The 8 Show (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

[eerie music playing]
[projector whirring]
[door slams]
[projector whirring]
- [click]
- [beeping]
[handle rattles]
Fifty-seven. Fifty-eight.
- Fifty-nine…
- [distant siren wailing]
- Sixty.
- [bleep]
210,000 won a minute.
I'd like to buy a pen.
The simple 1,000-won kind.
That's 100 times more.
[ticking continues]
[ticking stops]
["Mr. Lonely" by Bobby Vinton playing]
Lonely ♪
I'm Mr. Lonely ♪
I have nobody ♪
For my own… ♪
- [music speeds up]
- I am so lonely ♪
I'm Mr. Lonely ♪
Wish I had someone
To call on the phone ♪
- I'm a soldier… ♪
- [music distorts]
[music speeds up]
[sped-up music continues with static]
[music fades]
[static buzzes and fades]
[gentle music playing]
[7th Floor] They must've been entertained
watching us fumble around
when we first got here.
And I'm sure it was amusing
to watch us freak out
when we learned we're all playing
for different prize pots.
As for the stairs,
they got to see us running up and down
futilely, like guinea pigs.
That was fun for a bit, but then…
They got bored.
[chuckles] They're sick of it.
Yeah. I think they've had their fill
of that plotline.
- [Jin-su] God, "plotline"?
- [1st Floor] They liked watching us?
I don't get it. How was it fun to watch us
run up and down the stairs?
It wasn't just that.
4th Floor had a damn seizure.
- 3rd Floor got a nosebleed.
- [8th Floor chuckles]
- It's funny as hell. Pure comedy.
- [both laugh]
[5th Floor] Hey, wait a second.
Then can we only get more time
by getting hurt?
Huh? Um, but I can't just force a seizure.
[7th Floor] It isn't our only option.
If we want to grab their attention, we'll
need to think of more entertaining things.
What kinds of things?
[thinks] Jesus, I bet our whole audience
is just glued to their screens.
You guys think this shit is funny?
I bet you're all
in your nice houses with real beds,
laughing while we flail around
like headless chickens.
[pensive music playing]
So, you wanna be entertained?
Fine. Just you wait.
Watch me. I'll show you how it's done.
Hey, ladies and gents.
Welcome to my room here. Hi.
I'm 3rd Floor. Hope you're all well.
I know that you are pretty sick of
watching us just scale the stairs all day.
And that's why I've got something
that I'm sure you'll eat up, my friends!
Mukbang time, you guys! Yeah!
[jaunty music playing]
[whispers] Mukbang is way more fun
if it gets paired with a bit of ASMR.
[banging at door]
Huh? Yeah?
Hey, 7th Floor, uh…
The time, did it change?
Not yet.
Oh, never mind.
Uh… uh, so, uh, what's goin' on?
Uh, I thought you might
like an after-dinner smoke?
- Let's do it.
- [lighter clicking]
I really admire you, 3rd Floor.
[gentle music playing]
[Jin-su] What?
[7th Floor] You always seem…
You seem different from the others.
You stand out somehow.
Okay. Uh, in what way?
You subbed in for 1st Floor
when he couldn't run anymore.
You think of other people,
not just yourself.
Uh… uh…
I'm just, uh…
I'm just like anyone else. [chuckles]
I'm just a guy.
You're less selfish than me.
You don't send down waste bags.
I could never do that.
You know, you finally
laughed for the first time, man.
[7th Floor] Ahem.
I should've been more skeptical before.
I did have some doubts.
The stairs seemed to work, though,
so I just went with it.
It felt too easy,
but I wanted it to be true.
The simplicity of it appealed to me.
You run, sweat, and toil,
you get rewarded. It was logical.
Or I convinced myself it was.
Apparently, that was all a bust, right?
[Jin-su] But this new way, it should be
a nice change of pace, at least.
I'm not gonna miss, uh,
runnin' my ass off all day.
We'll get time for being fun to watch.
That sounds easy.
Tell me this, 3rd Floor.
