The Challenge: All Stars (2021) s01e03 Episode Script

I've Got the Power

Previously on The Challenge
It's time for trivia.
First woman
to fall into the water
goes straight into
the elimination round.
No, no, no.
what are you doing?
Take a step.
Nehemiah wins it!
Nehemiah, you now
have the lifesaver,
and Trishelle,
you will be going to the Arena.
As for the rest of you,
nominate one player
to go into the Arena
against Trishelle.
Kendal, so,
tell us what happened.
Do I hop back onto it this way?
How do I do that?
Kendal is having
a whole meltdown.
My vote is for Kendal.
This game is a political game.
I will not be using
the lifesaver.
Trishelle, this ends your time
here on The Challenge.
Kendal, you killed it.
This just fueled my fire,
and now they all
need to watch out.
There you go. I see you, Kendal.
Am so happy that I won,
because I proved
every single one of them wrong.
I think people are starting
to notice that I'm stronger
than they think,
and that feels pretty good.
We're in our own club right now.
That's right. That's right.
Feels good to be a winner,
doesn't it?
It does.
Good shit.
Thank you.
Very proud of you.
Kendal is, like,
the Komodo dragon.
She will take a bite, follow you
and watch you and wait.
I don't think
she's going to make
a direct attack, but I do think
that she's definitely
gonna play the game
in her favor.
Or take a bath.
Think I'll take a my bath.
I had to be honest with you--
even decided
where I'm gonna start.
I-I want to work with you.
I've never played
the political game.
I don't know how to do that.
I think you're already
in a good place
with most of these girls
without even trying.
You're right. Mm-hmm.
Especially coming off two wins.
Coming into this competition,
I thought that my athleticism
would carry me
all the way through.
But what I learned is that
you have to play
a political game.
Jemmye has an extremely strong
political game.
I know she's someone who can be
cutthroat when she needs to,
so I'm hoping that I can learn
a couple of things from her.
It is an individual game,
but I've done
too many of these not to realize
how often it comes down
to a guy and girl partner.
I was gonna walk away
from The Challenge
and be done.
But I'm back this time
for myself.
I want to run that final.
I want to see what I have in me.
I came back to play, and I'm
gonna play every card possible.
I'm only getting better
with age, baby.
This is
frickin' amazing.
It's so beautiful, isn't it?
So we going over nicknames
again now.
Nicknames? Okay.
I mean, Ruthie's got
20 nicknames now.
Ruth on Fire.
Ruth on Fire, yeah.
Ruth, Ruth, Ruth.
Ruth, Ruth, Ruth on Fire. Yeah.
I like that.
Um, I got, uh, Ken Doll.
Ken Doll. Okay. Uh-huh.
That's Ken Doll.
You got Beth to Death.
Beth to Death, okay.
What about Jemmye?
I love her, by the way.
Jemmye's great.
I am so surprised.
We have this chemistry.
I love Jemmye.
Like, we just click.
We have so much in common.
She's super sassy. Really smart.
I just love her energy.
She's, like, my long-lost child.
I don't know, we're Madonna
and Britney Spears.
Beth has a lucky charm
on this Challenge.
And that lucky charm
is little Jemmye.
Beth got a Challenge daughter.
At the end of the day, Jemmye's
always gonna have Mama's back.
That's good.
That-that's what
I like about that.
She's always gonna
have Mama's back.
See the fish jumping, bro?
See that, they're jumping,
right over there.
Going in this water.
I'm gonna going naked.
Do it, do it.
Teck's my homie.
He's my roommate
Go ahead, Teck, buddy!
And we were naked
the whole time.
I'm naked. I'm naked!
Get it, get it!
Don't look!
Cover that stake up!
I don't really trust
many people in the house,
but Teck-it really helps
to have him around.
I love being naked.
We have all this nature
around us.
So it's only right
that I go au naturel.
Somebody get me a towel!
Wow, this is awesome.
It's very calming.
I was in a mood today,
but I just want
to just keep it
It is what it is. The thing
that pisses me off sometimes
is, like, when people say,
"Oh, these people run this."
And I'm like, "No, they don't."
But ultimately,
we are in a game right now.
The best advice,
be a mirror
back to what you are shown.
The last Challenge
you saw me on was The Duel II.
And I left a little bit early
because certain girls--
including Aneesa--
were trying to get me out.
I don't really trust
many people in the house.
