The Baby-Sitters Club (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

The Truth About Stacey

Oh, hey, I didn't see you there.
Look, times have changed.
And in today's fast-paced world
You need an extra hand
with your little ones.
Need a reliable sitter?
Call the letters you can trust.
ALL: The Baby-Sitters Agency!
"Need a sitter?" I came up with that.
Those girls are definitely in high school.
Why don't they loiter at the mall
like normal teenagers?
No one's gonna wanna hire them
instead of us, right?
STACEY: I knew we were in trouble
right away, but I'm a pleaser.
No, definitely not.
Madam Secretary,
will you please read our upcoming jobs?
Stacey is sitting for
Charlotte Johanssen Thursday,
Claudia is with the three youngest Pikes,
I'm with the Marshalls
Saturday and Sunday,
plus the Newton's new baby is
on its way any minute!
- I'm dying to smell her!
- I'm so excited!
- Ahem!
Kim said last month that she's really
gonna rely on the club
to watch Jamie in the early days.
So then we're thriving.
The Baby-Sitters Agency
doesn't stand a chance.
It's just proof of our success.
They're trying to get a piece
of our action,
so we need to differentiate ourselves
from the competition.
Kid kits.
"Oh, Kristy, what's a kid kit?"
Well, I'm so glad you asked.
Mary Anne, why do I love going over
to your house so much?
Because it doesn't smell
like a teenage boy?
- Fair, but no.
Because your dad has every board game
known to man.
And, Stacey
Well, actually, I've never been
inside your house before.
But I'm sure you've got loads
of great stuff.
I really can't wait
to have all you guys over.
My mom just wanted to finish the, uh
The bathroom renovations first.
And, Claudia, the mother lode.
Imagine if Claudia brought all
of her awesome stuff
every time we came to play
I mean, hang out.
So we fill the boxes with old toys,
and we'd use club dues
to supplement for what we don't have.
We'll bring the boxes to every job,
and the kids will be so excited
to see what we've got.
We have to decorate them.
STACEY: Kristy was right.
Since the start of The Baby-Sitters Club,
- not even Claudia had been to my house.
- Here. Take this paper.
And if they ever came over
for a sleepover or even just to hang out,
it would be a lot harder
for me to hide this.
Six months ago,
I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.
It's too short.
Let's try something longer.
Just so the insulin pump doesn't show
when you lift your arms.
Although we have to hurry
and meet your dad at the Foot Locker.
STACEY: My pancreas doesn't make insulin,
which you need to, like, live.
So I have to wear this pump
and watch my diet,
or I can end up in the hospital.
Even worse,
once people know I have a disease,
it's all they think about.
It's still snug.
- Just look at my mom.
- How about a little jacket?
STACEY: Sometimes I feel like
she's ashamed of me,
of my disease.
But no matter how much we both wish
everything could go back to normal,
I'm stuck this way.
I'll grab a few more things.
Mom! God.
You are so lucky.
You have at least ten years of that one
before it starts
to hate everything you do.
Mom, please. Kim is a client.
How are you feeling?
Like an elephant.
A pregnant one.
All of the girls are so excited.
We can't wait to meet the baby
and to take care of Jamie, of course.
Well, you'll have to come visit.
[SIGHS] Well, I better see if these'll
contain my multitudes.
Don't worry,
I don't think she saw anything.
STACEY: But that wasn't
what was bothering me.
"You'll have to come visit"?
Doesn't she mean babysit?
Slip of the tongue, that's what I assumed,
till the next day when I went to sit
- for Charlotte Johanssen.
- Hi.
- Ooh, is this for me?
- It sure is.
I started to feel faint.
I keep apple juice with me to elevate
my blood sugar when I need it.
- Can I have some juice?
- STACEY: Mm-hmm.
Hey, kiddo.
You know that not everything Stacey has
is meant for you.
Ah, it's okay.
Beads! I'm going to make a jewelry.
Okay. I'm gonna go.
You guys have fun. Be good.
- Bye, baby.
- Bye, Mom.
STACEY: To Charlotte, it seems like
I'm just a great babysitter.
- Can I go play?
- Yeah, of course.
But to me,
it's yet another reminder that I'm sick,
as if I needed one.
Char, where's that from?
Ugh! The Baby-Sitters Agency.
Excuse me. You must be Lacy Lewis.
In the flesh.
Who do I have the pleasure of speaking to?
Stacey McGill,
treasurer of The Baby-Sitters Club.
