The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones (2002) s01e03 Episode Script

The Perils of Cupid

My name is Henry Jones, Jr.
My family is staying
at the American Embassy here.
My father's on a lecture tour.
We move on next week,
but I've had a great time here,
especially these riding lessons.
You're a fine horse-rider.
You should know that.
Probably do.
- My English is nicht good.
- Probably better than my German.
Yes, it is.
They call you Your Highness.
Are you a princess?
Yes, my father's next for the throne.
Sophie after my mother,
but my father calls me Pinky.
- So what should I call you?
- Your Highness.
- Mr Jones?
- Yes?
We're going park walking now,
so that you are going too?
Is it always this cold in Vienna?
At Christmas it was colder.
- Governess is very old.
- Miss Seymour? Yeah, too old.
- Are you hungry, Miss Seymour?
- I'm a little peckish. Why?
Then we should go this way.
- You go to many places in Vienna?
- Everywhere.
I have lived in London.
How long were you there?
- Have you been on Ferris wheel?
- Of course. Second day here.
- Can you see far from up there?
- Right across the city.
- You've never been on it?
- No.
Why? You're the princess.
You practically own it.
Would you like to look around?
- Do you know how to skate?
- Skate?
- Skating.
- Oh, ice skating.
Of course I do. I love to skate.
We could go skating now, if you like.
- I don't think so.
- Why not?
I could never do that.
But you're the princess.
You can do what you want.
Come on,
we'll only be gone a few minutes.
They won't even miss us.
You sure?
Trust me.
Come on, I'll take care of you.
There's too many people, too many.
Please help me.
Thank you, Indy.
How dare you bring Princess Sophie
into such peril.
You haven't heard the last of this.
Have you no sense of responsibility,
young man?
- Sophie.
- Henry, that's quite enough.
I really didn't mean
to cause any trouble.
You almost caused
a diplomatic incident.
This was sent to Ambassador Kerens.
A man who has been kind enough
to let us stay at his residence,
used his power and influence
so that we can enjoy
the best of this city.
And then you go and take a member
of the Royal Family here on a joy ride.
It's from
the Archduke Franz Ferdinand himself.
He feels our ambassador
is abusing his position
and has asked him to exercise
some control over his citizens.
I'm sorry.
You have brought shame on us all
and your country.
- I will apologise on your behalf.
- Thank you, sir.
And no more riding lessons.
- No?
- No.
I really didn't mean
to cause any trouble.
I know. I know, dear.
- But her family is in constant danger.
- Really?
They live on a powder keg.
Many people want
the Hapsburg Empire destroyed.
Well, why can't you just explain
to her father that I meant no harm?
- I just want her to be my friend.
- You'll find other friends.
No, I won't. There is no one
like her in the whole world.
Perhaps you'd like to draw me
an isosceles triangle
as you're making such headway.
An isosceles triangle, sure.
Your Royal Highness,
I'm sorry if I got you in trouble.
Being with you is just great
and I think of that day all the time.
I am worried to hear
that you live in a powder keg.
If I had known this
Very good.
Well, I think
that's enough geometry for today.
- I think we should try something else.
- Can't we just finish early, for once?
- Will you recite this for me, please?
- I don't feel so well.
- Are you ill?
- Well, my stomach's in kind of a knot.
- I can't concentrate.
- Please recite this.
"What mean it this when I lie alone?
I toss, I turn, I sigh, I groan."
"My bed me seems as hard as stone.
What means this?"
“In slumbers oft for fear I quake.
For heat and cold I burn and shake.
"For lack of sleep my head doth ache.
What means this?"
Go on.
"But if I sit near her by
with loud voice my heart doth cry"
"and yet my mouth is dumb and dry.
What means this?"
Who wrote this?
Sir Thomas Wyatt, 1503 to 1542.
All that time ago
and that man felt just like me?
He was in love.
Literature has tried to come to terms
with these emotions
for many centuries, Henry.
I didn't know poetry was about anything.
Well, it is.
- Poetry can help you.
- How?
Well, there can be no greater way
to comfort your own feelings
than by sharing them
with someone else.
