Terminator Zero (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Model 103

[dramatic music playing]
[helicopter whirring]
[ominous music playing]
[truck engine rumbling]
[ominous music continues]
[rat chittering]
We're not going anywhere.
We'll stay here all night.
Sir, this facility is closed.
Come back another time.
- Hey, wait a minute.
- Whoa, hold it.
What do you think you're doing?
Are you connected with those protesters?
Sir, you can't be here.
I don't know what business you have here,
but like I said,
they're closed.
[guard 2] Hey, asshole, are you deaf?
We're talking to you.
I'm gonna have the cops on your ass
if you don't get the hell out of here.
[ominous music continues]
[modem trilling]
[music intensifies]
[Eiko] You sure they're down here?
Reika's familiar with these tunnels.
We know she has used them
to cross the city once before.
What the hell's wrong
with a bus or a train?
She has a deep fear
of taking public transportation.
There was an accident once.
- [Eiko groans]
- [gasps]
- [grunts then groans]
- [gasps]
You're hurt.
I'm all right.
Wait here. I'll be right back.
There used to be an old pharmacy
somewhere around here.
You stay where you are.
I promise I won't be lo [gasps]
I can hardly move.
- Is this really nec?
- Just get it done, so we can keep going.
[tense music playing]
[exhales sharply]
What is it now?
You're not gonna throw up on me, are you?
- [Misaki gasps]
- [music fades]
I need to stitch it shut.
This is probably going to hurt
a little bit.
Just do it.
[Eiko winces]
[Eiko groaning]
Looks like you've done this before.
Me? No. I look after Mr. Lee's children.
So tell me, what about you?
You wouldn't believe me if I told you.
Try me. You might be surprised.
He doesn't know what he's doing.
Malcolm. He doesn't realize
what he's actually doing.
He thinks this AI he built
is going to save the world.
Well, yes, he says
it's for the benefit of humanity.
For the benefit of humanity?
Please, he has no idea.
He's building another machine
that'll get us all killed.
No, no, you're making a mistake.
We don't have time for this.
We gotta get moving and find those kids.
Wherever they are, they're not safe.
From that man?
- Yeah, right, that man.
- [gasps]
But how would he even be able
to find them down here?
He's a clever motherfucker,
designed to hunt and kill.
I need a weapon.
I'm guessing
there isn't a gun shop nearby.
A gun shop in Japan?
But you have one.
Why would you need another?
[Eiko] This isn't gonna cut it.
You people have no idea what's coming.
I need weapons, or we're dead.
We are all dead.
- [dramatic music playing]
- [train rumbling over tracks]
Two years ago,
there was an incident on the subway.
It was a terrorist attack.
It was horrible.
Like some kind of nightmare.
The perpetrators didn't need guns.
Just a small amount of chemicals.
So much destruction can be done
with so little.
People dying in agony.
Ever since that awful day,
we've all been suspicious
and lived in fear of each other.
The world changed. It changed completely.
Well, that's just the tip of the iceberg
of what's coming.
There's worse things out there,
and they're all coming for those kids.
[Misaki gasps]
It's a guarantee they'll be dead by dawn
if we don't get to them first.
[dramatic music continues]
And for all we know,
they might be dead already.
- [footsteps echoing]
- [clock ticking]
The end of the world comes tomorrow.
[Kokoro] You keep saying that.
"The end of the world."
And yet some hundreds of thousands
will survive the nuclear blasts.
More than enough for your species
to procreate and live on for decades.
Should the events of tomorrow take place
as you've predicted,
could it not be seen as a new chapter
in the pages of your history?
I've had these dreams
for as long as I can remember, Kokoro.
Haunted by dreams of the future.
[Kokoro] Malcolm.
Will you tell me about your dreams again?
Tell me, what do you see?
- [ominous music playing]
- [Malcolm shudders]
[Malcolm] A graveyard.
It goes in all directions.
