The Devil Judge (2021) s01e03 Episode Script

The Quiet Mansion

Are you looking for this?
So you knew it.
Why are you doing this?
-Why am I doing this?
-Because I can.
The possibility is like ecstasy.
Step back!
-Is he dead?
-Did you kill him, Yo-han?
-I said, no.
So he's not dead.
How boring.
What do you mean boring?
Where am I?
Not paradise, for sure.
I wouldn't move just yet.
The explosives attack
at the Judge's Chambers
has shocked the entire nation,
and citizens are expressing their concerns
for Judge Kang Yo-han's safety.
The police have announced
that a full investigation is now underway,
and that they have secured the footages
and the visitor records.
-It's Kang Yo-han!
-It's Kang Yo-han.
-He's coming out.
-It's Kang Yo-han!
-Do you have him on camera?
-Over there! There he is.
Here he comes.
Judge Kang. Are your injuries severe?
How is your condition?
-How is your health?
-Judge Kang, are you all right?
Thanks to our citizens,
I'm in good health.
What about your injuries then?
It's bearable.
-Who is behind the attack?
-Nothing is for certain as of yet.
Could it be an attack by an opposition
disaffected with the Live Court Show?
Does that mean
the trials will be put on hiatus?
I have a message for all of our citizens.
It seems someone is feeling
quite intimidated right now,
but we cannot stop the trial
by a cowardly act of terrorism.
The trial will proceed as planned.
Then what will be the next case
to be put on trial?
It'll be a son of a power class who used
his status to repeatedly assault the weak.
Our defendant is Lee Yeong-min,
Vice President of Joongwon F&B.
Lee Yeong-min?
Do you perhaps mean the son
of Cha Gyeong-hui, Minister of Justice?
-What's he saying?
-Yes, that's right.
Would the Prosecution overlook you put
the son of Minister of Justice on trial?
All citizens are equal before the law.
To me, all defendants
are the same and equal.
That bastard!
Still, various forms of resistance
are expected.
Let the street dogs bark,
for the train will not stop.
Street dogs?
You're awesome, Judge Kang!
You are truly admirable!
Minister. Minister Cha!
Judge Kang!
Is Judge Kim Ga-on okay?
May I ask who…
I'm Yoon Su-hyeon from WAIS.
I'm in charge of this case.
I see. I'll be in your care.
Is Judge Kim Ga-on okay?
Yes, he's fine. Are you personally
acquainted with Judge Kim?
For instance, are you his girlfriend?
No. We're just friends.
I didn't know he had
a friend who's a detective.
Where is Ga-on?
I'm sorry, but I cannot tell you that now.
-What Judge Kim needs is absolute rest.
There may be follow-up attacks,
so it's best he focuses
on recovering where it's safe.
-Where is he? Let me see him.
-Inspector Yoon Su-hyeon.
I apologize, Judge Kang.
Go out there and catch the culprit.
Leave Judge Kim to me.
Who are you?
I'm sorry.
Why do you look so surprised?
Didn't Master Yo-han tell you anything?
What do you mean, exactly?
Then I have no more to say.
I'll bring your food again.
Honestly, the rich…
This looks ancient.
I wonder when it was made.
-That's a national treasure.
-What? My gosh…
Just kidding. How dumb are you?
Stop poking your nose here and there
and just stay put.
Who are you,
and where are your honorifics?
I'm Elijah.
Ellie? Is that a name?
As in "Elijah," idiot.
Have you never read the Bible?
So, Elijah.
Did I ever wrong you in any way?
-Your face.
I don't like your face.
How dare you.
"How dare you"?
What's this about my face now?
Why did he even bring home
something like him?
-He's a fake.
-Hey. Wait!
What is this house?
Dad, what do I do?
What did I ever do
to be put on a kangaroo trial?
Honestly, that crazy psycho…
I must say, he is completely insane.
What kind of a judge is that?
Don't you worry, Yeong-min.
