The Assassins (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

The Nizari Da'wah

The Fatimids were consumed by famine
What led them to this?
Are people that hungry!
The people are struggling,
they got used to hunger
when things get worse,
they will eat anything.
Amidst the poverty and disease
and hunger, Al-Sabbah started his dawah
Every star in the sky has a meaning, and
every good vision has an interpretation
-Dawah to the unknown.
-and ask the stranger, he will answer.
for the sake of unknown
Dawah of loyalty to an absent Imam
for a goal that no one knows
It's okay to stay because you're
from the same school of thought
but as for meeting our lord the Imam
-It's refused.
-Al-Sabbah sought
to meet with the Fatimid
Caliph Al-Mustansir Billah
for the allegiance
Hassan faced a major hurdle in his dawah
It's the powerful minister,
Badr El-Deen Al-Jamali
Who saved Cairo from the famine
Hassan didn't matter to
Badr El-Deen Al-Jamali
who mattered to him was
whoever stands between him
and the Inauguration of his
daughter's husband, Al-Musta'li
as the Caliph after Al-Mustansir’s death
Get off your horse, you jerk widower.
While Hassan was starting his
journey filled with fear and danger
Will you speak or shall
we assume you're a liar
and leave?
or you would lie
and I behead you?
To whom is the Caliphate?
A question that troubles my lady's mind.
May life and destiny be
prolonged with my lady
but she's afraid to become
a silent mother after all these years
after the Caliph's death
and the minister manipulates the Caliphate
Omar Khayyam
investigating and exploring
the meaning of life
Who is more beautiful?
You or your voice?
The minister Nizam Al-Mulk
is working to install the
new sultan on his throne.
"Episode Three"
"Al-Dawah al-Nizariyyah"
What would you say after God granted me
victory and you became at my mercy?
What punishment would you choose, uncle?
I was deceived
your cousins deceived me
and made me turn against you
they abandoned me after all of
them declared their loyalty to me
after my defeat
they showed they were all on your side.
What's your proof?
Between my belly button and belt
there is a message
it contains all their names
and the evidence of their betrayal.
Open it, Nizam Al-Mulk
and say the names of the traitors.
My lord
I think you should be patient
you should first summon
them and then decide.
"Capital of the Fatimid state"
My lord!
"Al-Mustansir Billah"
"The Fatimid Caliph"
Did you really healed my mother?
For sure, my lord, has
seen her with his own eyes.
-Where are you from?
-From the land of Persia
from the land of Rey.
You traveled all this distance
to see me?
Everything is worth it for
the sake of seeing the Imam.
Whoever sees you, feels as
if they've entered heaven, my lord.
Do you have a specific request?
Pledging to my lord.
That's my request and my life's dream.
A pledge to serve him and his cause
and I pledge to the Imam after him
with my body, spirit, and self
exoteric and esoteric.
-Your pledge is accepted…
-Hassan Al-Sabbah, my lord.
May I ask you a question, my lord?
Who is the Caliph after my lord?
My son Nizar.
Thanks be to God.
So, Hassan
how is our dawah doing in your homeland?
The dawah is very widespread in villages,
in the suburbs and everywhere.
It's true that whoever get
caught from us gets tortured
but fidelity in hearts is limitless.
I heard that the Seljuks
have reached the borders of China
They defeated the Crusaders
in the Battle of Manzikert.
Even if they ruled
the whole world, my lord
their dawah is void
and their school of thought is corrupted.
All their victories
are worth nothing.
My lord, Minister Badr El-Deen Al-Jamali
This is Hassan Al-Sabbah, Badr.
Our preacher in the lands of Persia
receive and treat him hospitably
he is under my protection
and my satisfaction
he is a man of extraordinary acts
my mother was healed at his hands.
As you command, my lord.
Are you the Sultan's jester?
But this is a demeaning job.
No, it's not demeaning
I'm sitting here because
I am the Sultan's jester
Do you know if I was
the Sultan's sorrow-maker
where would I be?
-Nowhere, I would disappear
those who sadden the Sultan disappear.
I am not comfortable.
It's normal.
Do you think this food could be poisoned?
I don't think so.
The Sultan will kill us for sure,
but not in such a lowly manner.
Then how would they kill us?
Does it matter to you?
Don't be afraid
he knows our troops are outside
I don't think he's that foolish.
The Sultan Malik-Shah's toast.
-The Sultan's toast.
-The Sultan's toast.
All of you are part
of the sultan's household
but my uncle says some
of you were conspiring with him
then you abandoned him
and declared their loyalty to me
-It didn’t happen!
-That's a lie!
-It didn't happen.
-None of us is a traitor.
-No no no.
Don't believe him.
-It didn't happen.
None of us is a traitor.
This letter in my hand
has the traitors' names
as soon as it is opened
their names will all be revealed
and their fate
will be death!
my Lord, the Sultan, ordered
that the letter must not be opened
and the traitors' names
remain a secret
so that each of them
lives the rest of his
life knowing his truth
-Long live the Sultan, Malik-Shah!
-Long live the Sultan, Malik-Shah!
-Long live the Sultan, Malik-Shah!
-Long live the Sultan, Malik-Shah!
-Long live the Sultan, Malik-Shah!
-Long live the Sultan, Malik-Shah!
Like that, my Lord
you will guarantee their loyalty
until the last day of their lives
of course, they now think
I am whispering their names
and they are dying to know
Long live our lord, the Sultan!
and you, uncle
You are the only one who
fought and faced me openly
for that, your fate will be in my hands
in honor to you.
Long live our lord, the Sultan!
For the greatness of the Sultanate
and consolidating the rule
of my Lord, the Sultan
a purge is necessary
a purge
to consolidate our Lord's rule
and reassure the common people
and warn people of influence
against overstepping.
