The Catch (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

I owe you both an apology.
[George] There were no Major Ryan
Wilsons serving in Afghanistan
at the time Ryan says he was there.
It's a complete lie.
Craig, someone painted the word "killer"
on the deck of my boat.
[Ed] Come near me or my daughter again
and there'll be serious consequences.
[Claire] Ryan's medal seems to be missing.
Ed? I knew it was you.
[theme music]
I have no excuse. I
picked it up.
You came,
and I put it in my pocket and then
That was stupid. I'm I'm sorry.
- My passport.
- Uh, yes Well, I just
Still don't trust me, do you?
Well, you love Abbie, I know that,
and I know that she loves you.
What do I have to do
to make you change your mind about me?
How do I prove that--
It's it's not about you, is it?
It's about me. I, uh
Claire will tell you that I've been
like this ever since Josh died, so
I would appreciate it if you didn't tell
Claire or Abbie about the medal.
Come with me.
Very simple off-the-shelf tracking device.
I found it under Abbie's car.
I think I know who put it there.
Seems to have found where we live.
Think we should keep this
between me and you, yeah?
Abbie would freak if she realized
that he was stalking her like this.
He's clearly struggling to let
her go. Who can blame him?
- Oh, my phone.
- Hmm?
I left it in your car.
Oh damn, I'm meant to be meeting Claire.
- Take my car.
- No, it's too bloody late.
I wasn't gonna show you this
because I didn't know what it meant
but I think George
posted it through our letterbox.
That's why I was asking you
about your time in the Navy.
He's making us all paranoid.
He's not gonna stop until
he's destroyed me, my boat, my family.
- Ed, look--
- Now, listen.
You look after Abbie,
and I'll take care of George.
[dramatic music]
[horn beeping]
[Craig] Oh, shaved legs, the lot.
If you're a fine looking woman,
a man goes crazy after a few
months at sea, believe me.
[Phyllis] Oh, here he comes,
Mata Hari himself.
I were just saying,
one of our old mates passed on.
Oh, your name came up
and I was in the area, so
- Let's get a beer.
- Yeah, nice. See you in a bit.
Thanks very much.
Can I have a gin and tonic, please?
- Mum, it's too early for that, Mum.
- Never too early for a G and T, Claire.
What you playing at, Collier?
As I remember it,
this photo was taken with your camera.
I didn't have a camera.
We all got one in Gibraltar.
Well, you may have done, I was skint.
So, Des is dead. Arthur's still missing.
Who else can it be?
Well, it's not me,
if that's what you're getting at.
Why would I want all this to come out now?
Then who's doing it?
It's just some local lad winding me up.
Look, what happened with Baxter.
You make it sound like it was some
sort of unfortunate accident.
What's in the past,
stays in the past.
[echoing laughter]
[camera clicks]
How was work?
Uh, you know the usual.
I see you've taken your bandage off.
When I got home,
your dad was here, inside the house,
returning this.
My dad took it.
I promised I wouldn't say anything
but I'm starting to worry about him.
You living with me,
he's still struggling with Josh, his work,
and now this.
That's my dad.
Turn it over.
[dramatic music]
So let me tell you
why I didn't come to counselling.
Whatever it was,
it was more important than me.
If I mattered so much,
you'd trust me with the truth.
What was Craig doing here?
Des died.
I think it reminded him
of how we all used to be.
You went to all those lengths
to accuse Ryan of lying.
Look at you, the sheer hypocrisy.
You've booked your flights?
And I know for a fact that seat
next to me is still empty.
You know the reason
you can't stand your job--
Doesn't matter, I've quit.
So what are you gonna do?
Ryan's gonna help me find
something more suitable.
Who for, you or him?
Why can't you just be supportive?
I would be if I thought you was
doing the right thing but--
You're just jealous.
Of me and Ryan.
You've always hated me
giving my attention to anyone but you.
You and I both know that's not true
and if you can't see that, I give up.
[fog horn]
You seen my gutting knife?
What's the matter with you?
It's Claire, she's had enough.
She said that?
You know, you work all your life
for something, for you and your family,
and then some, some bastard
Come on, mate, let's get to work.
Tide's turning, so let's go.
[emotive music]
[Claire] Mum, I don't have time for this.
Well, look, it's my house,
so just stop shouting at me.
I'm not shouting.
All you do these days is shout at me.
You need to get dressed,
for Christ's sake.
[Ryan] Hello.
- [Claire] Ah!
- Sorry, the door was open.
Who are you? Why are you always here?
- Mum. Mum!
- Go away.
I'm Abbie's boyfriend.
It's not always like this,
I'm just a bit tired.
I could watch her for a bit if you like?
No, no, I'm fine.
Yes, get some time for yourself.
Abbie says you like swimming,
you know, to escape.
