Talentless Nana (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

Talented vs. Talentless

"Talentless Nana"
Man, this sucks.
Episode 3: Talented vs Talentless
Yes, it's really coming down.
Well, it is the rainy season.
I've eliminated two enemies in a row. However
Where the hell is Nanao, though?
Shibusawa appears to be absent as well.
I must proceed with caution.
If they discover there's a killer among them,
it will become harder to make my move.
Like, isn't it fishy that he's not here, too?
Kyoya Onodera?
Well, he is the mysterious transfer.
There's also that rumor about
enemies of humanity hiding among us.
What's my reading today?
Try guessing what I'm thinking right now.
Well, let me see All I can say to you is,
"If you love your girlfriend over there,
you shouldn't push me against a wall."
How did you know we were dating?
Dang, Nana rocks!
Again, I can read--
It's been pouring all morning.
Yet only your right side is soaked through.
Meanwhile, only her left side is wet.
It's like you walked here
under an umbrella together.
Just a theory.
Him again?
Kyoya! Want to each lunch with me?
I'm not hungry.
Nobody uses this janitor closet.
It's warm.
Does he come all the way out here
to feed this cat warm milk?
He seems so doom and gloom
but there must be more beneath the surface.
Hey, Kyoya?
I've been meaning to say this all morning;
you've got something on your head.
Oh, thanks. That was sloppy of me.
Nana Hiiragi. You free today, kid?
I want us to be friends.
What's his deal?!
Come on in.
M-May I, really?
Cut the polite crap.
A look at his room will give me
a glimpse into his mind.
What's going on with this room?
A video game?
Not your thing?
No, it's just taking a while to process
Plus, this game is really old-school.
Sorry about that. I like retro games.
Since we're friends, I wanted to play games.
Thanks I'm honored.
There's a doll in that bookshelf.
If you'd rather play with her, that's also cool.
I'm good, thanks.
Uh, Kyoya, didn't you bring me
here to talk about something?
You're pretty popular, kid.
Impressive for someone who just transferred.
You think I'm popular?
I just want to make lots of friends.
Well, it just so happens I want friends.
How can I go about making friends?
Most people bond over similarities
or open up about their weaknesses.
Similarities, eh?
I've been told all my life
that I'm unapproachable.
Do you agree?
You're kind of scary in a way?
Like, you're a low-key F-boy or something.
do you mean?
I'm an F-boy?
Er! That's not exactly what I
I mean, come on! Normal guys
don't force girls into their room!
I was asking, what does "F-boy" mean?
Give me a definition.
H-How should I put it?
It's like, being overbearing or you give off
dom-vibes, or you're cocky around girls.
Huh. Never heard the word before.
Thanks. That was helpful.
I'm drawing a blank. What's his deal?
I easily obsess over things
that pique my curiosity.
Is that why you're
investigating Nanao's absence?
Yes, that is my biggest curiosity at the moment.
May I ask why? That's what
I've been curious about.
I have a little sister, you see.
She came to this island before me.
Oh. So your sister also has superpowers.
I haven't heard from her since.
Ever since she came here to train,
"Humanity's Girl"
she's been missing.
I came here hoping to find some answers.
And then Nakajima suddenly went missing.
And the school isn't even
serious about looking for him.
Maybe the faculty gave it due consideration?
We're the Talented. Aren't we
supposed to be national treasures?
I always envisioned this island
as some sort of boot camp,
but they aren't really "training" us at all.
They've just turned us loose.
Are we really fit to fight against
these enemies of humanity?
Wait, that manga
It's pretty old-school Have you heard of it?
It's only my favorite manga!
Ooh. We have a similarity.
That manga's heroine has always
been a personal hero of mine.
A champion of justice!
Beating up the enemies of humanity!
I totally get it. I love how
she has a dark side, too.
It's really tragic how she has to kill her
friends who turn out to be enemies of humanity.
Anything for her mission!
Only she has the grit to do it.
Wow I can't believe you're a fan, too!
Now I can kill you without hesitation.
I'll try to stop being an F-boy from now on.
See you later.
By the way,
something else has piqued my curiosity.
Nakajima's watch.
Ringing any bells?
How did he get Nakajima's watch?
Sorry to be an F-boy again, but
come with me.
What are you doing?
Whenever I think, I have
to fidget with something.
I especially like silky things.
Can I touch--
No means no!
By the way, kid, what were you
doing on the evening of the 13th?
The 13th?
It's the day after we transferred here.
Nakajima has been absent since the 14th.
In other words, the 13th is the
presumed day Nakajima went missing.
What was I doing?
I was hanging out with Nakajima.
Why'd you ask about the "evening"?
Since I have no friends, I've spent
my spare time exploring this island.
And on my travels
I came across this
broken piece of safety rope.
And I found this on the rocks below.
It's Nakajima's watch.
It piqued my curiosity
since it's pricey for a kid.
Talk about observant.
The watch was broken,
but the hands were at 6:10.
If it's 6:10 PM and not 6:10 AM,
I thought you might know something about it.
No, I don't.
Nakajima and I parted ways right here that day.
But it couldn't have been suicide.
What makes you say that?
When he protected everyone
from Don Moguo's flames that day,
he was so valiant.
Or maybe he left the watch behind as a Hail Mary
just as he was being pushed off the cliff.
Just a theory.
What makes you think that?
It's a nice watch.
Maybe a gift from a loved one.
