T.P BON (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

The Secret of the Pyramid

[bells jingle]
[chimes tinkling]
[funky adventurous music playing]
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Come on ♪
[upbeat retrowave music playing]
[music fades out]
[funky adventurous music continues]
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Come on ♪
Come on ♪
Bon, Bon ♪
- Come on ♪
- [music fades out]
[birds chirping]
[Yoko] Bon, wait up! [pants]
Hey there, Yoko.
You never come over to hang out anymore.
I've been super busy.
Y'know, Time Doh!
I'm not supposed to tell anyone.
Are you keeping secrets from me now?
Oh. Mm
Well, if you're so busy,
then I guess you'll miss out.
- [Bon] Hmm?
- [Yoko] My uncle is coming over tonight.
He lived in Egypt for a long time.
He has some amazing stories to tell,
and I just thought
you might be interested.
I am! Count me in!
There's no way I'd miss it!
[lock clacks]
- I'm back! Welcome home!
- [whimsical string music playing]
[grunting hurriedly]
See you later!
[mother] Have a nice day.
- Hmm?
- [music fades out]
[birds chirping]
[Time Boat whirs]
- Hi, Ream. Did we get new orders?
- [music resumes]
We sure did. And we've gotta get going.
Aw, man. I've already made plans.
Oh, okay. Goodbye, then.
Oh, all righty. See ya soon.
Wait a second.
- About this mission
- Yeah?
Would we be saving someone
from a terrible death?
Of course. That's the only reason
why the Time Patrol exists.
Then we've gotta get going already!
I thought you had big plans.
Well, we'll just have to
save them quickly.
Okay, if you insist. We'll get going.
Oh, come on already! Punch it!
- Where are we headed?
- Ancient Egypt, to the year 2592 B.C.
Whoa! B.C.?
Yep. The very, very distant past.
Language, historical background,
manners and customs.
We have a whole lot to learn
before we get there.
Hold on. There's no way
we can learn all of that before
- [gasps]
- Yep. Compressed learning.
- [Buyoyon] Ream!
- [both] Huh?
[Ream] Ugh. Here comes old co-dependent.
- [warbled whizzing]
- [grunts] Ouch!
Hey! Why didn't you
call me for this mission?
[Ream] I forgot?
Anyway, let's travel back 4,600 years.
- Go!
- [Time Boat whirs]
[man] 2592 B.C.
At that time, Egypt was in the Bronze Age.
As a powerful nation, it was striving
to build its own Golden Age.
Wow! That's the Valley of the Kings!
And that's where
Tutankhamun's tomb is, right?
Back then, the Third Dynasty,
the Old Kingdom period,
was under the rule of King Djoser.
Also, the country wasn't referred to
as "Egypt" back then.
It was known as "Tawi."
[Tetsuo] "Tawi"? What a strange name.
[man chuckles] It means "Two Lands."
The capital was named Ineb-hedj,
meaning "White Walls."
The city was indeed surrounded
by massive white walls.
And this was the tomb of the former kings.
- [mystical music playing]
- It was called a mastaba.
- [music continues]
- [Time Boat whooshes]
[Ream] This is Luxor.
The Valley of the Kings
will eventually be built here.
We're around 500 kilometers
south of the pyramids.
So who exactly
are we supposed to be saving?
A man who was named Thoth.
He was buried alive inside a pyramid.
Buried alive?
So then, why are we hanging around here?
Let's get to that pyramid already.
- We can't. It hasn't even been built.
- [Bon] Hmm?
Its construction is about to begin,
and it won't be finished for 19 years.
- [Bon] What?
- [Time Boat whirs]
Are you serious, Ream?
We can't just wait around here
for 19 years.
Just calm down.
This is our first chance to save Thoth.
First chance?
Buyoyon, hologram, please.
[Buyoyon] On it.
Poor Thoth was killed
because he knew the secret of the pyramid.
Which means we just need to keep him
away from the pyramid to begin with.
[Bon] Gotcha. Someone's coming.
[Ream] Right on cue.
It's Thoth and his father, Sneferu.
They've traveled all the way
from Asia Minor to get here.
I've preloaded an image
that might help us.
[hologram whirring]
- [both gasp]
- [donkey brays]
[Thoth] Easy.
[Sneferu] Oh my. Goddess Hathor.
Mistress of the Western Desert,
divine protector of the dead.
The Goddess of love, joy, and music!
[Ream, echoing] Sneferu and Thoth,
invited by the Chancellor Imhotep,
you have journeyed a long way
to build a tomb for King Djoser.
That is correct, Goddess Hathor.
We are trying to get there
as soon as possible,
as that is what we were ordered to do.
