The Broken News (2022) s01e03 Episode Script


What's happening?
Sir, the boy was a hit in
Bansal's party yesterday.
Look, TV star Madhvi Thakkar
India's favourite 'bahu'.
This is her weed and
there she is having party.
"Modest daughter-in-law becomes a Babe."
-Yes, sir.
Put this in the 9 pm slot at
the second last position.
Okay Sir. Sir, Finale?
It is Anurag Bhatia
interview one to one.
Sir, did you find anything?
I will find something, because now
real reporters are working on it.
Surecure Hospital story is ready.
They are running a scam in the
name of a hospital.
We have scheduled an interview
with the Hospital's CEO Firoz Batliwala.
Whoa! Does he know from which
angle we are doing this story?
Juhi, I didn't know you can
do this type of reporting.
It's all Radha.
I am giving you a compliment, take it.
Anyway its Radha's job to guide you.
Very Good.
Just go to the second page,
I have highlighted the points
you can use especially the covid number.
Radha, I am sorry.
It's okay.
You can either be a good
reporter or you can have a life.
You can't do both together,
so choose between them.
And the sooner you do it, it
will be better for everyone. Hmm?
I will be a good reporter Radha.
-Let's see.
Jugal listen, you need
to retrieve its data.
I had come yesterday too but
you were not there. It's important.
This has been restored to
factory settings.
Did you format it, all
the data has been deleted.
Yeah, it was by mistake.
But data can be retrieved, right?
Ma'am it's beyond my level.
I have friend, I can try.
Does it belong to office?
It is personal.
Okay, I will see what can be done.
Yes Mr. Damani I am
on my way. Thank you.
I am coming.
Yes ma'am please come.
Here is your information.
Information is verified?
Double check it, even you
have contacts in FICCI.
By the way this news
will be out for sure?
I have few clients who
have Anurag Bhatia's shares.
I have asked them to
sell them in 3-4 days.
As soon as Awaaz Bharati
will publicise this data,
Anurag Bhatia's
shares will surely break.
Mr. Damani this data won't
be published by Awaaz Bharati.
Then who?
-Josh 24/7 will do it.
If you would have told me this before
-You would have refused.
But why Radha, you know
this man is a complete bastard.
I know. But sometimes to do the right thing
you have to work with the wrong people.
I have one more work.
I promise this is mine indeed
and not Dipankar's. Please.
This is Gigasys India consultant, who are
they? What do they do?
Who is the owner?
I want all the information.
-Thank you.
What are you doing here?
I am so sorry to
hear this Pooja.
But will you be able to
say all of this on camera?
How can I, Radha?
I stay with In-laws.
I have 2 kids.
Look, as your friend I believe you.
Okay, I completely believe you.
But I am a reporter and
reporters believe only facts.
Facts; which are verified
by multiple sources.
You can talk to Nazneen,
Nazneen Balsara.
Even with her Akhil
I am sending you her number.
-But will she go on record?
I don't know. I mean, maybe.
She is not married though.
Yes Rohit.
I just took Duggu to Kids zone.
Yeah he is enjoying a lot.
YesOkay. Bye.
You thought Mr. Bansal will
sack you on a single story.
Frankly, I was hoping he would.
It's getting to me.
We are losing on numbers game, Mr. Bansal
keeps taking loans from the market.
This channel is just going into loss.
Should we do news or see
TRP, see news or do TRP?
What should we choose?
Both! Amina.
We won't be able to do news if
you ignore TRP. We need balance.
Balance! You mean compromise.
Whole world works on
compromise, Amina.
One can't live or do business
with such an idealism.
Vishwa! I have sent that approval.
See, we have to give the
type of news public want.
Public wants entertainment not news.
They don't want
to hear the truth.
Truth will find its own place Amina.
And what about us?
We are the Fourth Estate,
watch dogs of the society.
We also have
some responsibility.
Don't give so much
importance to yourself Amina.
Fourth Estate has been
replaced by fifth long back.
By the people, the
social media walls,
Now people themselves decide
what is truth and what is a lie.
Fake news!
IT cells decide them.
Don't you understand
That's why it's important that there should
be a channel which has place for truth.
If you say truth as it is,
nobody will listen.
Maybe it has to be
adorned like a lie.
Basically beautify truth and lie so much
that people won't find difference in them.
This is your strategy, isn't it?
In office as well as at home.
Julia Alvares, Citizen Today magazine's
investigative journalist and your flat mate.
Police believe that her death
was an accident in City Glitz Mall,
but you think that it was not
an accident but a conspiracy.
Come in Josh 24/7.
We have resources to
investigate such stories.
We have money,
contacts and access.
Good reporting is done with ability
and not access. You know that.