Your mother will stop everything.
I mean,
how dare they try and touch my son?
-There's something I haven't told you.
That psycho, Kang Yo-han…
-I think he's been after me all this time.
-What do you mean?
Well, you see…
Will you keep disappointing me like this?
I'm sorry.
Now look at me, straight in the eye.
Hurry up.
Come on, hurry up.
Don't you worry.
Nothing's going to happen to you.
Do you hear me?
Honey, will he really be okay?
What have you been doing all this time
while he ended up like this?
Well, I took care of everything perfectly,
except for this one case
which didn't go as planned…
But he should be okay, right?
Don't worry.
That trial will never commence.
Will you just let him be?
You're here.
Hello, Minister.
So what did you mean by that just now?
Let him be? Who is "he"?
-Please excuse me, then.
-What, already?
Given my position,
this meeting wouldn't be so appropriate.
I shouldn't have contact
with the defendant's family.
No hard feelings, Minister Cha.
Work is work, after all.
The same goes for me. No hard feelings.
That also applies to
whatever I choose to do next.
Judge Kang?
Director Jung.
Do you have a message from the foundation?
I do have many messages to deliver,
here and there.
Anyway, are you all right?
You're not hurt anywhere?
This recent attack was quite something.
It wasn't big enough to kill anyone,
but not too small to ignore either.
It was just enough to blow up a little.
As if it was a message
of warning for someone.
Gosh, that is quite peculiar indeed.
Or it could just be my wild imagination.
But then again, there are people
who are able to understand the warnings
and those who fail to understand them
and regret it later.
I agree.
There are people in this world
who fail to understand the warnings.
Our benefactors are extremely concerned.
They are worried
that it could provoke the people
right before announcing
the Dream Base project.
I apologize, Minister Cha.
As you know, the media is sensitive
about the power abuse by the elites.
That's why you should have maintained
full control in these sensitive times.
Or does your son have
anger management issues?
Does he normally suffer
from extreme mood swings?
Or is it because of an overbearing mother?
Maybe because of that, he must be…
I hesitated about bringing this up
with you, Minister Cha,
but your glares can be quite daunting.
And it's not good for women
to have such domineering presence.
I think you're stepping over the line.
So, why don't we go
with another case for--
More than a million have signed it.
The national petition.
"Please expose the mastermind
responsible for attacking our Judge Kang."
Isn't that just astounding?
In just a day,
we had a million signatures.
It's as if a riot will break out
if we try and mess
with Kang Yo-han the wrong way.
All right, I understand.
If it's too much
of a burden for the government,
then I will take care of it.
What are you doing?
What do you think I'm doing?
I'll do it.
I'm not doing this
because I want to. Stay still.
-But I can--
-I said, just stay still.
Now get up.
-Are you all right?
-What about that lady just now?
The nanny? She went home.
She's your nanny?
What is this?
Something from my immature past.
That's unexpected.
-Are you a boomer?
Judging others based on their own liking
is typical of boomers.
That really hurt!
It's typical of immature boys
to throw a tantrum.
What? Tantrum?
Hello, everyone.
This is Judge Oh Jin-ju
from the Live Court Show department.
I know many of our citizens
were left concerned
following the recent terrorist attack
on the Supreme Court.
However, Judge Kang Yo-han
will never succumb to such threats.
Because as you are all aware,
Judge Kang Yo-han is
an extremely strong person.
So please pray for Judge Kang Yo-han
and Judge Kim Ga-on's safe return…
-Who is this woman?
-Judge Oh.
-I work with her and--
-Are you dating her?
What are you on about?
She's just an associate--
-Are you dating her?
-I said, no!
She just tends to exaggerate
and is prone to tears.
-So you're not dating her?
-You really aren't?
How boring.
-Why did you bring that thing?
-What thing?
-You mean Ga-on?
-He has a drab name, too.
Get him out of here.
Why? You can't stop minding him?
