The Circle (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

There's a Catfish Among Us

[upbeat music playing]
[Michelle] Hey, Players, what's poppin'?
"A new Player has entered The Circle."
Are you serious?
"The new Player has chosen one of you
to join them at their after-party."
Oh, shit!
After-parties always happen at 3:00 a.m.
You're way too drunk.
You should already be in bed,
but you don't, 'cause you're weak
and you keep goin'.
But it's always a lot of fun.
[Sammie] "All other Players
will be buffered until the morning."
I don't wanna be buffered
until the morning.
I would rather be at the after-party
with the new Player,
- just because
- [Michelle] Oh, girl.
That's literally
the spinning wheel of death.
Oh, looks like I wasn't picked.
What just happened?
Oh! Whoever this person is
has no idea what they're doin'.
I could watch this all day long.
You ain't breaking my spirit, sweetheart.
[alert chimes]
"Miranda has sent you a gift.
This has been delivered to your door."
Oh, man.
It's mad girls in this group.
You chose me?
Aight, Miranda. I hope you pretty,
sending gifts, shawty.
Oh, it's in a black box.
Is this Is this underwear?
Normally when I give girls gifts
in black boxes,
there's a happy ending added.
[laughs] But that's just me.
[continues laughing]
She sent me more prosecco and a
and a chilled wine glass.
Miranda, you get kudos for this.
Hey, Circle.
Take me to Miranda's profile, please.
Oh, shit.
She's pretty. [exhales] Lord.
"Miranda has invited you
to a private chat."
Ah, I knew that was comin'.
[squeals] Oh, my God.
I'm so nervous.
It's almost like a first date.
Okay, message. "Curious as to why
you chose me to chat with?" Send.
[takes a deep breath] Well Hmm.
"I enjoyed your humor
and I felt like you would be someone
who I could connect with."
Aw, she thought I was nice.
So, message.
"Also, you are so beautiful,
exclamation point.
Another exclamation point."
[chuckles] And then we'll send.
"Also, you are beautiful." [snaps]
Bang! That's what I was waiting for.
Oh, boy.
"Aw, heart emoji eyes.
I think this is the first time
I've blushed
since entering The Circle."
[sighs] Oh!
Oh, that's very sweet.
What do I say back to that?
"Glad I could give you the feeling."
[laughs] Hey, hey.
You're flirting openly.
Oh, this could be bad.
This could be good, but this could be bad.
[Michelle] How bad
can a one-on-one private party
with a hot new Player be?
Meanwhile, the others are tuckered out
from being buffered out,
- so they're logging off for the night.
- [Antonio grunts] I'm so tired.
What a day. What a day.
[Chris humming]
I just started to feel comfortable
having all of us,
like, get to know each other,
and now here we go.
Add someone new to the pot.
Message to Shubham.
"For this new Player
that's coming in The Circle,
make the real impression for her,
have a new ally in the house,
and get to the end."
[Michelle] While Joey dreams of serving
Elton John in his bar,
Mercedeze, aka Karyn,
and Miranda aren't feeling tired just yet.
[Karyn] Message.
"You're pretty hot. I like the contrast
in your profile pic."
"I like the contrast
in your profile pic, Randi.
Kinda gives you a mysterious edge."
Ah, girl, you don't even know.
I got tattoos from head to toe. [laughs]
This is kinda dope.
I feel like she almost might be
hitting on me a little bit.
[Michelle] No shit.
"Mercedeze: Curious which picture
caught your attention?"
Message. "Both of them, very sweet
in the first, exclamation point,
and promiscuous in the second."
With a kiss face.
Ha! "Promiscuous"? I don't even know
if that's a good word to use
because that that just seems
like a little loose, but okay.
Message. "Laugh out loud,
I could say the same about you.
The pic in the black shirt
gives me dominance and the pic
in the ocean gives me submissive.
#FiftyShades." Send.
She's flirting hard. Girl, I love this.
I should send, message,
"#WayMoreThanFiftyShades." [chuckles]
- [Michelle] Wait, is she gonna send that?