Wow, no one ever put it to me like that,
Miss Seymour.
This one looks good.
Love's Philosophy. Shelley.
"The fountains mingle with the river
And the rivers with the ocean,"
"The winds of heaven mix for ever
With a sweet emotion"
"Nothing in the world is single,
All things by a law divine"
"In one another's being mingle
Why not I with thine?"
"See the mountains kiss high heaven,
And the waves clasp one another."
- You know it?
- Of course.
“the sunlight clasps the earth,
And the moonbeams kiss the sea
"What are all these kissings worth,
If thou kiss not me?"
Here, let me look.
Miss Seymour,
do you think I could be in love?
Well, you're awfully young, Henry.
- Yes, but do you think I could be?
- I don't know.
We all fall in love, Henry.
Some of us too soon
and some of us too late.
- You look pretty. Are you going out?
- Yes, we're going to the opera.
It's very late. You should be asleep.
- But I'm reading poetry.
- So Miss Seymour tells me.
- Now, you must go to sleep.
- But I'll never get to sleep.
Now, please.
I'll give to you a paper of pins
For that's the way our love begins
If you will marry me
If you will marry me
Here you are, darling.
Dear Mr Henry Jones,
I'm hoping you are well and that
I'm not causing you sorrow and pain
because of what we did.
For me, it was a very beautiful day
and maybe one day we can meet again.
Affectionately yours, Sophie.
Well, I am looking forward
to the dinner tonight, aren't you?
It's so good of Ambassador Kerens
to recognise the importance
of the first psychoanalytic conference.
Yes. Yes, very good.
But I wonder if young Henry
should be there.
Why on earth shouldn't he?
Well, with what little you've told me
about Dr Freud's ideas,
I wonder if they're altogether suitable
for a young child's ears.
I've seen him talk, Anna. Don't worry.
I'm not worried, it's just
Please, Sigmund Freud
is a very important man.
I want Henry to meet him.
Besides, he will be eating, not lecturing.
What's so special
about watching an important man eat?
I want him to be there,
as long as he behaves himself.
- Mother?
- Yes.
Did father ever give you a gift
when you were courting?
Why, yes. A locket. I still wear it.
Sophie, over here!
You don't understand. I know her! Wait!
I just want to give her something.
Which is why I ask us all
to raise our glasses tonight
to wish Dr Freud,
Dr Jung and Dr Adler
the very best of luck
in their new science.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Dr Freud, may I ask you,
what did you find was the most
fascinating moment of the conference?
When they declared my theories
had nothing to do with science,
but instead were a matter
for the police.
Oh, dear me.
It's because everything you say
is couched in biological terms.
Well, I suppose you would rather
I spoke of the spirit.
- Well, maybe.
- But what is spirit?
No, everything that shows
what you call spirit
has more to do
with repressed sexuality.
Please, gentlemen,
not in the middle of the dessert.
Our culture is our spirit,
our whole civilization.
Our civilization
And don't tell me it's just
a consequence of repressed sexuality.
Yes, I'm afraid it is.
The whole dilemma of power, Eros
and love seems to be never-ending.
Well, to quote you, Carl,
"The pendulum of the mind
swings between sense and nonsense,"
"not between right and wrong."
That makes sense.
I beg your pardon?
Well, his idea about the mind
swinging between sense and nonsense.
So you also agree that power,
Eros and love
present us with an unsolvable dilemma?
Why? Do you know what love is?
- There are many kinds of love.
- There are?
Well, sure, there is romantic love,
the kind we all know about,
especially your father.
Romantic love was a creation
of the medieval troubadour
to show that there was more to it all
than the biological act.
Well, I suppose
that romantic love was invented
as a brilliant means of seduction.
Love was invented?
Yes, and that was the beginning
of the end, young man.
- Why do you say that?
- The notion of romantic love
has led to more death and destruction
than anything, save possibly religion.
Please, Sigmund,
this boy asked me what love is.
Let me try and explain.
Well, your explanations
are of no importance, Carl.
What you really should try to explore is
why he wants to know.
