Ten Pound Poms (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

Dean, wait!
Did you leave my boy here
on the side of the road
like a dead dog?
We can't let them get away
with this.
Them white fellas out there
trust you.
Go on, no-one's looking.
But you also got mob here.
You're a leader,
whether you like it or not.
What the hell were they thinking?
They could've killed me!
What did you expect?
I got pregnant by mistake.
A child? Should never have been
taken away from me.
You didn't get it from me.
He's in an orphanage.
You brought us here
for a reason.
To get us back to where we were.
I love you, Annie Roberts.
I love you, too.
What happened with your friend?
His child was involved
in a hit-and-run.
He's OK, isn't he?
No, he's not. Passed away.
I've come to report a crime.
I think we might've killed someone.
Roberts. Come on.
All right, come on.
Where are you taking me?
Let me out!
Help! Get me out!
What the hell's wrong with you?
VOICEOVER: Australia -
a great place for families.
Australia is
an exciting new land.
A country in the modern world.
Create a real home
for your family.
A good place to grow.
There's a bright future.
Come over to the sunny side.
The cost of the journey
halfway around the world is £10.
Look for a new start.
On your way to Australia.
All right. Spanner?
Hey, Unc. Yeah?
Can you tell me about France again?
What do you want to know? Anything.
Before we came home to Sydney,
a few of the fellas found this place
on the coast by the water
called Nice.
We went down there, bub,
and it was beautiful.
The beaches, you know, they were OK,
not like here,
but the food and the cafes,
that's where it was amazing.
What did you eat?
Snails and frogs' legs.
Nah, just joking.
Hey, Unc, I think
I want to go to France one day.
Inala, are you under there?
Yes, Mum! Time for school.
How about you go get the others?
I'll take you all to school.
Really? Yeah. Go on.
♫ Listen, babe,
what you done to me?
♫ You're the only one
that I wanna see
♫ You gotta gimme what you got
♫ You gotta gimme what you got
♫ You gotta gimme what you got
- ♫ Oh, yes, oh, yes. ♫
- ♫ Oh, yes, oh, yes. ♫
Are they birds?
♫ Want your love, want it bad
♫ It's the best darn lovin'
that I ever had
♫ You gotta gimme what you got
Gotta gimme what you got
♫ You gotta gimme what you got
Gotta gimme what you got
♫ You gotta gimme what you got
♫ Oh, yes, oh, yes
Oh, yes, oh, yes. ♫
Trumpet solo - go! Trumpet
All right, you lot, out you get.
Hey, bub.
Come on.
Do I have to?
Yes, you do.
You're smarter and you're stronger
than that lot.
No, I'm not.
Show me your muscles.
There, what's that? Look at that.
Go get 'em.
♫ You gotta gimme what you got
♫ Gotta gimme what you got
♫ Oh, yes, oh, yes. ♫
Hey, Pattie!
Are you going to the party
on Sunday night?
Erm, what party?
JJ's putting on a night
for the launch of the television.
We already have television
in England.
Er, well, rich people do.
Stevie and the other boys
are going.
Also, don't tell anyone,
but one of the boys told me
that Stevie was in prison back home.
I think that's why
they had to move to Australia.
What'd he do?
Killed someone.
No, he didn't!
Yeah, he did.
I mean, I think it was an accident
or something, but he did.
That is ridiculous.
How do you kill someone by accident?
I don't know.
But he did it.
I'd still put my tongue
in his mouth, though.
Killer or not.
Hello, Barry.
Hey, Bruce.
Morning. What's going on?
Tell him what you told us.
Go on, mate, spit it Shut it!
Let him speak. OK.
I've told them what happened.
Us hitting that kid in the car.
Your car.
You're a fool.
Dean Don't "Dean" me.
What'd you go tell these blokes?
We hit a kid in a car?
Are you right in the head? Are ya?
He was drunk off his skull, right,
could barely see,
let alone tell you what happened.
That's not We hit a roo.
A roo?
Yeah, we hit a roo.
Stupid, dumb bloody roo.
