The Convict (2021) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

Listen, I prepared an appeal,
just be patient.
I didn't kill that Ludmiła.
You know it wasn't me.
I swear I didn't tell her anything.
But tell me you believe me.
- It's the last thing we needed.
- She was a waitress at our reception.
I hear someone shivved her. Oh my
- Still no murder weapon and perpetrator?
- We're still looking.
- Is it yours?
- No. It was in the mattress.
I told you, that's
why you don't get to mess with Shiv!
I'll help you, hear me?
That's not mine.
That whore Mazur framed me, I swear.
- Main guard!
- Oh fuck!
Hurry, there's a fire!
- You're never going to let go, right?
- Never.
You're just like me.
It's been a long time
since anyone was so happy to see me.
Thank you, I'll finish up.
- How do you feel?
- The same as I look.
Your opponent looks even worse.
I can only guess what happened
between you two yesterday.
You don't have to be like her, though.
Just because you work here doesn't
mean you know what this is really like.
You're right, I probably don't.
We'll need to trim your hair, okay?
And the neck?
May I?
It'll heal.
You might have a small scar though.
So can you cut my hair?
Hi, Doctor.
Inmate Mazur, let's go.
You have to identify the arsonist.
Inmate Mazur's only task
is to remain hospitalized.
She is a patient
and under my supervision now.
- She stays here.
- No, thank you, doctor. I'll manage.
You don't have to.
You have responsibilities but also rights.
Ha, I know But I'll go.
One second.
Well, and what am I
supposed to do with you, Borkow, huh?
You promised you'd be good, right?
And, it turns out that you're playing
with fucking matches now.
- I didn't do anything.
- The guards found a lighter on you.
It's not mine.
Whose then? Mine?
- Mr. Warden, something
- Good, good.
Now that everyone's here, let's get to it.
Did Amfisa Borkow, present here,
set your hair on fire?
Well, because if she's guilty, then
Penal Code, Section 217,
personal inviolability, up to three years.
Was it her?
It was dark, I couldn't see her face.
And you don't recognize
her silhouette either?
Okay, you can go.
Take them to the common room.
- Inmate, come--.
- And one more thing.
Something you've been waiting for.
Court of Appeal.
I really hope it's good news.
Thank you.
Move it.
- I thought they'd kick you out.
- Well, you thought wrong.
You did a nice job with Maja.
That scumbag really deserved it.
But I didn't think
such a nerd would do that.
I like to surprise people.
- I saw you yesterday in Amnesia.
- You must be mistaken.
I know it was you.
But it's cool, I won't tell.
I'm already 18, right?
I can do whatever I want.
And if someone doesn't like it,
they can just go to hell.
- And what were you doing there?
- Well, nerds like to have fun too.
It's my stepfather's club.
Well, lucky you, huh?
I don't know
Why are you just sitting here?
You're supposed to check, you slut.
Come on, get going!
You know something, if I had to look
like that, I think I'd rather get shivved.
Give me
"The appeal was rejected on the grounds
that the deadline for appeal was missed,
therefore Alicja Mazur
will not be released any sooner
than 15 years from now."
The paper! Hold the fucking thing!
What's up?
I want to get out of here.
I want to get out of here!
I want to leave I want
What could it be, Doctor?
- The appendix?
- Not necessarily.
Some injuries only show after some time.
So we'll do an ultrasound.
- It's all because of that fucking Mazur.
- Calm down, Shiv.
So, do you see anything?
Do I have a tumor?
You don't, it's
- It's something else.
- What?
Oh no
Oh no Oh no
Oh no, anything but that.
Dear ladies,
someone is back from her beach trip.
Yeah! What's up, bitches? Fucking hell!
So what's going on,
are we playing summer camp?
I was away for a day
and you got your hair cut?
- Whose shit is this?
- Campina's.
Fuck off, I'm sleeping here now.
Justynka, Saszka,
come on and hand me a mattress.
You're crazy, girl. You know that?
Hey, everything will work out, okay?
- No, it won't. I'm so fucked.
- Well, duh, like everyone here.
Hey. Fucked or not fucked,
you're gonna write me that letter, right?
I hope I didn't go
to the solitary for nothing.
I promised, so I'll write it.
We need some helping hands.
Clean up for renovation.
The wonderful smell of testosterone.
- Any volunteers?
- You slut.
- Oh, we have one.
- No. I just have to make a call.
That's too bad 'cause
you already volunteered.
- It's very important.
- Is there a tsunami on the way? No?
Then I think you can wait.
I'll be needing five volunteers.
Wow, he's handsome
and knows exactly what he needs.
Mazur, you can lower your hand
because you've already been selected.
- No, but the point is--
- What's the point?
- Choose me, come on.
- Okay, one, two, three, four
Fuck yeah!
and five.