I just want to know, that's all.
What is love?
Love stems from a desire for balance.
We all share a picture
of what we think of men and women.
We all have a female and male image
stored inside of all of us.
- So, like a memory?
- No.
If we understand the full nature
of both the female and male in all of us,
we gain a balance,
and it is our yearning for that balance
that makes us feel
this thing we call love.
So, love is a yearning for balance?
Some day you'll meet a girl
and she will feel
like the missing half of yourself.
I think I already have.
You have?
I read a poem.
Love's Philosophy, by Shelley.
"Nothing in the world is single
All things by a law divine"
“In one another's being mingle"
This child can understand
what Jung is talking about.
I tell you,
children's minds are incredible.
But where exactly
does love come into all that?
That's where love comes into all of that,
young man.
Please, Sigmund.
No, no, no. The boy asked a question.
All love is derived
from the need for sexual gratification.
Even this boy's love of his mother.
Perhaps the ladies
would like to withdraw.
Yes, we have
a lot of packing to do tomorrow.
Henry, I think it's time you were in bed.
- But that's not what I'm talking about.
- Come on, Henry.
Please let the boy stay.
He asked a question.
My apologies, ladies,
but please let him stay.
Henry, love in the heart
of someone your age
is a powerful and dangerous thing.
I've been watching you tonight.
Sitting there, all quiet, withdrawn.
Is she pretty?
- You must be in a terrible situation.
- How did you know?
Gentlemen, can't we help him?
In love,
your whole personality is involved.
But my whole personality is involved.
I think about her all the time.
I dream about her.
If you think what you feel is love,
treasure that feeling, build on it,
and it will provide a strong basis
for your later life.
Yes, but why do I feel so out of control?
Because you are.
But you must not be afraid, Henry.
You must not let the castle walls
keep you from your love.
But I still don't know what love is.
Love can be an act of the spirit,
if you're Carl Jung.
A romantic act, if you're your father.
An act of companionship,
if you like Dr Adler's interpretation.
But as far as I'm concerned,
it's a biological act.
It's a sexually-motivated act.
Either way,
it is painful and wonderful all at once.
But please, Henry, remember one thing.
- What's that?
- Don't turn away from it.
To deny your love for someone
is dangerous.
Dangerous both to you
and to the person you love.
Shout out your love, loud.
- I wish I could.
- What do you think, gentlemen?
- I think you can.
- And I think so, too.
I'm sure you can, Henry.
Sophie! Sophie!
Please, take me to see the Archduke.
I can only say what I have to say
to Princess Sophie's father.
Very well.
I will take you to him.
You were foolish
to come here uninvited.
The guards are trained marksmen,
able to kill at great distance.
The dogs have been trained
to kill as well.
I wasn't scared.
You should have been.
Wait here.
After your behaviour
at the riding school,
I hope for your sake that you have
good reason for disturbing us.
Sir, I have come to ask your permission
to ask Princess Sophie
for her hand in marriage.
When I am older.
And because of that,
I would like to say farewell
before we go.
I know it's late,
but tomorrow I leave Vienna
and in the short time that I've been here
I believe that I've fallen in love
with your daughter.
And I hope she feels
the same way about me.
Oh, you do?
Sir, I believe your daughter
to be in danger.
Because it is dangerous
to deny our feelings of love.
We leave tomorrow. Please, sir.
I think Sophie would be very upset
if I did not see her before I went.
Follow me.
I made a vow that my children
will marry who they please.
Wait here.
- So long as they are Austrian.
- I guess that counts me out.
It's strange.
The Emperor denied me permission
to marry Sophie's mother
because she was not a Hapsburg.
Like you, I had to storm the palace.
It is fitting, the first young man
to fall in love with my daughter
should storm my home.
Here is your letter.
I'm sure Sophie would appreciate
your concern for her welfare,
but I could never allow her
to marry an American,
especially one
who has made up his mind about her
when he was so young.
You are very courageous,
and doubtless in years to come
will prove to be a great soldier.
Thank you, sir.
So I think you should be wise enough to
wait until you have lived a little longer
before committing yourself
to any young woman.