If you don't kick him out, I'll kill him.
With those legs?
Didn't you say you'd come after me
if you were to ever walk again?
Take one step at a time. Slowly.
Aren't you going after her?
Stay put and don't wander around.
-Is there something I shouldn't see?
-Too much curiosity won't do you any good.
I'm much better now, so I'm going home.
You're much safer here.
We still haven't caught the terrorist.
Then what do you plan to do
about the trial?
I'll find a judge to stand in for you.
Don't you worry.
This is Judge Jung In-seok.
He'll be standing in for Judge Kim
until he fully recovers.
-Nice to meet you, Judge Oh.
-Wow, you look too much like a judge.
-It's a pleasure to meet you.
-Yes, sure.
Thank you for taking the courage
to help us out in this crisis.
No, it's an honor to be part
of the Live Court Show. I'll do my best.
That's very reassuring to hear.
Then please excuse me.
-You'll have to do your best.
Do your best.
Hey, wait!
That's Judge Kim's desk.
Then where should I…
You can take that desk.
The live show is just around the corner.
-So let's get to work.
-Yes, ma'am.
I'm sure Master Yo-han
told you to stay put.
I'm too sick
and tired of lying in bed all day.
I'm not Sleeping Beauty, am I?
If you'd like me to,
I could have you sleep all day,
just like Sleeping Beauty.
-Just kidding.
What kind of a joke is that?
People in this house just won't listen.
We watched it over and over,
but there were no outsiders.
You really are tenacious, Detective.
No matter how many times
I watch this, I see no outsiders.
Could it be
that the offender is an insider?
An insider?
Maybe, yes.
Judge Kang Yo-han
has become too much of a bigshot.
There could be a judge
who's not so happy with that.
The bomb exploded
from the painting on the wall.
What if it wasn't someone
who came to install it,
but that it was installed
in the painting from the beginning?
You mean, to start with?
What's the phone number
of the place that renovated
the department of the Live Court Show?
It seems Detective Yoon Su-hyeon
is onto something.
Don't lose her.
You know it.
We need to get to them before the police.
Can you spare us a minute to talk?
Excuse me.
Darn it. Please!
Let go of him right now.
May I ask where you're from?
We're from the WAIS.
Are you responsible
for the decor of the Judge's Chamber
at the Department of Live Court Show?
Let me see your account book.
Is that your office?
Let me see your warrant first.
Gosh, I see you must have been in a hurry.
Come back when you have
what you need with you.
I'll be waiting.
Someone's in a good mood.
What the hell?
Now this is an interesting place.
Do furniture factories these days
also handle small explosives such as this?
Damn it…
I almost died back there, you know.
You just walked into your own grave.
Spare me. I'll tell you everything.
Well, too bad.
Because I have nothing to ask you.
I'll tell you everything. Everything!
Geez, you're too chatty.
Spare me. I'll tell you everything.
The Foundation…
It was someone from the Foundation.
They asked me to just scare you.
That's enough.
Judge Kang.
Go tell your master
that they better come see me themselves.
Was that about Judge Kim Ga-on?
I see you stayed put.
Here, a present for being good.
-You're hurt.
-It's nothing.
How are the preparations going
for Lee Yeong-min's trial?
What preparations?
It's just a simple case, isn't it?
As far as I know,
you're the meticulous type.
In many ways.
Well. I'm not quite sure
what you're talking about.
You said there is no such thing
as justice in the real world,
only a terribly skewed game.
So what?
What's your reason for jumping into
a skewed game?
My reason?
Do I have to have a reason?
Is there something
you wish to set straight?
Something you regret, perhaps?
-Are you a boomer?
You said it's typical of boomers
to judge others.
-That's not--
-Just focus on getting better.
And save your imagination
for something else.
My hearing's just fine, you know.
Hey! Is this time for a joke?
Are you all right?
Are you hurt? Do you have all your limbs?
