Ten Percent (2022) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

poor Yorick!
I knew him, Horatio;
a fellow of infinite jest.
Sorry, um
Fellow of infinite jest.
Ah, God.
Everything okay, Dominic?
-Yeah. I just
-I need to stop. It's the phone.
-We have stopped.
Right. The phone.
We have talked about
I know we have, Robert.
It's just I can't
It's getting in the way.
-Can we lose it?
- Lose the phone?
Yes, finally. For fuck's sake.
Okay, let's break for a bit.
Back in 20, everybody. Thanks.
-Hello, lovely.
I hope I'm not interrupting.
No, it's good to see you.
I thought I'd say hello
to my favorite client.
Why, did Jude Law die?
Very funny. How's it going?
-With Robert, I mean.
I know.
Let me put it this way. He's not helping.
-Have you told him how you feel?
-I tried to.
But he's obsessed with this vision
he's got of the play.
I don't want to be that guy.
-What guy?
-The actor who thinks
Dominic, don't forget
who you are in all this.
Wait, who am I?
One of the finest actors of his generation
back on the London stage at last,
which is why this production is sold out.
Robert is brilliant, but the fact
is he wouldn't have this gig without you.
-It wouldn't even be happening.
Well, maybe I can just gently remind him
of that fact.
Excuse me.
-God, it's good to see you.
-You, too.
I can't believe we're here.
No, well
I can't tell you what
this whole thing means to me.
Well, I know it's only two speeches.
They cut the second one.
I did have to call in
quite a lot of favors
I can only imagine. Bless you.
-It would be great if you
-Don't fuck it up.
No, that's not what I was gonna say
That's what I say every time
I arrive at the stage door.
Every morning, when the darkness thins
and the birds start singing again.
Please, God,
don't let me fuck this day up.
so we're back on, please.
We'll pick up with Act Two, Scene One.
-Margaux. Hi, I'm Misha.
-Yes. Rebecca's assistant.
-It's really lovely to meet you.
She's just finishing a call.
She won't be a moment.
-Can I get you something to drink?
-No, thank you.
You sure? Tea, coffee, water.
Actually, I'm perfectly hydrated.
-Can I just say how much I
- Margaux.
-Great to meet you finally.
Thanks so much for coming in.
Can I get you something to drink?
No, she's perfectly hydrated actually.
Before I say anything at all,
I just wanna say,
this is an incredible piece of work.
-Thank you.
-And I've never been near a warzone,
-and I hope I never do.
-Yes, so do I.
But this touched me in a way
that I can't really explain.
So, do you want to have a try?
Yes, yeah Okay. So firstly,
it's beautifully written,
I love your voice.
I love how controlled it is.
And the way you underplay everything
But the fact that it's true, you know,
-that you're sat here now
-I am a journalist.
It was my choice
to put myself in that situation.
But this is a story that has to be told.
Well, and I've told it.
On the screen, I mean.
This is a story that people have to see.
You haven't talked about empowerment yet.
-I've had these meetings all week.
"A woman's truth in a male world."
You don't think that's important?
-Well, of course, I do. It's
-Of course you do. Yes.
So, in words that I can understand,
what are we looking at here?
What does this all mean?
Purely from my financial point of view,
in practical terms,
it's bad.
And legally pretty complicated.
-How bad is bad?
- Well, let me put it this way.
-It's not good.
-No, exactly.
So we're fucked.
That's not technically
an accounting term
But in other respects I'd say
it's not wildly inaccurate.
-No, I agree.
Why didn't he ask for help?
You know what Richard was like.
He tried virtually everything.
Especially after turning down
the United World Talent offer.
Which was a lot of money to turn down.
A lot of money, yes.
The truth is, Richard could be quite
stubborn, in his own way.
-Which is why we all loved him, of course.
You don't spend 40 years
building up something you love
and then hand it over to Americans.
If he'd accepted the UWT offer,
we wouldn't be in this mess.
