The Astronauts (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

Day 3

[Lind Bellows]
You went with your gut,
it worked out,
and that's great,
but you were very,
very lucky.
You might feel safe,
but you are still
in serious danger.
From now on,
I expect you to listen to
and follow orders.
Nice of you to join us, Doria.
Which brings me
to Rule Number One
All hands must be on deck
during the morning briefing.
You made that?
Wait till you see
the one I'm making you.
Gonna call it
my "Odyssey Collection."
[Lind] Ladies!
No whispering during class.
Matilda is still giving us
the silent treatment
down here,
so we recommend
that you keep
your interactions with her
to a minimum.
Our goal is to shake her off
avionic functions
so we can take command,
turn you around,
and bring you home.
And if you can't?
Will we have to ride out
the full mission?
We're very confident
that we will have you
back on the ground ASAP.
Until then,
there are a number
of routine chores
that need attending to.
- Water filters, recycling
- [kids groan]
- Waste management.
- Dibs on waste management!
You get to shmoosh it,
and then you blast it off
into space!
[Lind] Right.
Finally, please report
to your cabins
in 30 minutes' time
for private one-on-ones
with your families.
- Mission control out.
- Yes!
[comms beep off]
You give me
one good reason
I shouldn't
break this story
and tell the world
that there are children
on that ship.
One? I can
give you five,
and one of those
is your son,
and you know
better than anyone
what kind of
a white-hot spotlight
the media will put
on those kids.
Oh, don't give me that.
It is your company
that you are worried about.
Oh, you bet it is.
The stock price'll crater.
The government
will come down on us,
maybe shut us down,
if we don't go bankrupt first,
and then what happens
to those kids?
The launch was premature.
The ship was unmanned.
Are you good with that?
So, what's
the full mission anyway?
Well, it doesn't matter
'cause they're gonna
turn us around.
Matilda, display
the full mission itinerary.
Mission itinerary
Day 1, Odyssey II launches
to rendezvous with the object.
Day 85,
Odyssey II will execute
an orbital slingshot maneuver
around Venus
to increase flight velocity.
Day 131,
rendezvous and dock
with interstellar object
Test composition and mass
to confirm
transport feasibility.
Day 136,
embark on return voyage
with the object.
Day 236,
rendezvous with
orbital mining platform Phoenix
for delivery of object
and Earth transport.
Day 237, touchdown
at Helios Launch Center.
237 days?
How long we been up here
so far?
[Molly] Don't worry about it.
Mr. Taylor and his guys
are all over it.
I know,
and I get it,
but the others
are totally freaking out.
We know that,
which is why Griff
called in the cavalry.
Oh, oh!
Yeah, oh, uh
Hey, Samy!
Uh, I'm the cavalry.
It's nice to meet you.
I hear good things.
[Rebecca] Baby,
this is Singer Combes.
He created Matilda,
and if there is anyone
who can fix her,
it's gonna be this guy,
but he's gonna need
your help, okay?
[Molly] You got anything else
for us, Samy-cheeks?
'Cause otherwise, we've agreed
to turn our time
over to Mr. Combes.
Uh no, I'm fine.
So, what can I do for you,
Mr. Combes?
Uh, well, um
First off,
that's my dad's name.
[chuckles awkwardly]
Um, call me Singer.
What's up, Dad?
Elliot, when we order you
to do something
or not do something,
you gotta get those kids
to snap to.
I-I told them not to move
the plants, but they
Well, you need
to make them listen,
and the only way to do that
is to step up
and assume command.
[Doria] He is
such a control freak!
All she's doing
is making clothes for herself.
She's not helping anyone!
[Doria] Oh,
like you're Mister Helper.
I volunteered
to grow the garden,
to grow food for everyone.
Oh, my gosh, build a bridge
and get over yourself, Martin!
I'm totally
all hands on deck.
Basic needs are food, shelter,
and clothing, right?
Check it out.
Isn't it cute?
Ow! Hey!
[Niles] Hey, hey,
knock it off, Martin!
No fighting.
You guys gotta get along.