But Sophie is not
just any young woman.
And who knows
when I'll be in Vienna again?
- Please let me say goodbye to her.
- No.
It would only upset her.
She's in bed, where you should be, too.
Kurt, arrange a carriage to take
Mr Jones to the American Embassy.
- But
- Enough. Good night.
Farewell, Mr Jones.
- Sophie.
- Indy.
I'm so glad to see you,
I have something I wanted to give you.
I just had to see you. I had to.
I leave tomorrow.
Thank you.
I just wanted to give you something, too.
Sophie, I'm going to write to you
wherever I go
and if my letters don't get through,
I'll just keep on writing.
You see, no one can take away
what I feel for you.
No one.
I wonder if I'll ever see her again.
Well, even if you don't, darling,
it won't be the end of the world.
Sure feels like it.
I know.
But somewhere,
someone is waiting for you,
even at this very moment.
Your other half.
My other half?
Everyone has another half
and when you meet yours,
you'll realise that you've never been
a whole person before.
- Is that what it was like for you?
- Of course.
- What's that?
- Nothing. We're just talking.
Well, Junior should be studying,
not wasting his time in idle chatter.
Quite right, Professor Jones,
and there will be splendid opportunities
to enlarge his understanding
when we arrive in Florence.
And while in Florence
we shall be applying ourselves
to the study of science.
In the Renaissance,
many scientists worked in Florence.
Above all, the great Galileo Galilei.
Perhaps we shall be lucky enough
to visit Pisa,
where he conducted
one of his most famous experiments.
We're going to Italy, Henry,
one of the most beautiful
and romantic countries in the world.
I know you are just going to love it.
Is this where we're supposed to stay,
do you think?
Well, it looks kind of crowded to me.
Now, what happened? Was there some
mix-up with the bookings?
Professor Reale sends his apologies.
The university had no idea
you would be traveling with your family.
These rooms are meant
for one person only.
Yeah, and a rather
small person at that, huh?
- Well, what do you think, dear?
- I don't know.
I like it here. It's all so lovely.
Well, we
We ought to make the best of it.
Anna, perhaps you could
share a room with Helen.
Of course.
And I'll move in with Junior.
We'd be glad to accept the room.
- Okay.
- Thank you.
Henry, did you know that Florence
is not only the center of science,
it's also the cradle of art.
But Signor Jones,
I trust you count on me
to trounce your ideas
about the painting world.
Signor Reale,
I am ready to enlighten you.
My wife insists you make our home
be yours while you stay in Florence.
No. No. We couldn't do that.
Well, you must come and stay with us.
My wife would never take "no"
for an answer.
"No" is not an acceptable answer,
Mrs Jones.
You know, when my wife insists
It is far healthier for a boy
to be in a home. A hotel is too stuffy.
It is all arranged.
I will have your luggage sent for.
Think of your child.
You will have your own
private sitting room in our home.
Never on time.
Don't say another word.
You will be our guests.
- Your first opera?
- Oh, yeah. Yes, my first opera.
Mother, do people really
fall in love that quickly?
- Bravo!
- Bravo!
Maestro, it is I, Signora Reale,
with my guests.
Oh, yes.
I must beg your forgiveness,
but I will not be able to join
your supper party tonight.
I'm too tired.
No, an excuse
is not acceptable, Maestro.
Allow me to introduce Mrs Anna Jones
of New Jersey, America.
Mrs Jones.
It would be an honour.
- Did you Did you write that opera?
- Yes.
By putting one note after another.
- Do you enjoy music?
- Me? Yeah. Yeah, I like music.
My mother loves it. Tonight she cried.
- No.
- Yes.
- Is that true?
- Yes.
Well, then you understand great love.
How long will you stay in Florence?
Well, we're staying for the week
while my father goes off to Rome
to give a lecture.
That's a wise choice.
Florence breathes art and culture.
Rome sweats trying to keep up.
No, no, no
And what will you do here?
- I'm studying the laws of physics.
- Physics?
Did you know that if I hang
these two objects side by side
that they'll attract each other and
eventually come towards each other.
