Suburrterna (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

Tintarella di luna

What plans did you have
that were so important
you'd die with Badali?
Just the new stadium in Rome.
This city's always the same.
Albe, there's so much money
involved here that maybe we
How about we split fifty-fifty?
I'm not in it for me.
I just wanna help my family
get out of this mess
and bring it back to how it was.
We'll do what we gotta do, and then
we part ways after that.
Need a hand?
Haven't you done enough?
You made us move here.
What do you got next?
The cops were coming.
I had to get you out of there.
Yeah, how do you expect us to eat
now that we don't have
our houses or turf, huh?
I'll get 'em back.
Your houses, new supplier, your turf.
I'll get 'em all back for you.
You'll get 'em back to us?
You're only good at running your mouth
and running off.
What about the dead?
You got a plan to bring them all back
from the dead too?
This family is done for.
My three sons, they were all killed.
Who's gonna help me?
Who's gonna bring them all back to me?
Listen, this isn't my place anymore,
but you're all right about one thing.
The Anacletis cannot end up like this.
It's not right.
I wanna help. I have a plan.
If it's all right with you,
it'll help bring justice.
My plan's gonna help you start over.
Fuck no! When we go fishing,
I'm busting my ass all day,
and you're making it harder for me.
Don't start with this
first thing in the morning, Damiano.
- Good morning.
- You can't fall asleep holding the bait.
I've told you a million times.
You have to drag the bait on the seabed,
or else the weever fish
will never come out of the sand.
This fucking guy! He doesn't get it!
You forget you hooked your own sister
instead of a mullet?
Fuck you! It hurt so much!
- Look at the scar it left on me, fuckface.
- That happened so long ago.
Bullshit so long ago! It took both
Mom and Dad to get the hook out.
- Don't you fucking forget.
- Fine, okay. I'll give you that.
But I still owe you
for the millions of times you beat me up.
- Maybe I should pay you back.
- You think you're tough enough, tough guy?
- Get off! Oh! Get off!
- Come here! Come here. Let me
- Did I hurt you, pussy?
- Not even a little.
- Good morning.
- Good morning, my love.
My loves.
Little man. My little man.
Oh, Jules, bring the omelets.
They're getting cold.
Don't cry all the time, huh?
Hello, little ones!
On today's menu is sardine omelets.
Mom made them for us
in my dream last night.
That's why I made these.
Thanks, Ce, but I can't eat fish
so early in the morning.
I'm not surprised.
Start expecting to eat fish
for every meal here.
This is a fisherman's house.
You better get used to it, princess,
if you wanna keep living here.
- Or you can move
- Nobody has to get used to it.
Everybody can eat whatever they want.
What's important is
we're eating together as a family, okay?
I'll heat up the milk.
You need to cut it out.
I'll get your houses back.
We'll get the stadium.
Everything will change.
You had the stadium in your hands, Cina,
and you let them steal it.
Well, it's all part of the game.
I'm still a player.
I survive. I don't run. I adapt.
Oh, yeah, man?
You survived because you're a backstabber.
Maybe that's how you see it,
but we both have the same goals here.
Back home, we call it an alliance.
They're too hungry back home.
I'm giving you my men.
Stop wasting time
and find us a new supplier already, Cina.
You start looking
for a replacement for Badali?
You can judge the quality
for yourselves.
If it's as good as your fish,
we're fucked.
- Want a sample?
- Yeah.
What do you think? Fresh enough for you?
Now that the old lady's gone,
who's in charge of the turf?
Nadia's your contact.
But us Lucianis,
we're dealing with the supplier here.
And he's bigger and better than Badali.
We're about to change all of Ostia.
It's not just about the supplier.
We're gonna give you a house. A new life.
What's that mean?
It means all the kids
that have been surviving on the street
are gonna have a place to live.
We'll clear out the occupied buildings
so they have a place to sleep at night.
- Things have to change here.
- We'll handle it.
Yesterday, all of you were
the street kids.
So how's it possible
that you'll be doing charity work?
No one here said anything about charity.
Everyone needs to contribute
to make this carousel go around.
What are you saying?
That Nadia will be collecting 5%
from each of your beach clubs every month.