[Ream] I have a divine message for you.
You must not go to Ineb-hedj.
You must not build the tomb.
Otherwise, you will suffer
a horrible death.
Why would you say such a thing?
[Ream] Take your son now,
and go live peacefully in a faraway land.
Goddess Hathor, with all due respect,
I am a craftsman,
and I can't simply pass
on such a unique opportunity.
If building the tomb means
I'll lose my life, then so be it.
- [dramatic sting]
- [Ream] You dare to defy me?
[whimpers] Please forgive me!
I will gladly accept any punishment,
but I must continue my journey.
[hologram whirring]
[hologram whirring]
[Buyoyon, dryly] That went well.
So now they're going to spend
the next 19 years building that pyramid.
Let's follow them
and see what ends up happening. Come on.
Father, look.
[Sneferu] That is King Djoser's mastaba.
[Thoth] Yes, but, Father,
I thought you were invited
to build the King's tomb?
Let's make haste, son.
[darbuka folk music playing]
[Thoth] What is that?
[Sneferu] The white wall
of the royal city.
This is your first time
in this country, isn't it, Thoth?
- This is the capital of Tawi, Ineb-hedj.
- [cattle lowing]
[qanun music playing]
[man] You must be Sneferu.
You're very well-known.
For 30 years,
you have visited many countries
and built numerous temples
and royal palaces.
Or so I've been told.
[Sneferu] I am honored, Master Imhotep.
As you saw, the construction
of the king's tomb has already begun.
[Sneferu] Yes, I saw a magnificent mastaba
as I approached from the western hill.
Yet, I still summoned for you
to urgently come here.
Do you have any idea why?
You're worried about tomb robbers.
Yes! Precisely!
Those scoundrels have been robbing
royal tombs all over the country.
These sacred mastabas
are where the kings rest
until they are resurrected.
King Djoser is very concerned,
and so, he has explicitly commanded
that his tomb is to be made
completely impenetrable.
That is why I summoned you.
It shall be done.
- [Imhotep] What is this?
- [Sneferu] It is a tomb.
We'll stack mastabas on top of each other
- [beeping]
- and create a stairway to the sun.
The burial chamber will be underground.
That's the step pyramid.
Then there's no going back.
His fate has been sealed.
Not yet. Let's skip ahead a few years.
[percussive music plays]
[Sneferu] The passage leading
to the underground sarcophagus chamber
will be carved in sturdy bedrock,
made into an intricate maze
and covered in stones.
Then we will begin the process
of stacking up
the massive limestone blocks.
[workers grunting]
[Imhotep] This is the most majestic tomb
I have ever seen.
[grunting continues]
Once completed, I'll destroy the map
of the route to the burial chamber
where the sarcophagus will be placed.
That secret will be known
only to you and myself.
- You have kept it confidential, then?
- Yes.
Not even my son, Thoth, knows.
[flame crackling softly]
[Sneferu] Now then
[grunting softly]
- [groans]
- [gasps] Father.
- [Sneferu groans]
- You should really take it easy.
Don't worry about me.
I'll live long enough
to enjoy my grandchildren.
But, Father,
I don't even have a girlfriend.
[Sneferu] A father's eyes
can't be deceived.
Do you think I don't see
how often you stop by the market?
Well, I, uh
[Sneferu] Is she a girl from Tawi?
Uh. Yes.
She's a merchant from the Dakhla Oasis.
[Sneferu] You should
bring her over next time.
[Ream] The pyramid is now
121 meters wide and 109 meters tall,
and weighs 850,000 tons.
[Bon] So if one block of stone
weighs around a ton,
then that's 850,000 blocks.
[Ream] And to think, they're doing
all of this heavy construction work
without the help of trucks or cranes.
It's incredible.
[Bon] We don't have time for this.
We gotta act fast and save Thoth
so I can get back home and go to Yoko's!
[Buyoyon] Right, yeah.
We gotta get you to Yoko's.
We're just saving somebody's life.
No big deal.
Thoth, she's so lovely. Well done.
- But she sure has a healthy appetite.
- [gasps] Thoth, that's not nice.
If your mother were alive,
she would have prepared a feast.
I will cook.
It will be my pleasure, Father.
[man muttering indistinctly]
- Hey, old man.
- [man] Oh-ho-ho.
This area is off-limits. Turn around.
[man chuckles]
Whoops. My bad. I got lost.
[slurred chuckling]
Oh. [grumbles]
Ooh-ho-ho. He-he.
[Bon] Looks like
it'll be pretty tough to get to them.
Those soldiers are guarding their house.
The soldiers are only there to protect
the secret of the pyramid, nothing else.