Do you know why?
All objects attract because of gravity.
- Fascinating.
- It's a law of physics.
And tomorrow we're going to Pisa
to do an experiment, just like Galileo.
Miss Seymour?
Oh, no.
Really, one glass is enough for me.
Miss Seymour,
in Italy enough is barely living.
You're in my country.
You must let me show you the way.
This is my special work.
You must let me escort you
to Pisa tomorrow.
I grew up near there.
I know and I love the country.
- That is very kind
- I will be unable to accompany you.
I have an important meeting
to discuss the music festival.
Professor Jones,
I'm offering my services to your family.
I'm the happy owner
of a touring motor car
and I would gladly chauffeur them
to Pisa tomorrow, a guided tour.
What make of car is it?
- Generous offer. Very kind.
- May we, Father?
We don't wish to impose.
You must be busy.
No. I'm between operas
and I'm searching.
Searching, searching for inspiration.
Perhaps I shall find it at Pisa.
An object at rest stays at rest
unless acted on by a force.
Write and repeat, please.
"An object at rest stays at rest
unless acted upon by a force."
If it's at rest, nothing disturbing it,
it does not move.
So it'll stay there forever
unless I move it?
Unless a gust of wind
comes through the window
or someone bumps into the table or
- Or if I poke it with my pencil?
- That's right, Henry, that is correct.
- I trust you are comfortable.
- Yes. Yes.
My husband is waiting with a taxi.
- Downstairs.
- Yes, I'll tell Henry.
Will you please pay attention?
A force is anything that causes change
in an object's state of rest.
Now, write this down.
The greater the force,
the greater the change.
Professor Reale is waiting downstairs
in the cab.
There's plenty of time, my dear.
The trains do leave on time.
Does the professor know that?
I am sure he's aware of it.
- We already have an iron.
- Sometimes one is not enough.
- Miss Seymour, I'll see you in a week.
- Have a productive trip.
You said that
as if you were still my tutor.
Bad habit, I suppose.
Here, sweetheart.
Now, the further the object is away, the
harder it is for that force to affect it.
Write that down.
Junior, take good care of your mother.
- Yes, sir. Have a good trip, Father.
- Goodbye.
"The further the object is away,"
"the harder it is for
the force to affect it."
Mr Puccini will be
picking us up at noon, don't forget.
I won't.
This is a great car.
Who did think
of the first self-propelled car, Indy?
- Henry Ford?
- Leonardo da Vinci, in the 1500s.
Italians are innovators
because we are dreamers,
and we take the time
to dream of the impossible.
- And we also take the time to sing.
- Sing?
Take me out to the ball game ♪
Take me out to the crowd ♪
Buy me some peanuts ♪
and Cracker Jack ♪
I don't care if we never get back ♪
So it's root, root, root ♪
for the home team ♪
If they don't win, it's a shame ♪
'Cause it's one, two, three strikes ♪
You're out ♪
At the old ball game ♪
Henry. Oh, Henry, please.
Come one, Miss Seymour,
you slowpoke.
I was wondering if you could use that
energy for your studies, young Henry.
You can't read while you run.
If one could,
one might be able to teach him.
We have two irons.
One is bigger and heavier
than the other.
But they are both made of iron.
Now, if you were to drop them both
at the same time,
which one would hit the ground first?
That's easy.
The bigger one because it's heavier.
That's what Aristotle thought,
but Galileo thought otherwise.
- The smaller one hits first?
- No.
- Well, it has to be one or the other.
- No.
That is an erroneous
assumption, Henry.
There are at least
two other possibilities.
One is that they will float.
- Irons don't float in the air.
- Why is that?
Because gravity pulls them
towards the Earth.
Fantastico. Now, get my umbrella
and follow me.
We'll let the experiment show us
that they land at the same time.
Well, Galileo postulated
that two objects of the same density,
in this incidence the density of iron,
fall at the same rate
even though they are of
very different size and weight.
Give it a go.
Mother! Mr Puccini!
Look up here.
Oh, there they are. Henry!
Tell me which one lands first.
Some people come to Pisa
for the science.
