Swallow the Sun (2009) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

Episode 3
Let's go. To my house.
I can't tonight. I'll see you next time.
Who are you?
Me? I'm Kim Jung Woo.
I don't know how you got involved with Ggot Nae Woon,
but if you have a way, get out now.
Living with you is my job.
Accepting you is a part of the deal.
In exchange for accepting you,
I can use all of Chairman Jang's money that I want.
whatever you see or hear,
you didn't see it or hear it.
There are a lot of rooms so
use whichever one you like.
What are you doing?
Oh. Have some breakfast.
I just took whatever was in the fridge
and pulled it together, I hope you like it.
Try some.
Aren't you eating?
What did you do before?
You said it yourself last night
either a thug or trash.
You're right, I am a thug. That thug
grabbed his chance at the good life.
I don't want to lose that chance, so I'm
going to do anything you tell me to do.
If you tell me to bark, I will.
If you say crawl, I'll crawl.
Nice shot.
It flew nicely.
I stopped by the headquarters then took
a look around the resort you're building.
The scale is massive.
When will the ribbon cutting
ceremony be held?
Originally it was to be the end of the month
but it could be delayed by 2 or 3 months.
On top of your resort,
if you put a hotel on
the Baek Suk Ri land you've obtained,
Jeju Island becoming your kingdom
is only be a matter of time.
I'll just be a loyal subject in that kingdom
so please treat me with mercy.
As long as you don't get involved in any
conspiracy of betrayal, I'll have your back covered.
Betrayal? I wouldn't even dream of it.
You know, I enjoy watching historical dramas.
And in those days, the kings
would become in-laws with other kings that
they suspected of potential betrayal.
How about if we take this opportunity
and become in-laws ourselves?
For me, I would consider it an honor. But
do the kids nowadays do as they're told?
They do whatever they want.
By the way, is Tae Hyuk doing well?
Yes. He's getting along fine.
I'm sorry. Something urgent came up.
Is something wrong?
No, nothing. Don't concern yourself.
What is the problem?
All of a sudden, the bank said they
couldn't finance the Baek Suk Ri land.
It seems someone whispered in their ears that
it could become embroiled in a legal battle.
Is it Yoo Kwang Soo's doing again?
We haven't been able to confirm that yet.
If we can't come up with the funds by the
end of the month, it could cause a big problem.
How much are we in the hole?
About 150 billion won.
$12 million USD
Turn the car around and go to the airport.
Take care of the documents
and set up an appointment.
Yes, sir.
Why does the old man ignore his properties
in Kang Nam and hole up here?
He said the fortune teller told him
to never move from this spot.
What a crazy bastard.
He's waiting for you.
Welcome. Just a sec,
I'm almost done eating.
Hey Kyung Myung, take away the dishes!
Take these
Go ahead and sit.
What's going on?
The reason for coming to see
you is obvious, isn't it?
You're right how much?
150 billion won.
How much?
150 billion won.
By when?
By the end of the month.
And I'll use it for just six months.
Look here, I'm not a bank.
How would I have that?
Because you're you, I know it's possible.
Okay. I'll give it to you.
Thank you.
But there is a condition.
Please say.
Kill a person for me.
Why? Isn't that your specialty?
Do you want to see Tae Hyuk?
No, just go on down.
Yes, sir.
To the airport.
Is our boy getting along okay with Tae Hyuk?
Yes. There haven't been any problems.
Would it be alright if I asked you something?
What is it?
Why did you send that friend,
Kim Jung Woo, to Tae Hyuk?
His the look in his eyes.
The spirit in him is different from Tae Hyuk.
Tae Hyuk is too much like his mom, worthless.
By living with someone like our friend,
something could rub off on him.
Let's go out.
why don't you shed that country bumpkin look?
Pick something out and change into it.
That person to whom giving the
entire world is not enough,
That person that is the reason I live today,
That person who gave me reasons to smile,
I miss that person.
That person I draw with my hot tears,
That person I cannot erase in my heart.
No matter how much I wish,
no matter how much I hope,
I can't help but to keep longing.
I will throw it all away, throw it away.
Even my heart that remembers you.
I will forget it all,
forget all.
