TASUKETSU -Fate of the Majority- (2024) s01e03 Episode Script


-Oh, Saneatsu.
-I met with Sudo-senpai.
-You want to change the plans?
Saneatsu wasn't able to do
a thorough search of the mailboxes so
I was hoping we could spend
the afternoon searching around this area.
-Oh, Sato.
Just like with Saneatsu,
you can call me Kazuhiko, all right?
Say my name. Say it.
-What an idiot.
-Say Kazuhiko.
You opened my Rights envelope, didn't you?
I'm not mad at you, so you can be honest.
Yes, I did.
I didn't understand any of it though.
It said something like "obedience".
Is there no risk involved
in opening the Rights envelope?
Sorry about that.
can you tell me to raise my right hand?
Raise your right hand.
Now ask me to raise my left.
What are you up to?
I will not raise it. Will not. Will not.
Raise your left hand.
I prevented it! Just as I thought.
Privileges are unbreakable,
but Rights are not as powerful.
Willpower can counteract its effect.
Hey, what's this all about anyway?
Well, it seems that
you've acquired the Right
that lets you gain control
of other people.
When you order them to do something,
they do as they are told.
It's like a magical power.
I love it.
What an evil look on your face.
Thank you for the info.
Your professor said that
you weren't so smart,
but you're pretty bright.
Let's begin our afternoon search.
Let's meet back at 5:00 p.m.
According to the map,
it should be around here.
I knew it.
Ms. Fujishiro, what is the favor
that you wanted to ask me?
Sorry I'm late!
You're late, Dummy-atsu!
Narita, have you seen Fujishiro?
No, did something happen?
She hasn't come back yet.
And it's already past
the time that she said.
Let's wait. If we move from here,
we may never be able to meet up
with Saaya again.
You're right.
-I agree.
So then, are we going to search
this area again?
Well, maybe it's better
to think about what we'll do
if Saaya doesn't come back
You know
This must be the favor
that Ms. Fujishiro asked me.
So about that
At what point should we decide that
she won't be coming back?
Okay, he gets my message.
He's assisting me with my plan.
Good question.
We can't just wait forever.
We should decide on a time.
How about midnight?
Maybe a bit longer
How about we wait here until 5:00 a.m.?
What do you think?
Sounds good.
So our time limit is tomorrow at 5:00 a.m.
You've already found
the mailbox for today?!
Yes, and I've already put the question in.
What kind of question?
It's a question that will confirm
a couple of things.
The third question is one
that will surely make us a minority.
No need to look for mailboxes today.
Focus on the traitor.
It's time.
The question will be displayed.
It is now time.
We will now take a majority vote.
I refuse.
Sudo-senpai's prediction was right!
This question is only for human beings,
and it is invalid if there are
more than two choices.
It is now midnight.
Thank God.
Hey, guys,
why don't we decide
tomorrow's search route while we're at it?
We'll wait for Saaya
until the very last minute.
I thought we could make arrangements,
so we don't waste time.
Good idea. I agree.
-Professor, take the lead then.
-Um okay.
Let's go from Narimasu Station
on the Tobu Tojo Line in the morning,
then move to the Ukimafunado area
on the Saikyo Line in the afternoon,
and from the evening to night, let's
search the ward office area via Tokiwadai.
This will allow us
to search a wide area efficiently
while ending up
near the center of the city.
Okay, let's take that route tomorrow.
Let me play this out in my head.
-Excuse me then.
-I need to go to the bathroom.
-Oh, shit.
This is NS calling FS.
Contacting regarding route info.
Requesting map layout.
I'll contact you via a radio station.
The frequency is noted inside.
Keep the radio on and stand by.
Why didn't Saaya come back?
Right when we were just getting
to know each other.
She won't be able to help
with the mailbox search in that state.
Kunashiri, you stay here.
Leave me alone!
So we'll be splitting up. I'll go north.
Jin, you go west. Narita will go south.
And Sato will go east.
I don't see anything.
I finally found you, traitor!
-What do you mean by traitor?
Be quiet.
I've been looking for you.
A player with the Right to Veto.
I was told that if I go
to Suginami Daini High School this year,
I'd find a person with that Right.
Based on the information that
I obtained from that source,
I did all that I could
to be transferred to your school.
Sudo's violent behavior was based on
his suspicion that you were the Emperor.