I come for the beauty.
- They hit at the exact same moment!
- They did, they did!
Galileo was right!
Thank goodness we won't
have to re-write scientific history.
- You grew up in New Jersey?
- No, Virginia.
Virginia? Where the White House is,
very famous.
Now even more famous because
it is the place where you were born.
I will never be mentioned
in the history books.
Who cares of the history books?
Famous to me,
it is the place where you became you.
I grew up very near here,
in a town called Lucca, 20 miles away.
One day, when I was 18,
I walked from Lucca to Pisa
to see my first opera, Verdi's Aida.
And that night, as I was walking back
under the rain,
I knew exactly what I must do
with my life.
My father had died when I was five
so my mother had to sacrifice
to send me for study.
She did not live to see my success.
I could never repay her.
She must have felt her son
would be a great artist.
Great? I don't know.
An artist is a man who looks at beauty
through a pair of looking-glasses
which, as he breathes,
become clouded over.
He takes out his handkerchief
and cleans his glasses.
He sees clearly again,
but with the first breath
the absolute beauty is faded again.
It is
It is only the approximation
which we can create.
Art is elusive.
It is not like the beauty of a woman.
Mother, I'm coming down.
My son had Indiana's spark as a boy.
Now he's grown up and
he uses his energy to try to keep peace
between my wife and myself.
I cannot create where there is conflict.
I cannot hear music any more.
Hear nothing.
Great pain.
- Forgive me. Forgive me. Forgive me.
- It's all right.
Give it a whack.
Now, it will go in a straight line until
we, again, exert a force to deflect it.
I've written your father a wonderful letter
about our excursion.
If I send the letter off tonight, he should
have it by the end of the week.
Mrs Jones.
- Mrs Jones?
- Yes?
Someone seems to have sent you
all the flowers in Florence.
Oh, my.
- Well, who could have sent them?
- The card.
Oh, my.
They are from Signor Puccini
for all of us.
How very Italian.
Wouldn't it be nice
if we all could be a little more Italian.
She has two more days
to learn about despair.
A singer alone
cannot convey my emotions.
I need an actress also.
It's very difficult.
Signora Seymour, tell me, what are
your thoughts on unrequited love?
It has it's place
in romantic novels and operas.
And not in real life?
Oh, how optimistic of you.
Well, I took piano lessons
from Mrs Schwartz.
She had a mustache.
The right instructor is everything.
When I was your age,
I took lessons from a man
who used to kick my shins
every time I played a wrong note.
I vowed I would
never become a musician.
Then my mother found me
a wonderful teacher and here I am.
You're so silent.
I'm sorry.
Madam Butterfly is such a sad story
and the music is haunting.
Then you must have a part of it.
To Signora Jones,
who feels the music.
- It's yours.
- I don't know what to say.
Say you will allow me to show you
my favourite flowers tomorrow.
- Well
- I will need to restore my soul
after this day
with this unfeeling butterfly.
I will call for you tomorrow.
Look. Look, Mother, the notes.
They look like a chicken
walked all over the paper.
Well, it doesn't matter how it looks.
It's how it sounds.
It's kind of like reading a book, then,
isn't it?
Music is a very special language.
It can make you feel happy or sad
or lonely
just by the way the notes
follow one another.
Oh, my.
It is so good of you to share this with us.
Henry is ecstatic.
- And you?
- The same.
Henry. Henry, you must wait
till everybody sits at the table.
This is truly a beautiful city.
- Please, don't.
- I want to hold you in my arms.
- It is not possible.
- You are a beautiful woman.
I am married.
Yes. I am too.
But it must be a sin to run away
from what God has brought together.
- We are connected, Anna.
- Please.
- We are connected.
- Please let go of my hand.
Anna, my life has been renewed
from the moment I saw you.
I cannot listen to this.
- I need you.
- Henry.
It's time for us to go back to the house.
Oh, Mother, just 10 more minutes,
Try to deny it. Try.
I will look into your eyes
and I will know that you are lying.
- I love my husband.
- But me? You don't feel nothing for me?
