The Boy's Word: Blood on the Asphalt (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

One fist is a threat, and ten is already a disaster

All right, lunch in just two minutes!
I'll be quick. Do you have any hats?
None for you. Come on, time for lunch.
Is there one like the
lady's in that movie?
You know, the one where the
guy heads to Leningrad drunk.
There, fox fur ones, 40 rubles.
- What if I give you a new mesh cap?
- Plus 16 rubles. Can we swap?
What's your cap like, show me.
Dad got paid in caps,
he works at the helicopter plant.
- Don't know what to do with them all.
- Milyausha, will you take a look?
It's him! Hey, stop right there!
You rat!
How do you do?
Fine, thank you. What
about you, Fliura Gabdullovna?
I'm fine too!
Quiet, guys.
Who's there?
The guys.
- Hello, Svetlana Mikhailovna.
- Hello!
- Hello, kids.
- Sorry for coming uninvited.
The thing is, Andrey told us
about the tragic incident
with the loss of his hat.
We found the person responsible,
he's already remorseful,
but unfortunately,
he didn't have the hat on him.
To make amends,
he went out and bought a new one.
Here, we brought it for Andrey to
help maintain order in the neighborhood.
Really, guys?
Guys, thank you so much.
- Thank you,
- Thank you, guys. Andrey, thank you.
It's all the guys, Mom.
We should be going. Thank you for
your hospitality. Andrey, get well soon.
- Guys, won't you even stay for some tea?
- No, sorry, we really have to go.
Please stay at least
for a little while, guys!
Our home is always open for you, guys!
Come over, definitely!
Come after school!
Can I go hang out with the guys?
Go ahead, but not for long, okay?
Your friends are so nice.
They're good kids, son.
- The boss is speaking!
- Listening!
What's happening there?
Report, where's the stuff?
Boss, boss! It's all gone!
- The stuff was already with us!
- But this fool Fuchs didn't hand it over.
Stop panicking.
Follow the stuff.
I order you to use plan X.
- Understood!
- Understood! I'm on it!
Hi, Dad.
What are you planning to do next?
You can't just lie around all day.
I can get you a job with me,
or will you go back to the institute?
No. Not now.
So what now?
you're such an educated young man.
Where did these tattoos come from,
what's with this criminal romance?
- In our time, only hooligans had them.
- You don't understand, Dad.
In Afghanistan, it's a serious matter.
And what does "DRA" mean -
Democratic Republic of Afghanistan.
They'll all perish there without us.
Everyone we helped.
Yacht "Black Cuttlefish"!
Bets on it have gone up.
Hello, hello, boss!
I'm listening.
All's well! We've got the goods!
- Because he's a cop.
- Yeah.
- Was Ildar alone?
- Yeah, alone.
- Guys
- Whoa!
- What happened?
- Guys, have you seen Eralash?
- Who did this to you?
- He's not here? Damn!
We were attacked. We
were walking, and suddenly
They swarmed us. I didn't see who.
- I got knocked out, then I saw - Eralash was gone.
- Where? We'll catch them.
- No, this was like yesterday.
- My head's not working right.
We were heading to a dance. Walking,
then from the darkness - bam, bam!
Don't remember getting up. Just remember, reached
the entrance to warm up, then blacked out.
- Did you see who it was?
- Who knows. Thought they were our own.
Shouted: "Guys, guys!" About 15 people.
Couldn't make out any faces.
So, I jumped on them.
Where's Eralash, guys?
Marat, go check on
Eralash, find out what's up.
- My head's buzzing.
- Let's go get you patched up.
Let's just be quick about it.
- Hello!
- Hello, Maratka.
- Is Eralash home?
- Who?
- Well, Misha.
- Oh, there's trouble with Misha.
I'm off to the hospital.
In the hospital? What happened?
I don't know. I called all night, all day,
and now they've found him in the hospital.
- Was he beaten again? Was it you?
- No, what are you saying? We're like-minded.
We'll go with you, help out.
I'll just pour the broth into a jar.
He must be hungry there.
- Hello!
- Visiting time is over.
- Why such a crowd?
- We're here for Tilkyn.
His grandmother got a call to come.
- A woman called, yours.
- Misha Tilkyn, 14 years old.
- Ah You're the grandmother, right?
- Yes.
They'll take you to
him now, just a moment.
Oh, I can't move that fast anymore.
