious, and radio me.
-Yes, sir.
-Yes, sir.
You never know what could happen,
so don't let your guard down.
Keep a sharp lookout.
-Yes, sir.
-Yes, sir.
Upon people's entrance,
we'll draw for the Lucky Man.
And we'll have
nice and funny prizes ready,
so please encourage them
to participate in the event.
Just like last year, Speed Typing Game
and Yut will be played on the first floor,
and Paintball and Love Newspapers
on the second floor.
And Quiz King and Whack-a-Mole
will be played on the third floor.
For the dance party, a folk dance will--
We have an open house only once a year.
Mi-seon, Hyeon-suk, show them.
What are we, six-year-olds?
What's with a folk dance every year?
The hall director wants it
to be a social dance.
The open house is an event for us.
Tell her to stay out of it.
I also don't think
Pi should tell us what to do about this.
Then as for the dance party,
I'll ask Ms. Pi again--
If we're always to do
as the hall director says,
what do we need an RA for?
Don't you agree?
We'll go
with disco. You hear me?
-Hear, hear!
Oh, right. What are the prizes this year?
They are much better than last year.
Third place, a cassette player.
Second place, a Polaroid camera.
And the winner gets a computer.
And all of the prizes will be provided
by Yoon Seol-hui's father.
-Yoon Seol-hui!
-Yoon Seol-hui!
-Yoon Seol-hui!
-Yoon Seol-hui!
Next item on the agenda is
the guest singer. Who should we invite?
Kim Wan-sun.
Kim Wan-sun!
Kim Wan-sun.
Kim Wan-sun!
Kim Wan-sun!
Kim Wan-sun!
Kim Wan-sun!
A game booth will be set up
on the second floor,
so it'll be the most crowded area.
It'll be okay
if you come down there naturally
since male students can come
into the dorm that day.
But if male students can come in,
the cops staking out this place
can come in too.
You need an invitation to get in,
so don't worry about it.
The ticket checking will be done by two,
so you should come down after that.
Why though? Didn't you say
the open house begins at one?
Remember your partner
on the group blind date? Bun-ok…
No, Seong will check the tickets.
And she knows your face.
You should only focus
on healing your wound.
I'm sorry.
It's your first open house,
and because of me…
Just think about
how you'll get out safely.
I mean, this isn't
the last open house I'll ever have.
And who knows?
I might end up inviting you next year.
I'm late for class. Darn it.
I'll get going.
This is the room?
Yes, it is.
I told you, Ms. Bong.
You shouldn't let strangers in like this.
They said they're cops
and are looking for Soo-ho.
Why would cops look for Soo-ho?
You must be close to him.
Of course,
he and I are the closest in this…
Wait a minute.
Why are you asking me about that?
When did he leave this house?
If you're really cops, show me your IDs.
Searching a house without a warrant
can get you three years in prison.
What the…
Agency for National Security… ANSP?
Oh, my…
Oh Gwang-tae.
Let's talk about Soo-ho.
That bastard wanted to treat me to
pork belly before going back to Germany.
So I ate it with him and other students
in the boarding house.
That's all.
Aren't you two close?
No, we aren't.
Not at all.
Your friend Soo-ho
will show up around Professor Han again.
All right?
That damn communist.
I'll call you as soon as I see him!
Keep me posted on Han's every move too.
Yes, sir.
But why?
What was that?
Who said you could ask questions?
-I'll keep you posted at all times.
-And about how you were questioned here?
I swear I'll never tell anyone about it.
Maintain the space and formation.
Mount 049-64 Y.
Mount 052-82 B.
What are you doing?
We're looking for a place
they might have used as a stash.
We took their weapons,
so if they're to continue with--
I told you to take your hands off it!
Why on earth
are you telling us to stop?
There's no why. Just do as I say!
Do you hear yourself?
How could the Chief of--
"Obedience to orders."
Don't you know that's our motto?
Obedience to orders?
We have clear evidence here.
Yet you want us to stop?
Even when we made
innocent people spies without evidence,
did you stick
to this "obedience to orders"?
You son of a b!
Have you forgotten that I'm your boss?
People like you ruin an organization.
Pretending to be all just.
Tumors must be
taken out for an organization to run well.
You're right.
Hey. This is Chief An.
Pull back forces looking for Han
and staking out at Hosu University.
This is Black Tiger.
Search Mount Ogong
for a dead drop from now on. Over.
You bastard.
He must be in there.
-Let's go.
-Yes, sir.
What brings you here?
Ms. Pi raided this place last night.
-Something doesn't feel right.
the spy is hiding in there.
Come on. I doubt that.
How could he go in there?
It's been shut down for six years.
That's true.
You don't have to help me.
I heard water leaked from there.
It's never happened before.
Ghosts don't use water, do they?
If someone in this dorm helped him,
he might be hiding in there.
