The Boarding School: Las Cumbres (2021) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

[bell rings]
[intercom] "We remind all students
that gym class
is mandatory."
A bomb could explode here
and we'd just carry on as normal.
[intercom] "After your showers,
complete the daily chores
and head to cafeteria."
[blows whistle]
[blows whistle]
[blows whistle]
[blows whistle]
[blows whistle]
[blows whistle]
[blows whistle]
[blows whistle]
[blows whistle]
[blows whistle]
What were you burning?
-Nothing. Let me leave.
-[pfft] Hey!
How did you know about Alba?
I didn't know anything,
leave me alone.
Your drawings say otherwise.
Maybe we can refresh your memory.
Alba went to report
Manu missing.
She was murdered!
[Ines coughs]
What's this? It's blocked?
Ines, it's so weird, explain.
[pounding on doors]
Turn the heat up a bit.
-[girl] Open up!
tell me what you know!
[girl] What's going on?
Open up!
Alright, enough.
[intercom] "Personal hygiene
is a sign of respect
towards oneself and others."
[boy] I'm pissing!
What's this?
You got the wrong bathroom.
-[girl] Wanna bet?
-[girl] No.
[boy] What happened?
She's soaking wet.
[boy] Fuck, what's this?
What's going on here, huh?
Mind your own business!
What happened?
Are you okay?
Thank you.
[Elias] Death is
something we find
unfair and incomprehensible.
More so when it's violent,
and concerns a child.
Although we have decided
to continue classes today,
we're all thinking of Alba.
It's normal to feel sad,
or angry or scared
But you should all know
the authorities
are doing everything possible
to resolve this.
[opening theme]
[man] You were close to Alba, right?
Well, I suppose.
I gave her French lessons.
Was she on bad terms with anyone?
Alba got along with everyone.
[police] Ok.
Did she mention if there was anyone
or anything that scared her?
Think about it, there's no rush.
Are you sure she didn't tell you?
Why'd she leave that night?
I don't know.
Adele, Alba lied to go to the forest
and I think you know
what she was up to.
Alba kept secrets from her mom.
What do you mean?
She'd bring things in and hide them.
She'd buy them in town
for people who asked her.
Just a second.
Students at this school
sent her for them?
[police] What type of things?
Tobacco, condoms
Maybe a phone I don't know.
Paul Uribe.
Ines Mendoza.
I need you to call my dad.
Paz Espinosa.
Come here.
Come on.
This is Amaia Torres.
I want to report a student missing,
nobody's doing anything.
You're like a dog with a bone.
It's Manuel Villar, sir.
He could be in danger.
The Principal informed us
of his disappearance.
I've spoken to his family,
Manuel contacted them.
-He's fine.
-That's impossible.
Impossible how?
This must stop, Torres.
[police] Didn't I forward you
the postcard
the parents received?
I don't want to hear you
speak of this again.
Manuel Villar just turned 18.
He doesn't want to be found,
there's nothing we can do.
These people
are investigating
the murder of a little girl.
So, please
stop messing around.
[Mara] Lucia Ballester.
Are you ok?
Honestly, I'm glad you called.
Well, I did cancel my trip.
But I'd rather be with you.
Honey, you have to try
to forget what happened.
You'll see, the police
will soon find the culprit.
What's wrong?
[Ines] I knew something
was going to happen.
That's a repercussion
from your accident.
Your brain is trying to remember.
When it can't, it gets frustrated.
What you're seeing
are just confusing images,
nothing more.
Let's get home now so you can rest.
That's what you need.
[classical music]
[Leon] The only way to conquer death
is to be remembered.
Mozart is immortal
thanks to his compositions.
Also because of this requiem
that he never finished.
And you know why?
Because he wrote it while dying.
He knew that true death,
the cruelest
is being forgotten.
[classical music]
[in audible] But did you see
how they took him?
[in audible] Manuel doesn't get along
with his parents.
Paul, it was his handwriting
I'd recognize it anywhere.
He's gone and left us.
He's out there and we're here.
[door opens]
Welcome to The Summits,
Manuel Villar.
Not for long.
[hip-hop music plays]
# I walk barefoot
# I sing backwards
# Heavy with what once was
# Obstacles that
have stagnate force #
[Celia] Manuel.
Here's your uniform.
[Manuel] You think
I'd wear that shit?
Where do I sit?
I'm new.
[man] Good morning.
[all] Good morning.
Mr. Villar, right?
Relax, we can be on
a first-name basis.
[students laugh]
We don't work that way here.
Students have to wear the uniform
and stand when the teacher arrives.
I haven't been here an hour
and you're busting my balls.
[students laugh]
And you can eat my dick.
Ah! No more!
Stop it, stop!
Bastard! Son of a bitch!
Stop! You bastard!
What are you doing?
Leaving here, can't you see?
Dude, it's not that easy.