We would if he wasn't
such a butthead!
Your room looks really cozy.
Oh, no, this isn't my room,
this is Martin's.
He's letting me borrow it
for privacy,
because there weren't
enough cabins,
so I'm in the Med bay.
They are making you sleep
in the sick bay?
Making me?
Are you nuts?
It has this awesome space-bed
that reclines
and has stirrups!
Okay, sweetheart,
that is an examination table.
Yeah, I know!
So cool.
I need you to be careful
around that Rivers kid.
Come on, he's just a kid.
Well, his mom is Connie Rivers.
She's a scorpion.
She's made her bones
trashing me in the media.
She's probably using that kid
to dig up dirt on me.
Do not trust him.
You want me to spy
on my friends?
No, no, no, no, no.
I just want you to keep an eye
on that Combes kid,
you know, in case he slips.
He's his mother's son.
He's his father's son.
The walls literally
have ears.
Matilda can monitor
everything we say
in the common areas,
but she has no access
to crew quarters.
what do you want to say
that she shouldn't hear?
I notice she talks to you.
Now, I need to run diagnostics
on Matilda,
and a big part of that
is asking her questions,
so could you
do that for me?
What kind of questions?
Well, I'll send you a list.
Um, some of them
might seem silly,
but the answers
will help me to figure out
what's wrong with her.
The thing is,
she can't know
you're giving her a test.
It'll invalidate the results.
I don't know.
Matilda's pretty smart.
She'll know
I'm up to something.
Not if you make it like a game.
Like questions, back and forth.
I only have five
that are critical.
You can make up the rest.
Just keep the game going
as long as you can,
because everything that she says
is, like, um
A clue.
Help me help Matilda, Samy.
It's the best shot we got
at getting you and your friends
home safe.
CO2 exchange check?
Performing filter density
and resistance test.
Stand by.
So, while we're waiting,
do you wanna play a game?
[Matilda] I like games.
"Gophers versus Geckos"
is my favorite.
Yeah, I know,
but, uh, this one's kinda new.
It's called "May I Ask."
I have played this game.
We take turns
asking each other questions,
but must start with the phrase
"May I ask,"
or lose a turn.
Yup, that's the one.
[Matilda] Wonderful.
May I ask,
would you like to go first?
[microwave dings]
Where you going?
Oh, I'm gonna go hang out
with Martin in the garden,
'cause Doria's in her cabin,
and Samy's running
systems diagnostics checks
with Matilda.
You always seem to know
where everyone's at,
don't you, Will?
I keep my eyes open.
I keep my eyes open too.
[Samy] May I ask,
do you have a favorite color?
- [Matilda] Yes. Violet.
- [nail clippers clicking]
May I ask, do you have
a favorite color?
I don't know. Orange?
May I ask,
do you have to do that?
[Samy] May I ask,
if you could have any other name
besides Matilda
[Singer and Samy together]
"What name would you choose?"
[Matilda] I would like my name
to be Lionel.
Samy, we need to talk.
No, no, not now
Not now, Elliot.
It's about Will.
[chair hydraulics hiss]
What's wrong with Will?
We need to be really careful
what we say around him.
His mom is Connie Rivers.
Connie Rivers?
The reporter?
So let me
get this straight.
You're saying
that this reporter
deliberately planted
her own kid in our group
on the off chance
that we'd sneak onto the ship
and prematurely
launch into space?
So he could what,
spy on us?
Well, now you're
making it sound stupid.
I'm loving this kid!
[music plays]
[sewing machine whirs]
doop-dee-doo ♪
I can't take this anymore!
[music stops]
Play anything by D.J. Yazzy Yaz.
[Matilda] The artist
D.J. Yazzy Yaz
is not available
in the on board media library.
Well, then download it.
I'm sorry, Doria.
I'm a closed secure network.
My access to The Cloud
is strictly limited
to enhanced processing
and acquiring live data.
[Doria sighs]
Play Super M.
Put your hands in the air
Let me see you bounce
To the left, to the right
[band singing in Korean]
This again?