Just a second. Oh, oh He's hungry.
Wait here. They've already arrived.
- Who's arrived?
- The police.
- And where's Misha?
- Just a moment, just a moment.
Let's sit down.
- Damn it.
- Keep your mouth shut, damn.
Oh, so many people.
Relative? What's your name?
- Me? Polina Filippovna.
- Grandmother.
Hello. Ildar Yunusovich. Senior
officer at the Kazan Interior Department.
- Senior officer? Why?
- Let's go.
And the jar, the broth!
- I'll hold it, what are you doing?
- No, I'll do it myself, myself.
Are you sure you didn't see who it was?
As I said. A flash - and I'm down.
My body's splitting.
Mainly, familiar faces.
Where I saw them, who knows.
I jumped on them right away.
I see.
All right, everyone clear out!
Come on, Mom, get some fresh air.
How did it happen?
You tell me.
Oh, Misha
Come in.
Why just him alone?
We all came together.
Talk to us too.
I'll definitely question you.
Each of you will have a conversation.
But separately.
This isn't a school assembly.
Nothing will happen to him.
A boy's word.
What's wrong?
Go on, he won't bite.
Knew him?
14 years old too, peers.
Killed at the bus stop, just like that.
Not for money, he had none.
Just standing, waiting for the bus.
Lived with his grandmother.
Practically an orphan.
Even animals don't act like that,
but here, it's possible.
- Maybe your guys killed him.
- They're not ours.
Then whose?
I don't know.
Where was he going?
Who was he with?
- He was alone.
- Look me in the eyes.
- You said they found him at the bus stop?
- I don't have to report to you.
All right, let's go, we need to leave.
- We're going to sit here till morning?
- No, I won't go, I won't
Once again, where were you attacked?
Well, I jumped, then I
was in the entrance hall.
- Where exactly?
- You trying to accuse me of something?
What are you, a prosecutor,
asking such nonsense?
- I already told everyone everything.
- Why are you so jumpy then?
Guys, yeah, in Silkino.
I told you, in the courtyard.
And I came to my senses in the stairwell.
They found him at the bus stop.
Well Yes, at the bus stop.
You exit from the yard, and
there's the stop. I told you.
And there, Red lives too.
They approached, and I jumped in.
It's quite bright there, right? Streetlights.
And you didn't notice anyone?
Well, no. Wait, there was one guy.
In a beanie. He was wearing
this green Alaska jacket.
His face seemed familiar.
Maybe from "Razyezdov"?
- Are you sure?
- Why would I lie?
- I can vouch for the guys from "Razyezdov".
- We'll go to Vova Adidas. He'll decide.
We're going to Vova
Adidas. He'll sort it out.
What are you gawking at?
You think you're immortal or something?
"Razyezd" - losers!
Vova! Vova!
Stay down, I said, freak!
There he is, the jerk!
For Eralash!
Here, take this!
Stop it, that's enough!
Fall back, guys!
- I come out and there's a crowd.
- I'm like: 'Razyezd - losers!'
Ran like dogs off the leash.
I ran like in the Olympics,
thinking: 'What if I don't make it!'
And then you guys: There!
- Should've kicked them all.
- Why didn't we kick them?
Should've done it for Eralash.
Guys don't kick with feet.
While I was at war, Vov,
things changed a lot here.
Yeah, they hit however they want. Walking
with a girl or mom - doesn't matter.
Then they're not real guys.
A real guy should even respect his enemy.
- So, how did you decide?
- Just decided like that?
There were reasons for it.
Bring me the kid,
who knows what happened with Eralash.
These are the older guys from Razyezd.
- Hello.
- Please tell us,
who messed up Eralash?
I already told you.
There's a guy with a beanie around here.
Yeah, Fox. I don't exactly
know his name. Fox, maybe?
Guys, this isn't right,
what are you doing?
We were together at the disco,
when your guy got beaten up.
Fox requested a song, didn't you hear?
Yeah, that happened.
But how? They attacked out of nowhere,
beat up the guys for no reason.
Is that normal?
Well, there was this guy in a beanie
Maybe it wasn't Fox.
Alright then.
We'll figure it out. If
anything, we'll be in touch.
If we're wrong, we'll admit it.
Guys, need to talk?
Come here.
So, if you're not sure,
why did you mislead
respectable people, huh?
- Didn't mean to.
