The Decameron (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

By Homer, It's a Winner's Wreath!

Wait for the sun, watching the sky ♪
Black as a crow, night passes by ♪
Taking the stars so far away ♪
Everything flows ♪
Here comes another new day ♪
Alleluia, alle alle alleluia ♪
Good morning, sweet viscontessa.
What a gorgeous day God has given us!
It'll be better once I've had
my morning cheeses.
Of course.
There we go.
Oh, oh, oh.
There we go.
- I can do my own cheeses!
- Okay.
How go the preparations?
The wine is spiced,
the steward has de-caged
Leonardo's prized falcon
for a dash of mischief in the fresh air.
A perfectly joyful day
is planned to honor our bride.
A falcon!
I hope he has a regal beak.
Of course.
What's that?
And another thing
I have made
to motivate fun and good will,
a crown for
the winner of the day.
- Looks like a mourners' wreath.
- It's not.
- It's a winner's crown.
- It's too big.
Then, by Homer, it's a winner's wreath!
- And the others will enjoy it?
- Oh yes!
It is so stunningly generous of you
to include them
in your nuptial celebrations.
Everybody's saying so.
I do wonder if he would have liked
the celebration
Uh, uh, uh.
There is to be no talk of the departed.
Today, we celebrate you,
the bride of Villa Santa.
It matters only what you like.
I do find it strange
to have wedding festivities
in total absence of the groom.
Ugh. Do you mind?
I do mind, Filomena.
You can't just sit around all day.
You have to play the part.
If you don't pitch in
with the other servants, they'll know.
Out there, I'll play along.
But when these doors are closed,
I am not listening to a thing you say.
Plus, it won't be me that'll give us away.
It'll be you and your stupid little bun
that looks like a radish.
Is that a love bite?
Or maybe it'll be your midnight trysts
wherein you fuck Tindaro out of wedlock.
Ugh! What? No.
You had sex.
What's your scheme?
What, you plan to win Tindaro's affection
by jumping onto his cock
from across the room like an acrobat?
Hair down, idiot.
I did not have sex with Tindaro.
I had sex with Dioneo.
- Because he's attractive.
- No, he isn't.
Yes, he is. He is objectively alluring.
You think because you're in noble clothes,
you can just do whatever you please?
Spread your legs for the merchant class?
Wear your hair in a very ugly way?
There are rules, Licisca.
You just said that behind closed doors,
we can do whatever we want.
Out in the open,
I am courting Tindaro perfectly.
What I do with Dioneo in the dark,
three times,
is my business alone.
Well, and his.
But he'll be discreet.
Yeah, well, you better hope so.
Because your selfishness
is gonna get us kicked out of here.
You know, you think I'm so terrible?
I would never do what you're doing.
You'd need a man to like you first.
Time for breakfast, Licisca.
Wake up!
Wake up. Wake up, Dioneo!
I order you to stop sleeping at once!
What's wrong? What's wrong?
I woke up to the sound of a bird singing,
and I felt a sudden stab to my heart.
And yet you grin?
It's likely a case of chest vexation
combined with acute fool's face.
- Excuse me, it's the medical term.
- No.
My delights are
a symptom of being in love.
Signora Filomena has changed me.
I can hardly believe
the man I was just yesterday.
So cautious, skeptical.
Everything looks brighter now,
like your eyes.
They look like two, big, beautiful eyes.
I I am thrilled for you, Padrone.
I have so many feelings.
So much to embrace.
Like, even her nostrils.
Perfection. It's a shame
she should only have two of them.
How long must I court her
before I propose?
Propose? That's, um
Well, Tindaro, as a doctor,
and as your dearest friend,
I must tell you that that
Well, that woman is not for wedding.
No, those very nostrils
are a telltale sign of animal lust.
The woman is a wanton creature,
easily bedded. Too easily.
My friend, your exhaustive experience
with lesser women
has tainted your view
of this perfect creature.
You are wrong about her. I can feel it.
She's not burdened by lust.
She is the one.
The door is knocking.
Good day.
- Your steward?
- Sirisco.
Anything good?
For the Visconte Leonardo,
his grandaunt has passed in Rovigo.
Oh. Dreadful place to die.
Oh, this one's dreadful.
For Panfilo of the Lungarno family
I should have known.
- You have your father's jawline.
- Yes, we're all quite handsome.