- [Miranda sighs] And then send.
[Michelle] Oh, she sent that!
Yeah, this girl is gay boost.
It's turned into flirting hard. [chuckles]
I hope everybody is as great as her,
but they're not going to be.
"It's been so great getting to know you
and getting to chat,
but it looks like it's time for me
to get my first night of sleep
in The Circle.
Looking forward to chatting soon.
Kiss face. #EnteredAtMyOwnRisk."
[chuckles] Um
"Try not to miss me too much.
Sweet dreams." Send.
Aw, thanks Mercedeze. Ah.
That was so great.
["Cars" playing]
[Michelle] Morning! Oops.
Probably shouldn't say that too loud,
'cause our Players had
one hell of a party last night.
But they can't afford to have hangovers,
'cause they're all still competing
for that sweet 100K.
Girl, it is bright on this beautiful day!
Let the games begin.
[Michelle] And they best be on it,
'cause this new Player is sharp.
I've never used a kettle before.
So, do I just fill the top with water?
[Joey] Oh, we got the screen back on.
We got someone new!
We got Miranda.
We got another girl?
Oh, that changes a lot.
I don't think there's makeup on her face.
She's really going
for that authentic angle.
Short hair,
much different
from the other three girls.
Oh. There's no more checks.
Oh, I'm not an Influencer anymore.
The hell is goin' on?
Influencer power's over! Yes!
I feel like today is gonna be a day of
[Michelle] But not before
some purposeful profile snooping
on the new girl.
Circle, take me to Miranda's profile.
This is scary.
[Chris] Oh, wow, I can see it already.
Nice, okay.
Okay, so it wasn't the booze.
She's actually hot.
"Relationship status:
Single. Very single."
Can you just put a red sticker that says,
"I'm ready to flirt with the guys"?
Um, I gotta protect my boy Joey from this.
"Single. Very single."
- Okay.
- Circle,
open the picture on the left.
That's crazy.
No makeup.
I think I have maybe, like,
three pictures in my life with no makeup.
[sighs] Miranda,
what is the story behind your eyes?
As the other Players get worked up
over the new, sexy single Miranda,
she's only got one thing on her mind
as she chats
with self-proclaimed chef Antonio:
[laughs] Get your minds outta the gutter.
"Hey, Antonio,
so excited to get to meet you.
I'm actually making breakfast
and saw you could cook."
"So I was wondering
if you could help me, question mark."
"I'm going to attempt to poach an egg."
What the hell is poach an egg?
I really hope he knows
how to poach an egg.
Or maybe breakfast isn't his expertise.
We'll see. Fingers are crossed.
Hmm. Let's turn on the Antonio charm.
"Just crack that egg, scramble it,
add cheese, salt, pepper."
- Send.
- [Miranda sighs]
He doesn't know how to poach an egg.
"And I'm digging the picture at the beach.
Smiley face emoji." Send.
Yeah. Antonio.
Gettin' right to it.
"So how was your after-party last night?
Did you have a good time, question mark.
We gotta make her feel good.
Message. "I actually had a chat
with Mercedeze last night,
exclamation point." Send.
"You were the other person
that I wanted to talk to,
but I gotta get to know my ladies first."
Okay, I feel that. That's a good
She She has a good vibe to her.
I think that's dope.
"Very happy I'm talking to you now."
I got Miranda where I want her, too.
I'm playing chess here,
and it's all working out for me.
"What do you think of everyone so far?
Who's your favorite?"
"I don't have a favorite,
as of right now,
so that spot is free."
[Miranda chuckles]
All right, so we
He kinda kinda said it, a little bit.
I think we played that one real good.
We kept that one player.
"Mercedeze won my heart over,
so that spot is hers right now.
Maybe that could change, or"
[Antonio] "or at least you could be
my number one guy."
I can play that role.
"The number one guy idea sounds perfect.
For now. Winky face."
[Miranda] Yeah.
[gasps] My second chat is going so well,
as well.
"It was nice talking to you,
and I hope you enjoy your poached egg.
