Stella Blomkvist (2017) s01e03 Episode Script

Murder at Swanlake - Part 1

Hi, Herman.
Don't turn around!
I'm gonna say it again
if it's too complicated.
You don't know me
but I know what's in your computer.
Shall we talk about the meaning you give to the word "love"?
Slightly different from the dictionary.
You're still stalking my friend
despite all the warnings.
She doesn't want you and I'm sorry
but you are fucking creepy.
Shut up! She thought you'd give up
but instead you're still here, you piece of shit.
So I'm here to tell you that's enough.
Is that clear, Herman?
- Yes. - Good.
Here's what's gonna happen if you keep it up:
I'll take away your things, honor and freedom
in that order.
Then you'll have to get yourself new teeth
and a wheelchair and that only in the first week.
Got it
- Shut up. All I want you to do is nod your head
as confirmation that you'll leave my friend alone.
Hi, Gunna.
He's gonna leave you alone.
Now you leave me alone for the rest of the day.
Today is "Stella Day".
My day.
The one day of the month
dedicated to myself.
A selfish day
when I do whatever I want.
The woman found dead in her summer house
was Regina Ragnarsdóttir, single with no children.
Police have yet to release a statement
on the causes of her death.
Ýmir Pálsson, UN delegate and brother-in-law of the deceased,
released a statement on behalf of the family.
Regina was part of the family
and also a good friend of mine.
As CEO of Freyja Invest,
she was the true backbone of the society.
Everyone who knew her
Nothing will interfere with Stella Day.
A small tip:
beluga caviar tastes better when someone else paid for it.
Dagbjört needs help.
She's the only woman in Sverrir's all-men entourage.
I can't turn her down.
Come in.
Thanks for coming.
Dagbjört said we can count on your discretion.
She's my daughter, Þórunn.
My wife, Lovísa.
Hasn't she been found dead yesterday?
The woman found dead was Regina Ragnarsdóttir.
She and Regina were twin sisters.
My condolences.
I gave up Stella Day for a soap opera.
I hope it's worth it.
All we know is that Regina was locked
inside the steam room.
It was a heartache then.
- We're not sure yet.
Ok, you want me to help with the will?
- No.
According to my sources inside the police
there's evidence of foul play.
Is that right?
- The worst part is that my daughter is a suspect.
On what bases?
- I don't know.
Ok let's start from the beginning.
Tell me what happened?
Regina and I often went to the summer house.
We were very close.
I've been living with her after my parents moved to New York.
She was a second mother to me.
That evening we were also working together.
She was helping me with the elections
'cause I'm running as president of the student body.
She was so bright she was amazing.
Then I had to go out.
Breki wanted to see me.
- Where are you going?
I'm meeting Breki.
Who's Breki?
- My boyfriend.
Did he see Regina?
- No, we met outside.
Then we went to a motel.
we stayed there together.
Then he's your alibi.
Have the police spoken to him?
No he disappeared.
- Did he? Since when?
Yesterday. He's not answering
either on Snapchat and Messenger.
His last access doesn't show.
- I spoke to his parents, they last heard from him yesterday evening.
Did anyone see you together?
- No, nobody.
Ok Stella Day is officially off.
I need to take her out of the flock.
I wanna talk to Þórunn alone.
- Why?
We must be informed too.
There's something called "attorney-client confidentiality".
- But I'm the one who's paying
Let her do her job.
Ok, Þórunn, tell me the truth. What's on your mind?
- What?
I don't have time to play games.
If they really suspect you,
a missing boyfriend won't be enough of an alibi.
Why are they suspecting you?
My dad is gonna kill me!
- And what's he gonna do if you end up in jail?
Ok there's a man, older than me.
My teacher.
We went out a few times but I ended it.
He called me last week.
He wanted to meet in a motel.
Did Regina know?
- No.
I told him to leave me alone
but Hrannar wouldn't hear it.
His name's Hrannar? Hrannar what?
- Siemsen.
Hrannar "hey, puppy"?
- You know him?
You're laughing at me?
- Not at all. Go on.
Not if you laugh at me!
You got any idea what I'm going through?
Relax you got a better alibi now.
Hrannar "hey, puppy".
You'll find him in the dictionary under "asshole".
This matter will be cleared up quickly.
I can't discuss the case.
- I know
but since I found you the client,
am I not entitled to know what's going on?
Especially if there's a diplomat involved.
How do you know Ýmir?
- He came back from NY for the new deal with China.
What about Regina? What was she like?
- She was a tough one.
She wasn't afraid to stand up.
She also was involved in the Chinese affair.
She was giving advice and suggestions
about the purchase of a whole city block.
They invested north as well.
- Did she have enemies?
Plenty of them.
You always make enemies in this kind of business.
How's going then?
Do the police have something?
Þórunn's alibi is nowhere to be found.