I don't know, as you can see, she's
I'm so sorry, excuse me.
My brain
just goes off a little from time to time,
and I know exactly who you are,
you're Ryan, hello.
You know, I can't promise much
but I know you like a game of cards.
Oh, I do.
[Ryan] I'm not doing anything else.
Oh, right, let's go then.
Thanks very much.
And by the way,
you're a gorgeous looking lad. Come on.
That's very kind of you, Ryan.
Thank you.
No worries, it's alright.
[Ed] Sorry I missed your call earlier,
I was out on the boat.
[Pauline] Did you know Craig Pasarrello
served 18 months for GBH?
Well, that doesn't surprise me.
There's not much else so far, I'm afraid.
Perhaps if you told me a little more
about what connects you
to these men, then maybe--
No, you know, it could be someone else,
a local lad, George Fitzgerald.
And this man knows about
your time in the Navy?
Well, he knows I served, yeah.
Who are you?
[Claire sighs]
[Bob] There she blows.
Are you calling me a whale?
Not on pur-poise!
What are you doing here?
Oh, I just
you said if I had any concerns about Ed.
What's happened now?
Has he told you about the photo
that was sent to him on the boat,
him and his mates in the Navy?
Not more bloody secrets.
Why can't he just talk to me?
I even asked him last night.
One of his old friends
turned up out of the blue.
What's going on, Bob?
I don't know, Claire, I don't know.
I'm just really worried
about him, that's all.
You said you weren't going.
I know but, um
Well, I liked Des, he made me laugh.
Just pay my respects.
You didn't see him for near 30 years.
[Phyllis] Claire! Claire, where are you?
I'm up here, you'll have to wait.
I was going to go out.
I assumed you'd be here with Mum.
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know.
Can you call Abbie?
Abbie's not picking up.
My brother's on holiday.
Any other suggestions?
I was going to look at a care home.
Are you sure?
I can't do this anymore.
You're doing an amazing job, Claire.
No, no, I'm not.
Neither of us are.
Well, I
Just don't know
how we're gonna afford it, that's all.
You bought that for Josh's funeral.
I wish I had spoken
At the church.
Neither of us could.
Bob did us proud.
And Abbie.
[softly] And Abbie.
I still see him, you know.
Talk to him.
[Abbie] Mum.
Hi, love.
What are you doing here?
Just came to see how you all were.
- You're putting Nan in a home?
- No.
I just I don't know.
- The dementia care's amazing and
- If it was you, I'd do it.
If it meant the best care for you,
then, yeah.
I know you're only doing it
'cause I'm not here.
None of this is your fault.
Besides, we can't afford it anyway.
The council might give us half, but--
Ryan was talking about how
we might be able to help.
No, no, no, no.
I know Dad would never accept a handout,
but Ryan thought you could get a loan
against the value of the house.
I'll speak to your dad.
I need to tell you something.
About Dad.
Uh, yeah, I'm just going to a funeral.
I think this might
be a password for that tracking device
that you found under Abbie's car.
Well, don't we need to find out
how long he's been tracking her?
Yeah, come in.
According to this, George started tracking
Abbie four days ago.
Well, he told me that he was tracking you.
That you'd gone
to Kerrick Point at three in the morning.
- Well, that's odd.
- What's that?
Two days ago,
it says that Abbie traveled 23 miles.
But I thought she was at work.
Oh, no, well
That's where I went to see a friend.
Why would she follow me?
She wouldn't.
[Ryan] Yeah, yeah, it's here.
He's been tracking me as well.
This is all my fault.
When we first met,
I didn't know anything about you
and George said that
he could find out some things.
About me?
Yeah, he just must have made stuff up.
- He got me to turn Abbie against you.
- George just wants Abbie back.
Don't defend him!
I've I've got to go.
Don't worry, I'll sort it.
[ominous music]
You're too late, it's over.
You asked me to investigate these men.
I was hoping one of them would show up.
Why did you?
Well, Des was a good friend of mine,
can't believe I missed it.
Everything that I do
at the moment seems to be
You expecting someone?
I'm being followed.
Who by?
If you're serious about me finding out
who's sending you this photo,
you need to tell me more about
your time on HMS Levinston.
When was the photo taken?
It was the early '90s, I guess.
Try 1994, Gibraltar.
Not long after you came back,
all four of you left the Navy.
Why was that?
An incident occurred in Gibraltar
that for some reason is still classified.
You were there, tell me what happened.
Uh, I can't.
What exactly are you hiding?
[Claire] Yes, I wanted to ask
about getting a loan
against the value of a house.
[man] What's the name?
Claire Collier.
Wife of Ed Collier?
Yes, that's right.
Mr. Collier already took out a loan.
Did he?
Well, when was that?
A couple of days ago,
he came by to get the money.