What do you find entertaining?
Well, whatever makes me laugh.
Funny things.
Until… you get all laughed out.
You want more.
Want more?
It's human nature
to seek novel experiences.
What will happen
when they can see our jokes coming?
The showrunners haven't interfered,
at least not yet. It's been up to us.
They simply watch, while we figure out
what kinds of content they like.
And when to try something new.
Our reward is more time.
It's like views for a streamer
or influencer, but time is our revenue.
The more engaged we keep our audience,
the more money we'll be able to make.
But we can't do the same thing forever.
Novelty wears off.
They'll demand more,
and we'll be helpless.
We'll be hypnotized by our greed.
Eventually, we'll have to give them
what they want. What they really crave.
Do you know what it is? What they crave?
For it to be real.
[Jin-su] To be… real?
[7th Floor] Everyone will have ideas
about what we should do from now on.
I'm sure some players
will go the provocative route
and suggest things
that are violent or edgy.
Pro wrestling is really hot.
Oh, I love pro wrestling.
But… Uh…
- It's cool, don't get me wrong…
- [7th Floor] But we need to start slow.
We'll have to rein them in.
I'm just worried.
You can get hurt doing it, you know?
'Cause… we can't call a doctor
or an ambulance or anything.
He's right.
And I don't want anybody to get hurt.
- Yeah, exactly, that's what I'm saying.
- I'd appreciate you keeping this private.
I don't want them to know we have a plan.
People like to laugh, like you said,
so we'll propose leaning into comedy.
It's our best shot right now.
I was thinking…
uh, we could do like, uh, some sketches?
Yeah, or… we could put on a variety show.
I think it'd be cool.
- I'm sure something funny is the way.
- Yeah.
[5th Floor] You mean, like, skits?
- Well, I'd like to do skits.
- [2nd Floor] I don't do skits.
Then, what if we forget those ideas
and did our own dating show?
What? I've heard some shows can get,
like, seven million viewers. [laughs]
They're suspenseful,
and in the end, true love wins!
Or maybe not… [chuckles]
Then, um,
we could do a talent show, I guess?
We're not in showbiz.
Who's gonna want to see our talents?
[7th Floor] You know,
a talent show's actually a good idea.
It would take us a while to write skits
for a variety show, or plan a dating show.
Time we don't have.
But a talent show is simpler.
It's something we could easily
put together for today.
So how about we just give it a shot?
We can have a trial, and find out if
we get any more time. Just to see.
Let's do it. Does anybody have
a talent to start things off for us?
[6th Floor] Shit…
[sighs] Nah…
It seems nobody's ready yet.
I don't mind, though.
I'm fine with going first.
[dramatic music playing]
I need a recorder,
and then I'll be good to go.
[4th Floor] Oh God.
The recorder's so lame.
What is this, middle school band class?
It's, probably better
to start off this way, you know?
- Come in slow, then make it fun.
- [6th Floor sighs]
We'll have to make a shift
at some point, I'm sure.
I just hope
we can avoid all that for a while.
[plays "The Flight of the Bumblebee"]
[piece ends]
[1st Floor gasps] 7th Floor, that was…
- [all applauding]
- [4th Floor] Whoo!
- [Jin-su] Good job!
- [8th Floor] Oh!
- I think I had an eargasm just now.
- [1st Floor laughing]
- Oh!
- [thinks] He's amazing.
He got everybody on board with
the talent show by looking ridiculous.
7th Floor, you're kinda cool.
I've gotta hand it to ya.
[4th Floor] Hey! Look at the board!
Oh my God. We just got 20-something hours!
[Jin-su] It took a sec,
but we'd figured out the real hidden rule.
- [5th Floor] Another day!
- [4th Floor] You rule!
- [6th Floor] How did you learn that?
- It's just a hobby.
- [6th Floor chuckles]
- Hey, that was so impressive!
I can't wait to see what we all
come up with, but I'm sure it'll be fun.
Since there's now
another day on the clock,
everyone take the night
to think about their acts,
and we can do the show tomorrow.