Come on, Mazur.
Let's go. You smell really nice.
- I'd like the prettiest helmets, please.
- Nice and new.
- Thank you.
- Lead the next ones in.
Can you please put me
on the list so that I can use the phone?
Yes, of course. You have number 22.
Hopefully a lucky number for you.
I'm begging you, this is very important.
I need to talk to my lawyer.
Everyone on this list has something urgent
and only ten minutes to talk it through.
Five is enough. I know we started off
on the wrong foot, but I beg you, please.
- Please.
- Aluta, I've got your helmet here.
You've reached Counselor Bednarek.
Please leave a me--
Hello, beautiful ladies.
They sure are hitting on me.
Hi Paweł. It's me.
- Alicja? Did they let you make a call?
- Listen, I don't have much time.
This is urgent.
I received a letter from court.
- There will be no appeal.
- I don't understand. Why?
- Bednarek botched it.
- That's impossible. He's the best.
He looks like that actor, you know?
And this one's so shy.
He's not answering my calls.
You gotta get in touch with him, and--
Time is up, that's enough.
Go join the group.
- Hi, who's this?
- Hi, this is Wiki.
- Hello What's up?
- I'm heading to my chemistry tutor.
But I just thought I could stop by
your place first, what do you think?
- It sounds cool.
- Then just text me your address.
- Okay. We'll see you then, bye.
- Okay, bye.
Sorry, I didn't
know you were taking a shower.
You don't need to apologize.
Unless you did it on purpose.
Yeah, right.
Can a friend from school
drop by the house?
It's your house,
so you don't need my permission.
- Yeah?
- I need to go out for a while.
I have to go meet
with your mother's lawyer.
Is something wrong?
I don't know yet, I have to check.
Ladies, please get into pairs.
Put the rubble in wheelbarrows,
then put it in sacks.
Get to work.
I'm with you.
- I don't wanna be with her.
- Get to work.
Get moving!
- Get off me! You're a lunatic, you devil!
- Hey!
- Hey!
- Fucking Omen.
I don't want any trouble here.
Well, then don't let her
bless my wheelbarrow!
Just let her bless it!
You nun from hell.
I, for one, never killed a little brat.
How about you?
- It wasn't like that.
- And how was it?
That's what your file says.
- A child murderer!
- You fucking whore!
Let go, let go, let go.
You two. To the ward now!
And you whore?
How many boys have you hurt?
- Go!
- They can't sleep at night because of you.
- The truth can be very painful.
- Yeah, you're lucky I'm far away.
And the father's name?
Agata Kowalik.
Date, name, year of birth.
Yeah, I'll let you know.
- Open up, will you?
- I'm on the phone.
Place of residence?
- Open the fuck up, asshole!
- I'll open after I finish.
I got high, stole a car for a joyride.
I don't remember much.
They said I crashed into a tree
and the car caught fire.
I didn't know there was a baby inside.
Besides, who leaves a baby alone in a car?
And why didn't it babble or whimper?
Babies normally cause a ruckus.
But it was so quiet.
Open the fucking door!
Thank you. Copy.
Inmates, keep your distance.
Your name?
- Mine?
- Yes.
Patrycja Cichy. Fuck, are they
recruiting you guys in high school now?
No more silly comments,
or you'll get a note.
Marika Lisicka. Do you know where she is?
Her lawyer is here to see her.
Marika Lisiecka. It's me.
This way, please.
So? Open the door, man.
Oh, right.
I gotta give that to you.
You're a fast learner.
- Wow! You have a nice crib!
- Thanks.
It was my grandparents',
but my mother renovated
the whole house and decorated it.
She had good taste.
I mean, she has good taste.
- Would you like a drink?
- Sure. What'ya got?
Juice or juice.
- Your stepfather won't mind, will he?
- No.
- Is he at home?
- He's in his study.
But it's all good. He has a meeting,
so he'll be leaving soon.
And I thought you were a lame-o.
Well, you thought right, though.
Good morning.
This is Wiki. I told you she'd stop by.
It's nice to meet you.
Paweł Witkowski, it's my pleasure.
Anyway. Have fun, girls.
We intend to do that.
Either open it, or hide it.
He's pretty hot.
Is he single?
- He's with my mother.
- Sure, but you know.
- A guy like that has his needs, right?
- Stop it.
Is he dating anyone?
Yes, my mother.
That's right. If you say so.
I'll take a look around.
How about you get some grub for us?
Yeah, cool.
What are you doing here?
Nothing. Trying it on.
Do I look nice?
You know.
Bednarek doesn't need
to know anything, right?
Hanka came to me and told me
she saw me at the club.
And what did you tell her?
Nothing. Okay, let go. It hurts.
I was about to leave anyway.
From now on, you're going
to become her best friend.
But she's terribly uptight.
I need to know everything about her.
