The Circle: Brazil (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

Segue o Baile

A night of samba and caipirinha
helped the players
get over Ana Carla's exit.
I'm getting goosebumps, man.
Party time in The Circle.
While they got into the Carnival spirit,
two new players snuck into The Circle.
- Wonder Twin powers
- Activate.
Hi, I'm I don't need to say hi.
- I'm Lucas.
- I'm Marcel.
- I'm 30 years old.
- Me too.
- I'm from Rio Branco, Acre.
- Me too.
We're twins.
I'm the older twin, so I'm more of a boss.
- Bullshit.
- I knew he wouldn't agree.
I'm younger and more responsible.
Lucas has just came out as gay.
He came out as gay at birth.
Picture twins living together.
We share a bedroom, a car
- Clothes.
- Clothes, to this day.
We end up fighting.
Now Lucas lives in São Paulo,
and I live in Rio Branco.
When you're apart,
you start becoming your own person.
I kinda miss it. And you?
Oh I don't.
Us living together again Oh, my God.
There will be two games: The Circle and Lucas and Marcel.
What about our profile?
We'll be a new person.
It can't be Lucas or Marcel.
We've combined both.
- Together, we are Lu
- ma.
So creative.
Friendly, outgoing.
Smoking hot!
Luma represents Lucas's heart
and Marcel's mind.
Aw, that is so romantic.
- Luma is from Acre. Luma is real.
- The real deal.
The real deal!
"Welcome to The Circle."
Thank you.
"Set up your profile."
It's about to start.
Lucas plus Marcel equals Luma.
Let's select a photo.
She's so pretty.
Open "Selfies" album.
The wonderful girl in the photos
is Juciane.
Miss Acre, influencer.
Her story is very similar to ours.
We could be triplets.
A profile picture should show your face.
- Check another album.
- Open "Hobbies."
Cool. I like her in black.
See? From that photo, we can say
that she's happy.
It shows nature, something lively.
- Her beauty.
- It's spontaneous.
Everything is well balanced.
That's the one.
It looks great.
Luma's age?
She's 27 years old.
"Relationship status." Single.
"Tell us about yourself"
- I'm a proud Acre native.
- Let go!
I was raised eating tacacá and açaí.
Advertiser and digital influencer.
- Now, her personality.
- Okay.
Maybe, no bad vibes?
Don't even start with that.
stubborn, and indecisive.
A typical Libra.
- It's great, don't you think?
- Of course.
Circle, post our profile.
The profile is set.
What could this be?
What do you think?
- All they need now is a fierce look.
- Hi, Luma!
Oh, my God!
A glamorous makeup.
We look so trashy.
And Luma is ready to shine
in The Circle's party.
The party is about to start.
Let's dance
Who wants to lose energy? Not me.
- Yeah!
- Fuck yeah!
Turn it up!
I'm going to the dance floor.
Thank you very much. You're welcome.
- Whoa!
- "Circle Chat
is now open!"
Circle, open chat.
Let's see what they're talking
about the costumes, the music
"The Circle.
Select your best Carnival picture"
"and post it to the Circle Chat."
Do I have a good Carnival picture?
If you think that's hard,
imagine how hard it is for a catfish.
Dude, Lucas doesn't really care
about Carnival.
Loma, on the other hand,
as soon as she hears
She immediately dresses up.
Circle, open my photos.
Select the one from the festival.
Send the photo and the hashtag.
You mean, "Thor-rible."
Circle, message.
Wow. Check him out.
There's nothing we can do, girl.
That's life, unfortunately.
Lucas, I still want you, okay?
Don't be pissed at me.
I have a feeling that Lucas is shallow,
and he's a mystery to me.
I don't really trust him.
While the players post Carnival pictures,
what does our new player think about them?
He likes to drink.
Luma has a friend.
"Be focused, be strong, have faith." Geez!
Let's enjoy life. He's a surfer.
Circle, open my photo album.
Please add the first one.
My God, she's so flexible!
I feel so jealous.
Let's check Marina now.
- I love Marina.
- Marina!
Wow, very nice!
Circle, open my albums.
Send the one I'm wearing a hat.