I'm sorry for your family's misfortunes.
There are no misfortunes on holiday.
Thank you for the delivery.
The steward will settle up next time.
I don't carry cash.
- All of it?
- The bank seized everything.
Our home, our warehouses.
Doesn't mention my fur collection,
but one can assume.
- Even the ships?
- Every shiny one of them.
I knew this pestilence
would cause him to overextend,
but I didn't realize
he'd be so stupid about it.
You've always been the smart one.
It's his fault for not leaning
more closely on your counsel.
As I like to do.
Now that we're homeless,
we have to redouble our efforts
in securing our future,
our alliances.
Now, Tindaro is perplexingly stupid,
but Filomena can be our in.
Really, Pampinea is the only one
who can make us leave.
Have we done enough
to ingratiate ourselves?
Of course, dear. Pampinea loves us.
She does? Has she said something to you?
Uh, I just mean, I'm sure she loves us
like Christ taught us to love each other.
Like beautiful, fluffy sheep
who are all cousins.
We may need her to be more fond of us
than a general sheep affection.
Best if we've earned only rave reviews
when her husband returns.
I bet she'd love to hear the story
of my miraculous rescue, right?
She may just go berserk with joy, no?
Well, let's keep the details
of your recent miracle between us.
Very well, my dear.
I'll do my best not to speak
of my ecstatic salvation.
Everyone, let's gather in the great hall.
The festivities are about to begin.
We're on.
The clever pirate, Paganino,
slaughtered 1,000 men
and fell completely mad
with love.
Bravo! Bravo!
Well told.
Save for a few lulls.
But is it enough
to earn you the winner's crown?
We'll see.
I'm getting that crown.
What could surpass the favor
of such a beautiful bride?
In fact, a toast.
To the bride's resplendent beauty.
That's the spirit.
Servant girl.
Now, remember, keep the stories
on the theme of purity.
I hadn't finished my story. Uh
But among all the jewels
that Paganino brought back from Monaco,
none could compare to the beauty of you,
fair Filomena.
And yet,
when I think of you
I see this.
Oh, um
Tindaro, it's
Padrone, I cannot accept this.
It is yours, my summer fruit.
Still, I want no gifts.
I want only you.
The fact that you do not want it
only proves how much you deserve it.
Well, I suppose I do deserve the finest.
Well done.
- Whore wine, my lady?
- What did you say?
More wine?
How lovely, Tindaro.
But sadly, that last part was no story
at all, so you've broken the rules.
No crown for you.
Neifile, you're next.
What? I I wasn't What's happening?
Viscontessa, perhaps you would regale us
with the best story of all,
that of your wedding day.
Why, yes. Ye Of course.
Yes. It was, um
yesterday, I recall.
Yes, he took me to a
- A bog?
- A bog, yes.
A beau What? No, not a bog.
A tower. Yeah.
Yes, a tower. Beige in color.
Oh, I love beige.
And he said he was struck dumb by my
serene beauty,
which filled his heart.
And he could never leave a face
such as mine.
And then that's where he kissed me
for the very first time.
And then he said, "I'm enjoying this."
He said, "I'm really enjoying it."
Yes, recounting that lovely tale
brought me such joy.
I guess since I pleased myself,
so I win the first game.
- What?
- Let's move on.
- Sorry, excuse me
- Where's Sirisco?
Little bit more clarity
on the rules next time.
I'm the pig.
Don't touch his egg!
An egg for you, viscontessa.
Everyone, laugh!
Sirisco! Uh, Misia!
That's so fun!
More fun!
- We're having so much fun!
- Oh yeah.
We're having so much fun!
Yeah! The excitement knows no end!
Absolutely no
Oh! Oh!
- Thank you.
- Well played.
I've always worked for my living ♪
Okay, let me see.
How am I gonna get through? ♪
How am I gonna get through? ♪
I bought you drinks
I brought you flowers ♪
I read your books and talked for hours ♪
So tell me, what have I, what have I
What have I done to deserve this? ♪
Next game.
how does one win this delightful game?
My God. Walk normal.
Now, everyone, elevate your left arm.
This falcon will circle in the air
and pluck the gobbet
from the most worthy hand.
Lay witness to a demonstration
of unmistakable grace.
Fly, Fortuna.
Return, Fortuna!
Who wouldn't love the thrill
of waiting for a murderous predator
to come and bite off your finger?