All right.
So you do like me?
You put on a bit of weight.
Screw you.
Inmate Marika Lisicka
for unsupervised visitation.
Thank you.
You have to help me.
- What happened to you?
- Doesn't matter.
Listen, Bednarek blew the appeal.
He missed the deadline.
Well, it's strange
but it happens sometimes.
To a first-year trainee,
not to such an experienced attorney.
Come on.
Besides, he knew this was my last chance
and I think he did it on purpose.
And why would he wanna do that?
Maybe to protect the real killer?
Ala, come on, please.
Serafin, it all makes sense.
Look back at the trial.
See how he confused
expert opinions and the witnesses,
making ridiculous inferences,
and the judge allowed all this.
He should've pointed it out to him,
but he openly favored the prosecutor.
The judge?
Someone murdered that girl.
But it wasn't me!
I know it's hard for you in here
- Oh Jesus, you don't believe me.
- I do, trust me, I'm processing it.
You don't believe me.
This visit is over!
I got too much work in the infirmary.
- But you have a nurse.
- Not all the time.
And I don't have Sara anymore.
You could assign me someone from here.
That Mazur woman did pretty well
during the explosion.
She knew how to put on a tourniquet.
Are you crazy?
So she can lift morphine on her first day?
As if you didn't know
I keep such things locked up and safe.
She could unpack bandages,
give out the vitamins.
And change the bedding.
All done.
About Mazur, I'll think it through.
You know, you're a lousy nurse.
I can't be the best at everything,
don't you think?
This time it'll work.
I can feel it.
Why can the world be so unfair?
We've been trying so hard and nothing.
For others
it's as easy as wind pollination.
- What others?
- Strzelecka is pregnant.
End of her second month.
Who, Shiv?
- Are you sure?
- I did an ultrasound.
Do you know who's the father?
I didn't ask.
Did she have a trailer visit?
If it's one of the guards,
it'll be a hell of a scandal.
I already have a prosecutor on my back.
I could've been promoted next year.
- You can still get promoted.
- Not if this surfaces.
That's why I'm asking you.
Not to tell anyone. Okay?
Assign me Mazur.
We need to have a talk, Shiv.
- And about what?
- Sara.
Know her? She was such a cool girl
before you fucking killed her.
You have witnesses?
My testimony that I found
the knife on you is more than enough.
Oh, you got a knife?
I'm curious. Where is it?
So where is the murder weapon?
Ain't you a sneaky bitch.
You know damn well
that explosion saved your ass.
But remember this.
Nothing ever really disappears.
I'm gonna find it.
And you'll be here for life.
You hear me? A life sentence.
You better start thinking
about how it'll look in the report.
Prison officer, the bumbling Mr. Smentoch
loses murder weapon
and also deals drugs on the inside.
Ever think about that?
That knife didn't evaporate.
Sooner or later it'll be found. Yeah.
Well, let us worry about it then.
Us? You're gonna
be the one fucking worrying.
The warden is asking if
He wants to know when will the inmate
be able to return to the ward with us?
When the time is right.
Oh, well, thank you. Goodbye, Ms. Agata.
Goodbye, Mr. Przemysław.
Please give my regards to the warden.
Is it his?
No, no way. I'm not that desperate.
- Did your friend already leave?
- Just now.
And she's not my friend by the way.
- You don't like her?
- I don't know her.
She never paid any attention to me
and she suddenly dropped by.
I don't know
We had a nice chat, though.
- Then why are you so sad?
- 'Cause I know I won't see her again.
Why not?
People like her
don't hang out with people like me.
- Or maybe she just envies you?
- Yeah, what?
That you're prettier than her, smarter
than her, and that you can have anyone.
Yeah, right.
Wiki? She texted
that she wants to meet again.
Now look at that. I'll take this.
If it's any of the guards,
you don't have to be afraid.
My husband will be there.
There's no need.
We can call it an immaculate conception.
Okay. I understand.
If you choose to give birth,
you'll have special privileges.
They'll move you to another block,
to a room, not a cell.
And your child will be able
to stay with you until the age of three.
And 500+ a month, right?
Until the age of three, and then what?
Oh, praised be, praised be.
Hello, Doctor. I'm not feeling well.
I'm dizzy and I have shortness of breath.
It's not due to your injury.
It's your menopause.
We've already talked about this.
Did you read the booklet I gave you?
- So I still won't get anything for it?
- No.
Penance and eternal damnation.
- Shiv
- What?
I will write to the curia to tell them
how you treat me in here.
Go and write. Write to the Pope.
- Why not write to all the saints?
- Stop it!
- Done?
- What's your problem?
- Anything else?
- Yes, if you wanna talk, I'm here.
About what?
After all, you're not even a mother.
Good morning, Counselor.
May I have a word with you?