Everybody's already starting
to have their cliques,
and when I see
certain things going on,
I kind of don't have
a filter sometimes.
Well, anyway, let's have fun
today. I'm excited.
I'm really excited.
That's why I woke up so early.
'Cause I was like,
"What is it? What is it?"
I want to be a source
of comfort to Ruthie.
During our time
on Battle of the Sexes,
we didn't get a chance
to really connect.
Ruthie wants to be seen
as a contender.
She's still holding on
to what's happened to her
in past Challenges.
I think she's just
All right, baby girl.
You enjoyed your tea?
Yes. Thank you so much
for sharing.
It's not community.
Shh. I know.
Walking into this
challenge, I see a block of ice,
and I already know what it is.
I didn't like it
the first time I did it,
and I'm not gonna
like it this time.
Welcome to your next challenge.
Today's challenge
is called Melt Away.
I know some of you have seen
this challenge before,
but not quite like this.
I'm like, "Oh,
"this is very reminiscent
of some shit
that I did back in 2004
on Battle of the Sexes 2.
Guys were using
each other as saws.
I remember having The Miz
on top of me.
I'm an animal!
Yes, I was there.
It was my first Challenge.
And here I am, 17 years later,
and I'm doing it again.
Today is gonna be hard.
Not only is the ice thicker,
you'll have to know
your Challenge history
in order to win.
First things first,
we're gonna put you
into five teams of four.
Each team will have
their own station.
At each station, there are
two giant blocks of ice.
Inside each block of ice
are two shields
with Challenge names on them.
Each station also has a board.
The board has eight Challenge
names on it.
Let's go!
When I say go,
you're gonna try
and free those two shields
out of the block of ice,
race them over to your board,
place them
in chronological order.
If you break your shield,
your team will be given
a five-minute penalty.
First team to get this done
will win today's challenge.
Now, you'll be choosing
team captains.
This is very important because
this is a male elimination.
So the winning male team captain
will be safe from elimination,
the winning female team captain
will control the lifesaver.
The losing team captain will
go straight into the Arena.
All right, first team
is Copper Team.
Big Easy, Jisela,
Nehemiah, Katie.
The Gold Team, we have Mark,
Alton, Beth and Jemmye.
Black Team, Jonna, Aneesa,
Derrick and Laterrian.
The Silver Team, Syrus,
KellyAnne, Darrell and Kendal.
And the Gray Team is Teck,
Ruthie, Yes and Arissa.
All right, you guys
ready to go?
Let's do this.
Good luck.
Our team name is Copper Wolves.
Our strategy
is to win this mother.
By all means necessary.
Hello, I'm from Florida.
I bring the heat.
Beth and Mark,
old-school team captains.
We are taking the win!
With age comes wisdom.
But I'm the one
that actually knows this.
And we got the young bucks.
This is gonna be great, guys.
We don't want
to just win. We want to win.
We don't give up.
Two girls that don't give up,
these guys don't give up
Team Heart, baby.
I feel like we've got
the best team out here.
And we have the
Challenge mania mind,
right in here.
And in here.
I know, I know.
Between these two? Like, we got
the first 12 challenges.
I'm just here
along for the ride.
Nobody thinks
we can win this.
We got so many tricks
in the toolbox.
They ain't ready.
Get it to win it!
All right, everyone, go!
So what we're gonna do
is stick to one spot
and melt it down.
Then break open the ice,
rather than trying to do
the whole thing at once.
I am no stranger to humping.
I'm no stranger to riding.
No stranger to being wet.
Just sounds like a little bit
of amateur porn to me.
My poor mother--
please don't watch this episode.
People are volunteering
their bodily fluids.
Little spit.
Maybe just a little pee.
It's kind of nasty, yeah.
But you do anything win $500K.
Yeah, keep u keep do
There is a crease, I'm gonna
keep pouring water on it.
Come on!
I look over to Nemehiah
and Easy's team
Yeah. Yeah.
they're doing some sort
of triplet sandwich.
We got bodies being used as saws
and sandwiches.
Oh, yeah, just like that. Yeah!
This is probably
some of the most action
these married people have seen
in quite a long time.
Oh, that's the spot!
Beth is basically my mom.
That makes Mark my dad.
So essentially, I just walked in
on my parents.
Harder! Harder!
I am going to be scarred
for life.
KellyAnne, she over here
twerking on the ice.
She going crazy,
she's talking about,
"You like that? You like that?"
Pop that, work that, work that,
pop that, twerk that.
