The Atypical Family (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

- Yes, we're heading to the entrance!
- Attention, valued customers.
We have confirmed
that the alarm from earlier
was due to a malfunction.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Is my power back?
I held
her hand?
I can touch someone in my past?
Can I reach Se-yeon too?
Why can't I go back?
I did earlier.
Come on.
Take a deep breath.
Center yourself.
Now, focus.
The sunshine.
The wind.
The beach.
I'm back. It worked.
Do Da-hae?
Does this mean I was happy at that moment?
Go back to another moment.
To a time without Do Da-hae.
Think about her.
I-na. Stand still.
Move your hands.
Did I just smile at Do Da-hae?
Did I really do that?
I actually smiled?
What the hell?
Something's seriously wrong.
Why can I only go back
to moments with her?
Do Da-hae.
Who the hell are you?
- Ms. Do Da-hae?
- Yes.
She's with a client at the moment.
May I ask what this is about?
I have to ask her something.
Mr. Bok.
We need to talk.
Now? But I'm working right
- Who are you?
- What?
Why are you the only one in color?
- Excuse me?
- Everything else is gray,
but you glow with vivid colors.
And I see you every time I open my eyes.
Why you?
Why can I touch you,
and why do I keep going back to you?
Are you
asking me out?
What a weird way to confess your feelings.
Hold on.
You're the one who should confess.
Something's fishy about you.
Just be honest with me.
About what?
Do you have powers like we do?
Is it hypnosis?
What on earth did you plant in my head?
Is this how you manipulated my mother?
You're out of line, Mr. Bok.
Tell me what you did!
What the hell did you do to me?
I never
I can answer that.
I'll tell you what's going on.
Ms. Do didn't plant anything in your head
but love.
Love, my foot.
Just move in with us.
You can quit your job
at the spa as of today.
Ms. Bok.
Let's keep her close.
- As I-na's tutor.
- What?
Let her help I-na
with her school assignments
and keep her fed.
She can't skip breakfast all the time
and fill up on instant noodles
late at night.
Gwi-ju is a good kid.
He just doesn't seem that way
because of the pain in his heart.
I thought you could really get to know him
if you lived together.
Why are you so obsessed with Do Da-hae?
She can help us recover what we've lost.
You must be experiencing some changes too.
Have you noticed anything yet?
No signs at all?
I said no.
Mr. Bok seemed a bit confused.
Just do as I say.
He's not in the right mind
to make sensible decisions.
Sunday at 1 p.m.
The fountain outside the mall you met her.
Why would I meet her?
Aren't you curious?
About why Do Da-hae was
wearing the family ring in my dream?
I'm sure she's the reason
my power is back.
Should I keep an eye on her?
It's probably not worth it.
My power is completely useless.
The moment I want to return to
is not a happy one.
The moment I want to return to
The past I want to change
Yes, of course.
Okay, bye.
I'm going to be a dad.
- What?
- Really?
- That's incredible!
- Congrats!
I'm so happy for you!
We're so happy for you.
Head over to the hospital.
My gosh.
Hey, newbie.
- I'll fill in for you. Get going.
- You're the best, sir!
Stop it.
Hold on.
Weren't you just on your way home
after your shift?
Wait until that baby's born,
and we'll see how you feel about home.
- Go on. You don't want to miss it.
- Welcome to parenthood.
Let me buy you a meal later.
Screw that.
- I want drinks.
- Drinks?
- I love you.
- Call me.
- We want beef!
- See you!
- Congratulations!
- Call us!
My goodness.
Let's finish up and stand by.
- Yes, sir!
- Yes, sir!
Another happy moment
for you to relive over and over again.
Whenever she slams the door on me
as a teenager
or whenever she leaves my side
to hang out with her boyfriend.
Guess you'll be back all the time.
- Do you see me?
- I-na.
Look, she's smiling.
- Really?
- Yes, look.
Look at her.
Rescue team, get your asses up here!
Firefighting team, get inside
and find out where the fire started!
Multiple casualties
at Seonjae Girls' High School.
We've got people to save! Get a move on!
Requesting backup.
Multiple casualties
at Seonjae Girls' High School.
We need backup.