I want to do this story
but not with Josh 24/7
You wanted information.
Account settled.
Think once more.
Your friend's story,
A conspiracy versus accident story which
need resources to crack it and I have it.
However I am now,
In experience, I'm much ahead of you.
Think about it.
Check sound, check that, all okay?
Where were you?
Mr. Batliwala, he has no idea that today
on national television he will be ruined.
He is so fucked.
Amina, ready to go?
Alright 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 go.
Yesterday night we
had done a story on
AB Corps and Bhatia
Secutech owner Anurag Bhatia.
In that story we had raised
questions on his business,
patriotism, and his character.
To answer those questions we have
in our studio today Anurag Bhatia himself.
Thank you Mr. Bhatia for coming in
our studio and spare your precious time
Thank you for having me
Dipankar, it's a pleasure.
My first question'
During 2020-21 covid pandemic
the mortality rate of covid patients
means death rate was 7% but
in all of your Surecure hospitals
the mortality was less than 1%.
Isn't it a bit unusual, Dr.Batliwala?
I will give answer to your question
in one word and that is 'Doctors'.
Surecure hospital's Doctors
are the best in the world.
That's impressive Dr.Batliwala.
-Thank you.
So these world's best
doctors from Surecure hospital
were only treating covid patients?
No. Why?
Then why in heart attack,
pneumonia, lung failure in all these
Surecure hospitals mortality rate is
200-300 % more than other hospitals.
It's not possible to give answer
to this question sitting here, I will
have to probably see the records.
Shall I try?
-May be at the behest of State Government
the deaths related to covid
in your hospital were declared as
heart attack, lung failure and pneumonia.
In return State Government gave
you subsidies, special tax reports and
land in cheap rates
for four new hospitals.
We have heard that you are funding the
coming municipal elections
for ruling party.
Is it true Dr.Batliwala?
Look, I will only say
that all your allegations
are totally baseless.
Really? So you mean that
Bhatia Secutech does not
sponsor Pakistani Cricket academy.
Of course we do.
But besides that too Bhatia Secutech
does much more.
Look Dipankar, I don't
know if you are aware of this,
But we have sponsored
India's 250 Cricket academies.
We sponsor boxing, wrestling, badminton,
we are even the patrons
of sailing association.
So I don't understand
what's the big fuss?
So in short Bhatia Secutech
sponsors Indian talents also.
Of course! Absolutely.
-That's nice.
Who sponsor you?
What do you mean?
I mean where do you get funding from?
Where does your company get money from?
Okay, well venture capitalist,
global funding you know the usual.
The usual!
Meaning ISI or Dawood Ibrahim?
What nonsense is this?
Does venture capitalist firm Saif Capital
own 33% of your company?
Doesn't ISI invest the money
earned from the business of opium
in Saif Capital?
Doesn't the most wanted terrorist
of the country Dawood Ibrahim,
turn his entire black money
into white through Saif Capital?
Look in the market just
like other venture capitalist
Saif Capital also has
thousands of investor's money.
Saif capital's money
is in dozens of company
and just not in Bhatia Secutech.
Please understand.
But amongst those dozens of companies,
Bhatia Secutech is the only company
which has got government office's
digitization contract.
-Boss has signalled, mute Bhatia's mike.
-Now you want to say that.. ..
Mr.Bhatia people are not
interested in your explanation.
Actually my next
question is with the people.
Should the personal data of the state's
people, and Government's policy records
be in hands of a company which
is owned by ISI and Dawood?
What is the use even if
the borders are guarded?
Ours, yours and my data are in the hands
who have joined hands across the border.
They have breached in.
In such a situation
do you feel secured?
Think and send your answers not to
me, send it to your Chief Minister quickly.
I am Dipankar Sanyal and
you were watching Josh 24/7.
Because it's the matter of the country.
And insert ads.
Seriously, you call yourself
journalist Mr. Sanyal.
Whole country says so.
If you are so concerned
about the people of the country,
then focus on 'Operation Umbrella'
Today you got my mic turned off,
but one day all of you will
be in the same situation.
So think and try to understand
why the order to
defame me was given.
Thank you for nothing.
Driver, just stop ahead,
there near that boy.
Anuj! Anuj! Hey.
-You need a drop?
Yeah okay.
Let's go.
Hello Mr. Ritesh, since
when I am trying to call you.
Yeah bro, you won't
get flat in this budget.
You are not getting me.
What you refer to as a room,
I call it a balcony.
And in that either I can
stay or my money plant.
How will a
full grown man fit in it?
Bro, make the man smaller
or grow your pockets bigger.
This is it.
-Oh bro
No if it's beyond Bandra than it
should be maximum Andheri, not further'
Find it yourself.