- What a hottie.
- Holy mother of God!
So pretty.
"Small-town, chatty princess."
Another chatty girl?
There's no room for two.
"Wannabe model. Likes to party."
Circle, message.
I'm buying a farm right now.
Everybody's flirting with everybody.
I can't compete.
You can't shoot in every direction.
You will run out of bullets
and won't hit anyone.
Fuck, which one should I choose?
Select the first one.
# CarnivalGamer. #GamersJustWannaHaveFun.
That's it. Circle, send message.
Gaybol's photo! Wow
Circle, message.
So is that your player two?
My player two is way prettier.
She's much cuter.
"Gaybol." Funny name.
"I love video games." He's a nerd.
Circle, open my album.
I'm sending the one I'm holding a drink.
Oh, wow.
Cute, but not as much
as in his profile picture.
He tried to fool us.
Circle, message.
I could use a firefighter
to put out the fire in my apartment.
He's 28, "actively looking."
He's a manwhore.
Stereotypical straight guy.
See what a photo can do?
Circle, the one I'm wearing a hat.
Circle, send.
He sent a childhood photo.
Are you a catfish?
I'm keeping my eyes on you.
Are you trying to trick me?
He's a doctor, a dietician.
Luma can talk to him
because she's a Libra.
It's a conversation starter.
Circle, message.
Akel, how come you want to create
a Carnival group chat?
You don't even have a photo.
- Send.
- In your face!
Holy shit!
Dumaresq doesn't give a fuck.
He has just told everybody
I created a Carnival group chat,
such a tattletale.
Circle, select the photo
I'm wearing balloons and a crown,
from the last Carnival.
Nice one. That's what I'm talking about.
He's an artist.
He seems very lively.
He seems the type of guy who fights
- for LGBT rights.
- For the gays.
Circle, send.
Is Julia the only one missing?
Auntie, you better give your best.
Circle, open my album.
Select the one with the pink hair.
I'm gagging!
I'm very impressed.
Way to go, Julia.
She'll go up in the rankings.
- Whoa!
- I love Julia.
"Come with Auntie." Write it down.
These profiles are very interesting.
- Right?
- Luma's is better.
Circle, message.
Holy shit, dude!
Three exclamation marks.
I think you're the love of my life.
"Dude?" But I'm a woman.
Julia, if you've got nothing to hide,
you've got nothing to fear.
Circle, open my album.
Select photo.
The second one, the Carnival picture.
Colorful bathing suit.
And the second hashtag is #NoMeansNo.
You look cute as a brunette.
"Luma has entered the chat."
What the fuck?
Who is Luma?
Don't tell me there's a new player.
Did I drink too much?
Where did she come from?
I don't get it.
Luma has arrived.
And stomping.
Circle, open Luma's photo.
Holy shit!
I'm shocked.
Everything is going well,
and The Circle brings another player.
Giving her clothes and the hashtags,
is she a trans woman?
It looks like it.
Circle, message.
One more queen for our colorful gang!
Welcome. I swear we don't bite.
"I swear we don't bite."
Yes, we do.
But we bite with love.
Circle, message.
Luma, it's really great
to have a trans person
"here with us.
We needed that side of reality in here.
Welcome. You can count on Auntie.
I hope I didn't get it wrong."
Oh, but you did, honey.
It that the first thing you say
to someone you have just met?
What to expect?
How does Julia know that Luma is trans?
Circle, message.
Hey, guys!
"I got here on a great day.
I'm loving it."
"I loved your profiles."
- "I want to talk to everybody."
- "#ChatWithMe."
I certainly will.
That's so cool.
She came in with a bang, dude.
Luma's first message.
She nailed it.
Excellent profile.
Congratulations to us.
Let's get to know Luma.
Open Luma's profile.
Dude, she's hot.
"Luma. Age: 27.
- Relationship status"
- "Single."
Hell yeah!
It's a really great photo. Oh, my God.
"I'm a proud Acre native."
Nice! We needed people from the north.
"Advertiser and digital influencer.
- Happiness means"
- "family, friends, music, and alcohol."
We're very much alike.
