The 4400 s01e03 Episode Script


Previously on The 4400 All right, listen up, everyone.
We're at DEFCON One.
A comet cannot change course.
This one has.
Then it's not a comet.
We're not sure what's just happened.
The light is gone and thousands of people have just suddenly appeared A telekinetic insurance salesman, a clairvoyant eight-year old, and now some kind of sad sack super vigilante.
They can't hurt me.
No one can.
And those are only the ones we know about.
Unless you can think of anyone else.
There's nothing to tell.
I just want to know what's going on between you two.
You are my brother.
She's your girlfriend.
It's all good.
We're not actually a couple.
So, it's just you and the baby? No.
It'll be the three of us.
What the hell did you do to Kyle? I didn't do anything to him! Then can I go home? Home? With you.
I don't like being here alone.
You don't like being alone either.
They said draining the fluid might not be enough-- That more might build up, and if it does then Kyle will suffer permanent brain damage.
The time I lost is gone.
I'll never get it back.
But my years in the dark didn't kill me and my work remains.
And even though I might not understand what's happening to me, I have faith in the final outcome.
After all I'm doing what I was intended to do, becoming what I was meant to be.
I look forward to corresponding with you again.
I know it's been a long time.
I tell you this as a courtesy.
You can observe my work, but there's no point trying to interfere with it.
I'm now in full command of my talents.
I hope the world is ready.
Despite nationwide protests, Homeland Security refuses to divulge the names or the whereabouts of the 4400 living here in the United States.
Confirmed reports of unusual abilities have the public panicked, and yet this man sitting beside me says we have nothing to worry about.
I'm sure most of you still recognize him, even though he's been away for the past 28 months.
I'm talking about Mr.
Jordan Collier, who recently breached the government's wall of silence and chose to out himself as one of the notorious 4,400.
Jordan why? Why now, why here? What's your agenda? I have no agenda.
But someone had to put a human face on the 4,400.
We have been demonized enough by people like you.
Well, if you're implying this is a witch hunt, I disagree.
You're not the one being burned at the stake.
Breakfast is ready.
Shouldn't I be saying that to you? Maia, thank you very much.
This beats a can of Coke and slice of cold pizza.
And I promise, I will get better at being the grownup in this relationship.
It's okay.
I like being the grownup.
You know, I think you're going to have a good time with Mrs.
Banky 'cause I hear she's a very cool baby-sitter.
Oh, and I talked to Mr.
Ryland about getting permission to get you enrolled in school because that would be nice, right? Yeah.
School might be fun.
Diana you're not going to like what's in there.
Oliver Knox disappeared August 22, 1983, five nights after the last of the eight bodies turned up And he moved back to Friday Harbor when? About three weeks ago.
the latest body turned up.
You know, it could be a coincidence.
And the letter the guy sent appears genuine, but this latest victim wasn't a prostitute.
The eight original ones were.
That's the kind of positive thinking we like to encourage in this department.
Because if it is Knox, then it means we've got a 4400 serial killer on our hands, and if that's not a worst-case scenario, it'll sure as hell do for one.
It's the kind of hot button issue that Barbara Yates lives for.
So I guess we're taking a trip up to Friday Harbor.
Bring me back a T-shirt.
Alex National Threat Assessment Command NTAC.
Are you here about Knox? Got it in one.
It's a small town.
Oliver reappeared after 21 years in the wind and he doesn't look a day older.
We connected the dots.
So you two going to take over my investigation? Let's just say we'll be cooperating with your department until we've established Knox's guilt or innocence.
I could use some fresh air and some cooperation.
His alibi's airtight.
Alibi or not, we're still going to want to talk to him.
Anything else you can tell us? You want to know about Knox? When he was 15, he was bow hunting with his cousin.
There was an accident.
Knox ended up with an arrow in his chest.
His cousin panicked and ran.
Knox woke up lying in a pool of blood with this arrow sticking out of his chest.
So let me guess.
He pulled it out, and he cauterized the wound? Even better.
He stood up and walked four miles into town.
Strolled into the emergency room and checked himself in at the front desk.
All this with an arrow in his chest.
Years later, I asked him if it really happened that way.
He said every word was true.
I told him that must have been the walk from hell.
"Not at all," he said.
"It was exhilarating.
" He felt like he could have walked forever.
That's Oliver Knox.
* So long ago * * Another life * * I can feel your heartbeat * * It's not a dream * * Remember us * * I can see it in your eyes * * We'll find our place in time * * Our place in time beyond the sun * * We'll find our place in time * * Our place in time to call our own * Mr.
