Strong Girl Nam-soon (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

Three Generations

[bird screeches]
[theme music playing]
[gentle music playing]
You want just a few photos, don't you?
-[Bong-go] For your passport.
I can do that for you.
We can do that.
[keys jingle]
Hello, it's nice to meet you ♪
We meet again ♪
-Hey, Home-sik.
-[Hee-sik] Gang Nam-soon.
We found your passport.
We managed to catch the scammer.
-Really? That's great.
-[lock clicks]
So, uh, I guess I don't need
passport photos anymore, right?
Thank you.
-[phone clacks close]
-You don't need passport photos?
Okay. No worries.
But I, um, appreciate it, mister.
I appreciate it, mister.
I came from Mongolia,
so it's hard for me to be formal.
It's the first time I did it.
[tense music playing]
Hey, hold on!
[phone ringing]
[overlapping yelling]
[Ji-hyeon] She'd already spent
all of your money.
You could file a lawsuit
against the scammer, if you want.
It's the only way to get it back, I think.
-Of course, she'll sue her. She has to.
[woman] Not if I sue her first.
I will sue you.
My tailbone is shattered.
[man] That woman pushed me.
And the moment my butt
hit the ground, I fainted out of the blue.
When I woke up,
I felt my butt aching a terrible pain.
I couldn't even feel my body at all.
It's like the pain was everything.
-How can I ride a bike?
-[woman] Eight weeks in the hospital.
We'll sue you
for medical expenses, lost wages
from him being unable to work.
-Emotional distress, everything.
Look, I'm not trying to,
you know, be sexist here,
but do you really think
a woman flinging him in the air
50 meters high is possible?
[woman] Hey, what about
the medical report?
Are you saying the doctors are lying?
I'm saying that's not how he got injured.
But you're a cop, aren't you?
How can a cop be cynical like that?
Well, that's exactly what we have to do.
Being cynical helps us
save innocent citizens
from being slandered by those
who want to abuse the law.
Well, sure, but I did it.
[quirky music]
I did push him.
And he got hurt.
Sue away.
It's fine. I need to learn
the ropes here in Korea.
The scammer, I'll sue her.
So I'm gonna be sued by you
and I, in turn, will sue the scammer.
Are you ready to get busy
with all that mess?
It's my best option.
By the way, I only pushed him
because your husband
pushed my friend first.
Don't you ever forget that, lady.
[Nam-soon] Your crazy husband
is the one who started it.
And my friend was bound
to get hurt if I didn't do it.
Your rude tone of voice
is really starting to piss me off.
Pass my apologies
to your husband, though, will you?
And FYI.
I did care to use just one finger.
If I used my fist, I think he'd be dead.
Well, I'm a strong bitch.
I'll work part-time jobs from now on,
so I can pay you back
even though I will sue
your husband as well
for pushing my friend.
See you all later.
You can't just leave like that.
Well, um, I guess I'll hum
a song as I leave.
Wow. How could a man
be pushed by a woman this skinny?
And break his tailbone.
Hello ♪
-It's nice to meet you ♪
-What's with this ringtone?
-We meet again ♪
-You did this, didn't you?
Formal speech is important, you know.
If you keep being rude to people
when you're so informal all the time,
you won't have a normal life here,
will get yourself into fights every day.
You are very good-looking, sir.
[cheeky music]
[Nam-soon] Sir.
You are a very good-looking dude.
Great start. That was more formal.
That was great.
[Chief Park] Oh! No, what?
[Chief Park groans]
Is this woman the Hulk or what?
-[wood chopping]
-That's crazy!
-[Chief Park] She's from Mongolia, right?
What did she eat growing up?
[Officer Park] Two homeless folks
gave statements about the Han River case.
They said she's so strong,
it looked like CGI out of a movie.
My guess is
she's Genghis Khan reincarnated.
Gang Nam-soon
is not a plain ordinary person.
She's pretty strong.
So strong. It's unbelievable.
[Nam-soon] I saw you
drinking Pangtao beer.
And doing a little dance.
In neon drawers.
Hey, Mongolians don't happen
to have good eyesight too?
-They do. Totally.
That's why.
I suppose she did see my underwear.
I can't believe it.
[lively music playing in background]
Nice to see you, Ms. Hwang Geum-ju.
[heels clacking]
Nice to see you too.
This is Ryu Si-o, Doogo's CEO.