How do you get the coffee out?
If he had,
we wouldn't be Nightingale Hart.
It looks like we won't be anyway.
So, either way
Let's wait to see what our options are.
Our options?
Well, I'm not an accountant.
But it's money.
If the figures don't add up properly,
add them differently.
-Do you want any help with that?
-No, thank you.
It's all in hand. Right, here we go.
-Oh, for fuck's sake.
-Oh. Sorry, I've gotta take this.
- Okay.
Hello, Robert, love, how are you?
Yes, I have.
Love, it's going to be fine.
I've spoken to Dominic.
But you are going to have to listen.
-No, to me, love.
You're going to have to listen to me. Now.
-Maybe I should tell you a bit about us.
So, obviously, this is a talent agency.
But I've had the idea
of setting up a production wing.
-It's happening more and more now.
-You don't want to be an agent.
-You want to be a producer.
-Well, no, it's not that I
-Well, actually, yes.
-You want control.
-Well, no
-And this Could be your first try.
Uh, it's not really that complicated.
I was brought up in a military family.
-Germany, all over the place.
You wanna work on something
that you care about.
And I've found something that is good
enough to make this all worthwhile.
That's all.
-Well, thank you.
It is something to think about.
-Do you have any questions for me?
-Right. I don't think so.
I just got off the phone
with Beth Stephens.
Right. Who?
She's casting the new
Sally Wainwright crime thing
and guess who she wants to see
for the sidekick.
Sally Wainwright! Are you serious?
DC Eva Daniels.
Troubled cop. Single mum.
-History with heroin. Whole thing.
-Oh, my God! That's amazing.
-Tomorrow? But what about reception?
-We'll just get that temp in.
-Oh, boy.
-Don't worry. Beth's lovely.
She does all the big stuff these days.
I think she's doing
the new Mission Impossible?
No way!
Play your cards right,
you'll be abseiling out
of a burning helicopter.
Oh, my God, don't.
Just stop it, Dan, please.
Gary Oldman is free
for lunch next Thursday.
Good. I was thinking
The Barbary for a change.
-I've already booked it.
-You have?
Yes. Oh, and Jeremy Spence
called back from UWT.
-He got your message
-I'll call him.
So I was thinking.
What are you doing this afternoon?
-This afternoon?
-Richard's office is sitting empty
-It is sad actually.
-Yeah, so
-I was wondering if
-I was wondering if you'd
-Unless you're busy, of course.
Come. Come and sit down!
You shall not budge.
You shall not go
till I have set you up a glass.
Till I've
Till I've set you up a glass where
When you may You shall not go
till I've set you up a glass where
Where you may see the inmost part of you.
Sorry, who is doing that?
Doing what?
-Mumbling the lines.
Okay, can we have silence
off stage, please?
Okay. Sorry.
Actually, no, it's not okay.
It's the It's the fucking selfie.
It's not a selfie.
-I know, I get what you're trying to do
-Do you?
Yes, of course.
This play is about a man
who is virtually paralyzed
by self-reflection,
by self-regard, self-examination,
and debilitating solipsism.
Which just so happens to be
the defining condition of our age.
What we're trying to do here is
I know what you're trying to do.
I get what you're doing.
I just think you need
to understand that as an actor, I
I can't do this scene.
You can't do it?
It doesn't feel true
and if it doesn't feel
God, what is this?
Some kind of fucking joke?
Hi. Is it all right if I just get my coat?
Okay. Yeah.
-Hi! Hey.
-Just came to pick up my coat.
I left it after the funeral.
So, a friend of mine is doing
this gig round the corner later.
-Which might be fun.
I'm sorry. I can't do tonight.
Rebecca's got me chained to the desk.
Yeah, that's okay. Sure.
-I mean, I'm free this weekend
I can't do this weekend, I'm afraid.
In fact, weekends are quite bad generally.
-I'm sorry.
No, no, it's fine. I get it.
