The Defeated (2020) s01e03 Episode Script


August sixth.
I can't believe it's
August 6th already.
I haven't written you
in over a month,
so I'm writing this
as quickly as I can
for fear that I'm going to stop,
knowing how ridiculous it is.
I don't even know if you're alive,
let alone where I would send
all these letters if you were.
But with you gone,
I have no one to talk to.
I know my problems are
so insignificant
compared to the people I meet
every day.
And yet, I can't stop thinking
I'll hear your voice again,
my love.
You know, 'cause I'm not trying to
say I think Nazism is a swell idea,
but if it gets little people like you
to feel important,
well then, I guess it's gotta be
pretty powerful, huh?
I mean, who who doesn't want to
be part of the master race?
Am I right? But here's where
you lose me, okay?
It's when those ideas,
they start killing innocent people,
and you're all still fucking onboard.
What do you want, boy?
you worked as a guard
at Ravensbrück,
and the Polish rabbits that the
scientists conducted experiments on,
they were not furry and cute,
were they?
No, they were rather human.
Polish women,
ranging in ages of 17 to 42.
Are you familiar with the war term,
"The Three Alls", Bertha? Hm?
"Kill all."
There's, uh, "Loot all."
And there's, "Burn all."
Don't worry. We have so far to go.
Morning, ma'am. What's your business
in the British Sector?
Police business.
At a bar called Klaus Maus
in Wilmersdorf.
Klaus Maus.
You know, I've been there.
Don't drink the lager.
They water it down.
-Have a lovely day.
I think he liked you.
Shut up.
Hello. You're American, right?
-Yes, Ma'am.
-We're German police,
and we'd like to ask some questions.
Ask away, Fräulein,
Private Gallagher and Deluca
were murdered last week,
and this was one of
their favourite places.
Did you know any of them?
Karin! Table 6 and 7 need
I'd like to talk to your waitress.
Is she here?
Yes. Karin is in the kitchen.
-May I?
-Yes, of course.
I'm Elsie Garten.
I'm a police officer.
Can I ask you some questions?
Yes. Sure.
But I need to carry out the trash.
"Angel Maker."
That would be the kingpin?
Yes, sir.
He's supposedly active here
in our sector?
Seems like he works all sectors,
with a focus on prostitution,
probably extortion and kidnapping
as well.
-We get this guy, everyone's happy,
even the Russians.
They're never happy.
They're incapable of good times.
Four days ago, two American soldiers
were murdered.
I thought the case
would keep you busy.
Why are you chasing
this Angel Man instead?
Directly or indirectly,
he's responsible for these murders.
Proof? Witnesses?
It's all in there.
But Max, this list
You can't fight organised crime
with table legs, sir. No offence.
That's possibly and probably so,
but you can't get
what there is not any of.
Then I'll take whatever I can get.
-Oh, one more thing.
-No more fucking bridge, sir.
Don't worry.
You do remember that pilot
you met at the club?
George Miller?
-Yeah, sure.
-Well, people in the know
have been asking
some very odd questions lately.
I want him to know I'm watching him.
I knew him before the war.
Bit of a gambler.
I'd like you to hand this
letter to him.
Say hi from me.
He's stationed over at Tempelhof.
-Tempelhof Airport?
-Give it here.
I'll get you everything I can
off that list.
You just disappeared.
I realised I had to feed my cat.
So sorry.
Come in.
What's this about?
Maybe we can sit down?
Yes, sure.
Did something happen?
Do you live here by yourself?
Nice street.
Thanks. It's intact.
You keep it dark in here.
I am
How long have you worked
at Klaus Maus, Karin?
I don't know, four years maybe?
Are you sick?
No. Why?
Since you live alone, I assume
the penicillin here belongs to you.
Oh, that.
I had pneumonia a few weeks ago.
In this heat?
Penicillin is a hard thing to come by
these days.
the plus of working in a pub.
All these foreign soldiers
with their benefits.
I didn't know they handed out
expensive medicine for free.
Without demanding anything
in return, that is.
We all do what we have to do.
Can you give me those photos?
Have you seen these men before?
I don't know. Maybe. Should I have?
Witnesses saw you being harassed
by these soldiers a few weeks ago.
At Klaus Maus.
I don't remember.
You don't remember?
It happens all the time.
"Hey Fräulein, wanna frat?"
"Hey Fräulein, what about
some friendly invasion?"
"Hey, Fräulein. Hey, Fräulein."