"Chatty, stubborn"
"and indecisive. A typical Libra.
- Hashtag"
- "DontPullMyExtensions."
Very nice.
She gave us another hint.
She wears weaves.
She didn't say anything about her gender,
whether she's a trans or not.
What's her deal?
Where did Julia got the idea
that she's trans?
She doesn't look like a trans.
I think Ju got it wrong.
And even if she is, who cares?
She seems brave.
She might be
a fierce competitor.
Is this her real profile?
Is Luma real?
Is anybody real?
Let's investigate.
Circle, open private chat with Akel.
Holy mother of God!
I'm not dressed for this moment.
I'm not ready yet, guys.
If he's a catfish,
he's probably shitting his pants.
What if I start asking him
about skeletal muscle,
and he doesn't know anything?
He'll be in trouble.
Circle, open private chat with Lorayne.
Gosh, what is she going to say?
Circle, message.
So, did you also have a hard time
in Anatomy class? Question mark.
I study Physical Therapy,
and I can't remember half of it.
Laugh emoji. #HelpMe.
Shit, she's a doctor!
No, she studies Physical Therapy.
Circle, message.
So does that mean
you work in healthcare too?
I did well in the beginning.
The hardest part
was the internship.
"I started being at call." Internship?
"At call?" You mean, "on call."
I'm pretty sure she'll buy that.
She'll be like,
"Wow, he really is a doctor.
When somebody claims they're a doctor,
they gotta know about internships."
So does that mean you know
where my sternocleidomastoid muscle is?
"sternocleidomasteoid muscle is?
You can give it a kiss."
Holy, what's that?
Circle, message.
The big question is,
will we have our classes
"in my home or yours?"
Holy. I nailed it.
He didn't say anything
regarding the muscle.
What a slippery brat!
Circle, message.
Since we know a little about anatomy,
and since we're into signs and partying,
marriage is the only step left.
Where will we go on our honeymoon?
That place is amazing.
Never been there, but I've seen photos.
Circle, message.
Dude, comma, we've married already.
"You just haven't noticed.
The husband spot is all yours.
Come massage my paws.
What the hell?
I think I'm in a relationship now.
I think I have a girlfriend.
Lolo, if you're a catfish,
I'll get really depressed when I find out.
I can't wait to see you
giving the physical therapist a massage.
It was an excellent night.
Good night to us.
Carnival is over.
I have to get rid of this glitter.
I don't know how.
I'm the true image of a terrible hangover.
Bye, bitch.
What's the deal with Luma?
I guess somebody
won't let Marina sleep tonight.
What a good night's sleep.
Good morning, Circle!
Good morning, Circle.
Ouch, I even broke the bed.
I'm beat.
It's full again. Nine people.
Actually, everybody was too nice to Luma.
I'm a little suspicious.
Let's see if she's nice.
I have a feeling we'll be friends.
Just kidding.
Man, Luma's arrival
was controversial.
The only problem was Julia.
Julia made that comment
It was terrible.
I can't stop thinking
about her being trans, man.
"Come with Auntie." Auntie's crazy.
I'm excited. It's finally time.
My own group chat!
I really want all the girls in there.
We're gonna have a cozy,
unrestrained chat.
Women and gay men get along really well.
She fights!
"Dumaresq has invited you
to the She Fights Chat!"
Girl! I love it!
Nice, man.
Did he invite Luma too?
Circle, open chat.
We have a group chat now!
Circle, message.
Yesterday, I fled from a group
Lucas had created
only for men. Period.
I couldn't stop thinking
about creating this one.
#SheFights. Period.
Shall we talk about them?
Question mark. Send.
Wow, they've created a group
only for the guys.
Whoa, naughty boy.
All I'm seeing, Duma,
is that you're really astute.
Circle, message.
Nice one, baby girl.
Heart emoji.
Luma, you're so cute!
Circle, message.
I admit that I have a small crush
on Lucas. What about you, girls?
I knew it.
These people only care about flirting.
I've marked my territory. I've peed on it.
Dumaresq, did you run away from them?
That would be heaven for Auntie.
Fire emoji, knife emoji.