I'm sure you've heard that his company
is about to be listed on the KOSDAQ.
-Haven't you?
The e-commerce company
that sells everything?
[Jeong-suk] And this is Ms. Hwang Geum-ju.
The richest person
out of all our club members.
So, um, I'll leave you two to talk.
We're the only ones, huh?
Everyone else in this club
is from the chaebol class, hmm?
Oh, Mr. Si-o,
you're nouveau riche as well?
I, uh, I don't play well
with trust fund babies.
People whose parents
happen to have loads of cash.
How would they know anything?
If they haven't achieved
anything themselves, right?
Not everybody can be nouveau riche.
[soft chuckle]
I like the way your mind works.
Whatever the case,
with that being said, let's keep in touch.
[chips clatter]
-[woman 1] Call.
-[man 1] Call.
[woman 2] Call.
-[man 2] Call.
-[man 3] Call.
[tense music playing]
[gasps in disbelief]
[goon 1] Look at this.
-Oh, my god.
-[goon 1] What's that?
-[goon 2] Look.
-[goon 1] So much food.
-Please enjoy the food.
Thank you so much, Ms. Jung.
Let's say grace.
-[goon 3] Yes, yes.
-[goon 4] Come on, let's do it.
[goon sighs]
I'm stuffed.
This is the life!
[goon 1] That was great.
[goons chuckling]
Shall we go out to the garden
for a little tea, guys?
[goon 1] What's this?
[goon 2] I'm looking around so much,
I bit my tongue twice.
How can they be this rich?
I've seen my fair share
of Gangnam bigshots,
but I've never seen someone
as rich as these people.
How do you want us to help you?
Should we get rid of that woman, Ms. Jung?
Then raid the place, right?
Maybe I got a better idea.
-You guys have seen this place.
You understand.
I'll just stay here
as her daughter.
Ri Hwa-ja, you're being greedy.
-Come on! You know fakes don't last.
-[watch clinks]
Like this shitty ass fake Rolax
I got in a pawnshop downtown.
The plating came off
a few days after that.
And there's iron all over my skin now.
My co-workers are calling me "Iron Man".
"Iron Man!"
[goon imitates Iron Man flying]
I just need to make sure
I get rid of the real daughter.
[dark music playing]
[phone thuds]
Mongolian ger.
-[phones chiming]
-[tree crunching]
She's as strong as an ox.
Her fist is like a hammer.
[Hwa-ja] She's looking for her mother.
She's from Mongolia.
I have a feeling
this is Gang Nam-soon for real.
She's not a Korean citizen,
so the police don't really care
if she lives or dies.
Help me kill her.
Wait, you actually wanna kill her?
My dear mother gives me whatever I want.
And I'm ready to give you
whatever you want.
But this girl is supposed
to be really strong.
My mom said so.
So you guys will never be able
to do it on your own.
Get everybody.
Destroy her.
[engine roars]
[tires screech]
[Hyeong-gon] I'm telling you.
I parked my car over there.
And when I got up this morning,
it was like this.
[Det. Jang] Wait,
who do you think did this again?
[Hyeong-gon] The old lady.
That crazy old hag who called me!
Am I the "crazy old hag,"
by any chance, huh?
What? What'd you say?
I remember your voice. Yeah!
It's her! This woman right here!
If I'm a crazy old hag, pal,
then that would make you an asshole.
Oh, boy, I can't believe
a lowlife jerk like you
lives in a high-end condo like this.
-I'm gonna move out of here.
-Are you completely insane, you old
-Go away.
[thuds, groans]
You know, I was thinking just now.
A parking lot's not the place
to talk about this.
We shouldn't stay here
and disturb the residents, you know.
We should go to the police station.
Let's take advantage of that place, right?
I pay a lot of taxes.
[all gasping]
[Hyeong-gon] My car.
Did you use your bare hands
to flip thew car over?
[card rustles, slides]
"Majang-dong Butchers'
Association President Gil Joong-gan"?
The, the legendary Majang-dong Queen?
You've heard of me, sir?
Are you kidding me, ma'am?
Heard of you? You're crazy strong.
You carried a cow on your left shoulder
and a pig on the right.
Then you took it over to Majang-dong.
You're a living legend.
That's what you are.
Oh, come on, that's a bit too far.
Wait a minute.
Mr. Jang, you've heard of her?
There's a story, a legendary tale
they tell at Seongdong Police Station.