For now, we have to discuss something
while we're here.
How long?
How long till we stop the show?
[tense, whimsical music playing]
[4th Floor] But why?
It's too early to already be thinking
about leaving this place.
I mean… we can talk about this
when everyone's satisfied
with the money they've earned.
If we wait till then,
we might be stuck here forever.
[2nd Floor] For sure.
The whole point is to be rich
when we're out there.
We're gonna have to draw a line,
or else why did we even come here?
How are we gonna do that, when each of us
earns different amounts of cash in here?
[4th Floor] Yeah, that's a good point.
It's not fair. What if the top floor
people decide to bounce really early,
since you guys make more money?
1st Floor should make the call,
because he earns the least.
It's only fair.
We'd be letting him down otherwise.
And even if it's tough,
we have to think of everyone.
We're all in this together, after all.
[2nd Floor] Yeah, you should decide, okay?
How much will you need
before we can leave?
It's okay, there's no pressure.
[ominous music playing]
I guess…
It might… seem… too desperate…
but I need a billion.
[8th Floor] "Need?"
- [laughs]
- [6th Floor scoffs]
So, 1st Floor, you make
14,400,000 every day.
Let's say… that you spend 400,000 a day.
To make it to one billion…
Oh, 75 days, right? To get to his goal.
So… around two and a half months.
Spot on.
I've got a knack for division, that's all.
[laughs] Suit yourselves.
[Jin-su] You could hear
the numbers crunching.
A billion for 1st Floor
means twice that for 2nd.
I get three billion.
4th gets five billion.
5th, eight billion.
6th Floor gets 13 billion. 7th, 21.
And 8th Floor gets 34 billion.
We have to tighten our belts
over the next two months.
But now,
we had to actually earn all those days.
The talent show idea was a lot less
sweaty than the stairs, I'll tell ya that.
We all decided to buy props for the show
with the time 7th Floor's nose
so graciously earned us.
[6th Floor] This is stupid.
[Jin-su] What's that guy's deal?
Why does he think he can skip the line?
Gimme ten roofing tiles.
They're for me to pulverize.
[hangs up]
I'm gonna need ten roofing tiles
as well, plus four wooden boards.
[6th Floor laughs] Oh-ho-ho-ho! Okay!
[Jin-su] The talent show seemed
to bring out our competitive sides.
Everyone's trying
to be the best performer,
which means they're all focused as hell.
Everyone but me. Personally, I am…
losing my goddamn mind.
I'm a low-key guy.
I've always wanted to blend in.
That's my motto. Don't stand out.
And definitely
don't draw attention to yourself.
I went out of my way to never
pick up anything resembling a talent.
When you step out of your comfort zone.
You panic.
[in Korean] You've waited for me
All this time ♪
And I want to live my life for you ♪
[in English] If you want me… ♪
[Jin-su] Nice. A sweet song
to start things off. Nothin' risqué.
[in Korean] The day when you sat by me
And comforted me when I was down… ♪
- [fanfare playing]
- [Jin-su] Feat of strength from 6th Floor.
Big surprise there.
- [yells]
- [4th Floor squeals]
[4th Floor and 5th Floor gasping]
- [screams]
- [1st Floor yelps]
[Jin-su] 2nd Floor did more than 6th,
and added high kicks. It was pretty dope.
- [2nd Floor screams]
- [cheering]
[Jin-su] We're getting
more time than I expected.
Why is everyone so talented?
- I just can't believe it.
- Hey.
- Did you get hurt?
- [2nd Floor] Just a sprain.
No big deal. It'll be okay.
But it's swelled up a lot…
- [bright music playing]
- [4th Floor] Ahem.
[Jin-su] 4th Floor's up next.
Another song?
[off-key yodeling]
[7th Floor] That was very brave.
What? That's all my yodels are worth?
Oh, shit… [gasping]
Come on! I know you can do better
than that. Pretty please? You guys?
Hmm? Kiss, kiss! Mwah, mwah!
Five minutes.
[Jin-su] Ugh.