Not for you, maybe.
[door closes]
-[man] Hey now
-[Manuel] No! Ah! Ah!
-[man] Where you going?
-Be quiet.
-[Manuel] Let go!
-[man] I said stop!
-[Manuel] Let me go!
[boy] Fuck, can't get any sleep.
[Manuel] Let go of me!
[kicks and screams angrily]
"I deserved the punishment
and promise not to"
Sons of bitches!
Hey, loser.
You're blocking the sun.
What are you doing, bookworm?
Aren't you afraid they'll get you?
You're keeping them entertained.
You think you're so smart?
All day with your shitty books.
If I were smart, I wouldn't be here.
With you.
I know I'm a bit of a dick.
The last school my dad put me in
was a luxury hotel
compared to this.
I made sure they expelled me.
[Paul] They won't expel you here.
They won't get tired of screwing you.
And you?
Why'd you end up here?
[Paul] Let the monkeys out.
What'd you say?
At a zoo or what?
My uncle had a lab.
The bastard would mistreat them.
[Manuel] Now you're the caged monkey?
My name's Manuel.
Don't have a name?
How do I survive in
this damn prison, Paul?
[Paul] What you need is to escape.
But with a plan,
-not like a dickhead.
I have my tricks
to endure this hell.
[hip-hop music plays]
# We put our time
into gutting the nucleus
# Melt the quartz and
break it into pieces
# Put it back together
# Understanding
# That I know it always ceases
# Now all that's left
# Grandfather watching from above
# Distinguishing the duel
# Partly why I don't pray
# Stubborn in singing #
[Mara] Who'll show us their exercise?
You never disappoint, Paul Uribe.
Manuel Villar.
What's so funny?
Let's see yours,
so we can all have a good laugh.
[students laugh]
[Mara] You never disappoint either,
but for the wrong reasons.
[bell rings]
No running.
We're escaping this place.
But first
I have to convince her
to come with.
Does it have to be her?
Count me in.
-Is she a mind reader?
-She's a lip reader.
[Paz] Manu was cool.
But he's gone.
You should feel happy for him.
He was dying here,
it was torture.
Same as all of us.
Maybe I was mistaken about
the man and the forest,
I just wanted to help.
I guess you forget it all
when you leave.
You'd have done the same.
Uh no.
[mocks] Uh yeah.
UhI wouldn't left without him.
Amaia. Amaia
Amaia, come, hurry.
Hurry, shit, come.
They're leaving?
They're leaving.
-Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.
-No worries.
Are these the spoils?
Alba was talented in her trade.
Poor girl, how awful.
Do you think it had
anything to do with her murder?
I don't know.
I doubt it.
She was left where
everyone could see her.
Like a ritualistic crime.
Her eyes gouged,
the blindfold
Almost like it was staged.
Exactly, a warning.
But a warning for who? Why?
Good evening.
[Elvira] Good evening.
[Leon] Good evening.
[glasses clanking]
If you'll excuse me,
I'm headed to town for the meeting.
I want to know
what the police are saying.
Keep us posted.
[door closes]
Thank you.
Rest in peace.
I need to go see Celia.
She's devastated.
I can go with you.
What's up suckers?
Quit jerking off.
-Come on, move those bodies!
-[Paz] Come on, get up!
Am I dreaming right now?
[Amaia] All the teachers are gone!
[Eric] No way. What do you mean?
They're gone?
did they get the Ritalin you swiped?
-[Amaia] And this one
-[together] Body!
What's this? A party?
I don't know,
it doesn't seem right.
A little girl is dead, you guys.
[Amaia] Exactly.
Life's short and then you die.
What about us?
We're rotting in here, fuck.
I say we seize this opportunity.
For Alba.
[Paz] Come on,
I know where the stash is.
Let's go!
Come on!
[boy] No teachers today!
[techno music]
I was never invited
to pajama parties,
those bitches.
Fuck them.
What's up?
This place gives me goosebumps.
It's like the dead are looking at us.
What? You're crazy.
[loud bang]
[wind blowing]
-Can't sleep?
-[Ines] I heard footsteps.
As if someone were here.
Like when you were a little girl.
You were terrified of storms.
You'd run out of your room
and come into ours.
Get right in between us.
And you'd tell me
stories until I fell asleep.
Can I see photos
from before accident?
Maybe it'd help me remember Mom.
I don't know if I'm ready
-to see them.
-But I need to remember
-to understand--
-I'm sorry.
I don't want to go back to school.
-Why can't I stay here?
-Because you'd be alone all day.
Because I travel all the time.
I don't mind being alone.
I prefer being alone.
All the doctors agree
on the same thing,
that you should be
socializing with kids your age.
It's for your own good.
-I'll leave in the morning.
My little Ines
Everything I do,
is for your wellbeing.
I do it because I love you.
I don't know if I love you.