-Everybody's heard of it.
[tense music playing]
[Det. Jang] The tale starts in 1983
during a lawless wild era
where gangsters controlled
every small businesses in the area.
The Seomuns,
the most violent cartel in Korea,
invaded Majang-dong,
trying to take it over.
-[metals clinking]
-[siren blaring]
-Huh? What's going on?
[Det. Jang] Gil Joong-gan
a small delicate woman,
walked through the middle of the road.
People say that happened
just three days after she had a baby.
[spotlight clanks]
-[siren stops]
-[quirky music]
Majang-dong is a sacred
and innovative place
for healthy meat-eating culture
in our country.
No one can monopolize
or dominate our sacred place.
[Joong-gan] This is a market
for the consumer, by the consumer,
and of the consumer.
-No blood will be spilled here.
-[men laughing]
If you're a real gang, let's have
a real fight between us like gangs do!
-With who?
No weapons, okay?
Let's not damage flesh.
In Majang-dong, flesh is holy.
Broken bones are not.
Pretty Boy.
-Leave it to me.
-[Joong-gan] Come on, then.
-[loud smack]
-[men laughing]
-There you go, Boss.
-Way to go.
[men clapping]
How dare you slap me like that!
[loud thwack]
[birds chirping]
Pretty Boy?
[effort grunting]
-[all gasp]
[man] Hey!
[electricity zapping]
[Det. Jang] And that's how peace came
to Majang-dong.
Not a single gangster
went near that place after that.
Seongdong Station even had
to make staff cuts because of it.
Get a quote for the repairs, huh?
You'll see.
Just have the car flipped back.
I'm sure there are scratches.
But nothing's damaged. Just the roof.
I was considerate
while teaching you to be responsible.
Well, what about
emotional distress compensation, huh?
That car is like a child to me.
Look at what she did to it.
Wow, you think
you're so clever, don't you?
What about my emotional distress, huh?
Listen to me.
Officers, he provoked me.
That's why I did this.
Otherwise, I wouldn't. Hmm?
I was about to go out when I saw his car
carelessly left there standing in the way.
And he parked his car like that
while the lot was full of empty spaces.
That alone tells you
that this little jerk here
had definitely been drinking.
I hadn't been drinking.
Oh? If you do that sober, come on!
You're a psychopath and a jerk!
Seriously? You have
a damn death wish, you crazy lady?
Hey, are you insane?
You never learned to respect your elders.
[Joong-gan] You ugly little
Anyway, so I called him
and asked him to move his car,
so I could drive out.
And his response
was to insult me, all right?
He was disconcertingly rude.
Do you know what he said?
He told me to sit my ass at home
and look after my grandchildren.
I recorded it.
Wanna hear? Wanna hear?
Yeah, here goes.
-[birds chirping]
Ah, hey, hey, hey, hey.
No. You go and lean over there.
Don't lean on me.
You'll feel better in an hour or so, okay?
Get this prick a glass of water, huh?
You can't interrogate this suspect
unless he wakes up, right?
-Of course.
-[Joong-gan] Oh, god. No, no, no, no.
Oh, dear. How can a guy
so big be so useless?
Okay, I'll send you the recording
of the verbal attack that jerk unleashed,
so could you give me
your hotline number, officer?
-Here you go, ma'am.
Oh, Jesus, I'm hungry.
I gotta get out of here.
Go home. Eat dinner.
Sure, of course. We'll be in touch.
Take care, ma'am.
Eat meat, so you get strong like me.
I'll keep that in mind, ma'am.
I'm off then, hmm?
Thank you.
Hey. You need mouthwash.
Get some once you're awake.
Your breath absolutely stinks.
Do you poop through your mouth? Ugh.
[Min-hyuk] She always does this.
[comical music]
Are you all right? Are you hurt at all?
[Bong-soon] I'm fine.
Yeah, well, of course, you're not hurt.
What is it this time?
As usual,
none of what happened is my fault.
Uh, hello, I'm Do Bong-soon's husband,
Ahn Min-hyuk.
Right. Hi.
Could you explain to me
what this is about?
You're not gonna believe it.
These two thugs broke into a dog shelter
and stole a bunch of puppies.
They sold them to a dogfighting gang.
[indistinct mumbling]
Now you feel like
saving pet lives too? Seriously?
Don't you get tired from saving
human lives every day?
Am I the only one who's tired?