Heart emoji."
Let's boost her head up a little bit.
[Miranda] Aw!
He seems like a cool guy.
I'm interested.
[Michelle] So Miranda's poached an egg,
Antonio thinks he's poached Miranda,
and elsewhere,
up on The Circle rooftop lounge,
Joey's just poaching himself.
While having a little solo sing-songy too,
It's a beautiful day to be on a roof ♪
In a Jacuzzi by yourself ♪
[alert chimes]
Oh, Chris invited me to a private chat.
Message. "Good morning,
good morning, good morning!"
"How are you on this blessed morning?"
"Good morning, my brother!
I'm sitting on the rooftop,
soakin' in a Jacuzzi.
[laughing] This is so dope!" Send!
Message. "Hold up, comma, Jacuzzi?"
[Joey] "Homie, it's beach season.
Which means, at a certain point,
once the vodka kicks in,
the bathing suits tend to come off."
Okay, Miss Thing.
He knows exactly what he's doing.
Message. "I know, that's right,
exclamation point.
I once drank a whole box of wine,
ended up butt-ass naked
running through the woods.
And everybody loves good wood."
I love this kid! Come on! Message.
"If we partied together,
we would be a dangerous combination.
Can you say wingman for life?"
[Chris] "Wingman?
I was hoping more like,
in quotations,
'the man.'" [laughs]
"#TheBromanceIsRealBaby." Send.
What's also real is
that our two Influencers
just lost their blue checks."
"The kings have finally been dethroned."
"Honey, are you ready
to join me on the throne?
And send message, hunty-sha.
Bro, I would be happy to be the king
to your queen! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!"
He's a great guy. He left the chat.
You know what?
He left it on a beautiful thing.
We complement each other.
We go together.
We're like vodka and ginger ale,
and I think me and him,
realistically, could be
the next two Influencers in The Circle.
Yeah, buddy! What up?
[Michelle] So as Joey and Chris play
the most fabulous Game of Thrones ever,
Rebecca, aka Seaburn, and Shubham
are strengthening their alliance
for the battles ahead.
I get so excited
in these private chats, like,
this is what my heart strives for.
"Good morning. How are you feeling today?"
No. "How are you feeling, hun?"
Definitely added the hun
because it definitely gives it
more of a flirtatious aspect to it.
Message. "Feeling pretty great.
My voice is a little gone
from screaming from the game and party.
I had a tan suit on last night,
so I felt like the Indian James Bond."
[Seaburn laughs]
Message. "LOL, I could be your sidekick."
Send. [chuckles]
[Shubham] That'd be sick! No, no, no!
You could be side-hero. That's funny,
that's really funny, actually. [chuckles]
"Also, I find your new picture
very, very handsome."
Oh, that's nice.
Message. "Aw, thanks! [chuckles]
I loved both your pictures." Send.
Yes! He likes me!
He really, really likes me!
Oh, man.
So I'm definitely going to make sure
he knows
that he's safe with me.
Because we're allies.
Message. "LOL, thank you.
With it being a new playing field,
there's definitely room
for both of us to gain power.
Wink face." Send.
I'm 100% confident
we both have a great shot
at getting power.
We are turning out to be
an amazing, amazing,
amazing, amazing team.
Ooh! This feels so nice.
[Michelle] After hitting it off
with newbie Miranda last night,
Mercedeze, aka Karyn,
wants to expand her circle.
And she's making it a family affair.
Hey, Circle,
I'd like to start a group chat
with Shubham and Chris
entitled "Momma's Boys."
I'm gonna definitely just keep Shubham
and Chris literally as friends.
I feel like Mercedeze
doesn't hate me
as much as I thought she does.
And I feel like Mercedeze thinks
I'm an ally at this point.
Okay, so message. "Hey my loves,
just checking to make sure
everyone's okay. #NoHangovers."
Oh that's nice! Thanks, Mom.
I woke up feeling fresh as a lettuce,
exclamation point.
Speaking of last night,
what do you guys think about the new girl?