Once Thoth is married,
he'll be more settled here
and won't want to leave.
- [Ream] You think I don't know that?
- [Bon murmurs nervously]
- Aw. There, now.
- [Ream] The years passed by.
- And the pyramid was progressing smoothly.
- [tools striking]
[Ream] However
[Sneferu] You want to change the design?
Yes. King Djoser is very pleased
with the work you've done so far.
But he does want one change.
- Make it even higher.
- [coughing]
[Imhotep] You must rejoice,
for your work will allow our glorious king
to rest in peace
until the end of the world itself.
[workers straining]
My son, I'm worried
about the durability of that rock.
Please check it before it gets stacked.
[coughing, spluttering]
[Thoth] Father!
[flame crackles softly]
[weakly] Forgive me.
I've dedicated my life to my work,
leaving you both with absolutely nothing.
But, Father, what about the many temples
and all the royal tombs
that you've built over the years?
Yes, but I so wanted to finish this one.
I'll take over for you.
I'll finish the work that you started.
You mustn't! [coughing]
- [gasps] Father!
- Oh no.
My son, tell me don't you remember
the divine message from Hathor?
- The goddess?
- Yes.
You mustn't build the tomb.
Once you know the secret of the tomb,
your life will be over.
[Imhotep] Sneferu is on his final journey.
- It must have been very painful for you.
- [Thoth] Yes, my lord.
Now then, Thoth,
I shall guarantee your life
and your safety,
as long as you continue
the work your father started.
[Thoth] I shall. Thank you.
[Ream] Thoth had decided to trust Imhotep
and continued to build the pyramid.
[Bon] Oh, man. It's going to be impossible
to get him out of there now.
[Imhotep] Hmm.
- [baby crying]
- [woman] It's okay.
Shh. Come on, sweetheart. It's all right.
This is probably gonna be our last chance.
[both grunt]
[baby crying]
[woman] Shh. Don't worry.
- It's okay.
- [baby crying]
- [woman] It's okay, I'm here.
- [whirring]
[grunts] Huh?
[Ream] You dare
to defy my divine will again?
[murmurs nervously, pants]
Goddess Hathor!
[Ream] Your father, Sneferu,
did not want you
to continue building the tomb.
[Thoth] This has nothing to do
with what he wants.
It's what I want.
Completing this pyramid
has become my own dream.
Please forgive me, Goddess Hathor.
[hologram whirs]
[footsteps approaching]
[woman] Thoth?
What's the matter?
Goddess Hathor
[grunts] It's fine.
Nothing to worry about.
Oh, Thoth.
[Bon] Why didn't you warn his wife?
I'm not allowed to.
One of the rules of Time Patrol
is not to have natural contact
with too many people.
You're asking me to abandon my work?
My father sacrificed his life for this.
But what about your family?
[sobs] Will you abandon us?
Of course not.
The Chancellor has given me his word.
Once the pyramid's complete, I'll be free.
But you can have freedom right now.
We can flee to my homeland,
to the Dakhla Oasis.
You want me to run away now?
I I just don't want to lose you.
All right.
We'll go to Dakhla.
- Thank goodness!
- [Thoth] However
- Huh?
- I must complete the tomb first.
[murmurs nervously]
[Thoth] I'm sorry.
[Buyoyon] Well, it looks like
you're 0-for-2.
Carry on like this
and he's as good as dead.
Get off my back! I am so tired of you
always butting into my missions!
[Buyoyon] Oh, you did not just say that!
I don't have to hang around
and listen to this! I'm outta here!
[Bon murmurs nervously]
Fine. Do what you want.
- Huh. Good riddance!
- [Bon grumbles]
[crowd cheering, laughing]
[Bon] The pyramid,
it's finally finished.
It's the first step pyramid in the world.
[revelry continues]
[Bon] What do we do now?
[Ream] We use the Time Boat and travel
to the day before King Djoser dies.
[solemn mystical music playing]
[Ream] The late king will be mummified.
His body will then be placed
inside a coffin
and transported to a mortuary temple.
Then, Thoth will join
the funeral procession.
He'll be their guide to the tomb.
So before that happens,
we need to find
somewhere close by to hide.
[Bon] So we'll wait
and then help him escape, right?
You said we can only make
natural contact, yeah?
Yeah, but don't worry. I have a plan.
Once Thoth is satisfied with his work,
it'll be easier to help him.
Okay, we're here.
[Time Boat whirring]
[powers down]
Where are we?
We're not too far
from the pyramid in Saqqara.
[Bon] What's that light?
[music continues]
[both grunt softly]
- Huh? Aah!
- Huh!
