Tattoo Redo (2021) s01e03 Episode Script

Let Your Freak Flag Fly

Hey, guys!
We have three people coming in today,
each of them with a loved one
who has a tattoo they hate.
So much so, they wanna get rid of it.
- That ain't right.
- Miryam, you get a couple ladies.
Rose, you get a couple ladies as well.
Twig, I've got a couple fellas for you,
and one is in such need of your energy.
- Okay.
- He needs some badass energy.
- He needs some saving. Some Aaah ♪
- You gotta put it right into the tattoo.
- Are you ready to tattoo?
- I am.
- Miryam! You ready to tattoo?
- I'm so ready.
- Is the baby ready?
- So ready.
- Is it coming out now?
- No.
- Okay. Twig, ready to tattoo?
- Oh, my God, yes.
[Tommy] We need a little pep this morning.
It's early. Can you give us
a dance to pep us up?
- Yeah, yeah.
- [Rose] I feel tired.
[Tommy] Go, go, go.
- Yes! Yes! Yes!
- Go, go, go!
- Whoo!
- [laughing]
Oh! Hey there! What happens when the
person you love has a tattoo you hate?
You bring 'em here and we cover it up.
Mirror, mirror on the wall ♪
Said, "You look like shh" ♪
It happened ♪
[Jessimae] Behind every tragic tattoo,
there's always a ridiculous story.
Blake lost a bet.
I got it when I was 14.
I was at a friend's house,
and he had a tattoo gun.
Well, I thought I was in love, y'all.
Lucky for them, five of the most talented
tattoo artists in the business
are standing by to give them
a tattoo redo.
Honestly, girl, I don't know
what that was on your back before.
But clearly, these people cannot
be trusted with their own skin.
So the person that brought them in
is going to choose the cover-up.
Dun-dun-duhhhh! ♪
Oh, I don't know!
You better not mess me up, bro!
Welcome to the best day of your life!
Please be kind.
Will they love it, will they hate it?
Grab your grandma and some popcorn,
we're gonna find out together.
There's nothing I love more
than really bad tattoos.
Except for Rose Hardy.
I do love her more, seriously.
Look at these tattoos.
They're so big and bold and pretty.
They almost look like stickers.
[Rose] I really like doing cover-ups.
The reaction's always better.
People are so much happier
than just the regular,
"Thanks for my tat. I love it."
[Jessimae] That's because you're
taking away their shame and their sorrow.
That's what this next girl needs, Rose.
She needs you.
So, what brings you in today, Amber?
I brought her in
because she has a horrible tattoo
- [gasps]
- that she needs covered.
- How do you know each other?
- We're sisters.
[Jessimae] You get along, I'm assuming?
- Most of the time.
- Sometimes.
- [Jessimae] Hair-pulling?
- When she's not making stupid decisions.
- [music slows to a halt]
- [sister] Ohh!
I'm the crazy little sister. I'm spicy.
I like making spontaneous decisions,
and I don't care. That's who I am, so
- [laughs]
- See?
I wanted to get lyrics from the Red Hot
Chili Peppers' song "Scar Tissue."
When I was there, I decided
I wanted to do homage to my grandma,
'cause she'd passed away
not too long before.
I was like, "I'll get in German,"
because she's from Germany.
- We don't speak German, though.
- No.
Her shoulder does?
- It does.
- It speaks fluent German.
- [Jessimae] Fluent in one sentence.
- Sort of.
What lyric did you get from the song?
"With the birds I'll share."
- It's on my shoulder.
- [Jessimae] Oh, okay.
I'll tell you what it looks like it says.
I'm not gonna try and be funny at all.
I think you nailed it, actually.
I think that's what it says.
Doesn't everybody ask you what it says?
- That's the worst part.
- [Amber] Everyone asks all the time.
- Can you pronounce it in German?
- I think it says
[pronouncing phonetically]
"Mit den Vögeln werde ich teilen."
I'm possessed.
Once people started asking me that,
I was like, "Ohh"
"This isn't gonna work out that well."