Two legs, two arms. Am I missing anything?
You must have suffered head injuries.
How is your face?
That's your only strength,
given your nasty character.
I'm just fine. Were you worried about me?
Are you all right, Su-hyeon?
Where are you now?
-At Kang Yo-han's place.
But how can you trust the guy?
The place does look safe.
It's secured with all kinds of technology.
The owner is the most dangerous.
What are you saying?
That terrorist attack
could have been his own doing too.
Then again, yeah…
He did try and scare me into staying put.
You get out of there now.
Since I'm in the tiger's den,
I should look around.
There's hardly anything known about him.
-His family, his upbringing and such.
I'll look into it.
I'll look into everything,
so don't you do anything.
There you go again, acting like my mom.
No, what I mean is…
You know, my body must still be
in shock because I'm sleepy all day.
But I can't sleep all day, can I?
Anyway, I'll be careful
so don't worry about me.
How long will you continue to ignore
our neighbors on the streets?
For Korea to rise up again,
we need to start
by shedding light on the lowest places.
The Social Responsibility Foundation
is currently building the Dream Base
at the outskirt of Seoul
which will house 30,000 families
who are sick and in need.
It will be a commune that offers
free medical care and free housing.
With everyone's support,
this beautiful dream can become a reality.
So, thank you.
And then he comes on screen!
-It's wonderful.
-That was what I was talking about!
-That's exactly what I had in my mind.
Just unbelievable.
-It's marvelous.
-Who came up with the concept?
Chairman Seo, I was so touched.
What you did is extremely commendable.
Maybe we can expect to hear
some good news from Sweden this year.
Of course!
Please, gentlemen.
Do you think I'm doing this
for the Nobel Prize?
It's all for the sake of our country.
Please forgive us.
President Park spoke too soon.
You're absolutely right.
This is for our country,
and which is
what brings me to my next point.
Isn't it about time we relocate
the helpless to the Dream Base village?
Yes, you're right.
There are too many homeless
and beggars around Myeong-dong
and Gangnam these days.
That's why your hotel suffered
a serious loss, isn't it?
With no more visitors from overseas.
Well, I guess President Min
or Minister Cha is suffering more than me.
The duty-free shops are in the red,
and as for Minister Cha,
her son is about to be put on trial.
Seoul needs to restore its past glory
to enhance our national prestige.
That will bring back
the foreign investors.
Of course, because that's the way
to restore your wealth, isn't it?
And your approval ratings too,
Mr. President.
If you don't mind me asking,
Mr. President,
the government has been rather sluggish
at their end with the Dream Base project.
They don't listen to you, do they?
We only just managed
to finish the first complex.
There is still a lot to do,
so we can't have the administration
holding us back now.
I'm sure there's a lot that you want.
You want the greenbelt to be opened up,
demolish the slums still standing
at the project site
and evict all its residents…
-Am I correct?
-But that was already all agreed upon.
After all, this project is
to rebuild our nation.
Don't make me laugh.
How is this to rebuild our nation?
Also, why are you raising your voice?
You must have forgotten,
but I was voted by the common people.
The residents at the slums
are my people too!
-That's enough, Honey.
Who are you to cut in?
You should know when and… Damn it!
What was that?
I apologize, Mr. President.
-It was my mistake.
-Are you crazy, Director Jung?
Damn it. I'm all wet!
I'm sorry.
Gosh, even my underpants are wet. Honey?
Where is the napkin?
Damn it!
I'm so frustrated.
Why are they getting so cheeky with me?
I'm not the Heo Jung-se I used to be.
I'm the commander-in-chief!
Do they still think I'm a joke?
Honestly, those vultures!
-Are you all right?
-I'm not all right.
I think you got too worked up.
Go for a massage and get some rest.
-Should I?
Damn it…
Goodness, your neck is extremely stiff.
Director Jung?
One moment.
Let me relax
those muscles up for you first.