Did y'all get a chance to chat with her,
question mark."
And Circle, send when you can.
Ah. Now here's where shit gets real.
Do I want to express to Chris
that I spoke to Miranda?
If I don't mention that I chatted with her
and she does,
it makes me seem like a liar.
However, if I do say I spoke to her,
I don't really wanna divulge
too much about our conversation.
Think, think, think, think! Mm
I'mma go for it. All right, message.
"@Chris. Girl,
she is definitely a kiki.
I spoke with her.
We had a drink.
She seemed very cool."
Oh, shit. Message.
"She hit you up? That is badass."
That's interesting Mercedeze told me,
though, she met the new girl.
Well, at lea
It shows Mercedeze trusts me, I think,
to give me that information.
"Based on her profile,
I had the assumption
[Chris] "she was going to play
the flirt strategy times ten."
Message. "@Shubham,
I'm not trying to be Negative Nancy,
but, my spirit is saying,
'Tread lightly so far."'
Let's get that little
What do you call it?
He's like the little
investigator man
with the little magnifying glass.
[Karyn] It's his way of saying
something about her doesn't seem right.
"Let's just say
I keep a sturdy ten-foot spoon."
"Let's keep three strong spoons. Ha-ha."
[chuckles] Message.
"Amen, sis."
I love Chris's energy.
Oh, my goodness. Like,
if we were home,
he would definitely be one of my people
that I go to every day.
Like, what are we doing?
Where are we going?
Matter of fact, message.
"Okay, boys, Mama has to straighten up
and start the day.
Talk to you later."
Gimme a kissy emoji and send.
Okay, fine. Leave the chat, Circle.
Bye, everybody!
[Michelle] As Chris says,
"Bye, everybody!"
Miranda wants to say, "Hi, everybody!"
to the Circle girls
she hasn't flirted with.
- Sorry, introduced herself to.
- Hold the phone.
Message. "Hey, ladies.
Very excited to be here.
How are you feeling today?" Send.
Wait. Where's Mercedeze?
Does that mean
she was with Mercedeze last night?
Message. "I am feeling very tired,
but I'm excited." Send.
"Hi, Miranda. I'm so excited to meet you."
"I was really excited to talk to you girls
because I haven't been able
to speak to you yet."
Ah. It
This is like a close-knit kind of chat.
She's trying to build rapport.
I'm curious
why Mercedeze isn't in the group chat.
Message. "Who have you talked to so far?"
"Got to chat with Mercedeze for a bit.
Her looks intrigued me.
You're both very attractive as well."
Maybe we'll do, like, the laughing,
sweat on the forehead face. [chuckles]
"Are you both just into men,
question mark."
Oh, my gosh, what a big turn of events.
Okay, so Miranda likes girls.
She went with Mercedeze last night,
right away, because of her looks,
so Mercedeze is her type.
And now she's talking to us.
Probably if I was meeting them
this probably wouldn't be the first thing
I would say to them,
so I'm hoping I don't come off too strong.
[Seaburn] "OMG,
that definitely is exciting.
Mercedeze is a boss.
And [hiccips]thank you.
I am bi-curious." Send.
[Michelle] When in Rome, huh, Seaburn?
"It's pleasing to see
you're not as shy as I thought you were,
given your profile."
Message. "That's awesome.
I'm glad you got to chat with Mercedeze,
exclamation point.
As for what I'm into, I'm really open.
Rainbow heart emoji,
sun, smiley face emoji." Send.
Good to know
maybe I can flirt with her a little bit.
"Miranda: I'm mostly into men,
but I always enjoy a pretty girl."
Phew. I was not expecting this.
That's really confusing now.
'Cause she came
into the group chat, kinda, like,
seeming like she likes girls.
And now this just threw me off
because now she's saying
she basically is into men.
But she enjoys a pretty girl.
"Thanks so much
for sharing with me today, ladies.
It was so great to meet you."
See, that's one thing I don't like,
is girls that date men,
but like, will just have fun with a girl,
'cause that just plays with emotions.