Well, your weird tattoo brought you here.
- [Ashley] Yeah.
- I'm excited to get it covered.
For me, the most enjoyable part is
you don't get to choose the tattoo.
- Amber does.
- [gasps]
- [Amber] Yes!
- [Ashley] Stop it.
- Oh, my God.
- [Amber] Can it be my face?
- Stop. Not your face.
- It's gonna be my face.
You're joking.
- [Amber laughing]
- Eww.
[both laughing]
- "Eww!"
- "Eww!"
This is like Christmas times 25.
No. No, it's not.
This is the ultimate payback
for everything
that you've done to me growing up.
Stealing my clothes, ruining my life.
Do not put your face on my back.
We'll see.
[Jessimae] Oh, Amber. Sassy lady.
You know who else is a sassy lady?
Karma. Maybe keep that in mind
when you're pickin' out Ashley's tattoo.
I would love to be mean
- and have my face put on her back.
- I'm like, "I love doing portraits."
- I don't know if I'd feel good about that.
- No, no.
I'd have to deal with that
the rest of my life.
So, probably something
related to our grandmother.
- Okay.
- She loved the beach,
- so maybe something beach-y.
- [music slows to a halt]
There's no way I can cover
a big black tattoo with sand.
I need something
that'll have some substance.
She's very feminine, girly.
I wanna to do something really beautiful,
but sort of, like, classic.
There's this design
that goes back to the Victorian era,
it's this beautiful frame
with ornate things around it.
You can have a little portrait
of your grandma's eye or something in it.
That would be really cool.
She's very dead set on it being her face.
- She has a pretty face. You both do.
- I don't want it on my back.
But you love her!
- Not enough to have her there.
- [both laughing]
So, you can see,
obviously the cover-up
has to be quite detailed.
I just wanted something
really pretty and ornate.
And grandma's eye, I'm gonna keep really
soft and like a black-and-white photo.
I'm a little nervous because she said
that she didn't want a portrait.
- I know, but it's Grandma.
- So It is Grandma.
We'll see if she likes me after this.
[Jessimae] Risking her relationship
with her sister for a tattoo?
I like it.
Let's up the ante,
and make sure Ashley can't see the tattoo
until it's on her forever.
- [Paul hums Star Wars theme]
- [Jessimae] This is to cover your tattoo
so you can't see what's happening
so it's an actual surprise.
- That's how it'll feel if it's her face.
- [Jessimae] Yes.
[Jessimae] Ashley's getting morbid.
We better get this thing started.
[Rose] We'll just do a little line.
- Okay.
- So you know what you're in for.
- How's that?
- Are we done?
- [Rose] Yeah.
- [Amber] You're done. That's it.
That was awesome. Thanks, guys.
[Jessimae] Oh, my God. No, Ashley.
You're gonna be laying there
for, like, a really, really long time.
So we're gonna seize this moment
to bring in another weird tattoo.
This one's for Twig Sparks.
He's a guy who's just always
going to surprise you,
because you just never know
what he's gonna come up with.
His tattoos are, like, mind-bending.
[Twig] I like to have
a unique approach to tattooing.
I generally will have a really nice
relationship with my clients.
Like, most people I tattoo
end up being friends.
[Jessimae] That's so nice, Twig.
This next guy could really use a friend.
How do you guys know each other?
We've been co-workers
for about four years.
We're IT support.
- Mmm.
- Smart guys.
- Mmm.
- Yeah. We fake it really good.
Steve, there's nothing fake
about your nerd-dom.
No offense, you, like, scream "nerd."
- He's undercover nerd.
- I am.
- [Jessimae] Your nerd's out, I like it.
- Come on.
Wait till you see the tattoo.
- [Jessimae] Oh, boy.
- Full-blown nerd.
- Oooh!
- [Twig laughing]
It was a grand gesture
in a new relationship.
- [Twig] No!
- Staaahve!
- Oh!
- A chick. A chick.
- Can we see the tattoo?
- Yes. [giggles]
- There you go.
- Ready?
- Pull up that red flag of a shirt.