That feels good, but why are you…
Before that, do you know anything
about chiropractic and manual therapies?
I'm from the slums.
Before I met Chairman Seo,
there's nothing I haven't done.
I made a living
out of acupressure for some time too.
You're really a mystery.
I was extremely touched earlier.
You care so much
about the powerless in the slums.
Of course.
Would you change your heart
if we increased your share
to 10% of the revenue?
That was very smart, Director Jung.
Oh, I'm just an errand girl.
It's Chairman Seo
who decides on the distribution.
But who else could be so smart
with their message delivery?
Director Jung, you really are something.
Every time I see you, I…
You like it?
What did you say to me just now?
I should relax your facial muscles too.
Oh, my face?
Should we, then?
By the way,
how did you get in here, Director Jung?
I mean, not everyone can…
This isn't a place where anyone…
I will protect you.
My poor master…
But Kang Yo-han isn't at home right now.
This house is yours,
and not his…
"The Defendant, Lee Yeong-min,
assaulted the victim, Lee Ji-hun,
by slapping him in the cheek
and punching him in the abdomen…"
Does this Lee Yeong-min
have anger management issues?
Why do such a thing at a restaurant?
I guess he never needed to manage
his anger his entire life.
I mean, why bother?
Ms. Kim Yeon-hui?
Thank you.
Why are we here at such a crummy place?
This place was featured on TV
as a good eats place and is super popular.
It's trending, okay?
Sure. You eat up.
Oh man, parking isn't allowed here.
Is the owner of car number 0615 here?
Is the owner of car number 0615 here?
Are you the owner of the car out there?
Thank you.
-Excuse me, but is that your car outside?
Yeong-min, that's your car.
Are you the owner of the car outside?
-What if I am?
-Could you please move your car?
You're blocking the road
and we'll receive complaints.
-I'm sorry.
You move it.
-I just gave you the key, so you move it.
But I can't just drive your car.
Hey. Can't you see me drinking?
Will you take responsibility
if I'm fined for drunk driving?
-Then maybe…
Are you kidding me right now?
What kind of a place doesn't offer
valet parking these days?
I'm already feeling like shit
because of your shitty place.
Please, just stop it!
Get off me!
Sir, you should really stop.
Sir, you shouldn't just punch
other people.
Oh, I can't?
No, you shouldn't!
So you're going to hit your customer?
Well, go on, you punk!
One of the victims has
a criminal history for assault.
That's why he held back
with all his might.
Please don't do this. Please!
You need money too, do you?
Then here's a piece of me!
That's enough already!
Why should I stop?
Hey, why do you keep telling me to stop?
It just starting to get fun.
Don't you think so?
-What, it's not? But it is!
-You spiteful man…
They must have been truly upset.
He attempted many times to settle it,
but they all refused.
They were very adamant about it.
All three victims
had come together on that one.
Yes, Minister.
Chief Justice.
-Am I speaking to Mr. Kim Seong-hun?
-Yes, this is he.
-This is the Prosecutor's Office.
-We'll need you to come in.
-About what?
You were questioned
over assault in the past, weren't you?
I was already penalized for that.
Well, it's up to us to decide
whether or not it is closed.
We received a report
that the investigation
wasn't quite complete.
So come in. Do you understand?
Kang Yo-han's family register?
Yes, there's got to be something.
Can you look into it?
There aren't any allegations
against him right now.
-So I'm not sure if that'll be possible.
Still, I'll try and see.
-Thanks, Su-hyeon.
Here are the documents.
Thank you.
What? Again?
Another written agreement
for private settlement?
We received one from the hall manager
and today, it's from the part-timer.
"All disputes were settled.
I no longer wish for the offender
to receive criminal penalties." What?
But she even wrote a letter demanding
Lee Yeong-min be severely punished.
And now she's gone
and sent us a pardon letter,
just before the day of the trial?
The Defendant must have
really shown remorse this time.
He must've offered his heartfelt apologies
for her to change her mind like this.