You must've heard it yourself?
Were you raped?
You are a lucky woman, Karin.
Not raped. Not dead. Lucky.
Well then, thank you for your
time and cooperation.
I hope you're feeling better soon.
They won't be here forever, you know.
The soldiers.
There's an end to everything.
I'm lucky
Let's make sure they don't
take out anything from our list.
We need all this shit.
Pencil sharpeners, bikes, cookies
Oh, I fucking love cookies.
Oh, I love chocolate chip.
Hey, there's no cookies on this list.
They're fucking cookies. Relax.
We're supposed to have,
uh, five bicycles.
What are you shaking your head for?
It says five bicycles.
No, it's been crossed off.
No, it's underlined.
This is crossed off.
This is underlined.
Vice Council Franklin was
pretty fucking clear on that.
Those'll do. Oh, and we need,
uh, transportation to
Ritterstrasse, Kreuzberg.
And a typewriter.
-What she said.
Yeah. Thanks buddy.
Gonna take these for the road.
Thank you.
This whole town's starving, so
hopefully we got enough of the items
that'll make 'em talk.
You need to let go of the people
you don't trust.
I trust every single one of my team.
Yeah, well, why did Green Eyes get
killed? Someone fucking leaked.
You gotta consider every one of
your scarecrows Even him.
Gad, it's a joke.
So how'd the British Sector go?
There was this waitress, Karin Mann.
She see anything?
But I'm fairly certain
she didn't tell me everything.
Oh, yeah? Maybe we should
talk to her again.
There's the truck.
See you guys back at the station.
There's something I gotta do.
Lieutenant George Miller, Air Force.
You know where I can find him?
All the way down this hall.
NYPD. What'd I do?
You tell me.
-How you doing?
-Good. How's crime?
Yeah, booming.
What can I do for you?
Oh, right. I've got a letter with
your name on it from Tom Franklin.
Since I was in the perimeter,
there you go.
He says hello.
Says he wants to see you around
sometime soon, catch up.
Hey, you guys go back before the war?
No. No, we met here in Berlin.
Well, thanks for this, and you say hi
to Claire if you see her around.
Will do.
Hey, that Major General Wright,
the guy you pointed to at the card
game, you know where I can find him?
Yeah, he's right across the hall,
just past the phones.
All right, see you around.
See you.
The engineers are ahead of time,
and we're on a 12-hour standby
to change sector.
I'll call you right back.
I don't give a shit about protocol.
I just want to find my brother.
Why's that?
Because I'm all he's fucking got.
What happened in Dachau?
45th Infantry were the first guys in
and we saw it all
Things you can't imagine.
Things you can't unsee
and we'd already seen
the worst of war.
Walking skeletons
broomsticks for arms
mass graves.
They were so malnourished, so feeble.
I didn't know people could
look like that and still be alive.
And there was nothing we could do,
but watch them howling and howling
in pain.
First night in
I was woke up
by heavy machine gun fire.
Turned out someone had
lined up and gunned down
some of the camp guards
32 of them, to be precise.
There were four more to go,
but he ran out of ammo.
He killed them in ways that were
I threw his ass in detention,
but by the morning, he was gone.
If you ever find your brother
you tell him from me,
the one thing I regret more
than putting him in chains
was letting someone with his problems
on the battlefield
in the first place.
Bertha! Wake up!
We have a schedule to keep.
Bertha, I know you're
trying to be a good person now.
You're fixing bikes,
back on the straight and narrow.
But you don't get to
return to society.
You're a fucking Nazi, and your sins,
they don't just go away.
Which is why I'm going to
burn them off of you.
We won the war, and you lost it
and now what remains is to make sure
that those ideas stay buried
because they're never
going to rise again.
What's this?
What's that?
Is that your family heirloom?
I'm going to melt it down and
I'm going to stick it in your eye.
But let's save that for later.
So if you're okay, I'm going to take
a few pictures.
Oh, no, that's that's
don't move.
So this is our waitress.
Yes. We're looking for her.
You think we should spread her image
to the other precincts?
No. She could lead us to Engelmacher.
And we don't want to tip him off
that we're looking for him.
-We don't know where she is.
Not yet.
I want to see Dr Gladow.
Did you get any sleep?
I don't care about fucking sleep.
Police came to my apartment
this morning.
I want to see Dr Gladow.
I want to see the Angel Maker.
When are you coming home, Uncle Max?
In a couple weeks, tops.