It's a mess, but we are melting
that thing away.
There is a couple fist-sized
holes in our ice.
Probably gonna take another
three, four hours to get down
to where the shields are.
I just know
that every single person
has way more progress
than we do.
As team captain,
I'm trying my hardest not to get
in my head and be paranoid.
But I'm looking around.
All the other teams
have major cracks in their ice.
Okay, here, I need
Feel my body. Move.
We are probably in last place.
Today's challenge
is called Melt Away,
and we're gonna have to use
our bodies to melt this ice,
and we're going to have to
pluck these shields
out of the ice, and then
line them up in the order
of all the challenges
of Challenge history.
I just wish it were hot.
I feel like we're gonna
be here all night,
and maybe a couple days,
'cause there is
no sun in sight.
And the ice block
is not really melting,
so kind of feeling a little
desperate at this point.
I reach up and I visualize
the sun breaking through,
and I ask it, graciously,
to work with me.
And then I call on,
also, my ancestors.
I'm like, "Y'all gotta help me
break these clouds open."
Sometimes you have to
put out these vibes.
I totally get what she's doing.
But right now we need
some water on this ice, girl.
You should have called on the
spirits before we got here.
I say start working
the sides, guys.
The ice seems to not be melting.
I mean, if it is melting,
it is minimal.
I'm thinking is there a better
strategy than this?
Are we doing this correctly?
I don't know,
but right now it seems like
we're doing a lot
and nothing is happening.
One, two, three.
One, two, three.
My ass is so fuckin' numb.
Baby, I'm sorry!
Oh, you're almost there,
but not. Not even close.
Stop, stop. Stop, stop, stop.
Time out.
Stop what you're doing.
Thank God.
I'm gonna give each team
one hammer to use
on the ice block.
Do not break a shield.
If you do, you'll receive
a five-minute time penalty
for each broken shield.
TJ gives us a hammer,
and I'm about to go apeshit
on this ice
because I need to get
these puzzle pieces out
so I can win today's challenge
and be safe from elimination.
All right, guys, you ready?
It's hammering time, baby!
Play the music.
Don't be slowing down!
Go for the deep blow!
Alton looks so hot.
Little different type of sexy.
Can't say that, though,
with his whole family watching.
So, um
Okay, good. Good.
Got it!
Let me have it.
You go do that. Let me have it.
Come on, you got it.
A few more hits.
You can't break the shields.
If you do it's gonna be
a time penalty.
So once you get close
to the shield,
you almost have to turn, like,
a Leonardo,
and you have to kind of, like,
unsculpting away.
Very carefully.
You know what, fuck it.
Go, go, go, Jemmye.
We're down to our last shields,
and now Jemmye's up to bat
as far as putting
these things in order
and getting that puzzle
I could tell you one through 36
just like that.
No one is going to figure out
the order of these challenges
quicker than me.
I know what I'm doing.
I came to play.
I ain't messing around.
I been studying.
I wrote down all the seasons
in order
from one to 36,
And thank God I been studying,
'cause it's coming through
for me today.
Where you at, TJ?
One more.
The Duel goes right here.
Fresh Meat I
is before Ruins.
After 2010.
Guys, Rivals after 2010.
I would like a check.
Check, check, TJ, check.
Yep, that's correct.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
: Yes!
Even though we broke
a few shields,
I still feel confident
that we finished way faster
than everyone else.
One, two, three.
Somebody else change? Check!
Check! Check!
That's not right, you guys.
Nehemiah, you were
on these challenges.
Which one did you do first?
Which one did you do next?
This is vital information
right now
that we don't remember.
Do I regret being team captain
at this point?
I'm on the line.
Nobody else is.
Was Inferno before Gauntlet?
Yeah, got it.
Got it, got it, got it.
I just don't want
to finish last.
'Cause I'm team captain today,
and if we lose,
I'm going into elimination.
Give me a
Silver Team, that's it.
Yeah! Fuck! Yes! Good job!
These two have to be together.
We got Fresh Meat and The Duel
right after.
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Move that a little.
Check, check.
Check, check, check.
Gray Team, you're done.
Yes, correct.
Yeah! Yeah!
I'm done.
Is Battle of the Exes later?
Inferno. Inferno.
Got it, got it.
Hey, switch
The Rivals and Ruins.
All right, check.
Nope, still not right.
Still wrong. Still wrong, guys.