They do make bad decisions.
Well, we need to take you in
for questioning, so
What? No, hey
Bruce, I wouldn't mess around
with this stuff, mate.
All right? I got kids, too.
He were paralytic drunk.
I had to drive him home.
Pom, you lightweight.
Yeah, there aren't that many
that can keep up with you, mate.
No. It was a child.
A child?
What, a furry little child, was it?
It was an Aboriginal child.
Then why is he saying it was a roo?
Come on, pom.
Was it a child, or was it,
like Deano here says,
a stupid roo?
It was probably a roo.
Good lad.
We can't investigate a roo.
Here's my advice.
You get on with the rest
of your day,
maybe stay off the drink,
put all of this behind you.
All right?
See you at the game sometime, Deano, yeah?
Thanks, Bruce. Sorry about that.
It's all right.
See you, mate.
IN DISTANCE: Got it on, boys!
Let's gear 'em up.
I thought we were mates.
Took you to my home.
I couldn't live with myself.
MOCKING: No? Grow up, will you?
This is a man's country, all right?
What, are you going
to wet your knickers
every time there's a problem?
You'll never last.
Be a man.
Don't rat on me again.
Keep them closed.
Where are we going?
Ooh! OK.
Open 'em!
Are you giving me a television?
No. Better.
Hurry up, open it.
Studio passes to the first night's
broadcast of Australian television.
My man friend Gus McKenzie
is the producer,
and we are invited
to the launch.
Oh, my goodness!
Bring Terry.
It could be like a double date.
You'll love Gus.
He's got a moustache.
I'll bring Terry
if he ever comes home.
Out drinking again.
Well, you've got
a couple of days off.
Get yourself down to the beach
and get a tan, and come Sunday.
We'll have a great time.
The launch
of Australian television!
Now, what are you going to wear?
♫ Work with me, Annie ♫
Dolly bird.
♫ Whoo! Work with me, Annie ♫
I can't afford this.
I'll write it off as damaged stock.
Don't tell the others.
Annie? Whose car is it?
Oh, it's my friend's.
You going anywhere nice?
Just wanted to see
a bit more of the country.
You know, my boss was showing me
pictures of the Gold Coast.
Oh, yeah.
The beaches - oh, my days, Kate.
They're absolutely beautiful.
Oh, what's this?
What's wrong?
Annie, erm
All right, let's go inside.
Come on.
Come on. We'll go to yours.
It's OK.
Who's this?
Michael Thorne.
He's my son.
You've got a son in Australia?
He got taken away from me.
And I wasn't a bad mum, Annie.
I just I had some problems
back when he was very young.
You must feel like
your heart's been ripped out.
Where is he now?
Somewhere called Konbulla.
The Catholics have these orphanages.
You know, if I could just reach him
and tell them what happened,
you know, they'll see
that I'm a good mum.
You know, I thought
it was strange
you traveling on your own.
Are you going to be all right
going to this, erm,
what's it called, this Kon?
I need to do this, Annie.
Where have you been?
I tried to get someone
to call you,
but there was an accident at work.
Oh, there was an accident
at work.
Of course.
Let me guess,
after this "accident" happened,
you were all so shook up,
you had to go to the pub
to recover.
You think I was out drinking?
I know you were out drinking!
Where else would you be?
You promised me,
with tears in your eyes,
that this would be a new start.
It is. New start, same old lies. Annie
All night, Terry!
Me lying awake in that bed
worrying about you.
Until eventually I manage
to convince myself
that you are not dead
in a ditch somewhere.
He's just rolling drunk
with some other idiots
who should be at home
with their families, too.
Annie, please don't be mad.
I'm here now, and all I want
is to be with you and the children.
Well, I'm sorry,
I'm not going to be here.
I have to go somewhere.
With Kate.
How long for?
Don't know.
Where are you going? Konbulla.
Where's that? No idea.
What about YOUR family?
What about the help they need?
Just make sure they're fed
and that you get them
to school on time, Terry.
When I get back,
I'm going to this.