It seems to go on forever.
Bodies rot down to the skeleton.
No one is left to bury them.
Everything turned to ash.
Whole continents so poisonous,
stepping foot on their soil
would kill you in an instant.
Survival? [scoffs]
It's a generous word
for the existence of those left alive.
We become sick.
The fallout brings winter.
Poisoned snow.
Children are born deformed.
People are forced
to eat each other to survive.
It's a world where there is no dignity.
And without dignity,
people contort into their worst selves.
We rage and fight,
with no hope of a better future.
But without that hope,
we turn into something vile, malignant.
It's a holocaust.
[Kokoro] "Holocaust."
From Middle English, via Latinized Greek.
Holos, meaning "whole,"
and kaustos,
which literally translates to "the burnt."
Burnt to nothing.
That's exactly it.
Tomorrow won't be a new chapter
in the pages of our history, Kokoro.
- After tomorrow none of us are living.
- [somber music playing]
[sighs] We're simply marching
towards an endless death.
[Kokoro] You speak as if
this has already happened, Malcolm.
You haven't seen what I've seen.
You don't know what I know.
You say there's evidence that these events
transpire as they do in your dreams,
but you remain vague
as to what this evidence actually is.
That's true.
I can't help but feel like
you're not telling me everything, Malcolm.
I'm not.
Why is that?
I'm afraid that if I do
I'm afraid that if you knew everything,
then you would turn against us.
You still haven't
answered the question, Malcolm.
Beyond your own
deeply engrained survival instincts,
what makes you believe
that humanity is worth saving?
Can you name for us a single good thing
your species has done for this world?
Even one?
There's nothing to say
that transcends my survival instinct.
I can't point to a single era
of peace in our history.
Or an example of a human invention
that made life better
for the creatures on this planet.
There's nothing I can say
that proves we're anything
other than a cancer on this world.
You're right.
We're violent, self-destructive,
angry, and hateful creatures.
But what if I could show you
that we can change?
I could prove to you
that we could be more.
How will you do that?
Doesn't matter how it's done.
That's not important.
If I could show you
that humanity can change,
if I could prove it to you beyond a doubt
that we could be better,
would you save us?
[soldering iron crackling]
- [chimes]
- Whoa.
System setup.
We're online.
System preferences.
Step one:
- Select time zone, current time, and date.
- What do you say we fix that voice box?
Can we go home now?
You can go home any time you want.
But me, I'm going to Cat Town.
Why are you going there again?
Today is August 30th, Hiro.
- [poignant music playing]
- [gasps then gulps]
Oh, okay.
Reika, I'm with you.
You don't have to go alone.
Do you remember how
Dad didn't even take us last year?
Or even the year before that.
Yeah, I know.
But you don't really think
he's forgotten, do you?
[scoffs] I think he's trying to.
[Koneko meowing]
[both gasp]
[both gasp]
Huh? [gasps]
[meows then hisses]
[modem trilling]
- Go and find Kenta. Hurry.
- Ah!
Yeah, yeah.
- [purring]
- [modem trilling]
[gasps] Koneko, where are you going?
[ominous music playing]
[1NNO] My essential system setup process
has been successfully completed.
Hello. What is your name?
[1NNO] "Kenta." Meaning healthy,
strong, or a child of great wisdom.
It is a name that
contains both of these meanings.
Wow, I'm impressed
that you know all of that.
I have a great deal
of information stored in my database.
To make me as helpful as possible.
Is there anything else
you would like to know?
What are you all doing down here?
We are units that have yet to be brought
to market for the 1997-1998 fiscal year.
We marched down here four months ago,
making use of the foreclosed shops
in the city underground
for surplus storage.
You all marched together?
[1NNO] As a network,
we can receive overarching orders
via satellite frequency.
It was determined that the simplest
and most efficient way for us to get here
was to march here by ourselves.