So, like,
I don't really know how I feel about that.
Yay. I felt like that went really well.
While Miranda passes the time puzzling,
and Joey passes the time
making the weirdest lunch
I have ever seen,
The Circle is about to do
what it does best.
[alarm blares]
- We got an alert!
- [Karyn and Seaburn] Alert!
I'm cooking brussels sprouts.
Could you not wait 20 minutes,
you scumbag? Come on!
Oh, good!
"Players, it's time for the Ratings."
Oh, my stomach just dropped into my pants.
"You must rank your fellow Players
from favorite to least favorite."
- Easy.
- [Joey] "As a new Player,
Miranda cannot rate and cannot be rated."
Aw, okay.
But I wanted to rate.
[Sammie] "Once everyone has rated,
the top two Players
will become The Circle Influencers
and have the power to block."
We came to play, not be on the sidelines.
It's time to take control of my destiny
once and for all.
In first place is Joey. I love Joey,
we have a lot in common,
and I feel like he's got my back
to the end of this, and I have his back.
My sixth will have to be Joey.
I'm not too sure on Joey.
I don't trust him all the way.
So I'm gonna have to vote him last.
In sixth position,
is anybody really surprised?
The Darth Vader to my Luke Skywalker.
If I am lucky enough
to become an Influencer, Antonio,
I'm gunning for you.
I still don't like the fact
that you started a conversation with me
to ask me about me, but didn't really
go into anything that I said, like,
what are you reading? What are you eating?
Like, those kinda things.
My fourth is Mercedeze.
We had a little alliance going,
but she never gave me
100% that, you know,
I'm gonna be protected,
and she got my back,
so I'm gonna go with her for fourth.
I already know who's gonna be
my number one, Miss Mercedeze.
This is a badass bitch.
These are the type of girls I like to, uh,
surround myself
Power women. Powerful.
Second, without even thinking about it,
Chris. Put Chris in second.
Chris, he is nothing but life!
He gives me so much energy,
and he brings it every time!
In second place, I'd like to put Rebecca.
Rebecca's been my day one.
She and I have a lot in common.
We comfort each other, and now it's time
for me and Rebecca
to take control of this game.
First is my guy, Shooby!
Shooby has my back.
When it comes down to it, I feel like
he's definitely gonna say,
"No, don't vote Antonio off.
Let's do one of the girls
or someone else,
so Shooby's number one.
And I feel like I'm safe with Shooby.
So now, I hate putting Shubham sixth,
but the fact that we have had zero
communication and interaction
with each other,
I just can't put him above anyone else.
Although I feel as though,
in private,
we would make a great conversation,
I'm still not trusting you.
So number five, we're gonna put Sammie.
Circle, please lock in my Ratings.
[Michelle] With the Ratings done,
the Players will find out later,
after a lot of squirming and nail-biting,
who will become Influencers.
Ooh, this is gonna be interesting to see.
And after the stress of those Ratings,
Shubham wants to talk
to his big broey Joey,
who he hopes is watching out for him.
Message! "Hey, brother,
how are you holding up today
after the Ratings, question mark." Send.
"Oh, I'm just having a heart attack.
But besides that, I'm doin' fine."
"Yeah, man. [laughs]
I'm going into cardiac arrest myself.
Don't worry, man, you're the one person
in The Circle I would go to war for."
I love this kid. Message.
"Shooby, my brother,
I would die for you.
I got your back, no matter what.
We're in this together, baby."
You know, I didn't think
I'd come into The Circle and,
you know, really build a bond this much,
but with Joey, like,
it really just feels so natural.
[Michelle] Aw, the Players are forming
such sweet little friendships.
I'm sure The Circle would never do
anything to complicate those.
"Ask Me Anything."
It's a game?
[Michelle] Yes, Shubham, a game.
And one where you get to ask
your fellow Players absolutely anything.
Circle, open "Ask Me Anything" app.
"This is your chance to send
one Player a question
without them knowing it's from you."
[Michelle] And this could get ugly quick,
'cause nobody knows who's asking what.