- Get the guns out.
Show me the tattoo.
[Twig] Oh, snap.
[Jessimae] Well, how was this
the grand gesture? Was she a witch?
Oh, so you like those cool,
creative girls, huh?
[Steve] It is a pentacle, it's
a combination of pentagram and circle.
Reverse it upside down, and it's the
common sign for worshiping Satan.
- I swear I don't do sacrifices. I don't
- [Jessimae] Anymore.
You sacrificed your body
for this chick you barely knew.
- I did. I did.
- You did do sacrifices.
- It was good, though, I bet. Wild.
- I bet it was. Crazy ones always are.
And it'll be good here today, because
there's a little bit of stuff
brewin' in my pot.
[crowd booing]
You are not gonna choose
the tattoo cover-up.
Sergio is.
How Wow, okay. It doesn't get
much more personal than this.
- How good friends are you guys?
- [Steve] Oh!
You'll have to choose the tattoo.
There's pressure there, but also power
- [Jessimae] Uh-oh.
- because he'll have to be nice to me.
- Mmm.
- [Jessimae] Uh-oh.
- [Sergio] And
- [Twig] Look at that look.
You okay, bro? You look flustered.
- [Steve] Um
- Steve is sweating.
I'm a little scared shitless.
[Jessimae] Be afraid, Steve.
Be very, very afraid,
because Sergio's about
to pick your cover-up.
What kind of things do you see
that he could live with
for the rest of his life?
He likes a lot of mythical stuff.
- Mythical creatures.
- Okay.
Like, unicorns?
- [medieval music plays]
- Merman, Swamp Thing, griffins.
- Griffins? That's awesome.
- Oh, yeah. He loves the griffins, dude.
Somethin' about an eagle
with a lion's ass.
[Twig laughing]
[Twig] Sergio has a great idea.
One of the things I'll have to do
is make that dark to cover up that circle.
I can cover that with the wings of the
griffin, and then it's a strong design.
What I came up with
was this guy right here.
I wanted to bring the wings up and
hopefully try to lose that Wiccan star
- somewhere in the wings, like that.
- [Sergio] Yeah.
- Make it blend into the wings.
- Yeah.
I like that. I hope he's still into them.
If he doesn't like it,
you gotta work with him.
If he doesn't like it
we may not be friends.
- You know? [laughs]
- Oh, God.
[Jessimae] Okay,
if this bromance breaks up,
it's literally gonna break me.
I cannot take it.
So let's make sure that Steve can't see
this bad boy until it's done.
- [Steve] That's awesome.
- [Jessimae] Brought you your ex.
- Stick your arm through your ex's mouth.
- Okay
- It's the love hole, okay?
- The [laughs]
- To bite off the part
- [Sergio] Nice.
- that falls in love.
- Right.
- Don't miss me too much.
- I won't.
[Jessimae] Oh, come on. Look how nervous
he looks. He misses me already!
Don't vom dot com, Steve!
Your life is about to change forever.
- [Steve] Deep breath, deep breath.
- [Sergio] They haven't even started yet.
- I know.
- You're ready to pass out.
[Jessimae] Stay strong, Steve.
Man, we could really use
some Zen vibes up in this shop.
Oh, perfect. Miryam Lumpini.
Her colorful tattoos are almost as vibrant
and beautiful as her soul.
My superpower
is my way of healing with art.
I like to keep a good contrast
between, like, dark and light
in order to bring out,
like, the ultimate beauty.
[Jessimae] Well, my superpower is sarcasm,
but yours sounds way cooler.
I hope it works out on this next tattoo.
So, what brings you in today?
This girl right here.
Before I ever knew her,
she was making bad decisions.
Oh, really?
And how do you guys know each other?
- Met through work.
- Mm-hm.
- About 15 years ago.
- Almost Uh-huh.
If you're gonna have somebody with you
to go through this change,
why not your best friend
and partner in crime?
- Awww!
- I'm gonna cry.
And so, what is going on
with the tattoo situation?