Yeah, that really killed the mood.
Okay. Moving on. Who wants to go up next?
[Jin-su grunts] Uh…
Do you have a plan? Uh… anything?
Uh… it's silly.
[Jin-su thinks] It'll be fine. Who cares?
I should go now. Who remembers
the middle of a talent show?
If I go now, I'll be lost in the shuffle.
- [somber music playing]
- [Jin-su] Okay, here I go!
- [music stops]
- Hey!
Why not? I'll go. I'm ready.
[thinks] My heart's in my throat.
So I guess this is what stage fright is.
[rhythmic electronic music playing]
What the hell?
Kill me now.
[4th Floor] Eighteen?
[Jin-su sighs]
[sighs] Welp. That wasn't so bad, huh?
[1st Floor] Oh no. Not at all.
You did your best.
Our show's almost finished.
Only two acts remain.
It honestly isn't that scary.
Just rip off the bandage and go.
It's better to get it over with.
- What?
- Uh…
Uh… I'll go. I'll go up next.
[7th Floor] Great.
[suspenseful music playing]
[carnival music playing]
[4th Floor] Whoo!
[4th Floor laughs]
- Wow!
- [5th Floor] Oh!
- [1st Floor grunting]
- [5th Floor gasps]
- Oh!
- [1st Floor straining]
[4th Floor and 5th Floor gasping]
[4th Floor laughs]
- [1st Floor groans]
- [Jin-su] Oh!
[5th Floor laughs]
[5th Floor] He's incredible!
- [8th Floor laughs]
- [4th Floor gasps]
Now… let's get some air.
- [grunts]
- [4th Floor gasps] Oh!
[joyful waltz playing]
[4th Floor] 30 whole hours? Amazing!
[7th Floor] Mm…
We've earned 74 hours, 13 minutes.
Keep it up. This is just over three days.
[Jin-su] Why is he acting
like he did a bad job?
[7th Floor] We're doing quite well.
Let's finish strong.
- [Jin-su] I can't trust anyone.
- [5th Floor] Wow!
[7th Floor] Once 8th Floor performs,
we'll add up the final total
and have a quick debriefing.
Well, you're up.
8th Floor?
Do I need to do it out here,
or can I negotiate?
[7th Floor] It's okay.
There's no need for that.
- But where…
- [sighs]
If I'm not stuck out here,
then I wanna do it on my floor.
So, do you wanna get laid?
[moody, suspenseful music playing]
- I'm not sure what you mean?
- Oh, I think you do.
Well, I'm flattered,
but this is a talent show.
- [mysterious music playing]
- [8th Floor chuckles]
Aren't talent shows for showing the world
the things we're really good at?
No one does it like I do.
- [7th Floor] Still, I'll have to pass.
- [8th Floor] Huh?
But why?
[thinks] This is insane. Totally absurd.
Hmm, hmm…
- [thinks] What the…
- [8th Floor] Mr. 1st Floor?
[Jin-su shudders]
[thinks] Me?
Uh… I shouldn't, right?
People would be watching.
It's weird, right?
[8th Floor giggles]
[Jin-su sighs] She's moving on.
Let's go! [chuckles]
[6th Floor whistling]
Wait, what? Are they allowed to do that?
[2nd Floor] So what?
She said it's her talent.
[moody music continues]
[2nd Floor] Well, she sure… has a talent.
Oh, my goodness.
Well, that's…
I think 69 hours is a bit on the nose…
- Oh.
- [4th Floor] Huh?
[5th Floor sighs heavily]
- [soft, quirky music playing]
- [crickets chirping]
[inhales] 3rd Floor?
Do you wanna hook up?
Well, don't you want to?
Now, don't be shy.
God, I want you.
Surrender yourself. Come on.
[in Korean] Until the waters
Of the East Sea run dry ♪
And Mount Baekdu is worn away… ♪
Wanna screw?
[Jin-su yelps]
Uh, if we factor out the time we spent
buying our talent show supplies,
we made just about five days.
Well done, guys. That was a success.