I like this.
Honey, they could ask me anything.
I am an open book.
Joey is definitely the catfish.
We're gonna expose him right here.
This is gonna get ugly. I love it.
[Michelle] First up
to interrogate anonymously is Chris.
I am now in anonymous mode.
Rebecca, I'mma ask you this question.
Please don't get mad, girl.
[Seaburn] Here it is! [exclaims]
- Whoo. Let's go.
- "Are you really shy,
or is that a front for easy likability?"
Send message.
Ooh. "Are you really shy,
or is that a front for easy likability?"
Yeah! Exactly!
I don't think she's lying about being shy.
[Michelle] Yeah,
Rebecca would never lie
about being shy.
Message. "Growing up,
my twin sister did all the talking for me,
so I never really got the chance
to find my own voice.
So, being shy is not a phase for me."
[sighs] I am really happy.
This is going to be a game changer.
Message. "Oh, my God, you're a twin."
"You're a twin. I always watched
Tia and Tamera and was so jealous."
Message. "@Rebecca,
there's so much heart in your answer,
and you should be extremely proud."
[laughs] Yes!
"The world is a better place
because God put you here in it."
Send message.
I love Chris.
"My heart definitely melted
out of my chest."
"Thank you all, I am smiling
from ear to ear. Love you."
Ah, she's so cute.
Oh! [beatboxing] That was dope.
Yo I'm about to throw up, like
this shit is so fake.
Speaking of fake, it's time for Rebecca,
aka Seaburn, to ask his question.
"Oh! You are now in anonymous mode!"
Let's do it.
Ooh, I've been waiting to find this out.
Message. "My question is to @Mercedeze."
Okay, hit me with your best shot, man.
Let's go.
"Who do you believe is a catfish?"
Ooh, this is about to be spice! [chuckles]
Holy shit.
Oh, ooh! Here we go!
Ooh! Me. I can't say that, though.
She better not say me.
I ain't no damn catfish.
The person asking this, I feel like,
is most definitely the catfish.
Do I say downright,
"I think that Sammie's a catfish"?
Or do I
play it safe?
So funny 'cause she's gotta be careful
of, like, what she says.
Okay, message.
"In all honesty, no shade,
now that Alana is gone,
I think everyone is a catfish.
- Send.
- [Seaburn] Wow.
That was a sucky answer.
It's a safe politician's answer.
"Sammie might be a catfish.
She seems too good to be true."
And maybe, like, a wink face. Send.
[Sammie] Why would I be the catfish?
That's not fair! Does everyone think that?
Everyone thinks that
and isn't telling me about it?
Hopefully she took that as, like,
flirtatious and not, like a
"Bitch you're a catfish!" [chuckles]
"Oh, my God. LOL, not fair.
I definitely am who I say I am."
Miranda's definitely coming at Sammie.
Very interesting.
Damn it! I really hope
people don't think that I'm a catfish.
I believe you, Sammie, shit.
You're not some random dude over there,
scratching his nuts in his apartment.
[Michelle] Hello? Is anyone there?
[Antonio] Message. "@Joey.
Word around The Circle is
you're the catfish
that everyone is trying to figure out."
"Is this true?"
Right for the jugular!
Holy smokes!
That's insane. Joey, to me,
was the most genuine guy from day one.
"I have been 100% truthful
about who I am, where I come from,
and the values that I hold near
and dear to my heart."
What? What the fuck kinda answer is this?
I knew he was gonna run
that family values shit.
Bro, you're not an altar boy!
Message. "I put my life in the game,
right here, right now
that Joey is 100% genuine.
- Send.
- Oh, my gosh.
No, Shooby.
Boom! Shooby's got my back!
Look at you. Sticking up for your bro.
Wish I had that same love
when people thought I was a catfish.
I'm good at calling people out
on their shit,
and I know Joey's not who he say he is.
Put me in a corner,
and let's see what I do.
Put my back against the wall,
I will emerge victorious.
[Michelle] Okay, next in the driver's seat
is Mercedeze, aka Karyn.