I don't know if Mom's death
bothers me because I don't remember.
Good night, Dad.
[techno music]
I've never done it
in a public place.
I've never sniffed glue.
Woah, woah
[girl] I've never hooked up
in my parents' bed.
[boy] Ok
I've never touched myself
while my parents were there.
[girl laughs]
-[girl] I've never hooked up
Uh I've never been with a guy.
[boy] Oh!
I've never been with two guys
at the same time.
[boy] Are there any bottles?
[boy] Come on guys,
raise your hands!
-Come on!
[metallic clinking]
[metallic clinking]
[partying continues]
What are you doing?
[Amaia] Dude, you're such a bore.
Only thing missing is your books.
Know why I'm celebrating?
Manu's birthday?
We'd be at the beach today.
You remember?
Of course.
Well, I hope he gets
stung by some jellyfish.
[phone vibrates]
[rains heavily]
[Dario] Ines.
[door opens]
-Get up, come with me.
-What's up?
[Dario] I heard a noise.
Probably nothing,
but come just in case.
-Don't worry.
-What is it, Dad?
It's nothing, don't worry.
Get in there.
[metal squeaking]
[Ines] What is it?
[Dario] Nothing.
I thought I saw something
but it's just the storm.
Are you sure?
Everything's fine.
It's over, it's over.
[Elvira] Mother nature's
really pissed.
[Elias] Well, a girl's been murdered.
It's not like I know a lot of monks,
but I think you're unique.
-And why's that?
-You smoke, drink
and you wear jeans under your habit.
What should I wear?
No, I know what it is.
What you said
to the kids this morning.
Not one word of heaven,
or of God,
or how many cigarettes you smoke.
Don't you want to see Celia?
Let's go.
What a waste.
They're ruined.
I wanted to bring them
to Celia as my condolences.
I don't want to go.
I don't have words
to comfort this poor woman.
I don't want to lie.
[Adele] Hello.
[horn blares]
Why on earth are there people
running in the halls?
[techno music in distance]
[techno music]
Drink a little bit.
-I don't want to.
-Paul, just a little.
I'm gonna dance.
Dance with me?
Come on, dance with me.
Adele, what're you doing here?
I woke up and I was alone.
The teachers are coming.
-Let's go!
-[man] What's going on?
The teachers, run!
I don't care, let them lock me up.
[Paul] This way.
[Amaia] Go. Go.
Run, run, run.
Mara's going to kill me.
She'll fire me.
I'm a softy.
I've been had.
I'm sorry, Elvira, it's my fault.
[Elvira] Really?
[Elvira] Ow!
-[Eric] Sorry.
Uh It's not what it looks like,
We played "Never have I ever"
Are you ok?
-Get out! Go!
-Ok, ok.
Each in your own beds!
[Elvira laughs]
Does it hurt?
A little.
What's this, "Never have I ever"?
It's a game.
For example, I've never kissed
a Dominican friar.
And a Franciscan one?
I've never kissed a woman.
Come now.
[Adele] They'll punish us.
[man] You there?
-They will.
-Shut up.
[woman] I don't see them!
Shit Ok, this way.
-[man] Where are you?
[man] You're gonna get it.
[woman] Come out.
[man] Where are you going?
I need to vomit.
[shh] Don't even think about it.
[man] Over here, I see a light.
[man] Everyone out, right now.
[Adele breathes heavily]
It's a nightmare
of someone who lived here.
In the 16th century.
That's how they took Manuel.
[Adele] Let's get out of here.
-Let's go, please.
-I'm glad
Manuel escaped.
That he's well,
in "a place where he's happy".
That's what he wrote.
-Let's go, please.
-Shut up, Adele.
You remember his words exactly?
They're here.
It said: "I'm good here.
Finally found a place
where I'm happy".
-All stupid and cheesy.
-Good, what else?
"Stop looking for me," and "Bye."
Ok, might it have been,
"and finally"?
Yes, it could have been.
"I'm good here.
And I finally found
a place where I'm happy.
Stop looking for me.
I knew Manu wouldn't just leave.
[man] I found them!
[guitar plays]
# There's a place near here
# If I get close and scream
# No one will hear
# It's like a calling
# A calling from within
# It appears constantly
# Running through my dreams
# And I don't know, don't know
# If I should continue this way
# Should I go and never return
# Leave this place
# Run, run, run away from here
# Run, run, run away from here
# Run, run, run away from here
# Run, run, run, run
# Run, run, run away from here
# Run, run, run away from here
# Run, run, run, run, run, run, run
# There's a place near here
# If I get close and scream
# No one will hear
# It's like a calling
# A calling from within
# Appears constantly
# Running through my dreams
# Run, run, run away from here
# Run, run, run away from here
# Run, run, run away from here
# Run, run, run, run, run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run away from here
# Run, run, run, run, run, run, run #
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