[6th Floor] I wouldn't say
everyone was successful.
We saw some big old goose eggs, too.
Just getting up to perform takes guts.
We all did great.
[1st Floor] Excuse me.
Now that we got so much time
from the talent show,
and we actually don't need to run,
I was just thinking…
Well… do I need
to keep holding waste bags, or…
- [5th Floor] Oh, gosh.
- [tense music playing]
Thank you again
for collecting that for us.
It doesn't make sense anymore,
so I think you've done your duty.
- [4th Floor chuckles] Hold on…
- Hmm? Why?
1st Floor's right.
We should've discussed it.
[1st Floor] Oh, it's fine.
I wasn't trying to complain.
It was my choice
to collect the bags, but…it's just, uh…
Well, my room is on the smaller side,
and I think I'm at capacity.
I don't have the space,
and the smell is a lot.
Oh, that… that sounds awful.
- You deserve a break.
- If he doesn't, who'll take our trash?
[2nd Floor] Who do you think?
Let's just all hang onto
our trash like before.
Oh, I'm not a fan of that, though.
[2nd Floor] Well, good for you.
You can keep all the trash.
Your room's the biggest.
That wouldn't be too comfortable
with all my things.
Plus, there's the chute.
It can only send stuff down, right?
We can all use your toilet, then.
- Psssh!
- [4th Floor] 2nd Floor does have a point.
Now… we could assign one of our rooms
to be our shared toilet.
- Yeah?
- What?
[4th Floor] That would be a lot nicer
than having us each hang onto our waste.
I don't know…
1st Floor generously held onto our bags,
but no one else will want to do that.
I'm not expecting
anyone to, like, volunteer.
What if we make a game out of it?
The "Whose Room is the Bathroom?" game.
Uh… I don't know, it's just a thought.
If we make it fun enough,
we could even earn time.
- [sighs]
- [giggles] It's so high stakes. I love it!
It's exciting if one floor takes the fall.
Okay, but, uh… what do we do?
What do you have in mind?
- We could play cards?
- Let's vote on it, then.
- Huh?
- More fair. We can't leave this to chance.
Since when do you care about fairness?
Whoever of us gets the most votes
deserves to be the new toilet.
- That's how democracy works.
- [2nd Floor] Knock it off.
You don't give a shit about democracy.
You just wanna single out someone
and bully them, don't you?
[6th Floor] No, not at all.
It's choosing the best man
or woman for the job, that's it.
We'll assess everyone's skills.
So, which of us was born
to store bags of shit? Were you? Huh?
- Calm down.
- What?
[grunts] You two, calm down.
Now, who thinks we should hold a vote?
[2nd Floor sighs]
- [quirky music playing]
- [8th Floor chuckles]
Three so far… actually, four, counting me.
Are the other four of you
opposed to the idea?
Um, well,
I'm not particularly for it, but…
Oh, why not. There's no option.
[thinks] Wait a sec.
Aren't people just gonna vote
for whoever they think
did the worst in the talent show?
Yep, you and me. We're both screwed.
It's gonna be one of us.
We were clearly the losers.
Uh… I guess we can vote.
- What?
- After all, it was kinda my idea.
- So I think I oughta see it through.
- Wait, no.
- Come on, dude.
- If everybody else wants to vote, let's.
Let's vote.
[Jin-su] Doesn't she know what'll happen?
[7th Floor] What about you?
Well, uh, you know me…
Uh, I'll go along with whatever.
You know. Uh… [sighs]
[2nd Floor sighs]
- Yeah…
- [7th Floor] Okay.
[thinks] God, what is 4th Floor thinking?
[4th Floor] So, do you know
who you're gonna vote for?
- Me?
- Well…
- [jazzy music playing]
- [5th Floor] Hmm…
I think they'll pick
either 3rd Floor or me, don't you?
It'd surprise me if they voted for you.
I wouldn't worry.
Uh, all right. Uh, what do you mean?
It'll most likely be 1st Floor,
if you ask me.