The person that is painful to love,
painful to love.
You're here?
It's been a long time.
Uh huh. Have you guys been doing okay?
Oh, this is Kim Jung Woo, a friend.
What are you up to these days?
Just playing.
You're so lucky. I'm dying trying
to learn my dad's business.
What is there to learn about selling shoes?
I told you to abandon that and
go into business with me.
What are you doing?
Sang Min here says he's in La-la-la business.
Something about star management.
He gets involved in all kinds of shit.
I have a handful of talents with great potential
so just let me know when you're ready.
What does your friend do?
He's a problem solver.
If you have any problems or ever get into a
jam, tell me. He'll take care it for you.
Even assassination, right?
If the price is right.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
I need to contract him immediately.
There's a girl that I can't shake off.
Will you kill her for me?
Let's start with her.
Yo, your wife's here.
Go on in.
I'd like to see you for a minute.
Just come.
This is a friend who recently
started living with me.
He's someone that's like my arm and a leg
so if there's anything you want, tell him.
He'll do it all for you.
If you want to play, he'll play with you.
He'll even sleep with you if you want.
Does that satisfy you?
Are you crazy?
If you react like that to my gift,
that'll make me feel bad.
I put her in your hands.
If I asked, would you really sleep with me?
Why are we here?
You said you will do anything I asked, right?
There's a girl I like.
It the first time in my life I've
felt that feeling, that emotion.
But I don't know how to let her know.
Why? Don't you just do it?
I can't seem to do that.
You bring her heart to me.
Whether you have to steal it or
take it from her, bring it.
How can I bring someone's heart?
I thought you said you would
bark if I said and crawl if I said?
She's somewhere inside that
building about now.
The only thing I have, is her name.
Find out everything about her.
Her relationships, where she lives,
what her parents do.
From her hair to the tips of her toes.
['Graduate School of Music'
'Lee Su Hyun']
I'll bark if he says and crawl if he says!
Miss Su Hyun?
No, I'm not.
I'm sorry.
Lee Su Hyun?
It's the room at the end.
- Thank you.
- Okay.
I must not have sorted it out yet,
because I still love only you.
The tears are from this sad love,
so I wander alone, aimlessly.
I don't know the real reason for you to leave.
Why did you want to leave me?
Only one person. Isn't this too sad?
Don't try so hard to leave me.
What rings in my ears
are only the sound of your voice.
The words you whispered,
when you called my name.
What rings in my ears
are only the sound of your voice.
The words you whispered,
when you called my name.
They ring in my ears.
You wench!
- Do you know what time it is?
- I'm sorry, sorry.
When are the unnis coming?
Hold that up. Okay. Oh really!
Sir! We're a teeny bit late, aren't we?
Unnis, are you looking down on me because
I'm doing a catalog for Dong Dae Moon.
Huge outdoor marketplace in Seoul
No, what do you mean look down?
You have no idea I much I respect you.
Okay assistant Park.
We'll be doing just two sets of shoot today.
One is for the French luxury lingerie
and this one is American style casual.
What is the modeling fee?
Huh, how can you be so direct with
an artist about things like that?
Casual is 200,000 won and
the lingerie 400,000 won.
$160 and $320 USD respectively
Four h!
I'll do the lingerie.
Unni, you're so brazen.
You don't know yourself?
There's a mirror. Go look at it.
Okay. Unni, you do the lingerie.
And unnie, you do the casual.
Okay, let's hurry and get set up.
We're late. Hurry.
Okay! Good!
One more time.
Okay, let's see how you take. Here.
Look at that expression, ugh.
Can't you be more natural?
Arrrgh. Hey assistant Park,
I just can't do this. You take over.
Oh really!
Girl, you need to be more honest
in assessing yourself.
How did you think you can take off
clothes with that body of yours?
I'm going on ahead.
To go do something that you can't even if you
took off every stitch of your clothes. Why?
I still have more to count.
Uh, just a minute.
You're making your wrist too stiff.
Didn't I tell you to have slack between
here and your bow?
And loosen up here.
- and relax your shoulders.
- Okay. Don't let the shouders stiffen again.
Let's do it again.
