Tandav (2021) s01e03 Episode Script


Tomorrow, your personal twitter
handle should generate the trend
Just one minute, Dad.
Your heart will stop.
And the postmortem reports will be clean.
I have a deal for you.
Who is it?
Devki Nandan has been murdered.
What do you want?
I would like to speak with Ms. Anuradha.
Listen, I'm very busy.
I can't talk right now.
Stop this nonsense. I'm hanging up.
This could be the most
important phone call of your life.
So, listen to me carefully.
Devki Nandan was murdered.
His son killed him.
And, why are you telling me this?
This information might help you.
Do you have proof?
It will cost you.
How much?
A hundred
Have you lost your mind?
Listen, I've already told you
if you're fooling around,
it's really not funny.
Well, let me give you a sample.
It'll cost you one crore.
Try it.
If it works
you can pay me the rest.
I'm not fooling around Ms. Maithili.
And, I could always go to
other members of your party.
Where do you want the money?
Note it down.
He's someone else.
"The prime minister did not die of
a heart attack. He was murdered."
This is the rumor that's going around.
He was using the internet for the call.
He says it was a murder as well.
Can be some 20-year-old
tech-savvy guy from Ranchi
influenced by some
Hollywood spy-thrillers.
It could be worth a shot.
Keep walking.
Go on.
Can you see a blue trash can to your left?
Dump your bag in it.
Just like that?
Where's my proof?
You'll get it.
I need my 99 crores as well.
Dump the bag.
Go to South Block on the opposite end.
I'm warning you, if you are
fooling around, it's really not funny.
I'm not, Ms. Maithili.
Cross the road.
Are you there?
I'm right in front of South Block.
Do you see a green trash can?
Go there.
Empty the trash can.
You want the proof, right?
What am I looking for?
A box of condoms.
Strawberry flavor.
There's no box here.
You know what condoms are, right?
You'll find it.
Check again.
Yeah, got it.
What next?
Open it.
The proof is in here?
You'll find it in there.
Did you have any snacks?
Well, we've called for some samosas.
We were about to--
Would you like some parathas?
-No, it's okay.
-With some cottage cheese, onions
and some seasoning.
Yeah, if you insist--
Who did this?
How does Anuradha know?
I've known Dr. Pathak and Dr. Sooraj
for fifteen years, Samar.
If my sense and intuition is right
they won't betray us.
The man who died the day before
I had known him for forty years.
So, your logic doesn't
seem to work for me, Divya!
The doctors have been under
your supervision, anyway.
And, Gurpal seems to know a lot more.
He's been taking care of them.
But he's not looking after you, is he?
You're suspecting me, Ayesha?
I know it's a fuck up.
But we're all in this together.
Listen, Samar
screaming won't help us.
Just remember one thing, guys.
If this comes to light
I'm not the only one involved.
We're all in this together.
I'm not alone in this shit!
Get all the information you
can about these doctors.
You round them up.
I want to know
how this information has leaked!
-Good morning, sir. I'm Sharat.
I'm here on behalf of your
CCTV camera's company.
I'm here for the annual maintenance.
May I see your file?
Why don't you fix your
bloody camera first?
Wait here.
I'll get the file.
It's working, sir.
Please call before you
show up the next time.
Sure, sir.
Mr. Gurpal
the camera is working.
Hello, Dr. Pathak.
Mr. Gurpal!
What's wrong, doctor?
You're not breathing steadily.
What are you--
-Is your blood pressure alright?
I'm alright.
There's a problem.
Someone has ratted us out.
Everyone involved is
now under the scanner.
What I'm trying to say is,
if you're the one who did it,
tell me right now.
The Greater Noida road has an
infamous history of people getting shot.
That's the route
you take every day, right?
I swear!
Mr. Gurpal
I didn't do it.
Please, believe me!
I didn't do it!
Trust me.
The students of VNU have called
for a protest at the Vivekananda statue.
The Indian Farmers' Association has
also lent its support to this protest.