I repeat. We need backup.
The day I became a parent,
dozens of parents lost their children.
Don't leave us, honey!
How are we supposed to live now?
You can't leave us behind.
You promised you'd
always be there for our son.
Another happy moment
for you to relive over and over again.
Whenever she slams the door on me
as a teenager
or whenever she leaves my side
to hang out with her boyfriend.
Do you see me?
Guess you'll be back all the time.
All the time.
No matter how much time passes,
I'll never let go
of the moment you came to me, I-na.
This is the happiest moment of my life.
Why is this door in color?
I-na, Daddy's here.
I can touch it.
I can hold it.
I-na, Daddy's here.
Look at me.
- I-na.
- Look, she's smiling.
- Really?
- Yes, look.
- She just smiled.
- I-na.
Are you happy to be with Daddy?
Bring the safety cushion!
Multiple casualties
at Seonjae Girls' High School.
We need backup.
I repeat. We need backup.
Senior Firefighter Jeong?
- We're ready.
- Sir!
- The fifth floor is clear.
- One, two, three.
They inhaled too much smoke.
Sir, there's someone
in the fifth-floor storage.
Fifth-floor storage?
Please help.
Don't go.
Let's go already!
- Can you walk?
- Grab your gear! Hurry!
Check the situation!
We don't have a clear view!
Get the hydraulics!
- I got it!
- On it!
The building may collapse further!
I don't think we can enter the building!
Check on the injured!
Radio the guys inside!
See if they're okay!
Hold this.
There are still kids in there!
Are you okay?
That moment is special.
I opened a door.
You said you couldn't do anything else.
Maybe I haven't tried everything.
There must be another door I can open.
I might be able to do something.
At least around the time
our daughter was born.
Let's go already!
Let's go already!
Let's go already!
Grab your gear! Hurry!
There must be something I can do.
There must be something I can touch.
But in the end,
there was nothing I could do.
Fire reported.
Fire reported at Dongnam Market.
All units respond immediately.
Fire reported.
Fire reported at Dongnam Market.
All units respond immediately.
Fire reported.
Fire reported at Dongnam Market.
All units respond immediately.
Where's the newbie?
He was just here.
Where the hell did he go now?
Should we go without him?
- Let's go.
- Yes, sir.
Another happy moment
for you to relive over and over again.
Whenever she slams the door on me
as a teenager
or whenever she leaves my side
to hang out with her boyfriend.
I'm here again.
Get it together!
You're putting your colleagues in danger
by disappearing whenever you please!
I'm sorry, sir.
I know you're grieving over Jeong's death,
but it's time to let it go.
But that moment
won't let me go.
I try not to think about it,
but I find myself in that moment
in the blink of an eye.
I keep seeing the kids in danger
and Senior Firefighter Jeong
jumping into the fire.
I have to live through that
over and over again.
But no matter what I do,
there's absolutely nothing I can do.
I don't know why
I keep getting dragged into it.
I don't know what the hell
I'm supposed to do!
It's driving me insane.
Take some time off and see a therapist.
Either that,
or find another line of work.
I could no longer save anyone
in the past or the present.
Where did Daddy go now?
He probably went to I-na.
Is there another I-na?
Does he like her better than me?
It's not like that.
Daddy has a special power.
And he wants to use it
to help other people.
Like a superhero?
Is he saving people?
Come here.
Even after several years,
I was still stuck in this moment.
I don't think we can enter the building!
Check on the injured!
Radio the guys inside!
See if they're okay!
Where are we going, Mommy?
To the zoo.
Let's all hold hands
and have cotton candy together.
That means all three.
Don't disappear again.
It's not like I want to.
- You know that.
- It's because you just can't let go
of the people you couldn't save.
If you disappear today,
I'm leaving with I-na.
Another happy moment
for you to relive over and over again.
The best moment of my life
and the worst are one and the same.
How weird is that?
Guess you'll be back all the time.
All the time.
No matter how much time passes,
I'll never let go
There must be something
different about this moment.
Once I find the reason,
I might stop being dragged into it.
It's been seven years.
You didn't get anything done
in the past or in the present.
Is there a single happy moment
besides that one
that you can go back to?