Okay, well, I will see you around then.
Or maybe not.
-No, Luke
It's fine.
Actually Um
Have you got a minute?
-Right, okay.
-Look, Luke.
-The other night
-What's happening?
I am sorry if I gave you
the wrong impression,
but I was quite drunk.
-"Quite drunk?"
-It's just that
That's not me,
I don't do that kind of thing.
You don't crash out
on the bed and fall asleep?
What? You mean
We didn't I didn't
You were still in exactly
the same position in the morning.
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
-Thank you.
-Okay. Jesus. Right.
-Oh, I'm sorry.
-I am so confused right now.
Oh, hello.
Oh. Hi, Ollie.
No, honestly, you guys go for it.
It's good in here, isn't it?
Okay, left hand up a bit.
Yeah, more.
-Mm-hmm, more. No, too much.
Back a bit, yeah, great.
Yep, that'll do.
-You sure?
-That's great, thanks.
Oh, I got you this actually.
All right. What is it?
It's nothing.
-An aromatherapy candle.
Right. Well, okay, well, thanks, Julia.
Okay, what the hell is going on?
Nothing, it's just a candle.
-It's caramelized amber and tonka bean.
-Is it?
So apparently, we're talking to
United World Talent.
Okay, Julia, can
-Okay, now, before you say anything
-He's only been gone a matter of weeks.
That is not fair.
Well, you've certainly made
yourself comfortable in here.
-Do you want it?
-Of course not, don't be silly.
What exactly do we do?
Leave it sitting here, nice empty room?
-You are behaving as if you own the place.
-That's ridiculous.
I suppose, technically,
I probably do own it now, don't I?
I think the banks own most of it now.
Exactly. If UWT wanna talk,
the least we can do is listen,
that is all.
And do they wanna talk?
I don't know yet. They might do.
Well, in that case, count me in.
Of course. Yes.
Apart from anything else,
it's common decency and good manners.
Robert. Hi.
Well, okay, Robert.
Calm down. Tell me what's happening.
He just doesn't get it.
He doesn't get what we're trying to do.
So now, he's complaining
about his fucking
Hang on a moment.
-Just one second.
Dominic, love.
He is a gaping arsehole. I can't do this.
Yes, love. Would you bear with me,
I'm on the other line?
Robert, love, can I call you back?
This is Dominic!
Of course, yes, I'll be with you
in a second. I'll call you back.
I do hope I'm not interrupting.
Look, I should have said weeks ago,
you don't remember,
why on Earth would you.
The Donmar. 1995.
Midsummer Night's Dream.
I was trying my hand at Theseus.
Yeah. You walked out.
Ah. You do remember.
Yeah, it was my first job
after drama school.
I can't begin to tell you
how sorry I am about that.
God knows what right
I have to say this, but
are you okay?
Excuse me?
I have no idea
what it's like to be in your position.
And I doubt very much
if I ever will, but if
Sorry, I need to take this.
Yes, of course, yes.
Yeah, I'm so sorry.
No, it's fine.
Stella. Hi. I can't.
-Well, this is great.
You should have told me.
I'd have dressed up.
-I know.
-Do you wanna talk about it?
-Yeah, I know. Crazy.
Okay, yeah, fine,
yeah, if you want, fine.
Okay so, you'd be what, you'd be CEO.
I'd have to talk to that lot about it,
but that's the idea.
-What does Stella think about that?
-What do you think?
-So have you talked to her?
-To Stella?
Well, I mean,
Stella's still a major shareholder.
One thing he didn't fuck up is,
he was still the major shareholder.
Yes, so, ultimately,
this is your decision.
Ultimately, if it came to it.
Yeah, but have you talked to her?
Look, I don't want debt.
I don't want to scale back.
I mean, UWT are huge,
they could just write it off
without thinking about it.
And financially what would it mean,
for you, I mean?
Well, I mean,
I haven't seen a figure yet,
but I can't imagine we'd have to worry
about money ever again.
