Suspect (2022) s01e03 Episode Script


Morning, Jackie.
You've got an unidentified female.
She was found hanging in the
It's Christina.
My daughter.
Christina's been murdered.
There's no evidence to support that.
You're her girlfriend. Wife.
So you let her down, is that it?
You want the postmortem to say
that it's not your fault.
You found her in bed with a girl.
She was a child.
You couldn't accept her as she was.
She killed herself.
But I can find out
why she died alone,
I don't have those answers
that you're looking for.
Well, then who does?
You should try Maia.
She runs The Crimson Orchid.
This programme contains
strong language and scenes some
viewers may find distressing
Where have you been this
whole time?
You really thought that I worked in
Where have you been this whole time?
..find another way.
You have three new messages.
Danny, it's Richard, please call me.
Call me the minute you get this.
Please, Danny. It's important, I
..I know what you took
from the mortuary.
Please, Danny,
I'm worried about you.
Erm, look, I can't begin to imagine
what you must be feeling.
I just don't want you to, you know,
I mean, given the difficulties
you've had and the efforts
we've all made to get
you into a better place, I-I just
Yes. Exotic Bloom.
I'm looking for Maia.
We're closed.
I only need a few minutes.
Come back tonight.
We open at nine.
I'm not here for a lap dance.
Maia's not here.
Then I'll speak to you.
Or would you prefer me to come back
with Her Majesty's Revenue
and Customs and my colleagues
from Vice?
Through the door to the right.
Yeah, yeah
OK. Let me know.
How can I help you?
So which are you?
Exotic Bloom or Crimson Orchid?
I'm the manager.
Should I call you Maia?
I'm making inquiries
about Christina.
Christina Frater.
Well, we have a Crystal.
A young woman is dead,
very possibly murdered.
She's murdered?
So you do know her?
Was she one of your girls?
Was she one of your girls?
What then?
Oh, we partied together.
Was that all?
That's it.
When was the last time you saw her?
Saturday before last.
What time?
It was about two.
We were closing up.
I let her stay upstairs on the sofa.
Why would you do that?
Well, she was in a bit of a state.
What kind of state?
Drunk, high
..maybe, she was
..she was bleeding from her ear
and her face was all bruised.
Did she tell you what happened?
No. She just kept saying she'd done
something terrible.
She wouldn't say what.
What did you think?
Honestly? I thought it was some kind
of domestic.
It wouldn't be the first time.
Between her and Nicola?
You've spoken to her?
Jealous bitch.
She was complimentary
about you, too.
Yeah. I'll bet.
She pretty much implied that
you were Christina's pimp.
Fuck her.
Have I touched a nerve?
This is a licensed premises.
Who're you kidding?
It's a knocking shop.
Look, get out!
Is this it?
Is this what? The members' lounge?
What do you call it?
The VIP room where they come
for the added extras.
This is for the private dances.
And handjobs.
Oh, come on, Maia. Don't be coy.
What exactly do you want?
Other than to bad-mouth my
girls and me.
The names of Christina's clients.
What clients?
The ones she brought here.
She didn't work here.
Well, then the ones she picked up
here and took back to her place.
You are way off beam.
I'm only going on what her wife
Yeah, well, Christina lied to her
about pretty much everything.
Why would she do that?
To keep her off her back.
She didn't like men.
Not like that.
Needs must.
You have got no idea about
needs, mister.
Who the fuck are you?
I showed you my card.
Show me again.
I'm her father.
Her father's dead.
Wishful thinking.
No. He died in a motorbike accident.
It's another lie, I'm afraid.
Is the thing about the pony true?
Fuck me, I'm so fucking gullible.
What was I thinking? I can't even
imagine Christina on a horse.
So you did end up buying her one
Look, you've got the wrong idea
about your daughter. OK?
Or maybe you have.
Trust me.
I introduced her to a bunch of guys,
including the owner of this place.
No dice.
What about female clients?
We don't get many women in here,
do we?
She'd a roll of banknotes
in her flat as thick as my arm.
She didn't get those playing the
penny slots.
Yeah, well, she didn't have any
clients. At least not like that.
Another kind of client, then?
What other kind of clients, Maia?