Knox? Mr.
We have a few questions to ask you about the death of Theresa Baron.
Sheriff Conrad call you or did you jump to the same conclusion he did? Not exactly a big jump.
You were on the police roll out back in '83.
Along with a number of other people.
Did you know Ms.
Baron? No.
She was born after I was abducted.
Look, I know how tempting the math is on this murder.
I disappear in '83, the killings stop.
Here I am and the poor girl is dead.
We noticed.
And if were in your shoes, you know, I'd probably want me to be guilty too.
It would be so convenient.
But I almost feel bad I can't oblige you.
I did not kill that woman.
Listen, can I get you some water or something? I mean, if we're going to talk, we might as well be civilized about it, right? No.
We've taken up enough of your time.
Conrad told me the story about how you got shot in the chest that day.
Jim does love to talk.
Would you like to see the arrow? I have it inside.
That won't be necessary.
How's Kyle? We don't know yet.
Um, about last night.
The kiss.
That and other things.
We've kind of got a lot to talk about.
No, we don't.
You have a gift.
When did you get here? How's Kyle? He's still in intensive care, but Uncle Tommy says he's stable.
I guess whatever they're doing to him this whole time worked.
For now, anyway.
Listen, I'm starving.
You want to come with us to the cafeteria? Yeah, I'll bring you a burrito.
Why don't you start with something easy.
Tell me about your relationship with your parents.
My parents? They used to argue about money a lot.
That was before they split up.
They divorced? Yeah, I was 14.
Do you remember how that made you feel? Depressed.
I don't know.
Angry, maybe.
Why don't you tell me about the rest of your family.
They're gone.
I've got a few cousins outside of Saint Louis who remember me as a picture in an old photo album.
Well, my husband married another woman.
My brother hates that I'm back.
What's the point of this? Look you want to help me Help me find a job.
Tell me what to say when they ask me how old I am or about my work experience, or-or tell me how to explain that 50-year gap in my resume.
Everyone says that the world has-has-has changed for the better, that people don't judge you by the color of your skin.
Well, let me tell you something: I'm still being judged, and you're sitting there asking me about my-my relationship with my parents? Let's talk about this hostility that you're manifesting towards me.
Danny, you wanted to see me? Thanks, Peter.
So, this is where you work, huh? Yeah.
What's up? Uh, I wanted to talk to you about something, Uncle Tommy.
Is this about Shawn? How'd you know? I'm listening.
He, uh he had a fight at school a few weeks ago.
He might've killed the guy if I didn't step in.
What'd he do to him? Well, it sounds crazy, but I don't know.
It was like Shawn was draining the life out of him somehow and I'm not the only one who saw it.
What made you decide to tell me now? Just thought you should know.
Beautiful, aren't they? I wonder if that's where we were.
What's everybody doing here? What are you doing here? I don't know.
I wanted to see it-- where we came back.
I figured it'd be a good place to come and think, you know, clear my head.
Most people come for the conversation.
Well, there's not a lot of that going on.
Oh, give it time.
Around 11:00, this place becomes one big group therapy session.
I'm sorry to interrupt but I just had to see this myself.
My name's Jordan Collier.
Some of you may recognize me, and if you do, you know I'm one of the 4400 just like you.
I'm impressed that you found each other, and I'm glad that you've come in support of each other.
And, uh I'm cold, and I have to guess that you guys are cold, too so I want to suggest that we continue these get-togethers indoors.
I have a place nearby.
It's warm, it's spacious and I want to invite all of you to meet me there next Thursday afternoon.
You listen to the news.
You read the paper.
You hear the talk.
Seems like the entire world is turning against us.
Well, what are we going to do about it? We going to give up? We going to run and hide? Maybe.
Or maybe just maybe, we build a world of our own.
This is the spot where we found Theresa Baron's body.
We went over everything pretty good.
Yeah, well, we have the toys.
We like to take 'em out of the box every once in a while.
The killer posed her after she was dead, right? There should've been blood, handprints all over the place.
It rained the day we found the body.
The whole scene was washed clean.
Yeah, but if he dragged her over here, he had to grab onto something.
I'll be damned.
His name is Philip Lopez.
He did 18 years on an aggravated rape conviction.
He was paroled six months ago.
We just got confirmation.
His prints were found at the scene of Theresa Baron's murder.
All right.
Everyone set? Go.
Lopez! Tom.
The suicide note says he killed all nine women.
He wrote that only his "time away" kept him from doing more.