We'd like to go home, officer.
Listen, my wife wouldn't go through
the trouble without a reason.
I can vouch for that.
Yeah, well, we're supposed
to hear them out too, so
-Of course. Just tell us. Come on, huh?
How terrible you treated sweet creatures.
These poor animals who can't
even speak for themselves, huh?
-Speak up! Now go!
As you can see, they've been
severely hurt around their mouths.
So we haven't been able
to get statements yet.
I did try to control my strength.
-[mumbling indistinctly]
-Keep it down, guys.
They want to sue her. What will you do?
Well, no worries.
I'll call my legal department.
Go ahead and sue.
These men are outright animal abusers
while my wife was compassionate
and protected helpless animals
who can't speak for themselves and did so
without committing any crimes herself.
Of course, I swear.
I would never hit anyone
if they hadn't done
something incredibly wrong.
-Be quiet!
[fearful squeak]
Come on, have you not learned your lesson?
-[heels clacking]
-[Joong-gan] Hey.
You really got these guys
just like my family would have, hmm?
-Gil Joong-gan, District of Gangnam.
-Oh, my god. So nice to meet you.
Do Bong-soon, District of Dobong.
Oh, my god, you came from Dobong
all the way to my territory?
I'm so sorry things in Gangnam
have been bad.
We'll keep a closer watch.
Oh, don't worry. We're not stuck
to territories like criminals are.
I'm always available to help people out,
no matter where I am.
-Min Min, say hello.
She's a relative.
She's the legend of Majang-dong,
Ms. Gil Joong-gan.
Hello, I'm Ahn Min-hyuk.
You are so handsome.
You're as clean cut
as a bowl licked clean.
I did hear you had married well.
Wow, you two look so good.
You don't fight much, do you?
-As if I was a match for her.
-[both chuckle]
Anyway, uh, I'm leaving now. Hmm?
Keep it up.
Sure. Well, I'll see you around.
-See you around.
-So handsome.
[chuckles] Thank you so much.
-Goodbye. Take care.
-Goodbye. Take care.
Well, it's time for their version
of the story. Isn't it, officer?
-[Min-hyuk] That's right.
Here. Your mouths are bruised.
[thumps table]
But your fingers work, right?
[Min-hyuk] Ta-da.
[exhales] Nice synergy, you're, um
This happens often, you know.
We have to go take care of the kids, so.
Well, I do.
What's so funny?
You better write. Let's go.
I don't have all day, men.
[Bong-soon] Baby, I'm hungry.
-Oh, you're hungry, baby?
-How about fried chicken?
You look so cute right now, baby.
Aww, I just can't handle it.
[both giggle]
[Bong-go] It felt like fate.
I think it was Nam-soon.
Pa, I seriously think
you're obsessed with Nam-soon.
You are. Now you're thinking
some random customer is your daughter.
You don't get it.
I was struck by lightning when I saw her.
[stomach rumbles]
Hwa-ja's not my daughter. No way she is.
Yeah. Mom doesn't think so either.
Really? You talked to your mom these days?
No, of course not.
I just overheard her talking to Ms. Jung.
[Nam-in giggles]
Sandwiches! Just ordered six right now.
You're eating too much, kid.
It'll kill you.
I wanna stop eating. I do.
I feel awful, Pa.
You think I wanna eat this much?
I think there's something wrong
with my brain.
Food simply tastes amazing, you know.
It's driving me nuts.
You'd have to stop, Nam-in.
You have a serious addiction.
I've never seen
a carb addiction rehab center.
Build one. Ask your mom to build one.
Mom won't speak to me anyway.
All right, Tanzanian coffee
freshly brewed. Here you go.
-[Jun-hee] The aftertaste is sublime.
-[Bong-go] Thank you.
-Mr. Seo, thanks a lot.
-[both chuckle]
Hey, Pa. This is Mr. Seo,
the café's new barista.
Oh, I see.
He won the 2018 World Barista
Grand Prix, by the way. He's so good.
Wow. Thank you
so much for the coffee, sir.
Of course, it's a pleasure to serve you.
[soft chuckle]
I hope you enjoy the coffee.
Read your cards.
Tell me what Nam-soon's up to.
[shaman bells ringing]
[Nam-in] In a situation
where everything is falling apart,
as fate will have it, before us
appears a hero who will save the day.
So are we gonna meet her or not?
Stop goofing around and tell me now.