Right. Okay. So just other stuff then.
Maybe one day I can get
to choose the bar.
Why? What's wrong with this place?
Nothing. It's just hard to meet women
in a lesbian bar.
-Well, no, I mean
-That's Margaux Martorana.
-In here?
-Yeah. There.
Don't stare.
I'm not the one staring.
Fuck. What should I do?
Should I go over there?
I don't know. Maybe not.
I'm going over there.
Right. Great.
-Oh. Hello.
-Small world.
Well, it's London, so
These are my friends.
Jess, Lorine, and Becca.
-It's Lorine's birthday.
-Happy birthday.
-Thank you.
-Do you want to join us, or
-I don't want to crash
No, no, no, that's all right.
I wanted to say, about this morning,
I hope I didn't say
No, sorry.
Do you see any desks here?
No. No, no, but, I mean, I just
No work talk. Please.
We're here to drink.
-Yeah. Hi.
Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you.
Oh, no. It's okay.
So, I mean, breakfast?
-Or if that's not
No, actually, breakfast will be good.
Okay. Great.
There we go.
I'm not going back until he apologizes.
He wants you to apologize first.
What? No.
I'm not going to apologize. Why should I?
Well, that's up to you.
It's not my fault I've ended up
with an idiot who can't direct traffic.
Dominic will probably be okay
whatever happens
at this stage in his career.
It is you who I'm thinking about.
You open tomorrow
I know we open tomorrow.
The thing is, you are almost there.
I know. No, but I'm not going to be
blackmailed by him.
You know I loved everything
you did at The Arcola. It was brilliant.
But this is the Premier League now.
What are you saying?
You've done all the hard work,
it's going to be so brilliant.
It is all about you in the end.
This is your moment.
You're almost there.
It's a strange hill
for you to die on. That's all.
-You sure you don't want any?
-No, I'm fine.
-Just so you know, last night
-Was fun. Wasn't it?
Yes, it was, yeah.
In case you were wondering,
I hadn't planned to bump into you.
-It was a coincidence.
-Like a lot of life.
But, I wanted to say, with Eight Days,
I know you haven't decided yet.
And I also realize I'm saying this
after we've seen each other's vaginas.
But if you decide to go with us,
I don't want this to complicate things.
Hmm. Well, you should know now,
I'm very good with boundaries.
Exactly, yeah.
But in the meantime, I will try
not to let your vagina cloud my judgement.
If that's what you're asking.
Yeah. Good.
So, have you had a chance
to read Eight Days yet?
-Good morning.
-Stella's read it.
-All right, has she?
But I need your sign-off
to release the funds now.
Things have been busy here.
You have managed
to find time to move here.
It's literally on my desk, look.
I will take it home with me tonight.
Remind me, what was the offer?
It's nothing for this.
Once published, it'll be out of our reach.
Final offers need to be in
by end of play tomorrow.
It really is now or never
with this whole thing.
Oh, hi. Sorry we're running a bit late.
No, no.
It's a bit, you know.
Thanks for seeing me.
I love the script.
She's such a great character.
She's great. So we're gonna try
a few versions and then, a bit of improv.
- Yeah.
Sally just likes to see
something a bit looser.
If I was you,
I'd save it for the judge.
And the jury.
Is that right?
The judge and the jury? Yes.
You ain't got nothing on me.
Sorry, what is it you've actually done?
-I've done nothing.
-This is me.
No, it's just, what is it
she's supposed to have done?
Well, I don't know.
Oh, right.
-That's kind of up to you.
She's a strong woman,
so take this wherever.
-Right, yes. Okay.
Yeah, sure, yes, thanks. Great.
We found your prints all over his feet.
His feet?
Yeah. We found the feet. Both of them.
What do you mean
you found the feet? Where?
-In the canal.
-The canal?
Well, I don't know nothing
about no canal or no feet.
-I don't know what you're
-I've had enough.
-We are done.
