The Aristocrat's Otherworldly Adventure: Serving Gods Who Go Too Far (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

To the Royal Capital

I beat it?
It seems like a tough one.
I wonder what my level is now.
Status Open.
Enemy of All Monsters
Dragon Killer
Crap! I overdid it!
My magic is over 80 million,
and I got the aliases
"Enemy of All Monsters" and "Dragon Killer"?!
I reincarnated as a noble,
but the gods gave me level-10 protections,
so my status is off the charts.
But that's a secret to everyone!
The Aristocrat's
Otherworldly Adventure:
Serving Gods Who Go Too Far
"To the Royal Capital"
Two years later, I headed to the
royal capital to make my debut.
Apparently, it's an event all
noble sons must go through.
I also
turned ten years old.
I can't wait to live with you in the capital!
You should just take the entry exams
and start attending school.
School attendance starts at age twelve,
so he has two more years.
Sister Reine, you're looking forward
to starting school, aren't you?
I'll take the number one
ranks on the school's exam
and work hard as your big sister!
I'll be rooting for you. Father
How long will it take to get to the capital?
Oh, about a week.
Assuming no monsters get in the way, that is.
I see.
I should be on the alert for any
attacks to help out the guards.
Father, bad news! There's a battle
going on three kilometers ahead!
You can read that far ahead?
A few dozen monsters are
swarming about ten people.
We have to hurry!
Move faster!
Monsters are attacking
three kilometers ahead!
You boys go on up there!
They won't make it in time! I'll go, too!
What are you doing, Cain?! That's dangerous!
I'll be fine. You assigned
tutors for me, after all!
Wind magic: Boost!
What was that?
The wind?
A bird?
Cain! Take care, now!
Protect this carriage,
no matter what it takes!
I'll help you!
Air Cutter!
A child shouldn't be out here!
Air Bullet!
Air Cutter!
Wait, I can't. Magic would
hurt the knights, too.
And that
just leaves you!
Fire Sword!
Are you all right?
D-Don't come near this carriage!
Stay right there!
I failed to introduce myself.
I am the third son of
Margrave Garm von Silford
Cain von Silford.
Th-The margrave's son?
You can rest at ease now!
We are knights of the
Margrave of Gracia—wait
What is Master Cain doing here?
And all the monsters are dead?
What a mess
Are you all right?
The princess
Please, don't speak. I can use healing magic.
Would you allow me to heal everyone?
Are you
Healing first! Area High Heal!
What is this?!
Now, just rest, and try to eat foods
that encourage blood production.
I can't replace the blood that you've lost.
And I can't help these people.
J-Just who are—
I am Garm von Silford!
I've come to assist this carriage!
Is everyone safe?!
Wait, Cain?
I wondered why you suddenly jumped off.
What a terrible scene.
Yes, it is.
Fill me in on the situation later.
Th-That crest
It appears to be of the house
of Duke Santana! Is he safe?
This is
This is, without a doubt,
Princess Telestia and Miss Silk!
I am glad to see you're safe.
The princess and the duke's daughter?!
M-Margrave Silford
Thank you for coming to save
us when we were in danger.
And, um
Huh? Ah
The one beside me is the
third son of Garm von Silford.
I am Cain von Silford.
Princess Telestia and Miss Silk,
I'm glad you're both safe.
Forgive me for suggesting it with such haste,
but would you allow me to use
magic that will calm your mind?
What is this?
My heart feels lighter and lighter
Both the pain and the
exhaustion are disappearing!
My heart My heart
is relaxing!
Master Cain!
I'm here.
Master Cain! I am Telestia Terra Esfort.
Thank you for saving us from danger.
I thought we were done for!
I am Silk von Santana.
Allow me to thank you, as well.
I saw you through the carriage window.
You unleashed your magic with
the force of a mighty gale,
and your swordsmanship was amazing, too!
His hand is mine!
No, mine!
In that case
Well, then
I'll take
this one!
What brings you all the
way out here, Master Cain?
I-I was on my way to the royal capital.
I need to be there for my debut.
I see! We were on the way
to our debut, as well.
Please, if you don't mind, travel with us!