I wasn't on "The Ruins,"
so I don't know
what year it was filmed.
I don't know, either.
He was on there.
I know. So was I.
I wasn't on The Ruins.
Eric is getting frustrated,
but I know for certain
Gauntlet happened
before Inferno,
because I was on both of those,
and he keeps questioning me
on that.
It's not looking good
for our team.
I think that you guys might
have been involved in it here.
I didn't come on until here.
Number six
is gonna be Gauntlet.
Take this Gauntlet.
This goes over here.
All right, Black Team,
you're done.
All right, time!
Your house is burning down
over there, huh?
Your house is burning down,
and you ain't got
no water hose, huh?
I'm talking shit now!
Not worried about
my house burning down!
Our house is up, baby!
Nehemiah, I know
you're frustrated.
'Cause right now it looks like
you're going into the arena.
Your house is on fire
and it's burning down!
Oh, yeah, baby, get ready.
I'm gonna want that same energy.
I know, man, I know.
Let's hope it's a Pole Wrestle,
baby! Hey, let's hope
it's a Pole Wrestle, baby!
I know, man, I know.
I know, Nehemiah,
I know, I know.
There's about to be some
bloodshed. So right now
I'm the team captain, so
I'm gonna have to go in there,
and I'm ready to take
fucking heads off,
and I'm gonna have to do it
until I'm the last one standing.
Really tough challenge today,
you guys. Good job.
Well, the last-place team
was the Copper Team.
Nehemiah and Katie, you guys
were the captains, so
Nehemiah, I'll be seeing you
in the arena.
Okay! Okay!
Now, the team
that got it done first
the Gold Team.
Uh-oh, uh-oh.
I said you cannot
break the shields.
They had two broken shields.
Still got it, still got it.
That was a ten-minute
time penalty.
the Silver
wins today's challenge.
That's right!
Yeah! Yes!
I always expect to win,
but this win here
is kind of special.
It's the first win
on The Challenge.
Your boy's back.
So, Darrell, Kendal,
you're the captains
of the winning team.
Therefore, Darrell,
you are safe from elimination.
Kendal, you now have
the lifesaver, which means
you can save a nominee
if you so choose to.
I'm not a very decisive person,
so to have this power,
which could determine
someone's fate,
makes me feel sick.
Everyone else,
I'm gonna need you
to go back to the house
and nominate one man
to go against Nehemiah.
Teck has given me a target,
but one of the things
that I'm trying
my hardest to do
in this challenge
is not to react with emotion.
I have to think:
What's best for my game
right now?
All right, guys,
get out of here.
I mean, looking
at the game today, just
Teck put a target
on his back, you know?
Just by popping off,
and even when I said,
"I'm gonna call you in,"
he kept going.
So the first time I said it,
I was just joking,
but the more he kept going,
the more I was like,
"Okay, well
all right."
Right. Then it gets
Then it gets disrespectful.
So now why make another enemy
If he already was
is smart about
who he wants to go in.
Teck is not the biggest guy.
He's not the strongest guy.
He's the funniest guy.
And the fact
that Teck kind of
popped off at him
is the perfect scapegoat.
Right. So he sealed his fate,
you know?
I love him to death.
I love having him
in the house, but
Right, right.
But he
he shouldn't have tested me.
I got this.
Sit back, y'all, listen.
My name is Teck Money
from The Real World,
and I got to keep
it real at all times.
I know I'm going in.
I expected this.
So not to make anybody
and I know we hungry and tired,
I'm gonna go ahead
and volunteer myself,
put my name in the hat,
put my name in the ring.
It is, what it is.
I'm not at a funeral.
I'm not about to die.
I'm just gonna go
into the Arena and play a game.
Nehemiah called me out,
plain and simple.
My man.
That's how a fucking man
does that shit.
I don't think
anybody expected Teck
to just nominate himself,
but it quite possibly is
the most legendary move
that's ever
been made. There have been
people that have nominated
themselves to go
into elimination,
but not quite like this.
Nothing pisses me off more
than people volunteer
for elimination.
Don't volunteer.
Make these people say your name.
Let's go eat, I'm hungry.
Teck money!
I'm serious, let's do it.
It would be devastating
to lose Teck.
We just have each other's backs
and I don't want him to go home.
Oh, I hate this,
'cause I-I think
both guys are just
wonderful people and you remove
one from the house,
it just changes everything
I don't even know what
the power of the
the-the lifesaver is.