Stay with the tempo.
Good, good.
Pretty baby.
Play 'Return to Pusan'.
Hey! 'Return to Pusan'.
I'm sorry guest.
Singing is not allowed here.
What do you mean not allowed?
Guest, please don't
- Here. Let's start.
- Please don't do this. Please return to your seat.
Huh, this punk is really.
- Please sit.
- You punk. Okay, begin.
spring has come.
no matter how often I cry out,
there is no answer.
Please come back,
return home, my pathetic
but missed brother of mine.
How many jobs did you do today?
Today? Three.
You're too much.
Don't you get tired?
If everyday could be like today,
I could leave next year.
Did you eat?
I had some ramen at the cafe.
Here, move for a bit, move, move.
- Oh! That feels good.
- Hey you,
aren't you going to clean up?
I don't want to bother.
Eww, such a dirty girl. Really.
Hey, aren't these the socks you wore yesterday?
Oh, you're so dirty.
What's the use of giving myself facials
when my skin rots because of you.
Where are we going?
I don't know.
Do you know where?
I don't know.
Didn't oppa tell us to put on suits?
Why would I have a suit?
What's with this one?
Didn't you hear what I said?
I don't have any suits.
I told you to buy one if you didn't.
I lost all my money at the race tracks
so I didn't have the money to.
You stay and the rest of you follow me.
I'll be back.
Shit. Always using his hands.
Do you know why I asked you here?
No, we don't.
Jung Woo in Seoul asked for a special favor.
He asked me to put you to work.
Ah, this is Suk Tae's sister.
I am Han Sun Yung.
What are we going to do?
I was trying to figure that out.
But for one of you, it just came to me.
I don't want to.
What do you mean you don't want?
That man. I don't like the way he looks at me.
Stop being so immature. If that man
is interested in you, that's a good thing.
Baek Sil Jang is in charge of this place,
he's Chairman Jang's right hand man.
Sun Young, do you know what my wish is?
It is to see you find a stable man
and living a good life.
I have someone I'm going to marry.
Jung Woo?
Don't even bring him up!
If he's in your life,
you will only have unhappiness!
So stop with your nonsense and do as I say!
Aigoo~ya. Starting so early in the morning.
What's making you so miserable?
Whether I'm miserable or I'm crazy,
what's it to you?
Is that so? Give me a drink.
You, it's been a long time since you've shared
the bed with President Hyun, hasn't it?
What are you talking about?
Your eyes are misty and
your face is full of disatisfaction.
What are you doing there with
someone else's wife?
Oh, I was going to give some
advice on life to my dongsaeng.
Someone who can't even handle his own life
wants to advise someone on life?
What's the matter?
Did something happen?
That is oh forget it.
Since when were you concerned about me?
I mean how can you be gone for 2 nights
and not even call home once?
I was involved in a stakeout
and didn't get one wink of sleep.
You know how it is so why are
you acting like this?
What do I know? How would I know if you're
on a stake out or with some woman?
Let's stop here.
Yes, it is.
I understand.
I'm going out for a while.
Look at him.
Stop drinking.
I know President Hyun well
and he's not a person to run around on his wife.
I wish he would run around.
The person he's having an affair is
not with a living person but a dead one.
That's what makes me feel like
I'm going to explode.
He's having an affair with a dead person?
What does that mean?
Have you been well?
Do you recognize me?
Aren't you Ki Sang?
You became a policeman, didn't you?
Yes, mother.
Please find our Mi Yeon.
If you're a policeman, please find our Mi Yeon.
She left to gather abalone and never returned.
You find her.
I will surely find her.
I will.
Find her. Please find her.
I think you need to begin preparing yourself.
She doesn't look like she will live much longer.
How did it go?
It might be beyond my abilities.
You really don't know?
Know why I asked you to do that job?
I'm not insane so why did I ask you
do something so ridiculous?
This is an obstacle you need to
pass for my acceptance.
I need to know what you can do for me.
How far you will go,
and if you will really bark or crawl.
Do a good job.
- Are you okay?
- Oh, what's with your driv!
I think I'm okay.
You're not hurt?
Let's go to the hospital.
Rr..really, I think I'm fine.