She's on our way to us right now.
[staff] Uh, Mr. Bae Hyeon-sik,
get him the general costume.
[hanger clinking]
We'll see you after lunch.
I like this one.
Can I wear this one?
[staff] No.
Yours is that one.
[loud clack]
[actor] You will pay for your crimes!
[extra] Twist the poles!
-[poles squeaking]
-[fake groaning]
[director] Cut, cut, cut!
Why didn't you check the props?
These are brand new. How did they break?
I'm sorry.
I tried to relax my muscles anyway.
What are you saying?
I like the general. Can I play that?
You can't play the general.
[staff] Just focus on what
you're meant to be doing.
I think I would make
a sweet general if you let me, ey?
Really? Tell you what.
You'll get the gonjang instead.
"Gonjang"? Gonjang the general?
[extra] Commence the beating!
[both grunting]
[Hee-sik] This is Kang Hee-sik, DEA.
Get me the files of every passenger
on that Air Mong flight, please.
-[Young-tak] Let's go, Hee-sik.
Chamma says he's done.
I got another forensic team
to take a look at it
because these guys are really good
at covering their tracks.
But I don't think it's possible.
They're good at hiding IP addresses.
We can't catch them
with a cell phone like this.
These guys, as far as their gear,
they're one step ahead of us.
-[phone vibrates]
Yes, hello?
One of the passengers has been found dead?
[tense music playing]
Could you send me the address?
[phone vibrates]
[Young-tak] Oh, man. She just got here.
She died already?
You know who she is?
[intense music]
-Jerk always leaves by himself.
-[door opens]
Wait up!
[forensic scientist]
It's the same substance that was detected
in Park Gwang-ja's body.
Is it really?
[forensic scientist]
It's not cocaine or methamphetamine.
It's a synthetic drug, apparently.
-And it's not fentanyl either?
-[forensic scientist] No, it's not.
It's something new.
We'll have to analyze it to be sure.
But this is a really scary one.
It seems like she didn't even use
a high dosage, and yet it killed her.
Exactly. Fentanyl is like child's play
compared to this.
[forensic scientist]
Oh, there's something else.
The substance test we ran
shows that the substance
found in this bottle
matches the one in the body.
[Young-tak sighs]
Let's see.
No. Huh.
Wow, it's almost like nobody lived here.
There's absolutely no food.
Just water and beer in the fridge.
You saw the body, right?
She lost about 20 pounds since we saw her.
She lost her appetite.
That means the substance
makes the users lose their will to eat.
This woman brought drugs in her luggage.
We can be sure of that.
And it was very well-disguised
if we missed it, then.
[ominous music]
[door opens]
[door closes]
[intense music]
[music intensifies]
No, nothing.
[switch clicks]
Nothing. Let's head back.
[eerie music playing]
[intense music playing]
[birds squawking]
[bright music playing]
[playful music]
Why is the food different?
I want that too! Why is your food better?
[sighs] Don't you get it?
You're playing a minor role.
You think you'd get the same food
as the real actors?
We work the same hours equally hard.
Why do they get better food?
You don't do any work,
and you get better catering?
-You wanna get fired?
-Do you wanna get fired?
Anyway, I'm eating your better food.
-You eat this.
-Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
-[staff] What are you doing?
-[director] What's going on here?
-What's all this noise?
She's an extra and keeps saying
she wants her food.
[director] Well, so just fire her.
Why did you even hire that girl?
Why would I get fired?
Listen here, dude.
I've been working so hard.
You are fired!
All you do is sit on that chair and shout.
["Superpowers" by ITZY playing]
Hey, bring another food truck.
This one won't be enough.
You guys eat later
since you haven't done any work.
["Superpowers" by ITZY ends]
[approaching footsteps]
I love your temper, girl.
What's your name, beautiful lady?
I don't like you. Come on, get lost!
[hopeless music playing]
Is anyone there?
Guess not.
[Hee-sik sighs]
I get worried when she's in the ger.
I get worried when she's not.
Wait a minute. Why am I worried?
Wait, that's right. I should be worried.
Of course. Why?
Because I'm a good cop. That's why.
[wood clanks]
This is so fun.
[operator] The person
you are trying to reach
What is she up to anyway?
[phone vibrates]
-[friend] Hee-sik, it's me.
Talk to me.
[friend] I looked into
the missing children reports.