No matter what my feelings are for you,
I must ask you to speak no further.
- Then you don't deny it.
- Yes, I do deny.
Now, will you take us back to the house
or shall I hail a cab?
Mrs Jones, are you all right?
You look pale.
Suddenly I feel I
don't feel well at all.
I will take you. I will take you back.
But what's wrong?
Your mother doesn't feel very well.
We must take her home.
Are you still sick today?
Then how come
you're not eating your breakfast?
I'm not hungry.
I wonder if there is any mail.
There is no mail.
I will be gone until late.
I wish you a good day.
I looked this morning
when I went out for my walk.
There's not a letter in the box.
I didn't really expect your
father to write. He's very busy.
Excuse me.
Why are you crying?
- Maybe Maybe you are sick.
- No.
I just feel particularly lonely
for your father, that's all.
He'll be back tomorrow night.
Yes, it seems as if he's been gone
a very long time.
Mr Puccini said he'd take us
riding in his car again today. Maybe
- Maybe that'll make you feel
- Mr Puccini will not be coming today.
He is very busy and he has rehearsals.
- But he said
- Young man,
big day of studying ahead of us.
- I can't send you back
- Miss Seymour.
Perhaps Henry's studies could wait
until this afternoon.
We could all go sight-seeing.
After all, we are in Florence.
Yeah, we are in Florence.
Oh, good morning.
Hey, Mother, maybe we could go
for another ride with Mr Puccini today.
Henry. Henry, I believe Rossini
may be buried somewhere around here.
- Who's Rossini?
- He's an opera composer.
- Oh, like Mr Puccini?
- Yes.
When Mr Puccini dies,
will he be buried here, too?
Perhaps. If he doesn't make
too many blunders along the way.
Forgive me. I could not stay away.
You're making me very unhappy.
Unhappiness comes
from not following your heart.
I thought Mr Puccini
was Mother's friend.
- He is, of course.
- Then why is he getting her upset?
Perhaps he's telling her the story
of a new opera.
Anna, I cannot let you
step away from me. I cannot.
You have given me life again.
You are inspiration.
I long to work with you at my side.
Look at me! Look at me!
Not a wink of sleep.
I'm desperate.
Don't destroy what
Don't destroy this passion we have.
Don't destroy me.
- You think of me.
- No.
- Yes.
- No.
You cannot sleep
because you think about me.
- No.
- Yes, you do.
- I know. Don't you think I see?
- But I mustn't.
You have given me your answer.
You feel the same.
My head is all turned around,
I cannot think.
- You must leave me alone.
- Never.
I will not turn away
from that which feeds my soul.
- Mother?
- Yes, Henry?
- You said we could have lunch.
- Yes, it is time for lunch.
Will you be joining us, Mr Puccini?
No, Mr Puccini will not
be able to have lunch with us today.
Meet me at the Boboli Gardens
this evening.
No, I will not come.
I will be there. I will
wait until you come.
Now, rub your hands together
very vigorously.
That is an example of friction.
Now, put your hand on your cheek.
- How does it feel?
- It feels hot.
Why? Because friction generates heat.
Miss Seymour?
I I think I'll take a walk.
Will you and Henry be all right
for an hour or two?
Yes. Yes, of course.
- Shall we wait for you for supper?
- No, I'll eat later. I won't be long.
You study well, Henry. I won't be long.
Miss Seymour.
I was a little longer than I thought.
- Is Henry asleep?
- Yes.
Did he have a good supper?
He has a voracious appetite
for a young boy.
Yes, he does.
- Well, good night.
- Yes, it is time for bed.
Florence is a beautiful, romantic city,
isn't it?
Yes, it is.
We'll be leaving it
when Professor Jones gets back,
isn't that right?
Yes, on to Paris.
Well, I'll see you in the morning.
Yes. Good night.
Galileo believed, like Copernicus,
that the Earth
was not the center of the universe.
Where did Mother say
she was going today?
I thought she said
she was gonna come with us.
She changed her mind.
Most people at the time believed
that the sun moved around the Earth.
I'm glad Father's coming back tonight.
