The Crowned Clown (2019) s01e03 Episode Script

The Hunt

The Crowned Clown
The characters, organizations, locations, and events in this drama are fictional and have no relation to historical facts.
It's already been decided, what that lowly one will do.
He'll be stabbed by a sword or consume poison in my stead.
I can eat this whenever I want,
so you can eat all of this.
Out there? Is there anyone out there?!
Gae Hwan! Wake up.
My Queen, I'm sorry.
Dal Rae! Dal Rae!
How much for that dog?
My sister,
is not a dog!
Why have you returned after running for your life?
I came to learn the way.
The way to thoroughly crush them to their dying breaths.
Please teach me that way.
Episode 3
Useless words.
I'm going to behead you right now, getting rid of all the evidence.
You cannot kill me, my lord, for the sake of His Majesty.
Am I incorrect?
What is it that you truly desire?
Whether I get stabbed by a sword, consume poison, or get completely ripped to shreds
It doesn't matter.
I'll do as you say and become His Majesty's perfect shadow
if you promise me one thing.
Using your power as an impersonation of His Majesty, you want to end someone's life?
Who is it, the man you wish to kill by putting your life on the line?
The Left State Minister's son, Sin Yi Gyeom.
My sister, Dal Rae,
by that bastard who's less than a beast
She was brutally crushed by him.
I will make him regret ever being born into this world.
I will make him beg for his life as he struggles with the pain of being torn apart.
Decide. Are you going to kill me here and now,
or will you let me die in His Majesty's stead?
Your Majesty.
Eunuch Jo.
It's me.
Let him stay in his quarters for today.
If anyone requests an audience, tell them it's His Majesty's command.
I understand.
There's something I must report to you regarding the food taster who was poisoned.
Have you found any clues?
He's rejected seeing anyone, including the court ladies, and will only see Eunuch Jo.
Has the cause of death for the food tester been announced?
Another food tester who shared a room with her
was found hung to death that night.
I think she was taking orders from someone
to put poison into His Majesty's late night refreshments.
They were trying to shut her mouth.
Do you think it's the queen dowager's doing?
It must have been done by someone with a grudge against His Majesty.
But it's times like these when he should need you.
Why has he rejected seeing you?
To be honest, for these past few days, he hasn't been asking for the medicine.
No wonder. The reason he let his father-in-law go was because of that!
Either way, you really mustn't trouble His Majesty.
Don't forget that your duty
is to make His Majesty comfortable.
Cheongwol (clear moon) Pavilion
Come here.
Come here!
My lord.
I heard that Ha Seon's sister left the brothel last night. Do you know where she went?
Why are you interested in that child?
Do you know or not?
She left late at night as if she was escaping.
How should I know where she has gone?
It wouldn't be good for it to be known
that the chief royal secretary who serves His Majesty visits a brothel so early in the day.
What if a dirty rumor were to spread?
Seeing how you're avoiding to answer, you know where she is.
Even if I know, I should act like I do not. Even if I do not know, I should act like I do.
You said that's how I would survive.
Did I say something like that?
You said that when the Gil Sam Bong passed away.
Why are you surprised?
You survived by acting as if you did not know, too.
Woon Sim, if your tongue were a sword,
I would already be dead.
Why are you helping me?
Because I'm in the same situation as you, Ha Seon.
I cannot act like I do not know any longer.
If the chief royal secretary found out, he would not stay put.
It'd be best if Dal Rae and the man hid away in another place.
Hour of the tiger (3-5am).
Hour of the tiger (3-5am).
Hour of the tiger (3-5am).
My Dal Rae.
This is killing me.
Ha Seon,
do you really have to go?
Old man
Alright. Alright.
Even I want to crack that noble lord's head and kill him too.
How horrible this must be for you.
This is something that warrants curdling his blood and killing him.
But lowly beings like us
Can we actually pick bones and fight with nobles?
If I do well, I live. If I don't, I die.
If a clown is picky about making his move,
that's the same thing as dying.
Didn't you say that?
Yes, yes.
I'm not going to die. I'll live and come back,
so don't worry, okay?
Yeah, yeah, you have to.
People's lives are tough,
but so are they.
You're going to get caught.
Leave quickly.
Okay then.
Ha Seon, be careful, okay?
Take care of your health, okay?
Ha Seon.
Be careful, okay?
Why didn't you just run away when you had the chance?
Why have you come back?