Come on, Bun-ok. You're scaring me.
Wait a minute. You're being weird.
You're hiding something from me.
Of course not.
What would I be hiding from you?
You know that the only person
I trust in this dorm is you,
Yes, I know that.
That's good then.
See you.
He's kind of
a behind-the-scenes advisor.
Since President Park,
popular politicians have been
dying to have an audience with him.
He's known for being discreet
about who he meets.
Especially right before elections.
Consider yourselves lucky.
Let's go.
Oh, my goodness.
It's my husband's time of birth.
Your eyes and voice say
you're quite ambitious.
You want to make
your husband president, don't you?
Oh, come on, sir.
You're being too straightforward.
Mrs. Hong must be so flustered.
Oh, my.
It says he's like a dragon ascending into
the sky with a magical bead in his mouth.
But this is bad.
He has bad luck this year.
He could be devoured by a tiger.
Meaning, one small mistake,
and he might lose his life.
Then what should he do?
He should get rid of bad luck.
His ancestors' sins can't be
absolved by any rites.
He must rid of them himself.
-His ancestors' sins?
-His family clan is from Gonyeo, isn't it?
He's the 27th son of the Gonyeo Eun Clan.
See how good he is?
Once upon a time,
when the Snake God ruled the world,
the people
offered a young virgin as a sacrifice
to appease the Snake God
and to protect their homes.
one day a guy named Gonyeo Eun showed up,
gathered 13 strong men,
killed the Snake God.
The people rejoiced.
But Gonyeo Eun died from
falling off his horse on his way back.
You must appease the Snake God's anger
within the year of the hare.
Within this year?
What did I say was offered as a sacrifice?
-A young virgin?
-A young virgin?
If 13 young virgins are
offered as sacrifices,
the Snake God's anger will be appeased.
Are you saying we have to
kill 13 young virgins?
Whether he'll ascend into the sky
with a magical bead
or die from falling off a horse,
it all depends on 13 young virgins.
How will they kill 13 young virgins?
He'll end up dying
from falling off a horse then.
19:50, the director hall arrived
and is heading inside.
-Oh, my God!
Hello, ma'am.
-Hello, ma'am.
-Gye Bun-ok!
Hye-ryeong's furious.
-"Gye Bun-ok!"
-What's going on?
What's this about?
My ring and Seol-hui's sneakers are gone.
Come in.
This is bad.
I knew this would happen.
She's in trouble now.
Do you have proof it was Bun-ok's doing?
Do you have proof?
-Students shouldn't keep expensive stuff.
It's partially your fault!
Stop suspecting someone without proof
and send anything expensive home!
You shouldn't make others
covet what's yours!
Could you tell her to give me
back my ring while I'm being nice?
Are you…
saying that for me to hear?
Bun-ok, how could you--
Hey, just forget it.
I'll go get some fresh air.
Come in. Now.
Are you jealous?
Are you jealous of them?
If you steal their stuff
and wear them, did you think…
you could become like them?
Yes, I am.
I am jealous of them.
The fact that I wasn't born into
a good family like them makes me angry.
But do you really think I believe
I can become like them if I wear theirs?
You think I'm that stupid?
That's right.
Your life and their lives are different.
Know your place
and stop trying to be like them.
Put everything back where they belong.
I'll forgive you this once.
But not ever again.
Behave yourself from now on.
Get out.
I can't sleep.
What's wrong with her?
She must've gone insane.
How could she take that thief's side?
Tell me about it.
She searches our room all the time.
But why won't she search Bun-ok's room?
I'm sure her room's
full of stuff she's stolen.
Do you think
Bun-ok has something on Ms. Pi?
Come on.
I doubt that.
You know Ms. Pi would never let anyone
take advantage of her.
The prize for second place!
We should never invite him.
I mean, Gwang-tae.
He knows Soo-ho's face.
You're right.
God, he's such a careless loose cannon.
I'll invite Byeong-tae for Paintball.
And how about your partner, Seol-hui?
Seok-jun and Gwang-tae are
in the same college club.
Do you think it'll be okay?
Seok-jun doesn't know Soo-ho's face.
It'll be okay.
Oh, right.
Jeong-min, can we
get a bicycle ready that day?
The cops will be guarding the main gate,
so it'll be safer for him
to ride a bicycle than to walk.
You're right. There's one
in my club room. I'll bring it.
Thank you.
We'll be late for class.
What will you do about his clothes?
He'll get caught if he wears his.
Everyone will wear a suit.
I should try to get one.
This is Yeong-ro.
Oh, my, Yeong-ro.
I heard you're in Seoul.
How could you not come visit me once?
Well, I'm actually calling you about that.
I was wondering
when only you will be at the house.
Then how about tomorrow?
Mrs. Hong is golfing tomorrow,
so she'll be out all day.