Is that supposed to mean something to me?
Don't even.
You guys totally stole our idea.
Your agency is a complete rip-off
of our club.
Ugh! Sue me. Or don't.
Ideas aren't intellectual property.
I'm doing the club,
and I'm doing it better.
I don't have a curfew,
and I can drive myself wherever.
Welcome to the free market.
Well, best of luck to you,
because our clients are completely
satisfied with the services we provide.
LACY: Is that so?
- Yeah.
- You really should try supporting women.
When one of us succeeds, we all succeed.
Unless I put you out of business.
Enjoy the balloon, sweetie.
She doesn't even want it.
Why can't I have the balloon? Am I bad?
Come on, Charlotte.
May the best baby-sitter win.
STACEY: The Agency is coming for us.
Need a sitter?
- CLAUDIA: Call The Baby-Sitters Club.
Look, yoga class.
Are they gonna rep me?
Are they gonna chase me? ♪
STACEY: We tried our best, but somehow,
they were always a step ahead.
Or they're out for money
Secret information ♪
Or maybe they're destruction
Of my time ♪
Hello, Baby-Sitters Club.
WOMAN: Baby-Sitters Agency?
Uh, no, this is The Baby-Sitters--
Agency! Agency!
Agency! Agency!
Hi, I'm here to babysit for Carl.
I'm Carl.
Did my son-in-law send you here?
I don't need my Depends changed.
I can do it myself!
STACEY: Yep, the Agency was sending us
on fake jobs
while they were busy
scooping up the real ones.
After that, Kristy started reading
some weird book she found at the library,
but even she didn't know
how much we'd need it.
Mom, what are you doing home?
The baby's coming!
- Hi, Kristy.
- Hi.
Kim went into labor a few hours ago,
and Jamie's here until further notice.
- We're saved.
- What are you talking about?
The Newton baby is a savior sent down
to Earth
to put the Club back in business.
I'll get Kim on the horn now
to see when she needs us.
We'll be booked all week.
Sweetie, why don't we let Kim
deliver her baby
before we start harassing her
about your work schedule?
- You're right. I'll just text her.
- Kristy.
Taking care of a newborn baby
is a lot of work.
My guess is that
Kim will want someone with
a little bit more experience right now,
you know, someone a little older.
Older baby-sitters?
Ew, Mom, what is that?
Oh, this?
Watson had his family ring sized for me.
It's something, isn't it?
I guess.
Frankly, I don't see why you need it
to signify you're taken.
Like property. What's next?
Are you gonna start walking behind him
all the time?
Of course.
And it would make us more comfortable
if you would refer to me as "Ofwatson"
from now on.
No more Mom.
We just want everyone to be clear
about where things stand.
- Mm-hmm.
- I'm gonna make this little one some food,
and then you can practice
your babysitting skills.
STACEY: That's when Kristy called
the first-ever emergency meeting
of The Baby-Sitters Club.
Okay, so there's this snake
called the shuai-jan,
and if you hit the shuai-jan in the head,
then its tail will attack you.
But if you strike the tail,
its head will attack you,
and if you strike it right in the middle,
both sides will come at you.
It's from The Art of War. Keep up.
Okay, so the Agency is moving in
on our turf, and we need a new plan.
We can't lose this club.
It's the best idea I've ever had.
It's practically the only reason
my dad lets me leave the house.
I need the money.
I've grown accustomed to a certain quality
of life.
Sable paint brushes.
STACEY: "And I need the Club
because I can't lose my friends.
Not again."
That's what I should have said,
but then I got distracted.
Hey, dummy, do we have any soda?
I don't know, check the fridge.
I'm not your butler.
Hey, check this out.
STACEY: I started to sweat.
My knees buckled.I had to know him.
- Hi.
- Hey.
KRISTY: Sam, this is my friend Stacey.
Stacey, this is my brother Sam.
Where have you been keeping him?
High school?
Did I say that out loud?
- BOTH: Yeah.
Well, if you go to Stoneybrook High,
you must know some of the Agency girls.
What can you tell us about Lacy Lewis
and Michelle Patterson?
They started that babysitting business,
In a group?
[LAUGHS] They make a buttload of money.
It's a pretty impressive idea, actually.
That is our club, idiot! They copied us.
We are the ones that babysit in a group.
That's what your club is?
I thought you just sat around
and talked about babies you know.
Watch the axe!
What are we gonna do?
Your own brother doesn't even know
what our club does.
We need something big.
How much does a billboard cost?