There's always the status quo…
Uh, let's just choose 1st Floor.
I mean, he's gotta be used to it by now.
[gasps] Why should we shake things up?
People won't wanna do that.
[7th Floor] Have you heard about
the broken windows theory?
If a place is already filthy,
it's easier on the human psyche
to make it dirtier,
rather than clean it.
Oh, God. Perhaps?
But I just don't think that I could
vote for him with a clear conscience.
It feels wrong.
[chuckling] Yeah. No, I think so, too.
It's not a vote, per se.
It's more of a formality
for him to accept reality, you know?
We'd really be doing him a kindness.
Don't you think?
It all seems so wrong, you know?
I'm feeling too weird
about the whole thing.
I can't help thinking I'd rather keep
my own trash than burden somebody else.
[gasps] Are you serious?
But none of that matters much now.
Never mind.
- [4th Floor sighs]
- [banging on door]
- [banging]
- [4th Floor] Let me in.
[upbeat jazz playing]
[Jin-su] Oh, 4th Floor.
What… uh, what brings you here?
Uh… I didn't know you'd be here. Good.
1st Floor. Where is he?
[gasps] Where would he go?
- [1st Floor] Oh, 4th Floor.
- Oh, you scared me.
I've been giving things a lot of thought.
Um, to be honest…
I'm planning to vote for 8th Floor.
So, what are you doing out here?
Well… see, my room started to stink.
I don't like to be in it much.
So I hang out here.
[gasps] It's just so unfair, you know?
You don't deserve it.
I just feel so bad for you.
Which of us would suffer the least?
The one with the most space, right?
Get it?
- 8th Floor's got a damn penthouse.
- [6th Floor] I'll catch you!
And because she's at the top,
she won't be bothered
by chute noises at night.
Plus, she makes more money
than anyone else.
Yeah, but what's money got to do with it?
She's still a player too.
[sighs] Well… but haven't you
heard of "oblesse noblige"?
Or whatever it's called.
People at the top
owe it to those below them.
She makes more money,
so she should have more responsibilities.
It doesn't feel right
to make 1st Floor keep doing it
when he's barely got anything.
No wonder you're sick of trash duty.
Don't you wanna pass the baton?
[7th Floor] And?
What did you actually come here to ask?
Um, what are you talking about?
Can't we just talk?
By the way,
have you picked who you're voting for?
Just wondering.
Why don't you talk to 5th Floor?
You two are close, right?
Sure, I mean, yeah.
She's too nice, though.
She wants to abstain. I can't rely on her.
[Jin-su] 4th Floor said
she convinced 1st Floor
to join her campaign against 8th Floor.
- He never said yes out loud.
- You got this.
[Jin-su] But she could "feel it."
She said she got a "yes" vibe.
Something in his eyes, I guess.
Then she went
to work her magic on 2nd Floor.
- Hey, it's me…
- Get lost.
Okay. [chuckles]
So, not her.
If we vote for her, and 1st Floor
comes through, we'll be fine.
- Unless there's some kinda tie.
- [banging at door]
7th Floor. Are you in there?
[whispers] Oh!
He can't know that I'm in here.
- Hide, then. I don't know how to help you.
- I'm done for.
[tense music playing]
Oh, I thought you'd be here.
What's good?
Just smokin'. Hangin' out.
I'd like to have a word.
[7th Floor] Sure.
- You should rest up.
- [Jin-su] See ya.
[sighs heavily]
Oh, that was too close.
If he saw you here,
do you think he'd be suspicious?
Of course he would!
[gasps] He'd figure it out.
Oh, man. We can't let him know
we're gunning for 8th Floor to lose.
I know. Who'll he vote for?
Not 8th Floor, of course.
I'm sure he'll pick one of us.
Maybe 1st Floor…
You're right. I'm sure of it.
[6th Floor] Vote for 3rd Floor.
I was gonna vote for 1st Floor,
but 3rd Floor's talent was trash.
When I talked about it with 8th Floor,
she said she would follow my lead.
We don't wanna split the vote too much.