[dramatic sting]
- [both murmuring in fear]
- [man 1] Poor guy, huh?
This is what happens
when you get caught raiding a tomb.
- [slurps, gulps]
- We gotta go now. Bye!
- [man 2] Not so fast!
- [Ream gasps]
- Sit down and join us, won't you?
- [cup smashes]
- [man 2] Weird-looking kids.
- [man 1] Hmm.
[man 2 chuckles]
[man 3] They're young.
We might get a good price for them.
- [Bon] Guh!
- [Ream] Aah!
Stay there and keep quiet.
- [trapdoor clatters]
- [Bon grumbles]
Human trafficking is barbaric!
Let us out!
We've gotta go and save someone!
- [pounding on door]
- It's no use, Bon.
[Bon] What do we do now?
This is bad. They took away
my Timeceiver and Forgetter.
It's hopeless.
[somber music playing]
[Imhotep] King Djoser has passed away.
Lead the way, Thoth.
[Thoth] Yes, Chancellor.
- [somber music continues]
- [footsteps]
[Thoth] Please, follow me.
There are dead-end passages
and dummy chambers along the way.
It would be impossible to get there
without you as a guide.
The burial chamber
is behind this treasure vault.
[chuckles menacingly]
Wh What did you say?
You too, Thoth,
shall fall into eternal slumber,
and with you,
the secret of the king's tomb.
But wait. That's not what we agreed to.
- [weapons thrum]
- [gasps]
I'm ready to lie and commit shameful acts,
as long as it's all
for the sake of the king.
Please, have mercy.
[Imhotep] There's no need
to despair, Thoth.
Please, don't do this.
In fact, you should be filled with joy.
You will now be able to serve
by the king's side,
forever with him in the afterlife.
- [rumbling]
- [debris clatters]
Wait, no!
May you both rest in eternal peace.
[door thuds]
[Thoth] Get me out of here!
[music fades out]
[man 1] Just as we expected.
The king's funeral was lavish.
I can't wait to get my hands
on his treasures.
I heard this tomb's gonna be
pretty tough to break into.
If it was built by human hands,
then we can break into it.
I'm gonna loot
every single inch of that place,
no matter how long it takes.
[man 2] Maybe my grandkids will help out.
[all laughing]
I guess the funeral's over.
Then that must mean Thoth
[Bon snoring]
- [footsteps]
- Hmm?
- [footsteps]
- [Ream gasps]
[whispers] Hey. Wake up.
Yeah, Mom. I did my homework.
[man 3] Hey. Are you kids awake?
- Hide, right now.
- [Bon] Huh? Uh.
- [Ream grunts]
- [trapdoor opens]
- [footsteps descending]
- Mm.
What do you want?
What happened to the other guys?
Forget about them. I'm letting you go.
Use this.
- Huh?
- You can summon it with this, right?
- [tense music playing]
- [Ream] Summon what?
[man 3] Stop playing dumb!
Take me back with you!
- Hmm?
- Aah!
[man 3 grunts]
- [thud]
- [wood clatters]
[sighs] Oh.
[groaning softly]
- [blade thrums]
- [gasps]
Don't you dare try to mess with me.
You got that?
- [dull crash]
- [man 3 groans]
[both] Buyoyon!
My intuition was right again.
So now do you admit that I make
an excellent Time Patrol agent?
- [hurried footsteps]
- Yeah, all right, all right. Mm.
But why did he
[Bon] Come on! We gotta go!
- [dramatic action music playing]
- [both panting]
Come on out!
[Time Boat whirs]
Great! Now we can travel
to yesterday and start again.
- We can't do that.
- Why not?
[Ream] If we keep travelling
back to the same day,
it'll increase the distortion
in space-time.
It's too dangerous.
That's Time Navigation Law's
number one rule.
So what's the plan, then?
Thoth is definitely buried alive by now.
- I know.
- [Time Boat clanks]
And the burial chamber
is deep underground.
[Time Boat whooshes]
[Ream] Well, I guess
there's only one thing we can do.
Huh? What? Aah!
Ream, we're gonna crash!
[Ream] Enter the pyramid
through hyperspace.
[Time Boat whirring]
[scanner trilling]
- [Ream] He's beneath us.
- [chimes]
[Time Boat whooshes, whirs]
[music fades out]
There he is! Unh. Hey! Wake up!
[groans dazedly]
Father, I
I'm sorry.
I [gasps]
He's totally passed out.
That's because he's running out of oxygen.
- Okay, we'll just have to carry him out
- [Buyoyon] No!
- Ugh. I forgot.
- [Buyoyon grumbles]
Time Navigation Law,
chapter five, article one.
