The Chosen One (2019) s01e03 Episode Script

The Relic

Hi. How's it going?
Do you know what I did to the last
Today more than ever, ask yourselves,
if God set fire to your lives,
would you survive the flames?
Matthew tells us
all manner of sins shall be forgiven.
But not blasphemy.
Whosoever would build
upon the foundation of Christ
with gold, silver, wood, gemstones,
or wine
will be consumed by the fire of the Lord.
So ask yourselves today.
Whoever listens to it
is deaf to the words of the savior.
Do not fall into the trap of intoxication.
Because no matter the form he takes,
Beelzebub is always there prowling.
Sin entered the world
through a single man.
And so death reached all mankind.
For all of them,
all of them sinned.
Let's hope we're
as lucky tomorrow, Grandpa.
I hope so, kiddo. I hope.
I told your mom
we'd walk to school together.
I couldn't sleep last night.
Me neither.
Do you mind if we don't tell anyone?
I don't want Hipólito to find out.
Hey, you finished your costume
for the pastorela.
- It looks great.
- Thanks.
Did you add salt to the bottle?
How did you do it?
How did I do what?
What do you mean? How did you do it?
There were like 20 bottles of wine.
Where the hell did you get them?
Take one. It's a gift.
- Sit down, please.
- Thanks.
- Did you want to talk about Jodie?
- Yeah.
Sarah, my flock is troubled.
They're very worried.
It feels like things
are getting out of hand.
All the bottles of Santa Paula
turned into wine as if by magic.
How do you know it's wine?
Jodie and those troublemakers
sold water bottles
on the street yesterday.
What's wrong with that?
They broke into multiple houses,
including mine, and switched it for wine.
Want to try it?
I tried it.
So you guys taste it to make sure.
It is wine.
Jodie, I think you performed a miracle.
A real miracle!
Wise up, Tuka.
This is a scam to make more cash.
I just had a ton of ideas.
They didn't just profane the gospel.
They committed blasphemy.
Believe me, I'd like nothing more
than to help Jodie follow the right path.
We can help him.
Jodie, are you okay?
I'll be right out.
Since the accident,
nothing's been the same in Santa Rosalía.
I'm not sure of anything anymore.
I'm confused.
In the Pahko,
we dance and ask God for guidance.
Maybe that's what you need.
Trust yourself, Jodie.
What does your heart say?
I trust you.
I'm always with you, Tuka.
After Herod ordered
the slaughter of the innocents,
they left Judea,
facing an uncertain future.
And on their way to Bethlehem,
Joseph and Mary were tempted by the devil.
But they did not succumb.
And with their faith
and the word of God as their guide,
they continued tirelessly
to protect baby Jesus.
And in a humble manger,
between animals and pilgrims,
on December 25th
What the hell?
- Go, Yaquis!
- Hey!
Hey, kids!
- Go, Yaquis!
- Hey! Kids, what are you doing?
- Go, Yaquis!
- Kids, that's not how the pastorela goes!
Let me go, devils!
Do you think this is funny?
You never talk about our traditions!
You're right.
It's not your people's celebration.
There's no singing or dancing.
You're suspended.
If Tuka goes, I go too.
How about that? He wasn't born in Mexico,
but he thinks he's a Yaqui.
Hernández can't erase
the Yaqui people's history.
We'll teach him a lesson together.
Enough! Shut up!
Hey! You can't do that.
In the center of the Yaqui nation,
the land was worked equally
until Hernández's family bought the mine
and forced the Yaqui to work in it.
Those who accepted their fate
became slaves.
The rest fled out to sea.
They were free.
Your mom didn't listen
to your great-grandfather's mine workers
when they told her
the tunnels wouldn't hold.
More than 100 Yaqui died.
Their bodies were burned in the smelter.
And their ashes
were thrown into the sea with the slag.
One day, the sea threw it back up.
That's why the beaches
of Santa Rosalía are black.
Where did you hear that?
Enough! Go back to your classrooms!
Now! To class!
The pastorela is canceled!
You, come with me.
Where did you hear that?
Who do you think you are?
Excuse me.
What's the problem here, Principal?
Where's your mom?
She couldn't come.
You know
I'm on his emergency contact list.
In front of the whole school,
he slandered my family
with lies and falsehoods.
He told lies about my mother.
And to top it all off
a student brought this bottle of red wine.
Everybody says Jodie gave it to him.
The kid threw up all over the classroom.
I had to suspend him too.
You're such a good example, Elvis.
He's suspended for a week.
And I want to speak to his mother.
All right.
Have a nice day.
Thanks for ruining the pastorela.
I'll support you with anything you want.
I'll even break
that asshole Hernández's nose, but
will you tell me what happened?
I really don't know what's wrong with me.
I had never felt this way.
Like I was a mutant
from another freaking planet.
That's my wheelhouse, you know?
Feeling like a freaking mutant.
Do you know what a mutant is?
Someone who transforms
into something else.
I want to be normal.
Normal? Being normal is boring.
When I met you and your mom,
I knew you weren't normal.
That's what I like about you.
José! There are two trays left.
Take them out, please.
Yes, boss.
You know, when I discovered my true self,
I was so afraid my family would reject me.
But only my jerk of a brother
turned his back on me.
And slowly, people
have started to accept me.
Even those who were rude to me
are now eating my bread.
I think your mom can help
and understand you more than you know.
Nobody loves you more than she does.
Besides me.