Between 2006 and 2023,
the total number of Koreans
reported missing in Mongolia was 23.
-[friend] Most of them
were adults over age 20.
But four were children.
Is that so?
I'll send the data over
to your phone right now.
"Gang Nam-soon"?
Keep it simple.
Just for a start.
[knocks on door]
Are you keeping tabs on her?
Yesterday it sounded like
they were plotting something over a meal.
Is she home right now?
She's not. I'm having her followed.
I'll update you whenever I get notified
of a new location.
Be good to her.
I pity her.
No one has the right
to mistreat another person.
If I decide to mistreat someone,
then someone will hurt
my daughter Nam-soon in return.
That's the way of the world, right?
How are you?
-I'm the girl you're suing.
From the ger.
She's the one who did this.
[groaning] My pelvis.
Here. Take this cash here.
-What? Money?
-[Nam-soon] That's all I have for now,
but I'll give you more when I make more.
Wait, how did you know
which room I was in?
That woman told me, your wife.
[Nam-soon] Your wife went
to the police station to sue me.
Is she a nice wife?
She's a little aggressive.
[Nam-soon] Anyway, see you later.
Ah! I'll sue you too, by the way.
For pushing my friend.
Wait, I
[wife] You jerk! You're cheating
on me with a girl from the club.
-Who's the bitch?
-[man] I didn't.
I'm not cheating!
-[wife] I'll kill you!
-What's up with her?
-[wife] Admit it!
- Hello ♪
It's nice to meet you ♪
We meet again ♪
Hey, where are you guys?
Have you eaten yet?
[foreboding music playing]
Get the hell out.
Out of the way!
[goon 1] Go now!
Do you hear me?
[foreboding music continues]
[goon 2] I don't see anyone.
-[goon 3] She's not here.
-[goon 4] She's not here.
-[weapons swishing]
[objects clonking]
All right, got it.
The Han River tents? Why?
So, wait a second.
You had a bigger part, after all?
Mm! Nam-soon,
you're doing better in Korea than us.
[Ji-hyun] You're amazing.
And you're stronger than Wonder Woman.
Well, I don't know.
By the way, I was talking
to the guys at the set,
told them about you.
They swore they'd find work
for you guys too.
Thank you. Wow, my god!
I have a home now.
And I'm gonna start working
and earning money.
Nam-soon, you're awesome.
[dramatic music playing]
This is Gold Blue's phone number,
and Ms. Hwang's cell phone number.
-I appreciate it.
-[Officer Park] What?
They're smashing the gers.
There's been a report of a large group
of thugs smashing them out of nowhere.
Come on, hurry. Let's go!
[sirens wailing]
What do you think you're doing?
You're destroying my home.
Stop this now.
Or there'll be hell to pay for this!
If you don't rebuild these gers,
then I'm gonna wring your neck.
I'm so scared, huh.
Come on! Why don't you try?
[action music]
Get out of the way, man.
[goons screaming]
-[sirens wailing]
-[tires screech]
Stop that crazy girl! Come on!
Get her, boy! Get her!
[dog barking]
[goon grunts]
[upbeat music playing]
[engine roaring]
I can't believe it.
[Ji-hyun sobbing]
We waited so long to get our own home.
Now what?
[Hee-sik] Gang Nam-soon!
[dark music playing]
Oh, god. It's her.
[breathes shakily]
Are you all right?
I don't need to pay for all
these guys' hospital expenses?
Right? I mean, they started it.
Where am I gonna sleep tonight?
[emotional music playing]
[Nam-soon] Don't cry.
I'll rebuild it for you.
It'll be fine.
We were naive to think
that we could own a home.
[Hyun-soo] Let's go.
We won't ever forget you, Nam-soon.
Thank you.
Where will you stay?
Well, I mean, our home is all of Korea.
We'll be fine.
[Hyun-soo] Oh, please.
Help her find a place to stay, sir.
If you can.
[siren wailing]
Take care.
Where are you going?
Um, I'm going with those guys, so.
You don't get it, huh?
They wanna be alone, obviously.
Don't be a third wheel, okay?
Let's go.
Where are we going?
Uh, to my place.
[door lock chimes]
[upbeat music playing]
The shower's there.
You just fought off 20 guys.
I'm sure you're covered in sweat.
No need to feel bad or anything.
You don't even have
to say thank you, okay?
-[door closes]
-Okay? Anyone would be
Where did she go?