Do the dates make sense? Lopez was up here working as seasonal labor during the first round of killings.
Guess we owe Oliver Knox an apology.
Excuse me.
Can I get a cranberry juice and seltzer? And, uh give me another of what he's having.
Vengo subito.
Vuolo giaccho con quello? Excuse me? Sorry, I, uh I'm going to Florence in four days, and I didn't want to seem like a tourist -when I get there -Oh.
-Ice? -Yeah, a little.
I studied, uh, Italian in college.
Really? Tu sci bella come il tramanto di Duomo.
"Beautiful as a sunset over Duomo.
" That is very good.
You get an A-plus.
And you get a free round.
Hey, Felicia, can I get a beer? Need a refill, friend? Thanks.
Listen, I, uh I know we don't know each other, but I have something I want to show you.
So, what's her name? I don't know, but I can tell you something about her.
Hello? I'm so sorry I'm late.
Oh, hey, Iris.
How did we do today? I can't come back here.
What? Why? That child.
I'm sorry.
You'll find someone.
I told her that we wouldn't be seeing each other for a couple of weeks.
Why why did you tell her that? 'Cause she was going to be called for jury duty.
She thought I was kidding.
A few hours later, her husband called.
And she got a summons for jury duty? Well hey, come here.
It's okay, all right? It's okay.
What are you doing here so late? Well, mom said he was getting worse.
The fluid's building inside his skull again.
Why did they take me and leave him like this? We were both on the beach that night.
I don't understand.
I wish I could remember something, 'cause I keep thinking think it would help.
Tom said that you were here the night that Kyle had that jump in his brain activity.
And he was getting better, and now he's dying.
Shawn, did you do something to him? Shawn, tell me.
Just talk to me and tell me -Aunt Linda, no, I didn't do anything.
-Please I told Uncle Tommy, and I'm telling you, okey? I got to go.
I wish we could talk to a doctor about it.
And say what? "My baby may be some kind of alien, and by the way, I know what it's thinking"? Yeah, all that'll do is get me thrown right back into quarantine.
I was there today to register our new address.
Oh, thank you for doing that.
I can't stand going back there.
I ran into Gary Branskul.
He had the bed next to mine.
He told me about some get-together Jordan Collier's throwing.
Hey, Jordan Collier.
He's the-the hotel guy.
Turns out he's one of us.
Yeah, we should go.
Richard, come on.
You can't tell me teenagers didn't make out in 1951.
Yeah, in a parked car by the lake.
Oh in a parked car by the lake.
That's very cute.
Let me tell you something What the hell is wrong with you?! Are you crazy? Get out of the road! I killed them.
I killed them all.
Hands hands up.
Keep your hands up.
Her name was Gayle Keating.
She worked at a local video store.
They found her body in Frick Park this morning.
Her blood was all over him.
He spoke for five minutes straight when we first brought him in.
Confessed to Gayle's death and the other nine murders.
Hasn't said a word since.
Philip Lopez killed Theresa Baron.
He said so in his suicide note.
We found her shirt in his apartment, his prints I know, but this morning, Charlie Staley confessed to the same murder.
And they both claim to be behind the original round of killings? Yeah, only Charlie's 39.
He was five years old when the first death happened.
And we can eliminate Lopez as a suspect in the original murders as well.
How do you figure that? checked Lopez's prison records.
He's left-handed.
According to the autopsy reports in the '80s, the Friday Harbor killer was right-handed.
So, Lopez kills one girl, Staley kills the other, and neither one of them committed the original crimes? Why would they confess to murders they couldn't possibly have committed? Pieces don't quite fit together, do they? Until you add Knox into the puzzle.
He disappears, the killings stop.
He came back, they started again.
So, let's say Knox is involved somehow.
That means what, he's he's forcing these men to do his murders for him? Could be.
The question is how.
I mean, why would he want more than one person to admit to the original crimes? One confession, we might stop digging, but two - it just gets our attention.
Well, maybe he can't control everything they do.
What if Knox can force people to kill? But only by convincing them that they really are the Friday Harbor killers.
In for one murder, in for them all.
Good, good.
Well, the good news is your bell bottoms are back in style.
So, there's this one guy-- I was just talking to him-- and he was gone for 40 years, and he came back and picked everything up without missing a beat.
And then there's me.
I'm gone for three years, and I come back, and it's like my whole life has fallen apart, everything's different I know Shawn, look, the thing to remember is that most of us feel the same way you do.
Well, some of us are more different than others, if you know what I mean.
I'm not sure I do.