Maybe he wanted to tell
whoever knows of its value
that he was dead.
Oh, that makes sense.
Could be an enemy of humanity's doing.
I think so, too.
They have to be among
us already--on this island.
If the textbooks are right, they have big fangs.
Why would they have to push him off a cliff?
Like they were hiding the body or something.
They're also rumored to be intelligent.
Yeah, it's all rumors. Meaning
no real research has been done.
And yet, the government has
set up this training academy for us.
This creep is 100 times more
dangerous than Nakajima.
I'm considering telling the
school officials about Nakajima.
What do you think?
Wouldn't that cause a panic?
Yeah, and there's no
guarantee they'd believe us.
So I thought I'd ask the popular kid for help.
So that's why you suddenly
wanted to be my friend?
Don't get so defensive.
I actually do want friends.
As a token of goodwill, tell me this:
What is your talent?
My talent is nothing special.
Oh, please!
Listen, kid, can't you read minds?
Why don't you just read my mind?
He's suspicious of me!
Naturally, I'm not
suspicious of you or anything.
You don't have a motive to kill Nakajima.
P-Please stop, you're scaring me.
In any case,
I just wanted to let you know, as a friend,
that there is a monster loose on this island.
You're a good friend.
Kyoya Onodera
Potential kill count
Talent search
I successfully infiltrated the island.
Talent search
Talent search
But as for the enemies' abilities
Kyoya Onodera
Physical Talent Type
If I could find out their various powers,
my mission would be much easier.
Records are made when they
are recruited onto the island.
There's also a database where they're organized.
From this data, we can infer and
quantify their potential threat on humanity.
But don't buy into it.
Their powers are unfathomable.
Some abilities even evolve through puberty.
When we tried to eliminate a Talented who
could control the microorganisms in their body,
a deadly virus was
unleashed into the atmosphere,
and we had to flatten the city with an FAE bomb.
There was even a conspiracy to expose
us for rounding them up to be executed.
After years of data, it was concluded that
sending in agents like you was our best shot.
With your own eyes,
determine the extent of their powers.
He was able to climb down to find that watch.
So he must have superhuman physical prowess.
But with most Talenteds,
there are limitations to their powers.
Like becoming heavily fatigued,
or being able to freeze objects, but not people.
Tomorrow I'll set my trap.
I'll unmask your talent.
Nakajima was attacked by an enemy of humanity?
Yes, sad to say.
This watch is all that remains.
Contact his parents.
But, wait a minute here.
You may remember from orientation, but there's
no outside communication until graduation.
Oh, what should we do then?
"Do" is a tricky word
Wh-Wh-What can we do?
I guess we shouldn't tell the others yet.
Oh, yes, of course!
It would only cause unnecessary confusion.
God, what should we do?
Anyway, I'll consult the higher-ups.
The faculty is completely in the dark.
Looks like the faculty won't be much help.
Poor Nakajima.
Speaking of Nakajima, I hope that cat is okay.
Yeah. He was feeding a stray cat.
I've never seen it, though.
I hope the kitty isn't hungry.
But the cat is--
I'm going to the restroom.
See you after school!
She's a spacey girl.
Even though Nakajima is probably
dead, she doesn't even look sad.
Unless it's just a facade?
This island--
something's off about it.
"Training" only in name. Students on their own.
Outside communications prohibited.
And these "enemies of humanity"
Do they even exist?
First, my sister disappeared on
this island. Now, Nakajima is dead.
Make no mistake--someone on this
island has nefarious intentions.
No kitty.
Well, I can always set out the milk for later.
Nobody knows this island's secret.
That all the Talented here are sitting ducks,
waiting to be killed by the Talentless.
So anyone who tries to uncover the truth,
or who senses something is amiss
They must all be disposed of ASAP.
And now, I have a clear advantage.
Even if people are murdered,
no one will ever suspect my actions.
It is possible that a monster has
infiltrated the island to kill us.
However, if our enemy's motive is murder,
then I'm at a clear advantage.
His room was a mess.
So it was interesting that
his bathroom was spotless.
He doubled his trash bags, which led me
to believe he was concerned about odor.
The tomatoes on his desk had
post-it notes with their expiration dates.
Probably because he wouldn't be able
to tell by sight that they'd gone bad.
In other words,
Kyoya probably wouldn't notice.
I thought I left the window open yesterday.
Even if the room was saturated in gas,
Kyoya wouldn't be able to smell it.
Now, show me. What's your talent?
He's not moving.
Since his talent is the physical type,
I was expecting him to break through
a wall or window before the flames spread.
Sit tight, I'll get water and help!
Why? Why are you the first one here?
His wounds are gone?
How did you know I was
the one caught in the flames?
I was a little upset.
And now I'm curious.
Y-You're okay.
Since you're my friend, kid,
maybe you just read my mind from a
distance and came running. I could buy that.
And maybe when you suddenly brought up the cat,
it wasn't because you knew I was
feeding it during our lunch breaks
Could've been a coincidence.
why are you shocked
out of your mind right now?
You can read my mind, yet you had no idea?
You didn't know
that I'm invincible?
Since we're friends,
I'll let you in on a secret.
I can't smell anything.
But that has nothing to do with my powers.
I was born this way.
My invincibility does come at a price.
I'll think of my weakness clearly right now,
so that you, a mind reader,
can be privy to my secret.
Thank you. Message received.
I'm so glad we're friends.
I swear I'll unmask you!
Next Episode: Healing
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