Yes, let's do that!
We wouldn't feel safe on our own!
Father! Fa—
It's so tight and cramped
The carriage is huge
So why do we have to sit like this?!
Um, why don't I sit in the front—
You mustn't!
I'm still scared, and I'll feel
better with you beside me.
No fair! Me, too!
Master Cain!
Please call me "Teles."
I couldn't call the princess that!
As for me
You can call me "Silk."
I couldn't call the duke's daughter
H-Huh?! But we only just met today
Teles. Understand?
Silk. Understand?
A-All right, Miss Silk and Princess Teles.
No "Princess"!
Oh, same for me.
Miss Silk
No "Miss"!
Forgive me for interrupting!
We are approaching the town of Renoma.
Please prepare to disembark.
D-Did you see all of that?!
What a disaster.
Let's take some time to rest when we arrive.
You'll take a break with us,
won't you, Master Cain?
W-Well, I'll see you two
again in the morning
Why tomorrow? I want to
be together tonight, too.
I'm scared, so I want you
with me the whole time.
I want to spend the night
with Master Cain, too!
I really don't think that's—
Even if you're only ten, having girls
and boys share a room is a bit
But the sight of the horrific things that
happened today won't leave my mind!
What would we do if monsters
attacked us during the night?
We're inside the town, though—
You can't rule out a dragon attack!
If that is your concern, a maid can—
I want Master Cain to protect me!
That's right! Master Cain
is the strongest one here, isn't he?
Well, yes, that is true, but
So it's settled!
Master Cain, do you not want to?
You want to, don't you, Master Cain?
A-All right!
As long as the room we stay in is very big!
Yay! We're staying with Master Cain!
A-Act with prudence.
Remember, you're only ten years old.
Master Cain!
Master Cain, would it be all
right if I slept next to you?
I want to sleep beside Master Cain, too!
In that case, Master Cain
will have to be in the middle.
Oh, I know!
I'm going to move my bed closer.
No fair!
Maybe I'll move mine closer, too!
We're basically
sleeping side-by-side
like a tight-knit family!
Master Cain!
Master Cain!
W-Wait just a moment!
Can't we put the beds back where they were?
But the night is scary.
When I think of what might
happen if monsters attack
I only wanted to be at least
a little bit closer to you.
Are you unable to sleep with the
two of us this close to you?
N-No, that's not the problem
Then, let us sleep right up against you.
Can't you sleep with the two of us here?
A-All right! Let's all sleep together!
B-But if we're like this
I really will be too anxious to sleep!
Master Cain, did you sleep well?
Did you sleep well?
There was no way I'd get any
sleep in that situation,
so I spent the next several
days without any sleep.
But then our group continued
moving for a few more days,
and finally, we arrived at the royal capital.
So this is the royal palace!
Thank you.
Your Highness, I'm relieved to see you safe.
Why are you holding his arm?
It's not what it looks like!
They said they were scared, so I
That's right! Master Cain kept me safe!
Master Cain is the strongest there is!
I see. So you are Cain, then?
I see. So it's you.
I am the vice captain of the
Royal Chivalric Order, Daim von Gazard.
The knights have already
explained everything to me.
I thank you for protecting
Her Highness and Miss Silk.
You also brought my fallen comrades home.
I thank you on behalf of their families.
Thank you. I'll take them from here.
Normally, we'd bring home their belongings
and either bury or burn their
bodies where they fell.
But thanks to you, we can
return them to their families.
Sir Daim,
these knights fought bravely against
fifty orcs to protect the two young ladies.
Please be sure to—
I'll tell their fellow knights, as well
as the families who await their return.
Our fallen knights' deaths were
not in vain, thanks to you.
Well, I should go now
Wait a moment. You will have
an audience with the king.
What?! An audience with the king as
soon as I arrive in the capital?!
What's this all about?!
Raise your head.
Yes, Sire.
On their journey here,
Princess Telestia and Miss Silk von Santana
were attacked by a band of over fifty orcs.
It was an organized orc army, no less,
including the top-ranked orc general.
And then this young man, Cain von Silford,
eliminated all of the orcs single-handedly.