And there's only one basis for suspicion.
It's because you have the Privilege.
Which means you're the one
with the Right to Veto!
Every day, you were using that power
among your peers whose lives
were being toyed with by the Majority Vote
and kept yourself excluded
from the Majority Vote. Am I wrong?
If that's not betrayal
of your fellow men, then what is?
Soma is a privileged holder
of the Production Right.
If you do as I say,
I won't hurt you or your friends.
If you don't,
we'll use Soma's Privilege against you.
If you care about your friends,
you know what to do, don't you?
You traitor.
No! You're the traitor.
Professor Shinozaki.
You were listening?
Yes. I heard everything.
Yesterday, Sudo-senpai
told me about the traitor.
-And that is why I'm here.
-What do you mean?
Sudo also suspected
Omi might be the Emperor.
Omi, you've been wearing those earphones
since we regrouped, haven't you?
And the bandage on your right cheek,
it's been there since we first met.
Sudo-senpai said that
Omi Jin lost his right ear
and possibly his hearing
in order to gain the Privilege.
And Professor, your glasses,
can you take them off right now?
Didn't you gain the Privilege to "see"
at the expense of losing your right eye?
The first time when we all gathered,
how could the school body president,
who lives in Saitama,
be among the first to come to school
when the trains weren't running?
It's because you brought him by car.
That's illogical, isn't it?
Why would I pick up Yagihashi,
who may or may not have seen the question?
First of all,
I was with all of you at that time.
That's what you made us believe.
What if the trial run wasn't displayed
at the same time all over the world?
I heard from Saaya.
She said that you had the student body
convert the student contacts to data.
Before class started, you allowed them
to use the data processing room
in your presence.
That's when the question
"Are you looking at this right now?"
happened to pop up.
After the president's death,
you were still the deputy leader.
You pretended like
you had no other choice,
but actually, you were planning on
getting rid of the new leader, Saaya.
That's why I asked Saaya
to disappear yesterday.
I wanted to see what
your next move would be.
That's absurd, Narita.
Are you saying that you sacrificed
Fujishiro in order to expose my plan?
I just had her fake her disappearance
for a while.
-I've already contacted her via radio.
We decided on a search route yesterday,
By radio? In these circumstances?
I heard that you told Eren-senpai
that I wasn't very smart,
but I'm actually top in my class
in studies and sports.
I do suck at computers though.
This is unbelievable.
I'm getting cornered by Narita?
If you're still hiding something,
please tell me everything.
After that, I ask you
to please change your mind.
You may be a traitor,
but you're still our professor.
I'm sorry, but I can't do that.
My Privilege is Visibility Rights!
Until I find a mailbox
with this Privilege,
anyone who gets in my way
will be removed by Soma's Privilege
and will be spared from the Majority Vote
by Jin's Right to Veto.
He's got it wrong. The Right to Veto
can't be used by anyone else.
The only thing now is to find a high place
where I can overlook the city.
Listen up.
He's been using his Right to Veto
to escape from the Majority Vote.
-That means he's a traitor too.
-Don't you get it?
Omi did that to save us.
He's not like you,
who only thinks of himself.
You coward!
I'm gonna kill you.
Soma, get him!
Kazuhiko, take Omi and get out of here!
Privilege, Materialization Right!
Are you serious?
Alright, Yoshida No. 1. Go get him.
Oh, shit!
Run! Run! Faster! Faster!
I wonder if Omi managed to escape.
Was I able to save him?
I don't want to die yet
I can't die until I defeat the Emperor!
Somebody, help me!
Well, if you ever need anything,
just tell me.
We're best buds after all.
I made it in time, didn't I?
You barely made it, tardy-boy.
What the! What in the world is this thing?
Eren-senpai, get out of here!
I'll hold it off!
What is going on here?
-School body president?
-I'll explain later.
Please go over there.
-Don't be stupid. Come on, Saaya!
Good night forever.
Both of you,
get down on the ground and lay low.
It's the end for you.
What is that?
It's a fireproof cape. I collect them.
-Thanks for your help, Sudo.
-You're welcome.
As you may have already noticed,
Sudo-kun told me everything that happened.
How did you know to come here?
-I used the radio.
By the way, what was that monster?
Saneatsu failed to get
the Professor to confess,
and that's why that monster appeared.
Professor? Confess? What do you mean?
No need to worry, Ms. Fujishiro.