It states that you should never exert
physical force upon the target rescue.
That's right.
[Bon] So now what?
We're just gonna sit around
and watch him die a terrible death?
- Come on, Ream!
- [Ream] Look I'm just as upset as you are.
[grumbles] I'm just so sick
of all these rules and
[grunts, groans]
[Bon] I I feel dizzy.
Bon! What's wrong?
- [Buyoyon] The lack of oxygen!
- Huh?
Apprentices aren't allowed
to wear Time Patrol uniforms.
So he isn't supplied with oxygen
like you are!
[gasps] Oh, that's right!
Okay, then let's get Bon outside.
[Buyoyon] And what about this guy?
He doesn't have much time left.
We'll put them both on the Time Boat.
[Buyoyon] And break Time Navigation Law?
Well, do you have any better ideas?
[Buyoyon] We have to hurry up
and get them out of here somehow.
[Ream] Tell me something I don't know!
[weakly] I can't breathe.
Bon, please hang in there!
[inhales deeply]
- [chokes, gasps]
- [Buyoyon gasps]
I can't do it.
[Buyoyon] Oh.
- [Bon, weakly] What if
- [Ream gasps]
Huh? What?
What if they come [grunts]
- The tomb robbers
- [Ream gasps]
[robber 1] If it was built by human hands,
then we can break into it.
[robber 2] I'm gonna loot
every single inch of that place,
no matter how long it takes.
[weakly] If the tomb robbers
would break in now
They won't.
This place isn't looted for 400 years.
[gasps] Bon, you just gave me an idea!
[Thoth] Please, forgive me.
You were right all along.
I should have gone to Dakhla.
[breeze howling]
[grunting softly]
[grunting weakly]
[breathes shakily, grunts]
Wha I'm saved.
- [curious music playing]
- [grunting]
I surrounded the entire pyramid
within the Time Boat's field
and sent it 400 years ahead.
Actually, you gave me the idea.
By this time, the pyramid has already
been looted by tomb robbers.
[Thuth grunting]
- [murmurs]
- [music fades out]
[trembling gasp]
[suppressed grumbling]
[Time Boat whirs]
Now I just need to move everything
back to 400 years ago.
[somber music playing]
There. All done.
[Timeceiver beeping, clicks]
Huh. Understood. We'll be right there.
[man] Hello there. It's nice to meet you.
You must be Agent Ream,
and your apprentice, Agent Bon.
Yes. Are you also an agent?
I am.
Time Patrol Criminal Investigation Unit.
- Name's Will.
- Criminal Investigation Unit?
I've heard rumors about you guys.
I didn't know you were real.
Well, we are. Our job is to crack down
on temporal robbers and poachers
who travel through time and space
to commit various crimes.
For example, this guy.
[Bon gasps] That old man?
[Will] He's a temporal criminal.
He traveled through time and space
to Egypt in order to loot royal tombs.
But then, his machine broke down,
and he found himself stuck in this era.
However, when he saw you two,
he made plans to steal your Time Boat.
So that's why he told us
he would let us go.
So if you knew all this,
then why didn't you come to save us both
back when we were attacked?
Our activities mustn't overlap,
and headquarters makes sure they won't.
Your Rescue Unit shouldn't cross paths
with our investigations.
By meeting in the same timeline,
we'd cause an overlap in reverse time,
which is dangerous.
Because it creates
a distortion in space-time.
Yes, that's right.
However, this time around,
we were able to capture a criminal
we've been chasing for some time
because he came into contact
with your equipment.
And for that, I thank you.
But I All I did was mess things up.
Not true.
Your actions here definitely saved Thoth
from a certain death.
[both gasp]
[Thoth grunts]
But won't he get caught by Imhotep?
- [Will] He'll be fine.
- [woman] Huh?
According to the follow-up
investigation report from headquarters,
Thoth and his family
moved to the Dakhla Oasis.
[both gasp, giggle]
[pleasant music playing]
[Time Boat whirs]
And we're back.
- [despondently] Yeah.
- Oh. What's the matter?
Well, I came back too late
to keep my promise.
- Check it out.
- Uh. Hmm?
[Ream] I transported us back
to five minutes before we left.
[Bon panting]
[Yoko's uncle] At that time,
Egypt was in the Bronze Age.
As a powerful nation, it was striving
to build its own Golden Age.
[Tetsuo] Wow!
That's the Valley of the Kings!
[uncle] The capital was named Ineb-hedj,
meaning "White Walls."
The city was indeed surrounded
by massive white walls.
And this was the tomb of the former kings.
It was called a mastaba.
["Tears in the Sky" by Lena Leon playing]
[music fades out]
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