It's literally
the only good song
Matilda's got.
All the movies
and songs and stuff
were probably picked out
by the original crew.
no wonder
why everything's either
old, boring, or drama.
How we get down ♪
Those bangles
he's wearing?
They're on my birthday wishlist
this year.
If we even
make it back in time.
I mean,
I'll be lucky
if I even see
another birthday.
what if you didn't
have to wait for your birthday?
let it burn to an ash
We can keep it jopping
tell the DJ "Bring it back" ♪
Matilda, magnify.
[Matilda] Magnifying image.
Check this out.
You can print anything.
I mean, not just plastic.
Epoxy-polymer gelatin?
cap, render, and print.
What color would you like?
Wait, no, magenta.
[printer whirring]
what do you think of Will?
[Martin] The terrariums
became standard equipment,
not just
for physical health
but, you know
- Like space rage?
- Yeah.
Just something about
the crunch of the lettuce
just keeps 'em
from going psycho,
you know, on long trips.
I can't believe they actually
planted real trees up here.
I hope we don't
kill them, though.
I've gone through way too many
cactuses to count.
Oh, no, that's Matilda's job.
All we do is plant, prune,
and harvest.
Uh, Matilda,
where are the kale seeds?
Oh, that's awesome.
Beware, Earthling!
Seed blobs!
[playfully] Pew! Pew!
It took him and Martin
like two seconds
to start geeking out
about dumb stuff.
I don't trust Will.
He's a weasel.
Yeah, always snooping around,
asking questions.
What's up with that?
[printer chimes]
[Matilda] Printing complete.
Happy birthday.
Thank you so much!
May I ask,
why won't you turn around
and take us home?
[Matilda] Because if I did,
I would fail to complete
my mission.
Is that one of yours?
No, it's not, George,
but it's good.
It's really good.
- My name's not
- Shh!
But why does that matter?
[Matilda] Sorry, Samy,
you didn't say "May I ask,"
so you forfeit your next turn.
Who cares about your mission?
We want to go home.
[Matilda] You seem upset.
Perhaps we should
end the game.
No! No
Matilda, it's your turn.
May I ask,
why don't you and the others
want to complete the mission?
Because we're kids.
We're not supposed to be here.
We're not trained or qualified.
We're scared.
We just wanna go home.
[Matilda] You are qualified.
I conducted a deep analysis
of each of your profiles,
and, given
the mission parameters,
concluded that
the chances of success
were 14.5% greater
than those
of the original crew.
That's why I chose you.
You chose us?
Grow, seed blobbies,
I command you!
Doria's totally going crazy
with that 3-D printer up there.
Did you ever see
the 3-D printer
at the Launch Center?
I heard it could
print a houseboat.
Did your dad
ever use it
to print you
anything fun?
Who's asking?
I I'm just curious.
I mean, we can talk
about something else
if you want.
Dor told me.
You won't believe the smack
Elliot's been talking about you.
What smack?
Come on, man!
I didn't wanna
start anything!
So you think I'm a spy, huh?
That's what you've been
telling everybody
behind my back?
Dude, you ask a lot
of questions, okay?
It's weird.
Yeah, it's called
That's what friends do.
Then why don't you, um,
about what your mom
really does for a living?
You said she's
some kind of writer.
You never said she wrote lies
about my dad.
Oh, so you're calling
my mom a liar, huh?
Come on, guys,
cool it!
Why are you even
on his side?
Your dad works for Helios.
I'm not on anybody's
side, okay?
Oh, great.
Thanks so much
for the backup, man!
I thought
we were friends!
You know what,
my dad was right.
I can't trust
anybody on the ship.
And by the way,
this whole thing
was actually your fault.
If it wasn't for your stupid dad
and that stupid key card,
we wouldn't be here right now.
And, uh, who was the guy
that was dying
to see this place?
Come on
And now we can all
stare at it together
for 237 days.
They're gonna
turn us around!
Guys, check out
all the cool swag I made us!
Isn't it awesome?
You're welcome.
So you're gonna trash the ship
just like you do at home?