Do we have anything to talk about?
About Judge Alicja Mazur.
It looks like her appeal was rejected.
Even if that's true,
it's none of your business.
Besides, I don't hand out information
about any of my clients.
Well, you see, I, for one,
at least take theirs calls.
Yeah, as long as you're not trashed
and lying in your own vomit.
Why did the appeal letter
arrive after the deadline?
We're not done talking, Counselor.
The club is still closed.
Can I help you, sir?
Nah, thank you
- Isn't it early for a bash, Counselor?
- No, I'm here on official business.
- Just like me.
- Well, have a good one.
And, in this situation,
the verdict is set in stone.
Your wife will not be released.
What about another appeal,
or, I don't know, maybe
we should try the Supreme Court?
It's possible.
But only if there are new circumstances
or if we gathered new evidence.
We both know
that there is nothing of the sort.
- What about a presidential pardon?
- No, it's still too early for that.
Not to mention that Alicja
would have to plead guilty,
something I'm sure she won't do.
I'm sorry, boss,
but there is someone here to see you.
We had an appointment?
Superintendent Jakub Cedro.
I have a few questions for you.
And what about?
Do you know this girl?
Not the best picture
because someone stabbed her.
I take it that you have a good reason
for showing me such a horrific picture?
She had been convicted of petty theft.
Her sentence was nearing its end.
She was behaving well,
so she was being released on a pass.
And, when on the outside,
she'd come here to work as a waitress.
- I don't recall her.
- It's strange that you don't
because she had pink highlights
in her hair.
You know,
I'm not a particularly observant person.
Besides, my manager hires the waitresses,
so I'll ask him to call you.
If that's all, then have a good day.
We found psychoactive substances
in her body.
Are you suggesting
that there are drugs in my club?
Like in all clubs.
Let me take a look around
and talk to the waitresses.
Do you have a warrant?
"Honesty is not afraid of truth",
Ignacy Krasicki.
Please leave, sir.
Otherwise my client is going to have
to charge you with harassment.
Unjustified harassment.
Meet Counselor Andrew Bednarek.
All right.
- What? It's all under control.
- Sure?
- Anything wrong?
- Are you kidding me?
It's fucking awesome!
I don't get a word of this,
so it means the letter
is as professional as shit.
- But chances are slim, you know that?
- Listen, girl, don't fret, okay?
We got a letter, the game is on.
You should hide it.
I could use some help in the infirmary.
Are you interested?
Me? Why me?
Because I feel I can trust you.
What are you looking at me for? Take it,
it's the best fucking gig in this joint.
Right, doctor? I'm not meddling
in other people's matters.
I'm just letting my mate know
how it is around here.
I'll do it. Right now?
I'm already done for the day,
but there are plasters, bandages,
and basic medicines
that you have to put into the cupboard.
- I think I can handle that.
- Well, Alutka, if not you, then who?
- What will the lady have?
- Sex on the Beach and whisky.
What, do you like me?
I don't have a thing for kids.
And me for old farts.
But you let yourself
be fucked by Bednarek?
Here you go.
Screw you.
Turn down the music!
- It's the police? Oh fuck.
- What about the party?
- Why are the police here?
- Hey, I wanna party.
Can you call your people off?
They're scaring my guests.
You're in deep shit for this.
My warrant.
- Excuse us, please.
- One moment.
Well, it's signed by the prosecutor.
So, let's handle this differently.
Mr. Cedro, it's for you.
This is Cedro.
Yeah, but I have a warrant.
Okay, understood.
I'll back down. All right. Goodbye.
- Thanks. Have a good night.
- Music, please!
Don't worry.
My wife has already gone home.
You didn't brag about being pregnant.
Probably nothing to brag about.
Whose is it?
Well, let me think
I'm in the fuckin' slammer
and I'm only shagging you.
- I was careful.
- Apparently not careful enough.
Or maybe the condom just broke.
I don't know.
You tell me. Unless your sperm
is like James Bond and
Listen, Shiv.
You don't want this baby, do you?
Probably not.
Listen to me.
Maybe I can get you one of those pills.
No pain, some blood, and done.
It's illegal in this country.
But there's something good about all this.
We can fuck our brains out now, right?
- No.
- You want some?
- Not here.
- I know where. Come on.
Take it off.
The beginning of pregnancy.
Look how your boobs are. Already swollen.
You like it?
- It's a bit of a shame, Mr. Big Dick.
- What is?
You'd be a cool daddy.
Alright. You go first.
Good evening, Mr. "Big Dick."
Or do you like "Daddy" more?
What do you want?
I need you to tell your mistress
and all of her friends to leave me alone.
Yes, it's clear.
- I'd better not get hurt.
- Yes, understood.
Oh, one more thing
A hair straightener for Pati.
- Go back to your cell.
- I'm working here.
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