In my day,
that was called "protection money."
Mollanones aren't fucking paying.
It was my dad who opened the Maggiolino
when nothing was even there.
You're telling me you three fishermen
are gonna eat off our plate?
You kidding me?
Okay, I'm in.
Only thing that counts is that
we're getting the good shit.
Wouldn't be caught dead
getting mixed up with you. Let's go.
What'd they say?
It was pretty tough, Cina.
- Hmm.
- You know what the Albanians are like.
If you drop them, they get offended.
They take it personally.
- We were able to work it out though.
- Nice work.
Time to introduce him.
Come on. I don't have a lot of time, huh?
Of course. Let's go right now.
Actually, on second thought,
you both can kiss my ass.
I worked it out with the Albanians,
and we're fine by ourselves.
have you ever thought about why
nothing's happened to you all these years?
Hmm? Why you haven't had a raid
or an inspection?
It's because I've been protecting you
for all these years.
Now go back to the Albanians
and fix everything for us.
- You do what I tell you, Cerocchi.
- Oh, Cina.
Believe me,
you don't wanna end up like Titto.
You gonna kill me, man?
Then fucking kill me!
They don't give a fuck
about you anymore, Cina.
Your time is over.
Yeah, well, your time
won't even get started.
A shame, Cero.
You could have been making the big money.
- I could see you as a scalper.
- What are you talking about?
The stadium's your scene, right?
Just think about
how much you could really make.
A market as big as the Olympic stadium
but even better.
A place where you can push
kilos of shit. And why not, right?
Somewhere you can maybe sell
your favorite team's scarf if you want.
It's Rome's new stadium, Cero.
It's the new Colosseum.
Just picture it.
In the palm of his hand.
What the fuck were you thinking?
I had to give him all the merchandising
as well as the stadium deals.
You should be thanking me.
He dumped you. There was no other option.
There's always gonna be another option.
That's where you're wrong.
If your own men don't respect you,
no one else will.
Spare me the street etiquette.
I'm just telling you
why your ass is so broke.
You might've took Samurai's place,
but his power held everybody by the balls.
Who do you have? Those two pallbearers?
You were alone three years ago,
and you still are.
Interesting. Coming from a guy
who dropped his own name.
I've been doing great.
All I gotta do is get rid of the Lucianis
to be happy.
You need to handle Ercole.
I'm taking care of it.
His grandfather guaranteed me
he'll get him back in line.
I'll let you know what happens.
I'll bet.
Get moving,
or they're gonna leave you behind too.
They've been laughing at us
our whole lives. The Mollanones gotta die.
- Give 'em some more time, Jules.
- More time?
They've been treating us like shit.
I'm not giving 'em time.
Yeah, but at least now they can all see
what we're capable of doing here.
Maybe we got rid of the Anacletis,
but what about the rest, huh?
Why should we stand around
and let 'em treat us like that?
The Mollanones are respected.
Killing them will start a war
with the other families.
You stay the fuck out of this.
I'm trying to talk with my family.
Damia, you saw it too, right?
They finally listened
to what we had to say.
We need to make it clear to everybody
that whoever goes against us
is gonna meet a bad end.
You're right.
We gotta send a message.
But without any bloodshed.
Burn down the Maggiolino.
The Mollanones will get the message.
They can't work without us.
It'll be a warning to others.
Are you gonna burn down
whoever doesn't pay protection?
Don't call it that.
Ostia's going to be better
than you and Aureliano ever dreamed.
Trust me.
Damiano looks further ahead than us.
I'm not sure it'll work out.
I mean, you saw
how Giulia reacted toward me.
We'll deal with her. Don't worry.
Our moment has come, Nadia.
Cinaglia told me what you did.
He's been helping us
with our permits for years.
What the fuck were you thinking
going against him?
It'd be better
if we did the stadium instead of him.
Is that why you tried to have him killed?
He's an obstacle.
He's an obstacle both in city hall
and on the street where our allies are.
we don't just own a grocery store.
Now we also have an army.
Those Luciani beggars are your army?
If given proper guidance,
they can help us run Ostia.
Right. I'm curious
if the Ostia families see it like you.
The Lucianis have pulled their heads
out of their fish crate asses
just like we should be pulling ours
out of our grocery stores full of shit.