- How 'didn't mean to'?
You falsely accused an innocent person.
The guys gathered.
We committed a wrongdoing
against our neighbors.
The guys came over, we're
sitting together, solving a problem.
A very serious one.
Guess who it's about?
- Turns out it's because of me.
- Yeah.
Well, I just
You couldn't see anything there.
It was dark, damn it,
hard to tell who it was.
- You know Uncle Tolya?
- Of course.
You know he drives a bus, right?
He came this morning.
He was crying.
Thought he had saved at least one person.
Got him out.
But he didn't even know that
our guy was getting beaten up.
What are you doing standing there shaking?
Chill out. We're all buddies here.
Here's the deal, you hear?
Now, spill it all out,
exactly as it happened.
Just the truth, you get it?
Like a bro to bros.
Yes. Yes.
We were waiting at the bus stop.
The bus came.
I thought Eralash was following me
onto the bus. Then the doors closed.
Yeah, right, they closed.
I would've jumped out,
but he didn't open them.
It took off. And there
they were, kicking Eralash.
I hopped out at the next stop,
ran back, but by then
everything was already done.
So, you didn't see Fox, right?
No, couldn't see anything from there.
I mean, I was on the bus.
Well, understandable,
yeah, understandable.
You do realize what's coming now?
Look at how it turned out.
What would you have done
in our shoes
with someone like yourself?
I'd have smacked him.
No, that's not right.
Is that how you picture it?
Same as getting whacked somewhere
over a weed deal?
Did you end up in such a situation?
I'm not afraid of pain. Go ahead, guys.
That seems fair.
Fair? So, our Universam guy was killed
by some scum,
you got scared and ditched your mate.
So, you mean to say,
Yeralash will freeze in his grave,
while you seek justice?
Have we ever acted unjustly?
No, always justly.
- Why do you stand there trembling?
- It's okay. All is well.
Sorry, guys.
Guys don't say sorry.
He was the one who shouted first.
"Guys, we're here".
And I was already holding the bus door.
The driver, the bastard, just didn't stop.
You're a good guy.
For you, I'm Vladimir Kirillovich, loser.
Guys, no need.
No need, guys, please!
Guys, no need!
I won't do it again!
That's enough!
Kirill didn't act like a bro,
so we're cutting him off as a coward.
Spread the word in the neighborhood,
he's no longer with us.
Make sure no one greets
him anymore. Got it?
What are you standing
there for? Let's go.
Boss, this is for the bus, for
the spot. Collected by the street.
I'm not giving it to the grandma,
she's out of it. Here, distribute it all.
We'll ask later what happened.
We'll crush them all into the ground.
Let's make a promise,
guys. We won't forget Eralash.
- A guy's word.
- A guy's word.
- A guy's word.
- A guy's word.
A guy's word.
- Why aren't you in school?
- We have the funeral, you know.
- Then they cancelled classes for the eighth graders.
- I'll find out why they cancelled. Go to the kitchen.
Came back god knows when
yesterday, today they cancelled for him.
Well, I've already
called the military school,
they quickly re-educate such types there.
Oksana Mikhailovna's son was also in a gang. 350 She
sent him to the military school, he quickly turned silk.
Come on, Svetlana. Back in
my day, I used to stay out all night,
and yet, I turned out fine.
354 -Once you're done eating, you could head to
music school. Probably forgot all the notes by now.
We started off on the wrong foot.
I was wrong, I admit.
I was angry. Started taking it
out on you, but that's not right.
But understand, I came to
you as a person, with a request.
And you not only refused, but
decided to joke about it, joker.
And it led to this.
Anyway, no hard feelings.
Sorry, if anything.
Guys don't apologize.
Right, right.
I love your mom.
I do.
Maybe soon things will change,
we'll become a family, who knows.
Hold on, sit down.
Sit down.
Anything can happen.
Everything will be fine, we'll get along.
- I won't rat anyone out.
- I understand.
I even respect that in a way.
Let's have a smoke.
- I don't smoke.
- Come on, here.
- Zima, dodge!
- Ouch! Don't distract me!
Hadishka, guys!
Hadish Taktash killed Eralash.
How do you know?
This guy from the police department said. They're
looking for a guy, put him on the wanted list.
Ravil Isakov.
Operational information.
- Why did he tell you that?
- It's true, guys.
Wait a minute.
Explain this to me.