-Excuse me, rich boy.
You think this world is
a beautiful place, don't you?
What do you mean, exactly…
Those with power
never reflect on their actions.
That's only for the powerless.
All right?
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry.
No worries. Why should you be sorry?
Let me handle it.
Will you go to the trial tomorrow?
I'll have to.
To be honest with you…
I wouldn't be this upset right now
if I had beaten the hell out of him.
If I had, I would have given up.
But I can't live like this.
I might die of frustration!
But Chef…
It's all right. You aren't at fault.
But Chef!
I'm worried about you, Judge Kang.
To challenge the Prosecution head-on
in a time like this, is--
Chief Justice.
Do you believe
that all are equal before the law?
Well… But why do you ask?
Because I don't.
It's just as cheeky as saying
Santa will visit on Christmas Day.
Still, don't you find yourself
wanting to believe in
such white lies, once in a while?
Look, Judge Kang.
Just consider this trial
as a Christmas special.
Oh, and…
Please tell them
they won't need to worry about me.
Why are you up so early today?
You'd normally sleep in until noon.
Lee Yeong-min goes on trial today, right?
Are you going to cheer for me?
There's not much evidence for this case,
so if you ever need a witness…
What, did you see something?
I saw him on road rage.
Did you?
Anything else, perhaps?
Save your concerns about the trial
and focus on getting better.
You've waited long, everyone.
The Live Court Show is back,
after delays
due to an unfortunate accident.
I'm looking forward to
what sensational verdicts
will be delivered this time.
Well, let's now get started
on our second trial.
Please give a big hand, everyone!
Before we commence today's trial,
I have an announcement
for all our citizens.
Unfortunately, Judge Kim Ga-on
will not be able to join us today.
What the…
Please pray
for Judge Kim's return in good health.
He needs your support.
What's with the exaggeration?
Some may not want
these trials to continue.
Among them may be
a good number of powerful people.
So you, my fellow Koreans
are the only ones who can protect us.
We're for you, Judges! Hang in there!
This court is now in session.
Our Defendant today was indicted
for randomly inflicting
physical assault and verbal abuse
on a restaurant chef and its hall staff.
Mr. Lee Yeong-min,
may I ask you to step forward?
Mr. Lee Yeong-min?
Please come forward.
But why?
Your Honor.
Yes, Prosecutor.
Before we continue,
there are some things
I must remind everyone.
Is there? You may speak.
As you are already aware,
this is a simple assault case.
It's an offense unpunishable
over objection, in other words.
If all victims have submitted
a pardon letter,
the Prosecution has no choice
but to cancel the arraignment.
But isn't there still one victim
who is yet to settle privately?
Are you referring to this man right there?
Please come to the witness stand.
Have a seat.
Do you have anything to say?
I do not wish…
for Defendant to be penalized.
-Mr. Kim Seong-hun?
You'd written many letters requesting
severe punishment against the Defendant.
Yes, Your Honor.
May I ask why you had a change of heart?
I just…
-I just want all of this to end.
-Why so?
Ma'am. What is it that you can't tell me?
There's something going on, isn't there?
-The building's been sold.
This entire building's been sold
to some company.
But why this old building,
in the middle of nowhere?
-They're going to demolish it.
-What? And build a new one?
No, they'll just demolish it. I guess
they're going to keep it as an empty lot.
So they want us to leave
before our lease expires.
That means you'll be driven out
without receiving a penny for the premium!
-Could this be, perhaps--
-I'm sure it's just a coincidence.
In life,
you see all sorts of things happen.
It's not like I was hurt,
so I'll just forget it ever happened.
Is that right?
Since all victims no longer
wish to go forward with this case,
the Prosecution has no choice
but to cancel the arraignment, Your Honor.
Oh, and Your Honor.
May I have some time to…
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Oh gosh.
I'm sorry.
I announce this case dismissed, then.
-Yes, Your Honor.