Watch your mouth.
You survive because of that shit,
and you act like your moron dad.
It's still better than
keeping your head down all your life.
The Anacletis
might've spared you, Grandpa,
but how can you pretend
nothing happened to my father?
You don't give a shit about
what happened to your son?
Listen to me. You listen to me.
Go to the party headquarters today.
They are holding a meeting.
Apologize and beg at Cinaglia's feet
if you have to.
I know she's your friend,
but I think we're making a big mistake.
- And Aureliano wouldn't be happy.
- Don't jump on the bandwagon.
Protection money's the start.
We can't trust the Lucianis.
Ostia needs money.
It takes money to change.
The Anacletis aren't angels.
And when they don't need you anymore?
I trust Angelica.
It's insane that we're putting everything
into her hands.
The families trust her, Jules.
They trust Nadia.
Exactly, which is why
she can fuck us however she wants.
What I'm having trouble understanding
Tell me why we're doing business
with that bitch and the Mollanones
when they were this close
to the Anacletis.
Nadia's on our side now,
and she knows Ostia better
than all three of us put together.
If you wanna learn something,
better listen to her.
Damiano, like hell I'm doing that.
Slaughtering the Mollanones
would be stupid, Giulia.
We'll take everything from them.
After that,
we'll burn down their beach club.
Trust me.
It'll be worse than if we had killed them.
You sure about that?
Was it worse seeing our parents
have their store taken
or get a bullet in their heads?
Hey! Stop trying to kill everybody
just because our parents got killed.
- Any update?
- We just finished.
Ercole didn't bother to show up.
- What do you mean he didn't show up?
- Yeah, and the others all kept quiet.
They're nervous
he'll take away his 7,000 votes,
and our majority will collapse.
I'm going to city hall
to see what the mood is. Ciao.
What a bummer.
Alone in the elevator.
Who the fuck do you think you are?
Listen to me, Miria.
You know better than me
that where there's power,
there's also compromises.
What if I get in the way of everything?
Will you put a hit on me?
What are you saying?
Don't even think about those things.
We were all prepared to move forward
if you showed up today, that is.
- I convened the majority leaders for you.
- Hmm.
You didn't even have to do much.
Just relax and take a step back.
Ditch Cinaglia.
Everyone knows it's over for him.
It's my turn now.
I understand it's not easy,
and it takes time.
You're all right?
Yeah, yeah.
I'm gonna need a few more days here.
It's more complicated than I thought.
Do you want me to come?
Better you don't.
I love you, all right?
You know I love you.
Hi, Spadi.
Why'd you do this?
Couldn't say goodbye.
You took the boat
and only thought about your own pain.
Everything good in here?
Why did you come back here, huh?
I heard they made a pit stop
and attacked you here
before they came to kill off my family.
I'm sorry about what happened to you.
So help me out, then.
Go against them? I can't help you.
I don't like the Lucianis either,
but she's involved.
She betrayed my family.
She's not Angelica anymore.
Well, you left.
Your ma treated her like shit
all this time.
You can't get mad if she's finally got
the family she wanted.
Yeah, nice family she chose.
Sometimes you have no choice.
I'll ask you again, Spadi.
Why are you here?
You already ruined her life once.
Isn't that enough?
The Lucianis only care
about their own shit, not her.
Getting rid of them
will be good for all of us.
I told you I won't do it, okay?
Angelica won't get hurt.
Only the Lucianis.
Tell me this
How do you come back after three years
and expect me to betray her?
We work together.
You ever talk to him?
Did you tell him
you were giving Ostia to those shitbags?
Why don't you go fuck yourself, huh, Albe?
Get the fuck out of here.
Call me when you change your mind.
She's not your friend anymore.
She's one of them now.
Welcome back.
You should've come to me instead.
The Lucianis are gonna
torch the Maggiolino.
If you want, we could give 'em
a nice surprise tonight.
I could be up for that.
I like bonfires on the beach.
So tell me. How can I help you?
Always so thoughtful.
You look after us and all our necessities.
Oh, I truly wish I could take care of
all of you personally,
but there's just too many.
And each one
with his own individual needs.