If you're going to disappear today,
don't bother coming back.
I won't be here when you do.
- Daddy.
- I-na.
Daddy is here.
What the hell happened?
Please talk to me, Se-yeon.
Just keep pushing forward.
If he can't even remember
holding your hand,
he's not in his right mind.
Neither is Ms. Bok,
with that precognitive dream nonsense.
And thank god for that.
"The Bok family
exhibits signs of mental illnesses
that affect their judgment
and administrative capabilities,
which could pose
significant financial risks."
Do Da-hae, Bok Gwi-ju's spouse
and Bok Man-huem's daughter-in-law,
shall manage their assets
as their legal guardian."
We can't settle for
a 50-billion-won building.
Let's bleed them dry.
It won't be easy
to be appointed as the guardian.
Make sure you get enough evidence.
Do Da-hae?
Why are you here?
I tried to be brave.
Since you
let me into your heart.
- Welcome.
- How have you been?
Good. Good to see you.
Welcome, Ms. Do.
You brought flowers. Thank you.
I'm sorry.
Your son actually got me these.
I did?
He did?
He takes after me. He's a real romantic.
- Is that true?
- No.
Yes, it is.
You're finally back to your old self.
No, I'm not!
I've never gotten her flowers
or asked her to move in.
What are you talking about?
Have you been drinking?
Wash up and pull yourself together.
We need to talk.
She just won't listen.
I told her to run.
What is this about?
What the hell was that?
Why are you lying?
I gave you those flowers? When?
At the fountain.
Don't you remember?
Don't be ridiculous.
I never even went close to you that day.
As far as I remember,
we were pretty close that day.
You hugged me.
I hugged you?
After you held me so tight?
Are you denying it
like you denied holding my hand?
Are you saying you're telling the truth?
Just like last time?
What is your deal?
Why do you keep denying what you did?
What do you have to gain
by making me out to be a liar?
What the
No way.
Was it my future self again?
I thought he had made up his mind.
He's just embarrassed.
Don't let it bother you.
- Let's eat.
- Dig in.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
I whipped up what I could.
I hope you like it.
It's really good.
Say hello.
She'll be living with us from now on.
Put your phone away once in a while.
Your glasses are so thick already.
You don't want your eyesight
to get any worse.
Can't you hear me?
She can't.
You know I-na is a bit slow, don't you?
She's not exceptional in any way.
Everyone else in the Bok family
is extraordinary in some way.
She's only 13 years old.
She just needs a grown-up
who can bring out her potential.
I might have a superpower after all.
I'm invisible.
No one talks to me at school.
So you heard everything?
See you.
I-na, have some breakfast.
Being invisible isn't all that bad.
Hey, it's Jun-woo.
He's so handsome as usual.
I guess he's pretty good-looking.
I can spy on someone
without anyone finding out.
- No one even notices that I'm--
- I-na.
Why do you keep spying on people?
I saw you watching our practice.
It was you, right?
Are you interested in
joining the dance club?
The thing is,
we need more dancers for our show.
You should join us.
Hey, I'm talking to you.
Look at me.
Your eyesight must be really bad.
Such thick glasses.
- Can I try them on?
- Stop it!
Please don't touch my glasses.
- Coming through.
- Excuse me.
Move out of the way.
Please check her makeup.
Let me touch up your makeup.
Go. Stand by.
Go. Stand by.
Go. Stand by.
Are you okay?
Good work.
- I'll call you later.
- Good work.
- Great job, Dong-hee.
- You were amazing.
- See you.
- Great job.
- See you.
- Good work.
Thank you.
Ms. Bok.
Hello, sir.
Congratulations on your debut.
It was as if you were
floating on the runway.
Thank you.
Great job.
I'm Bok Dong-hee!
What the
- Who is it?
- I'm your realtor.
- I brought some potential buyers.
- What?
- Come on in.
- Wait.
Hold on a second.
She said to sell it as soon as possible.
Didn't you know?
What? That's news to me.
You should contact the owner.
Here's the living room.
The kitchen is that way.
Are you short on money, Mom?
Where's this coming from?
Please excuse us. This is a family matter.
Ms. Do is one of us now.
I'll give you some space.