The protests have erupted
after a video shot by VNU student
Shiva Shekhar went viral.
We tried to contact him,
but he has refused to talk to us.
He says, he'll say everything he has to,
at the Vivekananda statue tomorrow.
I also said that I don't
trust their channel.
Give me some more butter!
Come on!
Our lad is now a star!
It might sound like a cliché,
but we need people like you in politics.
That's the problem, brother!
If I become a politician,
I won't be myself.
I will make a much better civil servant.
What did Samar say?
You should have seen his face, Maithili.
The information was right.
Will he agree?
Does he have a choice?
I wanted to shove him into the pyre.
You did.
Did the informer call?
No, ma'am.
I've been trying to track him.
we have not been able to trace him.
Does he know?
All he cares about
is his defence ministry.
I want you to draft
the prime minister's
annual Independence Day speech this year.
I have a solution.
We can stop her constitutionally if
you're sworn in as soon as possible.
You know, before she does anything.
You mean, get her arrested?
It won't work.
What proof does she have?
Just that the poison
was the cause of death.
She can't link us to the poison.
What if she does?
We could pin it on someone else!
There are so many people in this house.
The servants, the drivers,
the secretaries, any of them!
I really hope the
doctors have betrayed us.
Because, if they haven't
I don't know what we can do.
Our topic for the day is
satisfaction of the body and the mind.
We could also talk about
satisfaction during the winters
but, we'll talk about it later.
Satisfying your body is easy.
This is not the right
platform to talk about it.
You're all educated people.
So, you can understand.
But satisfying the mind,
that's not easy.
It requires years of
patience and hard work.
But yes
if you manage to achieve it
it reinvigorates your soul!
You become a source of energy
to everyone around you.
We shouldn't meet in the library.
Did you get the job?
I did meet Riddhi.
But she told me they don't have a vacancy.
It's okay.
I'll try elsewhere.
So, what's up with
you and Shiva?
I'm not crossing the line, am I?
We'll have to decide
where we draw the line.
Sandhya's gonna be the new dean.
Ever since I got the news I'm
I'm feeling a bit weird.
I have to leave, sir.
You should try asking
yourself some questions.
So, you're the new dean!
I haven't accepted the position yet.
Should I?
Of course!
Boss at home!
And now, the boss at the college!
Come back, Sandhya.
Don't start this again, Jigar.
Just don't!
Are you happy?
Good morning!
You could have told me.
I wouldn't be here.
Did you ask?
We're not divorced yet!
You should have thought about it.
Divorce papers.
Please spare me the moral education.
You were fucking 20-year-olds
when we were still married.
We're still married.
And you're still fucking them!
That is why,
I'm telling you
sign them
and end it.
He's making you the dean, right?
"Moral Education."
Fuck you, Sandhya!
We're not guilty, Samar.
A part of you might feel guilty.
It might tell you you're guilty.
We need to get rid of it.
You did the right thing.
It will all be over once
we scatter his ashes.
Sir, I've interrogated both the doctors.
The two are scared shitless.
They did not give out any information.
But I am watching them.
One more thing, sir
we don't have much time,
we must decide
if we want to scatter uncle's ashes
in Haridwar or in Benaras?
-Long live the revolution!
-Long live the revolution!
Thousands of students and farmers
are here at the Vivekananda statue.
-Hail Mother India!
-Hail Mother India!
It is being said that Delhi has not seen
such a huge protest
for the past thirty years.
And this is happening
at a very short notice
and without the support
of any political party.
We're at the JLD headquarters
and Mr. Samar Pratap and his wife,
Ayesha, have just made an entrance
for an extremely important
core committee meeting.
All the senior party
leaders have already arrived.
And the country might soon learn
the name of its next prime minister.
As you can see, Shiva Shekhar
has now reached the Vivekananda statue.
And he is about to extend his support
to this farmers' movement
against the government!
-Long live the revolution!
-Long live the revolution!