Mrs. Collier?
What are you doing here?
- Nice house.
- I said, what are you doing here?
Where's Ed?
Out on the boat.
Why have you come back
after all these years?
What's going on?
You don't wanna know.
I'm calling the police.
I doubt that, love.
[gulls squawking]
Abs? What are you doing here?
I know you took Ryan's medal.
Well, I thought he was--
He's really concerned about you.
I've been to see him.
We had a good talk and I realized
that we both
have your best interests at heart.
You said to give him a chance
and you were right,
as you usually are.
Does your mum know?
About the medal?
[distant shouting]
[man] There's somebody there.
[woman] What's that, what's going on?
[man] Somebody call the police.
- What's happened?
- No, no, no, Abbie.
[dramatic music]
[Abbie] What do you think happened?
Oh, I don't know,
I'm sure the police will
It's just like Josh.
[Katz] Abs.
Is it true?
I'm so sorry.
Ed, are you alright?
I'm fine, Katz. I'm fine.
Mr. Collier? Detective Inspector Nott.
I understand
you were the one who called it in.
Well, yes, that's right, yeah.
What time did you find the body?
Oh, no, somebody else found him.
I was by my boat.
Have any idea how he
Not yet. Did you know the deceased?
George, yeah, yeah, he was
local life guard, um
Nice lad.
Whatever the circumstances,
we need to get
an idea of his last few days.
Don't go too far,
'cause I'll need to talk to you.
[Claire] You broke into his camper van?
- Well, George was spying on me.
- Spying on you?
I think he found this photo of me and for
some reason he just sent it to everyone.
What does it mean?
I think George was just winding me up.
Well, if you don't know what it means,
how can you be wound up about it?
Just tell me.
I called the bank
To borrow some money.
- Alright, no, I can explain.
- I'm sure you can, Ed.
No, it's just money I put aside.
You swore to me that you
didn't take Ryan's medal.
Oh, now look, that was just stupid,
I needed to know whether he--
I don't care.
You're stealing money,
Ryan's medal,
you can't tell me the truth
about this bloody photo.
I can tell you the truth,
but I can't tell you now.
I want you to go.
Get out. Go!
- I heard he jumped off Rackton Head.
- Yeah.
He was stabbed, back of the neck,
snapped his spine according to the cops.
[Wayne] Have they spoken
to your dad about it yet?
I heard him and George had a fight.
Give it a rest, eh?
I'm okay.
- Just trying to help.
- I don't need you to help.
Sorry, I'm okay.
Just say it, you usually do.
On the pub CCTV, there's images
of Ed really laying into George.
A couple of days ago, and at one stage,
it looks like he's trying to run him over.
Well, what do I do with it?
[fog horn]
[Pauline] I have to make myself clear.
If, in the course of my investigation,
I find anything that links you
to George Fitzgerald's murder
I didn't kill him.
I will be obliged by law
to pass that onto the police.
Am I making myself clear?
What does the name
Nicholas Baxter mean to you?
A sub-lieutenant on HMS Levinston,
found floating in the Gibraltar docks,
possibly drug related.
Ring any bells?
- I've gotta go.
- What are you running away from?
[tense music]
You told me
you weren't going to Des' funeral.
I changed my mind.
How did you know I was here?
Who was that woman you were talking to?
What are you doing hanging
around my house and upsetting my wife?
You were always the weakest fucking link.
If we hadn't all listened to you,
then we wouldn't be here, would we?
And if we'd all listened to you,
we'd probably be in fucking prison,
no wife, no family.
I know what I did,
and what I've had to hide,
but I'm not the only one, am I?
Des is dead.
I reckon Arthur's copped it.
That kid George is dead.
You might be next.
What you doing?
I was just gonna unpack some of my stuff.
I know it's all junk but
It's not junk, it's you, it's who you are.
I shouldn't have left.
Mum and Dad, ever since Josh died,
I've been holding them together
and now that I've gone
I just feel like I'm losing everyone,
Mum, Dad, Katz.
You've got me.
But maybe moving in together
so soon was a mistake.
It's not a mistake.
I wanna be here with you, I really do.
But it just feels like everything
I do at the moment is wrong.
Ah, come here.
Oh, you're being silly.
It's alright, yeah.
Oh, come on, be alright, hm?
- Ed Collier, ma'am.
- Thank you.
Sorry for the delay,
and sorry about the smell,
it's the best we can do
in the circumstances.
That's alright,
I'm used to the smell of fish.
Oh! [she chuckles]
Right, you were going to make a statement
George Fitzgerald's murder, is that right?
Yeah, yeah, anything to help.
In which case,
perhaps we can start with you telling me
what you were doing
by his camper van yesterday afternoon.
And be careful, Mr. Collier,
we've a witness who saw you there.