You said you partied together.
Pretty fucking hard from what I
Did you supply her?
Is that it?
Is that what?
Did she sell a bit on the side?
You need a warrant to go
poking around in my shit.
Hey, excuse me.
You break it, you fucking
pay for that.
Hey, I could file a complaint,
you know.
Abuse of powers, arbitrary search.
You didn't tell me how she died.
Postmortem says she hung herself.
But you think otherwise?
What? Soso that's why
you're obsessed with the idea that
she slept with men for money?
There is nothing here.
Ah, ah!
It's not how it looks.
It looks like possession
with intent to supply.
Enough to shut this place down.
Bye-bye. Please!
I need this job.
Then I'd start talking
if I were you.
Nicola said Christina changed when
she started hanging out with you.
Did you get her into this?
She was dealing before we met.
I doubt that. You would.
Remember the scooter she used
to go round on when she was still
at school?
How do you know about that?
How do you think she paid for that?
Her mother helped her out.
She told her mum the same
thing about you.
Christina wouldn't have lasted five
minutes in that world.
It's changed, you should know that.
They deal online using
messaging apps. Emojis
tell you what they have to sell -
snowflake, smiley face, maybe
a diamond. You can pay by money
They'll even courier it to you, no
need for face-to-face.
It's all digital. Sounds traceable.
It's not.
The apps are encrypted.
As long as you're careful
with your phone, you don't deposit
money in your bank account,
it's fine.
So what do you use, cryptocurrency?
Hm, that'll do it.
You still have to source
the product.
I mean
The stuff she was dealing when I
met her was not that serious.
Weed, maybe a bit speed.
What about these?
That's Rhino ket.
What's Rhino ket? Mexxy.
It's like ketamine.
Only a bit stronger.
I never saw her do anything
like that.
Just coke, then?
Talk to me.
There was a guy used to come
in here a lot.
We dated for a bit. Nothing heavy.
Just, you know, the odd weekend away
here and there.
They weren't exactly mini breaks.
What then?
Well, he was meeting people, making
connections, and then he started
asking me to go on my own.
Less risky for him.
What was in it for you?
Bit of merchandise, sell on the
What about Christina?
I started taking her along with me.
We had a laugh.
So you got her involved?
Oh, come on.
She was no innocent.
So what happened?
The guy found out.
What, he was furious?
He was delighted, more like.
I don't know. I think they knew each
other from before.
Did she tell you that?
I don't remember.
I just know they hit it off.
She started dealing for him -
online still.
But, you know, higher volume
class As. More money for everyone.
..they cut me out.
Christina double-crossed you?
She put her own priorities first.
You fell out?
We didn't see each other
for a while.
Where were you between 1 and 2am?
Come on.
You're not pinning this shit on me.
I was here till well past three.
Look, Christina was my friend.
She could charm the birds
from the trees.
I couldn't stay mad at her.
I need to take this.
Daniel, speak to me.
Richard says you've seen her.
This morning.
And there's no doubt it's her?
Our little girl.
Susannah, don't.
I need to see her for myself.
Will you come with
Please, Daniel.
I've got to go.
You should go.
Be there for her.
It's never too late.
OK, I'll call her.
I've gotta go.
Was that him?
The guy you were talking about?
Have you got kids?
That's none of your business.
Do they know what Mummy
does for a living?
Fuck you.
I'm sorry. I
..I just thought as a parent
you might, erm,
you know
I've told you everything I know.
Except his name.
Oh If I give you that
Then you get this back.
And this goes no further?
I've got enough on my plate.
It's all I've got.
Call him.
No way.
Call him!
He won't pick up.
Then call him and leave a message
with my number.
I can't get involved in this shit.
You're neck fucking deep in it!
Hi. This is Maia.
I'm just calling to leave
you a number.
Thank you.
I wouldn't go there on my own.
He's a nasty piece of work.
You should lie low.
I will.
She'd, she'd never take her own
I know she'd be self-destructive,
but she
..she knew how to laugh at herself.
No matter how bad it got.
Hello. Danny.
Long time no speak.
Who is this?
Do I know you?
Of course you do.
Do you know the old Pumphouse,
south of the river?
I'll see you there.
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