Holding raw meat always makes me think
of my own innards.
Can you imagine
holding your guts in your hands?
I'd like to try it,
if it wouldn't mean I was dead.
- You are bizarre.
- Me?
- I am?
- What? No.
What did it feel like when you were
called upon by the Lord to rescue me?
So invigorating, a long arm raise.
Did it feel very good in your body,
like a deep itch rubbed well?
What's so funny over there?
Did you finally remember a story,
or were you too busy ogling the doctor?
I don't think that was it at all.
I do have a story,
of God's devotion to his children.
There was once a very lost maiden.
She fell into a well.
God heard her prayers.
He sent his finest warrior,
who pulled her from the water
with big strong arms
and held her tight.
So tight,
that she felt God's presence
down to the depths of her body.
Sounds like she felt something
in the depths of her body.
Is the lusty maiden in the well you?
I'm not lusty.
What if she was lusty?
- I'm quite pious!
- You don't seem pious.
Oh, she's certainly
more pious than you, viscontessa.
You are aware that pride is a sin?
It's been a long day.
Perhaps it's best we retire.
Leonardo's prized sky beast
is yet to return.
Well, if Leonardo is the gracious lord
you so often describe,
I'm sure he wouldn't want us
to miss the comforts of his villa.
Now, where should I put my gobbet?
It seems I must remind you
that you're here at Leonardo's invitation,
which can be rescinded.
- You would cast us out?
- Yes!
It is my home, and you are my guests!
So if you'd like to return
to pestilence-ridden Firenze,
just say the word!
Fortuna! Come, Fortuna!
- I want it!
- Get the bird!
Did I win, viscontessa?
Seems the game has ended in a tie.
Game's over!
You spoke out of turn.
You can't just say whatever you like
in front of her, you know, it's not right.
But I did,
so I guess I can.
You just let her push you
around all day, don't you?
Kinda like your little wet broom.
This is a mop.
Delivering messages to the pigs?
I also know the fate
of their friends and family.
It is tasty.
I needed a small rest.
It's Hell come alive out there.
You could be beheaded for trespassing.
You keep my secrets,
I'll keep yours.
Surely your wife is tossing in bed
as we speak,
pining for your touch.
Not quite.
I envy you.
Moving from one place
to another unencumbered.
Free to do as you please.
Is that what you want?
I'm not sure anymore.
Well, whatever you desired before,
whoever you were,
I'd wager that it doesn't
much matter anymore.
Why's that?
I've seen 1,000 doorsteps,
watched high-born women carry children
to unmarked graves,
peasants sieging whole castles.
If the pestilence has shown us anything,
it's that we're to choose
the parts of ourselves we wish to keep,
and the parts we wish to throw away.
Come in.
I I beg your pardon
for today, viscontessa.
Um, Fortuna has been in a mood lately.
Stratilia blames her diet,
but I think the bird has her period.
Why are you here?
I, uh I I know today was challenging.
But I realize
that I haven't had the opportunity
amidst all the excitement,
to tell you how happy I am
that you're finally here.
A villa simply isn't a villa
without a lady.
What is this?
It's the visconte's sketchbook.
I came across it this afternoon.
I thought it should belong to you.
Might help you
get to know him a little better.
Good night, viscontessa.
You knew him best, did you not?
Uh, yes. Mm-hmm. I did.
Such vivid imagery.
Yes, Leonardo loved the country,
especially hills.
But the meaning escapes me.
That was visconte.
His art was like
inscrutable poetry for the eyes.
- More hills.
- So imaginative.
He spoke of you, too, viscontessa.
- He did?
- Mm-hmm.
What did he compliment first?
Oh, uh
Uh, he imagined your pretty eyes
and your, um
flowing hair and
And, um, how you were
extremely willing to marry.
Would he have loved me?
He would have loved you.
What else would he have done?
Um, he would've looked at you
- Mm-hmm.
- and, um
uh, held held you.
And, um, he would've
Kissed me?
- Mm-hmm.
- Hmm.
How would Leonardo have kissed me?
Like, um, this.
You should put it on.
It suits your noble neck.
It's tacky. I hate it.
I was surprised I saw you
back at my door so soon.
Pleasantly surprised, of course.
Well, there is a certain amount of shame
that noblewomen often have with betrayal.
In my experience.