Very good. This way a little!
Very good. That feels good.
Good, good.
Very good.
Bravo, bravo.
Bravo, I like it.
You're doing it right. Alright.
You're very good.
That's it.
Throw one at me! Whoa! Beautiful.
Let's take a break.
That was really good.
Can't I put on a swimsuit too?
My body goes in where it should
and comes out where it should.
Unni, where do you get your self confidence?
And for someone so short.
Stop speaking nonsense and put on
the outfits set aside for you, okay?
I can do it.
I mean, we suffered the same so why is there a 200,000
won difference in pay? Does that even make sense?
So why didn't grow a little taller?
You're just wonderful, okay.
Oh, do you want to go to a party?
What party?
I caught a kingka and I think
he's ridiculously rich.
king of charisma, a man
with money, looks, charm
Don't you want to go and see how
the rich people play?
I'm fine. Just go by yourself.
I'd like to go by myself too
but he asked me to bring a friend.
Don't be like that. Play act my bridesmaid
and go with me, okay?
Then our pay today, we split it equally.
If you don't want to, forget it.
Oh that heartless wench.
Okay, fine!
What's with your clothes?
I didn't have time to change.
Even so, aren't your tennis shoes
a little over the top?
Well look at you, why even wear any clothes?
Please come in.
Oh, isn't it so luxurious?
What is this?
I thought it was a party.
Are you here?
What's going on?
I thought there was a party.
Please have a seat first.
So, when will the party be?
You're Lee Su Hyun, aren't you?
How do you know that?
You know Jang Tae Hyuk?
This is a meeting that Tae Hyuk
arranged for you.
Don't answer.
Yeah. I see.
I'm going out.
Why do you have to know?
You coming on to me,
that was planned from the beginning, wasn't it?
How could you do that?
Are you playing with me?
What do you think I am?
Go home by yourself.
It's been a long time.
You taking people by surprise is the same as ever.
I may have the ability to surprise you
but don't have the ability to move your heart.
A man that gives up after just a few rejections
he's no fun.
I have a weak heart.
When I see the coldness in your eyes,
I'm afraid my heart will stop.
How are my eyes now?
I think I might keep breathing.
Oh, who was that guy?
He's my right hand man,
someone who does whatever I need done.
Fun. I wish I had someone like that.
Come in.
Just a minute.
Yes, I'll be right there.
Wow, this is so grand.
Let us have some tea first.
I don't know what you're supposed to
appreciate about this.
Then, I'll bring something else.
No, that's fine.
So, did you put out the fire?
That's good.
Then we should finish the deal.
I wish I can
take away his life with my own hands and
grind up his body but I'm a person
without that capability.
Will you do it?
Then we should finish the deal.
Kill a person for me.
Tell Kim Jung Woo to come down.
Yes, sir.
Is it bearable?
What about that kid, Tae Hyuk?
He's getting along well.
A long way to go to his maturity.
Please take good care of him.
I'll take it to heart.
You said meeting me was the first
opportunity in your life?
You need not worry about a second opportunity.
You are now my man.
There's something that's giving me a headache.
Just tell me. If there's anything I can do, I will.
Even if it's ending someone's life?
Main Translator: songbird
Timer: kiyundy.
That person to whom giving the entire world
is not enough.
Editor/QC: babymarzy
Final QC: leesja
That person that is the reason I live today.
Coordinators: sayroo, cute girl
That person who gave me reasons to smile,
~ Swallow the Sun ~
I miss that person.
If you'll give me a chance,
I can show you what a decent person I am.
That person I draw with my hot tears.
I don't have that kind of luxury in my life
to worry about advising on someone else's.
That person I cannot erase in my heart.
What if I was to help you with that?
I'm leaving tomorrow.
No matter how much I wish,
no matter how much I hope,
Isn't there anything you want to say to me?
Don't hold Su Hyun in your heart.
I can't help but to keep longing.
Getting involved in any way with her isn't
something I can permit.
I will throw it all away, throw all away.
I sold my soul to you and your father.
Even my heart that remembers you.
In return, all I got was betrayal.
I'm trying to figure out how to repay that.
I will forget it all, forget all
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