- [Cherie] Well
- [all laugh]
I feel like we're dancing around it.
When I was around 21,
I had my first experience with a woman.
I decided to get a tattoo that represented
how I was feeling, how I was living,
which, back then,
I thought was my best life.
[all laugh]
It's back here, on my butt.
[record scratch]
- [Cherie] That says?
- "Freaky Behavior."
- Freaky Behavior. Whooo!
- Okay!
We all need that tattoo on our butt.
No, you don't.
I mean, 15 years later,
it looks like "Streaky Behavior."
- Not freaky anymore.
- [Jessimae] Oh!
That part, yeah.
All this talk, girl.
I need to see the freaky situation!
- [Cherie] Yeah, you need to see this.
- Let me see the freak! Let the freak out.
[drum roll]
- [cymbal rimshot]
- Oh, wow!
I mean, it looks like somebody
was starting to write the Constitution.
- [all laugh]
- All right, we're done.
[Miryam] She's so ready to cover it.
I could feel you
wanting to get it off you.
- [Joshlyn] Did you see that?
- Yeah.
I didn't wanna show you. Or anybody!
Today's gonna be big for you, because
you don't get to choose the cover-up.
Cherie does.
- That's awesome.
- [sighs]
- [Miryam] Deep breath.
- [both laughing]
In through the nostrils,
out through the mouth.
She loves me. And I know that.
- Aww!
- She has my back.
She is not gonna steer me wrong.
- That felt like you convincing yourself.
- [all laugh]
I know the decision's in my lap,
but I got this. I promise.
No penises on your butt.
- [record scratch]
- Okay.
[Jessimae] Nope.
We're gonna keep right on rollin'
while Cherie decides
what's goin' on your booty.
What do you think she would want?
If you could incorporate anything
to do with a rainbow, the Pride colors
- Oooh.
- Owning who she is now,
being out, you know, as a gay female.
How about butterflies?
I'm not sure.
We can maybe do like a
One or two butterflies, or three,
- that kind of flies off.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
- Just to give it that "I'm free!"
- Free! Mm-hm.
- Like, "I'm breaking free!"
And that beautiful flow.
The placement is very close to the crack.
So my plan is to work away from the crack
and make her cheek look
more full and proportionate.
- I did two very beautiful butterflies.
- Oh, those are so pretty.
We can do the beautiful rainbow fade.
- [Cherie] Yeah.
- [Miryam] Really make it vibrant.
- Free, proud, growth.
- Free, yeah.
Just full of a lot of pride and growth.
- I'm ecstatic for her. She'll love it.
- You're so sweet.
- I just wanna eat you!
- You did a great job.
[Jessimae] Did Miryam say
she's gonna eat somebody?
We better hurry up and start this tattoo.
- [gasps] What the hell is this?
- [Cherie laughs]
This is your booty vacation.
This is so you can't see
what's happening to your booty.
- I can't look back there, I promise you.
- So, you're gonna slide
[all laughing]
[Jessimae] Ooh! Everyone's tattooing.
I'm gonna be honest with you,
this could all go either way.
- You nervous, Ashley?
- Yes.
[laughs] I just saw
the breathing pattern change.
- "Oh, my God."
- [Ashley] Funny.
I can guarantee she thinks
that I will put my face on her back.
Payback's a bitch.
And so is my sister.
I'm kind of jealous.
- I don't get to watch my sister
- Yeah.
- get tattooed for something I chose.
- I know!
- Yeah.
- Everybody should get this moment.
[Sergio] How's it feel?
- It's It's, uh
- [Twig] It's feeling a bit sore?
It is, yeah.
It's like an exorcism.
- I bet your arm's paying for it.
- [Steve] Oh, it is.
- [thunder rumbles]
- [Sergio laughs]
It definitely is.
[Sergio] Don't worry about a thing.
You'll be a brand-new man.
I can finally close a chapter that I never
should have opened in the first place.
- A really bad chapter.
- A horrible chapter.
Oh, that's the worst area right there.
- You okay?
- [Joshlyn] I do trust Cherie.