[Karyn] "You are now in anonymous mode."
Okay, message.
"My question is for Antonio." Send.
Oh, no! I got a question now.
What could someone possibly ask Antonio?
Message. "Have you solidified
any worthy alliances?
With who?" Send.
Damn, dude, this is the hardest one.
Be smart, Antonio.
[Antonio] Damn, why they ask me this shit?
Let's see how you react to this, Antonio.
Yeah, he's not gonna give
a straight answer. I already know it.
Me and Antonio did say
that we had each other's backs.
Message. "The only alliance I have
is with God, LOL.
But I think any alliance
that anyone should have is between them.
#IAin'tNoSnitch." Send.
Okay, hold up. Wait, wait, wait!
He didn't give himself away.
Everyone's tiptoeing around shit. Come on.
Get some balls.
Antonio, I still don't like you.
[chuckles] Joey is gonna be mad.
Message Antonio.
"While I respect your answer in God,
I think a huge part
of any real relationship
is not being ashamed to show love
for that person out loud."
Alliance is not a relationship.
What is he talking about?
Message. "There's nothing wrong
with a God-fearing man.
However, there's something suspect
about a man
that can't answer a question direct.
#CatfishMuch?" Send.
Me, catfish?
She done lost her fuckin' mind.
She put that in the air last.
Now everybody's gonna think I'm a catfish.
Yeah, buddy! I've been onto you
the whole time, Antonio!
I read your profile,
and I knew you were bullshit!
Message. "How am I a catfish?
I went to Polytech High School
and graduated
from Lincoln University Class of"
"2017, where I went to play
professional basketball in Spain."
"Now, what catfish would know that?"
Yeah, see?
It seems pretty authentic, yeah.
That was the wrong thing to say.
We're all gonna suspect
that he's done his homework.
He could be your friend that you went
to school with, and you already know this.
You think someone who's catfishing
isn't gonna have a story?
They can't even think
I'm a catfish after this.
You are a catfish.
I still think he's full of shit!
[Michelle] Wow, who would've known a game
where Players can anonymously
get in each other's business
with no repercussions would get so heated?
People are bullshitters.
I've been saying it for a long time.
It's the story of my life.
[Michelle] After noticing
no one defended Sammie
during the game, including himself
You're not slick, Shooby!
he has decided to check in with her.
[Shubham] Uh, message.
"Hey, I thought it was totally unfair
Miranda came at you in the game.
To be honest,
I think Miranda is 100% a catfish.
Period." Send.
Message. "I'm so happy to hear that.
I was genuinely upset
when she called me a catfish
and not one person stuck up for me."
"I've never tried to be someone else."
That's true, no one stuck up for her.
I didn't stick up for her.
That was so bad. I should've.
Message. "Yeah, I feel absolutely terrible
for not sticking up for you."
He just, like, squishes my heart.
I do actually feel really bad
for not sticking up for her.
It's, like, this girl saved me on day one.
So, message. "Aw, don't feel bad at all.
Honestly, I wouldn't expect you
to stick up for me
because we didn't really
get to know each other just yet."
Message. "Yeah, I'm terrible
at writing funny, or witty,
or even cool messages,
so I wish I was better
so people could get to know me."
"Honestly, I hate these public group chats
because it's so hard for me
to fit in groups."
I don't know, maybe I'm gonna fall
on my own sword or eat my
naiveness, but I just, like
Sammie's so authentic,
and her yellow shirt
and those brown eyes,
I think they're brown,
and just the curly hair,
she's just this sweet, nice girl.
"Well, my job back home
is working with children
on the spectrum of autism.
So, I watch every day
what it's like to be different"
"and be left out."
That's really sweet.
"That's such an incredible job you have,
and it's made you the person
you are today."
Message. "Well just know that,
at any point in time,
you're welcome
to come private chat with me.
And don't worry so much about fitting in.
All the cool kids stand out.
Heart emoji." Send.
That's how I feel.
Well, after that conversation,
150%, Sammie's not a catfish.