I came to return what I have received.
What are you saying?
Until when do you think the chief royal secretary will be gone?
Since he's forbidden you from seeing anyone today,
I think it'll be all day.
That country bumpkin dared put a condition?
And you agreed?
Your Majesty, in the situation where we don't know who, when, or how
someone will try to harm you,
he is someone who has come, in your place, to be killed.
In order to find the people who are trying to harm you,
don't you think we need him?
He broke my command to execute my father-in-law.
He exiled him instead, on his own.
How can you be sure that that bastard doesn't have traitorous intentions?
Or is it you
who has traitorous intentions?
Your Majesty, how can you say that?
How could y—
Someone outside could hear you.
If you are talking about the owner of this place, then you don't need to worry about him.
I am not worried about the owner.
Yool, that bastard, is back.
That bastard tricked me into thinking he's dead, and he is definitely alive.
Where is Court Lady Kim?
Go and bring me my smoking pipe.
Your Majesty.
We took away his smoking pipe, and he left the temple to look for his medicine.
He got lost and we found him collapsed early in the morning and brought him here.
Since then, he kept saying he could hear things.
Since you were a doctor,
surely you can find a way to treat him, right?
Just who is he for you to be so concerned about him?
When Gil Sam Bong passed away
and you were about to die in prison,
he is someone who collected his body
and helped you to escape.
You must be determined to find a cure for him no matter what.
Your Highness.
Today, it would be better for you to return.
Does he refuse to see me as well?
I apologize.
Ask His Majesty one more time, please.
Her Highness took special effort to come.
Court Lady Park, it's okay.
I entrust him in your care then.
My apologies, Queen Dowager.
I should've checked more carefully.
How is it your fault that the king does not eat his late night refreshments?
We still have a long way to go. Prepare your heart.
Did you prepare that?
I see you hid your sister well.
It was obvious that you'd take her hostage, so
how could I just leave her there?
Did His Majesty agree?
What do I need to do from now on?
We must find those who are trying to kill His Majesty.
If it's finding the people who killed Gye Hwan, then that's what I want, too.
Who shall we get first?
Tomorrow after your breakfast, go visit the queen dowager.
When you say the queen dowager
She is the previous king's wife and the eldest ranking person in the palace.
She also has the authority to appoint the next ruler in case of the current king's death.
Seonpyeong Gate
It doesn't matter what you do, but make sure you turn her palace upside down.
Sujeong Hall (Queen Dowager's Palace)
The king is here!
Your Majesty.
My Queen.
Since His Majesty is here, we'll go in together. Go and announce us.
Queen Dowager, the king and the queen are here to see you!
Let them in.
It's been a long time since your last visit.
It seems like it's been two years.
You look much better than before.
Thank you for taking it like that.
Serve tea to the king and queen.
Why aren't you drinking it?
Are you worried it might be poisoned?
I feel better since you've said that first.
May I order to have it tasted for poison?
It seems you've been quite shocked since the taster died.
You are taking my joke too seriously.
Queen, what should I do?
Then I'll drink it first.
What are you doing?!
It could be poisoned! It hasn't even been tested. How could I let the queen drink it first?
Your Majesty.
Do you really suspect me?
If I shouldn't be, then tell me so.
In this country, being unfilial is a bigger crime than treason.
I turned a blind eye on all of your crimes until now because I was trying to fulfill my motherly duty.
I can understand you ignoring my feelings,
but I can't take you suspecting me of trying to poison you!
Answer me, Queen. Am I wrong?
It's understandable that you are upset.
It's my fault that I caused friction between you two. I will take responsibility.
Please blame me, and lighten your heart.
Your words are quite cunning!
You are pretending you are on my side, but you are hoping that I won't blame the king.
I am sorry if you understood it to be so.
I am sorry. I apologize. Forgive me.
Are those words all you know?
You keep repeating yourself every time.
I can't listen to you anymore because it makes me want to puke!
Tell me how you really feel!
Do you even think of me as a mother or—
Stop it!
- What did you just say?
- I said stop it.
Your Majesty, please don't.
If I don't stop, then what? Will you strike my neck—
Let's go, Queen.
Your Majesty.
Kill me before you leave! Your Majesty!
Your Majesty!
Your Majesty, why didn't you hold it in till the end?
She was blatantly being rude to you.
She made me so angry that I couldn't hear it any longer.
Then, are you saying you did that for my sake?