[shower running]
Wow, was that Gangnam style
or Mongolian style?
That was fast, dude.
[line chimes]
Yeah, hello.
Every guy at the crime scene
today should be questioned.
Something about this feels off.
[Nam-soon] Hey, cop guy!
Give me something to wear.
Yeah, sure.
Why would I have any women's clothes?
I hung them on the bathroom door.
They're my clothes. Hope you don't mind.
[Nam-soon] Don't fret.
Wow, feels completely on purpose.
[goon screams]
[phone vibrates]
Inspector Kang,
it's me, Ji-hyeon speaking.
We've discovered
who is behind the ger attack.
Ri Hwa-ja.
But her real name is Lee Myung-hee.
[Ji-hyeon] She's the daughter
of Hwang Geum-ju,
the lady who gave you her number today.
[dark music playing]
[Joong-gan gasps]
I did suspect she wasn't Nam-soon.
-That little prick is lying, huh?
-[door opens]
That little jerk.
Hi, I'm home.
[tense music playing]
Welcome home.
Get some rest, if you'd like.
[phone vibrates]
Is this Ms. Hwang Geum-ju?
Yes, this is she.
Hi, I'm Inspector Kang Hee-sik, Seoul PD.
Hi. How can I help you?
Your daughter is missing, right?
[trivial music playing]
[Hee-sik] And her name is Gang Nam-soon?
Have you really found her, ma'am?
I haven't.
I thought I had,
but it turned out not to be her.
I see.
-I know where your daughter is, ma'am.
-[door opens]
Inspector Kang, could
could she really be home?
[Geum-ju] Hello?
Have you Have you found Nam-soon?
Yes, I think so.
Tell me where
Where is my daughter?
Sorry, I'll have to call you back, okay?
Where should I rest?
[deep breath]
Gang Nam-soon, your mother, I found her.
[gentle music playing]
[line dials, rings]
Hello, it's me.
[man] Yes, Ms. Hwang.
I need a background check
on a cop named Kang Hee-sik.
Find out where he works.
-Right now.
-[man] Of course, ma'am. Right away.
[uneasy music playing]
[breathes shakily]
[Dong-seok] One woman did that
to 20 Korean-Chinese men?
Yeah, it's true.
Even Chief Park said that he has never
seen anything like this before.
You know what,
we really need our own space.
I'm sick of having to share
everything with the precinct.
Our own space?
We're an undercover team, aren't we?
Yeah, exactly. We're on the second floor
of a police station.
[Dong-seok] How is that undercover?
In all of Seoul, there are only
ten drug crime units in total.
Meanwhile, crimes related
to drug trafficking
are increasing every day.
That's why the commissioner
especially ordered the formation
of a covert drug investigation unit.
Our duty is to catch
drug dealers in Gangnam. That's all.
Don't forget that, okay? Not for a second.
Don't waste time thinking
about cases like these ones.
I'm sorry, I don't think this is trivial.
How can you call this a trivial case?
This case is huge.
A single girl did all this.
I admit it's crazy.
Hey, where did Hee-sik and Young-tak go?
It's their day off today.
They haven't had rest for ten days anyway.
Did they manage to find anything?
Boss, come on.
Just let them rest
on their day off, will you?
Hey, so why don't you quit your job,
huh, and go work downstairs?
Huh? So you can rest for good, huh?
[bottle clinks]
Mmm. Tasty.
[emotional music playing]
[clears throat]
Sweetie, I ate
the whole outside part of it.
So you could have
the middle of it with the tuna.
Are you sure, sweetie?
[Hyun-soo] I'm so, so touched.
Wait, this
This is a round gimbap now,
not a triangular one.
A tear-soaked triangular gimbap.
I'll always remember this, won't you?
Let's sleep once you're done.
We should save this for tomorrow.
-You sure?
-Are you cold?
-A little.
Oh, thank you.
I think I get it now.
The person who destroyed the gers
is a fake Gang Nam-soon.
[Hee-sik] I guess
she doesn't want you alive.
Your mother
has been looking for you for 20 years.
She knew her daughter
was strong, so ten years ago,
she started holding Strength Contests.
She did that, so she could find you.
Then a fake daughter showed up.
But I guess they know
that she's a con artist.
And are my mom and dad, are they okay?
[emotional music playing]
[phone vibrates]
[man] Ms. Hwang, Inspector Kang Hee-sik
graduated from KNPU.