I've been invited.
You can come if you want.
Kate! Annie? Room for a passenger?
Yeah. Yeah?
Get in!
It's lovely.
Ooh! Right.
♫ Come on, everybody
We gonna have some fun
♫ Come on, everybody
♫ We gonna have some fun. ♫
This country is amazing.
Look at that view, Kate.
It's beautiful.
I feel like I'm in a film.
We'll stop
and Cary Grant will appear.
Well, let's hope Montgomery Clift's
with him, eh?
Oh, Clift, is it? Oh, yes.
He is a dreamboat.
Oh, listen, if you're too tired,
I'm happy to take over and drive.
I promised Robbie
I'd drive the whole way.
He's very protective
of his car. Robbie?
Yeah, he's just a friend.
Does he look like Montgomery Clift?
I'm here for Michael,
and Michael alone.
Do you mind me asking
what happened to your fiancé?
Who, Henry? Yeah.
He stayed behind.
He didn't want me to do this,
look for Michael.
Terry seems like a good catch.
Yeah, he has his moments.
He's got a very good heart
and he's good with the kids,
but he is driving me mad
at the moment.
That bloody war's got a lot to
answer for, I'll tell you that.
It does.
Are you sure I can't drive?
It's such a lovely car.
He'll never know, will he?
No, he won't.
OK. Yes!
♫ Everybody, reel and rock
♫ Rock, everybody
Please don't stop
♫ Rock, everybody
♫ We gonna reel, we gonna
We gonna rock. ♫
It goes, doesn't it? Whoo!
Thank you, Robbie!
Come on, Sleeves,
you're up, you're up.
Just a beer, please.
Oi! What are you doing?
Just grabbing a beer, Dean.
Not here, you're not.
No, don't give him a drop.
No. Uh-uh.
If he wants a drink,
let him go round the back
with the blacks and pick it up.
Small town, Robbo.
I'm gonna make your life hell.
Here's to it.
Where you goin', mate?
Where you goin'?
Oh, I thought
we were gonna have a drink!
I thought
we were gonna have a drink!
Piss off!
You sound popular.
What are you up to?
Ah, just heading home.
Do you want a ride?
No. No, I'm fine, thanks.
Come on, I'll drop you off.
Honestly, I need the walk.
Come on, don't be stupid, mate.
I drive past your place anyway.
OK. Sure.
Don't mention it.
Where are we headed?
Just got to see this vet.
Have you got horses?
Nah, just like the pub
the pharmacy's got
a "no blacks" policy.
What, you're getting medicine?
All right. What is that?
The prices have gone up a bit,
I'm afraid.
Can't help it.
Doc, you're killing me.
Well, that's the price now.
Don't push your luck, mate.
That's your lot.
Go easy.
Empathy costs a little more, apparently.
Is that the only way
you can get medicine?
How did you learn
how to do this?
I drove a baker's van in the war,
and it was always breaking down.
It's amazing what you can pick up
when the men are away.
Oh, aye. Pick up anything else?
All those American soldiers
Chance'd be a fine thing
with two little ones.
Help me get this off, then.
Ready? Got it.
Oh, jeez.
How much further do you think?
A few hours, at least.
Well, I'm exhausted.
I think we should rest here.
What if someone breaks in
while we're asleep,
drags us out in the middle
of nowhere,
murders us, buries our bodies?
Well, we'll lock the car doors and
I'll sleep with this in me hand.
Hey. Where's my money?
You can't break a deal
like some snake.
You'll get your money.
A bit of composure would be nice.
DEAN: We'll get lynched here.
Did you leave my boy here,
on the side of the road
like a dead dog?
Mu-u-um! She's not here.
You OK?
Yeah. Yeah, I'm good.
She's not here!
She always has me clothes ready.
How old are you now?
When I was your age,
I was laying bricks.
Find some clothes and put them
on your body before
the lobsters get ya.
The lobsters are going to get him.
Oh-ho-ho! The lobsters are coming.
I'll get it! Please. Please, no!
Got him!
And you get ready, get dressed.