What a man!
How do you stay in this city?
Don't say anything to the city.
No I mean
Do you have money plant?
No, I was just trying to why?
I have one.
And I have a room too, Julia's.
Until your accommodation is
not sorted you can rent her room.
Budget is negotiable.
So you have an option.
I hope it won't be a problem.
Are you sure?
Why does the home minister
want to meet me?
That too at 11 o'clock in the night?
He is happy with
your today's work.
You made me do Anurag Bhatia's
story on the behest of the home minister.
You ask lot of questions.
You laid an amazing trap for Anurag Bhatia.
Wow, too good!
I always suspected him.
I always had my doubts.
If you were already doubtful of him then
why did you hand him Government contract?
And then in front of everybody,
publically you got him humiliated by me.
You had said very correctly
about Mr.Dipankar
He is really a smart chap.
What is 'Operation Umbrella' sir?
My brother-in-law stays in England.
He has sent this, Single Malt.
I had thought I will sit
with you enjoy it and have fun.
But you started interviewing me,
Mr. Dipankar.
Force of habit, sir.
You give me time for tomorrow's interview,
and I will stop
questioning you right now.
It's a deal but on one condition.
The question you asked today,
you will never ask that
question to anybody after that.
You mean 'Operation Umbrella'.
You can't do this, Brother.
How many times to tell you?
-Sorry dear.
I haven't slept since two nights.
How long could I have waited outside?
I had called you too.
I was in the meeting, brother.
-Tell me what it is?
There is a man.
I need his information.
Prasanna Nair.
-He stays in Gamdevi, now missing.
All the information
is in this pen drive.
Hmm. Gamdevi Police station.
I will talk to the department.
The sooner the better.
Please leave a message next
time if I don't pick up the phone.
Yeah sure, and
your tea is ready.
Good night.
-Good night, good night.
You had said
about the flat mate.
If you have changed
your mind, then it's okay.
You could have
called before coming.
I had called Seven times.
You didn't take it.
This is Julia's'. your room.
You can use living
room, kitchen anything.
Don't touch my almond milk.
Sorry I am in a rush.
That's my room, stay out of it.
And yeah! Otherwise
make yourself comfortable.
Parties are not allowed in
the building, society crib a lot.
One last thing, no roaming
around in your undies.
Or without them.
But I am a nudist so
Ha Ha.
I made coffee.
-oh sweet but I have a meeting.
See you in the evening.
I will see you.
Superstar Akhil Kapoor
'Me too' story
Okay, but Radha why
couldn't she you know
It is not that easy, Kamal.
Pooja was an ordinary
costume assistant.
And Akhil Kapoor
is a superstar.
Both had been to
the outdoor shoot.
One night Akhil Kapoor barged into
her room and he forced himself on her.
She was scared. He threatened
her that I will destroy your career.
Sorry and then?
And nothing, Akhil
gave him two films and
all the while he
was exploiting her.
This is his pattern. There are many
girls with whom Akhil has done this.
I am sorry to be
the devil's advocate.
Why is she telling all this now?
After 15 years.
Kamal, its simple power dynamics.
The powerful
exploiting the powerless.
They know that they
won't raise their voice.
They will suppress it
or just go into denial.
By the time that wisdom
and courage comes
time has passed.
Today opposition party wants to
make Akhil Kapoor CM candidate.
Can you imagine with all that
power he will create such a mess.
He is a sick man.
Who is this Nazneen?
Now what is the use
of digging up the dead?
What was meant to
happen has happened.
With you Nazneen but the ones with
whom it is yet to happen we can save them.
This is not my responsibility.
Everybody will take care of themselves.
If there is tax, all have to pay.
If I gave, why should
anybody else be left?
But Ms. Nazneen don't you
think this should stop somewhere.
What if Akhil Kapoor becomes CM tomorrow?
Man is a bastard
but a big hearted one.
If he exploits openly, he
also helps with open heart.
What do you think
about this boutique?
Who has financed it?
Akhil Kapoor?
Anyway, he did what he did.
Now you tell me what is your offer?
What are your expectations?
One sec, Nazneen we are not allowed
to offer money to sources for stories.
Then you are at the wrong shop.
Nothing is distributed free here.
'#Boycott Bhatia' is
trending on Twitter.
Plus our interview has got 2 million hits.
-That's good.
Now that we have set the
fire, let's have some fun.
Anuj take the OB van, go
out I want the live coverage.
Sir I was thinking I could work
on some of the incoming footage.
You started thinking also.
The job, the salary and the
status to think in this channel
is only mine and nobody else's.
Yes sir.
-Go out and take the live coverage.
Yes sir.
Sir, mad dogs attack in Bhilwara.