- Like, a lot of money, I'm guessing.
- CLAUDIA: Yeah.
MARY ANNE: A lot of money.
STACEY: Oh, my God,
I wasn't swooning over Sam.
I mean, I was,
but my blood sugar was dropping.
I had to get out of there before something
bad or embarrassing happened.
Stace, where are you going?
I forgot to walk my dog.
Since when do you have a dog?
I just got him. He's round.
Nice seeing you. Bye.
I don't know.
My sugar's just dropped a little.
Please, Mom, I'm fine now.
Were you alone?
Did anybody see you?
Where was your juice?
It just It wasn't enough.
Mom, I'm fine now.
- Please, just chill.
- No, I am--
- No.
- No, you are not fine.
- No!
- Give me my phone!
Stacey, give it.
- Mom, please, no!
- Give it.
- I'm fine.
- You're not fine.
STACEY: My mom got me an emergency
Saturday consult in Stamford,
which meant I got to spend all day
having blood drawn and peeing into cups.
That day was a real low point
for all of us.
Baby-Sitters Club!
Hey, we have a baby-sitters club!
Baby-Sitters Club!
Need a sitter?
Call The Baby-Sitters Club!
- KRISTY: The Baby-Sitters Club!
- Mary Anne, you're not saying anything.
This is my nightmare.
Kristy's one of those It clowns,
bringing night terrors into the daylight.
We're offering special rates
to loyal customers!
Just remember,
sometimes you think people are judging us,
even though they're not.
You look stupid.
BOY: Losers!
Let's just go home.
So we didn't get any new business
from the sandwich boards,
but at least we got our steps in.
Sorry I couldn't be there, guys.
Another trip to New York
in your dad's black Porsche?
We understand.
Should we even have a meeting today?
We all know we aren't
going to get any calls,
and I have a ton of math homework
to slog through.
Do you just want to cancel?
We don't have any new jobs on the horizon.
Plus, I don't think I have it in me
to sit and watch the phone not ring.
Whoa, what is that?
What are you doing?
You can't be in the street all alone.
My new babysitters told me
to come out here and play alone.
KRISTY: Have you no decency?
Ew, what?
You left Jamie outside,
and he almost got hit by a car.
You call that babysitting?
I don't know what you're talking about.
He's fine.
Go up to your room and play, okay?
Kids shouldn't trespass.
You're gonna get a hall pass
or a Disneyland Fastpass
or you're gonna get a head slap.
That doesn't rhyme, sir.
Kim left me in charge,
so it's my right to protect this property
with whatever means necessary.
STACEY: I am not a tattletale by nature.
It's just a bad look.
But letting a little boy play
in the street by himself?
That's too far.
Hi, Kim.
Stacey from The Baby-Sitters Club.
Yeah, I just wanted to let you know
something that happened with Jamie.
You're going to regret this.
STACEY: She was right.
"Is this who you want
babysitting your children?"
Oh, my God!
Stacey, are you okay?
STACEY: With minimal internet sleuthing,
the Agency had dug up the real reason
my parents moved us to Stoneybrook.
I thought we'd left it all behind us.
I was wrong.
- BOY: Oh, my God!
What is this?
Come on, you have to tell us.
I know.
We all know you've been hiding something
all this time.
So what is it? A nervous breakdown?
A neurological misfire?
Hard drugs?
- Kristy!
- What?
The Baby-Sitters Agency dug this up
to discredit us.
- Whatever it is, we have a right to know.
- It's diabetes.
I have diabetes, okay?
Type 1.
There's no cure.
I'll have it for the rest of my life.
How long have you known?
Since last spring.
I just started feeling weird.
I lost a bunch of weight.
My mom thought I had an eating disorder.
She took me to a psychiatrist, and
in the meantime, I just kept getting
sicker and sicker, till
Well, until what you just saw.
But why have you been lying to us?
Because I was afraid
I thought if you knew,
that's all you'd see me as.
The sick girl.
That video was the worst day of my life.
And even my best friend Laine
sent it around.
They commented on it
and made sure that
every private school kid in Manhattan
saw it at least once.
What a bunch of jerks.
I just assumed you'd all want to laugh
at me, too.
Stacey, we would never.
Absolutely not. Are you crazy?
Or your blood sugar's just dropping.
Too soon.
How do you know about that?
It's not like you're the first person
in the world to have diabetes, Stace.
My mom's friend Jen has it.
And my cousin Erica.
And actress Halle Berry.
She does.