You were talking to that cop in
the morgue. What did you do to him?
Maybe he's setting you up,
and you came here.
And now the whole police
department is waiting for us upstairs.
Didn't you think of that?
Alright, enough, leave the guy alone.
What are you doing?
In Afghanistan, in intelligence,
do you know what we were taught?
If information reaches you,
it might be beneficial to someone.
I'll go check it out tomorrow, ask around.
- Hello.
- Wrong door.
I'm here to see Irina.
Michel! Someone's
here about your cop stuff.
You came? Hello! Come on in.
Hello. You called, so I came.
Well, take off your shoes.
No slippers, but I cleaned yesterday.
- Not offering wine, sorry.
- I don't drink.
I'm looking for ones
like me, crazy and funny,
Crazy and sick, yeah!
And when I find them,
we'll leave here at night,
We'll leave here far
away, we'll leave the zoo!
We'll leave the zoo! Ah-ah-ah!
Yes! Yes!
Thank you, thank you, guys.
- So, anyone going to pour the performers a drink?
- Of course. Georgian wine.
And who is this?
- That's my friend Andrey.
- Take off your hat.
- He's a musician too, by the way.
- Seen musicians like him.
He's a thug. Won't take off his hat -
afraid it'll get snatched.
So, which gang are you from?
Who's asking?
God, he's from "Universam", so what?
So, nothing.
I won't sing for thugs.
Gosha, that's hypocrisy and sanctimony.
I vouch for him.
People like him killed Yana
over a wrong hairstyle.
And a couple of days ago at the bus stop,
they smashed a schoolboy's head.
Heard about it?
Come on, guys
- Ira, let me go.
- No one needs to leave, I'll go myself.
Goodbye, losers.
If I see you in the
neighborhood, I'll bury you.
Why so glum?
Come on, jump.
Jump properly.
Take it out of your left pocket.
And for lying, you'll get one in the face.
- What do you want?
- He's my fool, he pays me.
Why is he yours?
He owes me. Confirm it.
Maybe he owes me too.
No. Only me.
That's it? All done?
All done, all good!
- How much do I owe?
- I don't have it right now.
I can only pay in a week, at the earliest.
Don't need anything. Live in peace.
- Hello, sorry I'm late. May I?
- Yes.
Please sit down.
Guys, for the first time,
I don't know where to start.
Someone - it scares me to say this,
but a student of our school
cowardly, from behind,
attacked our deputy
principal, Filyura Gabdullovna.
Stole an item that belonged to her.
A valuable headpiece.
I won't talk about the
diagnosed brain concussion.
As a result - memory impairment.
I ask for your help.
Please, if anyone knows
who did this, raise your hand.
Raise your hand.
I see.
Sit down.
Oh, good you came yourself.
They announced a strict
gathering. Looks like war soon.
We need to sort something
out with the Hadish guys.
Why did you bring mom a stolen hat?
- What do you mean?
- It's Filyura Gabdullovna's hat.
So what?
- You can't do that, that's what.
- Didn't it fit her or what?
- That's my mom.
- What's with you and "mom, mom"?
I did your job for you.
You were supposed to do it.
Weren't you standing on the corner
before my hat got stolen?
I don't know, which corner?
You even said "how do you do" to me!
Come here.
Come on, come on.
- I have biology class starting now.
- I'll stop by after the lesson.
Hey, stand still! Stand!
Marat! Come here.
Going to get my knuckle duster?
It's under the couch on the left.
And bring out some drinks.
- Come here!
- What are you doing!
I'll show you what. Stand up!
I've been working 30 years -
30 years at the same checkpoint!
My whole life. And you, little brat!
Is it for this, to kneel down later?
Am I the father of a thief?
No, explain to me.
Why did I become the father of a thug?
Didn't I feed, water, clothe you?
What did you need, you beast?
No toys, no money? No food on the
table? Did you walk barefoot? What?
- What did I do?
- You don't know?
You nearly gave mother a heart attack.
You little monster.
She took Filyura Gabdullovna's
service set, trying to make amends
I was crawling on my knees in
the principal's office half the day,
so she wouldn't file a report.
Why do you believe them?
- Shut your mouth.
- Where did you put the hat?
- I didn't hide it anywhere. I'm telling you!
- Don't lie to me, scum! Don't lie!
Get off me, I didn't take it!
I said lie down!