[Michelle] It's evening in The Circle,
and it's a time
of quiet reflection for Shubham.
Wonder if the same could be said for Joey.
[shouts] Come on!
Don't you know
what spilling the salt means?
It's bad luck!
This is an omen of things to come.
[Michelle] Earlier our Players,
apart from newbie Miranda,
rated each other for the second time
from their most to least favorite.
They're all having
such a relaxing evening,
I almost hate to see this.
[alarm blares]
- Alert!
- Alert! Alert!
We got an alert!
"Players, the Ratings results are in."
Oh, my gosh, Lord,
I am hoping that I become an Influencer
here on The Circle.
I thought everybody thought
I was a real person.
But apparently, since I got the questions,
they think I'm a catfish.
My heart is literally,
like, beating in my throat.
I really hope I'm not in the bottom.
All right, Circle! Show me money!
I've been kissing ass for 48 hours.
Let me know
if this shit is working! Please!
Who do we have at seventh place?
[Michelle] Well it's definitely not you,
'cause you're safe. Remember?
Come on, please don't be seventh,
please don't be seven.
Oh, my gosh! How am I the last place?
What happened, Mr. Influencer?
What happened?
Antonio! [chuckles]
I had that damn target on my back.
This is exactly why I didn't want
to be Influencer first.
The head is now the tail.
My heart goes out to him.
I know what it feels like
to be at the bottom. I really do.
- I don't know how I'm last.
- [Karyn] That's what you get.
Ol' crybaby! Oh, man, yes!
Fifth! Are we skippin' sixth?
Ooh, no.
[Joey] Oh!
I tied with Sammie for fifth?
We're tied?
Joey and Sammie are both in fifth place?
I am utterly shocked, to be honest.
Sucks, though.
Sucks to think about. I'm fifth.
That means Chris, Joey, Antonio,
they didn't have my back
the way I thought they did.
Who's fourth? Who's fourth?
[Seaburn] Please, not me.
Oh, my stomach. My stomach.
Ah, please, not me.
Yup! Not even upset.
Fourth, I'm not even upset with that.
Not even upset with that.
As long as I'm not in the bottom.
That's what the fuck she gets,
talking about I'm a catfish.
I don't understand how this is happening.
I really don't.
- Wow.
- [Michelle] Yeah.
Wow. Those Ratings really put
the catfish amongst the pigeons.
But still waiting to see
who comes out on top
are Chris, Rebecca, and Shubham.
In third place! Ooh.
Gosh, I'm so freaking out right now.
If somebody told me
I would've been top three
at the beginning of this,
I would've told you
you're insane in every way.
[Chris groans, trills]
[Seaburn] Oh!
I was this close to getting
an Influencer spot! This close!
Wait, what? This means I'm an Influencer.
[Chris chuckling]
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Shooby! You did it!
Yes, yes! I shouldn't do that.
I'll break the ground. But, yes! Yes!
Tied at first with Shubham,
and Shubham was the one
who was at the very bottom.
Talk about redemption.
Everything I hate in the real world,
I just became.
So the Influencers are Chris and Shubham
right now. I can deal with that.
[alarm blares]
Ah, alert!
[Karyn] "As the most popular Players,
Chris and Shubham
are now Circle Influencers."
And that's right!
I'm happy with Chris and Shubham
being Influencers.
Mom, I'm an Influencer!
Yes! Yes!
Live to fight another fucking day, yes!
Oh, that's so good!
"All other Players
are at risk of being Blocked."
Oh, God!
Please don't be me!
[Sammie] "As the new Player,
Miranda cannot be blocked."
That's, like, such a relief.
Well, there's next time.
"Influencers, you must now decide
which at-risk"
"Player you wish to block
from The Circle." This sucks!
Oh, my gosh.
Phew. Tough, like,
having all that power.
This game, man,
will just turn you inside out.
This is nerve-racking.
Somebody's dream is about to end,
and it's because of me.
Shooby and Chris.
Shubham might protect me.
God, this is gonna be so hard.
[theme music playing]
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