He's currently part
of a special drug investigation unit.
It's a covert operation.
But their headquarters
are at the Ganghan Police Station.
A special drug investigation unit?
[door slides open]
You take the bed.
Where are you gonna sleep?
I can sleep in the small room.
All right, uh, good night.
About your powers, how did you get them?
How can a person be as strong as you are?
I don't know.
In Mongolia, I never saw anyone,
man nor woman stronger than myself.
I, uh
I think you have a superpower.
[Hee-sik] And I think your mom does too.
My mom?
It's late. Get some rest now.
You found my mom after all.
Thank you.
Least I could do, right?
All I did was keep a promise.
[door closes]
Hi, this is Hwang Geum-ju.
Hi, I was about to call you, actually.
My daughter, where is she?
[Hee-sik] She's with me right now.
May I speak to her?
Well, she's a little tired today.
I'd like to let her sleep for now.
If she talks to you, ma'am,
she won't be able to sleep.
You're right.
Good point.
I won't sleep, but she should.
All right.
When she wakes up tomorrow,
I'll send you an address.
Can you ask her to meet me there?
Sure, I can do that.
Thanks for finding her for me.
From the bottom of my heart.
I'll never forget this.
Don't mention it.
It's an honor. I mean it.
Good night.
[line ends]
[soft chuckle]
[Geum-ju crying]
[phone vibrates]
You gave me Nam-in.
And Nam-soon as well.
[Geum-ju] And now Nam-soon is back.
She's been found.
She's with the police right now.
This time, it sounds real.
Very real.
Is she all right?
Of course.
She's all right.
[Bong-go cries]
[horns honking]
[Hee-sik] Here.
[plastic crinkles]
Korea can be a great place to live.
I had that delivered overnight.
So when you meet your parents,
you'll be wearing nice, clean clothes.
That way, you'll reassure them
that their baby's okay.
-[Nam-soon] The bathroom.
[door opens]
[door closes]
Guess I'll get going.
Mm-hmm. Hope it goes well.
[deep breath]
[door lock chimes]
[phone rings]
Talk to me.
[Young-tak] Nothing we fed in
has tested positive for any kind of drug.
[Young-tak] Did you find
anything else yesterday?
Well, I did.
But I think it's nothing.
[daunting music playing]
Young-tak, I think I found it.
[light acoustic music playing]
[deep inhale]
[woman exhales]
[bottle crinkles]
-[man 1] Get out!
-[man 2] Quick! Fire!
[fire alarm rings]
[fire roars]
[kid 1] Help me!
-[kid 2] Someone, please help
-[thumping on window]
[kid crying]
[intense music playing]
[siren wailing in distance]
[truck honking]
We're running a little late.
Is that all right?
It's not all right.
I think there's a fire, ma'am.
[mother] My kids are in there! My kids!
[man] Oh, my god! The kids!
[kids crying]
What do we do?
[loud clang]
[loud thud]
[kids crying]
[kid 1] Please help!
Hey, guys.
Are you kids all right?
I'll get you out. Here.
[kid screams]
Let's go.
[people exclaiming]
[siren blaring]
Whoa, whoa!
[intense music playing]
[kid] Mommy!
[wood clonks]
[crowd cheering]
[woman] You're safe.
It's all right, sweetie.
[people cheering]
[people clapping]
[intense music]
-[ladder clonks]
[people gasping]
[loud thud]
[man] Fire truck is here!
Get out of the way!
[Nam-soon coughing]
[Nam-soon coughing]
[dramatic music]
[deep exhale]
Come here.
Come here.
[sentimental music playing]
[fire roaring]
[heroic music]
[closing theme music]
[Nam-soon] I don't know what I should do.
I don't like studying.
You're a chip off the old block.
[Bong-go] Everything is concentrated
on their strength.
They're not intelligent.
Shut up, Gang Bong-go.
[Nam-soon] I wanna be of help to others.
[Geum-ju] Every human
has something they lack.
What is it that you want?
[Hee-sik] Catching the ultimate villain?
What an impressive detective you are.
[Geum-ju] There are drugs inside Doogo.
Sir, I'm going to have to do
an undercover investigation.
[Hee-sik] We're looking into it
and it looks plausible.
-[Dong-seok] Where?
-A place where there might be drugs.
[Nam-soon] Let's finish up quickly
and go inside the warehouse.
You said we had to find the drugs.
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