Tabbar (2021) s01e03 Episode Script


Wake up.
What are you doing?
Wake up sleepy head. It's 8 o'clock.
Wake up.
What is this?
It's holy water from Golden Temple.
Wake up.
Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.
It's morning already. Wake up.
Let us sleep, mom.
I've made pancakes for breakfast.
Now get up.
Are you getting the
entire house painted?
No, just the porch.
Are you okay?
I am great.
Going to take a bath?
See, I am putting some fresh butter.
Slow down, stupid. You will explode.
This is the age to eat, let him.
-What about you?
-I am done.
-Just one?
-Enough, mom. I am done.
-This one's rolled. Come on.
-I don't want to eat.
-Do you want a roll?
-Yes, I do.
Well, I'll go make some tea, okay.
The pancakes are amazing,
Shall I send more?
-No, thank you.
What's wrong with mom?
She looks happy.
She looks overjoyed.
She's just worried.
"If you are enlighten,"
"before you condemn others,"
"Look within and your
own shortcomings discover."
This is for you. And this is for you.
Now go.
"We're the TBAG."
"No need to dip in rice
as their phones are great."
"Even water can't ruin the fun."
"It's money well spent."
"All their smart phones are top class."
"Funky Electronics, Jalandhar."
"Go now and use our code TBAG10"
"and get 10% discount
on every smartphone."
So we can get your
phone selling like pancakes
through our teabag Youtube channel.
You think I'm stupid.
What's the matter, uncle?
Look at his face.
Who will come to my
shop watching his face?
Stop looking at your fucking face.
Give that to me.
Filters won't change anything.
Listen, you look decent.
The problem here is
the camera.
Pick it up. Check it.
Even Diljit can't sell
phones on this camera
Get a smart, sexy, 4K phone instead
on which we can
make a decent video.
And you look handsome.
Then things will look up.
Yes, where will I get
the money for the new camera?
Are you going to take it up your ass?
You're not using it or selling it.
Just imagine
Ask your old man.
He doesn't have money.
Stop screwing with me.
Your elder brother goes
to expensive coaching in Delhi.
He's living it up.
In the last couple of days, you
couldn't spare five minutes for me.
Tell me honestly
what's going on, Happy.
Honestly, nothing is going on.
I wonder why you
Mom and dad had a big fight.
They were going to get a divorce.
Why didn't you tell me?
What could I say?
I've been busy with these
things for the last couple of days.
And you're blaming me.
No oregano in my pizza.
Yes, no oregano, no chilli flakes.
Chilli flakes are necessary.
When are you going
to tell your family?
Soon. Once I finish my course.
Are you serious about me, Happy?
I am.
You haven't even told Lucky about us.
Are you ever going
to tell them or not?
I will
First, check out
what I bought for you.
How is it?
Are you trying to give me used stuff?
It's brand new.
Where's the other one?
What's wrong, Happy?
What happened?
I think I dropped one
of the EarPods at the bridge.
Which bridge did you drop it on?
Where did you drop it?
Was it expensive?
No, no it was old anyway.
Leave it.
Show me.
Let's go and look for it
No, no
You didn't go on duty today?
I was on the way there.
Then I thought I'll
swing by and meet you.
We haven't had the time to chat.
Yes, this time
I'm a little short on time.
You don't have time for me.
I saw you at the Spaghetti Club.
Who were you meeting
my crippled playboy?
You didn't see?
That's why I am asking.
You don't know her. She's my friend.
What number is she? Tell me.
It's not what you think.
Don't be crazy. Leave it.
"Ajeet who sells drugs"
"Ajeet who sells drugs"
"Ajeet who sells drugs
has brought disgrace to Punjab!"
"Ajeet who sells drugs
has brought disgrace to Punjab!"
Get us out of here.
"Ajeet who sells drugs
has brought disgrace to Punjab!"
"Ajeet who sells drugs
has brought disgrace to Punjab!"
Ajeet who sells drugs
has brought disgrace to Punjab!
As you can see in our life report
it seems like the tide in Jalandhar
has turned against Ajeet Sodhi
Sodhi's election campaign of a
drug-free Punjab took a big hit
when a video of his own brother
snorting video went viral.
Until yesterday Sodhi was miles
ahead in every opinion poll
Their slogans are good.
Chances are Pankaj Ahuja's SSP party
will win the elections
again for the third time.
Want some?
Welcome to politics.
Ahuja's put pressure from above.
And also charged him for smuggling.
If it wasn't for the video,
I would've cleared the case.
Ahuja's an old player
And Baljeet's--
But don't worry, I'll fix everything.
See you.
-He's a good man.
-Thank you.
Did you quit?
You should've been the candidate.
But you got me in this mess instead.
I can't handle rallies at this age.
And that Ahuja
we need to teach him a lesson.
Here's the ATM CCTV footage.
Keep it here.
Lucky, clear these
plates and get some tea.
Any news about Maheep Sodhi?
I've put Maheep Sodhi's
number on tracking.
His details will be arriving soon.
Any information should be
delivered to Ahuja before Sodhi.
Do you have the slightest doubt?
My vote is for Ahuja anyway.
Maheep's caused Ajeet Sodhi's downfall.
Sir, if you don't mind are you
talking about Ajeet Sodhi's brother?
He's on this footage as well, sir.
What area is the footage from?
Deep Nagar, sir.