Seriously Smita?
-Sir there is a rumour that Ranbir and Alia'
Guys I know that TRP is
our God but it does not mean
that we don't give news
to the people of the country.
Mad dogs terror in
Bhilwara, like seriously?
We have such a big news channel and there
is not a single worthy news to give. Huh!
Akhil Kapoor! Sir.
-Akhil Kapoor what?
It's a 'Me too' story of Akhil Kapoor.
Akhil Kapoor is a CM candidate of
opposition party and a celebrity too.
That is why this story
is more important.
People should know about Akhil Kapoor.
The one who does not
know, we should inform them.
To approve it from legal, we
need proof else we will be sued.
We have two testimonies.
So will they give
interview on camera?
Will they file police case?
Look guys, I am sure these
girls are speaking truth.
It is not easy to blame
someone like this.
They will have to face
both trauma and shaming.
But girls have to come forward.
Even if one girl comes ahead
I promise you we will support her.
This is our work but
not to spread rumours against
any man without any evidence.
We have to be careful.
'Shame on Anurag Bhatia '
'Shame on Anurag Bhatia!'
As you can see after the Pakistan
connection of AB Corps financial investment,
there are many protests
going on against Anurag Bhatia.
People are saying that all the
anti-national ties are here itself.
They have covered it up
because of their many charities.
But does the funding of AB Corps
really come from Pakistan?
'Anurag Bhatia go to Pakistan!'
'Anurag Bhatia Down. Down'
Yeah Home Minister.
Yeah let me know.
Okay I will call you later.
Hey! How are you?
-Good sir.
Will like to have tea or anything?
-No Sir. Thank you.
It's not done, try mangoes.
Go get mangoes for the sir.
How will you have it, by
cutting or by sucking it?
Will it do if I tell
you after interview?
It will do. So let's start interview.
Mic sir.
-Yes sure.
Mr. Atul first question, when
are you becoming Chief Minister?
I don't work for the post; I
work for the people of the state.
Our alliance has given me the
responsibility of Home Minister.
I am happy in it.
Our Chief Minister Ramdas Sonawneji
is not only the partner of our
alliance but he is like a mentor to me.
I have to learn a lot from him.
If Ramdas ji is like your mentor then why
are you trying to topple his Government?
Isn't it true that you are
trying to poach, buy his MLAs?
Radha you know that
I can't give statement.
I can't do the story
without your statement.
Look, whatever happened
with you is not your mistake.
It's Akhil Kapoor's mistake.
He should be scared not you.
-I have a family Radha.
My In-laws are very conservative.
They won't understand this.
I understand but at the end of
the day family is to support you.
And not to undermine you.
Look I am not going to push you.
You think properly but
we have only 3 hours.
Shut it down! Shut it.
This interview should not go on air.
-Well! That's an editorial call to take.
You might be controlling
State not josh 24/7.
You don't know what
else I can control.
If this interview plays on TV
then you are finished.
And your channel is also finished.
Anyways, your mic is still on.
I was joking.
You had asked about mangoes?
It depends on which mango
it is. My village has a saying.
If its 'Chausa' it should
be sucked and if it's 'Langda' cut it'
It went on for two years
and I couldn't do anything.
Not just me, Akhil has done
the same thing with many girls.
Akhil Kapoor is not
a hero, he is a villain.
He is a rapist and
a serial abuser.
She gave her statement
on camera now it's our turn.
It's still a statement,
unverified accusation.
You know what
people do for publicity.
Pankaj! Pooja has left
film industry 10 years back.
She is a happily married
housewife now, she has 2 kids.
Why does she need publicity?
Listen she knows she has nothing to
gain from this and everything to lose.
Still she is doing it
for the public good.
Guys come on, she is being brave.
She is standing up for what's right.
And we
Come on.
Let's do it.
-Thank you!
Good evening, Sir.
Dipankar! You will not
telecast that interview tonight.
And next time you will not
enter my room without knocking.
He is a Home Minister.
Police is under him.
Thousands of cases will be opened
on you, on channel and on me.
This channel is not
the only business.
Try to understand, Dipankar.
You need to understand, sir.
You are unveiling the
conspiracy against CM.
CM will be obliged to you.
You are crossing sword
with the wrong person.
You take risk in business;
I don't come to explain you.
Journalism is my business.
So either you believe in me.
Or fire me out.
We are on the way, sir.
Yes we will stop the telecast.
Drive fast.
Let's do this Amina
going live in 10.
9, 8, 7, 6,'
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and '
Put off the lights here.
I am Amina Qureshi
and you are watching'
Namaskar! I am Dipankar
Sanyal and you are watching
Josh 24/7 because it's
the matter of the country.
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