Okay, I had this fight with a guy at school, and I know it's going to sound crazy I really can't hear the specifics right now.
Not yet, anyway.
I have a lot of interviews over the next few weeks, and I have to be able to deny what I need to.
Look, I, I know you're feeling confused right now, and I can't blame you.
But it sounds to me like you've been given a gift.
That's, uh, that's what Nikki called it.
Well, Nikki's right, whoever she is.
And about this gift-- don't let it scare you.
You will find the right way to use it.
Well, what can I do for you this afternoonLily, '93? Don't worry, it's not a line.
Though I do have to say you're the most attractive abductee I've met all afternoon.
I'm Jordan Collier.
I'm throwing this party.
Nice to meet you.
Here you go.
Do I detect a little romance brewing among the 4400? You have a good eye.
Well, I'm just happy you two are getting something positive out of all this.
You're Jordan Collier? Yes.
See, he's not afraid of me.
I, I'm a little lightheaded.
It's hot.
Yeah, I should sit down.
Uh, why don't I find you a seat, huh? I'll get you some water.
Thank you.
You want me to, uh, call a doctor or? No, I'm not sick.
It'll pass.
Here you go.
Well, that's good.
If you're not sick, then what's, uh? It's just morning sickness.
You're pregnant.
Uh first trimester.
Well, that explains it Congratulations to both of you.
Did I say something wrong? I-It's a little more complicated than that.
Richard's not the father.
I-I wasn't pregnant when I was abducted, but I was when I got back.
Strange, huh? Well, interesting is more like it.
Uh Kind of makes you wonder what the hell they have in mind-- whoever took us, I mean.
You haven't told your counselor about this, have you? We haven't told anyone.
Well, I'd keep it that way for now.
Look, how are you guys managing? You have everything you need? Yeah, everything except a job.
I was a pilot in the Air Force.
Supposed to be drawing a pension, but that hasn't come through yet.
I've applied for flight instructor jobs.
I even filed a application with Seattle P.
But every time they find out I'm one of the 4400 the job suddenly goes away.
Well, look, I may have something you'd be interested in.
Doesn't involve flying, but given your background in the military, uh My foundation has an opening in the security department.
Foundation? For the 4400.
Anyway, if you're interested, why don't you come by tomorrow and see me? I'll be there.
The rash of violence involving the 4400 continues, with sources telling us tonight that Homeland Security is investigating a possible connection between the Friday Harbor murders and an undisclosed returnee.
That hypocritical, self-righteous, irresponsible bitch.
Oh, I-I take it he doesn't like her show.
He doesn't like her.
When we were with the FBI, she disclosed the name of a juror in a RICO prosecution.
Judge declared a mistrial.
Three years of work down the drain.
You know, she blindsided me once.
That is not going to happen again.
Tom Baldwin.
Yeah, sure.
I see.
We'll be there.
That was Conrad.
He got another letter.
"I decide who lives and who dies.
My judgment is final, and more verdicts are coming.
" The date's clipped from this morning's paper.
It couldn't have been composed by Charlie Staley-- not from jail.
You telling us this letter's from the Friday Harbor killer? It's genuine.
He describes wound patterns on the original victims.
We kept that private.
If you really believe Knox is involved in this, why the hell is he out there walking around? Let's pick him up right now.
We can't do that.
The bottom line is we need to know exactly how he's connected to these murders before we can bring him in.
So, what do we do-- wait for another girl to turn up dead? I think we can do better than that.
That's $27.
75 - your change.
Thank you.
Who's this? Let me tell you something about her.
Her name's Felicia and she works over at the bar Maybe a tax audit but I didn't think I'd merit an invitation into the belly of the beast.
Consider it a tribute to the size of your bully pulpit.
I'm flattered.
Don't be.
DC is calling for your head.
I want you to dial back on the 4400.
Not going to happen.
I'm a journalist; I answer only to my viewers.
Don't you hide behind freedom of the press.
What you do isn't journalism; it's shouting "fire" in a crowded theater, and you're going to stop before the stampede begins.
You have a really strong face.
Seriously, Dennis, you should come on my show.
You're getting in the way of my job, Barbara.
And if you're going to continue interfering with Department of Homeland Security, I'd advise you to tread lightly.
And what are you going to do, disappear me? I asked for your cooperation.
And I've chosen not to give it.
Fair enough.
Don't forget to get your parking validated on the way out.
This healthcare plan is incredible.
Yeah, well, the maternity coverage should provide for all your doctors' visits and hospital care once the baby's born.
Collier, I don't I don't know what to say.