That's right.
Then, I'll be clear.
If it's really for my sake, don't ever do that again.
Are you asking me to not do anything even if you are mistreated worse than that?
What better excuse than this for those who want to harm you?
If this gets out, you'll be bombarded with petitions to treat the queen dowager properly.
I don't want you to deal with that kind of criticism.
Instead, do as you've done before. Send someone else and do not step foot in the queen dowager's palace again.
I will go and serve the queen dowager in your place.
Then I will be on my way.
Why do you look like you've lost the world?
It must be because I used up all my energy at the queen dowager's palace earlier.
I see. How did she react?
It was exactly like you expected.
When I acted like I was crazy and suspected her of poison,
she got even more upset and made such an uproar.
I flipped the table over and left.
Was that really good?
What do you mean?
The queen was worried
that it might be held against me.
I'm going to take care of that.
Just do as I say, understood?
How have you made things so much more difficult?
If you had done your job properly,
then I wouldn't have had to get myself involved.
His Majesty has started to suspect me. Do you have any plans?
Don't worry. I'll put my plan into place when we go on our hunting trip.
Knowing the dangers, do you think His Majesty will go?
He'll show up just to prove his good health.
Your Majesty.
Why are you just looking at your food instead of eating it?
Are you worried that there might be poison in it again?
No. I'm not afraid that I'll die of being poisoned.
But when I'm in front of something this delicious,
I can't help but think of my sister Dal Rae.
And even Gae Hwan, who died unjustly.
I just can't seem to touch it.
Would you like to eat one?
You're talking about it like that, so
how could I eat it?
I will have it first.
It's delicious, isn't it?
Gae Hwan, that child.
Since she died in place of His Majesty, I'd like to take care of whoever's left behind.
Don't worry about that.
The queen has already delivered the news to her hometown,
and ordered that her family be looked after.
The queen?
In situations like these, she is most astute.
Even though you distance yourself from her palace,
it is one of the reasons no one can take her lightly.
I can't believe I caused dislike in someone like that
I'm so
There's nothing you can do about it.
It's because you look like His Majesty.
I shouldn't have shared my food with you. I should've just eaten it all by myself.
Since you've had some tea, you'll be much more comfortable when you sleep.
Thank you.
I'm sorry.
This isn't this the hazelnut that His Majesty gave you a while ago?
Is it?
I'm not really sure.
I guess a squirrel snuck in when I left the windows open to let the fresh air come in
and left it here.
Then I'll go take this and throw it away.
It's mine, so give it to me.
You should've just said so.
You care about His Majesty so much, yet why were you so cold to him this afternoon?
He even went against the queen dowager for you.
- It's because I'm afraid.
- What?
That I'll be disappointed again.
I'm just barely hanging on, but I'm afraid that I'll break down.
Your Majesty.
Left State Minister has requested a private audience. Will you receive him?
Let him in.
What brings you here at this time of night?
I'm sorry.
I came to tell you something urgent about the queen's father.
My father-in-law?
His position as head of the border defense council is empty.
We don't know when there might be an uprising,
so we cannot keep that position empty.
I think we should speed up an appointment.
Do you have someone in mind as a replacement?
Don't you think someone experienced in the military should be promoted to that position?
I understand. Return and allow me to think.
I also request that those who were appointed to positions
when he was the head of national defense be fired,
and replaced with new appointees.
Are you saying to fire all those people and fill those positions with new people?
Because you wrapped up the case by exiling traitor Yoo Ho Joon before,
many people think the government and the ruler have lost discipline.
The national defense needs to be reformed, and Your Majesty's dignity and discipline righted.
I thought it would be cumbersome for you, so
I picked names and brought you the three potential candidates.
You just need to approve them as is.
Border Defense Council (Bibyeonsa):
Superintendent (Jejo), Park Hyeon Soo
Assistant Superintendent (Bujejo), Lee Jeong Mook
Administrative Director (Yusadangsa), Kang Seon Dong
Your Majesty, Chief Royal Secretary requests an audience with you.
Let him in.
Your Majesty.
Take a look at this.
My lord, you didn't even go through the discussion process, and
changed the personnel of national defense?
Your Majesty, if my request is difficult to approve,
then there is only one thing left to do.
What is that?
You should behead the traitor Yoo Ho Joon.
Your Majesty, all this is for your own good,
so please agree to this.
Heejeong Hall
What do you mean I have to accept it?
