Stupid Wife (2022) s01e03 Episode Script


Really good!
I'm sorry.
Do you guys find it funny?
Very, Luiza!
You should have seen her
It was like her heart was in her throat.
It's been a long time since
I've laughed like this. Really!
Do you realize that you have exposed
me to an unnecessary situation?
Uh, Luiza, stop being boring.
I'm doing nothing but laughing!
"Does that mean the house is ours?"
"I was dying to see you!"
Fuck you, Duda!
Now you are acting like the old Luiza.
I won't say another word!
Sohave you started therapy yet?
No, I'll start going to therapy tomorrow.
I really, really hope I
can remember something.
You will!
Yes, you surely will!
Especially because this house is
full of memories, photos, videos
Have you watched the videos?
Of course, everybody has!
What about them?
Why this look on your face, Luiza?
I think she is talking about those videos!
Those videos?
Yes, those videos.
No, those we
Not those!
I mean
it feels like we did watch them
because you've always told us
details of your super active sex life.
Oh, you're playing the timid now?
Duda, stop, please!
Luiza, you used to tell us
details about what you did in bed!
Naughty girl!
Guys, stop!
You were the one that taught her, not me!
It was you! She's always been naughty!
What can one do, right?
Too boring!
Mom, why did you fight?
Adults fight, my love.
It is normal!
Everything is going to be alright!
So why are you sad?
That's part of it, son.
But don't worry about that, okay?
We are going to have a
very nice day tomorrow!
What about the sky?
The sky?
Mom loves the sky!
What is in the sky then?
There is the sun.
The moon!
The moon!
The moon! The sun!
The moon, the sun, and the stars!
The stars, just like this one here!
Yes, just like this one! Who
gave you this star? Your mom?
Hey, little one!
You've already played
a lot today, haven't you?
Let's go to bed then?
Say good night to your mom.
Good night, mom.
Good night!
I think I'm going to fall off the bed!
I think I was falling off the bed!
Were you?
I'll cover you up so you'll be warm.
I love you, okay?
Good morning, my love!
Leo, haven't I told you
not to wake your mother?
You are running late for school!
Don't worry! I was already waking up.
Come on!
Look what I got here!
The moon?
Are you taking it to school?
Go downstairs so I can
prepare your breakfast.
And look, we need to talk about
you running down the stairs, okay?
Um, Luiza
I know you can't
remember it, but I don't
like you undermining me in front of him.
As soon as you get up and get ready
I will take you to the psychologist, OK?
I'm sorry.
It is all soso surreal.
that I can't believe it's happening.
Can you tell me a little more
about how are you feeling now?
You know
to tell you the truth I didn't
know this could happen.
I feel as if
I feel as if I'm trapped
in someone else's body.
What is it like to live
with this new Luiza?
It's a person that I don't know.
Things that seemed conventional to the
Luiza of the past, are no longer so today.
Such as?
Such as what?
Well, some Ideologies, some stances
As if everything had
become lighter, you know?
More relative.
Part of me says that I'm being immature
when I say things that seem
"normal" to the Luiza of the past.
Weird, isn't it?
Well, Luiza, people that suffer
from dissociative amnesia
may not remember concrete
things from the forgotten period.
Feelings, too.
But it's common that
some of the transformations
that you have experienced are still there:
in your thoughts, in your feelings.
I wonder If that's the reason
I love my son so dearly
even if I don't remember his birth,
even if I don't remember him growing up?
Most likely yes!
In fact, our mind is a great mystery,
that not even the greatest
scholars in medicine,
in psychology, have
been able to fully unravel.
So, I think it might be so.
So what do you think I should do now?
NowI think it will be
a case for a joint effort.
Something that involves not only
you, but everyone around you.
So we need to provide you with
a safe, supportive environment.
That's in your house, with your friends,
at your work.
There are times when I
wish it was all a dream!
What ifit was really a dream?
What would you like to happen?
I would want to wake up!
So, how was it there?
It was okay.
Are you willing to keep going then?
I think so, I
I like her!
That's good!
I think we can schedule it for
every Monday, which is your day off!
How many days do I have off?
Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
Weekends included!
Wow, whatwhat do I do
on Tuesdays and Fridays?
You teach!
Oh, I'm a teacher!
What subject?
It's not exactly a subject.
It's just that you've always
been in love with dance.
So you decided to teach it.
God, I'm a dance teacher?
Very good, in fact!
Andyou love your studio.
I own a dance studio?
Wow, that's so cool!
I am loving hearing about all this!
If I had known that you
would like it so much,
I would have told you all this before.
Speaking of that
I have an idea!
Come with me!
Where to?
Come on!
Where to?
Just come! Come, Luiza!
It looks like a dream!
You were exactly like
that when you first saw it!
This is all that I ever wanted!
Something that
that I owned, you know?
Something that would fulfill me.
Was it you who did all this here for me?
Of course not, Luh!
In fact, you have never
accepted a penny from me.
Do you see everything that is here?
You earned it with your hard work.
You are the most
independent person that I know,
the most committed, the most talented,
and everyone respects you.
Do you think that I'll
be able to teach again?
Of course, you will!
WellIt will take some time
for you to come back, to re-adapt.
But it will be alright!
You are talented.
Let's not forget that
you're also very flexible!
I'm tired, Valentina.
I think we'd better go home.
Where is she?
The militant who was not going
to fall in love with the girly girl.
Looks like the game has changed, huh?
Did it?
Valentina, stop.
No! Only if you kiss me!
I'm not going to kiss you!
Kiss me!
I'm not going to kiss you!
Yes, you are going to kiss me!
"Not here!"
Gosh, this a fucking amazing view!
It is really beautiful here!
You really don't remember
anything? Nothing at all? Not even me?
Well, I do remember some things.
I remember you as a
little girl on mommy's lap!
Who authorized you to
grow up like that, huh?
I haven't grown that much!
How about Valentina?
Well, from Valentina
I remember us fighting.
Of our dislikes.
Of not being able to stand
being in the same place as her.
For everyone else, you were like
the cutest couple on Instagram!
In my time, this didn't even exist,
I don't even know how to use it.
You of all people? The famous TikTok girl?
What now?
Relax, you have a lot to learn, and I
will be your teacher, okay? Don't worry!
Soon enough, you're going
to do great with the dances!
Guess who is here today?
Who do you love?
Auntie Sarah!
Yes, Auntie Sarah!
What is she good at?
TikTok, indeed!
Look who is here!
I'm shocked about that!
Auntie Sarah is here!
I was talking about you!
My love!
How are you, dear? I heard
someone scored a goal!
Who scored a goal?
I did!
Here, very good!
Since everyone is here, why
don't we have a TikTok challenge?
How about it, Leo?
Let's do it!
Which choreography do you want to do?
Let's do this one then!
Are you going to be my partner?
I love your eyes, you know?
I can tell exactly what you are
thinking just by looking at you.
You are so beautiful, Luh!
I don't think you have any
idea of how wonderful you are!
We can't hide it from her anymore!
But Valentina asked
us not to say anything.
I know she asked us,
but I don't think it is right!
Hiding this from our daughter
could damage her memory recovery!
We will tell her!
Can we talk inside?
Yes, we can!
What is it, dad?
We need to tell you
something that happened.
Come on, I'm starting to worry!
I can't believe you are doing this!
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