Well, yes. Yes, it will be
good to see him.
Mother's acting kind of strange.
She doesn't act strange
when Father's around.
There's the telescope.
Galileo constructed the first
complete astronomical telescope.
By looking through his telescope,
Galileo supported the idea
that the Earth was not the center
of the universe.
Now, have a look.
- Can you see anything?
- I'm focusing it.
I wish he had written Mother a letter.
- Are you speaking of your father?
- Mother would have liked that.
Henry, would you please concentrate
on the matter at hand
and tell me what you see
through the telescope.
I see I see a boy with a great bicycle.
I wish I had one like that.
Do the people look close or far away?
The opera glasses you used
when we saw La Bohéme are
two telescopes mounted together.
Henry, we haven't finished here yet.
I wanna go back to
the Reale's house, please.
- I'll do my studying there, please.
- Very well.
I have to go to Milan tonight.
Come with me.
Anna. Anna, I love you.
I don't want to live without you.
With you by my side, I can create again.
I will create again.
Oh, my God, what has happened?
Say yes, say you will come.
This is too fast. This is too fast.
The train leaves at midnight.
From that moment on,
we will be together forever.
I know that you love me. I know it.
Don't break my heart.
Excuse me.
- Anna.
- Excuse me.
I must retire.
Good night.
- Sleep well.
- Yes, good night.
Henry, it's time for you to go to bed, too.
I have to read my physics book.
- You can read your book tomorrow.
- I wanna read it now.
Please don't argue with me.
What did you
What did you buy
when you went shopping?
- Shopping?
- Yeah.
Didn't you
Didn't you go shopping today?
Yes, I bought a scarf.
I looked through
Galileo's telescope today.
That's nice.
Did you see Mr Puccini today?
Yes, I ran into him while I was
While I was shopping.
Now, Henry, please don't stall.
I'd like you to get ready for bed.
- What are you doing?
- I'm straightening up.
Please put this in your room.
Someone could sit on it and break it.
You probably would have liked
the science museum, Mother.
- Mother?
- Yes?
I'm sorry. What were you trying to say?
- Nothing. I'll go put my pyjamas on.
- Fine.
It's a lovely night out.
I had a splendid supper at a trattoria.
I almost sat on that this afternoon.
Henry looks more
like his father every day.
Mrs Jones, please,
may I be of any assistance?
I don't know.
I don't know anything at all right now.
I feel as if I don't even know myself.
But of course you do.
Your senses are a little clouded
at the moment, that's all.
I I don't want you to think ill of me.
Nonsense, I think very highly of you.
I truly believe
that I didn't mean to bring this on.
Signor Puccini
is a very persuasive man.
Have I been so So transparent?
He has been transparent.
-He wants me to go away with him.
Run away.
He wants me to live with him.
He wants me to take a train
with him tonight.
What was your answer?
I couldn't.
I couldn't answer him.
- I'm so I'm so confused.
- Do you love him?
- You must allow yourself time to think.
- But I can't think.
I feel as if something has a hold of me,
and it's leading me.
Is it my heart? Should I follow my heart?
Anyone can see by his operas that
Signor Puccini is a passionate man.
Let us remember,
passion burns bright when it's new.
But he says that he
He cannot create without me.
He cannot live without me.
That is a responsibility you did not seek.
He has no right to inflict that on you.
I always thought
that I was happy, content.
I love my husband.
But I am electrified when I am with him.
Signor Puccini is blessed
with artistic genius
but not perhaps with an altruistic soul.
Imagine him asking you
to make a sacrifice like this.
He's asking you to go away with him,
give up everything, your country,
your husband, whom you love,
your child.
Henry. What would happen
to my little boy?
Oh, my God.
What a horrible mess I've gotten into.
I never wanted this. I never, never
I wouldn't presume to tell you
what I would do in your situation,
but this is a momentous decision.
There could be no turning back.
You must consider your actions
and their repercussions very carefully.
- Oh, Henry.
- What a nice surprise.
Henry, I missed you.
I missed you so much.
I missed you too, my dear.
Let's always be together.
Let's always stay together.
Come on.
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