On the other hand,
our sources tell us that
the central core committee
is largely in favor of
Samar Pratap being
our next prime minister.
I would like to make it very clear,
that I've already withdrawn my contention!
And, this won't be up for discussion.
-I want to make it clear once and for all.
Uncle, please be calm.
Please, have a seat.
I would like to propose
Mr. Samar Pratap's name for the role.
-We agree!
Thank you.
But, right now,
I'm not in a position
to take up this role.
-What are you saying, Samar?
-How is this possible?
It has to be you!
Please, listen to me.
it should have been Mr. Gopal Das.
But he has already
withdrawn his contention.
The next best option,
in my opinion,
and I do believe,
you'll support me today
the way you have supported
my father through dire times.
I propose Anuradha Kishore
be named the chairperson of
JLD's Parliamentary Committee
and India's next prime minister.
-What is he saying?
-What is he doing?
Why isn't Mr. Samar taking
up the responsibility?
-Long live the revolution!
-Long live the revolution!
-Hail our soldiers!
-Hail our farmers!
-Hail Mother India!
-Hail Mother India!
I would like to start by saluting
all the students who,
over the course of history,
have brought many tyrannical
governments to their knees
with the power of democracy!
And, I salute our
revolutionary Bhagat Singh!
Who has taught us,
"Study with all your might!
But when the time comes, get your
asses out on the streets and fight!"
How did you do this?
He's mourning.
I don't know if you're with him.
But what you guys did to me--
I need you.
And if I were slightly less ambitious,
I would propose your
candidature right now.
Does everyone agree,
or should we have a vote?
-Let's have a vote!
-Why do we need to?
-Mom's the prime minister.
-Hold your horses, son.
I don't think we need to have a vote.
Madam Prime Minister!
-Thank you.
We've just received the
news that Anuradha Kishore
will be the next prime minister!
Her party has been in power for
the past three terms in our country!
In Malakpur, her government
their goons
and their impotent police
have wreaked havoc!
We've seen it with our own eyes!
For that,
I thank Anuradha Kishore
and Jan Lok Dal!
And I wish them all the best!
For this time, they fight us!
-Long live the revolution!
-Long live the revolution!
-Hail our soldiers!
-Hail our farmers!
-Hail Mother India!
-Hail Mother India!
We have two big news for you today.
On one hand,
Shiva Shekhar roared at
the Vivekananda statue,
as he led the farmers' protest,
while on the other,
JLD's core committee
took a historic decision.
They have preferred Anuradha Kishore
over Samar Pratap Singh
to be the country's next prime minister.
Our sources tell us,
that Samar Pratap Singh is not a
popular name within the party circles.
And is deemed to be incapable of
being the nation's prime minister.
If the sources are to be believed,
Samar's late father Mr. Devki Nandan
shared the same opinion.
On the other hand,
Anuradha Kishore was not only
a close aide to Mr. Devki Nandan
but she has also been an influential
leader within the party circles.
Also, senior party leaders say that,
when it comes to politics,
Samar Pratap Singh is just a kid.
Is the decision of JLD's core committee
Anuradha Kishore's victory?
Or is it Samar Pratap Singh's defeat?
Only time will tell.
In other news,
Shiva Shekhar roared at the
Vivekananda statue at the VNU campus.
Ayesha, let's have dinner.
He has called out the JLD government.
-He has vowed to
continue the farmers' protest until the
new Anuradha Kishore government
agrees to meet their demands.
It's time we change
the rules of this game.
I didn't get you, sir.
If you can't be the king
be the kingmaker.
You mean,
if you can't be the king
ensure that you have
the king by his balls.
That's a better way to put it.
Do you know, Gurpal?
When Chanakya wanted
to overthrow Dhana Nanda
he used Chandragupta.
And I've found my Chandragupta.
Get me more information on this boy.
For that, I thank Anuradha Kishore
and Jan Lok Dal!
And I wish them all the best!
For this time, they fight us!
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