What was the word for people
who repeat the same actions?
I'm not sure where you're coming from.
Didn't they teach you at law school
about habitual offenders?
Are you perhaps referring to recidivists?
Simple assault is not penalized
if parties settle privately.
But does the same hold
for repeat assaults?
Well, no…
However, there is no evidence
to prove that the Defendant is a repeat--
How many assault cases were dropped
after he settled with the victims?
A total of 12 cases, Your Honor.
-Yes, that's--
-Is it not enough?
The Prosecution these days are going out
of their way to guarantee human rights.
It's very commendable.
You may resume your seat.
-Then why not ask the people?
My fellow citizens
who are with us for this trial.
Do you, perhaps,
find the Defendant familiar?
Zoom in on Lee, now! More!
Your Honor, may I ask what you're--
On the Dike app that you've downloaded,
you should find a "Send Video" button.
If you find the Defendant familiar,
please let us know.
I'll give you 10,000 won for that.
-It's a good price.
-You're here.
-Let me weigh that now.
-Hey, good to see you.
-Go take a break.
-All right.
Hey, that's…
Hey. What's this?
Producer, we have an informant.
-Should we connect?
-Yes, go for it.
Hey, we're connected!
Oh what? Is this airing live
all across the nation?
Yes, we can see you very well.
Please continue.
Hello, Judge Kang! I'm a big fan of yours.
You're truly awesome.
My friends and I have been
raving about you.
Thank you. So…
have you seen the Defendant before?
Oh, I know that crazy bastard…
Oops, I'm on air.
Anyway, that man is a total psycho.
I used to work part-time
for valet service at a department store.
-You know, this.
-Yes, and?
Well, he suddenly got out of his car
and started yelling about the traffic line
and he even kicked one of the staff.
When I rushed over in shock,
he slapped me asking who the hell I was.
But the department store told us
to just let it go because he's VVIP.
Honestly, I was so frustrated and angry.
That crazy…
Would you be okay
giving us this testimony?
Yes, it's fine.
I got fired anyway.
Objection, Your Honor. This case wasn't
even officially investigated--
Could you tell the police
about all that had happened at that time?
Of course! My blood had been boiling.
Please punish him. Please!
He is a regular at our bar,
and he beats up our staff
every time he comes here.
He'll beat you and kick you
if he thinks you're below him.
That's just not on, is it?
Recently, there was an incident
with a girl who'd only just joined us,
and she ended up in tears
and I had to just…
I mean, do I have to
keep putting up with this?
Every time he doesn't like something,
he starts beating everyone.
It's not like he ever pays them
to go to the doctor,
or has his insurance cover it.
I don't care even if I get fired for this.
I'm ready to divulge everything.
There are just so many episodes.
-Our valet parker…
-That bastard…
The valet parker, he…
He's old enough to be his father.
Yet he'd kick him in the shin,
and does as he pleases…
Last month, he came to our store
and made a scene,
demanding we change the screen.
When I told him we can't do that,
he pushed me onto the ground
and started to stomp on me.
I was shocked and stopped him
but he then proceeded to smash
all the monitors in our store.
He said I'm no one to stop him.
He clearly said
he'd pay me handsomely for it.
-In his yellow convertible…
-It's appalling.
I was on my bicycle crossing the road,
when all of a sudden…
This was why.
This is why he did an open trial.
Just what are you scheming here?
It's like a Christmas tree.
So, my fellow Koreans.
How should we punish a man like him?
A trial is a game.
Fail to serve evidence, and you lose.
Yes, it's going up…
Yes! Three million!
We've done it!
Is this still not enough
to prove his recidivism?
This Court requests the Prosecution
to modify the indictment.
This case is not a simple assault,
but a habitual assault.
For this purpose,
we will continue with the trial.
I suggest you hurry.
If you take too much time, all this fury
may be directed at the Prosecution next.
-Mr. Kim Seong-hun.