We don't know,
'cause TJ hasn't explained it.
But at least on The Inferno,
um, if I
saved Teck, then I'd have
to throw somebody else in,
in his place, so in my season,
I put myself in
No wonder everybody
is treating the lifesaver
Because in my season
Well, in my in my season,
like, uh, with the lifesaver,
I didn't have to, like,
myself choose anyone.
We know the lifesaver
can save the person
from elimination,
but we don't know
if someone else goes in and how
that's chosen.
There's a lot of unknowns.
And he plays the scared game,
so he's always lurking.
I'm also thinking
long term, too.
I mean, to be honest with you,
I'm thinking for me, as well.
Biggest fucking fear.
I don't, either.
Is it just me or should he
not be cheers-ing right now?
Big Easy?
Oh, I know.
I don't want Teck to leave,
I don't want Nehemiah to leave.
If they go against each other,
one of them is leaving.
And I'm still stuck
in the house with Easy.
you should talk to Kendal
about using the lifesaver.
And Kendal should pick Easy.
The issue is
Kendal doesn't know
how to play this game at all.
Depending on how
confident you are
and what you want
I-I would be really open to it.
Darrell would be pissed.
'Cause he's always like,
"Kendal, shut your mouth.
"Don't talk to anybody, lay low.
Avoid the drama,"
and I'm like
If you save me
then they'd probably
have you pick, right?
Yeah, I-I would think so.
That's how we did it
on Inferno.
Which is where
the lifesaver came in.
But I don't know. TJ hasn't
explained the rules, so
If I save Teck, then
that may upset
a bunch of people, however,
they already hate me anyway.
I'm ready
to flip the table upside down
and just do this.
I need I need to-I need
We got to talk about this later,
because, like, there's
too many-too many ears.
I know, I'm all about
minimal ears, because I
There's people I love,
but I trust them, like, 75%?
Kendal needs to calm down
'cause she's trying
to make the dudes uneasy.
This ain't the way
to play the game, girl.
I am all for
exploring all options.
Keep your voice down.
: I am all for
exploring all options.
Kendal has the lifesaver
and she's got
all the guys on pins
and needles. Am I worried?
A little bit.
You never want
to go into elimination.
That's very nice of you,
Kendal is just
power tripping
on her lifesaver.
She's making
everybody in the house
paranoid and on edge.
She knows that she's doing this,
and she's loving
every minute of it.
Yeah, exactly. Yeah.
I hear my name being brought up,
but the only way I would go in
is if Kendal uses the lifesaver.
Could just be paranoia, but
I feel like it could be
a Teck save
and a Big Easy in.
No, you creep.
I know how men think, especially
in a Challenge house.
So you know what, when there's
half a million dollars
on the line,
a girl's gonna do
what a girl's got to do.
We're at war right now.
And sometimes in between war,
you need a soft touch
to remind yourself
that you're human.
It feels good to be able
to connect,
because you don't know
who you can trust.
Ruthie is a fucking mess.
She plays this game paranoid
every single time.
Oh, what are you
talking about now?
You can go fuck yourself.
All right, sweetheart.
You know what you did,
you know what you did.
Playing this game,
you never know-a split-second
can chan it can change
everything, so really, like
I would be lying
if I were to say that
I'm gonna definitely
be looking out for Ruthie.
I'm gonna be looking out
for my Black ass.
Go fuck yourself, Aneesa.
I'm worried
that Ruthie's out here
blowing up relationships
left and right.
Anxiety-driven behavior
and fear-based behavior
where people start
taking each other out,
they gain momentum fast.
It's just a projection.
Fuck you.
Even if it's a little thing,
like, it's a constant thing.
Just ignoring me when I'm trying
to, like, talk in a conversation
with a bunch of the girls,
just, like,
completely acting
like I don't exist.
I'm over it.
And I'm just like, "I had it."
At some point, you know,
I'm only human.
I'm gonna snap.
You're a fucking fake bitch!
I knew Ruthie was gonna
be paranoid to begin with,
'cause she always is, and
I'm not gonna take on
Ruthie's crazy right now.
Like, I'm so, like
I'm-I'm not scared.
Everybody's fucking scared
of this shit.
You know what I'm saying?
Like, no,
we're gonna fucking, like,
take this shit back.
Like, these people think
that they run this shit.
I feel like Ruthie is
a little bit of an outsider.
And I want to help her,
but I don't know how to.