-I'm still going.
-You knew Winston was having an affair.
You found out when you discovered them
together in the bathroom.
-No, you don't. Sit down.
All right. Down. Look. Hands behind
your back where I can see them.
Oh, my God! I am so sorry!
Oh, my gosh! Are you okay?
-Are you okay?
-Oh, fuck!
-Hey, guys.
-Hi, Jeremy.
Hey, Jonathan. Hey, Stella.
-It's great to finally hook up with you.
-So exciting.
Yes, it must be.
Look. I should introduce you to the team.
This is Brooks, our Executive VP Global.
Angela, she's Executive Co-Creative.
Maria is Co-Executive VP Talent.
Lewis is our Executive Co-VP Integrity.
-Hi. Great to meet you all.
-Yes, all of you.
So, guys, I just wanted to open
by reiterating how excited we are by this.
Well, great.
We were so sad to hear about Richard.
I can't imagine what that must be like.
-Thank you.
It's sad we never got to work together,
but at the same time,
we'd love to think it's not the end.
Exactly, yeah.
Forgive me, Jeremy. We're talking about,
what, a takeover, a partnership?
To that point, Stella, we only get
involved with companies that we respect.
And part of that is just
letting them do their own thing.
That is good to hear.
That's the whole point of this.
Like they say, you don't buy a toaster
hoping it's a lawnmower. Right?
I'm sorry. I got caught up
in the moment. I was nervous.
What were you thinking?
I've never auditioned
for a major role.
The hottest casting director
and you break her arm.
The last three roles
didn't even have names.
You could have given me a heads-up.
A heads up about what?
You can't spring improv on someone.
It's not fair!
I didn't know, they must have improvised.
This isn't fair.
You're supposed to be my agent.
Look, Zoe.
I need to get that. I am a receptionist.
Zoe, wait.
Have you ever had a Monkey Gland?
It's gin, orange juice,
grenadine, and absinthe.
No, I don't think so.
'Cause we are gonna have one tonight.
Has anyone seen Jonathan?
- I think he's already left.
Right. Fuck!
-I just found this on his desk.
- Right.
He didn't bother to take it home.
Okay, I need you
to drop this off at his house.
-At his house?
-What do you mean? Now.
Yes, this evening.
Oh, I'm sorry. Do you have plans?
-No, it's just
-Oh, no, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. No, of course.
Why don't you let me know
when you're free? For fuck's sake.
What is a man?
What What is
What is a man if his chief
-What is a man if his chief
Yeah. I know the line, thanks.
Oh, God, yes?
It makes it so slow.
Type faster then.
-I can't.
- You serious?
Nobody can type faster!
I don't believe this!
Oh, God! What is this about?
Out of interest, is there anything
about this production you believe?
That's a good question.
So here's an idea.
How about you focus on your acting,
and leave me to do the directing?
I would love to focus on my acting,
believe me!
I set out to do something brave and bold.
Yeah, and just sometimes,
if only out of kindness, really,
someone has to tell the Emperor
that he hasn't got any clothes on!
Do you think I wanted to cast
you in this fucking thing?
You think it was my idea to cast someone
who's here because they're off the telly.
And who is manifestly too old
to play the part?
Okay, fine.
All right.
Good luck.
Dominic, love. Call me.
I saw what happened. I've seen it before.
It's because you both care so much.
Now call me.
Tell me where you are.
Robert's happy to talk.
No, I'm not!
-He understands.
-I'm sorry
-Not now.
-We're on your side.
-I'm not.
Look. There's plenty of time
to talk things through.
Just call me, yes?
Okay, love. Speak soon. Bye.
-I think he's turned his phone off.
These are the moments
when you earn your spurs and you grow up.
-If you want to.
-For Christ's sake, Simon, please!
Absolutely. I'm so sorry.
Whatever it is,
he's got one speech. We've lost Hamlet.
What is it, Simon?
He's scared.
What, Dominic?