-Yes, Your Honor.
Habitual assault is punishable,
even if pardoned by the victim.
Your case will be considered
for this trial too.
Thank you, Your Honor.
I will see to it
that no case is overlooked.
Because justice
cannot be bought with money.
Get the crowd's reaction!
What's your reason
for jumping into a skewed game?
My reason?
Do I have to have a reason?
Is there something
you wish to set straight?
Something you regret, perhaps?
Aren't you a curious Sleeping Beauty?
Who is this person?
Who is he?
Master Yi-sak.
-The older brother of Master Yo-han,
Master Yi-sak.
And the rightful heir to this mansion.
He's Kang Yo-han's brother?
Then are you telling me
he lived in this basement?
-Then what?
This was…
This was Master Yo-han's room.
Master Yo-han was an abandoned child.
He was a child whom no one wanted.
Kang Yo-han was abandoned?
Then are you saying he wasn't born
into this family? Tell me more.
It's Kang Yo-han whom I'm suspecting.
I already know
that he's capable of doing the extremes.
He already has a record
of doing so since primary school.
So it wasn't just simple curiosity, I see.
Then why not look into it more yourself?
This house is yours,
and not his…
I'm sure this Yi-sak
probably lacked something.
What did you say?
There's no way a family like this
would have left their entire wealth
to someone who's not their bloodline…
Perhaps Kang Yo-han was more qualified.
What would you know?
I'm sorry.
If it's too hard for you,
you don’t need to tell me.
I see a strong resemblance.
Especially your eyes.
Master Yi-sak lost his mother
at a young age.
After losing his wife,
President Kang holed up in his house
and it all began
when his friends called him out to a bar.
The president was drunk
and slept with a barmaid one day.
She came to the house
and demanded money,
claiming she was pregnant with his child.
She was turned away, so…
President Kang.
Why do you treat Master Yo-han so?
You can kick me out, if you wish.
But what has the child done wrong?
Because he's just like me.
too much like me.
But Yi-sak…
Yi-sak is different.
One day, Yo-han will swallow
his brother whole.
Then why are you suspecting
Kang Yo-han too, ma'am?
I'm not sure what you mean.
You said Master Yi-sak
was the rightful heir.
That's suggesting
Kang Yo-han robbed his place unrightfully.
Do you have evidence?
-To suspect Kang Yo-han?
-There's no such thing.
But according to what you just said,
he's just a victim of abuse by his father.
And the child I nursed.
However, Master Yo-han was a child
who was capable
of doing whatever he wished,
from long before then.
Just as you said so yourself.
So why?
He made the maid who fancied him
jump from the second storey,
and fed herbicide
to President Kang's favorite hunting dog.
The Social Responsibility Foundation
is currently building the Dream Base
on the outskirts of Seoul
which will house 30,000 families
who are sick and in need.
Did he have a reason?
Maybe something had gotten on his nerves,
or it could have been just a prank.
what child would go to such lengths?
And without hesitation too.
Who are you?
It's been a long time.
Don't you remember me?
You're that…
The cathedral.
The fire…
Still, you said his brother, Yi-sak,
was good to Kang Yo-han.
And that they got along.
Or am I wrong?
Did you hear that Master Yo-han was…
I said, don't come near me!
…a survivor of a fire disaster?
The incident happened only a month
after President Kang's death.
And Master Yi-sak perished
in that same fire.
I see you didn't sell this.
Did you like it that much?
Does it have to be Cha Gyeong-hui?
For the next presidency…
Excuse me. What are you…
Tell me.
What happened exactly in this house?
How do you think Yo-han became
the master of this house?
Do you remember the fire that broke out
at a cathedral ten years ago?
What did you find out, Ga-on?
What is it that you want from me?
Is it power? Or authority?
What kind of cruelty is this?
It's fun.
Is that why you killed your brother too?
Say that again. Again!
Subtitle translation by: Jeong-yon Kim
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