I've made no promises.
I'm a free woman.
Oh, you certainly move about freely.
It's mesmerizing.
You are different
but not in the way that Tindaro thinks.
What does he think?
That you're the only good woman
on the planet.
And do you not mean the same?
Am I not good
and delectable
and the only woman worthy
of your pursuits?
You may just be.
Lord, rid me of all temptation.
But if I may inquire
why Dioneo is your emissary?
A sturdy vessel,
and those tireless arms.
Am I meant to
Oh no.
"I am a wall,
and my breasts are like towers."
Oh damn.
"So I have become in his eyes
like one who brings peace."
In the church at Christmas
Busted by that nun ♪
Then in that museum
Beneath the mastodon ♪
Stating oppositions
On the White House lawn ♪
All you ever think about is sex ♪
All you ever think about exclusively ♪
All you ever think about is sex ♪
All right with me ♪
Say, do you remember
The Dodgers and the Mets? ♪
Fifty-thousand people saw us
And turned red ♪
I'm still not recovered
From Saturday's faux pas ♪
When your father came home
Saw us and dropped dead ♪
All you ever think about is sex ♪
All you ever think about exclusively ♪
All you ever think about is sex
All right with me ♪
All you ever think about is sex ♪
All right with me ♪
You are a vision.
- Food!
- Let us in!
- Give us food!
- Let us in!
We are not sick!
- Get out of here! Get out!
- We're hungry!
- I'm with 30 men!
- Give us food! Anything!
- Anything you have!
- Give us water!
- Please!
- Let me at them, Sirisco! Let me at them!
No, no, no, no!
- I've got this!
- Let us in!
- Please!
- You bastard! That's my dearest friend!
- Food!
- Don't make me release the dogs!
- Food!
- Let's get out of here!
Let's get out of here!
Next time, I'll get the boiling oil!
We did it!
Oh my.
Well done, Sirisco.
No, no, no, no. Oh, all right, thank you.
Thank you, thank you.
Excuse me.
Oh, but really, I was only doing it
for the lady of the villa.
The viscontessa.
The steward works so hard to please you
in public and in private.
Be silent now.
Sirisco had to fight them off alone?
- Where were the men of the house?
- No.
Panfilo? Dioneo?
- What cowards.
- No.
You leave it to the old fool
to face those ruffians?
And useless.
No, I was happy to defend the villa.
The gentlemen were fast asleep.
You are not the man of the house!
Are you completely out of your mind?
I ju "In public and in private?"
What if someone heard you?
I don't
I wasn't thinking.
It just makes me so happy
to see you happy.
Leonardo is my one true love.
He's the only thing that matters to me.
I thought you might understand that,
since you had to leave that girl behind.
Her name was Parmena.
Oh, Misia.
I understand your pain now.
That must indeed
be what's clouding your judgment.
Now, don't show your face to me
until you've found the Misia that I need.
Of course, Padrona.
- I thought we should speak, Pampinea.
- What are you doing in my room?
The beggars almost breached the gate.
You did not bring a savory breakfast
this morning as requested.
You brought a semi-savory breakfast.
Your errors are making me wonder
if you are worthy of being my steward.
It hurts to know you feel that way.
Oh, I thought I pleased you quite well
in the visconte's absence.
you have never pleased me.
Not once.
You are a vessel
through which I experience
Leonardo's love for me.
Do not enter these chambers again.
Yes, Pampinea.
Viscontessa to you.
My apologies, viscontessa.
I, uh
Also, I wasn't completely honest with you.
The truth is,
Leonardo told the marriage broker
that he would take any bride
with a hefty dowry and a womb.
Do you ever wonder why he didn't
wanna meet you before the engagement?
He heard about your personality,
and he knew that he wouldn't be able
to go through with it if he did.
Yes, darling?
I've been having sinful thoughts.
God forgives sinful thoughts, right?
Oh, certainly.
He'd have to forgive them
since he's the one that put them
in your head in the first place.
It does feel that way,
out of my control.
Let God guide you as he always has.
I must speak with you.
Padrona, I'm sorry.
I'm in the midst of something important.
- Have you seen Filomena?
- This is important.
God wants you to have me
in the wifely way.
It is an urgent matter.
Padrona, I hope not to offend you
Neifile. Neifile.
God doesn't want you to bed me.
You want you to bed me.
No, this feeling is holy. I know it.
