The Baxters (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Irreconcilable Differences

Divorce isn't an option.
I'm holding on
to the same vows
that have held
you two together
all these years.
If Kari hadn't
found out on her own,
would you have told her?
-Okay, let's go.
-Where are we going?
To the office,
to get the papers.
And then,
we're going to Kari's,
where I'm going to
give them to her myself.
Ryan. Hey, it's good
to see you.
You, too.
Hey, Kari.
-[Dirk] Meeting someone
for dinner?
A student of yours?
Isn't that illegal
or something?
I'm so sorry, Kari.
He's a fool
to let you go.
[Elizabeth] We never
truly forget our first love.
It's normal that
you would still have
a place in your heart
for Ryan.
[theme song playing]
'Cause life has a way
Of pulling us under ♪
But we'll stick it out ♪
If we got each other ♪
When it all feels too much ♪
I know you'll come running
For me ♪
Through the highs and lows
We'll find our way home ♪
Family ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪
Family ♪
I don't know why open houses
are only on Sundays.
So, how's the
house hunting going?
It's frustrating.
I keep seeing things I like,
but Sam isn't sure
we should commit
to buying anything.
And why is that?
Well, he's climbing
up the ladder
really fast at work
and doing really well,
so he's not sure
we should commit
to owning yet
since something might
come up for him somewhere else.
Well, that makes sense, right?
To him.
My job and my life
are here.
This sounds so similar
to a conversation I had
with your dad years ago.
What did you do?
Well, community
was more important
to us than location.
So, your dad had
a little commute
for a while
before he got the job
at the hospital.
Right. And now, this community
is everything to me.
Well, maybe that's how
you talk to Sam about it.
How is Kari?
She's struggling.
She insisted
that she walk home
by herself.
I think she just
wanted to be alone.
[doorbell rings]
I'll be right back.
Hi, Elizabeth.
Is Kari here?
No, she's not.
Would you make sure
she gets these?
That's all you have to say?
I'm sorry?
John and I welcomed you
into our home, into our family.
We treated you like a son.
With respect, Elizabeth,
this has nothing to do
with you or John
or anybody else.
It's between me and Kari.
-Who was that?
Wow! To see Kari?
And to give her these.
-Divorce papers?
-I imagine.
Strangely, he had the smell
of alcohol on his breath.
It smelled really strong.
And it made me
just wanna shake him,
say, "What's wrong with you?
Why are you
doing this to Kari?"
Do you think
he'd have an answer?
Well, based on the look
he had in his eyes just now,
I don't think so.
I want to have
compassion for him,
but my heart is with Kari.
But, Erin,
we need to remember
the Lord is full
of compassion and mercy,
and do our best
to be the same.
You walked home barefoot?
I'm not feeling well.
I'm gonna go lay down.
How long has Tim
been drinking?
Mom, what are you
talking about?
When did Tim start drinking?
I'm really worried about him.
Tim doesn't drink!
You know his family
has problems with it.
He showed up here
about an hour ago,
and I could smell alcohol
on his breath.
Tim was here?
What did he want?
Why didn't you call me?
He dropped this off for you.
-I'm sorry, sweetheart.
But he doesn't
touch that stuff.
-He's not himself,
I'm telling you.
-He would never.
-You're right, he's changed.
He's not himself.
He's not the man
you married.
I'm gonna go lay down.
[Tim] "And have it
to the full."
"Irreconcilable differences."
[indistinct chatter]
Hey, Angela.
Hey, can I talk to you
for a minute?
-This is about
the professor?
-Yes, Professor Jacobs.
What do you know
about his wife?
-Not much.
-Did you contact her?
Yeah, I did.
Looks like
it didn't matter, though.
He's a predator.
Guys like him
lie to women all the time
to get what they want.
-It's sick.
-Okay, this is
all in your head.
I don't need you
to protect me.
Remember when
we first went out?
You mean, after class
for coffee?
We talked for hours.
You told me you wanted
a house full of kids.
You're twisting
it all around.
I was just trying
to be supportive,
trying to be a good TA.
There is no future
between me and you,
Dirk, okay?
Stay away from me and Tim.
-Aunt Kari!
-Hey, pumpkin.
Still nothing from Tim.
Just this.
Hey, you can let it go.
None of us are gonna think
any less of you.
I've been with him
my entire adult life.
I know,
but you're not stuck.
You have so many
other options.
Have you talked to Ryan
since church?
Mom told you?
-Luke mentioned something.
Are there no secrets
in this family?
Okay, just for once,
consider what I want.
Don't tell me
what you think
I should want.
Okay, that's what I'm doing.
I know deep down inside,
you want Ryan Taylor.
Ashley, we're not
in high school anymore,
talking about our crushes
on a Friday night.
This is real.
You gave Tim a chance.
You, Kari Baxter.
He was lucky
you smiled at him.
He won the lottery
when you talked to him.