I'm feeling like
maybe I shouldn't have told 7th Floor.
I should've waited
till you and I were alone.
But… do you think it was a bad idea?
He's cool, right?
Oh, yeah. We can trust him.
He's a stand-up guy.
He never even sent down
his poop bags before.
Yeah, he's a good guy.
That may be true, but you never know.
Yeah, I'm in.
Whatever he does,
we better stick together, okay?
You have my word.
- Promise you won't stab me in the back?
- Don't be insane!
No way. I swear, you can trust me.
[jaunty music playing]
[Jin-su] We decided to take a day to
consider options before we held the vote.
Ugh. I was too on edge to sleep.
Me, 7…
[Jin-su] Game time.
After our success with the stair climbing
and the talent show,
it was time for our next big event.
"The Great Vote For The Bathroom."
[7th Floor] This will be
an anonymous vote.
1st Floor, you're up.
[tense music playing]
[7th Floor] Now it's time
to tally the votes.
3rd Floor.
[4th Floor sighs]
[tense music continues]
[6th Floor chuckles]
- [Jin-su chuckles]
- [1st Floor coughs]
- Wow. Hey, one vote is nothin', right?
- [1st Floor] Yeah.
3rd Floor.
- 8th Floor.
- Huh?
Okay. 8th Floor.
- [6th Floor sighs]
- What?
- [1st Floor coughs]
- [7th Floor sniffs]
8th Floor.
[4th Floor sighs]
- [6th Floor] Hmm.
- [8th Floor laughs]
3rd Floor.
I knew that I'd get two votes.
Whose was that?
As it stands, 3rd and 8th Floor
are tied with three votes.
- This could break it.
- [3rd Floor gasps]
[7th Floor] Uh…
It's a blank vote.
[6th Floor] What? It's blank?
Now for the last one.
[2nd Floor] Who's your pick?
[6th Floor] Vote for the 3rd Floor.
If you ask me, someone with your talents
deserves a higher floor.
You know,,you've got friends
in high places.
You catch my drift?
You wanna be comfortable?
[2nd Floor] I get it.
How would that even work, though?
I knew you'd be reasonable.
We could work something out.
You could share some of my food,
for sure. If you're into that.
I could buy you shit,
and send it down the chute to you.
Why 3, though?
Out of everyone?
What about 4?
3rd Floor just sucks.
Like, damn!
[both chuckle]
Him and his sad attempt at dancing.
Can't argue there.
[music intensifying]
8th Floor.
[Jin-su] Yes!
[4th Floor squeals]
- [4th Floor] Ahem.
- [Jin-su] Uh…
[6th Floor] Let me see that.
Are you kidding?
Um, it seems…
your room… will be our bathroom now.
Oh! [giggles]
How exciting. I've never won a vote.
It's such an honor.
Aren't you guys going to applaud?
I did just win, after all. [giggles]
Oh, uh, right, yep. Where are my manners?
- Let's all clap.
- [8th Floor giggling]
[Jin-su] We earned a full day
just by holding that vote.
Damn. That was more than I expected.
Yeah, well, I suppose they saw it
as a form of entertainment.
Of course they were entertained.
It was like true modern society.
Drama, suspense!
Politics are a real goldmine.
- [Jin-su and 4th Floor laugh]
- I'm just glad it's wrapped up.
And I'm relieved
that 8th Floor doesn't seem too upset.
[Jin-su] You know what? [coughs]
I wonder who gave me my third vote.
Yeah, so three people voted for me, right?
Well, I'm sure 8th and 6th Floors
both voted for me.
But I wonder who cast the third vote.
It's hard to tell.
I'm pretty sure it… it wasn't 2nd Floor.
I just don't think so.
So, it must've been 4th Floor.
By process of elimination.
But she was so insistent we team up.
So it doesn't sit right.
[jaunty music playing]
We can speculate all day,
but does it matter?
- Well, no. I just--
- Hey, just let it go. Okay?
- And even if 4th… I think--
- It's all over now anyway.