My butt is literally in her hands.
But I am scared. I am so nervous.
The whole meaning around this tattoo
is a very big moment for you.
[Jessimae] Did you feel
like you were a freak?
People weren't aware
of my attraction to the same sex.
That wasn't considered
very normal back then.
[tearfully] I just know that
I love who I love,
and it's genuine, authentic love.
[Jessimae] You're an inspiration.
You're just lettin' it all out.
I hope you embrace that.
- You were letting everything out.
- Crying!
[Miryam] Ass, blood and tears.
[all laugh]
- [Jessimae] How much time, Miryam?
- A few more lines and then we're done.
[Jessimae] A few lines?
- That sounds like another kind of party.
- [all laugh]
- Don't make her laugh too much.
- Oh, sorry. I'm making your booty shake.
[Miryam] I need a countdown.
[Jessimae] Okay.
Five, four, three, two, one.
Whooo! We're done!
- Yay!
- [Joshlyn] We're done?
[Jessimae] Freaky Behavior is gone!
It's a brand new day
with a brand new booty.
Oh! You guys,
I really hope this one goes well.
[Jessimae] It's come down to this, ladies.
Okay, let's do this.
Oh, my gosh.
You're okay.
[Jessimae] Who's more nervous
to see this tattoo?
I think I am, to be honest.
- How?
- 'Cause you expected the worst.
- I did, but it won't be the worst.
- I don't know yet.
- It depends on how you look at it.
- [Cherie] Yes.
- You know me better than anyone.
- I do.
If it had anything to do with anything
that you thought I might like, I'm safe.
- [Miryam] Okay.
- [Jessimae] Never want Joshlyn mad at me.
It's like slam-ma not grandma.
Do you wanna do a countdown, Cherie?
Sure. Five down?
From 50?
- [laughs]
- Enough time to get a head start home?
Five, four
[all] Three, two, one.
I knew it! I felt little dots!
- Little dots!
- [Cherie squeals]
[Jessimae] Girl, look at that booty.
- Let it settle in!
- [Joshlyn] Aaah! They're beautiful.
Good job.
- Yeah? You like it?
- Yes, I love it.
- [Cherie] Where's Freaky Behavior?
- [Joshlyn] It is no longer there.
- You can't tell it was ever there.
- [Jessimae] It's Flighty Behavior now.
[all laugh]
- Everyone loves butterflies.
- [Jessimae] They sure do.
- Everyone loves butterflies on booties.
- [all laugh]
- That's a whole other
- Well, we'll find out!
[Jessimae] What does this mean
for your friendship?
She can ride in the car home.
Is that on the hood or inside?
- Like a Christmas tree?
- Yeah!
I have something that represents me well.
I wouldn't have thought of it.
I had something in my mind,
and you picked something even better.
Yay! Kudos.
- Glad you like it.
- Can I put my dress down?
[all laughing]
- Are you alive, Ashley?
- I'm alive.
- We are done.
- Oh!
- Yay!
- Okay.
Now the nerves are setting in. She's like,
"Oh, shit. I have to see what I have."
[Jessimae] Ashley is freaking out.
You've gotta really respect Amber.
I mean, she's been
really milking this all day.
Now, Ashley is 100 percent
expecting the worst.
This is gonna be good.
- [Jessimae] Are you crying?
- No.
- Good.
- I'm just
- Not yet.
- I don't know.
- [Jessimae] Tell me.
- I'm nervous.
I don't even know
what I'm about to see right now.
I mean, we'll either
be sisters or not sisters.
- Y'all going to end your sister-ship?
- Maybe! Who knows?
- Should we look at the tattoo before that?
- Let's just look at it.
I'm gonna take this off you.
- [Jessimae] You wanna count me down?
- Yes.
Three, two, one.
It's freaking sick, dude.
- That's so crazy.
- [Amber] That's my eye.
- It's not, shut up!
- [Jessimae] Is it?
- Know whose it is?
- [Ashley] No.
It's Grandma's eye.
- [Amber] Really.
- [Rose] It is.