Oh, well, yeah. I was there.
I wanted to see him, talk to him.
What did you wanna see him about?
Oh, it was nothing specific,
I wasn't even sure he was there,
I was just passing.
I mean, I've known George for years.
Did you go inside the camper van?
Yeah, yeah, I did.
Why would you go inside his camper van
if you knew he wasn't there?
Well, I mean,
he might have been asleep.
Well, was he asleep?
No, no, he wasn't asleep.
He wasn't there, yeah.
I hear your boat got sabotaged.
- Yes.
- Who did you blame for that?
I I'm not sure.
George Fitzgerald?
No, no, but
Well, I did talk to him about that.
And what did he say?
Well, he denied it,
I mean, of course he did.
Is that why you went
to see him, to confront him?
No, no, no. No, I believed him.
In that case, would you have any objection
to us having a sample of your DNA?
Or do I have to arrest you?
Uh, arrest me? What for?
Well, I could start
with breaking and entering.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Clothes for Ed.
Is he staying with you?
He's on the boat, I think.
Anyway, how are you doing?
Oh, how would you be doing
if you discovered
the person you thought you knew was--
I don't know.
I wish I could help more.
I tried to talk to him
but with everything that's
He's being questioned.
By the police?
When Ed got left that photo,
there was something else.
We tried to clean it off.
I took a photo just in case.
And you didn't think to tell me?
There's more.
I found some tarpaulin on the boat,
I thought it had paint on it,
but I think it's blood.
Open wide, Mr. Collier.
This was four days ago.
[Ed] Yeah
I Now, you see, George there
He offered to help me
with my daughter's new boyfriend.
Help you?
Just find stuff out
about him, that's all.
Are you saying that Mr. Fitzgerald
was spying on your behalf?
No, no, not, not
Not spying, just finding stuff out.
Um On his computer, you know.
See, George, he told me
stuff that made me think that
that Abbie's boyfriend was up to no good,
and I made a complete idiot of myself,
so I just tell him there to stop.
You know, I'd had enough of it.
And George Fitzgerald, by the looks of it.
I had nothing to do with what
happened to George.
I'll be the judge of that, Mr. Collier.
We'll be making further inquiries
into Mr. Fitzgerald's murder,
and I think it's extremely likely that
you and I will be talking again.
He's free to leave, for now.
You, uh
You spoke to Claire yet?
She's not interested in talking to me,
not now, not after everything I've done.
I've never seen her so angry.
- What did you say to her?
- The truth.
You told me you couldn't get a loan.
You borrowed money off Phyllis' house,
where the fuck has that gone?
I hired a private detective, okay?
I just want to know
who it is who's wrecking my life.
Who is it then?
No, this is about the four of you
in that bloody photo, isn't it?
What are you so guilty about, eh?
I can't fucking tell you.
Well, tell Claire.
I can't, it'll destroy her.
Oh, she's already been destroyed
by you lying to her.
If you be honest with her, you can save
your marriage, isn't that what you want?
I've seen all this before,
Ed, when Josh died.
You nearly lost her then,
she was this close to leaving you.
That was you.
When Josh died,
Claire and I, we had counselling,
and she spoke about someone
who she could speak to.
Someone who really cared about her.
Yeah, well, someone had to,
'cause you weren't here, were you?
- Yes?
- We have a warrant to search this house.
What is this?
Excuse me.
Go ahead.
[D.I. Nott] Let's start downstairs
and work through.
[officer] Yes, ma'am.
- I trusted you.
- I helped her, that was all.
My son, he wasn't cold in the ground
before you were shagging my wife.
That's not what happened. Argh!
It's always been you, hasn't it?
The photo, the paint,
winding me up, blaming George.
Getting me to go after him and get me out
the way so you could shack up with Claire.
You've fucking lost it, mate!
- Christ, Ed, I'm sorry.
- Don't you fucking touch it!
[phone rings]
What is it?
[Claire] What the hell have you done?
They found your gut knife in the bin.
What's going on?
Not the best timing.
But I love you
and I'll always be here for you.
Abbie Collier
will you marry me?
Where's my dinner?
Well, I'm starving.
I just need you to talk to me, Mum.
And I know what
you're trying to do with me.
You're trying to get rid of me.
I don't know what I'm doing, Mum.
I love you
and I want to remember you as happy,
'cause there might come a time when
I may not be able to even recognize you.
But I do love you.
So come here.
I love you, Mum.
I know, I know, I know.
[tense music]
Dad is not capable of killing anyone.
Then why is he on the run?
We did something, years ago.
I need to tell you the truth. I am guilty!
We both know how damaging secrets can be.
Abbie? What are you doing down there?
Just clearing my head.
I'm challenging you now.
Come on, just you and me.
Where are you, Ed?
[suspenseful music]
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