You're my sister.
You have always
been there for me.
Even when we're mad,
even when you're throwing
God in my face.
You were the one I called
when I was in Paris and didn't
know what else to do.
And you told me
I could come home.
That meant everything.
You deserve
way better than Tim.
At least you're not
dragging a kid
through this.
Oh, I'm sorry.
-That is not what I meant.
-Just go.
I'll watch Cole
until Mom gets home.
-Kari, I
-I would like you to leave.
[cell phone ringing]
[sighs] Again?
She's called, like, five times
in the last two hours.
This isn't like her.
Maybe you should
just talk to her.
I think it's because
of the way she found out.
It was cruel.
Are you okay?
You've been on edge
since you got home.
Yeah, I just have this
presentation tomorrow.
I'm I'm stressed out.
Let me help.
Practice on me. Come on.
You're brilliant.
I wanna hear
your brilliant words.
[door opens and closes]
Cole's asleep.
Will you listen for him?
Sure. Are you okay?
I have to take care of this.
[door opens and closes]
This epidemic
of sexual assault
in the janitorial industry
is focused largely
on one company,
ETO Industries,
which has been sued
by the Federal Government
three times.
That's it.
That's gotta come at the top.
[knock on door]
Who is it?
It's Kari.
How'd she get in?
Don't worry,
I'll take care of it.
I'll make this quick.
You could've mailed that.
You won't answer my calls.
You leave me no option
but to just show up here.
Lower your voice.
What, you're afraid
she's gonna hear me?
I think the whole building
can hear you.
Then let's go outside.
[Tim sighs]
[exhales sharply]
What's happened to us?
Let's talk to Pastor Mark.
We need to.
Pastor Mark?
Why on Earth would we
bring Pastor Mark into this?
We need to get on
with our lives.
Now that we've both signed,
don't fight this.
In a couple of weeks,
it's gonna all feel better.
A couple of months.
I promise.
I'm pregnant.
And I didn't sign.
What did she want?
She wants to go
to counseling.
She just needs more time.
She's She's gonna sign them.
She's trying to hurt us.
We were married
for six years.
When you're married that long,
it's hard to separate
your hopes and dreams.
Yeah, I'm dealing with
the same changes myself.
I'm just trying to make
some sense of it.
Maybe it was a bad idea
to put this all on her
right away.
It'll be fine.
I know it will.
We can't move forward
with this baggage hanging
over our heads.
I'll take care
of my baggage.
It's on me.
[knock at door]
Oh, come in.
-Am I early?
-No. No, please.
It's just you?
Tim wouldn't come.
It's okay.
Uh, so what did he say?
He's living with someone.
And he wants a divorce.
And what do you want?
I wanna punch him
in the face.
I want him to hurt.
But I still love him.
I believe in the promises
we made to each other.
That means something,
doesn't it?
I wanna fix my marriage.
Then God will show you how.
We're having a baby.
I just told him.
I don't know
if he believed me.
All Tim ever talked about
was wanting to be a father.
I remember that.
And I always knew
he would be a great dad.
He just
He's lost.
God is not far from Tim.
Nothing is impossible for God.
He is my person.
I have an idea.
Write down what you feel.
Put it on paper.
I had a diary
when I was little.
Or you could write it
as a letter to Tim,
as if he's still
your person.
Go home, Kari.
You can't fix your home
unless you're there.
[on answering machine]
Hey, it's Tim.
Leave a message.
It's me.
I'm back at home now.
I wanted you to know.
Call me.
Lord, I keep thinking
about the Baxters,
Kari and Tim in particular.
They're a special couple.
Help Kari to trust You.
Help her know
that you are with her
in everything.
Please see them through
this spiritual warfare ahead.
Help Tim to find
his way back to You.
Show him the way
to Your guidance
so he doesn't fall further
into his own darkness.
Please, Lord,
open their eyes
to the strength
of your affection.
Allow Your patience
and devotion to be a guide
to re-awakening
their unconditional love.
Can I get another one, please?
[Pastor Mark] See them through
the spiritual warfare ahead.
Help them remember
the powerful words
from Your good book.
For God gave us a spirit
not of fear,
but of power and love
and self-control.
Lastly, Lord, I ask that
you please remind them
that they can do
all things through You,
who gives them strength.
In Jesus name. Amen.
[cell phone ringing]
Hi, Ryan.
[narrator] Next time on
The Baxters
[Tim] Kari's pregnant.
-I think I need to be
at home a little while.
-[cup shatters]
There's this girl, Angela.
-She's a big part
of your life?
-She's the one.
-What are you doing here?
-Are you okay?
Leave me alone!
What did he do to you?
Do you have a
-No, I'm single.
-Maybe I could
swing back by here.
Here is my number
and my coffee order.
-I'll see you soon.
-See you soon.
Should we see what God's
got planned for us today?
I can't tell you
how many times a day
I ask myself that.
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