- [Ashley] For real?
- [Amber] It is.
- What? That's so sick!
- [Amber] I had Mom send me pictures.
[Jessimae] So how did Amber do?
I love it. It's rad.
- Yay!
- Oh, my God!
- [Amber] We did it!
- [Amber and Rose laughing]
[Ashley] I feel bad that I doubted you.
I thought you would put
something shitty on me.
It was a thought. [chuckles]
I don't hate you. We can still be sisters.
- Yay!
- Yes!
[all laugh]
- [Jessimae] Anything you wanna say?
- You're welcome.
- Wow!
- I could've put my face on her back.
Is there any affection
or do you always stand apart?
- Are we allowed?
- I always come to you.
[Amber] I'm about to cry. Oh, my God.
I think it's really special that
she has something of my grandma now
that she's proud of
and wanting to show off
rather than embarrassed by.
I wish she was here,
you know, to see it.
- So we're not gonna murder each other?
- We're not.
- This was a bonding experience.
- [Ashley] Yeah.
- You wanna scheme what to put on her body?
- Yeah.
Let's talk about it.
So you could do your face. On her butt.
- She's got a nice booty.
- [Ashley] On your butt.
- Whoo! Baby, I'm done, son!
- [exhales]
I can't believe it.
I can't believe it. I'm done.
- I'm okay.
- You did it. You did it, Steve.
[Jessimae] I'm so proud of my big,
strong man.
He finally broke that curse,
and now he's gonna be a brand-new dude.
We're gonna have to introduce him
to the brand-new Steve.
He might scare himself.
It's been a long road.
This guy sat like a rock.
- My big, strong man? You sat like a rock?
- Mm-hm.
I was in the zone. He was in the zone.
- [Sergio] The zone.
- We were zoning.
- Control-alt-delete.
- [Steve] Yes.
- All right. Let's do it, my brother.
- All right.
Aah. Aah.
Whoo! No cheating.
Steve, no looking.
I'll give it a quick little wipe,
my brother,
to get all that gushing blood
off of there.
- You're the bleeding heart.
- Mm-hm.
I've never said this to a man before,
but you gotta toughen the F up.
No more witches after this moment.
- Spirits, begone.
- Yes.
- Are you ready to look at your tattoo?
- Yes.
[Jessimae] Okay.
Oh, wow! [laughs]
- [Sergio] You okay there?
- Oh!
[Steve] Oh, my God.
- [Jessimae laughing]
- I think he likes it.
[Steve] No words. This is amazing.
I am floored.
I'm just floored. It's amazing.
- Hit it out of the park, bro.
- [Jessimae] Ah!
- Hit it out of the park.
- [Jessimae] How did Sergio do?
- Yes!
- Hey.
Sergio, what made you
come to this design?
[Sergio] I knew that
he was into mythical creatures
and the griffin was something
that is personal to him.
I had talked about it a long time ago.
- I can't believe you remember that.
- [Twig chuckles]
- What's Sergio referring to?
- [Steve] My grandmother.
Her last name is Griffin.
She basically raised me,
and, uh she's been gone for
For quite a while.
I think about her all the time.
I knew that you closing this chapter
from the bad tattoo and putting that on
- [Steve] Yes.
- [Sergio] The symbolism's great.
Griffins have wings. They can fly.
It's about going to new horizons.
- I hope you like it, brother.
- I love it. I love it.
There isn't a thing I would change.
You need to teach a therapy course
on how men can express themselves.
- [Steve] Yeah.
- Absolutely, I'm impressed.
- Oh!
- Come here!
Beers on me
for the rest of your life, man.
- Whew!
- [laughs]
Hey, that's awesome.
[Jessimae] Wanna take that puppy
for a walk?
Let's see if we can find you
a non-witch bitch.
- [all laugh]
- [Sergio] Yeah, let's do that.
[Steve] Oh!
[Jessimae] What a day.
Three happy customers
and three bad tattoos gone forever.
But you? You don't go anywhere.
We've got more disasters comin'
to fill up your pretty little eyeholes.
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