Uh… let's just have a cigarette.
All right. Sounds good.
- Yeah.
- Um. I--
- Okay. They're in my room.
- Oh. Right.
- I'll be upstairs.
- Right.
[1st Floor] Here you go.
It'll come in handy,
for all the sunshine we get.
[sighs] Thank you
for asking me what I thought.
[2nd Floor] Need a hand
getting the bags sorted?
[1st Floor] Oh.
Who are you going to vote for?
[1st Floor] Huh?
All the other players
have been telling me what to do.
As if I care what any of them think.
This whole place sucks, but you've
had the worst luck in here so far.
I'm interested in your opinion
because you've had to live with our shit.
[gentle music playing]
I wanted to vote for her
even before we talked.
The world doesn't revolve around her.
She's gotta learn to be
a little less selfish.
I just thought that
since her room's the biggest,
she'd have the space.
It'd be easier
for her to live among all the waste.
She'll do all right.
[8th Floor] Big fat no.
[4th Floor] Wait, what?
You're being ridiculous. Give me the key.
[7th Floor] What's goin' on?
I asked her for her room key, so I could
use the bathroom like we all agreed to,
and Miss Priss said no!
- Oh, man.
- [5th Floor chuckles]
Stay calm. 8th Floor, um, do you remember
that we did a vote earlier today?
Yeah, I do.
- We voted for your room, for our toilet.
- [8th Floor] Hmm.
[5th Floor] Good.
Remember what we decided?
From 8:00 a.m.
until the stroke of midnight,
we can take care of business in your room.
I'm not trying to boss you around
or anything like that,
I'm just making sure
that you understand the new rules.
Oh no, I'm fully aware.
[5th Floor] Huh?
I know what they are.
I just really don't care.
[5th Floor sighs]
- [7th Floor sighs]
- I don't care if you like it or not.
You didn't complain
when you made us clap for you.
Why are you like this? The key, please.
Move along, thank you.
Thank you?
Please come back. 8th Floor.
Listen. I know
this must be a lot for you to accept.
But you have to do this
for the good of the group.
All of us are in the same boat here.
The same boat? Do you really think that?
- What?
- [8th Floor] Aw!
You're in a lifeboat, drowning,
and I'm up in a yacht.
[2nd Floor scoffs]
- Bye!
- [2nd Floor] Are you crazy?
But wait. Hey! She wanted
to vote from the very beginning!
- She can't back out. Not fair.
- [2nd Floor] Shit.
I think she… might be overwhelmed.
This is a big change for her.
Give her time, and she'll come around.
You're being a bit too optimistic. [sighs]
[1st Floor] What?
- Ah, never mind.
- [Jin-su gasps]
- [4th Floor] Uh…
- Wake the fuck up, you guys.
Stop being so naive.
[4th Floor] What? We're naive?
Hey, wait. You can't just leave.
You're letting her win.
What… what are we gonna do?
Where will we go to the bathroom?
Um… Be patient, everyone.
8th Floor just needs a moment.
- For the time being, we'll use our rooms.
- Oh… I'm so pissed.
My God, she's so selfish.
Who the hell does she think she is?
- It's okay.
- Who cares if she's upset?
We voted, so what can she do?
She'll come around.
What else can she do? Jeez.
[Jin-su] It didn't take too long
to learn the answer to that.
[crickets chirping]
[elevator clanking]
[6th Floor laughing]
[4th Floor gasps]
[1st Floor and 7th Floor sigh]
[Jin-su] She didn't use any words,
but her message was loud and clear.
Hey. Damn… What the hell?
[Jin-su] "I'm not like you."
Ugh, why would she do that? [groans]
[Jin-su] "I'm better."
[classical music playing]
Fucking bitch.
[Jin-su] We had all been thinking,
"What's she gonna do about it?" And then…
[Jin-su] She showed us.
[concerto continues playing]
[eerie electronic music playing]
[jaunty music playing]
[ominous music playing]
[tense music playing]
[whimsical music playing]
[jaunty music playing]
[music fades]
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