No Sultan's rule can be established
without blood.
-Long live the Sultan, Malik-Shah!
-Long live the Sultan, Malik-Shah!
-Long live the Sultan, Malik-Shah!
-Long live the Sultan, Malik-Shah!
-Long live the Sultan, Malik-Shah!
-Long live the Sultan, Malik-Shah!
Should I seek?
Should I start seeking?
Isn't that enough for play, Hussein?
Hady is also playing.
Yeah, but you're the elder.
Good boy, now do as I told you.
Letters and numbers!
Yes, the letters and numbers.
-What's wrong?
-How can you ask!
Isn't it apparent on my face?
Am I a man like you who can read faces?
I can tell your state with
just a glance at your back
Something is happening.
‫Nizar is in Alexandria
and Badr Al-Jamali has
been in the palace for two days
something is brewing.
‫People of guarded Egypt
this is a sad day
‫our lord, the great Caliph has passed away
the Imam of the Muslims
and the ‫proof of the Lord of all worlds
‫People of guarded Egypt
this is a sad day
‫our lord, the great Caliph has passed away
the Imam of the Muslims
and the ‫proof of the Lord of all worlds
‫People of guarded Egypt
this is a sad day
‫That's why Badr El-Deen Al-Jamali
sent me to Alexandria.
‫The soldiers need
‫enthusiasm to prevent sedition
the number of Badr El-Deen Al-Jamali's
soldiers is considerable.
How could you risk sending messages?
Assume what you're saying didn't happen?
Assume the message fell into
Badr Al-Jamali's hands?
-Assume, Hassan…
-If I kept assuming all these things
‫I wouldn't be able to think
‫I'm only assuming one thing
and trying to achieve it
as quickly as possible.
How do you know that the Caliphate
will go to the younger son, Hassan?
Not to his son Nizar, who is the elder?
and he told you personally
that he's the upcoming Caliph?
I meet Badr El-Deen Al-Jamali
a powerful and very stubborn minister
I'm our lord, the Caliph
Al-Mustansir Billah's custodian
a servant of his blessings
and the keeper of his secrets.
He doesn't like Nizar
Certainly, he didn't made Al-Musta'li
his daughter's husband to protect her
To avoid any injustice
or murmuring
or so that suspicions do not arise
our lord's will blocks all paths to evil
everyone knows that
our lord's will is decisive.
Badr Al-Jamali wants to
takes full control of Cairo
through Al-Musta'li.
What's the difference?
Even if that happens?
Both of them are descendants
of our lord, Al-Mustansir
both are his sons and keep his secret.
My will is that whoever sits on
the throne of the Caliphate after me
-My son, Al-Musta'li Billah.
-No no no!
What you're saying is a huge mistake
the secret is always
kept with only one person
even if they're twenty brothers
and as stated by our lord
he said that the secret
lies with Imam Nizar.
They have taken from
us the right of Imamat
and God doesn't approve of injustice.
Although he is the youngest in age
he is the wisest in mind.
Whoever is with us is with the truth
and whoever stands with the truth,
lives with his head held high
He is most eligible to rule the Muslims
with the sword of justice
and his eminence.
The injustice of Imam Nizar
it's the door that God
opened for Hassan Al-Sabbah.
-This is a forged will.
-The Caliph is our lord, Nizar.
Return to your places, gentlemen.
It's Hassan who stood by
the absent and oppressed Imam.
He won't pledge allegiance to a traitor
and a traitor of the covenant.
his head should be cut off.
The story starts all over again
a new absent Imam
a new oppressed one stirs
the emotions of the whole world
a new covenant
a new dawah
Al-Dawah al-Nizariyyah
and there's only one person
links them with the absent Imam
only one.
Who's your Imam?
Imam Nizar, peace be upon him
as I heard from my lord, Al-Mustansir,
may God have mercy on him.
Your Imam has been killed.
Who's your Imam?
You have one chance
before your head is cut off
to say only one word
my Imam is Al-Musta'li Billah
peace be upon him.
My Imam is Nizar, peace be upon him
even if he is killed
the absent Imam will return
You've chosen.
Not yet.
Killing the Imam and me don't mean that
the dawah for Imam Nizar has been silenced
there are 300 Advocate for the truth
who trust me more than themselves
my messages have reached them already
the oppression of our Master Hussein
will be renewed in the Persian lands
and our Master Nizar.
bargain for your life
send messages of trajectory
correction and repentance.
And be a disbeliever and traitor?
Oh man!
A living disbeliever and traitor
or a dead believer?
What does it ensure for me?
A ship to take you to Morocco
and there, you disappear forever.
It's quite possible, to get
killed after I send the messages
Betrayal of covenant
and will is your nature.
The pigeon flies with the movement
of the ship that will take you away
Get home safely!
You didn't stay long with us!
This is more than the accommodation fee.
A favor worth more than gold to me.
What's favor?
The ship will leave from Alexandria
and the pigeons will fly away from
here with messages for my followers
What's required?
Not a single pigeon of them
should reach its destination
Okay, I understand.
"A city in Egypt"
Release the pigeons.
Someone save us,
we're going to die!
We're going to die drowning!
Hassan! My children, oh God!
Trim the sail!
Throw it in the water!
Hassan, Hassan I'm
scared, I'm scared!
Don't be afraid!
This is a message.
Oh God, I'm scared!
How can you be so calm and assured,
we're dying, we're drowning!
There's no death, nor drowning!
Everything will be fine.
Oh God!
Oh God, my children, oh God!
Imam Nizar, peace be upon him, informed me
that the storm will subside
and the ship will survive
you still have more to life.
If you want the blessing of our lord
change the ship's direction to Acre.
God is great!
I am now one of your followers
change the ship's direction to Acre.
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