After the battle, he healed our
injured knights with healing magic,
and he even brought our proud fallen
knights here to the royal capital.
What? That little boy?
All by himself?
We shall therefore reward him. Your Majesty.
You have done outstanding work.
Had you not been there, neither Telestia
nor Miss Silk would have survived.
I hereby proclaim Cain von Silford
a baron!
Huh? A baron?
I also grant you ten platinum coins
and a mansion of your own.
Impossible! A ten-year-old
can't be granted peerage!
And he's even getting a mansion?!
W-Wait just a minute!
Granting a ten-year-old
peerage is unthinkable!
He's still just a child!
And platinum coins, too?!
They're right! I'm against this, too!
I can't suddenly be a baron!
Quiet, Corgino!
Could you have eliminated all those orcs
on your own like Cain did, then?!
Listen to me, Corgino.
Yes, Sire.
What good would it do to keep such a
talented young man in a powerless position?
My decision will not be changed! Stand down!
Very well.
Cain von Silford.
You will accept, won't you? Well?
Yes, sire.
I don't have a choice at this point, do I?
I accept with gratitude.
Good. Our audience is hereby ended.
But you will not be leaving just yet.
Come to the parlor next.
I never expected you to be granted a peerage.
I thought you were my third son,
but you were the first to be promoted.
This isn't a situation where I can just say,
"Thanks for being there
earlier," and wave back!
Thank you for waiting.
This is not a formal audience. You may sit.
Cain, I would first like to thank you.
Thank you so much.
Your Majesty?!
Telestia has told me everything.
Allow me to thank you, as well.
I am Silk's father,
Eric von Santana Maalbeek.
I truly thank you for what you've done.
P-Please, everyone, raise your heads!
I only jumped in to help when
I found people being attacked!
But I do need to express my gratitude
not as a king, but as a father.
Thank you, Cain.
Now, let us talk about your future.
I had thought that the only minors
who could receive a peerage were
those who had lost their parents.
He excels in both magic and the sword,
and he has the protections of the gods.
This kingdom is not so soft as to leave
such a talented child to his own devices.
That is why I made him a baron.
You will receive pay according
to the official regulations.
Your mansion must be maintained, after all.
If you have any questions
about nobility, ask Garm.
Thank you very much.
There is something more
important we must discuss.
Would you take the hand of my Telestia
and my Silk?
Oh, my!
Of course, you won't be formally
married until you reach adulthood,
but you can be engaged to them for now.
E-Engaged?! But why?!
I'm sure you have some idea why, Cain.
Don't tell us you don't remember.
After all
You linked arms with them in the carriage
and also slept with two unmarried ladies!
And now that that's happened
no one else will take them as brides.
I didn't do that because I wanted to
Are you unsatisfied with my daughter?!
Th-That's not what I meant!
Let's Go Back in Time
Magna, what do you think
I should do about this Cain boy?
Well, how about granting him a peerage
and making him stand on his own?
Giving him a mansion and having him
live in it will show us who he truly is.
Teles, Miss Silk, I've heard you are both
smitten with this young man who saved you.
Oh, my!
What if, for example, I said I wanted
one of you to be his fiancée?
I want to be his fiancée!
Is this Cain truly that remarkable?
All right, I've decided.
I will keep this Cain boy
here in this kingdom!
Back to the Present
You will take her, yes?
I need you to assume responsibility, Cain.
Uh This is all moving much too quickly!
But this is one of those things where
there's no way I can say no, right?
What should I do?
Master Cain!
Very well.
I accept the engagement.
We have his word. Is this acceptable?
I'll never forget the nights the
three of us slept so close together.
I can't get those nights
out of my mind, either!
"Those nights"?!
"The nights the three of us
slept so close together"?!
It was just the positions of the beds!
The positions of the beds?!
I'm gonna get yelled at again!
Cain! Show some discretion!
I'm sorry!
What's this about being
engaged to two pretty girls?!
The king summoned me after that and
asked, "Is your son a philanderer?"
I'm sorry! I won't philander again!
Teles here!
Silk here!
"Debut in the Royal Capital"
Next time, "Debut in the Royal Capital."
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