Maybe it's just, like,
maternal instincts-if I see
somebody who's hurting,
I want to help them.
I really, really hope that
good people fucking win finally.
Then beat her.
Got to get ready.
Well, I don't want nobody else
in this room, so
I don't want to see nobody else
naked in here except you, so
Well, I haven't had roommates
in, ooh, forever.
Yeah, I'm not trying to lose
a roommate as soon as I get one.
The nature of the beast.
I love to go against Nehemiah.
He's been in the, uh,
elimination round
about six times.
He's one of the heavy hitters.
And if I beat him,
then guess what?
People are gonna be looking
at me as a heavy hitter.
What's up, baby?
I'm wearing this
to elimination.
That's what we're doing?
Just come back,
come back to mama.
I would wear some booty shorts,
but you know the way
this situation's set up?
Oh, you're purple in that booty?
Mine looked like somebody
beat it up, but didn't.
It's always just
picking the time to strike.
You can't always, you know,
strike in early,
getting your hands dirty early.
I feel like Easy's,
like, someone
who people may not
want to go in against him,
but they want someone else
to do it for them.
If your gut is telling you
to stick to the current plan,
then you have to stick
to the current plan.
Yeah, there's a lot of power
in being patient.
Get in there, get it done.
Hopefully come back and
I'll still be the big spoon.
Perfect, just making sure
I had my, you know,
big spoon intact.
I know.
All right, everyone,
welcome back to the Arena.
Kendall, Darrell.
You're the captains
of the winning team.
Great job.
So, Darrell, you are safe
from elimination, and Kendal,
you now control the lifesaver.
Which means,
if you so choose to,
you can save tonight's nominee.
Now, Nehemiah,
you were the captain
of the losing team.
You're coming down to the Arena
with me, let's go.
Nehemiah. Get it, get it.
Yeah, Nehemiah.
As for the rest of you,
I sent you back to the Villa
to deliberate and decide
one male
to send into the Arena
to go against Nehemiah, but
I hear somebody
volunteered themselves.
So, Teck, is this true?
Come on down.
Yeah, Teck money, money!
Come on, Teck.
Teck money, money.
If you want to save Teck,
use that lifesaver
right here, right now.
Legendary move.
Teck and Nehemiah's fates
are in my hands? I don't know.
But there's something in my gut
that says I should use it.
Basically you're saving
Teck from himself.
Underneath my clothes,
I have a minute uniform
ready to go, in hopes
that I don't need to use it,
but I am ready to go if need be.
What would happen
if I saved him?
Well, there's only one way
to find out.
Kendal, you have one
decision to make.
To use a lifesaver
or to not use a lifesaver.
Just make up your fucking mind.
Then I'm not gonna
play the lifesaver.
Whew. A-a group exhale
from the boys.
They're like, "Thank God."
For gameplay,
it was the right decision.
Did she execute it well
the past 24 hours? No.
Tonight, you guys are playing
Going Out of Tile.
To begin,
you're gonna start
in your circles.
When I say go,
you will race out and around
this open structure.
Then you're gonna smash out
your designated colored tiles.
One of you will be copper,
one of you will be silver.
Then you're gonna smash out
the colored ones
in the ceiling as well.
Then you're gonna come down
and get back to your circle.
First one to get this done will
win tonight's elimination round,
stay in the game,
still go for that big money.
Loser goes home.
All right? Now,
you've been here for a minute.
Let's get it done, boys.
Yes, sir.
Good luck.
Come on, gentlemen.
Let's go, gentlemen.
Yeah, we love you guys.
Let's do it.
Feeling good.
Seems like
it's gonna be pretty fun.
Just smashing some tiles.
Hoping I can smash this game.
Never been in the Arena,
it's my first time.
So hopefully my first time
will be a charm.
My first elimination
in, like, what, ten years?
I feel excited, I feel ready,
I feel pumped.
And, uh, this is what
we came here for, right?
Is to win money and to beat
people and send them home.
All right, boys.
This is for $500,000.
You want to stay in the game?
All right, you guys ready?
All right, hold on, hold on.
Before we get started
Got a little something special
for you boys.
Bend over?
No, I don't want anybody
to bend over.
These these are nice.
Are they bugs?
These are Carolina Reapers.
Carolina Reapers
are the world's hottest peppers.
Oh, my God.
So each of you
are gonna get two of these,
and when I blow this horn,
you have to eat
both of these peppers.