Okay. See you tomorrow then.
-Can I get a cup of lemon tea?
-Yes, ma'am.
I'm so sorry,
but I can't play golf with you tomorrow.
I have a guest coming tomorrow.
Those damn commie guerillas.
Do they want to negotiate or not?
It's been days!
If they don't come talk to us today,
let's just tell them we'll go back.
Don't you know we're the desperate ones
here? That's ridiculous.
We should take
the initiative in the negotiation.
What they're after is money.
I don't think they'll give it up. Right?
Don't presume or prejudge anything.
What do you know?
And this is happening
because you couldn't control your men.
What did you just say?
Don't forget I'm your predecessor.
I was the director before you!
You didn't even join the revolution.
You just followed me around. How dare you.
What, you scumbag?
You killed your superior
to climb the ladder, but what?
Shut up, you bastard!
I didn't betray anyone!
I was just serving the country loyally!
Don't call me a betrayer, you bastard!
You're the one who ruined
this administration!
No, I'm the one who made it possible!
I made this administration possible!
Let go! Let go of it, you bastard!
-Let go.
What do you know about loyalty?
Let go of my hair! It hurts!
Hold on.
He's here.
My goodness. Beijing has such a nice view.
Tell me about it.
Have a seat, please.
I'm not here to negotiate
but to hear your explanation.
Is it true that ANSP agents were the ones
who chased our agents?
I apologize.
Due to some unavoidable situation--
You think we did it on purpose?
We're also so frustrated--
The South is to blame for the failure.
You're on your own
for the presidential election!
That little son of a--
God damn it!
We'll break in and rescue him at once.
Seeing as ANSP is keeping a close watch,
he must be hiding in the dorm.
If you act rashly,
you might end up getting hurt.
Wait three more days.
If it's not confirmed
that he's alive within exactly 72 hours,
follow the protocol.
Yes, ma'am.
Why are you taking your brother's shoes
and suit?
What's it to you?
They're my brother's.
You came here
for the first time in ten years.
It's been ten years since you left
to live with your maternal grandma.
I get that you hate me,
but I'm your stepmom.
Shouldn't you say hello to me?
You haven't changed.
You haven't changed
at all.
You haven't changed as well.
You always take your guilt out on me.
Did I kill your mom?
Why do you take it out on me?
It fits me like a glove.
The shoes do too.
Put your clothes in this bag tomorrow.
I'll keep it
and give it to you next time we meet.
How's your leg?
I think it's almost healed.
Thank you for everything.
Thanks to you…
Shall we go?
Hello, ma'am.
What were you doing here?
He's my partner for the day,
and he wanted to look around the rooftop.
Don't you know
the rooftop isn't open to outsiders?
I'm sorry, ma'am.
I pestered her to take me here.
I'm sorry.
How could she…
I'm sorry, Gwang-tae.
I'll invite a military man
to the open house this year.
You understand that, right?
You know I prefer free love.
Free love, my foot.
I'll crush that guy today.
I'll take a photo for you.
One, two, three.
Hey, you too. I'll take a photo for you.
Smile! One, two, three.
He's my date.
It's checked. Go on.
Room 209. You know that, right?
-Go on.
Come for the photo later.
I'm sorry.
-Where's she?
-Excuse me.
-Show me your ticket.
-I'm sorry.
What was her name?
I'm Yoon Seol-hui's date.
Yoon Seol-hui?
Yoon Seol-hui?
Wasn't he seeing Hye-ryeong?
Time's ticking.
What's going on?
I'm sorry. Why?
Hey, why are you avoiding me?
I'm sorry. I must've surprised you.
You see, Seok-jun has
irritable bowel syndrome.
He must've gotten nervous
right before the open house.
He had diarrhea in the morning.
So I came in his place.
But still, you can't just come here
without telling me in advance.
I mean,
you're seeing Hye-ryeong after all.
Hye-ryeong? She says she prefers
free love and dates several guys at once.
So she can't really complain about me
being your date for the open house.
Darn it…
I mean,
don't you agree?
Still, you're
not the guy I invited, Gwang-tae!
Goodbye, then.
Hey, he's willing to do the questionnaire.
Hi, there.
Who invited you here?
Hurry up! Now!
I'm good, aren't I?
I'm a marksman--
-That little…
-I'm like the right-arm of the country.
-You're so cool.
-Hye-ryeong, did you see? My right arm…
If you hate me that much,
I'll just leave after seeing Hye-ryeong.
Do you know where she is?
Then why don't you go wait in room 207?
I'm sure she'll show him
around the room first. This way.
This way.
I'll shoot once more!
All right. Let's see how it'll go.
What are you doing?
-I won!
-He's really good!
I hit every single one!
Hey, you there.
This is ridiculous.
What are you doing?
Just a second, Hye-ryeong.