That's it, you don't live here
anymore. Your stuff's packed.
Underwear, three pairs of socks.
- You're going to your aunt's in Naberezhnye Chelny.
- I'm not going anywhere!
Dad, I need to see Vova!
Dad, I really can't,
I need to see Vova, I'm telling you!
Really, Vova asked me, I need to see Vova!
Guys! Kashchey is coming!
Call the age-group watchers here.
Guys, let's go.
Where's the eggshell?
Sent Marat to fetch the brass
knuckles, he'll be back soon.
So, here's the deal.
- Yes, it was the Hadish guys.
- Damn.
"Hadi Taktash", guys!
- Why are you shouting?
- Did I ask you to shout?
Anyway, the situation is ugly
in every sense.
Yeralash sent someone to
hell, that's why he got beat.
- He sent first?
- What difference does it make to you?
First or last. Well, first.
He even kicked a Hadish
guy, knowing he shouldn't have.
Funny guy, indeed.
But he didn't watch his
tongue. That's necessary.
So it's not really reasonable
to stand up for someone like that.
Let's be honest.
Respect is important.
That's still the street, just a different one.
If you want to send someone,
go send bus conductors
or your own relatives, if you can.
So, just to be clear.
We've settled the situation.
So go and spread the word to the masses.
And without any screw-ups.
If you were there,
I would definitely stand up for you.
Even though you have a stone face.
But I would, no matter what.
Because you have weight. And we
went through a special path together,
not like that eggshell,
who doesn't stand by his words.
Ready to leave?
Kashchey said,
that Eralash sent the Hadish guy to hell.
Says there's no one worth fighting for.
But he's our guy!
From our yard!
So here, let everyone
decide for themselves what to do.
I'll go alone if needed.
And you
decide for yourselves.
Who's with me,
is with me.
Do I really need these headsets?
I just want you to live a dignified life.
To have everything we didn't have.
To look people in the eye without shame.
What did I do wrong?
We used to go everywhere together,
played volleyball.
Remember, you didn't want
to stay in the pioneer camp
I came and picked you up.
We went to the boat station.
Then you lost your slate, we dived
and found it, remember?
Let me go, please, I really need to.
Where did I stumble?
What's all this for?
Come on, sit down! Where are you going?
Just go already!
Let's go in!
Lady, lady, he's really a good person.
Let's get out, get out!
Young people, where are you going?
Come on!
- What?
- Good evening.
Excuse me, what happened here?
My little sister lives here.
Go home before you're
also taken to the station.
- Did they take the others?
- Some to us, some to the hospital.
Oh, thank you very much.
Which hospital?
Just a second.
I'll show you right now! Hey, stop!
Finally. You scared everyone.
What are you doing here?
I quit the Juvenile Affairs department.
Got a part-time job at the hospital.
Why am I here, Andrey?
Got any more theories?
Did they file a report against me?
- Your mom was here.
- Barely got her to go home to sleep.
Can't sit or stand.
But the doctor reassured:
Skull injury, but you'll live.
They brought you broth, you want some?
You're a fool, Andrey.
Maybe this will teach you something.
Tell me, what's better -
running around with wrenches
or sitting somewhere,
listening to good music?
John asked about you, by the way,
wanted to apologize.
- Who's that?
- The lead singer of the band.
In that denim shirt, remember?
He wanted to talk to you,
something about their keyboardist.
- When?
- Well, the doctor said you can walk tomorrow.
But don't rush, I'll take you there.
They rehearse at the Culture House.
Close your eyes.
Just close them, I said.
Alright, you're good to go. Your mom will
be here during visiting hours tomorrow.
Please don't upset her.
- They took some guys to the station.
- And to the hospital too.
Your guys
just like that, understand?
Or not?
That's who we're sticking our
necks out for, God knows why.
The street, damn it!
You're just lawless,
you don't know human decency!
What do you think, am I stupid?
You act like kings here,
but beyond that fence,
you'll quickly change your tune!
Understand or not?
- Hello.
- What do you want?
Excuse me, could you check?
My brother, Ravil Isakov,
is he also in trauma or
Just a moment. Isakov?
- Third floor, fourth ward.
- Thank you.
Isakov? Are you Ravil Isakov?
What do you want?
The nurse was looking for Isakov. You?
Well, yes, that's me.
Move away. Move away!
If anyone snitches - I'll kill you.
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