Say you'll take the job? I'm sorry, one moment; I have to take this.
Yeah, Len.
Oh, good, good.
The whole property? Excellent.
26 million.
Yes, I want you to close.
Well, don't worry about the board of directors, Len.
They voted me back in as CEO when I returned, didn't they? I will handle them.
Call me when it's done.
Real estate deals-- they're never over till they're over.
So are you going to come to work for me or not? I can start tomorrow.
Ryland - Phil Gibson.
This is an honor.
Uh, Barbara will be very disappointed she wasn't able to meet with you herself.
Actually, I prefer to speak to you.
First, just let me say right off the top, sir, that any information that you give us about the 4400 will never be traced back to you.
I'm glad to hear that because I have something very important to pass on.
Do you mind if I tape this, sir? Quick and simple.
I want Barbara Yates's coverage of the 4400 to stop.
What do you mean "stop"? I mean it ends.
She stops covering the story, period.
Uh, listen, uh, Mr.
Ryland, Barbara has sole authority over her editorial content.
It's Barbara.
Barbara says what Barbara wants.
There's nothing I can do about it.
You're her producer - produce.
I don't think you know what it's like to work in this business these days.
We're not Walter Cronkite here.
You want to talk about the old days? In the old days, I would need a warrant to tap all your phones, to freeze all your assets, and to prevent you from ever being a passenger on any airline in the world.
But like you say, it's not the old days anymore.
Now you've worked for Barbara Yates for a long time, since the beginning, and I'm guessing that you know where the bodies are buried.
Draw me a map.
You're just afraid my dad will kick your ass if I come home smelling like beer.
Evil cousin Shawn.
Corrupter of the innocent.
Help! Help me, Shawn! Shawn, help me! Oh, my God.
Excuse me.
I-I lost my dog.
Could you help me find him? I haven't seen him.
He's a-a wirehaired terrier.
His name's Boss.
I haven't seen him.
Could you let me by? This isn't funny.
I'll scream.
Yes, you will.
Felicia has to die! She has to! This man, what did he say to you, Mr.
Mitchell? You've been following me? No.
Actually, we were following Knox.
You know, I really like the composition of this shot.
It's nice cozy symmetry.
Now, what did he say to you? You keep at him.
We'll bring in Knox, sit him down next to his friend.
See what they have to say to each other.
Knox! Open up! Tom! Knox! Tell me the police have someone at the girl's house.
She refused an escort.
She's leaving for Italy in the morning.
Hello? Hello? Excuse me.
I-I lost my dog.
Can you help me find him? He's a wirehaired terrier.
His name's Boss.
Somebody, help me! Stay back! Let her go! Let her go, Knox! Knox, get away from her, or I'll shoot! I think you break my nose.
Stay down! Hey, you got me all wrong.
Let me tell you a story Not a word.
Not a word.
Not a word.
damn serial killer.
This guy murders eight people before he's abducted.
They send him back, and he picks up right where he left off.
In '83, Knox was your garden-variety psychopath.
They sent him back enhanced.
Big difference.
Well, it makes whoever took him sound pretty nasty.
They also sent back Shawn.
And Maia.
Yes, I know, Tom.
And for that, I'd like to thank them.
But it all seems so random.
Until you start to look at the bigger picture.
Orson Bailey kills Adam Kensington.
Revenge murder - open-and-shut.
Carl Morrisey is a well-intentioned, but hapless vigilante o ends up dead.
Like I said, random.
Yeah, but we know that Adam Kensington's company was perpetrating a massive fraud on the public.
And now we've learned, since Carl Morrisey's death, his neighbors have formed a watch committee that's helping to protect Bradley Park.
Anyone starting to see a pattern? What, you're talking about some kind of ripple effect? Diana Skouris to the head of the class.
The incidents themselves are just catalysts for change.
But positive change in these two cases.
Wait a minute.
What?! Who-whoever sent them back, you're saying they planned for these changes to take place? What about the Knox killings? There's nothing positive there.
Or maybe we have seen the ripples yet.
Excuse me.
Hey, I have something I want to tell you.
Hey, I have something I want to tell you! Police aren't saying who is behind the release of this closely guarded secret.
A document containing the names and the current addresses of all the 4400 has appeared on the Internet, and is now posted on more than 20 sites.
Authorities aren't confirming the leak, but their efforts to shut down the sites with an emergency injunction suggest the list is genuine.
We will have more on this breaking story as it develops.
What are you doing here, Shawn? Kyle? How long have I been in the dark? Edited and Synched with Subtitle Creator by Andante
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