No. Pattie! Pattie, help me!
Pattie, help me.
They've got him. They've got him.
Did you know that a male bowerbird
performs a dance
while holding favourite trinket
in his beak to attract a mate?
These are some I've collected
to help Barry along.
He's my friend.
You have a friend that's a bird?
You have to stop making up friends
and actually get one.
I'm not making him up. He's real.
Put your trinkets in your bag.
Go on.
Come here. Let me sort your tie.
You look like a scarecrow.
Come along.
Mr Roberts!
What are you doing?
I asked you a question, Peter.
Oh, uh, collecting things.
For my friend.
Is that a student here?
No. He's a bowerbird.
Throw them in the bin.
Are you refusing to do as I say?
I said, throw them in the bin.
Ah! Hands out.
Never disobey an order.
Put them in the bin.
Mr Roberts, come back!
I'm going to stay with you today, Barry.
Hey, boy! Boy!
You're the worst hider
I've ever seen.
What's your name?
Nice to meet you, Willie.
You sound funny.
Where are you from?
England. Where the war was?
Not really.
Wanna play?
Come on, soldier,
join the fight.
Pew, pew!
Pew, pew, pew!
Pew-pew! Aaah!
They don't call me Dr Arty
for nothing.
I thought they called you
Party Arty.
They do.
They also call me Dr Arty.
Sometimes at the same time.
What does your friend
need all this for anyway?
Just work stuff for the site.
When I told him you were cheaper
than the pharmacist,
he wanted in on it.
Does he need any booze?
You tell him Dr Arty
does a very nice line
in discount devil juice.
The mind boggles, Arty.
Now, you got anything to get back
in me wife's good books?
Oh, God.
My heart is going
like the clappers here.
Nobody here. No.
Should we go? Hello?
Can I help you?
Well We're looking to adopt.
I see.
Are you English?
Yes. But we live here now.
From the motherland.
Follow me.
Is there a reason
you're looking to adopt?
Well, I understand that
a lot of young boys from England
have arrived,
and because I'm from there,
I thought it'd be nice
to house and care for one.
Where are you living?
Cockburn. In a house?
Well, it's good to hear you're after
one of the English lads.
Yeah. My husband and I would like
a five-year-old.
I'm not sure we have
any five-year-olds from England.
Are you sure?
Am I sure?
Only Sorry.
We were informed that some
some boys had been moved here
from Sydney.
Who informed you of that?
Look, we
We just want to find
the right boy.
How long have you been married?
Two two years.
I don't think we have
the right boy for you.
Someone will see you out.
Excuse me.
Come along now, boys.
I need to go out there, Annie.
No, Kate
He's not going to let me out.
I need to see if Michael's there.
Kate, he said that Kate. Kate!
Mic Michael?
Michael! Michael.
Father, we need your help over here.
Excuse me, miss,
what are you doing?
What in God's name
do you think you're doing?
Boys, go, go, go, go on.
Go, go.
God protects these children
from the degradation
they have been born into,
and we find them
good Catholic homes.
The son of a fallen woman
will have a hard road ahead of him.
When their mother's milk is tainted
by her anger and her sin,
that poison must be removed.
Get out.
Get out!
Get out! Man of God?
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Come on, come on.
I know.
It's all my first-aid supplies.
Thanks, mate.
You're a good man.
Oh, here we go. Here we go.
Have a look at this, eh?
All right.
Have a look at this, fellas.
This is the before and after
of dog shit, see?
You got your fresh brown dog shit
then you've got your dried-up
white dog shit.
Piss off, Dean.
What are you going to do
about it, pom?
Sit down. Sit down.
Oh, now have you got your Abo mate
here to look after you?
You'll be right.
Just leave it.
How do you put up with that?
Don't you want to hit him?
Every day.
You know, sometimes I miss the war.
In wartime,
I was just like anyone else.
But here
You're the only white fella
that's sat and had lunch with me.
Can't be that bad, surely.
To see your country fight
for the persecution of people
on the other side of the world
and not do the same here
What are you going to do?