I'm your foster mom.
I don't know what's happening to you.
But I drank from the bottles,
and it was real wine, dude.
How the hell did that happen?
Come on, Sarah.
The kid doesn't know what's happening.
Don't scold him.
I think you should talk to him.
O'Higgins, you won't say anything
at church?
What should I say?
I don't know.
Condemn what this kid is doing,
his fake miracles.
It would give it more importance
than it deserves.
I think it's mass hysteria.
As expected
in a fucking ignorant town like this.
Imagine we were
in Nazareth 2,000 years ago,
and Jesus was performing his miracles.
What would we do?
Would we believe him?
Or would we do nothing?
Or would we simply watch
as he was crucified?
What are you saying?
How's your mom doing?
She's getting worse.
The windshield will be floating
just below the water.
Hipólito will be holding it.
You'll arrive.
And you'll walk on it.
On the other side,
Magda will light thousands of fireworks.
Boom! Bam!
You'll stand there, shouting.
Everybody will freak out.
You'll run to the other side,
and Tuka will remove the windshield.
Nobody will realize
between all the fireworks.
And you'll have walked on water.
You just worked a miracle.
- I don't wanna do that.
- Right.
It sounds silly.
Do you have any other ideas, Wagner?
Oh God.
I really don't want to do that
or any other trick.
You're really buying it.
You don't have superpowers.
None of us have any fucking superpowers.
Sorry. I just came to tell you
the snacks are ready if you want them.
All right. Let's go.
Don't worry.
I've got it all under control.
I've got huge ideas.
Erik, are you okay?
Look at your miracle, Jodie.
How are we gonna make money?
All of your ideas are dumb.
No, really.
The word is "miracles."
People want to see miracles.
I can see clearly!
I'm laughing my ass off.
- Just laughing up a storm.
- No, I'm not lying!
Look, I can even see Father O'Higgins
working from here.
Erik, if you don't shut up,
I'll take your toys
and rip off their arms, legs, and heads
No. I'm not lying. Look.
There he is.
There. See?
Shut up.
- Open your eyes.
- Ouch, stop.
- Wagner, stop.
- Let me see.
What the hell?
I told you it was a miracle.
Let me see. But how?
It's true.
- There's O'Higgins.
- You fixed his eyes.
Jodie, your magic is real.
We're gonna make so much money.
Let's see what else he can do.
What else I can do?
What else I can do?
Something's happening to me,
and you guys don't give a shit.
First, I have no idea who I am.
Or what I am!
For real, cut it out.
He said he doesn't want to.
So, you don't believe Jesus
came back from the dead?
So, all his miracles were fake?
No, that's not it.
I think miracles
shouldn't be taken literally.
How should I take
everything that's happening to me?
What's happening to you?
The crash?
Sorry, I mean
Could you have died? Yeah.
But these things happen.
What about the wine?
I'll give you credit.
You got everyone to believe that.
But it says more about them
than it does you.
How do you explain it, then?
How do you explain what?
Do you remember my lectures?
About how science and faith can coexist?
Almost everything in life
has a logical explanation.
Especially when you don't want
a logical explanation.
What you're doing is dangerous, son.
Working miracles.
Someone could get hurt.
Miracles aren't real.
Why won't you speak to me, Lord?
His condition worsened.
You don't need to make a decision
right now, but
you'll need someone to support you.
He's not gonna wake up?
Ángelo, I need to know
if your mother can come here.
She left us a long time ago.
When will he wake up?
Do you have any other adult relatives
I can talk to?
You know what?
I can hear and feel the bad things
people think and feel.
Can you hear my thoughts?
Not right now.
Well, if you have some sort of antenna
that picks up people's bad feelings,
maybe it's because
you have to do something with it.
Like people who can see ghosts.
Maybe you need to help them.
Help them do what?
Come with me, you fucking gringo!
- If you move, I'll cut up your face
- Let him go!
or your girlfriend's.
- Got it?
- What do you want?
- Let's see you work a miracle.
- Let him go!
- Come on, asshole. Get in.
- You're hurting him!
Fucking gringo.
This one was used for more than 30 hours,
but I can give you a discount.
Thanks, but I'll pay what it's worth.
- Ángelo took Jodie.
- What?
- In his truck. He had a knife.
- Where?
I don't know.
But I can guess where.
Over here.
You better heal him, asshole.
I don't know.
- No, I can't.
- Aren't you the Miracle Boy?
Work a miracle for my dad,
or you'll need one yourself
when I cut your fucking ears off.
Do you understand?
Heal him.
Now, bitch!
Fight back, motherfucker!
- Fight back!
- I can help.
Fight back!
Now, man!
Don't touch him! Do you hear me?
We've all cast our nets into the water
and had them come up empty.
That's why we're here today,
in this Pahko,
to ask the fish to return to our seas.
For our homes.
Come closer.
Who are you?
I trust you, Jodie.
You have to trust yourself too.
Tell me your name.
Listen to your heart.
Don't be afraid.
Lord, help Jodie find his way.
I can feel you.
I can feel you too.
Are you an angel?
- Good evening, brothers.
- Good evening.
- Good evening, sister.
- Good evening, pastor.
- Good evening, brothers.
- Good evening.
Good evening.
walks among us
like a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Therefore, ask yourselves today,
if God, our Lord, set your lives on fire,
would you survive the flames?
The Apostle James tells us that
- It's a miracle! He's alive!
- It's a miracle!
Dear God!
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