The Best Heart Attack of My Life (2025) s01e03 Episode Script

Alejandra y Javier

It was harder for me at the start.
She didn't make things easy for me.
It was love at first sight when we met.
Now, being already married to other people
as we both were at the time
That was hard.
That was the troublesome part.
We had to face
But anyway,
after we moved to that dream house
Then that's when the fairytale started.
-(violin music)
-JAVIER: What's up, Ale?
-Yes, finishing up.
I'll head home after I'm done with
this next conference call with Katherine.
JAVIER: I was manager for Latin America
for a foreign company.
I was just about to sign a
big, important deal.
A lofty point in my life.
I gotta hang up. Kisses.
(incoming call chime)
(in English) Hi, Katherine. How are you?
We are so honored you accepted the job,
Javier. It is an honor for us.
KATHERINE: So, we're just waiting for the
medical exams and paperwork
to come through and we'll see you soon,
in Montevideo.
(Katherine in Spanish)
Thank you very much. Hug.
(success violin music still playing)
ALEJANDRA: Okay, yes, perfect.
Okay, put everything in an email
and we'll go over it tomorrow.
Okay, okay. Thanks, bye.
(Javier sighs)
(Ale squeals)
(playing a loop)
(flubs, stops)
Silly me.
JAVIER: Y'know, Ale, I think I messed up.
I should have told Pepe by now.
No big deal.
It'll be shitty if someone else
tells him first.
Well, just tell him tomorrow.
Don't let more days go by.
(soft, tense music)
I feel a bit guilty.
Pepe is a reasonable man.
He'll understand.
PEPE: Nuh-uh.
PEPE: I don't get it, Javier. At all.
What are you missing here?
Just tell me, what?
Don't take it that way, Pepe.
It's nothing personal.
Is it about dough?
We'll match that offer.
No, it's not only that.
No, you can't leave us like this.
You leave us hanging.
Carmelo has waited years
for this position.
Think it over a couple of days.
Will you? Just mull it over.
No pressure.
Pepe, it's set in stone.
I just wanted to tell you in person.
You mean you already had plans
and never told me?
(shrill, tense music)
Bah. How could you do this, Javier?
I trusted you so much.
It's the Americans, right?
Go pack up your things.
Don't forget anything.
This is the last day
you ever entered this place.
C'mon, Pepe. I'm leaving next month.
No. You're leaving today.
Right now.
Say bye to everyone, but hurry up.
Fine. I'll give Francisco
my resignation letter right now.
(door closing)
(lively guitar music)
DOCTOR: Keep going.
JAVIER: Not done?
Ready. Okay, Javier. You're an oak.
Your heart is as strong as if you were 20.
He was pretty much unstoppable.
Well, me too.
I worked at the Chancellor's office
in protocols.
And well, to be honest
Nothing could be going better.
We had welfare, financial peace of mind
Financial peace of mind.
Yes, had. (sighs) That's until poof.
(bittersweet song lyrics)
The Best Heart Attack of My Life
ALEJANDRA: An email.
Not even a call.
They never picked up the phone again.
Just a cold email that said that
he failed the health screening.
At first we thought it was a mistake.
He had done well
on the physical examination.
But the lab report
showed a problem, of course.
It upended our lives.
It's Polycystic Kidney Disease.
What the heck is that?
The tests revealed you have small cysts
that little by little
reduce kidney function.
don't beat around the bush.
What does that mean?
You need to start dialysis.
And to prepare for a kidney transplant.
(lonely and wistful music)
(music keeps playing)
How are you?
First time?
Isn't it?
Take it easy.
You'll soon get used to it.
I'm Carlitos.
Nice to meet you.
I'm Javier.
The blanket is to cover your legs.
You'll get cold.
Is that so?
You bet.
(machine starts whirring)
MAN: We'll load the sculpture next.
-All right.
-We're already wrapping the painting.
-Thank you, indeed.
-Thanks to you.
-Here's the money.
(wistful music keeps playing)
No one is ready for news like that.
Such a sudden
The company's health insurance
was not longer there.
Our emergency funds
were depleted right away. (sighs)
It's yours.
My pleasure.