Luckily she has another one.
Who is it?
- Hrannar Siemsen.
My God
keep me up to date.
Have you thought of my proposal
about the blue bag?
I knew this was the reason
she wanted to see me.
I'm thinking about it.
Hrannar "hey, puppy".
I'd been in his class.
He used to send me texts which began with "hey, puppy".
He did that with every girl he liked.
A real jerk.
One day I forwarded his message
to the entire university.
He's been called "hey, puppy" ever since.
What are you doing here?
- Can I come in?
I'm a little busy
I'm here as Þórunn Ýmisdóttir's lawyer.
We need to talk about your relationship with her.
There was something
- Isn't she a bit young?
She's old enough to
- Were you in a motel with her last night?
Yes, we were.
- So you can testify that?
You walked into a door?
There's a chance you'll be brought in
and questioned.
Is it about her aunt's death?
You got lamb for dinner
- Is there food?
If we're finished
I'd like you to leave.
Bye, darling.
"Hey, puppy" hasn't lost his appetite for lamb.
Mine has gone to shit instead.
When did that ape get here?
- Just now.
He came on his own initiative
to disclose some important details.
What did he say?
- I think we better listen to what Þórunn has to say first.
Of course
Was there any animosity between you two?
- She was my aunt of course not.
A witness heard you say: "She must die".
What witness? Hrannar Siemsen?
- What did he say?
According to him, your words were:
"She's a stupid cow and she deserves to die".
Did you say that?
- No
Well yes
We had a big row I was angry
Sometimes you say things that you don't mean.
You need bandages?
- No it's just psoriasis.
We only know your movements
up to 10 pm.
She died between 2 and 4 hours later.
You and Breki were heading back to the summer house
after you beat up Hrannar Siemsen.
Beat up?
That's news to me.
No, we stayed at the motel till morning.
Ask Breki.
Ok, let's take a short break.
We need a sample from her.
- Why?
To match her DNA with the one
found on the crime scene.
You're willing to cooperate or
You can't really suspect her.
- We have reasons to hold her.
In that case,
I'm gonna have to speak with my client alone.
What the fuck was that about?!
Did you beat up Hrannar?!
That man really believes I killed Regina??
I didn't do anything! You should be defending me!
- Þórunn!
Either you tell me everything right now
or I'll leave you to the wolves!
Start from the motel.
What happened there?
Breki was with me.
- I already know that. What did he do?
He took care of Hrannar.
- Hi, sweetie.
Does he often beat up people for you?
- No.
I was afraid to go alone.
Did you do anything else?
- No, we spent the rest of night at the motel.
We had something from the minibar
and the next morning he drove me home.
I went straight to my room.
I didn't even think about Regina.
Until I woke up.
Then I went looking for her and
that's all I remember, I swear!
Raggi thinks you did it
and Breki disappearance makes it worse.
I have no idea where he is!
What if it was me instead?
- What?
What if they meant to kill me?
Everyone knew I was there.
The only one who wants to kill you
right now it's me.
Come on let's get this over with.
Let me do the talking.
Have one.
Why do you believe Hrannar?
He might as well be the murderer.
As far as we know, he was at the hospital
when the crime was committed.
He told us himself this morning.
Very forthcoming of him.
What about Breki? Why don't you do your job and find him
If I don't do it, nobody will.
- What?
I mean
I'm not the one who doesn't wanna do his job.
Grammar is a tricky subject.
- Cut it out.
The lamb
Definitely it wasn't the wine
that knocked Regina out.
"Don't close the door, it won't open from the inside."
said mom.
Let's have a look at the latest masterpiece.
The body was found on the steam room's floor,
slowly cooked after hours of scalding steam.
Minor injuries on her body, knees and elbows.
Her nails were broken.
Plenty of blood and other fluids,
all belonging to Regina.
No actual evidence of an aggression.
Only the desperate attempts to get out.
According to the police,
the door had been locked from the outside
but nothing in Þórunn's statements
points to that.
Can the evidence have been removed?
They also found
Gunna and her violent video games
Blood was found also outside the window,
possibly from the murderer.
That's why Raggi wants the DNA sample.
Can Þórunn really have done it?
Are you alright?
What are you doing here?
- You were screaming like you were being tortured.
You have keys to my apartment?
- Yes.
- You were screaming so loud I thought someone was hurting you.
Give me that key.
You know how I feel about it.
Is that a water gun?
Pepper spray.
- Where did you get it?
I made it myself. YouTube.
- Ok may I have one too?
I'm gonna make me another one.
You're sure you're alright?
- Yes, it was just a nightmare.
It's just weird you have nightmares every night
According to the police,
Breki's disappearance is connected to the murder.
Breki's parents say he's innocent
but they're not very cooperative.
The request for the defendant's arrest is denied.