I'm gonna talk to Auntie. Circle, message.
Julia, just a piece of advice:
change the subject a little. Period.
"ninety percent of what you say
is about sex. #Advice.
That's Julia. It's her personality.
Oh my God!
He doesn't care if she's gonna be mad.
If Auntie only wants to talk about men,
what's the big deal?
- He only gave her advice.
- She didn't ask for it.
Circle, message.
I hadn't noticed.
Thanks for the advice.
I'll try to hold it back.
Fire emoji, knife emoji.
Circle, message.
I love it!
Laugh emoji.
Circle, message.
Luma, Auntie is dying to know this.
On your birth certificate,
are you registered as
a man or a woman? Send.
Oh, my God.
What the hell? I can't believe it.
Don't ask that right away.
It's cruel and inappropriate
to ask something like that.
Circle, message.
Julia, I was born a girl,
but my heart belongs to the world.
Gay heart emoji. Send.
Nice. She answered.
She's a woman, not a trans.
Is that gonna affect your life somehow?
That hurts.
These kinds of questions are uncalled-for.
The answer won't make a difference.
Circle, message.
Julia, if our birth certificate
could tell exactly how we feel,
mine wouldn't have #man
"but #gay instead.
Bodies and souls are free."
Dude, he nailed it.
Dumaresq is jumping down Julia's throat.
I think he doesn't like Auntie.
Circle, message.
Girls, it was great talking to you.
Dumaresq, thank you for inviting me.
Auntie got slapped in the face
and is thanking him?
That chat was a little glimpse
of what's going on.
Dumaresq has attacked Julia twice.
This is gonna result in a fight later.
Here, you can't be tired.
If you blink, you might miss something.
"Let's Dance?"
"It's time to find out
who owns the dance floor."
"Our new player Luma will perform"
"different dance styles."
Wow, this is a complete look.
You do the dancing
because you know how to dance.
You're gonna kill it.
"Each round, a player
will try to guess a dance style."
"The players who get it right
will receive a reward."
Some moves are ridiculous.
Women don't do those, you know?
Will Luma be able to hide the fact
that she's a catfish?
"JP will try to guess in this round."
Am I the first one?
How are we gonna see her dancing?
"What dance style is this?"
Let's see Luma perform.
"The dance style is ballet."
What's that?
What is she doing, dude?
Very feminine, delicate.
Spin on your toes.
This is ballet.
Circle, message.
JP said ballet.
Nice, dude! Very nice!
"Circle. The answer is correct."
Clap, clap, clap.
"Lucas will try to guess in this round."
Bring on. Daddy is ready.
"What dance style is this?"
Here she comes.
I wanna see the princess dance. "Frevo!"
Shit, dude. What's that?
That's a lot of footwork.
Maybe it's frevo?
Work on your waist.
I'm going to try.
Circle, frevo?
"Frevo." It isn't frevo.
Lucas guessed frevo! Nice, dude!
"The answer is correct!"
He guessed it right! Well done!
"Marina will try to guess in this round."
"Belly dance."
What's that?
Seductive hands.
Very delicate.
She's dancing
Easy. Belly dance.
Circle, message.
Belly dance.
Nice one, girl!
Yes, girl!
My turn. Dance your heart out, Luma.
"The dance style is sofrência."
Hey, I know those moves.
It's either forró or tango.
It can only be forró.
Maybe it's xote?
Circle, message.
"Xote." Give him thumbs down.
I got it wrong.
Two to the left, two to the right.
What the hell?
What the fuck is that?
It isn't forró?
Circle, message. Waltz.
Hey, hey, hey. Too many chances.
"Time's up."
Geez, what was that?
For God's sake!
"Julia will try to guess in this round."
Please, please. Give me an easy dance.
- "Brazilian funk."
- Nice!
I've seen those moves.
Wow. She's quite a dancer.
She knows how to twerk. Check it out.
Twerk it.
Brazilian funk.
Nice, Julia!
"Gaybol will try to guess
in this round." Yes!
My turn, let's go.
"The dance style is"
Up, down, and shimmy.
It's axé.
Circle, message. Axé.
I got it right, dude!
That was too easy.