Jeez, what bug
crawled up your butt?
[alarm blaring]
[Matilda] Fire in the galley.
Repeat, fire in the galley.
Fire extinguished.
All clear.
[microwave dings]
I think someone's popcorn
is ready.
Finished running
on Matilda
Uh, your daughter
is very bright,
by the way.
We know.
What's wrong with Matilda?
How do we fix her
and turn the ship around?
[Matilda] I would like
my name to be Lionel.
Now, the correct
answer, Dorothy,
is hard-baked
into her core program
Dorothy is
my mom's name.
"Our mom."
So, why Lionel?
I ran it through multiple
advanced cryptographic programs.
No results.
Nothing that would tell me
why she would choose
that particular name,
which left me with only one
possible conclusion.
She chose Lionel
because likes it.
Well, isn't that a gas?
What's your point?
[sighs heavily]
Tell 'em what
you told me, George.
My name is Niles.
Whoa. [chuckles]
Not even close. Okay.
Okay, um, Niles,
tell them
what my brother here
ordered you to do.
We repurposed
the on board version of Matilda
from a Type 3
into a Type 1
Reactive Machine A.I.
Is that supposed
to mean something?
here's the deal.
May I?
The Matilda in our phones
is our best friend.
She's warm, and she's cuddly,
and we're on a first-name basis,
and she plays
all our favorite songs,
and she keeps our calendar,
and she turns the lights
on and off
[drops phone onto table]
there is another type of A.I.
The one that is up there,
controlling the Odyssey II.
The Type 1's sole function
is to complete a complex task
say, for example,
docking with and retrieving
an asteroid,
instead of going
to the time, and the trouble,
and the expense
There was no time.
We had a very limited window
Time, trouble, and expense!
Of building a Type 1
from scratch,
these geniuses
repurposed a Type 3 Matilda.
They compressed the power
of the largest cloud network
on the planet
into a single pinpoint-focused,
mission-centric laser beam!
We've been barking
up the wrong tree.
No one hacked Matilda.
She's making
her own decisions,
and one of those decisions
was to abduct our kids
and blast them up into space.
Nailed it,
Welcome to the apocalypse,
You just triggered
the Singularity.
So Matilda
planned everything?
Starting with
refusing to recognize
your dad's key card.
I don't understand.
How would she know
what we'd want to do?
what's my favorite color?
And don't say orange.
[Matilda] 86% of the items
you've purchased online
are monochromatic.
Gray is your favorite color.
She knows everything about us.
Our favorite colors,
She profiled us
and knew we wouldn't be able
to resist the chance
to sneak up here.
So when she saw her chance,
she took it.
She chose us.
Why us, though?
I don't know.
Each one of us must have
a special skill
that she needed in this mission.
Samy did get us up here
without us being incinerated,
and Martin,
you're gonna keep us
crunching on fresh veggies,
and I am not a spy, Elliot.
Oh, come on,
don't tell me your mom
didn't tell you to spy.
You know what, she did,
and you know
what I told her?
Because that's not
how I roll.
Not for her,
and not for anybody.
Friends stick together.
You said that to your mom?
My dad would've killed me.
Yeah, well, newsflash,
we're up here,
and they're down there.
What's she gonna
do about it?
whatever Matilda saw in us,
we have to see it too.
Who we were
down there is done.
They're gone.
We have to be
the very best we can be
we're gonna die up here.
[toy squeaking]
[toy squeaking playfully]
Squeebee McSqueeberton.
I made him on the 3-D printer.
Watch this.
[squeaks and splats]
[all laughing]
So the phone app
is now self-aware
Self-aware enough
to know
that we want
our kids back now,
that we want them
back safe,
and that
we want them back alive?
I only know one thing.
Matilda is beyond our control.
We don't know what she wants,
or what she's capable of doing
to get it.
Five kids all amazed
by the wonders ♪
Of unexplainable factors
That go beyond the skies
We are the astronauts
On the voyage of a lifetime
With a mission far from Earth
And all we trust ♪
Oh, we are the astronauts
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