No, you see, the nuns told you
that your body is evil.
They made you feel shame.
But if God hated lust all that much,
he could have easily made sex
extremely painful,
or much more smelly.
I've done it once.
I wish to do it again, but with you.
On any other day,
I'd have had no reservations,
but my mind is elsewhere entirely.
Uh, yeah.
We're not allowed to.
Drink the wine.
It's too quiet in here. Say something.
Like what?
Like anything.
Tell me a secret.
Something that has nothing to do
with your lady, though.
Something about you.
So you can make fun of me for it?
We won't know until you say something.
My nails stopped growing months ago,
and I don't know why.
That's disgusting.
What is this in your hair?
It's just a little something for me.
I stole it.
- Pampinea?
- Yeah.
- Well done.
- From the viscontessa's horse, but
I washed it.
Fair, fair, Filomena,
when I'm with you,
I feel unencumbered and free
- There you are, my love snail.
- Yes, here I am, my love slayer-ail.
And Dioneo too.
Please sit.
When you refused my jewelry at first,
my suspicion that you are
a completely singular woman was confirmed.
A woman whose heart would not be won
by shallow indulgences.
As such, I surmised
that only artistic expression
would be a true enough way
to show my love for you.
- Oh.
- No.
This should be good.
- Woman!
- Oh.
Aren't you mighty?
Your name whispered by a fairy so flighty
So noble, kind, and true
Dear Filomena
What I mean to say is, I debase myself
When I look away from you
"Raucous applause."
I read the part
that was not meant to be read.
Why did you even write that down?
I don't
I suppose I really wanted it to happen.
"Raucous applause."
I kept it really short because I knew
that it probably wasn't any good.
It was perfect.
Thank you.
I enjoy this side of you.
It's refreshing,
and all mine.
May I compliment you with a kiss?
Just a peck.
My my skin is paper thin.
Thank you for sharing this moment with me.
I shall come to you
in your chambers tonight.
Oh. Uh, uh
Why why yes.
Yes. I would I would love that.
Yes, I know. That's why I said it.
I mean, I will see you soon, my love.
Dioneo, a word.
Almost had me fooled there.
I didn't hate it.
You like him?
I'm free to do
whatever best suits my future.
And what business is it of yours?
Don't tell me you, of all people,
wish to assert property rights on a lover.
Very well.
Good afternoon, Padrona.
You were wrong about her.
- I knew it.
- You did.
I told you.
- Not exactly.
- This one?
- It's lovely.
- Admit it, you were wrong about her.
She loves me truthfully and fully,
and is better than any of the thousand
whores that you've been with.
It's quite funny.
You wasted so much time with them,
and I got it right on my first try.
You were right, signore.
Your true spirit struck her tender heart,
and now she is yours.
I can't believe
I fell victim to love.
True love.
There's no need to wait
to propose to her now.
I have her heart, and she mine.
- So soon?
- I love her, Dioneo!
You never experienced it,
but if you had,
then you'd know exactly why
I want her all to myself, now and forever.
I do think that this is the one.
Yes, it's lovely.
Well, then all I can do
is celebrate your growing romance
and your sudden rise in health.
I am feeling spry!
Like a raging cock
let loose in a barley field.
- I am glad.
- Cock-a-doodle-doo!
I love you little cockerel
Even though you don't lay eggs ♪
Very good.
How about some wine?
To love.
To love.
Am I interrupting?
No, Padrone. Um, is everything all right?
Oh, I just wanted to compliment
your excellent upkeep of the villa.
That is so kind of you to notice.
Thank you.
I sleep better knowing
the visconte and his new bride
are in such reliable hands.
And that Pampinea
a natural leader.
Thoughtful, generous, full of love.
She is all those things
and more.
When I was but a youth,
my father remarried. A Roman.
Oh, a Roman.
- Missing many teeth, but from rich stock.
- Oh. Hmm.
She was unbearable.
Three months after her arrival
and my favorite steward hanged himself.
Well, that might happen
to you again.
My apologies, I, um
- I overstepped. I shouldn't
- No such thing.
Your troubles are as heavy
as anyone else's.
If I may,
no one really knows the true terrors
of keeping a villa functional.
It's constant.
People corner you at all hours
of the night about nothing.
"Sirisco, my wrist hurts.
Can you spread my cheese?"