What are we gonna do, guys?
All the parents got this,
and they were already worried
we're not responsible enough.
Then we have to prove them wrong.
We have to do
the most responsible thing of all.
No, tell the truth.
Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
- Look, I don't know how it works
in glittering Manhattan,
but here in grimy old Stoneybrook,
it's how we do it.
Is that all right with you?
We've got some calls to make.
STACEY: So we called another emergency
meeting of The Baby-Sitters Club,
but this was a meeting like none other.
The video you just saw was of megoing
into insulin shock,
shortly before my diabetes was diagnosed
in April.
It was sent to you by the Agency to try
and convince you not to trust our club.
I know it looks bad,
but I'm much better now.
I know how to take care of myself,
and I know I can take care of your kids.
I am so sorry that this happened,
but I need to know my kids won't wind up
in an unsafe situation.
WOMAN: What about medical equipment?
It could be dangerous if a child came
into contact with it, right?
I guess the question is,
can we really be sure that she won't have
another episode like this?
The truth is you can't.
If you don't feel comfortable
with me as a sitter,
I'll understand.
But don't punish the rest
of the Club for it.
Maybe they're younger,
maybe they can't stay out as late,
but they care.
If it makes you feel any better,
I'll resign from The Baby-Sitters Club.
Wait, Stacey
- Come on.
- I don't think that's necessary.
Hi, I think I know most of you.
I'm Peggy Johanssen. I'm Charlotte's mom.
I'm also an endocrinology specialist
at Stamford Presbyterian,
and I noticed her insulin pump right away.
Did you know that, Stacey?
I witnessed her manage her symptoms
while looking after Charlotte.
If anything, Stacey's more mature
than most kids her age,
given her health challenges,
and Charlotte is always asking
when she's gonna come back to play,
with her kid kit.
Which is something all of our sitters
bring to each of our jobs.
It's part of what makes the Club
so special.
When Claudia sits for Eleanor and Nina,
we always come home
to some art project they made
or hear about all the books
Mary Anne read to them.
I haven't noticed that with the Agency.
Every time Kristy sits for my son Jackie,
they run soccer drills in the park.
One time I told him to go to bed,
and he said, "You're not the boss of me,
Coach Kristy is."
We just needed someone
who could stay late sometimes,
so that's why we use the Agency.
Who tried to bully Stacey.
Is that really the example you want to set
for your kids?
Look, we'll work on the curfew thing.
Right, Mom?
- We'll talk about it.
In the meantime,
we're still offering special rates
for our loyal customers.
- God, I'm so sorry.
STACEY: That was when I
realized I belonged.
Not just to the Club,
to something bigger
a community.
And they liked me just the way I was.
Great top, Stace.
What do you think?
- Uh
- Awesome.
What? My daughter is awesome.
You got to do that to my work phone.
I'll be the cool guy in the office.
I'm gonna go make breakfast, 'cause, yeah.
It's cute, right?
It's blue.
Mom, I'm not ashamed
of my diabetes anymore.
And I don't want you to be, either.
Ashamed? No.
I wanted to protect you
from ever getting hurt again.
But ashamed of you?
You know, I was thinking,
a lot of people use fanny packs
to hold their insulin pumps,
and Gucci has this one right now
that is to die for.
It could go right here,
and it's light blue, and it's so cute.
Well, then it is very good that
you're getting back into babysitting.
You might have enough to pay for it
by the time you're 35.
Oh, my God!
Baby-Sitters Club.
STACEY: So, yeah,
we got all our clients back
and then some,
because when they went low, we went
well, not high, exactly.
We went honest.
Yes, Kim. We would love to.
I want to hear the whole birth story.
Mom says I came at eight a.m.,
eyes wide open, observing everything.
I was born at 4:36 a.m., right?
Ready to take on the world.
My mom doesn't remember what time
I was born at, after 30 hours of labor.
What about you, Mary Anne?
I don't know.
You should ask Mimi. I bet she knows.
She was really good friends with your mom.
- Yeah?
- MOM: Yeah.
Meet Lucy.
Stacey, do you wanna show the other girls
how it's done?
All the words unspoken ♪
Welcome to Stoneybrook, Lucy.
What a time to be alive ♪
'Cause we're fighting
Different battles ♪
But we're on the same side so ♪
Close your eyes ♪
The world's on fire ♪
When the flames grow close
I'll hold you tight ♪
So close your eyes ♪
So close your eyes ♪
Close your eyes ♪
So close your eyes ♪
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