I know I am lowly and ignorant.
But I still understand what this is!
Isn't the Left State Minister doing the job of His Majesty?
Is he this country's king?
If you don't accept this,
he'll immediately order the beheading of your father-in-law.
If you take one, then you need to give one.
That's politics.
What if His Majesty says no? Then isn't it fine?
Even for the king,
his work is sometimes doing things that he doesn't want to.
Then things going the left state minister's way, is that the ruler's job?
He pushed out the queen's father, so he is placing his people in national defense as he wished.
He's probably nervous since the queen's father is still alive.
Your Majesty.
That is Prince Jin Pyeong.
Prince Jin Pyeong, what's the matter?
I came to ask if we can postpone the hunting trip that we had scheduled a few days from now.
Seeing your face, it seems your health is frail.
You don't need to worry about His Majesty's health.
Then shall we go ahead with the hunting trip as scheduled?
Do that!
I will do as you command.
He can not do that!
His Majesty is a skilled hunter, so surely he'll get caught.
He must go in order to show that he's in good health.
So isn't it fine if I go hunting and don't get caught?
Bull's eye!
Bull's eye!
Bull's eye!
How are my skills?
It seems your skills are better than most archers.
Were you perhaps training without me knowing?
Ah, that's
I sometimes would bring only Eunuch Jo to train. Isn't that right?
Yes, of course.
He did only take me to practice
Ah, yes.
This is enough for me, so you guys try now.
Your Majesty.
Since when have you been able to shoot so well?
Ah, that's
This young man isn't bad.
Aigoo, what is this?
What just happened?
It's five multiples of two, so give me 10 poons.
I've never been robbed so blind in my life!
I was born with it.
Do you think it's alright to send him hunting?
It's obvious he'll be the target for those who are waiting to harm him.
He must accept the danger to play His Majesty's role.
He already knows that.
Must we go this far?
I've been waiting for the right time and method all this time.
And do you know what the results of that were?
Sin Chi Soo. It only made him stronger.
All this is for His Majesty,
so don't have any useless thoughts.
Your Majesty,
how about if you tell them you feel ill and
don't go hunting tomorrow?
Are you afraid I'll die?
Did you know?
I didn't know.
Just now I saw your reaction and found out.
Thank you for worrying about me.
It's nothing.
There is no use in
my hundred words of concern.
Eunuch Jo,
I do have something where you can be of use. Will you help me?
His Majesty has arrived.
Don't even think about doing something funny.
I don't have those kinds of thoughts.
Your Majesty, you are here.
Your Majesty, I should escort you personally, but
my knees are acting up again.
My son will escort you today instead.
My name is Sin Yi Gyeom. It's an honor to meet you, Your Majesty.
Your Majesty, my sons are still young, so I brought my hunting dogs instead.
- Hunting dogs?
- Yes.
You gifted them to me.
It seems that they've forgotten your scent already.
You punks!
You punks, why are you like this?!
Okay, okay.
Now you recognize me.
Have you been well?
Good dog.
How did you make the hunting dogs so calm?
I've stayed with guys from the southeastern areas before.
Do you mean tiger hunters?
Yes. When you're going tiger hunting,
even hunting dogs are useless.
When they catch a whiff of a tiger, they pee and run away.
Then that before was
It's the skin of a tiger.
I wore it just in case,
since we were going hunting.
Then where did you get that tiger fur?
It was hung up on my bed.
That's weird.
Until this morning,
it was definitely attached.
I will go this way. Who wants to follow me?
I will escort you, Your Majesty.
Your Majesty, today—
You must be very confident in your hunting skills.
- You may do so.
- Thank you.
Then I will go this way.
A deer! A deer has appeared!
It's this way, Your Majesty.
You go straight that way to Prince Jin Pyeong.
Alright, my Lord.
You guys go this way.
Your Majesty, it seems that we have lost the deer.
Your Majesty.
Your Majesty!
Your Majesty.
Your Majesty.
Your Majesty.
Your Majesty!
Did I scare you? I was trying to aim for a pheasant
It's alright, Your Majesty. I'm okay.
I warned you. How dare you try to carry out your own agenda first?
Do you know what you almost ruined?!
Seeing that bastard right in front of my eyes, I got so angry and just couldn't help myself.
With your skills, surely you could've killed him. What stopped you?