And his own weaknesses.
You know them all, don't you, Sister?
No one sees and hears more than you
in between these holy walls.
Isn't that right, Sister Caterina?
Well, as Timothy once said,
"We women must wear modesty
and also have discretion,
and not braids and gold ornaments."
St. Timothy was absolutely right.
But sometimes,
gold is truth.
And it can save a sacred child of God.
Just so we're clear.
Has this "child"
taken anything from you lately?
I thought so, Sister.
You know it all.
If you want to talk about
your position, I'll stop you right there.
There can't be any interference.
Are you sure?
I think there's already been
a lot of interference.
Cardinal, I have no time.
What do you want?
I just wanna show you something.
Keep up the pace!
Ah, we arrived just in time.
They're coming back
from the changing of the guard.
You're aware of what the changing
of the guard is for, Camerlengo?
As with all ceremonies,
it's to capture attention.
We've known each other for many years.
I'm surprised I've just now realized
that all of your attention
is directed towards
that uniform right there.
I don't know what you're talking about.
I'm going to be late.
Oh, but the changing rooms of the guard
isn't in that direction.
But perhaps you and Corporal Hoffer,
much like all hushed lovers,
might use an alternate path.
I know Tronto is blackmailing you,
but if you give me back
the presidency of the Foundation,
I will help you free yourself from sin
so next time, there'll be nothing left
for either of you to confess.
It's the best outcome for both of us.
We must exchange the sign of peace.
Your nightmare will end.
Trust in me.
Clearly, this will be the last time
you see the corporal, right, Ennio?
These are the files
for Bonatesta's licenses.
The files of all the help you gave them
so they could grow.
"I" gave?
"We" gave them.
Give it to the mayor so he knows
what he's risking if this gets out.
By threatening him?
It's a warning.
Tell 'em, if tomorrow
they do a nice reshuffle
and they kick out Bonatesta,
no one will ever see these documents.
You want him off the council,
but this time,
there is a risk that Ercole might explode,
and I might get caught up in it.
We're making a mockery of the council
by shuffling things around. You know that.
No, it will calm everyone down.
It'll be a breath of fresh air.
Trust me. You'll thank me later.
And what if the opposite occurs?
What if city hall falls
because of my proposal?
I wanna climb, Amedeo. Not fall.
If we don't do the stadium, Miriana,
we both go down.
We've gotta run the risk
in order for us to gain control.
And this is the only way.
You kick Bonatesta out,
and they will all come back to our side.
Trust me.
Did he ask about me?
It was weird, Ange.
He didn't seem like himself.
He wants revenge.
You killed his mother.
Rosa, they're hungry.
I wanna see him.
Tell him I wanna talk to him.
I need to see him alone.
No one can know, Nadia.
Not even Damiano.
He's a lot different?
He is, Ange.
Where is he?
Please have a seat.
Corporal Hoffer left out of the blue.
And, apparently, Sister Caterina
has also requested to be transferred.
Do you know the biggest flaw
all you conservatives have, Fiorenzo?
You proceed much too slowly.
And all the while, we move ahead.
Where is Corporal Hoffer?
That's not important.
All that matters now is the Foundation.
You must explain everything to me
because tomorrow,
the Camerlengo will appoint me president.
Don't be angry with him.
It's just that my help
had arrived before yours.
Why didn't you tell Damiano?
Because nobody could understand
what happened between me and Spadino.
I gotta try to break
this never-ending cycle
any way I possibly can.
You ready?
Wait for me here.
I gotta do it myself.
- Thank you. Very kind of you.
- My pleasure.
Could you give us a moment,
if you don't mind?
How'd it go?
I almost pulled it off.
I had the Camerlengo back on our side,
but Tronto made all the evidence
disappear forever.
We need to find
something on Tronto immediately.
I did some research,
and I discovered
that the only blemish he has
is his sister, Flaminia.
A drug addict and a bit of a thief.
She was a problem
at Tronto's church in Trastevere.
She stole from them.
She even stole items of great value.
Then, after yet another theft,
the Vatican Gendarmerie
eventually reported her
to the state police.
- So she was arrested?
- No.
Because that was the moment
Flaminia vanished.