And what kind of a person
naps on the fainting couch?
If if if someone faints,
there's no place soft and available
to break their fall!
- That is selfish!
- Whatever happened to modesty?
It doesn't exist.
Three horses have died this week,
Calandrino lost a fingernail
cutting branches for the bouquet,
I haven't had a proper shit in weeks,
and all she can do is bitch and cry
about her dead fucking husband!
So Leonardo is dead.
There's only so much glass
one man can buy.
Who knows?
The viscontessa and her handmaiden,
but no one else.
Well, the cook.
Please, Padrone, please, please
Sirisco, you can trust me.
My fate is very uncertain
as long as she is in charge.
Mine too. And she's not even really
the lady of the house.
No, she doesn't even have a claim.
Anyone could fight her for it.
You could fight her for it. You could
Perhaps perhaps we could find someone
with a better claim to take charge.
That might be easier to find
than you think.
Come in.
Oh, uh,
where's Tindaro?
You shouldn't be here.
I promise I'll be quick.
For once.
I know you are a lady
from a high-class family.
And I am
I'm just a vain physician
who has never been in love.
But let's go.
- Together. Let's leave.
- Uh
We can be free.
Leave the villa? And go where?
This is the only safe place for miles.
We can give each other safety.
I can I can provide for you.
I will provide to you.
I've got You know, I've got skills and
Okay, look.
I can live with you being with Tindaro
but I can't live with you
being in love with him
and not with me.
So love me.
love me.
What is it?
You said you wanted to be free, Filomena.
I'm not
That's not
Fetch Dioneo!
Ouch! Please be soft.
I'm dying of the pestilence.
No, this affliction is man-made.
Away, pot girl. Your stench is vile.
No, that's your vomit, Padrone.
Your teeth tell me that you vomit a lot.
Oh, the woman believes my teeth to speak.
I expel two to four times a day,
which is healthy
for an unwell person such as I.
What's your game?
I don't need your potions,
I need my doctor.
Fetch him at once!
When was the last time
the doctor gave you something
that made you feel better
rather than worse?
Medicine makes you better
by expunging the worse.
Everybody knows that.
The doctor poisons you.
Watch your mouth, you raving bitch.
That's my true friend.
Never mind, then.
Where's my fucking doctor?
Oh my God.
And so the hag says,
"My breasts have been hanging on
for the last 40 years."
"Why would I worry about my teeth?"
Neifile! Dear, come join us!
You were saying?
Have you heard the one
of Saladin and Messer Torello?
- No.
- This is great.
Saladin's preparing for the Crusades.
I failed God.
Good evening, everyone.
This is everyone? Who's missing?
The Signore Tindaro.
Yes. The poor fellow is
in another fit of bodily disarray.
Flatulence like I've never seen.
- Please lift him up in your prayers.
- Misia, pray for both of us.
Now, I'm excited to announce
I am with child.
- What?
- What?
I said I'm preg
Tindaro's made it after all.
Seize that man!
Padrone, what happened?
You tried to kill me.
Tell him.
Belladonna, poison.
The very same was used to murder
the Emperor Claudius by Xenophon,
his lifelong physician.
The cause of Emperor Claudius' death
is still highly debated.
I found it in your room!
And in this cup you made me drink from.
Do you deny it?
Tindaro, who was it that cured your warts?
Reduced your saliva?
Any medicine I've given you,
it's only ever been for your own good.
For your own sake, don't abandon me.
You know how fragile you are.
You need me.
If they're for my health,
eat them.
You, strip him of his clothes
and his quarters.
Throw him down with the servants.
Let the rats have at him.
For shame, doctor. For shame.
- Absolute shame.
- No, please.
Actually, leave him his clothing.
I'll do him that one kindness.
I'm so happy you're not dead.
Perhaps this news will bring cheer
to your betrayed heart.
A moment to explain.
I'm having Leonardo's child.
Leonardo's child?
Leonardo's child?
When I learned what Dioneo had done,
I almost went mad with hatred.
But then
I saw you.
After coming so close to death,
I now realize
how important it is to keep close
the things that matter most in this life,
and to never let them out of your sight.
be my wife.
Thank you, Tindaro.
I don't deserve you.
I accept.
So the world goes round and round ♪
With all you ever knew ♪
They say the sky high above ♪
Is Caribbean blue ♪
If every man says all he can ♪
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