-With your permission, sir,
can I go take a look? -No, you leave it.
Go find out where he went.
Yes, sir.
If you could wait till Thursday, it
would've been an auspicious timing.
Good for any veneration.
But then Happy wouldn't be here.
All one needs is faith
-Hello, Aunty.
And every day is auspicious.
You're right.
Where's Lucky?
He'll show up later.
He got some urgent
work at the Police Station.
Well he'll get promoted only
when he does his job sincerely.
By the way, what's Lucky's salary?
We'll set the tables out there, okay.
People can eat over there, collect
the offerings and leave. What say?
Keep bringing them freshly cooked, okay?
I need some money.
There's some loose change
in the drawer next to my bed.
Go take it. Take whatever you want.
No, I wanted 20,000 rupees.
20,000 rupees.
Why do you need 20,000 rupees?
Didn't I already pay your school fee?
Bagga and I started
our own YouTube channel
so we need money to buy stuff.
You foolish,
I don't have money for all this.
Tomorrow if you're ever in trouble
this Bagga won't come to your help.
20,000 like money grows on tree.
-Got what you need?
I've taken 20,000 and you can
deposit the rest when I reach Delhi.
Great is the divine,
the teacher who takes me
from darkness to light
Ramkali mohalla Teeja.
There is one creator of all creations.
All is a blessing of one creator.
I am in bliss, my mother
for I have found my true Guru.
I have found true Guru
through perfect harmony.
And in my mind are sounds of celebrations.
Fairies have come to sing chants with me.
Those people within whom
God dwells sing the chants along.
Nanak says, I am in ecstasy,
for I have found my true Guru
I pray that my mind
stays with Guru always
You always stay with
me and solve all my problems
You're absolutely right, Bagga.
My old man's going to spend
all his money on my older brother.
That's what I was telling you
So what have you decided?
It's time to sell the
packet from Happy's bag.
Now you said something
intelligent and matured.
Did this boy come to your house?
Isn't he the same guy whose
bag got exchanged with Happy?
Isn't that him?
Yes, it's him.
He showed up and we returned his bag.
We even apologised and he left.
I see
There's a prayer going on.
Did you open his bag?
No there was no time.
Happy, my son.
Happy arrived home and
this guy followed.
We returned his bag and also said sorry.
Then he left.
The emotion with which Omkar singh
has come in your shelter
So fulfill all their wishes
Always keep them in a good mental state
keep his family happy.
May they prosper and earn wealth
Shall be happy and his wishes fulfilled.
What are you doing?
Go downstairs.
How can you barge
in our house like this?
Why? Why are you nervous?
Why would I be nervous?
What have we done to be nervous?
Maheep's phone has been
switched off since that night.
His phone's last location
was Deep Nagar, your house.
A phone can be within 5-8
kilometers of the tower's location.
Come on, leave. Get down.
You're a cop after all.
I am sure you know.
You know a lot, right.
What do you mean? Know what?
You've been talking nonsense.
Get down, come on.
Come on.
I told you Maheep texted
me that he's got the bag.
That clearly means
that he left the place.
He wouldn't be here.
And yet
Hello, uncle.
It's a good thing I ran into
you here. I was going to call you.
We found CCTV footage from
two nights ago with Maheep on it.
He was in this area.
-This area?
He came to this house.
And also left.
You cops are good for nothing.
I'll find out
Do you have the footage of him coming out?
He didn't come out the main gate.
And there's no camera
at any other gate.
I can't tell if he
left from the back gate.
"Name of God is true and everlasting!"
"Name of God is true and everlasting!"
"Name of God is true and everlasting!"
"Name of God is true and everlasting!"
"Name of God is true and everlasting!"
"Name of God is true and everlasting!"
"Name of God is true and everlasting!"
"Name of God is true and everlasting!"
"Name of God is true and everlasting!"
Sorry, the meeting lasted
longer than I expected.
Doesn't matter, son.
Take the offerings.
If only I could get
some tea along with it.
Yes, of course.
-Yes, mom.
Get some tea for Lucky, dear.
But the tea's all over.
Then make some more, dear.
Wait, Palak.
You know what,
I'll drink from your cup.
I don't want much, you know.
It's not sweet enough.
Sir, hear me out. I've arranged
some money from home.
Yes And the rest I'll
pay you when I get there.
No, sir, that's not it.
No, sir, leave all that.
Just tell me about
your business in Gurgaon
Happy, father is calling.
It's getting late.
Wait a second.
I haven't finished packing yet.
Don't take my bag yet.
Go on downstairs.
Go start the scooter I am coming.
I said go.
Here I am.
-Mom, please
-Don't eat outside.
Don't eat outside, now go.
Goodbye mom.
Goodbye Papa.
-Take care.
Come on, hurry up.
See the train has arrived or not.
Hello, and now for the headlines.
A body was discovered from
the shores of Harike Canal.
According to the sources,
it's murder and not suicide.
According to sources
the deceased was shot brutally.
The fishermen claim that they found
the body in a bag in the Harike canal.
It's being believed that the body
belongs to Ajeet Sodhi's
younger brother Maheep Sodhi
Let's go over to our correspondent who
is reporting live from Harike canal.
What can you tell us about the incident?
Has the body been identified.
The body has recently been
found and we're still investigating.
How will the Jalandhar
Police lead this investigation?
We'll take every necessary step.
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