The Gendarmerie
searched for her at the time
but found no trace of her.
She disappeared.
After that, Tronto left for South America
on a divine mission.
So, to hide her,
do you suppose he took her with him?
I can't say for certain.
But if that's the case,
Tronto's guilty of aiding a fugitive.
I know.
That's why I need your help.
Vittoria, what happened?
3 JULY 2008
Hi, Albe.
It's just us. Don't worry.
Why meet here?
It's where it all ended for her.
I needed a place to come and visit her.
You had to see it too.
It's where our family finally ended.
It wasn't a family.
It was a lie.
She was real,
even if she never took a breath.
She ties both of us forever.
Go back where you ran away
three years ago.
I planned to
but your husband wants us all dead.
I gotta stop him.
He won't do anything if you leave.
I guarantee you.
You guarantee?
You guarantee, Ange?
You expect me to believe you?
You killed half of my family!
A family doesn't do what they did to you.
Leave, Albe.
I can't save you if you stay.
I don't want anything from you.
I don't want you
to end up like our daughter.
You don't know
how much I hated you when you left,
but then I realized you freed me.
Everything I've ever wanted is mine
because you left me.
Leave now.
If it's not for me, do it for her.
- Why didn't you tell me?
- I was handling it.
First her schoolmates. Now the priest.
She needs to get it together.
- Where is she?
- Over there. She's grounded.
If something happens to my kids,
you need to tell me.
Why should I?
I haven't been able to see you do anything
to protect your family so far.
I don't like you.
I don't know what you're doing.
I don't know what kind of person you are,
but Alice gave me an idea.
I'm not losing my grandkids too.
Just try getting in my way.
You'll find out what kind of person I am.
Don Paolo said that the principal
had every right to suspend me.
And that Mama renounced God's love
and that she abandoned me.
Mama never stopped loving you.
I don't think
that I can handle it anymore.
Of course you can.
It's a matter of
controlling your emotions.
Turn them off.
Like when you turn off the light.
Don't let others take advantage of you.
They'll use your emotions to hurt you.
And is that what you had to do
when Mama died?
Get down!
We're trapped!
Cesare, go! I've got your back!
Stop! Don't go out there!
- Die, son of a bitch!
- Giulia, stop!
No! Come on!
Come on! Hurry up, fuck! Come on!
Let's go!
Wanna make up?
Come on. You know
no one has fun like we do.
Think so?
Being with a guy who orders murders
like they're cocktails
isn't my idea of fun.
You really thought
you could screw over Amedeo,
but this city keeps zero secrets from him.
There's gonna be another meeting tomorrow,
and you're not invited.
Can you guess why?
We're announcing a reshuffle.
You're out. I'm very sorry.
- What the fuck are you saying?
- I told you you should've shown up.
What the fuck are you telling me? Miria.
Come on. I got her. I got her.
Easy, easy. Damiano, easy. Take her.
- What the fuck happened?
- An ambush.
It was Moreno and your asshole ex-husband.
That's what happened.
I told you we shouldn't trust
that bitch friend of yours!
Where the fuck is the first aid kit?
- It hurts! Oh fuck.
- Give me that!
Calm down. Calm down.
- Just breathe. Just breathe. Just breathe.
- Breathe.
- Come on, Jules. Relax.
- Just breathe.
What the fuck?
Good evening. Welcome back.
I heard what happened.
You can't even kill a little sheep.
My dad was totally right.
Yeah, well, I've fucking had it with you!
Hey, if you died instead of him,
we wouldn't be in this shit!
If you're not with us,
then it's better if you leave!
Get it? We don't want you here!
I told him to leave.
I asked him
on behalf of the child we lost.
I believed he'd leave
because he owed me that
after everything he's done to me.
I was naive.
It wasn't Nadia. It was all my fault.
It's my past.
I had to make sure it was closed.
Yeah, well, he was the one
making sure it was closed, Ange.
He was trying to wipe us all out.
And how did you feel seeing him again?
He means fucking nothing to me.
He's a ghost.
For some reason,
you wanted to see this ghost without me.
I'm sorry, Damia.
I was wrong.
You have to believe me.
I'm sorry. You have to believe me.
I'm sorry. Please, Damiano.
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