You let her move in just like that?
They're going to live together?
She's here to take care of I-na.
Who cares about the reason?
This family really is doomed.
And why did you put my apartment
up for sale without telling me?
And why the hurry?
Would you rather see
the gym building get auctioned off?
What do you mean?
Are we that pressed for money?
You don't have to worry.
I started having dreams again.
Just a touch from Da-hae
is enough to put me to sleep.
Hold on.
I can hardly keep my eyes open.
Money will start pouring in soon.
Mom, what about real estate?
What happened to our properties?
Did all our stocks tank too?
Did you invest in crypto?
Go away. I'm trying to sleep.
Where am I supposed to go?
I'm about to lose my home.
Darn it.
Are you asleep?
Will I really go back in time
for Do Da-hae?
I got a voice recording that says
Ms. Bok caused
financial damage to her family.
The problem is,
the damage is more significant
than we thought.
We better look out
for the supernatural family.
So she's the one who'll change me?
I find that hard to believe right now.
Supernatural, my foot.
Let's speed things up.
Dinner's ready.
Come and eat.
- You should stay for dinner.
- I'm on a diet.
Are you heading out?
I have free time for once.
- I'm sorry.
- See you later.
You're home.
Come and have dinner.
I can't seem to get I-na to eat.
What does she like?
Are you planning
to win her over with food?
She's not interested in food.
She's not interested in people either.
So how do you think she feels
about eating with people?
Sitting around the table,
sharing food with family,
and asking about each other's day?
We're not that kind of family.
You don't know, do you?
What kind of food she likes.
Good grief.
Give them back.
You have such pretty eyes.
Why are you covering them?
Do you shoot lasers out of them?
Is that your superpower?
Give them back right now.
You're not invisible.
You just act like
everyone around you is invisible.
Wait a second.
Give me exactly 30 seconds.
And you can have these back.
Stay still.
Come on. I won't hurt you.
It's been 30 seconds.
Yes, ma'am.
You're done.
Ta-da. Have a look.
See? You're not invisible at all.
You could really stand out.
Stop covering your eyes.
The eyes are the window
to the soul.
That's exactly why I cover mine.
I don't like that.
That makes sense.
Knowing what others think
can be pretty scary.
But the more you avoid them,
the scarier it'll get.
Once you look, it's not that bad.
You might even discover something good
in people's eyes.
I knew it.
You hold the key.
You mean the key
to the 50-billion-won building?
did you just say?
Is she a psychic or something?
Hey, wait.
Are you wearing makeup?
You can't fool me. You look different.
Okay, I got it.
You got your eyebrows done.
Did you do them yourself?
They look great.
Don't be shy. Let me have a closer look.
I'd rather be invisible.
It's dangerous to stand out.
I don't have any glasses to hide behind.
She's right.
You look different.
Don't look me in the eye.
She's pretty.
You're Bok I-na, right?
I heard you joined the club.
I see why you're so touchy
about your glasses.
You seem so lost
without them.
Hey, I-na.
Does this mean you'll join our club?
You made the right choice.
Did I lose weight
because of all the stress?
I barely lost any.
You're right.
I'm surprised.
You seem awfully interested
in my body weight.
It's my job.
Hey, why don't you work out with me?
I'll give you a discount
since you're Mr. Bok's family.
Come on.
Hi, babe.
Let's have a nice dinner tonight.
- It's my cheat day.
- I have surgery.
That's too bad.
Hey, it's me.
About that lady you told me about
who has connections everywhere.
Can I meet her tonight?
I made a dinner reservation at
the French restaurant at Emporium Hotel.
Of course it's my treat.
Did you enjoy your food, ma'am?
- I did.
- I loved it, Dong-hee.
But now I feel bad.
Maybe we should visit your clinic
with a few of our golf buddies.
That would be amazing.
Please do.
Dr. Jo will make sure you can smile
without worrying about wrinkles.
Can he really do that?
- Trust me.
- Of course.
You're beautiful as you are though.
I have something on my face.
- Will you see them off for me?
- Sure.
Ma'am, I need to use the restroom.
Please excuse me.
See you at the clinic.
- See you.
- Okay, good night.
Let's go in.