No, he's virtually paralyzed with fear.
I mean, for pity's sake, I should know.
-Just 'cause you
Would you please shut up?
Thank you.
I have had quite enough
of your voice this week.
And you're standing
in someone's urine by the way.
Oh, fuck!
-Hey, Luke!
You okay there?
I thought you were playing hard to get,
now you're stalking me.
No. Sorry. No, I was just
dropping this off for Rebecca.
I mean, for Rebecca for Jonathan.
I mean, from Rebecca for Jonathan.
Right, okay, he's not back yet, so
So what, you live here?
Yeah, I know.
-No, no.
-I'm actually between places.
I did start donating in shelters,
so maybe it kind of evens out.
Um Is that you?
That? Uh, yeah, afraid so.
How old were you?
- Eight or nine.
-You look so happy.
-They told me I had to.
-It's actually really cruel.
It's not that I don't love my students,
it's just sometimes I wanna kill them.
-I didn't know you had company.
-No. I was just going.
-Oh, really?
-Rebecca asked me to drop this off
Do you never stop working?
-I don't mind.
-Have you eaten?
I don't suppose for a moment
it occurred to you.
If they're gonna make you work,
the least we can do is feed you.
-That's kind
-Don't fight it.
She's a feeder. She'll strap you down.
It's a miracle I'm in such good shape.
Sorry I'm late.
Traffic was a nightmare.
I should go, actually.
When he comes through that door,
he's not the boss.
I thought he was.
I'm going to cook, I didn't know
when you'd be back.
Misha's staying for dinner.
Hello, there.
Would you mind if I join you?
What did you do at university?
I was doing English.
But I only did the first year.
I took some time out to look after my mum.
Oh, right.
She was ill, but she's much better now.
I'm very glad to hear it.
What about your father?
Oh! Christ, Charlotte.
Is this the Spanish Inquisition?
-I'm interested.
-Let the poor girl eat.
But, yeah, my Dad, he's
He's not really
He and my Mum,
I mean, we've lost touch, really.
Sorry you had to go through that.
The bad news is I think they liked you.
But we can work on that.
-Look, I was gonna say, just before you
-Actually, I need to go.
-Yeah, sure.
-I'm late
Fine. Sure. Thanks for coming.
Yeah, no, that's okay.
-What? What is happening?
Nothing. I wanted a quick word.
-Dad, I know how babies are made.
-I know you do. Um
The thing is she's got a boyfriend.
I wasn't sure whether to tell you,
but I thought you should know.
She hasn't said anything to me.
-Well, no
-I don't believe you.
I've seen him,
around the office, he picks her up.
What's he like?
Well, he's older than her.
I mean, not old, old. You know.
I think he works in the city.
He's got a beard.
-A beard?
Yeah, like I said, you know,
I didn't know whether to tell you or not.
I just didn't want you to get hurt. Okay?
What the fuck?
From the minute I said yes, I knew.
Words floating in front of me
and I feel faint, I can't breathe,
I can't hear what people are saying to me.
I honestly think I'm about to pass out.
Every scene,
I can feel it coming towards me.
Every morning when I wake up.
The more scared I am
that it's gonna happen,
-the more it fucking happens.
-Of course.
You know what doesn't help?
People saying you'll be fine.
You know the door backstage,
fire door that goes out into the street?
-I pass that door every night
going to the stage
and I look at it and I think,
"Through that door is the real world."
And all I have to do is walk through it.
Out into the street, out into Soho
and I'll just melt into the crowd
and no one will find me.
No one can come and get me.
That's the most rational thing.
The most perfectly rational thing to do.
When it happened to me.
I mean, I know this now,
I didn't see it then.
See, there are times in life
when everything in you is screaming,
"I can't do this, I can't bear this,
all I want is for it to end."
What I didn't know at the time was that,
those are the moments.
Looking back afterwards,
you're so glad that you didn't fold.
So grateful.
Except, I did fold, of course.