And sooner than later
Out of the three things we used to have,
health, money and love,
(music stops)
we only got to kept love.
(piano playing)
From what I read,
there are more than 50 million
patients around the world.
An interesting number, right?
Fifty million?
Think about it.
Now I can't travel, even if I want to.
Limiting, right?
I have to be here three times a week.
Do you follow?
Kind of, but
Well, then, imagine
a platform to connect
every hemodialysis center in the world.
Great, isn't it?
I mean, it doesn't exist.
No more employment services for me.
As it is I have to say
I'm not college educated
because I'm overqualified.
And how much would it take
to make it happen?
Oh, well, I mean
Don't forget we're bankrupt.
(sigh) Let's sell the house.
Not the house.
(random notes on piano)
I don't know.
MAN: Before getting funding,
we had over 300 meetings.
Every big fund
told us it was an amateur idea.
That we can't compete with hotels.
(laughs) We didn't have a dime.
We were bankrupt.
But, executing your idea
starts with a single, small step.
So, we decided to keep going.
And that's what allowed us to become
today's largest hotel chain in the world.
(spectator) And you, one of the five
billionaires under 35
with the largest fortune.
Hi, my friend.
Looking for inspiration?
Always, Carlitos.
Keep it up.
(birds chirping)
(door creaks)
I researched it well, Ale.
I've been following the topic.
This, like every business, requires
a small initial investment.
That investment is needed here.
This will be our last stand.
You're telling me to spend
money we shouldn't.
What if it doesn't work?
If it doesn't we'll sell the house.
(modern music)
What are you doing there?
If we buy this blanket,
we can't have wine.
Well, our wine isn't part
of the business plan.
Please take it up the stairs.
Then just leave it there.
We'll take care of it.
Good place for it, right?
Let me see.
Let's see.
Very nice.
-It is, isn't it?
-Yes, very nice
Oh, it looks very good.
You like it?
I love it.
(bicycle bell rings)
(door opening)
What is it?
What's this?
Our first guest.
(lively music)
(car horn)
(car horns)
Yes, just came out. I'm heading there.
(car horn)
I hope to get there soon.
There's a lot of traffic, though.
It's crazy.
Yes, yes.
No, I know it.
If they get there before me
let them in and show them around.
I'll be there soon.
Good, kisses.
(car horns)
-(car horns)
-(indistinct radio)
Holly molly.
How lively, isn't it?
Uruguay's national team plays tonight.
Oh, right.
I have never understood how sports
can cause such a reaction.
It's not sports,
it's soccer.
(radio) Last match day's results
were good for Uruguay.
Yes, Uruguayan fans will be there
with the team
cheering on them as usual.
JAVIER: You can stop here.
(radio) everything in the field.
It will be
JAVIER: Thanks.
(lively music)
(radio) Remember you're allowed to bring
flags, a thermos with mate, a small radio.
DRIVER: Well, here we are.
-They're here.
I just got a message.
They are at the door.
-Are you all right?
-Yeah, yeah.
-They're already there?
-Just arrived. On the dot.
-Hi there.
Come in.
JAVIER: Well, you're our first tenants.
-It's "guests", sweetheart.
-Guests, sorry.
Well, we don't have the experience.
No, but just tell us
-if you need anything.
-All right.
-I work from home.
-We're here almost all day.
(sighs) (laughs)
Come in, come in.
JAVIER: Yes, please.
Come in.
JAVIER: Come in. Welcome.
(string music)
-I'll be there in a minute.
ALEJANDRA: This way.
Should I help you?
Well, we want you to have a good time.
Oh, wow, but you don't have to.
No, it's fine, really.
-(door closes)
-What's their deal?
I think they're bored
after a long marriage.
To me they just met five minutes ago.
You think?
She's lovely. He-
You saw his beard?
He seems conceited.
The way he put out his cig.
(laughs) For real?
I only hope he's not an insufferable snob.
Why do they rent this house?
They have a lot of money.
What do you mean?
Because they want to.
No, that's not it.
Are they bored, maybe?
I don't know,
maybe they like meeting new people?
For what is worth,
I found them delightful.
They are delightful
because they want a good review from us.