Then you have to show
the ref your mouth,
that you've eaten
both of those peppers
before you can run around
this open structure
and smash out your colors and do
all the damn thing, all right?
Sorry, boys.
Got to get some good-sized
ones, at least.
Ah, there we go.
Now-now we're talking.
All right, boys!
Oh, yeah, baby!
You're a sick bastard, TJ!
Eat 'em up, baby.
Eat 'em up!
They loo
they're-they're totally doable.
I'm sorry, Teck.
Put 'em in your
hands, Nehemiah.
I can smell those from here.
All right, boys.
You ready? Go!
Get it down, get it down.
Swallow it down.
You got it, Teck.
Get it down.
Hang in there, boys.
Swallow it down.
These peppers are hotter
than July.
I mean, my lip's burning,
my tongue's burning,
my throat's burning,
my nose is burning,
my eyes are burning,
my bootyhole's burning
because it knows
what's gonna come.
It's too big, dude.
It's like that fucking big.
Swallow them down, boys.
Choke to death.
Hang in there, boys.
Hang in there.
The longer it's in your mouth,
the hotter it's gonna be.
Shitting fire either way.
Get them down. Let's go.
It is very hard
for me to watch
Teck versus Nehemiah.
Nehemiah's my Challenge
And I hate to lose. Especially
when it comes to a man.
Damn, dude.
Damn! Thattaboy!
Getting it done, I love it!
Now we're having fun.
Get it going.
Spices are awesome.
Now you just marinate.
Anybody's game here.
Fucking monster, that shit!
You're a fucking monster!
Oh, God.
Brothers are sweating right now.
: Oh
Nehemiah, how you feeling?
So far, so good?
Teck, how you feeling?
Tell him the truth, Teck.
Tell him the truth.
Yeah, Nehemiah.
That's the best answer
I've ever heard.
Thank you for that.
Oh, if he pukes,
I'm gonna puke.
I can't watch.
Teck has
motherfucking heart.
Better men than me.
I wouldn't have been able
to eat that shit.
All right, boys!
I'm trying my hardest
not to think
about this fire-breathing dragon
that's living inside
of my body right now.
I just want to prove
that I am actually one of
the best competitors
The Challenge has
ever seen, and that
I deserve to be a legend.
Man, Teck needs to stay,
because literally,
like, he's the homie.
I don't think that
Nehemiah knows that this
is actually a competitor
that's coming at you right now.
Come on! Come on!
You're-you're doing it!
All right.
Nehemiah, great job, man.
You got it done.
Good job, Neh!
I'm sorry, Teck.
It was so close.
That's how y'all compete.
That was a good game.
Yo. Good shit.
I'm all right.
My mouth is a little on fire,
my stomach's upset,
but I'm more upset at myself.
I came, I saw, I didn't conquer,
but I had a good time.
Now I'm out.
Oh, my God.
You do not understand
how hot these things are.
I got boogers and stuff
coming out of this situation.
I don't even know
if I'm still sexy or not.
But I'm willing to do anything
to make sure
that I win that $500,000.
All right, Teck,
you've been a pleasure, man.
This ends your time here
on The Challenge,
since you lost
tonight's elimination round.
You're still a badass,
though, bro.
Thank you so much for coming.
Take care, man.
Appreciate it, man. Hey.
No better than
to lose to you, brother.
My man.
On me. On me.
All right. Hey.
We love you, Teck.
I'm really sad that
Teck's leaving.
He's part of
our sanity, in a way.
A bright light.
There's nothing you can do.
Except keep on.
I'm still motivated
to stay in the game, but
it's really a sad day.
Getting it done, man.
I threw a curveball
in there for you.
You did, you did.
You still handled it.
Yes, sir.
Like a champ.
Yes, sir.
Go ahead and rejoin the group.
You're still going
for the big money.
Well, as you can see,
anything can and will happen
on The Challenge.
I'll see you guys very soon.
Looking around,
I actually feel like a lot of
these people are true legends,
and I feel like tonight was just
my step closer to putting myself
into the actual title,
because being a legend
is not something that
you're given,
I feel like it's something
that you actually need to earn.
Captioned by
For your next challenge,
On the Ropes,
you're gonna race
across the ropes.
This is gonna be
a really hard challenge.
Pull it,
pull it, pull it!
I can't.
Arissa, I pray that
you can get it together.
Y'all can kiss my ass.
What happens
if he uses the lifesaver?
No one's used it yet,
so we truly don't know.
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