How's your mother?
She's okay, I guess.
She thinks you're wasting your time
over there.
-Uncle Max?
Any sign of my dad yet?
No, not yet.
-Mom says he's dead.
-He ain't dead, Jimmy.
Bring him home, okay?
Hey, listen, this ain't my phone,
so I gotta go, okay?
-Okay. Bye.
Max, give it here to me.
-Hey, Moritz.
Isn't this pretty strange?
We need to lose the badness
that's inside.
We need to get rid of all the evil.
One day, we might need this
for protection, you know.
-It needs to be pure.
Shut up.
So it's blessed now?
Yeah. It fucking should be.
Okay. Let's get out of here.
Max, let's go.
The power should be back on
in a few hours, sir.
Mind if I join?
What are we drinking?
I don't mean to overstep here,
-but maybe you shouldn't.
-Maybe I shouldn't what?
Goodnight, Mrs Franklin.
I've come to the conclusion
that suffering is a personal matter.
As a consequence of this, we mustn't
judge those in our close proximity,
since we don't know the wounds
they might carry within.
On the bright side, wounds that
never heal don't leave any scars.
What the hell are you talking about?
To be perfectly honest,
I'm not entirely sure.
Please have a drink with me, Mr Max.
I promise I'll behave.
Schnapps, please,
and he'll have the same again.
-So how was your day?
Did you arrest any shoddy Fritzes?
-Of course.
My second night here at this hotel
in the elevator
What did you think?
Then why bring it up?
I thought it was rather wonderful
that that moment
remained unmentioned.
A secret of sorts.
But now you've put words on it,
it'll disappear, wither away.
Maybe that's why I mentioned it.
I love this song.
Care to dance?
I'm fine, but thank you.
Thank you for the drink.
I need to get to bed.
Of course you do.
Always a pleasure.
Get a good night's sleep.
What is it that you want?
The same as you.
Good night.
-Same again, please.
-Of course.
I'm sorry
Elsie, I'm sorry.
Her husband
is still reported missing.
Elsie, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry about your husband.
It's okay, Gad.
Go back to sleep.
I hope you see him again.
I hope so too.
One day
This is the only way in.
The entire institute has been
sealed off because of the bombings.
It could collapse any moment.
-So it's safe.
Out of the way, man.
Dr Gladow has many soldiers
working for him.
That's what he calls us,
his soldiers.
Look, Hermann.
I brought you something.
Please, sit.
I hope it's not too dark for you,
but Marianne always tells me
to be more careful.
When we met the first time, you asked
me for a favour, and I helped you.
A favour I've paid back.
A favour you've begun to pay back.
Are you here to ask me
for another one?
I want you to use me.
I already am.
Mr Gladow, you
you have other girls with
with bigger tits and rounder asses.
Girls that men want,
who are great at fucking.
That's not me.
Not really.
I'm talking about my mind.
You own it so why not use it?
You need a lucky girl.
And I'm lucky.
Mr McLaughlin, message for you.
Good morning, sunshine.
We're just getting warmed up.
Up until now, I've only been using
one flame, but I got three more.
I was saving 'em cause I didn't want
it to go fast but you're cooking.
And now, just when you thought
it was all over, Bertha
I present to you the offer.
Ah, see?
I'm not such a bad guy, am I?
If you give me the name and address
of someone bigger than yourself
I'm gonna let you live, Bertha.
No, no, I can't hear you.
Speak up, come on.
-Otto Oberlander.
-Otto Oberlander?
-Spandau. Okay, address?
Come on. You can do it.
What's his rank?
Squad leader for Einsatzgruppe D.
For Einsatzgruppe D?
Bertha, do you have any idea what
the Einsatzgruppe D did in Poland?
Let me go.
Okay. I will.
I will.
I will let you go
into whatever kind of hell
awaits the likes of you, Bertha
'Cause, see, I lied.
"Loud she yelled in agony,
for she felt her conscience free."
"You are me and I am you.
Together we are one, not two."
Work, I said!
Back off!
Go, go!
Move, move!
Do you live on 104 Eisenacher
Strasse, Kreuzberg, Berlin?
Is your name Leopold Garten?
What is the name of your wife?
What is the name of your wife?
Elsie Garten
You don't know who I am
I left this device
so we can communicate.
There is information I need from you.
You will tell no one of this.
I will be in touch.
Here is what I offer you.
Elsie, it's me.
I'm coming home.
I'm coming home, my love.
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