"Lorayne will try to guess in this round."
- Brick dance.
- "Break dance."
It's hip hop.
It looks like hip hop.
Break It's missing the "dance" part.
It looks like hip hop.
Oh, God.
What's that?
It's break dance, Lorayne!
Street dance.
Dance from the streets.
"The correct answer is break dance."
Wow, dude!
Too specific. I got the hardest one.
Circle, message. Lambada.
It looks like it. Doesn't it?
Is it?
She's whipping her hair back and forth.
Whip your hair to your sides.
To your sides.
It's calypso.
Circle, message. Calypso.
Isn't it like that?
Thank you, thank you.
Good job, team!
"Well done. The players who got it right
will receive a reward."
"The Circle Certificate!"
"The Circle Certificate declares
"that Julia has excellent skills
in recognizing dance styles."
We're kings of dancing.
I'm good, I got my coloring book.
But what could it be?
Coconut water!
So fancy! Guys, this is so me.
I can hear the beach waves.
Cheers to Luma.
Hey, Nelson. Let's get our reward.
We deserve it too.
Just a little. We deserve it.
I didn't want it anyway.
I'm fine.
I love this. I have my coloring book.
Come on, Akel. Don't be a drama queen.
The game's still on.
- Alert! I'm alert!
- Whoa, alert!
My heart skipped a bit.
"It's time for the ratings."
Oh, dear Lord!
Just when I was relaxing here.
"As a new player, Luma can rate,
but cannot be rated."
It's fair. She'd be the least popular.
"The top two players
will become influencers"
"and will hold great power."
"All other players
will be at risk of being blocked."
Circle, start my ratings.
Let's go. The first place
goes to Auntie Julia.
She's very cool, joyful,
has positive energy, and she's funny.
In sixth place,
I'd like to put Auntie.
Because our goal here
is not just to flirt with everybody.
The fourth place goes to Dumaresq.
When he left the Playmakers Chat,
I began to think he's a guy
who doesn't change his mind easily.
In second place,
The first place
I'm going to give it to Marina.
She was an influencer before,
and she saved my ass.
If she becomes an influencer today,
she might help me again.
I have nothing bad
to say about her, but
it's a game.
My fifth place goes to Marina.
Circle, we're gonna put JP in first place.
He's been really nice to Luma.
He should have power,
so we can get to know him better.
In last place, seventh place,
I'm going to put JP.
I can't relate that much to him.
All he does is tell dad jokes
and flirt with the girls.
Since we don't interact much,
and since I don't agree
with his points of view,
the seventh place in my ratings
goes to Gaybol.
In second place,
I'm going to put Gaybol.
He seems a fun person,
a smart guy.
Circle, Lucas in third.
We're very similar.
He's also trying to be cool.
Calm, collected.
Lucas, you're in seventh place.
We haven't interacted that much.
the person I've been talking to
the most is Lolo,
and since she has a good chance
of becoming an influencer
If I were her,
I'd try to keep me in the game
because I'm giving her good ratings.
the first place goes to Lorayne.
The second place
goes to Akel.
In our private chat,
we joked about being a couple.
I think we're about to establish
a real partnership.
Fourth place goes to Akel.
In the previous ratings, we joined forces,
but he never talked to me again.
I have a feeling that he used me
for his own benefit, however
the partnership, in theory, is still on.
Circle, submit my ratings.
Those capital letters
make my heart skip a beat.
I'm pretty sure
I won't be an influencer.
Will the praised be humiliated this time?
Luma would like to talk to JP.
Why? He's single, he's 28.
He's been nice to her since yesterday.
Circle, open private chat with JP.
"Luma has invited you to a private chat."
I want in. Let's see what she has to say.
Circle, message.
Hello, neighbor.
Was my dance that good
or was it too easy to guess?
I almost broke my little toe.
Almost broke your little toe, babe?
Circle, message.
Hello, beautiful.
You got in the game
and made everybody dance already.
"And you really got some moves."
Circle, message.
Tell me about the game.
I'm trying to find out who's a catfish.
You would be a great catfish, by the way.
She quickly changed the subject.
She's focused on the game.