So I'll never know
what I might have been grateful for.
The thing is,
what if you're wrong?
'Cause it'll be too late then.
-At least now it's us.
I like this.
The whole point is nothing changes.
Oh, you believe that?
They're interested in only us.
Jeremy was very clear.
Yes. He illustrated that
by comparing us to a toaster.
One thing we do know
is we can't go on like this.
Yes, one of these other options
might be feasible in theory,
but who knows?
So, should we vote?
-A vote?
-Excellent idea.
I suppose we could. Why not?
All those against
the UWT deal in principle.
-Oh! All those for
-We don't need to do that.
No, we don't.
-Is that a decision then, or
I think it is.
I have to make the offer
for Eight Days by this afternoon.
That's if we're gonna do it.
-What does that mean?
I didn't appreciate you sending
your assistant to have dinner in my house.
And secondly, I mean, especially
in the light of what we talked about,
I don't think it's really the time
to spend £10,000 on a speculative hunch.
And I'm really sorry, obviously.
Yeah, I bet you are.
You know, fuck him.
When I first took the idea of setting up
the production wing to Richard,
he didn't say anything.
He sat and listened,
but he was so thrilled.
No, but for me, I mean, like,
I felt he was thrilled for me.
If you want to go and get drunk,
I'm here for you. One thing I'm good at.
You know what, fuck him,
I'll put my own money in.
-He can't stop me.
-You've got £10,000 to spare?
I don't know. Fuck it. I don't care.
Yeah. Yeah.
-I'm sorry.
-About yesterday.
I'm really sorry I snapped at you.
-There's a lot going on.
-I really wanted it.
I know. I know you did.
My parents think I'm stupid,
chasing some silly dream.
My dad won't talk to me.
I wanna show them.
That's not stupid or silly.
And you will show them.
And then they'll see.
-Thank you.
-Hey, I'm your agent.
Promise I'll never attack
another casting director.
That would be good.
Come on, everyone, let's go.
Everyone, through the door.
So. Are we all okay?
We'll have to wait and see, won't we?
Right, yeah.
As needful in our loves, fitting our duty?
Let's do it, I pray,
and I, this morning, know
where we shall find him most conveniently.
Though yet of Hamlet
our dear brother's death.
The memory be green,
and that it us befitted to bear
our hearts in grief.
And our whole kingdom to be
contracted in one brow of woe.
But now, my cousin Hamlet,
and my son
A little more than kin,
and less than kind.
How is it that the clouds
still hang on you?
Not so, my Lord. I am
This has nothing to do with your vagina.
If you're worried about that.
But £5,000 for the option.
That can't have been your best offer.
-No, of course.
-Nowhere near.
-I mean, I know it wasn't.
-No, but
I am stubborn
when I get an idea into my head.
When you do what I do,
you get used to trusting your gut.
But I want to say.
Don't fuck this up, please.
-I won't.
-They all think I'm mad.
I'm not about to prove them right.
This means more to me than you know.
Hey, and it's gonna be amazing.
Good. Because if you break your word
I know a lot of dangerous people.
Warlords, cartel guys, child soldiers.
All right, I will bear that in mind.
Good. So
That's work over.
I doubt it is no other than the main,
his father's death
and our o'erhasty marriage.
Welcome, good friends.
Say, Voltimand,
what from my brother Norway.
Voltimand? Voltimand?
Hello. Congratulations.
That was wonderful.
I don't wanna say,
"I told you so", but I did.
I'm sorry.
Thanks for putting up with me.
Sorry. Can I bring Dominic over here?
Thank you.
Well, so
Yeah. What can I say.
I should have listened to you.
Darling, I know that.
But now you do, too.
Hi, Jonathan.
Let me find somewhere a bit quieter.
So sorry. Excuse me, that's better.
I don't wanna take up your time,
I wanted to check in with you.
We'd love to know
if you've come to a decision.
Uh, yes, yes, I have.
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