(lively music)
(roaring fans)
Estadio Centenario looks packed.
High attendance today. About 65,000 fans.
direct qualification to
the Russia World Cup.
(lively music)
ARIEL: My mess gets straightened out
with your flamenco shoe tapping.
Your smile patches the hole
in my broken heart.
I can't believe I fell asleep.
How could I miss this?
Oh, hun. I tried in vain to wake you up.
-How are we doing?
-Losing, 2-1.
Well, let's cheer for them.
COMMENTATOR: the Bolivian team
Uruguay gets to be at Russia 2018
by drawing and winning.
Please, Tabárez. Please, Uruguay,
take us to Russia.
The Bolivian team prepares
ready for kickoff
gets the ball back
Godín kicks it away.
They sure are enjoying the stay.
It can't be, look.
Goal. Bolivia scores another goal.
Godín tried to drive it away,
it hit Gastón Silva.
this night's events at
Estadio Centenario
Cavani scored the second goal
just before half-time.
light blue winning 2-1
-Holly molly.
-Oh, hun. (laughs)
-COMMENTATOR: Suárez has the ball
-(Concha moans)
-Goal! Goal!
-(laughs) Goal!
Come on!
COMMENTATOR: Suárez again!
Scoring for Uruguay
his second goal in this match.
(frantic knocking)
CONCHA: Help, help, please!
Please. I need help.
-What's up?
He's not breathing.
JAVIER: I'll get the phone.
-All right.
He can't breathe.
(ragged breath)
Ariel, can you hear me?
Can you breathe? Can you move?
JAVIER: I need an ambulance right now.
What do you mean?
But he's dying!
(Ariel groans)
What do we do?
I know, bring the wheelcart.
-Concha, let's try to move him.
-It's okay.
-At the count of three.
-Okay, let's go.
-One, two, three!
-(Ariel groans)
(Concha groans) I can't! I can't.
I can't.
I know.
We'll use this. Throw it on the floor.
We'll move him like this.
Place it well. Spread it.
(both grunt with effort)
Ale, take it easy.
There, there.
-(Ariel groans)
His head, my goodness.
It's ready. You okay?
Breathe, please.
-(both grunting)
Let's go.
Pull hard!
(both grunt with effort)
One, two, three.
(both grunting)
(ragged breathing)
(wheelbarrow hitting objects)
-You all right?
-He'll be all right.
Let's go, let's go.
(Concha pants)
-Coming, yes, yes, yes.
How do I help?
-Hold his head.
Mind your step. One more.
Almost there, almost there.
JAVIER: Ready.
-His head, his head, please.
-I have it, let's go.
(Ariel groans in pain)
-ALEJANDRA: Go, go, yes.
-JAVIER: Carefully, carefully. There.
Let's go.
CONCHA: It's okay.
-ALEJANDRA: One, two
-(Ariel groans)
(Alejandra grunts)
Listen to me.
You won't die.
Okay? You won't die here.
-Hold on.
I'll stay and call Chicho.
-(sighs) You okay?
-I'm okay.
-What hospital?
-The Clínicas.
(car starts)
(action music)
(tires screeching)
COMMENTATOR: Uruguay manages to get
one spot in the World Cup.
(tires screeching)
CONCHA: Don't die, don't die.
You're not dying.
Breathe, please, breathe.
(car speeding up)
CONCHA: Mind the traffic light.
-(sudden brake)
-(car horn)
(Concha shrieks)
It's okay. We'll make it to the hospital,
you'll be fine. It's all right.
(fans yell and light fireworks)
(car slows down)
CONCHA: What do we do?
CONCHA: No, no, no, no.
Please, don't.
CONCHA: The car, the car, the car!
(car horns)
Oh my!
(car horns)
Why are we?
Calm down, calm down!
(futuristic music)
(car horn)
-CONCHA: Let us through, please!
-(fans cheering)
CONCHA: Let us through.
(fans roar and play drums)
-(car horn)
I got a 3-4-7 in the backseat.
I need a motorcade now!
A motorcade!
Follow me.
Benitez, open the gate.
-(motorbikes starting)
(inspiring music)
(out of breath)
Please, don't let him die.
I can't carry the burden of another death.
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