Let me think for a second.
It was your idea.
What's there to think about?
I like girls who act without thinking.
Wait a minute.
What the hell?
- Why would she just leave?
- What?
I packed all your stuff.
Take it.
Are you moving back home?
Just for the time being.
I need some cash.
While we're at it,
why don't we take a break too?
To be honest,
I miss when you were lighter.
And I'm not talking about your weight.
I'm talking about your heart
and soul.
I was your fan when you were a model.
Nothing in this world
could weigh you down.
How should I put this?
That's right.
It was as if you had wings.
I think I might have done this to you,
and it pains me.
That's one way of saying
that you're bailing out
because this relationship
doesn't seem beneficial to you.
Way to beat around the bush.
Come on. That's absurd.
I just feel bad
that you're losing yourself
while trying to accommodate me.
I'm giving you a chance
to take care of yourself.
It's all for your sake.
As you said, let's take a break.
Please leave now.
I have to hurry
if I want to salvage anything
from that sinking ship.
Dinner's ready.
Dinner's ready, everyone.
What were you holding that for?
Is that a fireplace poker?
Did you make it yourself?
Are you scared of fire?
I had a bit of a
bad experience with it.
So why use the stove to cook?
No one's going to eat anyway.
Don't families usually
share a meal around a table
at least once a day?
But then again,
I haven't had a family for so long.
Should I prepare a new batch of stew?
You don't have to try so hard.
As I said,
we're not the kind of family
that sits around a table to break bread.
I asked her to make it.
I messed up the stew.
It's fine. I like these too.
Enjoy, I-na.
I gave her those flowers?
I mean,
I'm going to give her those?
They were in full bloom when I got them.
They're wilting so quickly.
That's why people
buy ones that haven't fully bloomed,
but that's like sacrificing
the present for the future.
I felt like you gifted me the present.
I liked that.
Ms. Bok only thinks
that I'm the one who saved you,
- but you saved me too.
- Did I?
You let me
into your family.
I actually
That's what family is for.
We have each other's backs.
I can only return to the moments
I spent with Do Da-hae.
She's the only one
who can see me.
She's the only one I can touch.
Good evening. Would you like some flowers?
I'm not
ready yet.
You can't get those later.
They'll be out of season soon.
I'll give you a discount.
So it's now or never?
They're yours for 10,000 won.
Jeez, I'm never coming back here.
I thought this was a wealthy neighborhood.
Why is he hesitating over 10,000 won?
Do you want them or not?
Where did he go?
Where did he go?
Did he steal them?
Do Da-hae may really be
the only one
who can save I-na and me.
But there's only one way I can save her.
It's by pushing her away
as far as I can.
You made it.
I'm not giving her these.
And I won't hug her
no matter what.
I can't save
My head is killing me.
Do you have a headache?
- Would you like a cup of tea?
- Sounds good.
Where's my husband?
He stepped out for a bit.
I want some tea too.
Good evening.
I'm moving back in.
Like it or not.
Of course I do. Welcome back.
I'll get you some tea. Just a moment.
I'll just take this cup.
That's for your mother!
Did you put something in it?
I was wondering how you got her to sleep.
It must have been sleeping pills.
You'll be in serious trouble
if she finds out.
I just wanted to get you some hot tea.
Let me get you a saucer.
Here you go.
Don't fall asleep.
Don't fall asleep.
Is there anything expensive here?
Something no one will miss.
Let's see.
Ms. Bok Dong-hee,
you've pocketed family assets
behind your mentally unwell
mother and brother's backs.
I'm sorry, but you're disqualified
from being their legal guardian.
Nothing here.
Not here.
Not here either.
Who was that?
Who's there?
She's a ghost.
This house is haunted.
Are you okay?
What's wrong?
Hold on.
Let me just
Excuse me.
One of two things happens
when people find out about our powers.
They either run away
or take advantage of us.
I'll show you what kind of person I am.
Slowly, but surely.
Please show me every single detail.
I can see why Jun-woo is so into you.
You're really my first.
Guess what I hate hearing the most.
It was an ominous dream.
Love has to come first
for us to reach
the future you talked about.
Subtitle translation by: Min-jin Kim
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