They say if someone slaps
your right cheek,
turn to them with the other.
But I reckon my mob
have been slapped enough.
It's about time we slap back.
What are you doing with them on?
It's like 30 degrees, Peter.
Take 'em off.
I won't ask you again.
Where'd you get them?
What did you do wrong?
The teacher was mean.
I was collecting blue things
for Barry's nest,
and he said
I was being "disabedient".
It's dis-o-bedient,
not dis-a-bedient.
It's important to speak correctly.
Yeah, well, thanks for that. Pleasure.
Can I continue speaking
with me son?
Yeah. Go ahead.
Wait till your mum gets back.
She'll go mad about this.
No, don't tell her.
She has to know. Does she?
Excuse me?
Well, your wife's away.
You're the man of the house.
Deal with it.
I'm trying.
Your son here
is getting into trouble.
You know what they say.
Spare the rod, spoil the child.
What, you want me to hit him
for getting hit?
Man should be the king
of his own castle, hmm?
Not the jester.
Peter, let's go.
How's that for disobedient?
Let me out! Let me out!
You got a spare one?
Ah! Spiders?
What? You look jumpy.
Thought it was a spider.
No, I just burnt myself is all.
Nah, it's all right, fellas.
I got this.
Thanks for your help, though.
So, I hear you slapped Bill
in the canteen.
Yeah, I did. Why?
Because he's a pillock.
Well, that's true.
You going to start slapping
all the pillocks you see?
He belittled Peter to his face.
He's not a tough kid.
I need to protect him sometimes.
You're a good man.
But word to the wise -
Bill's the type of man
that will call the police
and scream attack.
How are you going to protect Peter
when you're locked in a cell?
Thank you, Annie. Bye, love.
Smart men survive longer.
And you're looking very smart,
by the way.
Hiya. Hiya.
Hello. You're back!
I am, I am.
You know what else I am? Hmm?
I'm lucky to have you, aren't I?
You've got no socks on.
Put some socks on.
It's cold.
Successful trip?
No, not exactly.
You look very dapper.
I've missed you.
♫ When love comes in
♫ And takes you for a spin ♫
This is so exciting.
Excuse me, ladies.
All right, not going to see it
that way.
Don't think so. Let's turn it.
Easy. Easy.
All right. All right.
Here you go - this comes out.
Where'd you get the drinks from?
It's one of the perks
of working here.
Making eyes at lover boy?
Don't you think we're going to miss
the television experience
by watching it live?
Don't be a party pooper.
Oh, it's about to start.
There you go.
All right, let's Oh, yeah.
Thank you.
Four, three
Good evening,
and welcome to television.
Please welcome Frank Sheldon
and Toni Lamond.
♫ You're such a catch
I am?
♫ I've met my match ♫
What's wrong with it?
Well, I don't know just yet.
But just wait.
♫ You drive me nuts
I do?
♫ Will you please give me
a chance ♫
Don't break it!
Has anyone got a radio?
Do you think you're helping?
You're not helping.
It's not working!
Isn't it working?
Get up here!
Go on, JJ!
Useless! The main on
It's going on/off.
It's like Hollywood.
Have you tried that knob
on the side?
You're the knob on the side!
Thank you. Thank you.
Oi, where are you going?
Getting some smokes.
♫ You're such a catch
I am?
♫ I've met my match
You have?
♫ You make my feet want to dance
♫ I'm such a klutz
You are?
♫ You drive me mad ♫
I don't parlo!
You broke it!
And I don't speak dickhead either!
♫ Please say you will
be mine to thrill
♫ Why not?
This could be the real thing ♫
It's all right. It's never going
to take off anyway.
What the hell are you doing?
Oh, your father asked me
to grab something for
for him.
No, he didn't.
Listen, son, your
your dad and me have
You don't know
who you're dealing with.
He finds out you did this,
you're a dead man.
You take anything?
Honestly, that was amazing.
And just, the people behind
the cameras just moved so fast.
It was almost like watching
a sport.