Ýmir knows people in local courthouses.
Þórunn won't be arrested but she'll have to wear a tracking anklet.
You got a moment for me?
- I'm teaching a class.
What do we have here?
The lamb
Remember me?
- Yes.
Excuse us.
What do you want?
- We need to talk about your little show.
There's nothing wrong in going to the police
after being assaulted.
Not if you're hiding something.
- I told the truth. I don't know who the murderer is.
My only involvement is
that I saw Þórunn that night.
What really worries me
is your bully attitude towards me.
What about Þórunn being accused of murder?
- It's plausible. Regina was trying to stop her from seeing me.
Þórunn herself told me.
- Did she threaten to kill her?
She mentioned something like that.
- You honestly think she was serious about it?
I believe Regina was responsible for the trouble
those kids were in.
What you mean?
- I really don't wanna get involved.
You're more involved than you think.
Stella how about we have a drink
Sorry rape gives me diarrhea.
I can rule that vicious snake out as suspect.
I'll take a bite out of his girlfriend.
Hi, can I talk to you?
You're Þórunn's lawyer, aren't you?
- Yes, what's your name?
- What were you doing in Hrannar's house?
I was just there.
- Why?
To talk about how Þórunn and Breki treated him.
- You were comforting him?
You're a friend of Þórunn's, right?
Did you know Regina as well?
- Do you know Breki?
- Did the police question you? Yes. - Do you know Breki?
- Did the police question you?
No, why would they?
- Allý, we have to go.
Who are you?
- What do you care?
Allý and I were talking.
- I don't care.
- Sorry, I have to go.
That's why you don't go out with
porn-addicted teenagers.
I need Regina Ragnarsdóttir's address.
Twin sisters, twin houses.
- Here's the keys.
Our father bought these two houses
so we could live near one another.
You'd like me to show you around
- It won't be necessary.
What are we looking for exactly?
- Anything.
I'll have a look around.
- Fine.
It's gonna take a while.
This thing is from the stone age.
Are you in here?
I'm here.
- From Lovísa. Black, no sugar.
Why are you here?
- You got any milk?
No, we avoid lactose.
- Johnnie?
What Johnnie?
- Johnnie Walker.
No but we have Grand Marnier.
Something decent.
That stuff never touched my lips.
Any news?
- Not really but we're moving forward.
Þórunn is innocent.
She loved her aunt.
She adored her.
I never should have moved without Þórunn.
She didn't wanna go but a family must stay unite.
You have any idea at all
on who might have killed Regína?
The thing is
she received a lot of threats
after the Chinese deal.
All kinds of messages.
There were lots of them.
She had to stay off Facebook. They had a group there.
- I don't understand.
The Chinese deal.
It all happened because of that.
Some clients pulled out from Freyja Invest
because of that.
I knew some people disagreed
but not to that extreme!
We're in Iceland, for God's sake!
How was your relation with Regína?
We all miss her.
I fear for Þórunn and Lovísa.
What the hell
- Gunna! You came!
Er shall we go?
- Sure. Thanks for the chat and the drink.
Found anything?
- It takes time to index. You got any key words?
Yes Þórunn Ýmisdóttir.
Then I don't know Breki Ingvarsson.
Aðalheiður Birgisdóttir or "Allý".
Hrannar Siemsen, China
You need it now?
- Yes, thanks.
Anything on the blue bag yet?
- It's still processing.
It takes time to crack those encryptions.
Of course.
Here's all the files with the key words in.
- Thanks, Gunna.
Just legal papers, grocery lists
and Excel files.
I wonder what's Dagbjört doing.
Working late? By herself?
You must be doing it on purpose, Raggi!
- Where's your client?
- Þórunn took off her anklet. She's in a lot of trouble!
I'll go look for her.
- Stella!
I need to track a phone.
- Now?
Yes, I wanna know where Þórunn's and Allý's cellphones
are right now.
Better bring Gunna's paranoia with me.
You fucking bitch!
- What the fuck are you doing on the crime scene?!
My eyes!
What fucking milk is this?!
- It's almond milk.
You're fucking kidding me!
- Vegan family. We don't smoke either.
This is not your house.
What the hell were you doing?
- I didn't make it up, someone wants to kill me!
Here we go again
- You don't believe me!
A cold blooded murderer follows you to the summer house
but he doesn't find you so he kills your aunt
Sorry but I'm not buying it.
I know plenty of people who'd like to kill us.
- Allý!
Kill me, Mickey, Breki
- Shut up!
Come on it's not that we killed someone.
- No but we did a lot of other shit!
Like what?
That's why we're in this trouble.
Many people around here want to kill us!
- Are you dumb?! They're gonna kill me!
First Regina, then Breki and finally me.
- What you mean "then Breki"?
This was sent today from Breki's cellphone.
What is it?
- It's just a fucking joke!
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