Circle, message.
Thanks for the compliment, princess,
but I'm not a catfish at all.
Soon we'll find out who's a catfish.
I can already tell
you're an amazing person.
"I want you fighting by my side.
We're in this together."
We've got him!
Come here, JP!
It was great getting to know you.
- Now I know who to talk to
- in case I need any help.
I like the "#Kisses" part.
Maybe she's a catfish
and wants to know
how the players are dealing
with a potential catfish.
Luma's first ally.
The first one. She deserves a trophy.
- Alert!
- Oh, God.
Here it comes.
I can't believe
we have the results already.
"The rating results are in."
Oh, no!
Somebody's screwed.
The influencers are going to block someone
It's the moment of truth.
Circle, open the results.
I don't want to look, dude.
- Stressful.
- My heart is beating too fast.
Fuck, dude!
I can't believe it, bro!
I've screwed up.
This is no place for ass-kissers.
Whoever gets last place, usually
leaves, right?
Who is it?
Lucas, Julia, or JP.
It can't be us.
You don't show us who you really are.
What do we know about you, honey?
No sixth place?
It's a tie.
Two people are in fifth place.
It's good. Perfect.
I wasn't expecting that.
Both catfish together!
Let's go, Dumaresq!
Have faith.
Let's see who's in fourth place.
Come on, Marina.
How about you being fourth?
It's either me or Lorayne.
"Fourth place goes to
Thank you, Jesus!
Oh, my God! Don't do that to me!
I can't believe that the top three
is once again
me, Mari, and Lora!
I really hope,
from the bottom of my heart,
I've managed to go up
at least one position in the ranking.
No way.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Well, even though I'm beautiful,
even though I'm wearing gold,
I'm going to join the At Risk Chat.
I think it's time for me
to touch people's hearts.
Let's make this character more complex..
He went down on the list a bit.
I wonder why.
He's attacking people
for the silliest things.
He talked about Julia.
That was uncalled-for.
Let her talk about sex.
I think I'm second place.
If I'm in first, God help me.
The girls must be nervous.
Seeing people accepting me for who I am
I can't explain the feeling.
Whoa! No way!
I'm in first place!
- Good job, blondie.
- Well done.
Oh, come on!
What's wrong with these people?
Don't forget, Lora and Mari,
that I'm your "ally."
Don't you mess up
and say nasty things about me.
I'll find out one day.
I can't believe I'm going to cry.
Excuse me.
Fuck it.
That's it.
Wow, I loved the results.
Let me take a seat.
Lolo, baby.
Well done.
With great power
comes great responsibility.
Don't block your boo, for the love of God.
For now, I don't have any fears
when it comes to elimination
or something like that.
Julia's still in the game.
I'm blocking someone.
It's tough, but you have to do it.
- Whoa, alert.
- Alert.
I couldn't be more alert, man.
Here we go.
Oh, my God.
To be honest,
I don't want to be me right now.
"As the most popular players"
"Lorayne and Marina
are now The Circle influencers."
Wow, two of them.
Influencers have power.
Congratulations, girls. You deserve it.
"All other players failed
and are at risk"
"of being blocked."
Here comes some stress.
"The influencers must decide
which at-risk player they will block."
"Lorayne and Marina,
please go to the Blue Room
to make your decision."
God help me.
Don't freak out.
No matter what happens,
you guys were great.
Everybody did well.
I'm sorry, I won't deny it.
I feel powerful.
I was crying my eyes out,
and now Fuck it.
Excuse me. This is my moment.
So fancy!
This is Lorayne's first time
in the Influencer Chat.
Will popularity go to her head?
I like this feeling of power.
I'm going to know
Marina's opinions on people.
I like having another person's
strategic perspectives.
The Blue Room is mine already.
Excuse me. Your queen is here.
Okay? All right?
Popularity went to this one's head.
Now things are gonna get serious.
I want to stick to my ideas.
I believe I am
on the right path.
Circle, open the Influencer Chat.
Circle, message.
When I saw it was just you and I
running for first and second place,
I started jumping like crazy.
Circle, message.
I've always believed in us.
Now we're gonna cry together.