It looks easy, doesn't it?
Why don't you give it a try?
I'll correct your stance.
It's okay. Don't be so shy.
Come on.
All right, make way for him.
Are you crazy? Why did you come in here?
Gwang-tae is here.
What? Gwang--
Gwang-tae is here? How?
I didn't invite him.
Here's the new challenger.
Give it up for him.
Pay attention.
Put your left leg forward, turn your body,
hold the pistol with your right hand,
wrap it with your left hand,
and relax your elbow.
The horse stance!
All right, I think it's time.
We've prepared a more difficult
version of the game this year.
What do you say? Do you want to try it?
All right, then.
Spin it, please.
He's this year's best marksman!
It's all thanks
to the stance I taught you, right?
Hey, wait.
You should take this bear. It's the prize.
Who's that guy?
Yeong-ro's partner.
He's handsome.
Hey, it's starting.
Come on, it's time for the couple's dance.
Hey, handsome!
Baekha Brewery.
Baekha Brewery.
Baekha Brewery. Oh, my.
You must love drinking.
A calendar and a table clock
from Baekha Brewery.
It's my dad's company.
Your dad's company?
the president of Baekha Brewery
is your father?
You know,
the only alcohol I drink is Baekha Soju.
I see.
The couple's dance contest
is happening in the cafeteria.
I'm sure Hye-ryeong is there.
You know something?
On the day of our blind date,
I really hoped
you would pick my exam pass certificate.
Seok-jun had diarrhea in the morning
today of all days,
and Hye-ryeong didn't invite me.
Do you think it's all a coincidence? No.
No, it's not.
I'm telling you. We're meant to be.
It's our
Have you seen Yeong-ro? Why hasn't she--
Do you want to go out and have some tea?
Right, Yeong-ro.
Let's do this!
A hearty welcome
to everyone who came to this party!
We proudly present today's DJ!
DJ Blue Jacket!
Go try it too.
Make some noise!
Go try it too. Go dance.
-Why? Just go!
I'm good.
Oh, it's okay.
I'm good.
Go dance!
-Eun Yeong-ro.
-Eun Yeong-ro.
-Eun Yeong-ro!
-Eun Yeong-ro!
-Eun Yeong-ro!
-Eun Yeong-ro!
-Eun Yeong-ro!
-Eun Yeong-ro!
-Eun Yeong-ro!
-Eun Yeong-ro!
-Eun Yeong-ro!
-Eun Yeong-ro!
Go for it!
Hey, Yeong-ro.
Stop ruining the mood and get out.
Wall C, clear.
-What took you so long?
-I'm sorry.
Thank you.
I'll keep it. You should go now.
Yeong-ro, get on it too.
It's safer for you two to go together.
Have a nice time together!
Those little…
Hye-ryeong invited another guy.
How could she… I'm not
interested in her anymore. I mean it.
But still,
if she finds out--
I told you, Seol-hui.
We're meant to be.
This is Lion.
We found Taedong River 1's pistol.
You know the dorm's phone number, right?
And you know that I live in room 207,
I'll have to give you back your clothes.
I'm relieved to see you go,
but it feels weird.
I'll get going.
Take care.
Seol-hui, I'm telling you,
we're meant to be.
That damn communist.
I'll call you as soon as I see him!
That bastard.
I need to go to the restroom.
Lim Soo-ho's here!
Soo-ho showed up
in front of Hosu University's main gate.
Yes. Hurry up!
Be safe.
He showed up.
Come again.
I repeat. This is Mount Geumso.
We got intel that Lim Soo-ho's
on a bicycle in front of the main gate.
-Let's go.
Bun-ok checked the invitation tickets.
She saw a guy that she'd never let in.
That's right.
He must've hidden on the fourth floor.
That guy is…
the spy?
She'll never let it slide.
They don't hesitate to make
someone innocent a spy to produce results.
Don't you think you're such easy prey?
"Hosu Women's University…"
"Having been searched.
Hoping to go to the North."
I told you to call me.
But you didn't give me an answer.
Just once.
Just once.
We need to capture him.
But if you're about to lose him,
you're allowed to kill him.
Oh, my God. You're so pretty.
What do you think, Dr. Kang?
Do you like it?
Well, I rarely wear skirts, so…
Charlotte recommended it herself.
So just wear it.
It's a gift for me.
I appreciate the gesture,
but I can't accept this.
Besides, I only wear loose pants.
See how she is?
She's so simple and frank.
So she's Mr. Nam's doctor?
If I were you, I wouldn't let such
a pretty, young girl be with my husband.
My husband's blood pressure is high.
He once collapsed on a plane
on his way back from the US,
and Dr. Kang saved him.
But still.
She's so pretty.
You think I'm an idiot?
I asked that fortuneteller
with her time of birth,
and he said
I should have her
stay by his side like a talisman.
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