I sent Narita's best friend, Ichinose,
to his location.
Ichinose is also a Privilege holder.
Saneatsu's best friend?
I'll be going then.
What happened to the professor?
What do you mean he didn't confess?
Am I the only one being left out?
Walk with me and I'll explain.
Were we too late?
Yagi-chan and Sudo-chi
must have come here.
Or maybe they evacuated with the girls.
Oh, crap they saw me.
A survivor!
Excuse me
This is the first time I've encountered
someone outside of my team.
-I'm speechless
-Excuse me, miss.
I'm looking for someone.
Do you have a minute?
-Come on, why not?
Have you seen a girl with pigtails?
-So then
How about a short boy in a hoodie
wearing earphones?
Follow me.
It's not Omi.
I brought them.
They seem to be his friends.
I see. The Right to Veto
holder's name is Omi, huh?
By the way, I have a Privilege,
and it's called Fusion Right.
-If you try to
-Put that back!
do anything funny,
I'll chop your head off right here.
I'm Miwa Ishiki.
And this is Rika Suzuki.
She and I also have Privileges.
Sorry, but I won't tell you my name
until I know that I can trust you.
How do you know about Omi
and about the Right to Veto?
The day following
the "Man or Woman" question,
Rika and I and Omi met
in front of the blue mailbox.
To be precise, he and I have never met.
After Omi put in his question,
Rika fell and bled profusely.
I then showed her the envelope
of Privilege that I had obtained.
And as a result, it saved my life.
It wouldn't have happened
if you hadn't shot me in the first place!
So that's what she risked.
That's right.
You can own a Privilege
in exchange for a normally healthy
and necessary part of the body
or something like that.
You'll be briefed on it
when you open the envelope.
A little screen pops up.
That's nice of them.
Rika's Privilege is the Right to Evade.
It is a Privilege that completely avoids
any physical damage that
is brought upon you.
It doesn't allow you to avoid
the Majority Vote, but it's still useful.
Well, thanks to me,
you were able to survive that explosion,
so you should be
a little more grateful to me.
I am grateful.
It's too bad that I lost my leg though.
The question that Omi put in
was the question about reviving the dead.
So it really was Omi.
And the person who killed the people
with the second question was me.
-The Right to Re-Execute Privilege.
It's a Special Right that lets you
re-execute information or Special Rights.
However, it doesn't include
physical phenomena.
Considering the possibility
of Omi's question being rejected,
in my first letter, I wrote down
a question for revival.
And in the second letter,
I re-executed the Majority Vote
at 12:05 a.m.
and had it end at 12:10 a.m.
You bitch!
So you killed my dad and mom! You bitch!
Just kidding.
I've come to terms with my loss.
"They will always be with me in my heart."
That is the number one quote that
people often say when someone dies!
I've got my dad and mom's cells
fused in my body, not in my heart!
By the way, it's a secret that
even if I fall into the majority,
I can survive by fusing cells
of people from the minority.
-Don't tell anyone.
-Who are you talking to?
I don't trust you completely,
but if you have
information that will benefit us,
I'll agree to talk.
How's that?
I'll tell you everything I know.
But in exchange,
I need you to do me one favor.
-A favor?
-Kill Mido.
Mido and Iruga,
those two are dangerous,
especially Mido.
I don't know where he lives,
what he wants, or even his first name,
but that man is up to something.
We can't let him roam around.
Kill someone
Sure, no problem!
So in exchange, give us intel please!
Hey, Ryuta.
Don't worry. If worse comes to worst,
I'll take care of it.
We don't know anything, right?
I'm willing to take a risk for that.
The Majority Vote and Special Rights
are closely related
and extremely important factors.
The strongest special right is
the Command Right.
The second-most powerful is
the Right to Veto.
Among the Permission-Type Rights,
they are the most powerful.
The only ones with Special Rights that
I know of
are some of the original holders.
What do you mean by the original holders?
That's something you should hear
from the mouth of the veto child.
I shouldn't blabber out details
that even he hasn't said.
I wonder what the Special Rights are.
They sound superhuman.
He didn't even tell us his name.
It's okay.
I'll go take a look around.
It would be nice to have a wheelchair.
We still have hope.
I knew you were alive. Long time no see.
Don't move, okay?
That's why I told you not to move.
What a shame.
Subtitle translation by: Mel Nishi
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