A bit more elegant, I hope.
It was like going to the play,
but with people in the way.
I guess he is right, though.
Well, for me, that was part
of the show, you know.
Behind the scenes. Aye.
Well, that's all thanks to him.
What's all thanks to me?
The power to the outside broadcast
cut out
and Bruce had to pick up the slack.
Hey, don't you start.
I was just saying how amazing
it was,
and that I had no idea
what went into it
and that everyone on the screen
looked great.
Thank you.
Well, televisions are going
to be flying out the door tomorrow.
If anyone can afford them.
Hey, here's to television.
ALL: Television. Cheers.
Another drink? Yeah, why not?
Sorry, just had to
clear something up for my dad.
I believe you, but
you don't want to get locked up
again, do you?
Locked up? Yeah, I'm hearing
you went to prison in the UK.
And who are you hearing that from?
So, how did you get into television?
I walked in there,
and they just
Do you really love it here?
Come on, you two!
Oh, where's Terry? I don't know!
She'll be fine.
There's a party starting
behind the canteen
if you're interested.
Come on, come on.
Don't worry about her.
Let me help you home. I'm fine.
I'm fine.
I said I'm good!
Imani, take the kids to the back
of the house. Stay hidden.
Get in there. Do not move.
Ron, isn't it?
Somethin' wrong?
Actually, I was hoping you'd be able
to help me figure that out.
Yeah? How's that?
I've reports of a hit-and-run
on a child.
What, you've come to blame
one of us?
The child was black.
Oh. Well, uh
Nah, sorry, Officer.
I haven't had reports
of a hit-and-run.
Pom in town, Terry Roberts,
says he and Dean clipped a kid.
Not true?
Uh, no.
Our kids are all fit and healthy.
So nothing?
Er, sorry. No.
You have a good night.
What are you doing, lad?
What are you doing? Oh!
Just one?
What's wrong?
What's wrong?
I think I ate too much party food.
Come here. Party food?
Yeah, sausage rolls and pies and
Just a bit of punch. Punch?
Whoa! Hey. All right,
all right, come on.
Let's get you in there.
We'll talk about this
in the morning.
We shouldn't have left them
for so long.
Oh, we were having fun.
Well, you were, dancing around
in another man's arms.
I was celebrating with them, Terry.
Would you have danced with me?
You just moped around all night,
despite being at the most amazing
thing we've ever been invited to.
It wasn't that good.
Oh, no, because we'd have done that
in Stockport, wouldn't we?
Can't you see
what we've got going for us here?
This country is our chance
to really Yeah, maybe for you.
While you've been off
on your wild adventures,
Peter got the cane at school,
and now your daughter's
in there drunk.
Well, the apple don't fall too far
from the tree, does it?
It might be nice if you thought
about your family first.
That is all I have ever done.
You lot first.
We came here for our family,
for our future.
The future we chose together.
And I do not regret it.
Not for one second.
And we've come halfway
across the world, Terry.
We can have a wonderful life here,
but we need to embrace it.
We need to stop looking over
our shoulders and I'm not happy.
And I'm scared.
I'm scared
that we've come here
and everything is going to be worse
than it was back home.
It won't be. How do you know?
I'm working in a crap job.
I've got no respect.
I'm one rung below the rats.
And no amount of sunshine
or fancy nights out
is going to give me
what they sold us.
I don't want to let you down.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Hello, operator.
I'd like to be connected
to the Nag's Head, Edison Row,
Manchester, in England, please.
Sandra, is that you? It's Kate.
Good to hear from you.
You all right?
It's so good to hear
a friendly voice.
Yeah, I'm OK.
I'm just checking to see
how Mum is. Not good, love.
But she wants to speak to you
if you tell me how to reach you.
OK, um
I'm at Cockburn local hospital,
outside Sydney.
And if she speaks to an operator,
she can call
and she can get in touch
with me there.
OK? Did you say Cockburn?
Yeah, Cockburn.
Just tell her that I miss her,
Sandra. OK?
Will do.
OK. Bye.
She's here.
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