I can't wait to find out
what's on her mind.
Circle, message.
Get ready because it's not easy.
Shall we start? Send.
I'm gonna start by asking about JP
because we had agreed
that he's weird.
Circle, message.
Dude, what do you think about JP?
I don't think he's a catfish,
but he's kind of a square. Send.
He really is kind of a square.
Circle, message.
I think JP is kind of weird.
"to me, he doesn't make
any difference. #InTheCrosshairs.
Yeah. He's strange.
He speaks in a funny way.
I'm watching him.
Circle, message.
What about Lucas?
He's loosening up a little.
She's right, you know?
My boo is just like that.
What about Akel?
"What do you think about him?"
Circle, message.
We are married.
"I think he's very proactive
and he understands the game.
So cute.
"At Risk Chat is now open."
Let's go, then.
Circle, open chat.
Circle, open At Risk Chat.
Circle, open chat.
Circle, message.
Guys, this is so nerve-wracking!
Let's hope for the best.
He's such a flower child, dude.
Circle, message.
Crying my eyes out.
Crying emoji.
I was rude,
straightforward, and too lewd.
I couldn't show my true self.
Yeah, you're kinda lewd, Julia.
"Auntie will take care of you."
If it was up to me,
you would be first place.
Circle, message.
The suspense and anxiety
came in strong today Ellipsis.
Two sad face emojis.
Circle, send message.
I hope you're a catfish, Gaybol.
I said nasty things about you.
I hope we share the same opinions.
Circle, message.
What do you think about Julia?
I'm still a little suspicious about her.
For me, she's not compromising.
She keeps sending knife emojis,
fire emojis, and all that.
Circle, message.
What Dumaresq said in the group chat
is basically what I think.
That's right. I couldn't agree more.
Sis, what do you think about Gaybol?
Circle, message.
He knows I'm into video games,
and he doesn't get excited about it.
Yeah, his messages aren't very creative.
He's a little shy.
Circle, message.
Dude, comma,
I think we should choose
"JP, Gaybol, or Julia.
They either said something wrong,
or they're weird,
or they're too slow.
Shit. Help me, Marina.
Yeah, it's hard for her too.
Circle, message.
I'm gonna give them the bad news.
Shit, here it comes. Alert.
What does that mean?
The Circle Alert!
"The influencers
have made their decision."
Don't stress.
Oh, my God.
I hope it's not Julia.
"All players must go to The Circle Chat."
They must be shitting their pants.
I'm going to bite my hands,
the toy. I'm fucked.
Circle, message.
Marina is gonna say it.
Lorayne and I
don't even know what to say.
Just don't say my name.
You can say anything else.
We don't think this person
is being honest in the game.
"They lack the intensity
they said they had."
I never said I was intense.
Goddammit, it could be me.
Oh, no. Hang in there.
The person we've decided to block is
Here it goes.
I'm not gonna read it.
If I don't read it, it won't happen.
Don't stress. Not me, not me, not me.
Jesus Christ.
Come on, sis!
Holy shit! What the fuck?
The game's still on!
The only thing I did was joke around
and flirt with everybody.
Since Marina is possessive,
she wanted someone just for her.
Maybe she got jealous of Lucas.
That was the reason.
Wow, Julia is gone.
Well, Auntie's gone.
No more spice in the game.
I thought it would be anybody but Julia.
I can't wait to find out
if Julia is a catfish or not.
I'm pissed. I'm really pissed.
I'm really mad.
It looks like Auntie didn't win them over.
Who said it would be easy?
If she comes to meet me
holding a knife, God help me.
- Whoa!
- Alert!
You scared me!
Enough of this. Enough.
"Before leaving,
Julia can meet one player in person."
She's the one who chooses.
Who will it be?
I'm tidying up in case she comes over.
I'm putting on some cologne.
You never know.
It might be a 20-year-old hot girl,
or even Julia herself.
Checking if I need more deodorant.
She could come over here.
I liked her so much.
Take the knives from this woman.
If she opens my door,
she wants trouble.
Will she meet JP?
So the firefighter can put out her fire?
Come over, Auntie.
Oh, no.
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