Through the means of a shared
neurofiber satellite wave network,
we are able to receive and respond
to universal commands simultaneously.
Additionally we are able
to analyze and synchronize data
across all units simultaneously.
Whoa, that's so cool.
How does that work?
- [Hiro] Kenta.
- Huh?
Kenta, come quick.
The Koneko's acting totally weird.
[ominous music playing]
Wait, where are you going?
No, stop.
Where did you go?
- Where are you? Huh?
- [meows]
[Reika gasps]
What's going on with you, anyway?
- [modem trilling]
- [gasps then whimpers]
[Koneko whirring]
[Reika] No. [gasps]
No, Koneko, wait. [gasps]
Huh? Hello?
Well, hello there.
What are you doing,
down here in the dark all alone?
Oh, I was just Just looking for my cat.
[Terminator] Yes.
Looks like it just ran off.
It's a dangerous place to be,
especially for a little girl.
You could get lost, or hurt,
or run into some scary,
scary people down here.
Why don't we get out of here?
- Together.
- [whimpers]
Come on.
Give me your hand.
[groans then whimpers]
[Reika whimpers]
- [yells]
- [dramatic music playing]
[gasps then yells]
[gasps then groans]
[Reika gasping and panting]
[dramatic music continues]
Huh? [whimpers]
[footsteps thudding]
[Hiro] Reika.
- [metal clattering]
- [both gasp]
[Kenta] Reika.
Where are you?
- [metal screeches]
- [both gasp]
[dramatic music playing]
- [Hiro grunting]
- Let go of him.
[grunts then groans]
Let me go. Help.
- Let me go. Let me go.
- [Reika grunts]
- [clatters]
- [gasps]
What are you doing? Put me down.
[groans] Help, help.
[Eiko] Come on.
Hurry. Get up, get up.
[Eiko] Hey.
Eat this, you son of a
[tense music playing]
I can give you 90 seconds. Run.
Get the fuck out of here.
[Eiko grunting]
[Eiko grunting]
[yells then sobs]
[footsteps thudding]
Come on, let's go, Hiro.
Wait, wait, Misaki.
Kenta's been hurt.
[ominous music playing]
Keep up, you two.
[all panting]
[breathing heavily]
[classical music playing over speakers]
[Misaki panting]
[dramatic music playing]
[all panting]
[Misaki] Reika.
[Reika gasping]
Get out of here.
But I
I've got her. Just get out of here.
[dramatic music continues]
[Misaki] Let's go.
[both yell]
[Eiko grunts]
[Eiko grunts]
Open the door.
[Eiko] Open the fucking door.
[Reika grunting]
[Eiko grunting]
[Eiko grunting]
[Eiko panting]
[thudding and rumbling]
[Eiko] He'll be back.
You can stay and die,
or you can come with me.
[Reika] Was that a Terminator?
How do you?
[Reika] It was, wasn't it?
[Eiko] Yes.
That was a Terminator.
All right, then.
[ominous music playing]
[Eiko groaning and gasping]
[Reika] You're bleeding.
[Eiko] Yeah, I know.
[Reika] Where are we going?
[Eiko] To see your dad.
[car engine starts]
[Eiko] Goddamn it.
Everything all right over there?
Just stay where you are, please,
and let's see some ID.
Is that a gun?
All right, hold it. Hands in the air.
Requesting backup,
just south of Tsukiji bank.
[man on comm] Backup is on the way.
Down on your knees.
Keep your hands in the air.
Don't move.
[grunts then groans]
- [Reika gasps]
- [panting]
[somber music playing]
[Eiko] Let's go.
[Eiko groaning]
Come on, move it.
Come on, come on. Put your seat belt on.
This is gonna get pretty rough.
[engine revs]
[music turns tense]
[engine continues revving]
Let's go, you fucker.
- [gear clicks]
- [tires screech]
[dramatic music playing]
[siren wailing]
[dramatic music playing]
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