I did try to kill him! But at the last moment
I thought that if I killed him, pretending as if it were a mistake,
then I would cover his dirty crimes with my own hands.
It won't end with just his death.
The ones who let his crimes slide by.
The ones who give him power. I must get rid of all of them.
That thought came to my mind.
At that moment, my desire to kill him faded.
Your Majesty.
Lieutenant Jang! Where have you been?
My apologies.
My Queen.
Has His Majesty already returned?
That isn't it
I came to deliver his orders.
His orders? What is that?
He stated that for the meantime,
you should stop visiting the queen dowager's palace.
That's what he ordered.
His Majesty has truly given such orders?
I'm sorry, My Queen.
Good job today. You may leave now.
Yes, Your Majesty.
The queen is coming.
Your Majesty!
Are you okay?
Your Majesty, your health—
I'm-I'm fine. Don't worry about it.
There's nothing wro—
Your Majesty.
Court Lady Park, bring a physician. Quickly!
How dare it harm His Majesty?
Your Majesty. When a dog bites a human, we need to make sure it never does so again.
Since it's the dog that I brought, I'll be the one that deals with it.
He was probably shocked too!
If we end his life just because he made one mistake, would there be any living soul left on earth?
- But Your Majesty!
- His Majesty is right.
Hearing what His Majesty has said, it's correct.
Prince Jin Pyeong, you're only here due to the His Majesty's grace and benevolence.
Isn't that so?
It's an order.
Put your sword away.
I will accept your order, Your Majesty.
Your Majesty.
If you hadn't been wearing the tiger leather,
your arm would have been broken.
Your wound can still fester,
so please refrain from using this arm for a while.
It seems the heavens have helped me.
You may go now.
I'm sorry.
Your Majesty.
The queen and Seon Hwa Dang wish to see you.
Let them in.
Your Majesty.
I came as soon as I heard.
According to the physician, something awful almost happened to your arm.
I thought I would die of worry after hearing so.
The physician appears to have said something quite useless.
You may return.
Didn't you hear? He told you to go.
I believe he was talking to you.
Your Majesty!
Hurry and escort her out.
Let's go.
Your Majesty. Your Majesty!
Your Majesty!
Please don't be concerned with what the physician said. He meant for me to be more careful.
That's how I understood it as well.
You must have been very surprised.
But why did you come to the stables?
I went to ask you about you blocking my visits to the queen dowager.
Why did you give such orders?
Whether I go visit her with you or not
seems to be a reason for her to give you a hard time.
So I ordered you to just not visit her.
I know. I probably thought wrong.
I failed to consider your feelings all this time and
only thought of my duties.
Now I understand.
I only act through words, but you are someone who acts when the time is right.
What do you mean?
What did I do?
It's not the effects of the medicine,
but His Majesty's heart has changed.
There might be more to it than that.
You were so absorbed in bribing and accepting bribes from government officials,
you didn't check His Majesty's feelings properly.
Isn't that something that you approved of?
I am saying you shouldn't forget who you are!
If you continue to disappoint me,
you will not only lose the niceties of the palace but also your position.
So get your head on straight.
And don't forget His Majesty has always been an intelligent man.
Yes, my lord. I will keep that in mind.
That wench! Seon Hwa Dang, you wench!
Get away from His Majesty this instant!
Your Majesty.
I will endure with you
so please don't give up your will.
Death is my only option now.
But why won't you even allow me to die?
Not knowing the truth,
I blabbed carelessly only believing rumors.
How lonely and difficult was it for her?
They won't go in if you throw them that way.
Want me to throw them for you?
I just threw it for fun.
Did you see that? It went in at once!
I forgot to make a wish.
Don't worry, I will throw another one so you can make a wish this time.
Queen, make a wish.
Don't you think it'll look like this if the stars fall from the sky?
Queen, what did you wish for?
Is it a secret?
Then don't say it. I won't ask further.
I guess I should make a wish as well.
Your Majesty.
What did you wish for?
My Queen
I wished to see you smile brightly one time.
That's what I wished for.
The Crowned Clown
Has the palace already become comfortable for you?
Don't let your guard down.
What's this?
Pretend not to know.
- There are talks petitioning to depose the queen.
- Be quiet!
You are committing all sorts of deeds just to save your queen.
What's the use of dressing in silk and wielding power
when the head is full of thoughts less than an animal's.
Why are you doing this?
Not even a little bit of humane thought!
Today is your funeral day.
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